Withdrawing Taking Citalopram Resource
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Withdrawing Taking Citalopram Resource in Questions
Withdrawing from Citalopram (Cipramil)? Can anyone help me please. I have been trying to get off Citalopram for a few months now. I went from 20mg to 10mg and then went every other day and now I am going every third day but am having this awful electric shock feeling when I move my eyes and last night I just ached all over and was freezing cold as well as getting the eye syndrome really bad. I ended up taking a 10mg tablet and was fine again. My Dr just told me to come off these slowly when I told him I was having problems. Is there anyone out there that has experienced anything like this please? I wonder if this is what is termed "cold turkey"? I have also had a cough since the end of August - could this be connected? Thanks.

Bo P replied: "its the citalopram bet you hate you ever took it now huh? it can really fook you up bad."

Rosiepop replied: "I had citalopram and had no problems coming off it... it may be worth talking to a counsellor as well - it could be that you don't actually want to come off them so you're experiencing these side effects as a panic reaction? Good luck x"

The Last Word replied: "I was on 20mg Citalopram, then reduced it to 10mg (for the last 2 months) for 3 1/2 YEARS until last July. I just came off it by only taking a tablet every other day, then every 3 or 4 days. I felt a bit odd for a month, including having the symptoms you describe, plus headaches, feeling very miserable and low. I didn't go back to the doctor, and didn't start taking it again. Am fine now, and have had no more problems"

ANDRIA B replied: "Hi I started to come off my tablets by leaving them every other day then 3 days the every 4 days and in the end I was so determined to come off the because they made me tired all the time and I put on a stone in weight that I just stopped. I had similar symptons to you but still didn't cave in and after a week they gradually became less and less noticeable. I think a lot of it is cold turkey but maybe your not ready or strong enough yet. Hope you get well soon xx. Andria"

ditdare2000 replied: "You need to follow your doctors instructions and not just come off this medication just like that, he will take you off the medication gradually by decreasing the dosage gradually. Never just stop taking antidepressants as you could have side effects."

rebecca replied: "try half a tablet"

psychclaire replied: "I was on Citalopram, and it took me a month to come off it. Firstly, I lowered the dose from 20mg to 10mg, then missed a day, had one, then cut 10mg into 5mg, missed a day, had one. Was fine. My head felt ok, then I had an increase of energy. A year later, I went back on them as I slowly became depressed again. Feeling cold, I find is as a result of stress; this happened to me when I had a bereavement."

what are the withdraw symptoms of citalopram (celexa)? I have recently stop taking celexa and have had dizzyness, a shocking taste and feel in my mouth also very sleepy. Are these normal symptoms? I was also on paxil and have stoped taking it for about two weeks. I stopped taking the celexa about 72 hours ago. How long will these symptoms last? I needed to stop taking this medication because my husband and I want to have a baby. How long will it be in my system. On the Paxil I could not get pragnet at all because It gave me long hard periods. We switched to the celexa thinking it might be safer but we read it can cause lung problems and desided it wasn't worth the risk. Is there any antianxiety medication I can take that will be safe during pragnacy? I have flash backs and nightmares also along with anxiety. They are the same symptoms people from war have. thanks for any answers on this

stormy31750 replied: "I am on effexor and that is about how I feel when I miss a dose, but you really should talk to your doctor about how long they will last...after an hour or so I had to go back on mine.....good luck."

dhaarvi2002 replied: "Type of Medication Citalopram is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor with a chemical structure unrelated to that of other SSRIs (except its chemical relative Escitalopram) or of tricyclic, tetracyclic, or other available antidepressant medications. Variants include Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram. Benefits of Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) Citalopram is widely prescribed to help treat depression. It is highly selective in its action on the neurotransmitter serotonin and shows minimal effects on norepinephrine and dopamine neuronal reuptake. Side Effects of Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) Please note that the following side effects include only some of the most common and somewhat less common but do not include rarer side effects; the list is not exhaustive. Many people taking Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) experience none of these side effects. Please consult a physician about any unusual symptoms. Common Some of the more common side effects of Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) include: sexual problems in males Less Common Some of the less common side effects of Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) include: nausea dry mouth sleepiness increase in sweating Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) and Alcohol Although Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) has not been shown to potentiate the cognitive or motor effects of alcohol, the manufacturer recommends against the use of alcohol with the medication. Stopping Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram): Discontinuation Effects or Withdrawal Symptoms It is best to consult a physician before discontinuing SSRIs. Specific information on the effects of stopping taking Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Seropram) was not available from the sources consulted at the time of writing, but the discontinuation effects of stopping other SSRIs include: dizziness vertigo/light-headedness nausea fatigue headache insomnia abdominal cramps chills increased dreaming agitation anxiety by "

mim1978 replied: "I'm on Venlafaxine and if I miss a dose I'm really ill, I am sick and dizzy with the worst depression possible, You will need to be weaned off slowly, Ask you GP fro advise."

