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Psychic Calendar

Soul's Purpose

Have you ever been curious about what is written in the Akashic Records for you? What is your soul trying to accomplish, and are you in harmony with that? What does your soul want from you in this life time?


A general overview to the physical condition and what can be done to improve it. George is not a medical doctor but does offer Psychic impressions to improve specific problems.

Past Life
The overview of a soul: looking at its image, where it started and where it's trying to go. Several life times may be involved.

The Afterlife Experience

A peek into what life is like on the other side. Some conversations with loved ones who have crossed over and some general information about what life is like in the Afterlife.

Dream Interpretations

A psychic insight into what specific dreams mean, an understanding of why we dream in symbols (the language of the divine), and why are they always so difficult to understand.

Opening the Heart Ceremonies

Has your heart center fully opened so you can achieve your heart's desire? Private individual ceremonies scheduled.

Call 503-440-3118 for dates and locations for classes, lectures and ceremonies