Prednisone Side Effects Skin Information
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Prednisone skin thinning is more of a side effect on what dose of it? On what dose (how many mg) of prednisone daily, should skin thinning become more of a side effect to worry about ?

greydoc6 replied: "Skin thinning is more a concern with topical steroid creams and ointments, especially the more potent ones. It is a factor of length of time of application, frequency of application and strength of the topical medication. Skin thinning can be an effect of orally administered steroids, too, and again dosage, strength of preparation and length of time one takes the medication factor in the development of side effects. Dosage alone is not the determining factor."

Prednisone side effects how long they last?? i've been taking Prednisone a type of steroid for just over a month now for crohn's disease i have been weened down to now 2 a week for 1 week then after that it'll be one tablet for a week then i'm finished. I'm having bad side effects since being on them, i use to be fairly slim only 118lbs i'm now 130lbs even though i go the gym twice a week i cannot lose it, have a very round face, look really tired and the skin on my face is looking dull, i look bloated all the time and i have bad acne on the tops of my arms and some of my back. How long after finishing the Prednisone will the side effects go away, i dont know how long i can cope it is really getting me down looking like this as i look horrible.

jetblakkmane replied: "I also have Crohn's and I was on Predisone last summer. You should be back to your pre-Prednisone weight about two months after you stop the drug entirely. Good luck to you!"

mcghankathy replied: "Once you're tapered off, the puffiness and the weight will follow. I know, it's a crappy side effect, but sometimes it's the only answer. Cut down on salt,sodium, soda pop-all holds excess fluids. Drink lots of water too. Hope you are feeling better."

secret replied: "its immediate effects are water retension edema so weight gain hunger feeling high elated sometimes depressed long term weakens bones sugar levels in diabetics gets elevated. the withdrawl symptoms too are not too comfortable"

Wren replied: "Yeah, my sister was on fairly heavy doses of prednisone for a misdiagnosed auto immune disorder ( we won't get into that). She went from about 130lbs to about 180lbs, but she was on it for quite awhile. Once they weaned her off she went back down fairly quickly. Like in her senior picture, she was huge with that big round face, but by the time she got married a year and a half later, she was back down to her regular weight and even smaller. Hang in there. It stinks to look in the mirror and see somebody you don't recognize. And BTW, my sister was finally properly diagnosed 3 years later with Systemic Lupus."

Sean replied: "I understand. I'm on predisone right now as well for my Eczema, I got another week left. I just had a really bad flare up with the hot summer weather. Right now I have acne on my legs, arms, and back. I think I'm gaining a lot of weight too. It's crazy because I just finished High School and 6 months ago I was on the varsity wrestling team. I think I'm starting to get a gut. For some reason I don't feel full anymore when I eat, even if its a lot. I'm starting to experience joint pain as well. This isn't the first time I've taken systemic steroids. I gained a lot of weight taking steroids when I was in middle school for my eczema. It took 3 months to work it off. I hope when you get off you'll be able to get back. I think the acne will go away once you stop because I asked my doctor about it. This is my first time getting acne on my body due to the steroids. What I'm going to do is go on a detox diet after I finish. I want to clean up my system because all the drugs I'm on now really mess me up. Maybe you can try the same."

snagga75 replied: "The side effects should soon resolve since your dose is now being tapered (reduced)...hang in there and good luck!"

