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Journal Entry 1

How different they are from us! We told them that we were coming for them tonight. They seemed stunned. Suspicious at first, and then stunned. We carefully watched their moves after we left them. They all went to the other three… Why these particular people? What is it that drives them together?

Max stood outside her window, staring at her sleeping form. He couldn’t stay long, the others were waiting downstairs in the Jeep. She was curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed, hugging herself and the pain in his chest was becoming more unbearable with each passing moment. He hasn’t talked to her much since that day she left him to his destiny at the cave. They both knew why she did it, and he couldn’t blame her for knowing him better than he knew himself. For knowing that he had to come to terms with all these changes, before they could be together again. But now… now he had to leave.

His feet felt like lead as he slowly approached her bed. He prayed that she wouldn’t wake up, because he didn’t think he could go through with this if she did. The moon found each shiny strand of her hair and he ached to run his fingers through it one last time. He knelt by her bed, staring at her face. She was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He clenched his hands in her bedspread in an effort to keep from touching her. There were tear streaks on her cheeks and they made him die inside a little more. "I love you, Liz. Always." His voice was barely more that a whisper and thick with unshed tears. He placed the single white rose he had taken from his mother’s garden on her nightstand. Looking back at her, he repeated the promise that was written on the piece of paper that lay next to it: "Forever." If it were ever possible, he would return…


It happened early this morning. He waited until the Evans’ had gone to work before he went to see them. He told them his name was Nick and that he had come to find his leader. He explained that there was a group of them living here on earth. They were here to find Max and the others and teach them all they needed to know before they could all return to their planet. Max had demanded proof and he touched him, creating a connection that flooded him with images. Images of their mother and their planet. Images of them being put in the pods. Images of the crash. Max had stared at him in disbelief. Nick had apologized for the short notice, but said that others knew of them too by now and that they had to leave in a hurry. He would pick them up tonight and take them to the camp. Max’s people were waiting…


It was late at night by the time they arrived at the designated area where they were to be picked up. Max stood staring at the lights of Roswell on the horizon. Somewhere in that bundle of lights, slept his love. He felt like his chest was in an ever tightening vice for the third time in his life. The first time was when Liz was shot, the second when he watched her walk away from him on the day he learned about his cursed destiny. His hands balled into fists in the pockets of his pants. How was he supposed to leave without her? How was he supposed to LIVE without her?

He knew she still loved him, he knew he loved her, but what could he tell her that would change his destiny? By some unspoken agreement, they had decided to stay away from each other until they had more answers. Being together only to be torn apart later would be too hard… He didn’t want to leave, but how could he not do what she had freed him to do? Learn about his history and figure out his destiny. More importantly, figure out how she could fit into his destiny…

The were so caught up in their own little worlds of pain, that none of them realized that one member of their alien quartet had apparently not been invited…


Journal Entry 2

It has begun. I picked them up in the desert and gave him his first test. The reactions were telling… The other two looked uncomfortable, but the leader, he showed only shock.

Michael was the first to break the silence that hung between them. "Why the hell isn’t he here yet?" Max turned around at that, and for a moment, the other two saw a glimmer of the old Max, the one that Liz had brought out from behind the tree. His eyes were filled with such sorrow and loss for a moment, that Isabel gasped in reaction. Then the mask slid back in place, cutting off all emotion from his onlookers.

"We’ll wait another hour, the we-." Max was cut off by another voice.

"Don’t worry, we’re here!" Nick called from the darkness surrounding them. "We had unexpected business to take care of, but we’re ready to leave now." He came closer to Max, watching him intently as he brought the person walking behind him into full view.


Max stepped back involuntarily. The jumble of emotions at seeing his "bride" rendered him speechless. Tess didn’t have the same problem. She’s finally going to be alone with him away from Liz Parker. Even though Max and Liz were not together, her presence in the same vicinity as Max was still all that was needed to make Max focus on only one thing: the slender dark-haired girl that held his heart. Tess smiled at him. "Hi, Max! Can’t go home without me can you?" She walked over to him, causing Max to retreat from her further. Tess stopped, uncertain. She had assumed that the fact that Max and the others were here meant that they had accepted their destinies. But Max was looking at her as if he was hoping this was a nightmare that would go away soon.

Michael broke the tense silence. "Hi Tess. We… ah, we’re just surprised to see you!" Isabel elbowed him and he realized how that had sounded. "I mean we thought we’d meet you at the camp, I guess…" He trailed off, not knowing how to help his friend… his BROTHER, through this awkward moment.

"I can’t do this." Max’s voice was soft. He turned around, looking towards Roswell again. He was shaking and Michael and Isabel rushed to his sides. Isabel hugged him and spoke in a low, urgent whisper. "Max, please! We need you! This isn’t necessarily forever…" Max stood with his head bowed for another minute and then he squared his shoulders, as if gearing up for battle.

He turned to Nick, but continued to avoid Tess’ eyes. "Let’s go. Isabel, Michael and I will follow in the Jeep." He spun on his heels, not waiting to see if anyone was following his instructions.


Journal Entry 3

We will be arriving at the camp soon. The others have ahead to prepare for their arrival. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see our other surprises! But we’ll show them tomorrow. Springing Tess on them was enough for one night. This experiment is turning out to be more interesting that I anticipated.

The drive to the camp was completed in thundering silence. Max had closed his mind off from everything and only concentrated on following the taillights of the car in front of him. He was afraid to think or feel, because he knew he would lose it if he did. His heart was torn into little pieces by the goodbye to Liz and to top it all off, he would be stuck with his destiny bride for however long this training is going to take. He clutched the steering wheel in a death grip, not paying particular attention to where they were going. He didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be in such pain and not die…

They had driven for about three hours when the camp came into view. It was a sprawling assortment of tents and vehicles and the sight made Max feel sick. Yes, he had always dreamed of what meeting people of his own kind would be like, but his dream had never looked like this. Somehow, he had always pictured the scene to be more joyous. And in his dreams, Liz had been at his side.

A small crowd had assembled by the time the vehicles came to a halt in the middle of the camp. Max got out and helped Isabel alight from the back of the Jeep. She clutched his hand desperately and he shook himself mentally. Izzy, who was normally the Ice Queen herself, was scared and he needed to be strong for her. He swallowed, fighting down all the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

The people bowed low before them when the turned around. Isabel had to fight down hysterical laughter. These people were worshipping her controlling brother! She looked up at Max and saw his grim expression as his hand tightened around hers. He was just as uncomfortable with the whole experience.

Nick, with Tess at his side, stepped forward to welcome them. "Welcome to all of you! We have waited and searched for you for so long. Our people are proud to finally meet you and know that your parents would have been thrilled to see how well you’ve grown up." Max was getting irritated by the man’s speech. He desperately needed to be someplace by himself so he could deal with all that has happened to him today.

He looked around at all the expectant faces around him. They were all staring at him with a kind of awe and he wanted to scream at them all. Scream at them for taking Liz from him. For reminding him that he was not human. For expecting so much from a 17-year old guy. ‘Liz, I need you so right now!’ But his mouth stayed shut.

When Nick finally ended his spiel, Max only mumbled: "Thank you."

Nick took them to their tents afterwards, saying that it was late and they were probably tired. Max and Michael got their own tents, but Isabel and Tess shared one. They were too stressed and tired to question why.

Max stumbled into his tent and crawled into bed. Reaction was setting in. He had to fight down the tears and took deep breaths to calm himself. He needed to rest so he could figure out what to do about all he had learned today. He closed his eyes and prayed for sleep. Then he felt it, a whisper of something at the edge of his consciousness. It went away before he could grasp it, but for a moment, just for a moment, it had felt like… Liz was near.

Journal Entry 4

All except Tess had a restless night. She seemed happy to be out here, but then, she has been least affected by being on earth. The second test proved to be a huge contrast to the first. We need to note the behavior carefully to draw conclusions later.

"Liz!" Max awoke with a start the next morning to unfamiliar surroundings, his heart was pounding and the sound of his own voice rang in his ears. He had been crying out her name again. It had become a regular occurrence since that day at the cave. He would dream about her being with him, happy and carefree, and then suddenly the dream would change and she would suddenly disappear from his arms.

He had slept fitfully throughout the nigh, his awareness of Liz kept getting stronger. He even imagined her whispering his name in one of the many moments he spent in that gray area between wakefulness and slumber. How could that be? She was in Roswell, probably waking up right now and learning that he had left her. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how hurt she would feel and he prayed that she didn’t believe he left because he didn’t love her. In the bright morning light, the flower seemed so inadequate to express his feelings. He closed his eyes tightly and waited for the intense pain in his chest to subside. It didn’t…

They were shown around the campsite during the morning and Max was quite impressed at how well equipped it was. There were bathrooms situated in some trailers as well as a communal kitchen and dining area. He was getting very uncomfortable with all the stares and bows they were attracting though. How weird that these people just accepted him as their leader. He was also not used to being in the limelight like this. Max stopped in his tracks when Nick seemingly deliberately skipped a tent during their tour. A desperate need to see what was inside taking hold of him.

Michael, Isabel and Tess turned around questioningly at his action. Max was staring at the tent they had just passed. His hands were balled into fists at his side as if he was trying to keep himself from reaching out to something. Iz walked over to him and touched his arm, making him jump. "Max, what is wrong? You’re acting really strange."

Max returned his gaze to the tent. He had that feeling again. The one he always got when Liz was near. It was like a feather being run down his spine really softly and it made his body hum with awareness. "I don’t know Iz, but I feel Li-." He cut himself off abruptly. How could he tell Izzy about the weird awareness? He knew they were all missing their significant others and continuing to harp on it will just make things worse. He also didn’t want Tess to hear what he was experiencing. He turned away from the tent. "Its nothing. I’m just… tired, I guess." But he had to force his feet to move away.

Nick was watching all this from a distance, an unreadable expression in his eyes. He waited until the group had caught up with him again, noting the reluctance with which his young leader was dragging himself away from the tent. He smiled at them when they drew close: "Let’s go have breakfast!"

Breakfast was a subdued affair and it was clear that three of the four new arrivals at the camp were under tremendous strain. They were just pushing their food around on their plates, while Tess was chattering away happily. Nick explained some of the activities at the camp, but he seemed reluctant to answer their questions about their home planet. He also watched Max continuously, a fact that didn’t escape either Isabel or Michael.

Max felt like he could jump out of his skin with anxiety. The sensation that Liz was thinking of him was really strong and he didn’t know what to make of it. He had never been this intensely aware of her. Sure, they had shared flashes when they kissed and he could also always tell where she was in a room without looking, but this was different. Was it just because of his heightened emotional state and the fact that he worried that she was upset about him leaving? Or was she in trouble? Fear for her was occupying his mind and he had to fight to keep himself from jumping up from the table and running to the Jeep to go home and find her.

The sudden silence around the table brought him back to the present. Everyone was staring at him and he realized he must have missed something during the discussion. Isabel was looking worried again and Michael had a scowl on his face. Nick repeated his question: "Is something bothering you, Max?"

Max looked at him, unsure of what he could, and should, say. Nick was watching him intently and he saw something flicker in the man’s eyes. It was gone before he could place it and Max decided that it was time he took some action or he would lose his mind. "Could you show us what’s inside that tent we missed this morning?"

