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Some things that amateurs can do to get better


Wait... didn't I mention this on the page before? Exactly.... you can never have enough practice. Understand that this remains the single biggest difference between you and a master

Know your equipment

This may seem obvious, but I meet a lot of drummers who do not know what a metronome is, or the difference between and boom and straight up stand. Use the internet and find out as much as you can about different types of drums, toms, snares, piccolo snares, maple snares, deep snares etc etc. The list is endless and it all helps set up a basic understanding of drumming for you.

Learn music

If possible learn to read music, this will help you a lot in understanding how music is "made". In other words time signatures, key changes etc. I would strongly recommend you learn to play another instrument as well, any monkey can play the guitar well... so learn that :-) Seriously though it will help you understand music from another perspective and it will make you even more valuable to your band, especiallly when you get into recording sessions.

Some time codes you should know as a beginner


Finally here is a link to a guy who makes youtube videos about the moeller technique, as well doubles and paradiddles. Check it out HERE

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