dark and beautiful replied: "Along with their needed effects, all medicines can cause unwanted side effects, which usually improve as your body adjusts to the new medicine. Speak with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or become troublesome. Indigestion, stomach ulcers (with bleeding or perforation), bloating, oesophageal (gullet) ulcer, thrush, inflammation of the pancreas, muscle wasting of the upper arms and legs, thinning and wasting of the bones, bone and tendon fracture, adrenal suppression, irregular or stoppage of periods, cushing syndrome (upper body weight gain), hair growth, weight gain, change in the body's proteins and calcium, increased appetite, increased susceptibility to infections, euphoria (feeling high), feeling of dependency on treatment, depression, sleeplessness, pressure on the nerve of the eye (sometimes in children in stopping treatment), worsening of schizophrenia and epilepsy, glaucoma, (increased pressure on the eye), pressure on the nerve to the eye, thinning of the tissues of the eye, worsening of viral or fungal infections of the eye, reduction in healing, thinning of the skin, bruising, stretch marks, patches of reddening, acne, water and salt retention, hypersensitivity reactions, blood clots, nausea (feeling sick), malaise (general feeling of being unwell) or hiccups. These side effects gradually disappear and you will start noting the difference in your appearance and moods in a weeks time until they almost seem to disappear over a period of few weeks"

Anyone else on Prednisone ? Do you have side effects like I do ? I have nearly all the common side effects, my skin has become as thin as tissue paper and tears easily. My hair has thinned, my face and neck are swollen. My muscles are weak and I'm very tired. I'm on the chemotherapy drug methotrexate too, which just makes the effect of the prednisone worse. What is prednisone doing to you ? Ah tikizgirl ! I didn't realise the mood thing was part of it. I've been wondering why I've been so unstable lately, while I'm normally pretty laid back, I've been very emotional and easily hurt. So it's the drug... now I get it. Thank you. Luckily my blood sugar remains fine.. no diabetes for me! Thanks Wooly, and I thought it was Yahoo Q & A keeping me awake ! :o)

mytwodogs60463 replied: "let your doctor know whats going on."

tikizgirl replied: "I can only speak for my patients. I work as a nurse on a transplant unit and this is what they complain about and what I witness while they are on prednisone: Mood swings (ie very irritable, nervous, and anxious), bouts of crying, shaking hands, increase in blood sugar, moon face (puffy face-mainly noticible in the cheeks), thin skinned, bruises easily, hair loss, nightmares, confusion, increased thirst....."

theoregonartist replied: "prednisone in America is used for so many things, and a low end steroid, it acts upon your muscularture sysem and work as an anti-inflamatory, this is also true in repiratory workings to keep a lung from being swollen and thus uhnable to absorb and pass oxygen for some reason (which would have to be determined by a doctor) would be used to open the airways of said lung(s) it has some newer morew unusual actions on the body and mind that are still being studied. One side effect of prednisone is to stay awake longer than normal and or to have some waking dreams or to have limited sleep during use.,,,,,,,,helpful?"

*miss blue* replied: "You sound like me normally!! I'm extremely over emotional 24/7 - i did get herbal stuff to balance me out though. Doesn't it suck when you are on medication and you have NO way of changing your moods!! I've always been emotional - however when i started the pill ...... i made my mother in law look nice :) hah. Anyways enough babbling, i know nothing about this drug sorry. However you don't sound 100% and i really hope that you get better soon. take care wont you!"

bodyshop111 replied: "i have been on prednisone off and on for several years and on methotrexate my skin got like blood blisters then it would tear my head is HUGE its not really helping me for the first time its always been good i just get ugly but this time i just got fat and ugly no help medically i cant really complain because in the past it has helped me without it i couldnt walk or comb my hair but im glad to be getting off it it takes forever to get off of i started with 40mg now im down to about 17.5 still got the big moon face"

SiFu frank replied: "I was on Prednisone for a high dosage once for a long time I went from feeling like superman to feeling like a wet dish rag. I bloated up a bit too and was a little moody."

