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Energy Systems of the Body

The human body and all other living things are made up of energy and that energy circulates in and around everything and everyone. There are systems in the body that help to carry that energy in and out of the body and they are; the 7 chakras, the aura, and the system that move the energy around the body is the meridian system. All of these systems work together to keep people balanced and healthy, but sometimes they get out of balance or blocked completely. When these systems are out of whack they cannot communicate with each other, nor can they function properly; this imbalance or blockage leads to poor health, disease, and feeling of being "off", sad, or depressed. How can we tell if our energy systems are in balance or when they need attention and balancing? We cannot see inside our bodies, but, with practice, we can look at our auras and check to see if an area is not quite right. When we get quiet we are also able to check-in with our bodies and discover what we are missing and what we need.

                                                                                                                                        Aura Shapes & Meanings
Healthy and balanced

 The aura will extend out from the body about 2 feet, giving the person their own space and keeping everyone at a "safe" distance.

To maintain this aura keep doing what you are doing!


This happens when the person has been severely hurt or she is extremely unhappy

 Find out what is making you so sad, and get some help in dealing with it.


 Sense of self seems to be lost, and this person tends to be pulling away or hiding.

 Find activities and activities that will help you remember yourself and what you like about yourself.


 This is a sign of a person who is stretched too thin and wants to dominate or control those around her.

 You may be doing to much at one time. Try to say no once in a while. Find ways to reduce stress and to relax.