He expected Nick to hedge or look concerned, but instead he just smiled and nodded. "I think that’s a good idea."

Max fairly bolted from the table and waited impatiently at the entrance for Nick to precede him. His heart was racing. Somehow he knew that this tent held something important.

When they finally reached the tent, Max realized he was trembling. What the hell was going on with him? He hoped it was just reaction from all that transpired in his life the past few weeks, but deep in his heart he knew that it had much more to do with this awareness of Liz and that she needed him.

"Wait here for a minute." Nick was looking at Max when he spoke.

Max gritted his teeth and nodded. This was excruciating. He listened to the subdued voices coming from the tent, but couldn’t place any of them.

Isabel was at his side again. "What is in this tent, Max?" she whispered urgently. "Why are you so-?" She stopped when she realized that Max wasn’t listening to her, but staring at the entrance of the tent where Nick had disappeared.

Nick appeared in the door and motioned them in. Max, normally such a gentleman, was the first in the door.

The inside was dim and Max blinked a few times to get his eyes accustomed to the reduced light. Four people were standing to the side, watching him anxiously. He swung in a slow circle, puzzled at the barrenness of his surroundings. No furniture was visible, only three beds at the far end. He suddenly felt like the breath was squeezed from his lungs by a giant fist. The three beds were occupied and he knew, without being able to see her, that Liz was in one of them…


Journal Entry 5

He knew she was here. I could see it in his eyes all through breakfast. This human girl, to whom he has no genetic link, was close and he was silently going insane because of it. I wondered how long it would be before he would ask. I was surprised though, that he also knew precisely where she was… But I was not surprised at his anger over our methods.

Max couldn’t remember moving from just inside the door to the side of her bed. He only started functioning again when he dropped to his knees at her bedside. It fleetingly reminded him of last night and that awful farewell, but this time he didn’t hesitate, he grabbed her hand. She was sleeping and didn’t move when he touched her. She looked angelic and peaceful and he loved her even more.

He felt momentarily faint with the relief of seeing her here and realizing she was not in any danger. "Liz!" His voice was filled with all the love and longing he felt for her. He was dimly aware that Michael and Isabel had run to join Alex and Maria at the other beds, but he couldn’t take his eyes of Liz. He leaned forward and put his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and whispering brokenly: "I’ve missed you…"

Instead of hearing her soft voice answering him, he was assailed by images of the night before. Liz waking up soon after he left and finding the rose. The tears coursing down her cheeks as she realized what the scrawled ‘Forever’ meant. Her shock and fear as two men suddenly appeared in her room, bidding her come with them. How she didn’t want to, but was told it would save Max. How she was drugged in the car…

Max pulled away from her and whirled towards Nick, fury in every line of his body. "What did you do to her?" he yelled, advancing on Nick.

Nick held up his hands in defence. "I’m sorry, but we couldn’t let them see how we got here. They’re fine! They will wake up soon."

Max halted and turned back to look at the sleeping Liz, loath to move far away from her. "But why are they here? Why did you bring them here?" His voice had a mingled note of hope and desperation in it.

Nick just smiled that enigmatic smile that they all knew by now. "All in good time, young sir."

Journal Entry 6

It is amazing to watch them together. The air around them is charged with unspoken emotions and they get wrapped up in each other completely. How effortless it all seems!

Max went back to Liz’s side, his fingers skimming her face reverently. Nick could only watch in wonder as his race’s young leader leaned in and softly kissed the girl in the bed, uttering whispered professions of love.

Tess was furious. The biggest obstacle between her and Max Evans’ complete devotion was back. She folded her arms and glared at her nemesis before erupting into speech. "They can’t stay here! It would be too dangerous for us."

Nobody listened to her, they were all too absorbed in the reunions.

"Max…" Liz called his name softly, still in her drugged state. Tears leaked from her eyelids as she clutched Max’s hand tighter.

Max made a distressed sound and gathered her into his arms. He stood up and faced the silent audience. "I’m taking her to my tent." His voice was determined and flat. He didn’t wait for any reaction, but strode out with Liz cradled protectively in his arms.

A stir went through the camp following Max’s silent progress towards his tent. He didn’t even notice. His eyes never left Liz.

Back in his tent, he lay her down gently on his bed and slid in next to her. The bed was narrow, but that didn’t matter as he pulled her flush with his body and encircled her with his arms. His heart rate was still not back to normal and he willed himself to calm down for her sake. So many thoughts were racing through his head. ‘Liz is here! Why did they bring her here? She won’t be safe! Liz is here!’ He hugged her close as his heart and soul sighed: ‘Liz is here.’

Liz whimpered softly and stirred. Confusion flooded her. The last thing she remembered was the piece of material over her mouth in an unknown car and the knowledge that she had somehow failed Max again. Then she remembered that Max had left and she moaned, the sound full of despair.

Max gasped as the sound cut into his heart. He pulled away from her. "Liz! You’re okay. I… You’re okay. Shhh."

Liz was afraid to open her eyes. Maybe if she kept them closed, this dream would not end. She was in Max’s arms again and it was pure bliss to relive the feelings of love and protection that always resulted from that. As she slowly drifted closer to full consciousness, the sensation of Max’s closeness increased. His arms were crushing her into his body, his breath on her skin, his heart thundering in her ear and finally, his broken words of comfort registered.

Liz jerked away from him abruptly, nearly tumbling over the side of the bed before Max caught her. She stared at his wildly, afraid to believe that what her eyes were showing her was the truth. Then she saw the hurt look on Max’s face and realized that it was really him. He was here… with her.

The fist crushing his heart was back. She was afraid of him. Afraid that he would hurt her again! He had trouble getting his voice to work: "Liz! Please… I…"

She didn’t give him a chance to finish. She flung herself onto him and pressed her mouth to his. She kissed him desperately, curling her arms around his neck and running her hands into his hair. Her breathing was short and labored and the tears falling from her eyes wet his face as she rained kissed all over it. "Oh god, I thought I would never see you again!" she muttered against his lips.

She kissed him again, and Max finally came out of his stupor. He encircled her with his arms and slid his hand into her hair, deepening their kiss. He never wanted this moment to end. Liz was back in his arms where she belonged and that was all that mattered.

The timber of the kiss changed slowly as desperation was steadily replaced by desire. Max ran his hands down her back, sliding them lower until he reached her thighs. They both groaned as he pulled her astride his hips, her knees resting on the bed at his sides. He cupped her rear with one hand, pressing her closer into his body, while he brought the other one back up to press between her shoulder blades, sealing her to him from breast to thigh. Their tongues danced against each other, tasting and caressing and Max greedily caught each of her soft moans with his mouth.

Liz felt lightheaded. His heat was burning her through her clothes and increasing the ache low in her stomach. She experimentally rubbed herself against him, trying to assuage the building need in her body. Her movements caused a trembling to start deep inside her body, and only served to increase the instinctive need to have Max inside her.

Max moaned against her mouth and rolled her over until she was pinned beneath him. Tearing his mouth away from hers, he kissed down her jaw line to her neck, causing her to arch her head in ecstasy. He bit down her neck to her T-shirt’s neckline and reached up to pull the shirt from her shoulder. He ran his tongue over her collarbone, passionately tasting her.

Liz arched her body into his. "Max, please… touch me!" She grabbed his hand and brought it to the exposed part of her stomach where her shirt had ridden up.

Max pulled away to look at her. His eyes were dark and hooded with passion. He was breathing like he’d run a marathon. His eyes fell to her mouth, swollen as a result of his kisses and he watched as she formed another plea. "Please…"

He took her mouth again almost roughly. Plundering its depths in an almost frantic need to be as close to her as possible. At the same time he slid his hand up under her shirt, trailing fire where he touched. He hesitated when he reached her rib cage, just below her breasts. This was as far as they’ve ever gone, but right now, Liz needed more. She put her hand over his and urged him higher.

"Aren’t you two forgetting someone?" A sharp voice intruded on their haze of passion. The both blinked in an effort to find the origin of the intrusion.

Max finally turned towards the entrance to his tent, his hand slowly slipping from underneath Liz’s shirt. The cold feeling around his heart returned, because in the doorway stood his alien wife.

Journal Entry 7

How right we were to bring them all here! Back in their earth homes they were all ignoring the realities around them, not facing the decisions that had to be made. Decisions that would decide the rest of their lives… the rest of our lives. Decisions based on destiny… duty… and this unknown force that drives humans: love.

Max stared at Tess and in an instant, reality came crashing back. Nothing has changed. Tess was still his destiny, he still had no answers for Liz about how his life is going to turn out, and worst of all, it still seemed like he would have to leave to go to another planet soon. He felt like screaming at the unfairness of the whole situation, but instead he just said wearily: "Tess, please leave us alone. Liz and I need to talk."

Tess would have none of it. "I don’t think so! That didn’t look like talking you two were just doing!"

Max heard Liz gasp and looked back at her. Her eyes were swimming with tears and he felt like his heart was being torn to shreds. He instinctively took Liz’s hand, causing another outburst from Tess: "Hey! I’m still here!"

Max nearly lost it. "Get out, Tess! I’ll talk to you later!" Both Tess and Liz looked surprised at the authority ringing in his voice. Max’s leadership was becoming second nature and so did his expectation that people would obey.

Tess pinned Liz with a death stare, causing Max to move in front of her protectively. "Fine! But you remember that to the people in this camp, I am you wife! So you better start acting like a husband." She turned on her heel and flounced out, leaving a painful silence in her wake.

Max turned to Liz and touched her cheek gently. He didn’t know what to say to her. He wanted to tell her that what had just happened between them was how things were meant to be. That he loved her even more today than ever. That she was made for him and to be in his arms. That no alien bride from the past will ever change that. But his mind reminded him of a duty to a whole population. "Liz… love, I-."

"I can’t be your love, Max." Liz interrupted him, trying to ignore his distressed gasp. But she couldn’t ignore the hurt in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, she covered his hand on her cheek with hers. "Max, I love you. I love you so much it hurts, but this situation is impossible…" She begged with him with her eyes not to make this any harder on her. "I need you to be what these people need you to be: their leader. You can’t do that being torn in two between me and… and Tess."

She was humbling him yet again with her unselfish love. Max bit his lip and stared at his hand in hers. It was where it belonged. When he finally looked in her eyes again, his voiced was strong and sure when he spoke: "Liz, I love you. I’ve always loved you and I promise you something today. I promise you that I will do whatever I have to do for us to be together. I’ll find a way. I can’t help these people without you. I can’t… and I don’t want to." He looked at her pleadingly. "Just… trust me, okay?" He took a deep breath and said something he had been afraid to say for so long. "And wait for me…"

Liz was overwhelmed. She so badly wanted to believe in Max. She wanted to believe that he could somehow create a future for them. She knew the longer she stayed with him, the harder it would be to let him go. But wasn’t love worth taking such a chance? Wasn’t Max?

Max watched anxiously as she thought about his request. He didn’t know what he would do if she said no. No wait, he did. He would MAKE her stay with him… even if he had to tie her to his bed! He had to stifle a groan as a picture of her tied to his bed filled his imagination.