Bad prednisone side effects - How long will they last after stopping the drug? The doctor gave me prednisone for excessive inflammation due to DJD and I only took it for two days because of the horrid initial side effects (nausea, hives, depression, etc.). Unfortunately, there are other bad effects too that I'm worried about. How long will the sunburn/bruise like skin pain around my upper body last? The depression? The nervousness? Also, I took a decadron injection (once again for DJD induced inflammation) less than a year ago, could that be why my side effects are so bad with the prednisone? Please only knowledgible and intelligent answers. Thanks. Thanks, G! In total I took only three pills over two days time so there wasn't really a build up or taper amount at all. I'm starting to get really scared because these problems aren't going away and I took the last pill two days ago. Bindy ~ I agree. No more crap meds like this ever again. It's awful!! DJD is Degenerative Joint Disease. I am afflicted between my number 3, 4 and 5 lumbar. BGE's 2000 ~ I can't believe how much this stuff makes me want to eat!! GAH!! Thank you all for your answers so far. I'm not as scared as I am getting more and more angry now that they would use this stuff on people!!

G replied: "When I took Prednisone for poison ivy, the prescription clearly built up to a higher dosage and then before the prescription ran out, it tapered down to a lower dosage. The doctor told me that if I didn't follow the instructions he gave exactly, it could make me sick and have other side effects. This could be the case with you. You really need to call your doctor as soon as you can."

Bindy replied: "I took the shots that they put them between my shoulder blades these shots were very strong. I suffered from depression, nervousness, weight gain, memory loss, thinning hair and and had a appetite like a horse. These shots had more than just prednisone, and I had the procedure done several times in a few months period, I think my doctor was a quack, this was not my family doc it was a pain center. steroid shots was there answer for everything, I am a Fybromyalgia sufferer, and I was willing to do anything for relief, but it would have to be a life threatning illness before I would take any kind of high dose steroid again. But to my recollection I never had sunburn like pain, if you are hurting in between your shoulder blades, neck and generally all over you may have Fybromyalgia, You can go to one of the websites and see the information on tenderpoints on your body and get a pretty good idea if you have it. If you don,t mind me asking what is DJD. It takes a long time for steroids to get out of your system the pain may go away for a while but the side effects last longer. My neice was diagnosed with a very rare disease called Wagners,(thats not exactly how it is spelled) she had high powered amounts of steroids that she had in the hospital but they saved her life, but also changed her life, she had excessive weight gain and mood swings, something will fly all over you in a minute and you can't contronl it. I have probably give you more info than you wanted, but I hope some of this helps you and I sympathize with you, Hope you get to feeling better soon, and I would check back with the doctor. Good Luck."

bondablegreeneyes2000 replied: "i HATE predisone! that is the most irritating meds i think i could of ever take. mood swings. muscles hurt not only cant stop eating"

Bad Prednisone side effects!? I had a D&C 2 weeks ago because of a miscarriage; took my Amoxycillin prescription for a week which caused a horrible allergic reaction (looked like I had measles!). A nighttime doc put me on Prednisone, and I have been taking it for 6 days but decided not to take the last 2 pills b/c of terrible side effects. My vision has become very blurred, I have to go to the bathroom all the time, hungry all the time, feel dizzy sometimes, flushed skin. Now that I've been off for a couple of days I now have a very swollen gland under my chin and just don't feel good. Vision is still blurry at times. Will this all go away? Should I be worried??? :(

Emily replied: "i would suggest that you consult your doctor immediately. This could turn into something serious if you dont do something about it ASAP. Once i had a severe reaction to medication and i was covered in hives and almost passed out. You'll probably be prescribed another antibiotic to treat the side affects from prednisone. Good luck and i hope you feel better."

Pedsgurl replied: "It will go away but can take a few days. You also should be tapered off of prednisone as coming off with out tapering can cause side effects as well. Prednisone is a great drug for what it does but it does have some horrible side effects. If things are not better by monday, call your prescribing doctor and find out how to proceed. If your symptoms worsen at any time or you just no longer feel comfortable with the situation, call sooner. Also, the doctor who wrote for the prednisone probably has an on call service. You can call to get peace of mind that this is all as a result of the prednisone.I am so sorry that you've had such a traumatic few weeks!"

