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Dogs are considered to be the most popular of pets. Many people get dogs to have something there to love and care for so that they won't be lonely. Dogs are known to become "man's best friend". If you've ever had   a dog you will find this to be true. Dogs need lots of care. They need to be bathed, taken to the vet when necessary, go for walks to use the bathroom, have tons of space to exercise, need lots of water to keep them hydrated, and most importantly to be fed. Without supplying these things your dog can become very sick. Dogs are a lot to handle and need to be trained as soon as possible. They can cause a lot of damage to your home such as going to the bathroom in the house, eating at furniture, and also chewing at personal items. To ensure that your dog doesn't do any of these either take them to a local pet store that trains dogs or read about how to train a dog and do it yourself. I guarantee you will appreciate it in the long run. In all, dogs are wonderful animals.