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Son of Sam

All you need to know about Sam

The embodiment of pure power.

Son of Sam, son of Sam Carlson, who is Carl's son.
Unknown Mastermind - born 1992
Son of Sam - born 2016

Sam as we know him was born in unknown circumstances. "As we know him" is a literal term, as Sam has never gone through the natural cycle of living as a baby, a toddler, and a young child. Consequently, Sam has lived as a 10 year old for 10 years, until his 11th birthday, where he finally initiated aging. How was Sam able to live as a 10 year old at birth?

There are a few theories. The main accepted theory is that Sam thrives on raw power. Ordinary humans are unable to sense "power" in the air around them. However, Sam is unique in that he can draw power from any of the billions of atoms in the air. Able to manipulate power in any way he desires, Sam eats power, licks power, dances with power, and even engages in adult acts with power.

The Earth is filled with power for Sam's feasts.
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Power is the primary reason why Sam lives so prosperously, but hidden to his friends, Sam has had another agenda: his love affair with football (known as soccer for Americans). Although he does not wish to admit this trait of himself, mainly in fear of his baseball-philic and American footbal-philic friends, his Saturday mornings consist of a massive marathon of football (soccer). The picture displayed next is 1 of many reasons why Sam thinks baseball is idiotic.

A guy with a weird face in a baseball game.
Sam's daily routines
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Cereal with Power
Waffles with Power
Yogurt with Power
Pancakes with Power
Cereal with Power
Bacon and Eggs with Power
Sausages with Power
Bike to school using power bike Get a ride to school using power as fuel Power walk to school Get a ride to school using power as fuel Bike to school using power bike Watch soccer using eyesight with power Watch soccer without using power
Listen to lecture with power hearing Take notes using power writing Take quiz using power thinking Take notes using power organizing Take test using nuclear power thinking Video games using power as electricity Look at funny pictures using power sense of humor
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