Crohn - treatment, side effects (skin, insomnia and...hunger? I recently was diagnosed with Crohn disease. I’m on treatment now with Medrol (contains prednisone) and Salofalk. Yesterday I have noticed on my chest some skin eruption. If it a side effect from the drugs, how can I treat it? More: I have some bad insomnias – this one is a side effect of Salofalk (read it on the prospect) Oh, and the hunger…how can I fight it? I have already put 2 kilos (in 4 weeks). For the moment I respond well to treatment. I had only the first flair-up, but since then and with the treatment I had no problem anymore. Except I want to empty the refrigerator at once. :-)) Can you tell me more from your day to day experience? Thankx

James replied: "Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look."

side effects for prednisone for my dog? my vet just put my pom on prednisone for itchy skin. i think she just had a seizure. she stiffened and postured as if she was having one. can prednisone cause this? also she has been taken less than a week can i stop giving it to her now or do i wean her off it?

Beth P replied: "I would call the vet asap if you think she had a seizure as this would be a serious side effect. Pred usually causes increase in eating and drinking and increase in urination. It is a good med but very tough on the system. I would also call and talk to them about taking her right off or weaning her. Depending on dose and all it would differ. Steroids stay in the body much longer than other meds. There are also other meds that can not be taken with them. I would call and if they are not open I would call a ER vet and ask or bring in. Better safe than sorry."

spudd59 replied: "Talk to your vet. it's possible..most of the time any steroid needs to be weened off...weigh gain is the most common side effect."

schwildcat1977 replied: "My pom has same issue and was put on similar meds. Mimi did not have any seizures or anything, but she has gained a lot of weight. My vet said to give her the lowest possible dose and I've been researching other options for her allergies. I will star your question so I can find you again if I find something else that works."

Side Effects of Prednisone.? I was prescribed Prednisone over a month ago. I've been on upwards of 120mg four times a day at most.. Currently on 50 mg per day. The side effects I've researched on line seem to fall into every horrible thing I'm feeling.. Tired, cranky, moody, hungry, bloated, swollen, acne, nightmares, trouble sleeping, hungry all the time, water retention, moon face, swollen joints, etc... My skin looks horrible and i feel even worse. My question is, How long will these side effects last? Can they be permanent? Any home remedies for easing the side effects? Any other info you can give on side effects while on and after i am taken off? I have been in contact with my doctor, I am just looking for some real world experience with every day people who have been on or know someone on high doses of this stuff.. Thanks so much!

9Suns replied: "Common Side Effects: Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome: increased appetite indigestion nervousness or restlessness Less frequent or rare: Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome: darkening or lightening of skin color dizziness or lightheadedness flushing of face or cheeks hiccups increased sweating sensation of spinning Always Notify Doctor: Less common Decreased or blurred vision frequent urination increased thirst Rare confusion excitement false sense of well-being hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there) mental depression mistaken feelings of self-importance or being mistreated mood swings (sudden and wide) restlessness skin rash or hives Additional effects: Side Effects that may occur when this drug is used for a prolonged period of time. Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects occur: abdominal or stomach pain or burning (continuing) acne bloody or black, tarry stools changes in vision eye pain filling or rounding out of the face headache irregular heartbeat menstrual problems muscle cramps or pain muscle weakness nausea pain in arms, back, hips, legs, ribs, or shoulders reddish purple lines on arms, face, groin, legs, or trunk redness of eyes sensitivity of eyes to light stunting of growth (in children) swelling of feet or lower legs tearing of eyes thin, shiny skin trouble in sleeping unusual bruising unusual increase in hair growth unusual tiredness or weakness vomiting weight gain (rapid) wounds that will not heal Other Notes Corticosteroids may lower your resistance to infections. Any infection you get may be harder to treat. Check with your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any possible signs of an infection, such as sore throat, fever, sneezing, or coughing. After stopping this medicine, a body may need time to adjust. The length of time this takes depends on the amount of prednisone taken, and how long it was used. After large doses of this medicine for a long time, it may take up to one year to adjust. During this time, check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur: abdominal, stomach, or back pain dizziness fainting fever loss of appetite (continuing) muscle or joint pain nausea reappearance of disease symptoms shortness of breath unexplained headaches (frequent or continuing) unusual tiredness or weakness vomiting weight loss (rapid) Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor. This information is meant only as a guideline - always consult a physician or pharmacist for complete information about prescription medications. If you don't have to take prednisone, don't take it. It's ok for short term use, but yes, some of the side effects can become permanant IF you are on prednisone for a long time. Ask your doctor if it is possible to take a none-steroidal medication if it is possible."

