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As a graduate of Anna Maria College with a Bachelor's in Fine Art, I am excited to offer private art lessons to children and adults alike. I am experienced in various forms of traditional art. I ahve worked with oils, acrylics, colored pencils, chalk pastels, pen and in and other black and white dry mediums.

Art Instruction:

As an Artist Within student, you have the option to learn basic technical skills or advance experienced techniques. If you are a beginner, some of the skills we focus on range from: the elements and principles of design to color theory.  Before your first session, we will work together to assess your current skill level and desired areas of focus. This interview process will allow us to create projects that you will personally love, as well as accelerate your art knowledge and skills. With the help of an experienced instructor, we will 'light the fire' to discover your inner artist. My mission is to bring my students to a creative place of continual artistic development, and self-discovery. My vision is to allow each student to create beautiful works, with a stroke of personal reflection. Now, what is your vision?