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Welcome, you have arrived at Michael N Resch's webpage

This is is a link to my resume

I find a few of the sites below useful to use.

With this page you can work on your writing techniques and skills to improve it.

If anytime you are having trouble with spelling a word, or its particular meaning, make sure to check this page out to see if the word is used correctly.

If you want to really have your writings reviewed and analyzed by a professional editor, check out this page. Whether you are a creative writer, technical writer, writing short stories, poetry, children writing, this site can help you so much into becomming a more powerful, skilled writer.

These are just a few great webpages that you would want to use if you needed help with any type of writing.

I have included a few of my own samples i have writen for other courses i have taken for my English major.
Here are several links below to my different writing samples.

Here is an introductary paragraph to an explication paper i wrote about Chaucer's Canterburry tales.

This is another introductary paragraph to an explication paper i wrote, but it is about a Shakespeare Sonnet number 97.

I decided to put in a few poems i wrote. These are mostly just free verse poems.

Click here to read some information about myself.