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Project Introduction: Madagascar Lemur

This project is about creating a Wed site for an endangered species. It is required by the Web Publisher course for Sweetwater High School, of which I am a high school student.

My instructor, Mr. Lopez, provided me a list of endangered species; I then have to select the endangered species for the Web site I am going to create.

The endangered species I selectec for this project is the Madagascar Lemur. The reason that I selected this animal are because the Madagascar Lemursemurs are primates that live only on Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. This interactive introduces eight of Madagascars unique lemurs. Compared to other primates, lemurs have smaller brains and rely more on their sense of smell than their sense of sight. Also, their hands and feet are not as well adapted for grasping as those of other primates. Lemurs are very much a part of the ecology of Madagascar. They eat fruits and berries and throw the seeds on the ground. This prompts the growth of new trees. However, modern life has begun to take its toll on the lives of these furry creatures.

By clicking on the above links of the Navigation bar, you can view the different information on the endangered species Lemur.

I hope you learn and enjoy the Web site I created.