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John ran over to all pics xxx the den, it was covered in leaves and branches walking to the door John stopped, What..? Looking at Matt he lifted his hand, What sexporn don't the others sex porn girlfriend have which images this one does? Matt looking down saw the padlock, the water had risen violently and the rain had started to pour harder John started to smash at the lock with the end of his torch with a final slam the lock fell on the floor. Before opening the door John took his gun from his pocket, You ready.... adult images Ankle deep they waded into the room it was small, cold and the cabin was isolated John gasped in disbelief as a figure hung from the wall.

Mary......Matt over here, naked gagged and half dead, Shit........Matt get me your knife we need to get her down now. John took the gag from around her mouth hearing the sound of breath he proceeded to try to unchain her from the wall, Matt.........Matt adult for god sake help me. Matt stood and gazed at the walls, need to look.......Trying desperately to free her John shot.