Coreg Beta Blocker Facts
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my doctor put me on a beta blocker calle coreg cr? 10 mg pill. once a day. side effects?? personal experience?? i aleready have a low heart beat in the 50's when resting sometimes in the 40's is that a problem?

Rhonda & Cats replied: "Some common side effects associated with COREG CR include shortness of breath, a slow heartbeat, weight gain, fatigue, hypotension, dizziness, faintness, or runny nose/sore throat. People taking COREG CR who have any of these symptoms should call their doctor. Additionally, if patients experience fatigue or dizziness, they should sit or lie down and avoid driving or hazardous tasks. Beta-blockers may mask the symptoms of an overactive thyroid or low blood sugar, or may alter blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should report any changes in blood sugar levels to their physician. Contact lens wearers may produce fewer tears or have dry eyes. As with any medicine, patients taking COREG CR should first tell their doctor what other medications they are taking. COREG CR should be taken with food."

MS S replied: "I would also go to to see what a beta blocker is. pulse is very different from blood pressure, right? Perhaps request an urinalysis to see if your kidneys are healthy."

Gazi replied: "Beside consulting the doctor who prescribed you the medicine, use one tablespoon of honey and 5 almonds for low heart rate. if you are worried about your weight too then take honey(1 tablespoon) in the morning in warm water before you breakfast and 5 almonds after dinner. it will help a lot in side effects of medicine."

What are the alternatives for the heart failure drug, Coreg? My mother has had some issues arise with her health, since beginning the use of Coreg. Her white bone marrow cells are dropping and she is showing a loss in her kidney functions. Also she is showing in her blood work that anemia is creeping up on her. She is acting as if she may be allergic to this medication. Mom has reacted to Lumigan(which is also a beta blocker). Within six months of using lumigan, she was nearly blind in her. Her eye Dr. Put her on a different medication and the sight came back. She is allergic to the beta blocker(lumigan). after reasearching the beta blocker, coreg, I now see the possibility of her being allergic to the heart failure drug,Coreg. We will be seeing her Dr. in a couple of days and would like a suggestion as to what might replace the Coreg should the Dr. agree that this is possible.

Stingray replied: "There are more people dying from prescription drugs than you are allowed to read about. Had you mentioned why your mother was using Coreg, I could point you in the direction of Natural Physicians Healing Therapies which are proven remedies that Medical Doctors don't know about or don't use. There are pressure points all over the body that can clear up blocked points that control the well being of the heart and other bodily organs. There are countless vitamins and home remedies that work but the Major Drug Company talking points put all that down as hog wash. Try reading: Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About by Kevin Trudeau ... this book tells you about those "natural cures" that are already common knowledge. By the way, I am not a radical, I am a realist, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, . . . . . . .It's all about the money. Darryl S."

Mark S replied: "Look at this link then go the one below and witch the free movie. both guys are MD's that have reversed heart disease without drugs. See also"

Cogito ergo sum replied: "One possibility, which should not be taken without her doctor's permission, is Coenzyme Q10, often referred to colloquially as CoQ10, which causes the heart muscle to pump with greater strength, thus helping the body to eliminate excess water in the lungs, for example, which is a typical symptom of congestive heart failure, and the edema that accumulates in the lower legs. The elimination of excess water in turn reduces the burden on the heart, allowing it to pump more efficiently, resulting in a reduction in the typical enlargement of the heart that accompanies congestive heart failure."

c_sakal replied: "Well, coreg is also a beta blocker (well, it has alpha activity as well, but mostly beta) and there is also some evidence to indicate that it's the best beta blocker for heart failure. However, there are two drugs in that class which have FDA approval for heart failure and have shown some efficacy, coreg and Toprol XL. So in order to replace the coreg, she would be put on another drug in the same class, she is probably on drugs from other classes which have shown to improve survival in heart failure patients. However, if your mother has had so many problems with beta blockers in the past (I have to admit though, those are not common side effects, it's hard to imagine it's from the coreg) then possibly it may be best to stop them altogether, there are many other drugs that heart failure patients get put on, beta blockers are only one piece of the puzzle."

