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Sakrisson Energy Solutions

Working for the Benefit of Humanity  ...  Rather than the "Special Interests"
Inefficiency in our engines is harming our individual economies and our nation.  The way our engines are currently configured also causes them to produce way more air pollution than they should.  What can we do about these serious problems?

There is a large amount of water upon the face of this earth.  Compared to the quantity of water, there is very little of our standard fuels readily available.  But, what would it be like if there was an efficient, relatively simple method for rapidly converting water into a readily usable fuel?  Could it possibly be a solution to our energy and economic woes?

"The Big Site" which is accessed via the button at the top of this page, includes reports which explain the use of a mixture of water and hydrocarbons as our main source of fuel.  Using the technology shown in "The Big Site," the fuel used in engines would be syngas.  Syngas is a common fuel in industry.  It is time to put it to work in our many engines.  But there is much more to this important story.
The author is an independent researcher and inventor.  He has researched for more than 35 years on an efficient method for fueling and powering our many engines.  His "final solution" for our energy and environmental woes may astound you.  Its utter simplicity is presented in "The Big Site" because of its ability to load multiple photos.

The solution is more that just an extremely efficient, environmentally-friendly, multi-fuel syngas system for our many engines.  The author's technology goes far beyond that stage.  Syngas may be fueling modified engines, but water will be their main powering agent.  Yes, common recyclable water can readily be the main powering agent for our engines.  But, can this be done in a manner which is cost-effective for the consumer?

Yes, the solution to our energy woes can be very cost-effective and friendly to the consumer.  That is the purpose of this webpage:  To introduce a relatively simple solution to our energy and environmental woes.  Finish reading this page, and then go visit "The Big Site" for further details.
Over the years, there has been talk about the end of cheap oil.  Supplies and production were said to be going down.

This has concerned many people.  But, need they be worried?  Truly, we can do fine without petroleum.  It can be done without greatly inconveniencing the consumer.

Visit "The Big Site" to find out the details.  This present site is an introduction to saving the consumer money, while helping the environment.
There is actually NO energy shortage.  There is only a shortage of knowledge on how to effectively use available energy resources.

A Little Bit of Fuel
A Whole Lot of Water

Many World War II piston-driven aircraft engines used the addition of water (or water/alcohol), rather than the injection of additional aviation fuel, to obtain greater power.  It was worth the trouble of going to an extra tank for water, with the associated plumbing, to obtain additional, reliable power.

In many cases, modern race car owners have found the benefits of using water, instead of excess fuel, in their quest for extreme power outputs.  Some use straight water injection, and some use steam injection.  The author believes that there is a special purpose for each of these methods.  There is a time to use one method over the other method.  Furthermore, they can both be used on an engine at the same time, with excellent results.

When done properly, the water or steam can allow for the leaning of the fuel/air mixture.  This can allow for a higher power output from the engine, while experiencing less fuel consumption.  What is even better:  The harmful emissions out the engine exhaust may be greatly reduced.  Does this sound like a cost-effective, "win-win" situation for the consumer and the environment?

Actually, the author's technology goes far beyond this point.  His methods produce an extremely fuel-efficient, environmental-friendly, cost-effective power source for the 21st century.
Engine detonation can be controlled better with the use of water, than it can be with the use of excess fuel.  This fact was proven years ago by a well-known engine designer.
The author's technology converts existing engines into combined-cycle, combustion-steam engines.  Syngas may be the fuel, but once intense heat is created in the engine cylinder, water is injected into it.  The water instantly flashes into steam.  The intense steam energy then becomes the main, powerful driving force of the engine.
Would you like to reduce carbon emissions?  Then you might like to closely examine the author's technology.

This site is constructed, updated and     Copyright © 2006-2015     by David E. Sakrisson     All Rights Reserved.