Liz ended his daydream. "Yes, Max. I’ll wait." The next moment she was crushed against his chest, her head pressed under his chin. Liz reveled in the strength of the arms holding her, in the hardness of his body and in the emotion in his voice as he reiterated his promise: "I’ll find a way. I love you!"

Journal Entry 8

What is this desperate need to be physically close that rules these humans so? Even without genetic programming, the need arises and when denied, it becomes an obsession. In our culture, the need to procreate comes from DNA coding, but here it seems to be an involuntary part of being "in love". And we’re back to that concept: love.

Liz rubbed her face against his neck and shifted in his arms until she was sitting on his lap. Max helped her closer, but she couldn’t fail to notice that he was carefully keeping her away from the lower part of his body. Now that the emotional side of their reunion was out of the way and she saw a glimmer of hope that things might work out for them, she felt brave enough to be playful. Max has already acknowledged that he loved her, but now she wanted him to acknowledge that he wanted her too. Just like she wanted him…

Sighing languidly, she opened her mouth against the cords in his neck. Slowly running her tongue over his skin. Max jerked away in surprise. She looked at him, not trying to hide the desire in her eyes and he inhaled sharply.

"Liz." His voice sounded strangled. "We can’t… I have to sort out this mess first." But he wanted to give in and Liz could see it in his eyes. She decided to allow him a false sense of security for a few minutes.

Getting up from his lap (and noticing how reluctantly he let her go), she turned away to the door. "I guess I have to go find a place to sleep and then I’d dearly like to take a shower." She only walked a few paces before his voice stopped her.

"Liz wait." The inflection in his voice was eerily reminiscent of the one he used during their camp-out with their fathers a few months ago. She stopped but did not turn around. The next move was his.

Coming up behind her, he put his arms around her waist. He pressed his face into her hair and held her quietly to him for a few precious moments. Max knew he had to let her go, but he also knew this would be the last time in a long while that he would be able to be this close to her.

Liz tilted her head to the side and pressed her cheek to his. Her arms came up to rest on his and she tangled their fingers together. When Max still didn’t move, she turned her head further, her mouth inches from his. "Kiss me goodbye, Max."

Max closed his eyes and then opened them again as he turned his face to reach her mouth. He kissed her slowly and deeply while they stood as they were, her back to his front. It wasn’t nearly enough for both of them. Max shifted her slightly and pressed her head into his shoulder as he increased the pressure on her mouth. He let one hand move to her hip, while the other slid into her shirt once again. The skin of her stomach was smooth and taut and his fingers registered the tiny tremors that followed his touch. Liz made a small sound in the back of her throat, while her hands came up to circle his neck. This time no one interrupted them and Max finally let his hand come to rest in the hollow between her breasts. He pressed his palm against her, feeling the racing beats of her heart reverberate through his hand.

They pulled apart breathlessly. Staring into each other’s eyes for endless moments. ‘I love you.’ It remained unspoken, but rang clearly between them.

Liz turned towards him slowly, causing his hand to brush over her breast. The fleeting touch was electrical and she bit her lip to keep herself from crying out. She heard Max’s short expelled breath and when she finally faced him, his eyes were running hungrily over her chest.

Max was fighting to get air into his lungs. Lust was slamming through his body and the small rational voice inside his head was rapidly being drowned out. Pulling her to him forcefully, his mouth descended on hers again. He devoured her lips. His open mouth slanting over hers as their tongues tangled together. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and felt his blood race through his veins. This was heaven and he wanted it all.

A nagging little thought kept him from carrying Liz to his bed. He had a wife… Pulling away from her, he stumbled away a few paces, not looking at Liz. If he looked at her now, he would never let her leave. He jammed his hands into his pockets and spoke quietly, a note of desperation in his words: "Just go… please. I’ll see you later."

Liz was hugging herself to make up for the sudden chill of his physical absence. Watching him, she could see tension screaming from every line of his body. It was killing him to let her leave. Licking her lips that were puffy and tender from his passionate assault, she nodded and left quietly.

Max felt her absence immediately. The awareness of her dimming to a soft whisper at the periphery of his soul. He was still desperately trying to get his breath back, but his mind was already jumping ahead to all the things he needed to get done. He needed to talk to that Nick guy and find out exactly what the deal was with his "destiny bride". He needed to know what was expected of him as leader. He needed to know how long it would be before he could be with Liz again… he balled his hands into fists as the sensations of touching her came rushing back. Dreaming of touching her was one thing, but the reality was something else. Max wondered how on earth he was going to keep his distance from Liz until he figured out a way to be with her legally. Wanting her was an ache in his gut and it was going to take all his strength to keep his hands off her from now on…

Journal Entry 9

Its always interesting to see what the addition of an unknown element will do to an experiment. Whether the original elements will retain their basic characteristics or whether they will change into something new altogether.

When Liz came out of Max’s tent, the bright sunlight hurt her eyes momentarily. The parting was bittersweet. She knows now that he still loved her deeply and that he wanted to be with her more than anything else. But Max’s overriding sense of duty was driving her crazy. Her heart was wondering why he couldn’t just say ‘screw destiny’ and leave this place with her, but her mind reminded her that she loved him BECAUSE he was so serious and responsible. The only thing was, she didn’t think she could be without Max… ever again! She had tried to do the noble thing, but it nearly killed her to walk away from him like that. She could never do that again. Max had to find a way for them to be together. He just had to!

Liz looked around at the assortment of tents and trailers around her. She suddenly realized that she didn’t have a clue where to go. The only time she’s been awake in this camp was when she was with Max just now…

"Liz Parker?" A voice interrupted her thoughts. The speaker was an attractive, tall man with piercing green eyes. He wore a pair of jeans and a loose shirt, his faced was tanned and he had a mop of sandy blonde hair.

Liz was feeling really uncertain of herself right now, so she only nodded. She wished she could run back into Max’s arms and wait for him to sort everything out, but Max had made it clear that he needed some time alone.

The guy came forward with a smile, his hand outstretched. "Hi, my name is Jans. Nick sent me to help you to your tent."

Liz stared at him suspiciously, causing him to drop his hand and broaden his smile. "Maria is waiting for you! And we’ve put your bag in there already." He pointed: "Its this way."

Liz was really tired after all the stress of the previous evening and the recent intensity with Max, so she followed him meekly. After a while, she noticed he was staring at her and she frowned at him.

He looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry, its just… you’re really lovely!" He blurted out. "Its like you shine from within."

Liz’s face softened in a smile. "Thank you." She knew exactly why she looked like that. Max Evans loved her…

Jans was being really charming, telling her what some of the tents and trailers were being used for. He kept throwing glances in her direction as he talked. He said that they were all really exited that their leader and his family were finally here. Liz had been listening to the story intently, desperate to learn everything she could about Max’s people. But his last comment reminded her abruptly of the fact that, in the eyes of the inhabitants of this camp, Max had a wife.

She was relieved when he finally stopped in front of a tent, on the other side of the camp from Max’s, and said that this was where she would stay with Maria. She tried to smile up at Jans before she went inside. He was the only person apart from Max, Michael and Isabel and her human counterparts that she knew here and who knows, she might need him again.

He stopped her, his hand on her arm. "That is your bathroom trailer." He pointed past their tent. "And I’ll come find you later this afternoon for the official tour." Liz smiled back at him in thanks and went inside.


"Lizzie!" Maria squealed as soon as she laid eyes on her and nearly ran her to the ground. "I was beginning to wonder what Max was doing with you!" She said with an evil grin. "And from the looks of you, I was right to worry!"

"Maria!" Liz cried, mortified, but smiling. "We… we had to talk about a few things…"

Maria was still grinning. "Hmm, yeah, those lips are so puffy from a lot of talking! Riiight!" She hugged Liz and whispered in her ear: "But I’m glad to see you smiling again, chica! I was worried."

Liz couldn’t help blurting out the good news. "Oh Maria, he still loves me! And he’s working on a plan to get out of this destiny thing!" She hugged Maria again. "So tell me, how did it go with Michael?"

Maria grinned and shrugged. "You know Michael, non-verbal communication only! Not that I complained!" She was laughing now. "Anyway, from the non-verbal communication I gathered that he wasn’t too thrilled about his destiny either!"

The two friends smiled at each other. There was hope after all!

"Let’s go shower!" Maria yelled. "And then I need to find out how long we’re going to have to stay here!"


Max decided to go see the others after he had a shower. A long cold one. He ran into Tess when he came out of the showers and the look on her face told him he didn’t want to have this discussion right now.

"Max!" Tess planted herself in his path, her hands on her hips. "You need to stop encouraging Liz Parker in her fantasy that you two will get together some day. Its really unfair towards her." Max gaped at her, but Tess continued blithely: "I mean, rather break her heart now. Its not nice to prolong the torture!"

Max couldn’t believe his ears. How deluded was this girl? Did she honestly see that scene in his tent and think he was HUMORING Liz? He opened his mouth to retort, but realized they were gaining an audience, so he pulled her into his tent by her arm.

Tess pressed against him as soon as they were inside. "See, I knew you wanted me!"

Max stepped away from her. "No Tess, I’m sorry, but I don’t. There’s only one girl I want and that’s Liz. How many times do we have to have this discussion?" His voice was weary. "And I’m going to be honest with you. If there’s any way out of this destiny thing, I’ll use it to be with Liz."

Tess’ mouth drew into a thin line with anger. "No Max, you are wrong and I’m going to prove it to you!" She stormed out of the tent for the second time that morning.

Max immediately went in search of Michael and Isabel. He found them in Michael’s tent. They looked a little happier than the last time he had seen them, but not much.

Max frowned. "What’s up with you two?"

Isabel and Michael glanced at one another before Izzy spoke: "Its just… we have Alex, Liz and Maria back here, but we’re living in a fool’s paradise Max. We can’t be with them! Not here in this camp full of people from out planet! People who are waiting for us to fulfill our destinies and save our planet! I didn’t think our situation could get any worse, but it has…"

Max had turned grim halfway through her speech. "No Isabel. I don’t accept that. We need to talk to Nick to sort out what our destinies entail exactly. I don’t see why I have to be with Tess for me to help my people. I need Liz too much…"

Michael got angry. "Maxwell, this is about much more than your idea of true love. This is about saving a planet. How can you be so self-absorbed that you can’t see that?"

"I know that Michael! I WANT to help these people, I just don’t see why it cannot be on my terms." Max’s voice was rising in anger. "And we’re just assuming a lot of things about our destinies, we need to go on real facts before we make a decision! And I’m not letting Liz leave this camp until I have some answers!"

"Maxwell, I like Liz and she’s done a lot for us, but this obsession with her has gotten us… has gotten YOU into a lot of trouble before and you better get a hold of yourself. Liz is only a girl--."

Max interrupted him. "No Michael. She’s not ‘only a girl’. She’s Liz." He said that as if it provided all the answers. "I love her and I’m not giving her up."

A stunned silence greeted his announcement. Of course they had all assumed that Max was in love with Liz, but hearing him say it out loud was still a shock. Even more so because Michael and Isabel knew that Max would not say something like that lightly.

After a few moments of silence, Max turned around. "Let’s go find Nick."