If i take 60 mg of coreg cr a day for high blood pressure, (a beta blocker) does that mean my HTN is real bad? i am 25! my bp could go up to as high as 180/130 before meds, but that would only happen every once in a was usually about 140/95-130/90. i have no organ damage...geez your 14? yours must have been out of controll for a while? is it primary or secondary HTN? mine seems to be primary.

claudia_disney_cruz replied: "Well, its not severe but I guess it's moderate. I take 25mg atenolol(beta-blocker) twice a day, making it 50mg. People someitmes take 100mg a day. Hyperension is different for every person. Im 14 years old and my hypertension and it already caused end-organ damage to my heart.( And I still only take 50mg a day)."

A question about COREG to improve heart function? Sometimes I have been recommended to take COREG or a similar beta-blocker to improve my severe congestive heart failure & its symptoms. I wondered, does anyone know the medical facts on how COREG can do this ? My heart has severe bilateral ventricular dysfunction - and global hypokinesis, large infarcts in EVERY WALL - and 1/3 viable muscle tissue & 2/3 scar tissue. My cardiologists told me that CHF like mine is incurable and cannot be remedied. I appreciate all info on thee beta-blockers & how they can help. I take diuretics & aCE-inhibitors, to no avail. My legs also ooze & leak water & I cannot stop it (Anasarca) This all began afterthe M.I. And I do severe sodium & fluid restriction. The water drip in itself makes me wish for death. that Jesus would grant me that blessing. I can never wear clean , dry, neat, mens' clothes, in a few hours even my leather shoes will be SOPPED with water. And this made me an invalid, homebound, unable to go out among people. I am 57 yrs.

Linda B replied: "I have been on Coreg for about three years and was told in the begining that it would take a year to get the full results from coreg and they were right I feel better now than I have in years. I am 55 and had a major heart attack in 97 the bottom half of my heart is dead. I have CAD,CHF,mitral valve regurgation, diabetes,thyroid,restless leg syndrome,depression and bi-polar . Coreg is a wonderful drug and helped me greatly."

Mark M replied: "Your heart condition sounds very serious and I really feel for you. As I understand it, from a layman's perspective, Coreg is like a governor on your heart. It keeps it from working too hard at any given time. Think of it as an adrenoline blocker. The problem with most forms of CHF is that your heart expands to compensate for the inability to move enough blood. This works up to a certain point, but when it goes too far, the heart valves may start leaking badly, arrhythmias may develop, etc. Because Coreg keeps your heart from working too hard, it has a tendency to keep it from expanding and it can even help hearts reduce in size, reversing the remodeling. I'll include the best reference I have for Coreg and beta blockers below. Please peruse the entire site if you can. It is filled with many useful write-ups in a non-commercial and straightforward way. There are also some message boards out there, full of helpful and supportive people fighting cardiomyopathy and heart failure. I'll include links to those, as well. We would love to have you join, so you can get feedback from a broad range of folks who have seen similar issues, themselves. Are you on a transplant list? Is there some reason why you can't be? Are you seeing a doctor who specializes in heart failure (not just one that has seen it before, but one who deals with it day in and day out)? Note that there are other mechanical supports that you can have, as well. You can read about those at if you haven't heard it all before... I hope you find a way to get through this, one way or the other. Please let me know if I can help with anything. I'm not a doctor, but my wife has a more mild form of cardiomyopathy, which was diagnosed 7 months ago. So I've been reading up as much as I can on the condition."

