What Is The Drug Hydroxyzine
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Best Answers
How much do you think Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg boost an opiate drug effect? Do you think 1 pill would make a dramatic increase in the effect of an opiate drug or not much?

Jamaica replied: "dude that has nothin to do with opiates if you want a boost snort a 40mg O.C"

Tadd replied: "Dude dont listen to jamaica.....sure snorting a 40 of oxy will boost it....but to answer your question, my doctor tells me that hydroxyzine potentiates the SEDATIVE effects of Vicodin and other opiates....ive used them both personally and it definately lengthens the relaxing part of the vicodin but doesnt really boost the high.."

myspace replied: "i really don't think it will boost anything but u will feel some effect from it. i took 4 one time and snorted 1 i got pretty fucked up. if ur looking to boost an opiate then y not just go get some more opiates? oh yeah and your gonna need more then 1 pill lol"

Can i fail a drug test, if i am taking hydroxyzine for my allegic reaction.? I recently went for a drug test for a pre-employment qualification the result was suppose to be out three days ago but it is still pending. somehow i think i have fail the test because of my allergy medicine. if i have not fail the test, why is it taking too long for the result to come up thank you for you answer.

little78lucky replied: "yes you could have, allergy medications can cause a failed drug test under many different categories The site below will be able to tell you which ones"

♥sincerelywithlove♥ replied: "Maybe they're busy with other tests also. I suppose you could, but don't you think they'd be able to tell that you're taking allergy medicine? I mean at least give you an opportunity to explain if they were unable to identify the compounds as allergy medicine? They didn't go through all that schooling for nothing. It think it also depends on what they tested - urine, blood, sweat etc."

Shayalon replied: "It's doubtful that they'll test for Hydroxyzine. It's a prescription medication, they can't test for EVERYTHING. If they DO test for it for some reason, you can't be turned down for using a prescribed medication. Just bring the bottle in with you with the prescription info on it. Then they will just note that you have a prescription. The purpose of the drug test is to make sure that you aren't doing anything illegal. Coke, crack, pot, meth, etc. Not to hassle you about your prescription. If you don't have a prescription. Then, if they test for Hydroxyzine, they'll probably not hire you. It might just be taking a while to get the results. Call the drug testing company and find out, politely, what's taking so long..."

Will taking hydroxyzine hcl cause a person to get a dirty drug test? is it a opiate

Mad Max replied: "I didn't find it on a list of drugs that are known to cause false positives, but it is entirely possible that it could. If you need to take a drug test, you should tell them all the prescription medications you are taking. I once had a false positive for methamphetamine. Fortunately it didn't cause me any problems cause they knew about the other meds I was on."

is it ok to take hydroxyzine and cetirizine together? hydroxyzine at night and cetirizine in the morning? i was prescribed hydroxyzine for a rash on my skin that has developed (probably from contact with poison oak) and that just seems to knock me out at night. In the morning my grandmother gave me some cetirizine which is also used for allergies, but im not sure of the health effects of having both drugs in one's system. If you know anything about it, please share some information with me. Cheers!

oldtimekid2 replied: "Your best (and safest) bet would be to ask a pharmacist if there are any interactions listed between the drugs you're wanting to take. Doctors and pharmacists both have access to a database of drug and supplement interactions and they can tell you quickly if you can safely take them together or not.... anyone here will just have a best guess from searching on the internet (which isn't always accurate, as we all know) ;-) Good luck!"

What Will 100mg Of Hydroxyzine A Day Do To You? I Was Given Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg Tablets To Take Two A Day For My Itching.( I Have Eczema) But The Medicine For Me Doesn't Really Work And I'm STILL Itchy, So I Take Two For Each Dosage Instead Of One And I Just Realized Instead Of 50 mg A Day I'm Doing 100 mg A Day. && Plz Don't Answer With Any 'Ohhh Drug User, Rebah' Crap Because I'm Not Addicted In Any Way TO This Medicine, I Just Want To Know Its Effects

MizzyBoo replied: "Never take more of a medicine without asking a doctor first. No one on the internet knows how it will effect you the way that your doctor would. Most doctors have no problem with uping the dosage, as long as its safe to. and honestly 25mg is nothing I'm surprised thats all you were perscribed. Tylonal pills have more than that! and this is actual medication! idk ask ur doctor"

Amanda S replied: "It's a slightly sedating antihistamine. It is not physically addictive. It's not harmful even at 100 mg a day, but if you're still itchy ask the doctor for something else."

Amari replied: "I do not think you have to continue with this medication if it doesn't work. The main cause of eczema is overreaction of the immune system. Identifying certain foods, chemicals, etc can be very helpful in battling this disease. I try to avoid soy and milk products which trigger my flare-ups. After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments. Now I use serenaskin herbal remedies , which aim at the root of the disease - the immune system, and are steroid-free. After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my skin has been cleared up and now I just continue with eczema extract, which controls the immune system. My skin has been clear for months now. It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed."

Giving hydroxyzine to a 5 year old to have dental work performed? The dentist recommened having my daug. sedated which I said NO, second opt is hyd. I am not familiar with this drug. Has anyone ever had a similar situation? My daughter needs a baby root canal (back tooth). I wanted to wait until the tooth just fell out but now the dentist says its getting down to her nerve she is scheduled for the procedure for the 16th, I am totally horrified by the thought of giving her this medication. Am i over reacting? Thank you for your answers. Alexa's BFF

msmithcdaii replied: "Hydroxyzine is a antihistamine, can also be used for treatment of anxiety. Its totally safe and should basically just make her sleepy. Good Luck."

Can i take hydroxyzine and percocet together? My doctor prescribed me 10mg hydroxyzine for my anxiety, and i broke my finger and was prescribed 5mg percocet today. I was just wondering if it is safe to take the two drugs together? And if so what side effects will i have from combining the two? Im just tryin to be safe about this

SunAngel replied: "Call your doctor."

Rachel replied: "If your doctor prescribed both of them together and you picked both of them up from the same pharmacy I'm sure that you're completely fine. Doctors know what drugs will have a bad interaction, and so will the pharmacist that you pick them up from. It will all be stored in their computer and it's their job to review it and make sure that you're going to be safe taking them together. Side effects will probably mainly be drowsiness, because hydroxyzine and percocet can both cause that. And you may get nauseous from the percocet, so I'd suggest eating a big meal before taking it."

Damage Inc. replied: "yes"

Is Hydroxyzine Pam a Benzodiazapine? Can Hydroxyzine Pam test positive on s drug screen for Benzodiazapines?

Gary Y replied: "Its an antihistamine, and anxiolytic. An anxiolytic is a drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety. It won't show in a normal drug test - some drug tests also test for the presence of other chemicals which are considered possible masking agents or large quantities of unusual substances, but generally by itself hydroxyzine should not cause a positive drug test."

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