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They say that a smile is the only curve that has the ability to set everything straight. But what if the smile reveals yellow cavity ridden teeth? No matter how lovely your smile is, if you don’t take care of your teeth, they can completely spoil any look that you create. People usually spend a lot of time and effort ensuring that their attire is appropriate and even take an effort to make their hair look different for the occasion. The teeth however are totally ignored after the mandatory brushing in the morning. In fact if that too was not a childhood habit, most probably people might even forget to clean their teeth in their rush to start the day. A note of caution, the state of your teeth and their health is very important. Visit here to know more.

Before stating anything, it is important to understand why the teeth are important. After all, men were not born with teeth, and when they die a natural death in their late years not many go with their teeth either. It is only their presence in the years between that play a part in our daily function. Teeth are important tools used by the body to cut, grind and chew food substances when they enter our mouth. The action of the teeth coupled with the sensory reaction to the food produces saliva in the mouth. This acts as a catalyst and helps break down the food further. Thus it becomes easier for the teeth to grind them to a paste before finally swallowing.

Check here the different functions of teeth. The two ends of the spectrum of age are sans teeth. In this age everything has to be mashed or soft for the baby or the old person to swallow. But in the years in between, men can enjoy a variety of food textures by using their teeth. Also, the teeth fill out the soft gap between the gums and the lips. Thus, they give the face its correct shape. With age the teeth fall out and the skin becomes loose again rendering a look of old age. With some people, the falling off of teeth starts earlier. Its either hereditary or lifestyle pattern. The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and excessive salty, sweet or oily food can have an adverse effect on the state of the teeth.

As food enters the mouth, the teeth grind it into a paste releasing its sugar and particles in the mouth. Even after the food is ingested, there is some amount of food left over in the mouth. Bacteria are present in the teeth in the form of a thin film called plaque.  Bacteria feed off these sugars by breaking them into acids. These acids are detrimental to the health of the tooth enamel. This can cause cavities. In extreme cases of negligence it can also cause gingivitis which is the inflammation of the gums. Read here how teeth are spoilt by what people intake.

Though teeth are usually forgotten in good health, when anything goes wrong with them then that is the only thing one can think of. Swollen or bleeding teeth or gums can make eating food, talking or even smiling very difficult. Learn ways of taking care of the teeth by visiting this website