zellparis replied: "come on mim1978 you don't need drugs i can help with that self esteem and depression"

jkauff123 replied: "ok. when i was on celexa, and went off, i went from 20 mg to 10 mg to 0. i didnt feel well, and i was not responding well, emotionally. i went back on it. now, a year and a half later, i am SLOWLY going off. i was at 20, now im at 15. in 3 weeks im going to 10 mg. in a month ill be at 5, then 0."

Citalopram side effects? I've been prescribed Citalopram and been taking them for about a week now. and noticed a few side effects and wondering what i should do? firstly my side effects are, unable to concentrate on anything, feeling really withdrawn, getting angry for no reason, tired, having interrupted sleep and a bigger appetite. can you guys suggest anything? Thanks

bug replied: "http://www.medicinenet.com/citalopram/article.htm Good Luck!"

hot_singing_babe replied: "Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, or yawning may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these serious side effects occur: changes in sexual ability/desire, increased sweating, persistent nausea/vomiting, uncontrolled movements (tremor), unusual or severe mental/mood changes, weight changes. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: black stools, change in frequency of menstrual periods, "coffee-ground" vomit, confusion, easy bruising/bleeding, fast heartbeats, seizures, vision problems. For males, in the very unlikely event you have a painful or prolonged erection lasting 4 or more hours, stop using this drug and seek immediate medical attention, or permanent problems could occur. A serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. Common side effects: Inability to have an Erection Severe Sexual Problems Severe Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse Severe Problem with Ejaculation Severe Dry Mouth Less Severe Drowsiness Less Severe Abnormal Trouble Sleeping Less Severe Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe Infrequent side effects: Feeling Restless Severe Blurred Vision Severe Problem with Periods Severe Itching Severe Loss of Memory Severe Fever Severe Rash Severe Trouble Breathing Severe Excess Urination Severe Confused Severe Grinding of the Teeth Less Severe Blood Pressure Drop Upon Standing Less Severe Inflammation of the Nose Less Severe Sinus Irritation and Congestion Less Severe Increased Production of Saliva Less Severe Indigestion Less Severe Joint Pain Less Severe Muscle Pain Less Severe Low Energy Less Severe Excessive Sweating Less Severe Involuntary Quivering Less Severe Taste Problems Less Severe Loss of Appetite Less Severe Weight Gain Less Severe Weight Loss Less Severe Yawning Less Severe Throwing Up Less Severe Gas Less Severe Diarrhea Less Severe Stomach Cramps Less Severe Numbness and Tingling Less Severe Feeling Weak Less Severe Anxious Less Severe Rare side effects: Extreme Sense of Well Being Severe Aggressive Behavior Severe Myoclonus Severe Paroxysmal Choreoathetosis Severe Extrapyramidal Reaction Severe Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Severe Serotonin Syndrome - Adverse Drug Interaction Severe Very Rapid Heartbeat - Torsades de Pointes Severe Prolonged Q-T Interval on EKG Severe Abnormal Heart Rhythm Severe Blood Clot Severe Hemorrhage Severe Hemorrhage of Blood Under the Skin Severe Liver Tissue Death Severe Acute Inflammation of the Pancreas Severe Bleeding of the Stomach or Intestines Severe Kidney Failure Severe Continued Painful Erection Severe Discharge of Milk in Men or Women when Not Breastfeeding Severe Breast Tenderness Severe Breast Fullness due to Milk Production Severe Abortion Severe Erythema Multiforme Severe Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Severe Serious Muscle Tissue Damage Severe Hallucination Severe Seizures Severe A Feeling of Restlessness with Inability to Sit Still Severe Voluntary Movement Difficulty Severe Difficult or Painful Urination Severe Life Threatening Allergic Reaction Severe Giant Hives Severe Reaction due to an Allergy Severe Low Amount of Sodium in the Blood Severe Hemolytic Anemia Severe Decrease in the Blood-Clotting Protein Prothrombin Severe Decreased Blood Platelets Severe Manic-Depression Severe Mood Changes Severe Delusions Severe Paranoia Severe Mental Disorder with Loss of Normal Personality & Reality Severe Panic Disorder Severe Loss of One's Own Sense of Reality or Identity Severe Change in Mental State Severe Having Thoughts of Suicide Severe Involuntary Eye Movement Less Severe Increased Levels of Prolactin in the Blood Less Severe If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist."

