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    The United Earth Federation (U.E.F.) is a group of like minded individuals who believe that the world belongs to all humans, of all sex, religion, sexual preference, and creed.  Our governments world wide need to fear US, the individual.  We have the power to stand up and make things right, but the governments have us all living in fear of speaking out, or taking a stand for what is already ours!     
    The world is falling apart as a whole, world leaders are loosing their power, the economy is in the tank, armies are moving on those refusing to bow to what society has deemed appropriate. If we don't stand up for ourselves, who will?  Its time to stop being one of the "talkers", and time to get off our asses, and make our voices heard.  Society needs to know that we are fed up with everything.  We need disorder in order to reclaim the humanity  that was lost. 
    I personally believe that as a whole the human populace has been too passive with how we live.  We sit back and seem to be generally happy (at least in the power houses across the globe) to let our "trusted" officials take care of everything.  Then, when the world goes to hell in a hand basket, we act surprised that these "idiots" let things get out of control.  My hope with the U.E.F. is that maybe someone, somewhere will read this, wake up, shake the cobwebs from their heads, get off their asses, and actually think and  act as an individual who has had enough of this abuse.  At the end of the day, we are all being abused by these sick power houses (governments) and while we as a whole suffer, they sit back and become more and more wealthy.  If you don't believe me, just take a look what is happening in the Arab nations ...uprising....revolt....exactly what is needed!  Food, and water are for everyone....not just the wealthy!  Remember, we at the U.E.F. believe in the HUMAN RACE....not in one nationality, not in one religion.  Equal rights for all....