nicene98 replied: "Carvedilol is used in combination with other medications to treat heart failure. It also is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. Carvedilol is a combination of two classes of drugs called beta-blockers and alpha-blockers. It works by relaxing the blood vessels so your heart does not have to pump as hard. Since you have had an MI, your heart has a lot of scar tissues. By taking carvedilol, your heart does not have to function as much. Carvedilol can also help with the blood pressure and so does the ACE-inhibitors that you are taking. The diuretics is for the edema on your legs. I do agree with your cardiologist that your heart can;t be cured but they can function at a sub-optimum level using the drugs that you have been prescribed. I can understand how tough it is not being able to go out because of your legs. I have had patients with this condition. all you have to do is when you are sitting down on a chair to elevate your legs. Wear a shorts so that you don't have to change your clothes all the time. Elevating the legs can help shift the excess fluids in your legs. You should do the same when you are lying in bed. You can prop your legs on a pillow. continue with the low sodium diet and fluid restriction. With the fluid restriction, you have to drink 750mls to a litre of fluid a day. If you keep up with this, this will help greatly. Plus take your diuretics regularly. Hope you will feel better."

What exactly do beta-blockers do? I have Peripartum Cardiomyopathy and I am taking Coreg. I understand that it is a beta-blocker and I've tried to do research on what exactly it does for me but I just don't understand. Is there anyone who can, for lack of a better term, dumb it down for me? Thanks y'all =)

Lashenova replied: "Beta blockers block the adrenaline your body produces to lower your heart rate and blood pressure."

Heart Failure, on new meds, now low sex drive? Please help.? I had a heart condition whcih turned into congestive heart failure I'm only 31. My doctor has me on Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, water pill), Coreg (beta blocker), Avapro (blood pressure med.) and Celebrex (for pain and inflamation). Lately, I don't feel like I want to be intimate with my husband....I either feel like I have no sexual desire at all, or I'm visually turned on but I'm really dry down there and not really interested in sex at all. Has anyone else experienced this on these medications? Do these meds cause low sex drive? Anyone else on these medications?

mamamugg replied: "WOW quite the cocktail of Rx's there!!! Yes lack of sex drive in normal!!! Ask ya' doc' for another (OMG) RX for that prob'!!! As for the dryness...There are over the counter products like KY Jelly Really wanna add some spice...Go to a local sex store...Many fun, tasty products...May help more than another RX!!! Break a leg!!!"

sissy replied: "my husband has this condition plus dibeties and wears a difibulater ..... some times drs can prescibe a med that will help. i know he was able to take viagra and cialis befor he got the difibulator , so perhaps speaking to your dr will help ,,,pleas try ,, my husband and i have been together for 3 yr married for 2 so it relly effects the kmarrige i love him and i can not help him and heand i do with out i do not cheat on him talk to your husband there are ways of pleasing your man , try cummutcation and let him be in on any decissins you make..after all he is your hubby and loves you"

tikizgirl replied: "Yes. These medications can zap your sex drive as well as making it difficult to climax. Talk with your doctor to see if you can switch to different meds....If that is an option. There are other types of medications...such as calcium channel blockers...ace inhibitors." H replied: "Coreg is the culprit.(beta blockers well known to decrease libido) beside psychological factor from having heart failure but Coreg is # 1 cause."

dmckinner replied: "I have had almost the same thing. I have been on meds for two years for a cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Im on coreg, diovan, spironolactone, lasix, and prozac. ALmost the same stuff just slightly different drugs. Its worth it, you just need to keep on them and get yourself moving in the right direction. I was 32 when i found out. it scared me to death, but now my worst problem is that im always tired and cant lose weight, both caused by the coreg according to the doctors!!! Good Luck!!!"

Zoe replied: "Here is a link that is by people with heart failure for people with heart failure. If you will look through the site you will find a lot of others are in the same boat. Try-----...... It's loaded with information. Celebrex and heart failure are not a good combination and Celebrex can lead to heat attack just like Vixox did."

Timdog replied: "A side affect of beta blockers such as coreg (generic name carvedilol) can female sexual dysfunction. Speak to your doctor whom may be able to change your medication."