Journal Entry 10

So they’ve all met with the humans. I knew the questions were coming, but there was no way that I could answer them now without hampering the experiment. Could physical attraction become a threat to what is supposed to be? We needed to change the setting for the experiment one more time to find some clues to this.

Nick was outside the tent when they came out. He noticed that Isabel looked worried, Michael sullen and Max determined.

"Nick, we need to speak to you. Right now." Max didn’t even realize how overbearing he sounded. Nick stifled a smile. The past was slowly gaining on his young leader.

"Actually, I was coming to get you. We need to start with your training-."

Max didn’t let him finish. "No, this is more important. We need some answers."

Nick looked at him steadily. "No, your training is more important. We are running out of time." He saw the shock in Max’s eyes. "We need to leave the camp for a few nights to train. You better go pack and get ready. We leave in an hour." He turned to Max: "I’m sorry. We may get some time to talk in the desert."

He left them there, staring at his back as he walked away.


Liz was lying on her bed when Maria came running in. "Liz, they’re leaving!"

Liz sat up, a cold hand clutching her heart. "What do you mean ‘they’re leaving?"

"Michael just told me that they were going into the desert to train for a few days. And that we should stay here and stay out of trouble."

Maria was on the way out again when she saw Liz still sitting on her bed, hugging her knees. "Aren’t you coming to say goodbye?"

"Is Tess going?"

Maria frowned. "Yes… but Lizzie, he loves you don’t worry!"

Liz dropped her head to her knees. "Tess will only cause a scene if I’m there, Maria. He knows I love him and that I’ll miss him…" Her head snapped up suddenly. "No wait, could you give him something from me?" She scrambled to her bag and dug out her journal and a pen. She tore out a clean sheet and wrote something on it. "Here, please give this to him. But don’t let-."

Maria sighed. "Don’t let anyone see. I know! I don’t’ know why you and Max make everything so hard for yourselves, but yes, I’ll give it to him." She left shaking her head.

Max, Tess, Isabel and Michael were standing at Max’s Jeep with Nick when Maria arrived. She saw how Max looked beyond her, obviously wondering where Liz was. His gaze came back to Maria and, not for the first time, Maria marveled at the emotion Liz Parker was able to inspire in stoic, serious Max Evans. She took a deep breath, walked over and hugged Max, handing him the piece of paper so that no one else could see it. When she pulled away, everyone was staring at her in surprise. Everyone but Michael, that is. Maria chuckled when she saw the death stare Michael was giving Max. More non-verbal communication!

Max was oblivious to all the undercurrents around him. The piece of paper was burning a hole in his pocket and he excused himself saying he forgot something in his tent. Running around the first corner he could find, he stopped and opened the note. Her handwriting, so familiar from all those combined biology notes, filled the page:

With this note I’m sending you a kiss for every minute we’ll be apart. My heart is already with you, it always has been. But my body will miss being close to you while you’re away. Come back soon!



Max took a deep breath and reread the note. He couldn’t leave without saying goodbye! He took off in the direction of Liz’s tent, praying that the group waiting for him will not come looking for him.

Liz was still sitting on her bed when Max came barging in. He didn’t stop but scooped her up into his arms and kissed her. The kiss was full of longing and hunger and desperation for the time apart that was coming. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and held on, marveling in his passion. His tongue teased her lips until she opened her mouth and he made a satisfied sound as he deepened the kiss. He used his arm around her waist to lift her up into his body and his other hand tangled in her hair, arching her neck to allow him complete access to her mouth.

Liz tasted all he didn’t have time to say on his lips. That he would miss her. That he would come back. That he loved her more than life itself.

They finally broke apart, both gasping for air. Max hugged her against him so hard that she had trouble breathing. But that was fine with her!

He finally stepped back from her and stared in her eyes. "Liz…"

"I know. Me too…" She whispered back. Then he was gone.

Journal Entry 11

The training went well. Michael needs some work, but Max, he was focussed and effective. Was it because the girl wasn’t here? We decided to increase the pressure on him, watching his reactions. Nothing really affects him deeply, nothing but the possibility that the girl may leave his life. The evidence is piling up.

They were gone for four days. Four days in which Liz’s body was starting to ache from being separated from Max’s. She would wake shaking and aroused during the nights, knowing without evidence that he was thinking of her. Knowing that he had been dreaming of her… of them. She would whisper his name: "Max…" hoping he would hear somehow and know she thought of him too.

During the days, Liz, Maria and Alex spent most of their time with Jans. He took them around the camp, had lunch with them, told them stories about the people in the camp. He seemed entranced by Liz, his eyes followed her everywhere and he touched her whenever he got a chance. Hugging her lightly when she laughed, pushing her hair out of her face when it escaped its ponytail. Maria and Alex looked at each other every time this happened, wondering how Max would take all of this.

Liz didn’t seem to notice. Half of her thoughts were always with Max. She wondered how he was doing with Tess. She had moments where it felt like he was standing next to her, about to touch her and she could feel the heat of his hand on her skin. These moments were so real that disorientated her and she had to make up excuses for her lapses in concentration to her friends. She was getting comfortable with Jans and was hungry to learn everything that she could. She so wanted to make Max proud.

Most of the people in the camp were involved in crafts that they could sell later to buy supplies for the camp. Maria had immediately joined some women who were making clothes. Mostly shirts and blouses in wonderful colors. Alex seemed a bit lost until he found out the camp had a few computers from which the group was doing some research. He subsequently volunteered to help with the software.

This left Liz alone with Jans again. So they talked about biology and how little difference there was between Max, Michael and Isabel’s bodies and those of humans.


Max was frustrated after the first two days of training. Not with the training, but with Nick’s unwillingness to tell him anything that would help him and Liz. He had carefully avoided answering any of Max’s questions about his past. About their home planet and their parents. And mostly about him being married to Tess.

Tess was also doing her best to make his life hell. She practiced her mind control almost exclusively on him, sending him images of them being together in the most basic of ways. It only started going better when he exploded after a particularly graphic vision that left him trembling with an assortment of emotions. Nick took her to the side and spoke to her quietly while Max tried to get the images from his mind. They were so different from the ones his imagination conjured up on its own accord. Those were filled with images of Liz. Of how perfect she would look and feel, lying in his arms with her bare skin next to his. He grimly realized that the only thing Tess’ visions managed to do was increase his fantasies about Liz.

He would wake up in the night, his body hard and aching, and his heart racing. The dreams of Liz felt so real that he was surprised every time his hands didn’t find her next to him.

On the third night, Nick sent him to find Tess who hadn’t returned from a walk in the desert. Max went, because he felt responsible for all of them, but he was not prepared for what he found.

She was standing at the base of a rock formation, her bare skin shimmering in the pale moonlight. Max was speechless. She smiled when she saw him: "I was waiting for you." Her voice was soft and sultry as she slid her hands over her naked body.

Max let his eyes travel over her. She was beautiful and she was the first girl he had ever seen like this, but he felt… nothing. His body remained unaffected and his heart untouched. This was nothing like her mind control visions that created false reactions from him. This was real and he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he would never feel about her the way he felt about Liz. With Liz, his body reacted instinctively, explosively, without needing conscious inducement from her.

Tess was coming closer and he held up his hand. "No Tess, whatever you thought was going to happen here, its not." He watched her halt in confusion. "Let’s just go back and forget this happened." He turned around and started walking away. "I’ll wait for you over there. Get dressed."

Fury took hold of Tess the likes of which she has never experienced before. How could he be immune to her? He was a 17-year old guy, for crying out loud. Even worse, he was an INEXPERIENCED 17-year old guy. Little Miss Prim was the reason for his actions, she just knew it! Nick had told her to stop with the visions and try the reality. To try and seduce Max the normal, human way. And look where it got her! Max was even more determined to stay away from her. She dragged her clothes back on, her movements jerky with anger. She would just have to target the weak link in this triangle: Liz Parker…


They arrived back at the camp late in the afternoon. Maria and Alex came running up, exited to see their aliens again, though they were careful not to hug or kiss them. If there was anything they learned these few days, it was the high esteem the people in the camp had for their "royal family" and their destiny. Max got out of the Jeep, his tiredness disappearing in the light of the fact that he would see Liz again. His Liz. He felt her near, but couldn’t see her yet. He listened with one ear to the chattering around him, but his eyes were scanning the area for a glimpse of her.

Then he saw her. His first impulse was to run over to her and drag her back to his tent. Any tent. She had been away from him too long and his heightened physical awareness of her was driving him insane. But the reunion was not how he pictured it. Some guy had his arm around her and she was laughing up at him. Max felt a red haze of jealousy settling over his vision. It blurred everything but the view of another man with his hands on Liz. He clenched his hands into fists and started towards them when Michael grabbed his arm.

"Max! You can’t do this!" Michael’s voice was low, but it held an urgent note. Max looked ready to kill the guy with Liz and this would not be a smart thing to do with half of the camp’s inhabitants staring at them. He took a step back as Max swung around, ready to flatten whoever was keeping him from tearing the guy of Liz. He was stopped short when he heard his name, said by the one voice that could always get his attention: "Max!"

Liz had stopped a few paces away, trying not to create a scene. She had seen Max’s reaction to Jans being with her and she desperately wanted to tell him that he had nothing to worry about. She wanted to tell him that her body had known the moment he had arrived back at the camp. That she had to force herself no to run into his arms. That she had temporarily forgotten the name of the guy with her when she saw him look at her.

She tried again, seeing the wild look still in Max’s eyes. "Uhm… welcome back. I… WE missed you." Max was staring at her, his eyes slowly running over her as if trying to see if Jans had left a mark on her with his touch. She watched as the look in his eyes slowly transcended into something new. Those wonderful hazel eyes were becoming darker as they traveled back up her body from her feet. Stopping for a few moments in some places before continuing their burning path to her face. It felt like he was touching her with his hands, skimming his fingers over her naked skin and Liz forgot to breathe. She crossed her arms over her chest protectively as his gaze finally lifted from her breasts to her lips. His eyes were hungry and hot and created a sharp need low in her stomach.

Michael still had a hold on Max’s arm and started to drag him away from Liz. He had watched with concern while Max ate Liz with his gaze. Hell, he was sure EVERYONE was watching Max devouring Liz with that look. If he left him and Liz together like that for any longer, they would melt the Jeep!

Max was looking back at Liz while Michael continued to force him in the direction of the showers. ‘Tonight’, he thought. Tonight NOTHING will keep him from Liz. Not his destiny and certainly not the disapproval of his friends.

Liz blinked in surprise when Max finally disappeared around a corner. She had heard the word clearly in her mind. Max had thought: ‘Tonight.’

Journal Entry 12

He rejects the destiny proclaimed by the orbs with every new minute. We had hoped for… but this, it is so different from what we were expecting. It affects the plan.

The camp was quiet and Liz could hear Maria’s deep breathing in the dark tent next to her. Maria had returned from seeing Michael earlier and reported what she knew of the training. It had gone well and Nick seemed pleased, she said. Liz could sense there was something she didn’t want to say, but didn’t ask. She was afraid of what it would be. She preferred to remember the way she and Max had parted this afternoon. She hadn’t seen him again. He didn’t come to dinner. Neither did Tess and Liz tried not to think what that could mean.

