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10 Light Freighters (a mixture of light models), 8 (3 YT-1210 Light Freighters, 2 Ghtroc 580 Light Freighters, 1 Stalwart Light Feighter, and 2 TL-1800 Transports) registered to Trian Agricultural Consolidated are used for moving foodstuffs and covertly shifting contraband, 2 (YT-2400 Light Freighter and a Kazellis Light Freighter) are used for full time smuggling of drugs, spice, and narcotics

3 Large freighters, (Gallofree Yards Medium Transports) are registered to legal Agri Buisnesses and primarily used to shift supplies for agri-buisness and covertly shipping bulk supplies or Contraband.

3 SFS Light Patrol Ships registered to agri buisness, used to escort freighters in convoys

1 Corellian Corvette (modified with a small hangar for a Poranji Orbital jumper), used as an escort vehicle for Larger freighters when they're moving rare agricultural products or bulk contraband, also used as Denchal's private transport vessel if headed off world

1 Marauder Corvette (Equipped with a squadron of Z-95 Headhunters), exclusively used as an escort for convoys

Starship Tactics

The Marauder Corvette and SFS Patrol Ships are assigned to watching over the Gallofree Yards transports, if needed the Marauder will be assigned to the Gallofree that is carrying contraband, or supplies that go to Tingel Confederacy operations. If possible, the lighter Freighters will meet up with a Gallofree and it's escort to form a Convoy between points. While Trianii Space is for the most part safe, Denchal takes no risks when it comes to operations.


4 Large scale Factory farms on Pypin and Borchiib Trianii space, Felucia along the Perlemian Trade Route and Hitt in Hitt Space (used to provide cover for large scale narcotics growing)

-Each posesses a simple landing field (capable of refueling and traffic control)

1 Agricultural processing plant on Ekibo equipped with landing fields and large industrial facilites (cover for processing of Spice and botanical narcotics)

-Posesses a landing field with refuling and repair facilites (Simple)

1 Fortified Estate on Trian (See sheet)

-Posesses a landing field, refueling and repair facilities for a single craft (A Poranji Orbital Jumper), with capacity to house two small starfighters or small space transport as well.

Multiple small safe houses and small warehouses through the CSA (used for storage and distribution inside the CSA)

2 Wearhouse complexes on Fibuli in Trianii Space and Koboth in Kobothi Space (Storage and transhipment points for Contraband)

1 Office building with primary adminstration and organizational headquarters (See sheet)

Troops and Security

100 Light Infantry deployed to Fortified Estate on Trian as defense force

Eight small strike teams (10 beings each on average) Equipped and trained as commando assault teams under command of Vladius Variantus for use as internal security forces

Large number (fluctuates) of trained enforcers and security personnel, lightly armed with sidearms and light body armor, usually have acess to rifles and explosives should the situation call for it. Trained to operate much like law enforcement.