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Welcome, at this site YOU will learn how a young college student intends to earn 1 Million dollars by the time he turns 25 years of age. The truth is some people scorn at the mere mention of money. How Many times you heard people say "Oh, I'm not doing this for the money" or "Money isn't everything." Well, they're not wrong. The fact is money in itself has no absolute value. It's the things that money can buy when in circulation that make it valuable. It can buy material possessions, yet at the same time, if you look from a different angle, once you've got enough of it to be financially free , it can literally buy you off from laborous work to spend more precious moments with your family. You can also contribute some of it to charity, which would certainly benefit the less privileged.


This Is a Photo of the Bentley Hunaudieres: One of the luxury sport, automobiles I desire, which my wealth will allow me to purchase.

September 8, 2008

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