Natalya replied: "I was on Citalopram for a while. You're experiencing common side effects; they should wear off within three weeks or so. All anti depressants take a good month to really start working. As long as you feel more or less OK, stick with the medication for four weeks - then if you don't feel better or are still having side effects, you must tell your prescribing doctor. He will either change your dose, or switch you to another anti depressant. But don't change the dose yourself; only with medical advice. You should also read the leaflet that comes with your medication, just so you know which side effects are 'normal' and which to keep an eye out for - though so far yours sound fairly familiar to me, especially the fatigue!! If at any point you are very anxious, or your depression gets much worse, DO call your doctor - and also be prepared for the fact that many of us have to try several anti depressants before finding the right one. Best of luck."

wellness replied: "Citalopram is used to treat depression. Some of the side effects you are experiencing are common and some are less common. You should tell you doctor what you are experiencing. Also, visit to see all the possible side effects."

i have withdrawn from 20mg of citalopram to 10mg for the past week? i have over the past 5 days reduced my dosage from 20mg to 10mg and are feeling really terrible my head feels shakey along with feeling sick and unwell i am concerened because i feel so awfull could it just be because it is anxiety with withdrawal symptoms i have only been taking these meds for 6 mths and wanted to come off them because they wernt working for me they have calmed me down but i hardly go out the house since i have been taking them am i doing the right thing

buttercup replied: "have you talked to the doctor about this? you should see the doc and explain that you do not feel the citalopram is working and he will either change the meds or increase the dosage. but you should not decrease without seeing the doctor. what you feel is probably withdrawls and anxiety. i started on citalopram at 20mgs and it did not do much so the doc put it upto 40mgs which made so much difference. Are you in therapy? often the meds help a bit but the real way to get out of this is to get help from a psych."

Noble replied: "i know you came here for help but u ought to go see you doctor because they are in the best position to help you, it could be withdrawl but it could also be that you are not as ready as you thought you were to come off the tablets if they aren't working for you there could be something else that would suit you."

Not sure i have a personality i do suffer from depression? I feel as though i do not have a personality and that i take on different character roles depending on what situation i am in be it work,social etc. Am having marriage problems at the moment my wife and her family are very gregarious extroverts and i am becoming more introverted and withdrawing from our social life because i feel i cant act anymore and just want to be me which seems like a blank canvas. I am on antidepressants (Citalopram) going to make an appt with my gp. Hope anyone can help

xcka3kaxx replied: "Anti-depressants will not help you. At best, they will give you a placebo effect that masks the condition, at worst you will have terrible side-effects! You need to wean yourself off of Citalopram and stop taking it asap. Read the information provided by the pharmaceutical company that comes with the pills.. it will say something like that serotonin imbalance is the PRESUMED cause of depression. Meaning, no one knows for sure! Seriously, there is no proof that serotonin has anything to do with the conditions that doctors prescribe anti-depressants for. There are many reasons why you could be feeling the way you do, and it probably has more to do with your marriage than any kind of biological defect within you."

Rose replied: "I suggest you take a holiday with your family but organise something that keeps you away from them during the day (eg, take up scuba diving or golf) that way you can clear your head, relax and decide what you want to do with your life to feel happier."

katia "izzie stevens" replied: "we can't say u if u're depressed or not, but don't ever leave people who TRULY love u, because IF they're real they'll always be by ur side....anyway, if u keep on feeling like that....u can search for some medical help, u know....sometimes it's just to chat,to understand what's wrong with ur thoughts and feelings....and maybe u could find the strenght to try to solve ur issues....you gotta find who you really are and then what u really want."

desperationdevistation replied: "sounds like your marriage is in trouble and maybe thats causing you some depresion"

snapper037 replied: "Best thing you can do is go to your psych and let them know that your antidepressant is not working for you. When a person is on medication it is very important to work with your doctor. If you do not, it will be unlikely that you will feel any better."

