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What is Sea Witchery?

    The Waters are full of Magick. The Moon controls the tides and the flow of energy. Tides waves are utilized as lunar phases are. When the tide is going out, the energy is decreasing, High tide coming in is increasing energy for magick, at high tide being the strongest point. By the Water is powerful for meditation, spell work, ritual celebration, yoga, inner healing, purification, removing negative energy from auras, and cleansing of magickal tools.

    Sea Witches have a long tradition of knot tying for protection. It is believed the Sea Witch tradition and Ocean travels started together. A Sea Witch ties a knot in a piece of rope or braid and knot sea or beach grasses at the time of high wind during a storm. A sailor takes the rope and when he truly needs a gust of wind, he will untie the knot and his sail will widen with wind. This has been done for centuries and continues today. The storm's energies are knotted into the rope with intention of love and bring the sailor home safely. If using sea grass use fresh or natural drying and wait to braid in the storm. More than one knot can be tied and can be used for different reasons or spells, and this can be done away from the Ocean. If you live somewhere far away from a Sea, lake, or pond, you can climb to a hill top during a storm, braid sweet grass or wheat, and do the same or save a breeze for a summer Ritual.


    Many magickal items are found at the Waters edge. Sand is placed around doorways for protection. Natures water is considered the best for Altar water and can be carried in a bottle for protection. Shells can be used to represent both Goddess and God on your altar, and a matched shell set can be used as a spell shell like a spell bottle. Shells also make great candle holders, wind chimes to draw spirits and banish negativity, ceremonial and mundane jewelry, Altar bowls for offerings, Altar water bowl and salt bowl, incense holders and even cauldrons and censors. Wands can be made from driftwood and adorned with shells and besomes can be made with driftwood and seaweed or the long grasses from along the beach and some people use palm leaves. Athames and Bolines can be made with found broken shells, barbs, and driftwood. Coconuts found floating in the water can be planted and grow to make a beautiful Maypole celebration, this is done for fertility and virility. Sand dollars are natural pentacles and are thought to bring prosperity and abundance. Seaweed is good for protection and prosperity. Different kinds of Sea Shells hold different energy properties like crystals and shells can be left or taken home for offerings.

    The elements of Earth, Water, and Air meet at the beach. Leaving an offering at the beach is very important but you must remember to not leave trash that could harm or kill marine life, sea life or humans. Many people leave glass bottle messages, this can be very dangerous to children playing on the beach, this can be done safely and there is places to leave spell bottles, you just have to look. Some people leave shells, some leave herbs, seeds, and roots like ginger, rosemary, and palm seeds. Some people burn incense, which is hard to do but many believe you need to only take incense to the beach for successful ritual or spell work, many find their tools right there and leave the tools each visit.

    Many people believe Sea Witches are related to mermaids, Some believe Sea Witches are mermaids. Mer-folk are Sea Gods and Goddess'. The first stories appeared in ancient Assyria, in which the Goddess Atargatis transforms herself into a mermaid out of shame for accidentally killing her human lover. Mermaids do not harm sailors, they do stop bad people from doing bad things, and they do not search out souls for killing. Mermaids are very genital and loving. In history they have been seen at all the great battles at sea, not because they enjoy the evils of war, but are drawn to the mystery of man's war. Mer-folk use spears for protection not for slaying or sacrificing. Many people believe beach glass is made by Mer-folk and given to their human they protect. So the next time you find a piece of glass at the beach, pick it up and blow a kiss to your friend and protector in the Sea.

     Sea Witchery follows the path of the wise. Sea Witches are just like any other Witch and live by the Sea, Lake, Pond, River, Stream, Creek and sometimes build garden ponds, small pools, or dry river beds of rock or purchase or build fountains to be close to water. I believe adding shells anywhere brings the Sea. The Sea Witch uses the complete daily and monthly phases of the Moon for Witchcraft. Some Sea Witches are solitary and some in Covens. Being natural Seers, Sea Witches use many ways of divination and love to scry using water. Scrying is not just used to see into the future, you can also see the past and present. This is a very powerful way to help people unto a path of personal success and happiness. Sea Witches are awesome tarot readers and great at palmistry and Sea Witches use Astrology and love Sprites. Sprites can be sometimes seen as orbs and bad omens but it is all in Ones own perception what is negative energy and what is positive.

     Some Sea Witches are vegetarian while others are not. Some are into pescetarianism while others will not touch fish but to save it's life. Your relationship with nature is between you and Nature and should not be dictated to you by any human force.

     Sea Witches use the power of the tides to drawn near the magick of Our Moon. Sea Witches believe in volunteerism, working at shelters, cleaning trash from the beach or a park, and making healing potions for the heart, mind and body. Sea Witches are environmentalists and conservationists. Sea witches use herbs, minerals, crystals, coral, water, and salt to heal and protect and work by all the moon phases. 

Many books can be found on the subject of Sea Witchery.

These are some of my favorites :)

Merry Part

Lady Aquarius