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Printer problems

     As has been noted if you, read Table notation some diagrams including the fancier version of mine don’t print right, this is of course why I put the printer friendly version next to the diagrams (Table notation ). But there still may be some that need the fancier version printed out, or perhaps you’re trying  to print some else’s diagram. The following is a guide for this task. {note: these instructions were designed for windows}

Important if following doesn’t work consult your manual

     Step 1: Use the bars at the side and bottom to get the diagram in view. {note you may what to maximize your window to do this}
     Step 2: Find the ‘Print Screen’ button, and push it. {note you may have to push shift and print screen at the same time in some versions of windows}
     Step 3: Open paint or other image program, and paste image into space provided.
     Step 4: Use tools in program to select diagram only.
     Step 5: Print diagram out. {note you also can save the diagram if you want.}