amy b replied: "hi ya i write a question on this site two month ago because i am in a simular situation as you loads of things are happing to me and so stressed and i cant sleep my doc also put me on anitdepressants and they made me feel even worse i had a reply from some one saying try medatation i was at wits end and decided to give it a go but i was unsure how to medatate so i went to you tube and write in how to medatate i felt silly following the instuctions i later did it agine nowing how to do it probily this time i put medatation mucic and done it i felt grate i was doing it 3 times a day and my husband noticed the diffrence in me i found my path and was happy. and stressed free i went back to my doc and told him i dint want to be on the tablets any more one month later i am so happy and destressed i now its sound silly but it really works and dont under stand why doc dont recomend it.it would save them money on thoughs silly tables. but if you do come of the tables see your doc first as if you stop taking them they can make you feel worse so get avise from your doc if you come of them they tell you how to come off them with out side effets. as i did i hope this will help you and as i said i now it sounds silly but it works all the best"

psychclaire replied: "It does sound like you are becoming depresseed. When my depression started to worsen, I stopped going to the gym and talking to people; I fely like I had no energy to do anything. Even holding a simple conversation was too much effort. But when I started to take Citalopram, my energy started to come back and I started to laugh again. To behave differently in various situations is quite normal. I am different at home in comparison with work. At work, people see me as patient, but when at home, I want everything YESTERDAY!!!lol. But it does sound like your marriage problems may be causing your depression."

Rise again Wat Tyler replied: "Antidepressants do nothing but blunt all feeling, and blunt your thoughts and spirit. If you based your identity on your feelings then it is no wonder you feel you have no personality (which you surely have beneath this chemical haze). Come off them, be happy with your personality and feelings as they are and others will have to accept you. It is ok to be introvert. you may have problems in your marriage but these will not be worked through adequately while you are under the influence of a chemical straitjacket. Xcka is spot on!"

Has anybody had bad effects after withdrawing from their antidepressant medication? Such as mental confusion (Feeing you're in a state of limbo) mood swings, anxiety crying etc. I withdrew from Seroxat nearly a year ago and some I had these effects in me. Some people say that they're part of the original depressive symptoms returning whereas others say that they're all part of the withdrawal process. I'm on Citalopram and I still have some (not all) of the effects that I had during withdrawal from the last lot of drugs. How long does it take for the effects of the old drug to leave your system? I withdraw from my old tablets because of the horrible side effects, weight gain, sweating, loss of libido and they didn't do much to make me enjoy life.

dcrc93 replied: "maybe it keep your mood stable see a doctor maybe they can give you some else"

Phil replied: "That's very common. If you stop suddenly, rather than being slowly weened off, it's much worse and is known as discontinuation syndrome. The effects of coming off antidepressants are so severe that many people taking them can't get off of them, even though they were only going to be taking the medication for a few months. It's really bad stuff!"

Your Friendly Jewish Accountant replied: "Without a doctor's help it's a messy production that you should be asking the psych about. I say that because it's different for eveyrone and the new meds can easily be a lot like the old meds. Withdrawal is one thing but that's very brief. I'd be willing to bet that it's old symptoms returning because it's going untreatable."

Sandy B replied: "It depends on the drug. I was on Zoloft for five years. When I finally went off, it took about three months for the side effects to completely go away. When I went off Zoloft, I would get fleeting feelings of dizziness whenever I moved too abruptly. While I was on Zoloft, if I skipped taking it for more than a day or two, I would often become very emotional. To avoid side effects, the best thing to do is to not do the whole "cold turkey" thing. In fact, go off the drugs really slowly. I think I wouldn't have felt the side effects of going off Zoloft so acutely if I had cut my daily dosage down a little bit every few weeks."

erin7 replied: "If you just stopped taking your meds, there's your problem. The effects of antidepressants on our brains are so altering that you need to do it under a doctor's supervision. The drugs have been causing your brain to work in a way that makes you feel "normal". By stopping the meds your brain is misfiring and rewiring, essentially. even if the drug is completely out of your system you'll still feel some of these effects. Weaning yourself from them will reduce the effects significantly."

stickywicket36 replied: "i was on venlafaxine, worked really well for a few months then i started feeling depressed again,worse than when i had first started on them, i was also getting 'brain shivers' if i was a little late for a dose or missed one.i was ill advised by my gp to stop them as he didn't like the sounds of the side effects, so i did. i felt awful for weeks, nausea, lethargic, the brain shivers were horrendous it was like a tingling and electric shock sensation in my head that would radiate through my body down to my feet. that would happen every few hours for the first few weeks, it took a good six months for them to disappear and for me to feel normal again. i woudn't touch them again if you paid me. i've since had counselling and thats proved to work well so far."

