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"Marching with Caesar Author, R.W. Peake (Ron Wilson)

In the following forum excerpt, historical fiction writer R.W. Peake self-admits to using racial  epithets  against people of color.

Warning: This contains extremely offensive racist insults of blacks and Asians:

"Yep, I called YOU a chimp, not people of color. So that's a distortion, which can be proven. One quick way is to post a picture of my former wife. That will kind of blow that whole thing.

But in fairness I corrected that; I said you're a rhesus, or a gibbon, because I didn't want to insult chimps. Chimps are smart; you're not.

And a simple Google of "gooks in the wire" will show that this is a common euphemism of Vietnam vets. And you ARE a Vietnam vet, right? In fact, you said YOU were the combat veteran, although you've never provided anywhere near the level of substantiation that I have."

-- R.W. Peake

Finally, directly below we have Mr. Peake's self-written bio in which he claims:

"...I have served as the pointy tip of the spear of our nation's policy..."

But the truth about this lie is now known too: R.W. Peake (Wilson) spent 20 years in the Marine Corps without serving a single day behind a pointed tip of a spear -- not one day of combat, an amazing accomplishment for someone who brags about being a "combat Marine Sniper."

Comment (R.W. Peake to a black forum member)

"I want to profoundly apologize for calling you a the chimpanzees. That was a horrible insult to their intelligence. I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to the rhesus and Capuchin monkeys everywhere for putting them in the same category as you. That wasn't fair to them.'

... R.W. Peake


You know, Peake, when I announced the R.W. Peake site was up and your friends and fans went to see it, they were shocked and appalled by it. They came back here and screamed at me to take it down. In other words, your opinion that I'm the only one offended when you call blacks "chimps" and Asians "gooks" was not shared by them. They felt I had exposed a side of you that was ugly and racist.

And you read what they had to say, you read it and still continue to spew your sickeningly racist comments as seen directly above.

I suppose you think you're being witty -- but if your fans and friends don't think it wit, R.W. Peake, who else would?

It's textbood racism, you moron.

If you call a black a "chimp" you are saying he is subhuman -- that's the rule.

If you call an Asian a "gook" you are saying he's not even human. That's the term Lt. Calley used when machined-gun women and children in Nam -- he called them "gooks."

If you call a Jew a "kike" that's wrong too.

Everyone in the world gets this, Peake, except you.

All your friends and fans get this Peake, except you.

Why don't you get it, R.W. Peake?

Re: Photos

Mr. Peake has presented  no evidence showing the photo is copyrighted. He seems to think because it is copyrighted in his book, this copyright extends to all other instances of the photo but this isn't how copyright law works at all.

The photo was downloaded from Amazon not copied from the book.

Were it copied from his book that copyright warning in his book would apply.

Mr. Peake is not a lawyer and simply confused on the point.