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Cleanse Your body With the Lemonade Diet

Size matters. Big or small, the body has been the point of concern for man and woman. An ounce of excess fat and you can see people working out till they get rid of it. But where is the time for today's world to go to a gym and work out a toned body, every day. Walking is one of the best methods of  beats by dre exercise, but what use is walking down polluted roads filled with corrupted oxygen and gray concrete woods. A balanced, fresh food diet is what is needed to have a healthy, clean body.

The lemonade diet also known as the master cleanser, helps you to lose weight and cleanse your body organs of all impurities. It is a cleansing diet. Like every fruit juice diet, it is a fresh diet and short term. You need to follow the diet plan closely for at most a month to see its cleaning effects. More than weight loss, what a lemonade diet does is get rid off all the toxic substances hidden in various beats pas cher corners of your body and in the process remove the unnecessary fat as well.

The lemonade diet came into existence through Stanley Burroughs in the magazine, The Master Cleanser. This original diet plan has been revised and modified by expert dietitians like Peter Glickman. The plan is to drink only lemonade for 10 to 40 days, supplemented only by raw vegetables and other dietary foods. This consists of freshly squeezed lemon juice, pure water, B graded maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Along with this, you need to drink, every morning, salt water flush and also a laxative tea every evening. Peppermint tea can also be added to the diet.

As the diet closes to an end, it is important that you do not start eating normal food suddenly. You need to slow down the process starting with fresh raw vegetables and fruits and also cooked vegetable soups. The lemonade diet should be ended very slowly, and not in an abrupt manner.

The only concern about the effectiveness moncler pas cher of this diet plan is that it is deficient in the necessary nutrients needed by the body. As the body gets cleansed from its impurities you may experience short spans of nausea, vomiting and headaches. It is important that you follow your medical advisor's word while taking up this diet plan. Mostly 10 days are quite sufficient to feel the effect, but go with your physician's advice.

The lemonade diet has been proved to be a god way to cleanse your body, and although it is difficult to live by only fluids and liquids for more than a week, it is effective.