Shurlock replied: "Hell YEAH! I withdrew from escitalopram (lexapro/cipralex/lexamil) 6 months ago and had like head rush, loss of balance and "brain freeze" from time to time for two weeks. I used it for a year at a warranted above average dose."

perfection replied: "OMG. Yes. I had such a bad time coming off Lexapro - I was on them less than a year and weaned off from 10mg very gradually over 4 months. But my withdrawal was HELL. Severe head and eye pains, dizziness, vomiting, anger attacks and paranoia (which I'd never had before), shaking - so badly I'd wake in the morning and the bed would be vibrating. Crying spells, suicidal thoughts and depressive moods. Numb face, the classic brain zaps, tingling numb arms and legs and muscle twitches!! I knew, because of the anger, paranoia and vomiting, that this wasn't just a case of my illness returning, and for that reason I didn't see a doctor during this time. I chose to sweat it out in bed. I had physical withdrawals badly for a week or two, and the emotional effects lasted for about 2 months. It did get better after this time though. Good luck, and I hope the withdrawals don't last too long for you."

Ahorn replied: "It's good to get off antidepressants but there are some effects like when you stop taking LSD or heroin. Antidepressants are just another drugs. I would recommend you to watch following DVD that is available online if you have fast internet. It's told by psychiatrists, psychologists and people who worked for pharmaceutical companies. It informs you - beside other things - about side effects that are not often being told by psychiatrists. It also suggests an alternative in the end. When you then make a decision to take antidepressants, you may be better prepared, educated and understand what's going on when you encounter some bad side effects. I would say that these information are actually vital. The link sounds a little scary - that’s because many antidepressants have suicidal thoughts and impulses as side effects which you can also read inside the pack of some antidepressants. Watch trailer 1:55 min The whole DVD Fox News about pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly (Prozac, Zyprexa and others) 3:36 min"

Enigma replied: "When coming of depression medication you have to do it slowly. If you just stop it will make you feel ten times worse than when you were first depressed. It could take up to four weeks to wean off them. Ask the doctor for a plan next time. You miss a day every other day, then you two days and so on, then take half and do the same."

citalopram 40mg query - withdrawal risks? I have been taking the above anti depressant for nearly a year and stopped taking it 5 days ago. i have had some withdrawal probs e.g insomnia and stomach probs. Does anyone know how long it will take for the withdrawals to go?# Also i feel very faint some times and wondered if there are any serious risks in not withdrawing slowly. I had a really really bad pain in my chest last night that i have never had before. had heart investigations when young and have left axis deviation on ecg but thought this was ok. does any one know? Many thanks x

Snakeman ! replied: "Hi honey ! ANY withdrawal should ONLY be done under medical supervision - that way - if there ARE any problems - they can be identified quickly. I personally am on 30mg of Citalopram daily - and have been for about five years."

Glyn replied: "Its ages since ive been in that stuff but i went to my dr when i wanted to come off them..She reduced my dose gradually over a bout 6 weeks n i had no withdrawl i can remember..Do you not think it might be a good idea to go n see your dr just to get a professional opinion.."

Sylvia F replied: "You should not just stop taking this or any other antidepressant. You need to decrease your intake slowly, over several weeks. NEVER just decide to stop. If you feel you no longer need to take Citalopram, or any similar drug. Then see your doctor, explain how you feel and go with the guidance they give you.. You should always do this with your doctors advice.. There will be many unpleasant side-effects if you stop suddenly..."

psychclaire replied: "It is best to come off Citalopram very slowly by tapering the doses. The side effects are from an abrupt withdrawal of serotonin which controls mood, temperature and digestion. Bowel problems result as there is a small amount of serotonin there in addition to the cortex (brain). You will get symptoms of 'cold turkey' for around 10 days, but you risk occurance of depression if you are not ready to come off."

