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So you may be wondering, how do pro-hormones or steroids function in comparison to natural test boosters. Well, here we go. First off, Best Muscle Building Supplements 2016 it is important to note the difference between pro-hormones and steroids. The only difference between these two is that steroids are steroids at the time of ingestion, and pro-hormones become steroids upon entering the body. So, upon entering the body, these steroids are synthetic testosterone (a lot of it). This huge excess of synthetic testosterone promotes huge muscle growth, but there is a problem. That problem is that your body did not produce this testosterone, which leads to the ‘negative feedback’ that we talked about- except this time; the negative feedback is the result of too much testosterone that your body cannot account for. So, as shown in clinical studies, the human body will permanently reduce testosterone production. Aside from that negative effect, to first time 60 year old lifters, we believe in you.I have been taking supplements for the better part of my adult life. When I was younger—I'll be honest here—it was all the hype supplements. You know the ones. They "guaranteed" I would gain 10 pounds of muscle or bench press 50 more pounds in a month. I simply took them and trusted that they worked.Then, in 2011, I almost died from an electrolyte deficiency. I couldn't believe it, because I thought I had pretty much solved the nutrition riddle. Turned out I definitely hadn't! But I heeded the wake-up call and gave a more critical eye to everything that entered my body. Supplements will always be a part of my nutritional protocol, but I'm more committed than ever to knowing what each individual one does for me. I no longer trust anything without doing plenty of research first.Not everything I used to take withstands my new level of scrutiny. But these six supplements still have a place in my fitness regimen, and could be game-changers for you, too. matter how many supplements you take. This is true—to a point. Honestly, you might take something new and see a small change in the short term. But did the supplement really cause that change, or did something in your diet? If you don't have an in-depth knowledge of and control over what you eat, then you simply don't know. And—here's the key—if you want the change to last more than just a day or two, you need to know. Otherwise, you're just throwing money around. Does this mean you have to obsess over your diet? Definitely not; you just need to be on top of it. My nutrition plan is pretty straightforward. I eat to stay lean throughout the year so I can be ready for photo shoots, competitions, and event appearances when needed. But I also want to continue to develop my physique and add on quality muscle where I can. To achieve this, I make sure my nutrient intake aligns with my goals. You the huge influx of ‘synthetic’ test promotes muscle growth to the point that your tissues become careless and in regards to the heart – create inefficient tissue that compromises your health irreversibly. So, our advice, never take pro-hormones or steroids; they are not worth it. But remember, that we have the best alternative available- natural test boosters that can still produce great results in a healthy way that our bodies understand.