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There are so many reasons why I love you and the list grows every day but here are some of the reasons so far...


-Your beautiful eyes 

      No matter how angry I could ever get just one look into your green eyes makes my heart melt.

-You're interesting

    Whether we are talking about life and our future together we are talking about the last episode     of Dance Moms I couldn't stop listening if I wanted too. Not because you are drop dead     gorgeous (although that helps), but you are passionate about what you talk about and because     of that it stirs something inside of me that keeps me wanting more.

-Your smile  

     Even if I've had the worst day in the world seeing you smile instantly brings a smile to my face.

-You're optimistic

    No matter how stressful the situation, how chaotic things get, or how bad things may seem you     always can find the positive in everything. You remind me that everything happens for a reason.

-Your voice

    I could listen to you talk all day. Which brings me to my next point...

-You listen

    Whether I'm stressed out or just want to talk about the weather you always listen like I'm the     only thing that matters in the world.  

-You care

    No matter who it is or what is going on around you, you always put others first. Whether you     are giving subway sandwiches to the homeless, helping someone pay for something (even if that     means you are broke for the next two weeks till payday) or just listening to other peoples     problems. You are the most unselfish person that I know and because of that you make me a     better person.

-Your hair

    The way it smells, the way it always looks perfect, and whether its blonde or brunette you     always look sexy.

-Your kisses

    Whether its a peck on the cheek or something more each kiss makes me crave another.

-You're spontaneuos  

    It can be a surprise trip to the park to walk the dogs or a more intimate surprise, no matter     what it is as long as I'm with you I am all for it. With you nothing has to be planned but     something always will happen and it's always a blast.

-You're committed  

    To our relationship, to your family, and to work. Everything you do you give 100% no matter how     small it may seem.   

-You make me laugh

    Whenever I need it most you always seem to know and are there for me to cheer me up. 

-You're honest  

    If I get a bad haircut or I smell bad you tell me and you don't feel the need to sugarcoat it.     Knowing that you are so open and honest lets me open up to you and tell you if pants make     your butt look fat or if there is something bothering me.

-You're emotional  

    You don't try to hide what your feeling, if you're mad you're mad and if you're happy you're     happy. I'm not a mind-reader and I'm glad that you can see that in my and express how you truly     feel at all times without any worries.  

-You're almost always right  

    Although I hate being wrong (which you know rarely happens) you are the one person who is     almost always right when you stick to your gut. And because I have you I can stick to your gut     too.

-You love animals

    Even though I make fun of Pebbles sometimes and I poke fun at you for not using animal tested     products deep down I'm just as big of a softy for animals as you are and cannot wait to have a     puppy or kitten of our own.

-You're confident  

    I know you hear it all the time, "You walk into a room and you own it", but its so true. When you     go somewhere its all eyes on you whether you like it or not and you handle yourself so well  in     those situations.

-You sacrifice  

    Whether its for me or for a stranger you always are willing to give up something you want or     need to benefit someone else and I love you for that.

-Your touch

    Having your hand resting on my leg as I drive or just a simple touch of my hand, anytime I feel     your touch I get a feeling like no other. Just being by your side and having you acknowledge     that I am yours and you are mine is amazing.

-You're serious about us

    Before you I didn't think I would find someone who was looking for the same thing in a     relationship as me, but you know what you want and you go for it. I can see a future with you     because you are willing to see one with me.

-You love me  

    Nothing means more to me than this reason.