She was lying on her bed, fully clothed. She wore the same red button-down sweater she wore that night long ago when she and Max went to the desert and found the orb. The sweater held some good memories. But she was starting to feel like an idiot. It was really late and he wasn’t coming. She had imagined hearing him think about tonight.

Sighing wearily, she stood up and started unbuttoning her sweater when two arms circled her from behind unexpectedly. One hand caught her hands, stopping them from completing their task with the buttons, the other hand cupped her mouth to stifle her startled yelp. Her body told her it was Max immediately.

Max practically carried her from the tent and only stopped outside to put her down and enfold her in one of his jackets. Thrusting her arms through the sleeves, he buttoned it quickly and took her hand. They stared at each other for a few moments, both panting for air. Then Max turned around and dragged her behind him into the desert. Liz had to run to keep up and after a while she pulled on his hand, trying to make him go slower. She only succeeded in making him pick her up. He hugged her tight against his chest and continued his urgent flight into the night.

Liz was mesmerized by the play of his muscles she could feel underneath his shirt with each stride he took. Yes, she had touched that chest once, but never had the chance again and her hands were itching to rediscover that smooth, hot skin. "Max." The word was slurred with passion and it had an immediate effect on Max.

He came to halt near some rocks so suddenly that they nearly toppled to the ground. He let her legs drop to the ground and they both groaned as she slid down against his body. He ran his finger over her cheek and down her jaw and watched as it finally came to rest on her mouth. That beautiful, lush mouth that drove him crazy. "Too long…" his voice was gravelly. He fused his mouth to hers hungrily while his arms crushed her to him.

They kissed as if they were starving for each other. Liz clutched at his shoulders, trying to remain upright. Their connection came to life again, causing a momentary lapse in the intensity of the kiss. Max saw some of what she had been doing the past few days, but most of all he saw her waking up in a sweat after dreaming of him. And he saw the dreams. The same dreams he had been having. Of them together, their naked limbs tangled in passion.

Liz saw Max training with Michael and Isabel and she saw… Tess… naked in the moonlight. She tore herself from Max with a cry of such pain that it shocked Max out of his passionate haze. He caught her as she tried to stumble away from him. "Liz, what…?"

Liz had her face turned away from him, trying to twist out of his arms. She was saying ‘no’ over and over again.

Max forced her head towards him with his hand on her chin. "What?" he cried, scared to see her like this.

Liz finally quieted down, but tears were squeezing from below her closed lids. Max was getting frantic. "Liz! Please tell me!" And for the second time in his life, her words threatened to bring his world crashing down around him.

"I saw Tess. In the desert. Naked. With you." Liz forced the words through clenched teeth, hoping to get through this moment without crumbling completely.

"Oh god, Liz! That’s not what happened! I mean, yes… she tried, but I…" Max was shaking so badly he had trouble forming a sentence. "Just… please kiss me again. You’ll see. Trust me! Please!"

The desperate note in his voice got her attention and she slowly opened her eyes. Max was wiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs and his eyes were pleading with her. Pleading with her not to believe the lie.

He leant closer, carefully watching her for any sign of distress until their lips touched. "I love you." His breath whispered over her lips with his declaration. He kissed her softly at first, seemingly afraid that she would bolt, but when she didn’t, he deepened the kiss. His tongue traced her lips, begging for her to open up to him.

Liz couldn’t fight him, not when he was kissing her like this. Like she was the air he needed to breath. Her mouth opened with a sigh and this time, the flashes were not painful at all. She saw him walk away from Tess, unmoved by her nudity. And she saw him wake up trembling from a dream later that night, the same dream she had been having over and over again. The one in which he finally completed his possession of her: heart, mind, soul and… body.

This time when they broke apart, it was to stare at each other in amazement. They were having the same dreams!

Max reached out to take the clip from her hair. He did it almost reverently, sliding his fingers through the softness as the strands swung free. He inhaled her scent like a drug, needing it inside his lungs, inside his body. Her eyes caught the light of the millions of stars twinkling over their heads and he thanked the parents he had never known for sending him to this planet. For allowing him to find Liz, his other half. His soulmate.

As his hands lifted to the top button of his jacket still enfolding her body, he saw desire flaring to life in her gaze. She matched his action, her fingers finding his buttons and undoing them as fast as she could. Their hands got tangled in their efforts to remove the clothes, causing Max to drag her hands away from him and finishing his own buttons first. Turning slightly away from her, he spread his jacket on the sand next to them. When he turned back, Liz was opening her jacket and his heart stopped as she slid the garment from her shoulders and laid it next to his on the ground. Her action had caused the half-opened edges of her sweater, left like that in their haste to get away from the camp, to pull apart further. The gaping material revealed more of her soft, bare skin than he had ever seen.

"Liz." Her name was a hungry moan that fired her blood to boiling point.

Max hauled her to him roughly, fastening his mouth to hers, kissing her with almost violent passion. And Liz reveled in it. She pressed closer, rubbing herself against him in an effort to appease the ache in the pit of her stomach. Max picked her up and laid her on their jackets. He knelt over her, his eyes dark with intent.

"Take of your shirt, Max." Liz was staring up at him as he hastily complied, tearing the shirt open in haste. The sight of him stole her breath. He was sleek and muscled and hard. She put up her hand to touch him wonderingly and they both groaned at the contact. He let her caress him for a while, watching with heavy-lidded eyes as her gaze traced the movements of her hands on his body almost helplessly. His skin burned her hand and she became aware of the labored movement of his chest under her hand.

Her touch on his stomach was electric and Max closed his eyes in reaction. Liz let her eyes drift lower, from the ridged muscles of his stomach to the front of his pants. He was very much aroused and she was surprised to find that the thought didn’t scare her. In fact, it elated her that she was doing this to him.

Max came out of his passionate trance when her hands started roaming lower, to the edge of his pants. He caught her hands and brought them to his lips. He kissed each finger before bending over her, placing their linked hands above her head. Leaning closer to her mouth, he growled: "My turn." He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, nipping at it with his teeth. Liz was making helpless little noises in the back of her throat and each one exited him more. He curled her fingers into the edge of the jacket above her head, silently commanding her to keep them there. Leaning away from her, he did what he had only ever imagined doing. He undid the last few buttons of her sweater and pushed it apart with a shaking hand. She was completely naked underneath and her beauty stole his soul.

His eyes drank in the sight of her thirstily. Memorizing every inch of exposed skin until looking wasn’t enough anymore. Liz arched helplessly as he hesitantly touched her curves. His hand stroked a path from the place on her stomach where he had healed her to the valley between her breasts. She cried his name as he finally moved his hand over her breast, causing a trembling to start deep in her body. She gave up her efforts to keep her hands above her head. Instead, she brought her hands down, digging her nails into his hard back as he kept up the torturous caresses on her flesh.

She pulled him down on her, bringing their bare skin into contact. Max braced himself on his elbows, lost for a moment in the sensation of feeling her breasts against his chest, unhampered by clothes for the first time. He kissed her again, his lips causing a feast of sensations in her body and she opened her thighs, allowing him to settle between them.

The heat blazed between their bodies and drove Max to the brink of control. He rolled them over, so that she was lying on top of him, cradled on his chest. Putting his arms around her, he pressed her to him urgently. He ran one hand down the indentation of her spine until he could cup her rear, arching her against his hardness, but also trying to still her instinctive movements. His restraint was fast becoming a thing of the past.

"Liz." His voiced sounded drugged. "Please stop… Please…" Nothing made much sense to Max right now. The only thing he knew was that this was not the way he wanted their first time to be like. Liz deserved so much more. She deserved not having the uncertainty of his destiny hanging over them. She deserved a real bed in a nice room. She deserved to have his promise to be eternally true to her. None of which he could give her right now.

He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her gently. "Please stop." He repeated softly, pleading with her not to make this impossible for him. Because if she wanted to, she could break his resolve. It would be laughably easy.

Liz could barely hear him above the pounding in her temples. Her body was on fire and unsatisfied. She inhaled deeply as Max pressed her face into his chest, slowly realizing that this wasn’t going any further tonight. The thought made her unhappy and relieved all at once. But she could feel little tremors still running through Max’s body underneath her and she understood how hard this was for him. Damn his ever-present control! Sighing against his bare skin, she vowed that when the timing was right, she would strip Max Evans of every last drop of control. Even if it killed her!

Journal Entry 13

We decided to give them some of the answers they were looking for. It was still not the ones they needed to hear, but it was something. The impact was immediate and so exactly what we had expected. This experiment is teaching us more in a few days than we had learned in years alone in this camp.

They walked back to the camp silently, hand in hand. Max had waited until their bodies had calmed down a bit and then gently and lovingly fastened her sweater. His eyes drank in each disappearing inch of bare skin as his fingers completed their task. He had helped her into her jacket and hugged her fiercely before they started for home.

Stopping outside her tent, he told her earnestly: "You are the most beautiful thing in my life, Liz Parker." He stepped closer, leaning his forehead against hers in an action that was becoming characteristic of their gentle moments. "I don’t want to feel like I’m just having an affair with you. Like you’re my mistress or concubine or something. I want you to feel like your… special." He pulled away slightly and took a deep breath. "To feel like… like my wife."

Liz’s eyes grew large, staring up at him in shock. He was watching her anxiously, as if waiting for her to deny what he had just said. "Your… your wife?" Liz could barely get the words out. This was turning into one of the most wonderful nights of her life!

"Yeah. I know its… soon and we’re really young, but I want that, Liz. I want to marry you some day… I don’t know much about who I am and what’s going to happen to me, but I’m sure of this one thing. You have to be a part of the rest of my life!"

Liz interrupted his impassioned speech by flinging her arms around his neck and pressing her face to his. "Yes! I want that too. I want you to be mine forever."

Their kiss sealed this promise and it was a long time before Max could get himself to leave Liz and go back to his tent. His heart was singing with joy and tomorrow… tomorrow he would put an end to this destiny lunacy forever.


Tess waited until Max was gone and Liz safely back in her bed before coming out of the shadows from where she had been watching the nauseating scene. Time to put her plan in action…


Max cornered Maria after breakfast the next morning. "Where’s Liz?" he asked worriedly. "She didn’t come to breakfast."

Maria gave him an innocent look. "Hmmm, I don’t know? Could it be that she is worn out from late night excursions into the desert? Or from the dreams she had the rest of the night during which her moaning kept ME awake?" She laughed at Max’s embarrassed look. "Yeah, and you two used to say Michael and I were bad! Well Mr Leader-of-an-alien-race, what did you do to her last night?" Her eyes grew when a thought hit her. "You two didn’t…, you know!"

"Calm down, Maria! Everything is fine!" Max steered her further away from any onlookers. He didn’t want his sex life, however little that meant right now, to be overheard by the rest of the camp. "Could you just make sure she’s all right, please? I have to meet with Nick right now and I’m getting a weird sense from Liz right now."

"Excuse me! A ‘weird sense’? What the heck are you talking about?" Maria’s voice was rising.

Max sighed. He loved Maria, but she was really too much sometimes. "I can’t really explain right now, but I can ‘feel’ her sometimes." He went on when Maria opened her mouth to ask more questions. "I don’t know how it works either, so just trust me and GO, will you?" To help her along, he gave her a push in the direction of their tent.