Will I get the side effects of Prednisone if I am only taking it for 5 days due to Mango Rash? Today I went to the doctor because from eating mango off the skin my lips and eyes were badly itchy and swollen. I woke up this morning and my eye lids and underneath my eyes were so swollen, puffy and red that I had a hard time opening them. The doctor said if I went another day it could have been much worse to the point where I couldn't see out of my eyes! The doctor put me on Predisone to clear everything up. I took the medication and later in the night did some research. The side effects are scary and I don't want what they call "moon face" or weight gain. Question is: If I am only on Prednisone for only 5 days, will I get side effects extreme as these?

wendy replied: "different people react differently to medications nobody knows if you will have the side effects take the meds and don't worry about it geez"

Ryants replied: "Most of the "scary" side effects of prednisone occur after longterm use, i.e. months. You may experience upset stomach and difficulty sleeping, but it would be very unlikely for you to have any serious, long lasting side effects. It is a very commonly used drug and should clear up the allergy."

CCU RN replied: "Prednisone prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders (like you have described), skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders. Moon face occurs only with chronic Prednisone use, like if you are on steroids for COPD or an adrenal problem. There may be a little weight gain, which is mainly water weight, that will resolve quickly after you stop taking the steroid (Prednisone). It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you DO NOT just stop taking the drug, because it can cause very serious side effects by stopping all at once. You are on a taper dose, because it does affect your cortisol production. Most common side effects are irritability, may become hyperactive, insomnia, weight gain from sodium/water retention and hunger. All of these will resolve very quickly after finishing the dose. The majority of severe side effects occur from the long term high dose usage. Long-term use of high steroid doses can lead to symptoms such as thinning skin, easy bruising, changes in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your face, neck, back, and waist), increased acne or facial hair, menstrual problems, impotence, or loss of interest in sex, which, if you are just reading about it on the internet, can be very scary. Good Luck and I hope that alleviates at least some of your fears. The benefits of the drug outweigh the few, reversible side effects that will occur. Everyone is different and the drug affects each person differently. What works for some definitely doesn't work for others."

Sarcoids--Experience with, treatment other than prednisone and immuran, side effects, symptoms of sarcoids,all I have been treated for saracoidosis for 10 yrs. Showed up first in left eye, lesions on optic nerve. Regained sight w/regimen of prednisone with imuran over a period of 4 1/2 yrs. 9 months later, chronic cough. Sarcoids, with scarring, in lungs, lymph system, skin, muscles. Back to prednisone and imuran. Now have adrenal insufficiency due to the long use of the medications. Extremely easy bruising. Just touch the skin and big ugly bruise appears. Ideas?

mnvikes8484 replied: "did your doctor have you taper off those drugs? youre suppose to slowly lower the dose when you go off steroids"

baseball.grand_slams replied: "This is a little I know about it...... Sarcoidosis is an immune system disorder characterised by non-necrotising granulomas (small inflammatory nodules). Virtually any organ can be affected, however, granulomas most often appear in the lungs (D860) or the lymph nodes (D861). Symptoms can occasionally appear suddenly but more often than not appear gradually. When viewing X-rays of the lungs, sarcoidosis can have the appearance of tuberculosis or lymphoma."

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