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Rubber Monkey is New Zealand’s leading audio and visual superstore, with offices in Wellington and Auckland. They specialize in hi-tech equipment, with over 15,000 products in their online store. Computers, video cameras, recording equipment, cables, surveillance systems, projectors … you name it, they’ve got it.


When it comes to audio and visual gear, these guys are experts. Each and every team member knows more than the average Joe about, say, camera lenses, or strobe lighting. This means that the catalogue of products has been carefully curated by people who understand the equipment and can answer any questions you may have.


Rubber Monkey is also a rental store, with gear available to hire. If you’re freelancing or doing a one off job, the Rental Department can equip you with custom made rigs, sound and lighting equipment, and more. A handy option, especially if you live in a flat with not a lot of storage space, or if you’re constantly on the move. This way you also get to try out loads of new gear without committing!


For studio lights, microphones, cameras and accessories or dash cam and more, visit this one-stop-shop. Invest in the best and forget the rest!

