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Utah Pagans Unite!

Welcome to Utah Pagans Unite!

Calling all of the Pagans in Utah. We are coming together and standing for our beliefs. Utah Pagans Unite! is dedicated to providing information about Paganism in general. Most people don't realize that Paganism is a valid spirituality and belief-system.

Paganism goes back thousands of years as a valid spirituality that took many different forms. Various forms of Paganism are Druids, Wiccans, and other Polytheistic religious systems. (Polytheisism is the belief in more than one deity or god. i.e., the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddess, or the Egyptian pantheon.) Because Paganism has so many various ways to worship and follow, there cannot be a set "This is the only way!" of being a Pagan, which is part of what makes Paganism so accepting and wonderful.

Utah Pagans Unite! realizes that as a result of everyone being different we all worship the Powers That Be differently. Therefore, we consider Paganism to be considered a Spirituality, rather than a religion. Yes, many Pagans get together and create covens where they all get together and worship in a set way and routine. This path is not necessary or even wanted by all Pagans.

Another important note of dissension among Pagans is the classifications. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan. This can cause some upset depending on how you view your own Pagan Spirituality. By definition a Pagan is anyone who is not Christain, Jewish, or Muslim. This leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Just be wary about how you refer to your fellow Pagans since they may be particular on what they call their Spirituality.