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The new age of 3D printers has finally arrived. Soon, companies and people at home will be to create almost any kind of object they wish within a matter of hours. From a simple toy to an elaborate blueprint for a building, these machines can take even the most intricate designs and create them quickly and efficiently with little materials cost.

3D printing machines signal a new era of cost-effective manufacture. The device can be given a blueprint of image of an item it is to create in three dimensional space. Granular and extrusion methods are the most common and popular process of manufacturing items, and are also the most innovative.

Melted down organic materials are cheap to acquire and store, as they are simply inserted into the machine and used when they are needed. Variations in organic compounds can happen slightly, but normally each product is exactly the same in terms of design and size. The ease of use means that companies and individuals can create items from the comfort of their office or home.

The extrusion method of manufacture involves liquefied or semi-liquefied materials to be loaded into the machine, which it then extrudes out in rapid movements to create the item as fast as possible. The most common materials for extrusion printing are thermoplastics and other synthetic plastic compounds. These are easier to liquefy, store, and mold into the exact shape of the item requested.

Form more precise engineering, granular devices offer a simple and effective method of interpreting and creating the object. The device extrudes a base for the building to take place, and then moves upwards to finish the object. Prototypes for testing are usually the best products to be made with granular methods of printing, as they have little to no variation in each item that is created.

Granular machines construct designs from the ground up. The materials are built upwards as if in building construction. This precision process ensures that each item will be exactly the same in both materials used and size. This lack of variation is especially important when creating finalized prototypes for use by engineers and marketing testers.

Despite the initial buy-in price, the overall cost-effectiveness of investing in 3D printers is well worth it. Instead of having to contract out to an engineering company and waiting months to finalize a prototype, designs can be made and improved upon within minutes and hours. This in turn gives the final retail customer cost savings.

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