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What is this world coming to? A war, no rain forests, pigs flying (metaphorically speaking of course), then an extremely heinous crime; students being rewarded for good grades by the school system or private investors. But you ask why would a student, like me, who loves the finer things in life, nice clothes and shoes, turn down an opportunity to get some extra cash.  Why would students want to get paid for earning an education?  It should not be about incentives, it should be about wanting to better yourself.

Now on to the matter at hand. Which happens to be the absolutely heinous crime that schools are committing all over this beautiful country filled with rainbows, butterflies and magical dancing ponies.  Oh wait that is not here, students getting paid for good grades.  In my day, a pat on the back and “a good boy Jimmy” from dear old mamma and papa.  Now that gave kids a good reason to learn, besides the sheer enjoyment of learning.  Even a renowned Psychologist, Dr. Sam Goldstein was quoted as saying "….but they clearly work against the continued development of a child's intrinsic (innate) motivation. Intrinsic motivation - participating at school for the sheer pleasure of learning - is soon eclipsed by the promise of external rewards, and a child's natural enthusiasm for learning may be dampened.  It doesn't really teach kids the reward of learning for learning's sake."   Goldstein and his colleague, Bob Brooks, also proceeded to tell my sources, “our education system has determined that students who struggle need a greater degree of external motivation to stay engaged in academic tasks.  Yet it is exactly these students whose intrinsic (natural) motivation must be nurtured and reinforced.”

You ask for examples I’ll give you some but don’t mistake this for Burger King, you don’t always get it your way.  Ok you will probably never get your way but what can I do about that.  Nothing!!  Ok so for my first trick out of my magic hat, I will pull the
paper project form Chicago, Illinois. To put it frankly It failed.  The source of money dried up and after that happens, what will drive the student to do well in school.  Giving them money what will give the students a good quality desire to learn for learning sake and make them want to work hard just because good grades mean good schools,  good jobs, having the finer things in life and earning them by have a good education. “It’s not just a discussion of does the The Paper Project get funded,” Chicago schools’ CEO Ron Huberman told ABC News. “It’s a bigger discussion of— in these difficult times, with funding being cut everywhere— where should we be using those dollars most effectively to have the best outcomes for our kids?” can you answer this troubled educator’s question.
Next point, I would like to discuss with you a sick twisted way to try and get students to behave, by paying them every time they listen to an adult or teacher at school.  If I had a nickel for every student that didn’t listen to a teacher, I would be up to my eyes in cash.  I think you know what I mean, especially if you go to one of those normal public schools.  But yes, most of the programs mainly just pay the kids for behaving and the grades are only a third of what the kids get paid for.  Now, explain to me how that is fair at all?  It’s because you all know as well as I do, student, us good kids, don’t get recognized in a room full of bad kids, so why do we have to suffer, and watch a bunch of bad kids walk out of school on the day we get report cards flaunting big cash.  How is that fair to us kids that have been good the entire making period? 

Jon Gallo, author of “The Financially Intelligent Parent: 8 Steps To Raising Successful, Generous, Responsible Children,” told MSN “that some psychologists feel replacing “an internal sense of satisfaction” with cash could prevent a child from
developing a work ethic.”  So how can we possibly help our children learn?  So many parents ask “HELLO, WAKE UP” here look at what’s right in front of you next time your child brings home an A or B or even an F.  Hello walk over and say its ok, “we’ll work together to do better next making period” or if it’s an A, walk over and say, “good job buddy, were going to go out and celebrate.  You pick where you want to go for dinner.”  That’s all kids want is a pat on the back and to be told good job and that will give them an incentive to learn.

Doctors, scholars and parents alike all say the same thing, “stop the heinous crime  of paying students,” and parents if you want this to stop, step up to the plate and get with the program.  Be there when your student asks for help.  Take some time off and say good job when they bring home good grades.  Tell them it’s ok and do better next time, when they get bad grades.  Stop them from using this as an excuse to pay student to do the things they should do anyway.  Don’t let our school systems waste their money in this poor economy on the students behavior or grades.  Get real, we need the money for better materials and labs in the schools.  For better after school programs.  Don’t waste money on paying students, keep our students safe, healthy, and happy by putting that money into after school programs.  Thanks for your time.  I’ll be here for the next 3 years, thank you.