Heart Failure, on new meds. and now low sex drive? Please help.? had a heart condition whcih turned into congestive heart failure I'm only 31. My doctor has me on Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, water pill), Coreg (beta blocker), Avapro (blood pressure med.) and Celebrex (for pain and inflamation). Lately, I don't feel like I want to be intimate with my husband....I either feel like I have no sexual desire at all, or I'm visually turned on but I'm really dry down there and not really interested in sex at all. Has anyone else experienced this on these medications? Do these meds cause low sex drive? Anyone else on these medications?

kgreives replied: "I am going thru the same thing and all of my Docs have told me "it should go away and your sex drive will come back" But WOW it's difficult to deal with, luckily my Fiance is VERY understanding I think he's taking better than I am. So talk with your Doctors and maybe they can try different meds for you. I am on the same types of meds, not the exact brands though. Good Luck and my heart goes out to you, I feel your pain Regards KG"

Ang replied: "Hi, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. At 28 I went into heart Failure Due to having Graves disease. (hyperthyroid) I was also on coreg, lasix, toprel lx. and I was also having problems sexual and emotional. "How ? Why? Why me? What did I do? My husband? My kids? I was so overwhelmed. 28 and almost dieing can open your eyes. Even thought I am happy to be alive I started suffering from depression. I talked to my doc. and they gave me anti-depressants(of course). And I talked about it to anyone who would listen Girlfriends, Mom, Sister, Husband,nurses, even strangers on line:) My advice to you is talk. Also your body has been threw so much. Just give it time. I am now 32 and my thyroid problems are under control. My sex life is wonderful again, it just took time. My husband is OK, kids, all of it is ok. It was a true wake up call to what is truly important to me. There, there everything will be alright."

Taking Coreg and HCTZ for High Blood Pressure for about four months..can side effects start after 4 months? BP is good with this combo, about 130/75. Taking Coreg 40Mg once a day and HCTZ 12.5 once a day. About a week ago started getting dizzy after eating. Could this be a result of the meds after taking for 4 months? I called DR. and they told me it was probably just the heat and to give it a week or two to see if it got better. Its got me nervous, though because I did not have many side effects to this medicine except a little insomnia and a little shortness of breath when exersising and was told this was normal for Coreg. 45 yrs old...any other ideas or experiences with Beta Blockers like this? Thanks!!

tlbrown42000 replied: "As a healthcare provider I agree with your provider. The fact that it is happening after eating especially leads me to think its not the beta blocker. Also , since you have been taking it for two months and it is effective...makes me think it is not the medication. Also, a problem like this that has only been going on for a week (and I am assuming that you are not passing out or it is limiting your life...other than anxiety) I also would see if it happens longer than it has."

24 yr old male with testosterone lvl of 440, is that low? I also have multiple cardiac problems....? 1. Is that low for my age range? The doctor told me anything from 300-1200 is considered normal.....I tried looking through the internet and it seems like all the sites that were saying that yes that is indeed too low, were pushing to sell testosterone treatments. So i don't know how solid their advice is. 2. The reason I got this test is I am experiencing increasing frequent ED problems. I am in right sided heart failure, I have pulmonary stenosis and a heart murmur. At the of 6 I had open heart surgery to correct VSD resulting in transposition of the great vessels....I am taking coreg(a beta blocker) and lisinopril i assumed the of being able to perform in bed was a result of all of the above. When i confronted the doc with why my bedtime fun is going to the crapper he suggested the testosterone test, which leads me to my question because when i went to talk to him about the results he seemed very much in a hurry, told me i was within the norm range and i said what about my sexual problems, he replied with "well we will have to do another testosterone test in 3 months because one isn't enough" the ED is creating rifts between my partner and I and I do not want to wait 3 more months for an answere, suggestions? ...thank you, it feels good to vent

retired47 replied: "A testosterone level of 440 is normal. The testosterone level varies during the course of a 24 hour cycle, usually peaking around 7 AM. Assuming your test was drawn at another time it is very normal. Beta blockers are well recognized to cause ED, and to a lesser degree ACE inhibitors (like lisinopril). Neither of these medications is a contraindication to using a medication like Viagra. Check with your cardiologist to see if he has any issues with you using Viagra, Levitra or Clialis."

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