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Some fundamental tips on how to design your very own vegetable garden

vegetable-gardenEverything is expensive these days, even our time costs us money. The good news is that by starting a vegetable garden in your backyard, you could start saving on both in a matter of weeks!

Food happens to be one of our greatest expenses, so it kind of makes sense to use the space you’ve got at home to grow your own crops, saving you on costly grocery bills every month. A vegetable garden is not only economically smart, but is a healthier way of life.

Growing your own garden takes time and dedication, but in the long run you reap the full benefits of cropping healthy, organic food and learning a thing or two in the process.

The most important factor to consider when creating your own backyard garden is to think about your goals prior to the build, school yourself up on the type of plants you intend to grow and lastly, be prepared. Always do your homework and take into consideration the maintenance involved in what you’re planning to grow; do you have the time to make your garden a success?

Before you get started designing and building your vegetable garden, here are a few tips to think about:

Work with your available space. The bigger the space, the more dedicated you have to be since a larger area is going to take more time and resources to get right.

Prepare your soil prior to the build by determining the soils PH levels. Any hardware store worth its salt has an over the counter PH level tester. It’s not worth building on a shaky foundation.

Make sure that your crops are facing South and have a minimum of five hours of sunlight per day. A sunlight calculator can give you precise measurement of the sun’s movement.

Be careful not to grow your crops directly next to a tree. The roots of the tree can hinder their growth.

Square foot containers can also be an alternative to grow your crops in, if you lack the space.

The variety of plants to grow is limitless, however it is important to know which plants are the most accessible. These are some good ones to consider:

Leafy Greens: They’re the main ingredients in a salad, and funnily enough love city life. Pack them together with a little bit of sunlight and you’ll be ready to entertain.

Mint: A staple in tea and salads, and is extremely easy to take care of. Keep them semi-shaded with a little bit of sunlight.

Zucchini: All this superior crop needs is space and sunlight. Using these two factors will bring you copious amounts of zucchini crops!

A well thought out vegetable garden design will give you approximately eight months of fresh vegetables, allowing you to grow a haven of organic and healthy foods for you and your family.

There’s no better activity to share with your loved ones either, making the experience so much more worthwhile when it becomes a family project. Continue to maintain this healthy and economic way of life by creating your own backyard garden design today!

For more information on a vegetable garden design, contact and book with our award-winning landscape specialists today!