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As guide to the inner realms of understanding

As the energy of divine individuation, it is often considered our cosmic consciousness or the great "I Am." It is responsible for our sense of unity and when it is shut down, our separation. Spiritually, it's associated with universal peace, spiritual direction, and life force. Emotionally, it's associated with vitality, passion, and the excitement of knowing our deepest dreams and desires are being fulfilled. Mentally, it's associated with our connection to the divine mind. Physically, it's associated with the pineal gland, spinal cord, brain, and nervous system. It is our sense of unity. We activate this energy center through empathy and our ability to so completely put ourselves in another's moccasins that we understand their point of view - even if our own view is the very opposite. In meditation, we can access this energy center by visualizing a white or gold light above our head. By connecting with the light, it funnels down our body relaxing us into a deep peace and knowing that all is well. This chakra is associated with the number seven, the color purple or violet, and the musical note "B." It has 1,000 lotus petals. Each of the following sections highlights some of the subtle nuances the Infinite uses to guide us on our path and help us with decisions. By using them, you begin to tune-in to Spirit's call, and they, in turn then open you to recognizing your personal connection with the Infinite. From the Greek Mathematician Pythagoras in the sixth century B.C. to the Hebrew Kabala to present day Numerology, numbers are recognized as powerful vibrations of information. Some theorists even subscribe to the idea that abstract thought began when man first learned how to count. Mathematicians since Pythagoras have used numbers to try and solve all measure of man's existence. In 2005, the symposium, The Future of Life and the Future of Our Universe, dedicated to the memory of Carl Sagan and Joseph Shklovsky, was held at the Frankfurt University in Germany. It brought together world renowned scientists to present on various topics related to our future. Jose Korakutty Kanichukattu of India presented his research on Mathematics, Spirituality, and the Mystery of the Universe giving credence to the idea that there is a link between numbers and the Infinite. In his book A New Kind of Science, scientist Stephen Wolfram discusses his findings of the order and complexity of the universe existing in precise formulas, and Melissa Green found the likeness of the Buddha in her version of the Mandelbrot Set - a complex mathematical application.