Then he went to find Isabel, Michael and Tess. "We need to meet. With Nick. Right now." The others looked at him in surprise. They were getting used to Max using a tone of voice that brooked no argument, but the urgent note was new.

They found Nick waiting for them outside the breakfast tent. He always seemed to know where to be at what time, and Max wondered about that for the umpteenth time. He was even more surprised when Nick just quietly led them to the tent where Liz, Maria and Alex slept their first night in the camp. Once inside he turned to Max and waited.

Max took a deep breath and sent up a small prayer that this wouldn’t turn out to be the worst day of his life. "I need some answers about the things we saw in the orb transmission." Both Michael and Isabel gasped and focussed on Nick. The answers to Max’s questions meant a lot to them too. Tess just folded her arms.

Max started with his most important problem. "The orbs… it said I was sent here with my ‘young bride’. I want to know exactly who that is and how it can all still be true if I’m a completely new and different person here on earth?"

Nick saw the anxiety Max was trying to hide. "Yes, Max you were sent here with your bride from your previous life. And I think you already know the answer to your first question." His eyes went to Tess, seeing the satisfied grin on her face.

Max felt like a huge fist was squeezing the air from his lungs. "You mean I’m still married to her? Right now? How can that be? I’m seventeen! I had no choice in the matter!"

Max was starting to yell and Nick held up his hand. "I didn’t say that."

The silence following those four words was deafening. Max had to stop himself from running over to Nick and shaking the truth out of him. When he spoke, his voice was soft, but Michael and Isabel knew that this soft tone meant Max was very angry. "Then what are you saying?"

"I’m saying that you were all sent here with your genetically-coded mates from a PREVIOUS life."

"So we’re not… married in this life?" Isabel’s voice was tremulous.

Nick seemed surprised that she had spoken. This had been a silent duel between him and Max up to this point. "You need a ceremony for that. A ceremony to make it official in this life. When you’re ready, it will be performed." He waited for their reaction, his eyes coming back to Max once again.

"What will happen if we marry someone else?" Max heard the small gasp from Tess. "Will it impact on the war? On our race?"

"Yes, it will." Nick said, an unrecognizable emotion creeping into his voice.

Max still wouldn’t give up. "How?"

Nick stayed silent, causing Max to step closer to him, his hands clenched in fists at his sides.


"I can’t tell you that right now."

Max was losing his temper. "Why not?"

"Its not the right time," was the enigmatic answer. Nick gave them one final look, his eyes lingering on his young leader the longest. He could see the war going on inside Max. Then he stepped out of the tent.

Max swung around to Michael and Isabel, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "What is such a big secret about all this? Why will they not tell us anything about our planet?"

Isabel stood up and put her arm around her brother. "We have to be patient, Max. I’m sure there’s a reason. And at least we know one more thing for now." She squeezed him and smiled. "No bride."

Max couldn’t stop a goofy grin from spreading across his face. "Yeah. I… I have to go."

Michael and Isabel watched him leave and turned to each other. "So, we’re still family right? Brother and sister?"

Michael hugged her. "Yeah."

"So go tell her!" Isabel rolled her eyes. Did she have to think for these two idiot brothers of her all the time?


Max ran into a breathless Maria as he came tearing around a tent on his way to Liz. "Max, she won’t wake up! You have to come help her!" Maria sounded panicked.

The cold hand around his heart returned. Something awful was going on with Liz.

Journal Entry 14

Maybe we made a mistake bringing her here… but no, it was essential to the test.

Max entered Liz’s tent in a dead run, only to find Jans on his knees next to her bed. Max was having a bad day and Jans got the brunt of it. The first thing Jans knew was Max yanking him away from Liz with such force that he ended up in a heap against the side of the tent.

"Stay. Away. From. Her!" Max’s voice sent chills down the spines of the people that followed him into the tent. He whirled on all of them. "Get out! All of you. She needs ME."

The tent was hastily cleared and Max turned to the sleeping form of the love of his life. She was lying on her side, her face turned towards him. A small frown was marring her features and he knelt next to the bed. "Liz. Love… Please wake up!"

Only Max, who knew every gesture and feature by heart, could see the little twitch of her mouth at the sound of his voice. "Oh god, Liz! What is wrong? I love you!" He touched her face, running his fingers over her cheeks and jaw line, willing her to wake up. "I need you… What is wrong!"

Maria was hovering concernedly in the door. Liz was her best friend and she was not afraid of Max, instead his disjointed mutterings and gentle actions brought tears to her eyes. She caught sight of Nick out of the corner of her eye, also watching this whole scene. He seemed entranced by all the emotions on Max’s face: fear, love, despair, guilt.

Max suddenly turned around, startling all the people standing in the door. His eyes were bright with tears when they finally located Maria in the group. "Maria. Get Isabel!" Maria had barely swung around to do his bidding when Izzy was rushing into the tent.

Isabel faltered when she saw Max’s face. He had only ever looked like that once in his life. Just after Liz left him to his destiny at the cave. "Max. I’m here. I’ll do it." She touched his shoulder softly, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Liz.

Isabel watched as Max clutched Liz’s hand tighter, not willing to let go. "Max, you have to let go so I can work with her. You’ll just confuse her if…"

"I can’t." Max sounded more distraught by the minute.

Isabel turned to Michael, who was hugging Maria just inside the door. "Come help me with him."

Michael came forward and pried Max away from Liz. But he only managed to move him a few feet. "Liz." There was a wealth of pain in the one word.

Isabel put her hands on Liz and concentrated. It was like trying to punch through a brick wall. But she could feel the anxiety coming of Max in waves and, taking a deep breath, she tried again. This time she could discern a terrified cry that shook her to her core and caused her to jerk her hands away involuntarily.

Max was at her side immediately. "What!" he cried, grabbing Liz’s hand again.

Isabel decided not to upset him further. "I couldn’t get in."

Max turned pleading eyes to her. "Iz, please. She’s my life…" Neither Max nor Isabel heard the gasp that went through the small group of people still milling about in the door of the tent.

Isabel didn’t know what to do. Liz, or something, was blocking her. She looked back up into her brother’s desperate face. "You try. I’ll create the connection." She took his hand and put her other hand on Liz. Closing their eyes, Isabel and Max concentrated. The power of feeling pouring from Max to Liz made Isabel feel dizzy and she wondered how they all could have been so blind as to make fun of the love between her brother and this petite girl.

Max was crying out to Liz in his mind, urging her to come to him or to wake up when he sensed another presence. His eyes snapped open. "I’m going to kill her!" With that, he took off out of the tent, scattering people in front of him.

"Oh god, Michael! Stop him!" Isabel cried, pushing Michael after Max.

Michael wasn’t fast enough. He found Max already on his way back, dragging Tess by the arm. Michael attempted to talk sense into Max. "Hey Maxwell, calm down! You’re not helping Liz like this!"

Max just brushed him out of the way and pulled Tess into the tent. "What the hell are you doing to her?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Nothing!" Tess wailed. "She must just be really tir-."

"NO!" Max yelled, making everyone jump. "I felt you! In her mind. Undo whatever you did or you’re out of here. For good."

"You’re insane!" Tess was struggling to get out of his grip.

Black fury shone from Max’s eyes and his voice dropped to just above a whisper. "No, insane is what I’ll be if anything happens to Liz. She is the reason I’m on this planet. To love her. To have her love me back, and so help me, if she’s not here anymore, you won’t be either. Now fix it!" He pushed her towards the bed, still holding onto her arm.

Tess stared at him in fear. He was even more angry than the time he thought she was Nacedo and that she wanted to hurt Liz. She turned around. "Nick, help me!" she begged. But Nick just folded his arms and watched her with an expressionless face. She turned back towards Max and conceded defeat. His face told her that even if Liz were gone, she would always be the one that held his heart. That there would never be anyone to take her place.

Closing her eyes, she removed the part of her from Liz’ subconscious that kept Liz afraid to wake up.

Tears began to seep from Liz’s eyelids immediately. Max was down on the bed next to her in an instant, cradling her against his body and wrapping his arms around her fiercely. "Love, please don’t cry. I’m here…"

Isabel and Michael were herding all the onlookers from the tent when Liz cried out in pain. It was the same awful sound that Isabel heard while she was dreamwalking. The sound held such despair and fear that it sliced through everyone close enough to hear.

Max felt like his heart stopped and he held Liz tighter when she tried to struggle up. "Max, you have to let me go! You… hurt… I can’t… No!"

"What are you talking about? Liz, whatever Tess told you, its not true! I’m fine!" He held her face in his hands, kissing her eyelids, cheeks, nose, anything that he could reach in a desperate attempt to get her to calm down. He held her until the shaking lessened and she reluctantly opened her eyes.

Looking up at Max, Liz saw the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. Reaching up a trembling hand, she cupped his cheek. "I’m sorry. For scaring you."

Max inhaled deeply, relief etching his face and he unconsciously repeated the words from long ago that started it all for them. "You’re all right now. You’re all right." He cradled her to him, rocking her, as much in an effort to calm himself as for her.

Liz clung to him. Here in his arms, she always felt safe. She always felt like she was home.Max leant away from her. "Liz, what happened? What did she do to you?"

Liz escaped his probing look by pressing her face into his neck. He had to strain to hear her muffled words. "Can we talk about it later? I… I’m… Its too soon. Please."

Max ran his hand through her hair, not knowing whether to press for an answer or not. She seemed really upset still and he didn’t want to make things worse. Taking a decision, he got up, hugging her against his chest. Walking out of the tent with her, he passed Maria, standing in Michael’s arms. "Please bring her stuff to my tent. She stays with me from now on."

There were some stunned faces in the crowd, but Nick wasn’t one of them. He watched as Max strode off with Liz still in his arms and a small smile tugged at his lips.

Journal Entry 15

They have all chosen their human mates proving that genetic coding CAN be overcome. This part of the experiment is complete. Now, on to the next phase.

Max’s decision to have Liz stay with him had a silent, but definite impact on the rest of the group. Although nothing was discussed, Maria moved in with Michael and Isabel was really glad to get away from Tess and into Alex’s tent. It was like all of them had waited for Max to take the first step in defying their destinies.

Max hadn’t really thought his idea to keep Liz with him through, but all he knew was that he wanted her near so he could at least try to protect her. Yes, that was all. It had nothing to do with the fact that waking up with her had been a lifelong fantasy of his. No, this was only for Liz’s protection…When he was finally satisfied that she was relatively okay, he had left her on his spare bed with Maria and Alex as company. Liz would still not tell him anything about her experience and got agitated if he pressed the issue. The remnants of the incredible anger that had slammed through him at the thought that Tess would want to hurt Liz were still present and he needed to get away to calm down or he would burst.Getting in his Jeep, he took off into the desert, his hands gripping the steering wheel fiercely. He had to do something to protect Liz from other attempts to remove her from his life. Also, he needed help in protecting her. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t be with her every second of every day. Driving around the desert aimlessly, Max could come up with only one solution to his problem…


Maria was sitting with Liz’s head in her lap, while Alex was giving her a foot massage. Neither of them were having any success in getting Liz to talk about what had been going on in her dreams. Maria had tried everything she could think of: best friends should help each other, Tess should die, Pam Troy was a bimbo, Max without a shirt… Nothing. Liz talked to them about everything but the topic they wanted to discuss. Maria finally decided to use her trump card. It was low, but she had nothing else to use. "Lizzie, you should have seen Max when we couldn’t wake you up. He was so out of his mind. I think he was crying. You really scared him!"

