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Chess links

1. Chessopolis
The site for chess links, according to Chessopolis anyway.
2.  About-chess
A great site that dives into the hobby of chess.
3. play chessvariants
A site where you can play chess variants.
4. java chess in german
Download and play chess if you speak German, which I don't.
5. java chess in english
Download and play chess, although I don't think it is as good as the above.
6. history of chess
The history of chess, more or less.
7. chess problem of the day
 Daily chess problem and archive of old chess problems.
8. new york times chess
Scroll down and find the chess column at the bottom, must subscribe to see.
9. chess tutorial
Learn to be a better chess player.
10. chess combinations
A series of moves that result in a win, learn about them.
See old games of various players and more.