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Edinburgh from Castle

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. It has an amazingly rich history and the various street walks offered by tourism companies are well worth the fee. Local drama club members bring to life the old fables and legends from a time when the city was a lot more brutal than it is now.

 One of Edinburgh’s most recognisable attractions is its castle, which dominates the central part of the city. Sitting atop an ancient volcanic plug with three steep cliffs, it looks immense and impenetrable. However, occupation of the castle changed a number of times in the past between the English and the Scots with it being overrun by attacking sides at least three times over the centuries.

 On the fourth side of the castle is a gentle incline, which provides the area in which the charming area known as ‘The Royal Mile’ is located. Though full of shops looking to lure the travellers’ dollars, it retains its historical feel with the exterior of the buildings looking the same as they would’ve looked two centuries or more ago.