This made Liz sit up and rub wearily at her eyes, where tears were starting to form again. She would never forget that look on Max’s face. She knew he loved her, but the desperate fear of losing her that he exhibited today was absolutely scary. Never again would she doubt the depth of his feelings for her.

Alex put his arm around his friend. "Liz, you have to talk to Max. Its going to kill him if you keep stuff from him. He wants… no, he NEEDS to help you."

Liz leant into Alex, into the embrace she knew so well from many years of comforting each other. She wanted to talk to someone, but not Max. She knew how he would feel if she told him what had been happening in her head. Yes, she needed to talk to someone, but before that she needed to do something special for Max tonight. To show him how much she loved him back.

"Maria, could you help me with something? I need tonight to be special with Max."

Alex jumped up and held up his hands. "Whoa, I don’t think I wanna be hearing this! And you better not be talking about… you know what, missy!"

Liz smiled sunnily for the first time that day. "No Alex, don’t freak. I just really want some alone time with Max and after how I scared him today, maybe I could try and make up for it, you know." She grabbed Alex by the arm when he tried to leave. "You must help me. Keep Max out of here until we’re ready."

Alex sighed dramatically. Since he’s been friends with these two, he always ended up being pulled into their schemes. "Whatever. But I’m not promising anything. That guy is scary when he wants to see you and people try to stop him!"

Liz hugged him. She knew he would come through in the end. She turned to Maria after Alex exited. "Okay, let’s make some magic!"

"Hmmpf!" Maria grumbled. "We need the alien magicians for that!" But she dutifully sat down to listen to Liz’s plan.


In the end, Alex didn’t have a tough task. Max only came back after lunch and then he went to see Nick in his tent. They stayed in there talking for hours. When he came out, he was cornered by Isabel who insisted on trying to get the contents of his meeting with Nick out of him. (Alex had enlisted her help.) Apart from saying that Nick was fine with the new sleeping arrangements, Max was tight lipped about the rest. Isabel couldn’t even get him to react so that she could surmise whether the meeting had been positive or negative.

Finally Max had had it. "Izzy, could you stop. I haven’t seen Liz all day and I want to make sure she’s all right."

Just then, Maria walked in and took over from Isabel to delay him. She explained Liz’s day in great detail. From how long she slept, to what she said and what she had for lunch. She only stopped when she saw that Max was starting to get worried. Glancing surreptitiously at her watch, she let Max go.

Michael intercepted Max on the way to his tent. Max was starting to feel like screaming. Was he never going to see Liz again?

"Hey Max, Liz is still sleeping." Michael was lying through his teeth. "I grabbed some of your stuff so you can have a shower." He didn’t even wait for an answer, but dragged Max off.


It was dusk by the time Max finally reached their tent. He pondered for a moment on how wonderful that sounded. "Their" tent. He had dreamed of having a home with Liz one day, but this will have to do until then. He rubbed his hair with the towel Michael had given him. Although, he had to wonder how Michael was able to so successfully organize a clean set of clothes for him.

He stopped in his tracks when he entered the tent. Candles were scattered throughout the room, giving the interior a golden glow. A table had been set to one side, two place settings adorning it. But his attention had only been half-fixed on all the trappings. His eyes had found her immediately. She stood next to the table and she took his breath away.

Liz was wearing a white tank-top with spaghetti straps that molded to her upper body. With that she had on a long, slim, white skirt that fell to her bare feet and had a slit that came up to mid-thigh on one side. The candlelight lovingly painted her skin with gold. She had a hesitant smile on her lips and Max couldn’t get a word out.

Liz was getting worried when Max just stood there, staring at her. The heat in his eyes told her that he was happy with her attempt at romance, but she needed him to say it out loud. Putting her hands behind her back, and trying not to notice how this made Max’s eyes drop lower from her lips, she cleared her throat. "Hey."

Max finally dropped the towel that was still in his hand. It was Liz’s turn to be struck dumb. He always looked sexy in jeans, but tonight he was wearing a white shirt over it that was left unbuttoned.

"If you keep looking at me that way, we’ll never eat." Max’s gruff voice interrupted Liz’s helpless inspection of his bare chest. She pulled her eyes up hastily and hoped he couldn’t see her blush.

"Uhm... yeah. I just thought we could have a quiet dinner. Together. I mean…" Liz was stammering and feeling more and more like a love-struck teenager. What she and Max had was so much more, but when he looked like this, hair mussed from the shower, shirt hanging open and that gorgeous half-smile that he kept only for her, she was lost. "Would you like to eat?" She ended lamely.

"Only if you kiss me first." His voice was low.

Liz didn’t need a second invitation, but walked over to him slowly, enjoying the feel of his dark eyes watching her progress. She marveled at how one look from Max could make her feel sensual and loved.

Max watched in fascination as her movements gave him tantalizing glimpses of her bare leg. "You take my breath away." He whispered in awe.

She reached him. "I love you." Standing on tiptoe, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers. The kiss was long, deep and gentle. It was an affirmation of their love for each other and a promise of so much more to come.

They pulled apart, sharing a smile. Neither of them wanted this quiet and tender moment to end. Max threaded his fingers through hers and led her to the table. He pulled out her chair and sat down across from her, taking her hand again. They didn’t really notice what they ate. It didn’t matter as long as they were together. They talked about school, what was going on with their friends, how Maria had threatened Michael with death to get him to co-operate with Liz’s little scheme.

Liz basked in each smile from Max. They were precious to her because they were so rare. She knew he must be worried about a lot of things and she didn’t want to add to his burden. Instead, she wanted to be the one person that could help him lighten the load.

She waited until Max had finished eating and slowly stood up to round the table. Max pushed back his chair to get up, but Liz stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him provocatively while sliding onto his lap. "Okay, Mr Evans. Dessert is on me."

Max’s last thought before her lips finally touched his was that his day was getting better with every passing minute.

Liz sighed into his mouth, a small, satisfied sound that they could finally be together like this again. He tasted like heaven. His mouth was warm and soft and did magic things to her body. She pulled away slightly when he tried to deepen the kiss. Tonight it was her turn to seduce Max and she intended to make the most of it.

Licking her lips slowly and allowing him to watch every movement, she kissed him again. But these were teasing little kisses, feather-light touches on his lips that ended as soon as they began. Max was starting to have trouble breathing and Liz enjoyed the feel of each hot gasp against her lips. She leant in again, her lips a hairbreadth from his and let her tongue drift over his mouth, tracing the contours. Max made a strangled sound and brought his hands up to cup her face, pulling her to him and plunging his tongue into her. The kiss was hot and frantic and told her that Max had been keeping a hold of himself for quite awhile now. She gloried in his closeness, running her hands through his hair and shifting on his lap in an effort to get closer.

Max felt like his heart was going to explode with all the emotions and needs crashing around in it. This wisp of a girl in his arms could do more damage to him with one touch than any alien war could with weapons. He wondered if she knew how much power she really had over him. Did she know that he would kill to be with her like this? That he would go to the ends of the earth to just hear her voice?

Liz was in her own little Max world. That place that he created each time he was near. It was a place where everything was perfect and she felt safe and loved. It was a place their connection made even more special, because right now she could feel how much Max wanted to be with her. It made her giddy with happiness.

When Max was satisfied that she wasn’t going to torture him with those half-kisses again, he removed one hand from her face and cupped the knee that was peeking out from the slit of her skirt. This caused Liz to squirm on his lap even more and he dragged his mouth away from hers with every intention of chastising her for trying to drive him insane. But as soon as his lips left hers, Liz started to kiss a path down his jaw to his neck. She slid one hand over his bare chest, running her fingers over the hills and valleys of his body. Max could only close his eyes and ride the storm. As she moved lower, her hair brushed over the skin of his stomach, creating such a riot of lust in his body that he feared he was going to faint.

He allowed her to caress him until he couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up with her in his arms and fused his lips to hers again. He was getting drunk on her taste and her smell. He lifted her into his body with one arm, letting her feet dangle off the floor. His other hand cupped her head, arching her neck to allow him deeper access to her mouth.

Liz was floating. Being plastered to every inch of Max was exciting her beyond belief. The heat was coming off him in waves and his skin burned her fingers wherever she touched. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and Max managed to shrug out of it by shifting her from one arm to other. Neither of them wanted to let go of each other for too long. Liz ran her hands over his shoulders and his back, enjoying how his muscles contracted at her touch. He truly was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. A groan against her mouth told her that Max was privy to her feelings through their connection.

Lifting her higher against him, Max flattened one hand between her shoulder blades and pressed his mouth into the hot skin of her throat. She was making those small helpless sounds again and he felt the vibrations of each one under his lips.

Liz threw her head back, causing her long hair to stream down her back like a dark waterfall. She needed to be even closer to Max and she unconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist. The feeling of having the insides of her naked thighs in contact with his skin was electrical.

Max didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stay upright. One of the thin straps of her top had slid down her shoulder and left him with a tantalizing amount of skin to caress. And he didn’t need an engraved invitation. Her warm legs wrapped around his body were exquisite torture and he couldn’t stop himself from cupping her rear with one hand. She was amazingly small and fitted into his one hand. Like she was made to fit him.

"Max." The hunger in her voice was his undoing and he walked blindly to the bed. Any bed. The nearest bed. When he finally lay her down gently, he didn’t join her immediately, but stood staring down at her. She looked absolutely ravishing… and ravished. Her hair was streaming over the pillow, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her top was peeling of her one shoulder. Her skirt had ridden up and showed her calves and an arousing portion of her one smooth thigh. She was Max’s fantasy come true.

He was just as breathtaking to Liz. His skin was bronze in the candlelight and his eyes told her that he was the one man that could and would eventually fulfill every dream she ever had. She held out her hand to him, inviting him closer. He took it slowly and reverently, and joined her on the bed.

Propping himself on his elbows, Max lowered himself carefully until his body covered hers. Their bare stomachs pressed together and heightened the flames in their eyes. He watched her face in fascination while she ran her hands down his spine, her fingers finding the indentation and following it to the top of his jeans. He saw her eyes grow larger when her slight pressure on his lower back brought her into closer contact with his arousal.

He gently brushed his forefinger over her lower lip and looked at her seriously. "Liz, honey, don’t be scared. You know I would never… I mean, I really love you and I really want to… uhm, make love with you, but not now. Not under these circumstances. So… don’t’ worry, okay?" Liz had watched him earnestly throughout his speech and by the end he could see a small smile start in her eyes.

"Max, I trust you with my life and my heart, why would I not trust you with my body? I know you. I love you. This will happen when it should. Don’t think I’m worrying about you losing control or something every time we’re together. I’m not. I’m just… yeah, I guess I’m just still surprised sometimes that you feel this way about me."

