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Blood Line - Kille'Koeh

Race - Earth Elemental (Level 4 Earth Elemental)

Profession - Second In Command of the Elite Enforcers (Lvl 6 Enforcer)

Weapons Used - Twin Diamond Blade Swords, poisin pins, knived boots, bladed armbands, dragon scale maile.

Height - Six Feet Seven and Three Quarters Inches

Weight - 310

BMI - .97 %

Facial Features - Wide angled jaw, smooth face, young skin. Electric blue eyes that in the night look like two twin lanterns. It is a trait he inhabited from a dragon clan called The Amurizu. Short, messy black hair.

Characteristics - Obtained a harsh view on the world and its destiny when he realized as a law enforcer how terrible things can happen. As a law enforcer he had formed a harsh view towards criminals. He is brave, and also intelligent. His travels around the world have led him into great wisdom, though his advice may sound harsh, most who do not heed his words are too often ignorant. It is true to say that the Earth has granted him magical powers, he can climb like an ape, run like a leopard, and fight like a lion.