phillip b replied: "care should be used coming off any drugg and you should not be on this in the very first place.this therapy is light years ahead of druggs All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so. That makes sense right Obviously it costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people and the subsequent litigation costing millions of pounds. Drug companies Fund most research and only and I mean only look at treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, will even get examined. …….and thus other therapies do not get recommended by your local doctor or hospital. Despite The fact that some of them do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless operations, needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of life. Drugs are not the answer for depression with mind altering chemicals or any other mental ill ness This does not help you does it though. when you are ill and suffering—not hearing about therapies which can help from a person you look up to and trust Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage Spiritual healing, Knieisiology Herbs, Light therapy,Colour therapy,Regression therapy, Osteopathy,Magnetic devices, Electrical Frequency devices. Depression protocol but these therapies will work for many complaints of a so called mental nature my research centers around the teachings and study of the Edgar cayce material , with added principles where appropriate. we have thousands of testimonials and results showing years of successful applications of the Edgar cayce material. Please make no assumptions or cast aspersions unless you have studied the material at hand . Do this and I will guarantee improvements to you inside a day its that simple, of course getting these things in place can be much harder. But we have personnel experience of the effectiveness of them and they do work. Every one of them can have a very beneficial influence on you. Print this all off save it and enact it and share it --- of course someone to help you get these therapies in your life is invaluable but do not be swayed by them trying for short cuts …. 1,get someone to massage your back and legs at least 3 times a week use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil. 2 use the violet ray machine an edgar cayce device google search this --- 3 times a week on the other days especially on the spine….we use it every day with very positive results 3.get a tent sleep out side 3times a week utilising earth energy - nature can help big time especially with how you feel how much energy you have 4 study and apply good nutrition adequate minerals all of them particularly calcium and magnesium iron essential fatty acids as well omega 3 6 9 protein etc 5 ensure your thyroid is working well 7 ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when you are able..the reasons you are ill , or poor or have allsorts of bad things happen to you is because of karma -----usually from past lives but some from this one –voluntary work will offset your mistakes--- how much it offsets well that is down to god and how much you do. Healing us is in direct proportion to the help we give others ie your healing comes with helping others achieve theirs so if people are doing very little in helping others ---they suffer more and longer...and if they are doing a lot they get well faster....so now you know what to do ,,and like a lot of us are already doing being of service. 8 be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you who love you , choose your friends well 9 be or get to a place which personally love or like 10 get and do some work which you like or love 11 ensure you do no acts which hurt or inflict on anyone –don’t want to add to your karma do we !!! 12 .get an radial appliance and use it--- an edgar cayce device ---google search 13 spiritual healing yes and reiki -. 14think good positive thoughts, laughter, look at comedy, play good uplifting music, 16 avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering ,death ,tragedies, this is what is pumped at us and they call it the news ..feed upon good things , uplifting things, things that feel like a breath of fresh air. Be careful who you mix with . 17 Positive affirmation- that’s right programme your self in the mirror , thoughts are things words are things actions are things , all have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect on themselves . 18 a detox ------ toxins can influence how you feel big time colonics castor oil packs 3 day apple diets 19 hugs get plenty of them in your daily life you would be amazed at how people are after a few decent hugs…. 20 loads of exercise running walking climbing something which you enjoy 21 rid yourselves of all aspartame laden foods and drink and many additives ge"

Should I see my doctor to consider my Citalopram future? Because this drug is giving me a bipolar-like condition, One minute I'm up in the air and I'm the happiest man in the world and the next I just feel incredibly low and anxious for no reason whatsoever and it's really beginning to confuse me. I'm thinking off seeing a doctor to increase my dose from 20mg to 40mg. I used to take Seroxat which helped with my anxiety but did very little else. Basically it goes like this. I first started taking these drugs around Christmas last year after experiencing terrible withdrawal effects from coming off my old meds that I withdrew from in 2007. All my old symptoms of depression and OCD had returned and my brain felt like it was in limbo and still does very slightly now. I have to say that I do drink on these meds but only because the doctor said that it was OK to in moderation. But I drink around eight cans of beer a weekly on Friday nights and maybe that is a little TOO much but I've noticed that I'm usually on a dizzying high for the whole of the Saturday, Anything else after that is purely due to chance. I've also noticed that my mood and anxiety seem to change whenever I change my med taking routines, I can often feel tired in the afternoon from training at the gym after I've when I take them in the morning and sometimes sleep it off and I think that's disturbed my sleep pattern somewhat. I also become cranky, critical and resentful of other people because of low low I feel and it's all because I've suffered with many problems thoughout my life which I've found hard to talk about from fear of being judged and having the piss taken out of me. I was diagnosed with Asperger tendencies (not the full blown syndrome just related behaviour) but I think I might possibly have ADD or ADHD instead and I've found it hard to follow instructions and get easily distracted and missed out on a proper teenage life and wasted my twenties on this and my OCD/depression because it too longer for me to mature. But I'm a bit more mature than I was. I've never had a girlfriend and aren't very good at forming relationships with girls because of low self esteem and have a limited social life and procrastinate too much. I want to make a difference in my life and long for a proper social life with a girlfriend and be able to break away from all the bad things that have happened. Any useful help is always welcome!

SCA replied: "I used to think I had ADD, then my doctor told me between bipolar and OCD it can really seem like ADD. As for your medications, if you did not seem bipolar before you started them I would consider instead of increasing the dose possibly switching to a different medication. I have taken several medications until I finally got on the right ones. Medications that effect your brains chemistry always carry the risk of making things worse. Also when taking an anti depressiant.....if you already had bipolar...it can make you VERY manic. I took paxil before we knew I had bipolar and it was the worst mania I have ever experience in my life"

Doug J replied: "You have been over diagnosed. If you want piece of mind, get off all the pills. You have become a Major Pharma Junkie. Try Vitamins and a light lithium preparation. Eat right. Sleep long. Exercise. you'll be fine"

cutecassi2005 replied: "Hi, I'm currently on Citalopram and have been since Jan 2009. I was on Seroxat in my teens, but took myself off them which gave me a bad reaction. Citalopram works for me fine, although if I miss one for one reason or another I notice how bad I feel, which probably means I can't come off them yet. If you are having a bad time on them, I urge you to see your doctor as they will try you on something similar but with different ingredients. I hope this all works out well for you : )"

M M T replied: "A resounding yes! And tell your doctor just what you told us. If he/she doesn't not respond in a supportive manner; find another doctor. I certainly hope you are seeing a psychiatrist to manage these conditions and medications. If not, you need to be! Don't stick with a doctor because you were referred there or he/she is the only one you have seen. The doctor makes a huge difference! My husband suffers from depression, anxiety and panic attacks. We have been through 4 psychiatrists and finally found the type of doctor he needed. All the others wanted to do was write scripts and keep pushing more medications and in higher doses. The side effects were nearly as bad as the original conditions! He now takes one medication daily and has another one he takes as needed, that's all. It took some time to find a medication that worked for him without all the side effects. Without our current psych, we never would have gotten to this point. He realizes that he will probably always have to deal with the panic attacks but his depression and anxiety are much more under control which makes the panic better. My husband now knows exactly how and when to take his medications, what to avoid and what not to combine. No other doctor had ever explained all his meds to him like that. (He as other medical conditions that do require medications) I applaud you for wanting to move forward and get to be the best you that you can be! Keep searching; you will get there!"

Head pressure - SSRI withdrawal? Has anyone had daily head pressure as a side effect of withdrawing from an SSRI (like Celexa)? I took Celexa (aka Citalopram) for about a month and half. The doctor had me take my dosage down over the course of a week and soon after I started experiencing hot flashes, dizziness, nausea, muscle weakness, and other flu-like symptoms. I ran back to the doctor when this started happening and she said it likely wasn't due to withdrawal. Nonetheless, she put me back on Celexa to taper me off slower and the flu-like symptoms immediately went away (meaning it was due to withdrawal). Now I've developed a constant pressure in my head that won't go away. It's affecting my vision and is most prominent at the back of my head, what feels like deep in my ears, and across the top of my head above my forehead. Has anyone had this? Does it go away? If so, how long does it take? Thanks so much; I'm not getting any help from doctors. If I have allergies, then why have three doctors missed it?

nyskiermom replied: "What you describe is exactly what I'm experiencing only I'm not withdrawing from anything at the present. It is pollen season in the NE and just this week everything bloomed, so if you have even slight allergies (and I didn't develop allergies until adulthood) you've got head pressure, pressure deep in the ears, even a humming in my ears sometimes, and definitely pressure across my forehead. If I roll my eyes up I can maximize that pressure into a pretty strong achy pain. Roll your eyes and see if that hurts you, too. What you need is a good allergy medicine. You can try one of the OTC's like Claritin or Zyrtec. Or you can use old faithful, Sudafed. To get the Sudafed you're going to have to speak directly to the pharmacist, show ID and sign a book because that is the drug being used to make meth. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try the Sudefed PE. It does not contain pseudoephedrine which is the drug you want and need to get rid of all the pressure in your head. Sudafed PE was made as an alternative that can't be mis-used to make meth, but it isn't good for much of anything else either. So go out right now and get yourself some real Sudafed, take two with a caffeinated soda and re-post in 2 hours to let us all know that you're feeling much better!"

Máire Siobhán replied: "We are not going to be able to diagnose this. There are withdrawal symptoms for SSRIs, and they can easily be found on the web site for the drug in question. If the prescribing physician isn't helping, ask for an immediate referral to a psychiatrist, who specializes in this kind of medical treatment and use of psychiatric drugs. Often a pharmacist is a better source of information on responses to drugs than a physician, since the pharmacist deals specifically with the medications 100% of the time, so you might get a quick answer from the pharmacist where you got this med filled. This is esp. true with internists and family practice doctors who, although excellent at overall care, are not specialists in brain care like this. I question if they should be taking hit or miss shots at fixing psychiatric problems with psychiatric meds vs. referring those cases to a psychiatrist. Here is some info from MentalHealth.com (Internet Mental Health (www.mentalhealth.com) copyright © 1995-2008 by Phillip W. Long, M.D.) and taken from a Canadian monograph. The specific link to the Celexa info is in source, below. It says about "abrupt discontinuation" (which is for you and your doctor to determine in your case): Abrupt Discontinuation "After 8 weeks of treatment with citalopram, abrupt discontinuation of treatment caused a higher incidence of anxiety, emotional indifference, impaired concentration, headache, migraine, paresthesia, and tremor than was seen in patients who continued on citalopram. These symptoms are not indicative of addiction. Although it is not known whether gradual discontinuation will prevent the discontinuation symptoms, it is recommended that the dosage of citalopram should be tapered off over 1 to 2 weeks (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION)." I would sooner pull my brain out through my nose than base my medical care (and something sooo important as a PRESSURE IN MY HEAD) on anything I read on YA. I see way to many wild-assed guesses that are objectively wrong and probably end up doing more harm, and wasting more time getting to a solution, than not. Call your doctor back and insist on being seen again today, and/or call your pharmacist, and/or if need by go to an emergency room."

desperate plead for help :(? dear all on yahoo answers. i desperately need your help. i am on a pharmacy degree and have been repeating the year for some units. i have a final exam on july 14th however i have become very depressed over the last few weeks and have been spending my days sleeping in bed, pondering on about withdrawing from the course or doing the exam and crying my eyes out and having arguments with my family. i have lost the will to fight this and am even considering not taking the exam. i have lost interest in my studies and i can't see myself as a pharmacist anymore. when i study i don't retain information. sometimes for a few hours i'll be studying and the next minute i';ll feel like this again. i am very confused. what should i do. should i withdraw from the course or do the exam. what would you do. i am on antidepressant citalopram from doctor. also i have all these negative thoughts in my head about failure and i feel like i've

katie replied: "Hey, I don't know if this will come as welcome information or not, but I'll say it anyway. God loves you. And he can help you through all this. When depressing thoughts come into your head, say that truth back to yourself. Say and believe that you are loved, no matter what. Try breaking up your study time in shorter gaps, and going outside, and feeling the sun on your face. Try smiling even if you don't feel like it and releasing those endorphins-It will totally confuse your brain! You've been studying this for along time, I encourage you to not give up. Also, I think you should find someone to talk to, about the feelings you have of being a failure. We all feel that way, sometimes, and sometimes, just saying it outloud to someone can help you realize where it's coming from. I don't know if you believe me, but that stuff is just a lie. There's a liar, that nags away, at every single person, wanting to steal hope. But there's a truth that says that you are valuable, special, loved, chosen, cherished, and made for a purpose. That's what Christianity should be about. That's what Christians should be about. Sharing that beautiful message to people, because that's what faith is for. The hard times, the sad times, the all alone, crying in your bed when everyone else is asleep times. Faith is for those times, to lift you up just a little higher than you were, to give that bit of strength to push on. God really does love you. Bless you."

atg28 replied: "I ran into similar instances in college, but there's hope over the rainbow - couple of things: Keep things in perspective - look at the big picture and where this point in life will be in comparison to your entire life. You realize you are enduring the toughest portion of your pharmacy schooling and feeling it hard now. Maybe a push through this period will get through it. Learn if you can defer the period/semester to a later date. If you need a rehab recharge - I was in for suicide twice during college - my state school was very helpful in deferring my classes and allowing me to finish at a later time that summer. Realize this degree does not lock you in to the rest of your life - I hate to break this to you - but you're in the same boat that a good portion of students have been facing - finishing a degree you have no interest in. Guess what - you'll be doing better in life because you'll have a yearn to do something else , but you'll have the skills as a pharmacist. Don't feel like counting pills - think about research - any big pharma would love to have a Pharm.D. (rather than a Ph.D.) on their pharmacokinetics team. You're world is just burgeoning - you just have to realize it now."

jloertscher replied: "I drank heavily during pharmacy school, but I doubt it will help you. And since you are on anti-depressants it would be a VERY bad idea. Gut it out somehow and try to manage your depression with your doctor's help."

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