Max had closed his eyes in reaction while she was talking, but his eyes snapped open at the last statement. "Okay, have you NOT noticed that I can barely keep my eyes or my hands of you?" he joked. "Liz, sometimes I want you so much I can’t see straight, but I need for us to be sure of where we’re going before we take that step. And I also need you to know that its really hard for me to stop sometimes, so you’ll have to help me. Making love is something precious and I don’t want us to just get into it hastily. Besides, I think we have proven that there are some really fun ways of being together without actually BEING together." The corners of his mouth were curled in a sexy grin by now.

"I love you even more now, if that’s even possible." Liz was starting to smile widely. She pulled his face down to hers and purred: "Soooo, show me some of those fun things, Max." He happily complied.


Max was woken sometime during the night by a whimper coming from Liz. He had never made it to his own bed, instead his body was wrapped around Liz’s, her skirt tangled around their legs. Liz made another distressed sound and Max jerked upright. "Liz! Wake up, love!"

For a frightening moment there was no reaction and then her eyes flew open. "Max!" she cried, her voice filled with fear.

Max hauled her against his chest, rubbing his hands over her back, trying to comfort her. "Shh, its okay. I’m here." He waited until she lay in his arms quietly before he moved away so he could see her face. She avoided his eyes and he grabbed her chin, lifting her face to his. "You have to tell me sometime. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me, love."

Liz just nodded mutely, but said nothing.

He sighed and hugged her close again. "Let’s get you into some pj’s. We can’t sleep in these fine clothes all night!"

He found her pajamas on her suitcase and pulled her up from the bed. She just stood there obediently as Max slid her skirt off her and held the drawstring pants for her to step into. He gently fastened them around her middle before grabbing the hem of her top and pulling it over her head. His jaw clenched and he had to take deep breaths to keep his hands from shaking as he helped her pull on her nightshirt, covering her nakedness from his thirsty eyes. The task completed, he picked her up and slid her into the bed between the sheets that were still warm from their earlier occupation.

He quickly stripped of his jeans and pulled on sweatpants. Turning back to her, he didn’t know if he should join her again or not, but she looked so lost lying in the middle of the bed, that he couldn’t get himself to stay away.

Liz snuggled closer to his warm chest as soon as he was in bed with her. She rubbed her cheek over his skin, taking deep breaths and willing the demons that chased her in her dreams to stay away.

Max hugged her close. "I’m going to stay right here." He kissed the top of her head. "And when you feel ready, you tell me what is bothering you." He kept up the rhythmic caresses on her back and soon Liz drifted into sleep again. Max couldn’t sleep. He watched over her and wondered what she saw when she slept that scared her so much.

He also wondered what she would say if he told her all that he had planned with Nick today. Nick baffled him. He didn’t even flinch when Max made it clear that Liz was never leaving his side again. And he seemed almost helpful with the rest of Max’s plans. A smile curved his lips at that thought. Yes, he was going to make Liz Parker very happy, very soon!

Journal Entry 16

The tension levels have dropped dramatically since the change in pairings. Training has improved and I am hoping the second phase of the test does not affect this. Their bonds seem strong, but so much of it is built on a fickle emotion. An emotion that is as foreign to us as it is accepted by them.

Liz came awake reluctantly the next morning. She had been dreaming of Max whispering sweet nothings in her ear and she didn’t really want to face reality yet. She kept her eyes closed and wished she could return to her dream world. How was she supposed to get up and go to work when she was feeling this mellow?

"Hey, lovely sleepyhead."

Liz started in surprise and her eyes finally flew open. She wasn’t in her bed at home. She didn’t need to get up to serve the breakfast crowd at the Crashdown. She was very much in bed with Max Evans, who, by the way, had his one hand under her shirt on her bare stomach. She looked up at him suspiciously. "How long have you been awake and what have you been doing to me in my sleep?"

Max was propped up on one elbow, watching Liz who was lying on her back. He grinned. "Hmmm, wouldn’t you like to know? But I’ll say this, I now know that you have a birthmark on your-."

"Hey!" Liz was mortified. And then she saw the mischief in his eyes. "You jerk! You’ve been the perfect gentleman, haven’t you?"

"Yeah. But I’m willing to change that now if you like…" His voice had lost some of its mirth and was a few octaves lower. Liz felt the change reverberate through her body.

He shifted closer to her, slinging one leg over hers and effectively pinning her to the mattress. He trailed his lips over hers softly, rubbing their open mouths together without deepening the kiss. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth. "I wish I could wake up with you like this forever."

Liz smiled. "Me too." She put one hand on his chest, letting her fingers trail over his skin while she enjoyed his gentle exploration of her lips. He was absently moving his hand back and forth over her stomach, creating a tingling sensation deep in her body. She couldn’t stop herself from arching up into that magic touch. She heard him inhale sharply as he reared away from her.

Liz caught his hand and pressed it against her firmly, just above the edge of her pants. "Do you even know how you make me feel sometimes?" She looked up into his eyes, seeing the gradual darkening of desire there.

"Tell me." His voice sounded strained, even to his own ears.

Liz swallowed. How does she explain the things happening in her body without sounding cheesy or trashy? Her gaze fluttered away from his, embarrassed. But he has given her so much, she owed it to him to at least try to explain. "I burn."

Max had been waiting patiently for her to overcome her sudden bout of shyness. But he wasn’t prepared for the maelstrom her words would create in his body, in his mind, in his soul.

Liz continued, a blush creeping over her cheeks. "I ache here." She pressed his hand down on her stomach again. "And…" she took a deep breath, waiting a few beats before moving his hand to her breast. "And here."

Max felt like he had been hit by lightning. Liz seemed unaware of the havoc she was creating. She was determined to give him this gift of honesty and was concentrating on telling him how she felt by finding the right words.

She suddenly looked up at him again. Her brow furrowed. "Max, how is it possible that I know that you would make me feel complete? That only you could fill this… this hollowness inside my body?"

Max could hardly speak, but she was looking at him with such solemnity that he had to try. "The same way I know that being inside you would complete me too." She nodded, accepting his explanation.

Curving his hand around her breast, he leant in and kissed her with furious passion, hurling them both away into a place where the only thing that mattered was the sensations they created for each other. Liz arched into his hand and threw her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down on hers more firmly. She kissed him back with a ferocity that dazed him. Her tongue glided against his as she fought him for entry to his mouth. He finally gave it to her with a groan.

Liz shifted, allowing Max’s thigh to slide between hers. She pressed against him and the feeling was incredible. It lessened the ache in the pit of her stomach momentarily, only to bring it back thousand-fold immediately thereafter.

"Maxwell!" Michael’s voice was an unwelcome intrusion in their little heaven.

"Oh my god! Michael! Did I not tell you not to come in here unannounced?" Maria was dragging Michael out of the tent, casting an apologetic glance over her shoulder.

Max rested his head on Liz’s shoulder with a sigh. "We really need to get a house far away from them one day!"

Liz was still having trouble grasping reality since Max has not removed his hand from her breast yet. She tried taking deep breaths to calm herself, but the only thing that accomplished was to accentuate the feel of his hand on her heated skin.

Max finally lifted his head, smiling at her ruefully. "You make me lose my head sometimes. I’m sorry I got so… out of hand."

Liz ran her hand over his jaw. "I loved it. You have my permission to do it more often!"

"I don’t think so! It will be the death of me." He watched her in silence for a few moments before pulling away from her and rolling onto his back. "Would you mind leaving me here on my own for a while? I need to… to get my breath back."

Liz smiled. ‘Get his breath back indeed!’ "Yeah, I’ll go shower." She gave him a quick kiss. "I’ll see you at breakfast."


It was like old times. The six of them around a table. Maria bickering with Michael. Alex being attentive to Izzy’s every need. And Max and Liz having silent conversations with their eyes.

The other camp inhabitants watched all of this from the sidelines. The loving looks and touches were something foreign to them and they wondered at the emotions that drove humans to such actions.

With breakfast over, the three aliens departed for some more training with Nick, but not after they said goodbye to their respective other’s. It was such a relief not to keep from physical closeness in the presence of other members of the camp.


Journal Entry 17

Love remains a confusing concept. What does it mean to love someone? How far would you go for that love?

Liz felt a little lost as her two friends went off to their respective "jobs" at the camp. She wandered around aimlessly for a while before Jans found her.

"Hi." He looked at her closely. "Are you okay?" He was obviously referring to the incident yesterday morning.

Liz blushed, sure that by now the whole camp knew of her trauma. Not to mention the scene Max made after it. She couldn’t believe it at first when Maria told her that Max had basically thrown Jans across the tent for just being near her. That so did not sound like Max!

"Yeah, I’m fine now. Sorry about yesterday."

Jans just smiled. "I can see how he gets that way about you…" His gaze was intense and Liz squirmed under the weight of it.

"So…" She began, not really knowing what to say.

He seemed to snap out of his trance. Oh yeah, Nick asked me to keep you occupied while… Max is away. Is there something you would like to do?"

A kernel of a thought was taking shape in her mind. She turned to Jans with a determined look. "Yes, actually there is." She explained to him what she needed and almost laughed at the surprise on his face.

Jans overcame his surprise quickly and then he had to fight to stop himself from grinning contentedly. She was playing right into their hands. And he was going to spend a lot more time with the lovely Liz Parker from now on.

Max was in the showers by the time Liz got back that night. Her whole body ached, but the smile returned to her face when she saw the single white rose lying on her bed. He was so sweet, but goodness knows what Max used to create the flower with in the middle of the desert!

When Max returned, he found Liz lying facedown on her bed and his first reaction was complete panic because something had happened to her. He ran over to her bed and turned her over, causing her to wake up. Liz was instantly shocked from her groggy state by the look on Max’s face.

Max hugged her close. "Don’t ever scare me like that again!" He fought to breathe normally again. "Are you okay?"

Liz rubbed her hands over his arms in a comforting way. "I’m fine. Just really tired." She cupped his face and looked up at him pleadingly. "Max, you have to stop worrying about me like this. You can’t go around wondering what’s happening to me every time you leave me alone somewhere. You have a very important job to do and you need to focus."

He looked at her seriously. "You’re asking me to stop breathing." He stared at her quietly for a few moments. "It would help if you tell me what happened the other night…"

Liz swallowed. "Max, its over now. I don’t want to talk about it, please."

"Honey, you were really upset again last night. I need to know what Tess did to you. This… whatever this is, will continue to bother you until you talk to me… talk to SOMEONE about it." His voice held a pleading note that tugged at her heartstrings. He truly was the most gentle man she knew.

"I’ll try and talk to Isabel tomorrow. NOW will you let me get cleaned up so I can sleep?" Liz was trying to placate him and change the subject, but the slight narrowing of his eyes told her that Max wasn’t falling for it.

He brushed a soft kiss on her cheek and pulled away. "So, what have you been up to Ms Parker?"

She smiled, relieved that he wasn’t pushing the issue. "Oh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Nothing important anyways." But she couldn’t hide the wince of pain as she got up.

Of course Max, who was watching her intently, didn’t miss the small sign. He jumped up. "What have you been doing to yourself?"

"Max, relax! I just carried some heavy stuff. Nothing terrible." Liz was grinning at him. He was so cute when he got all overprotective.

Max failed to see the humor, but he didn’t really know what to say without sounding like he was trying to control her free time as well. He tried for a joking attitude instead. "Tell whoever you were helping that you need to be rested for when your leader comes home at night!" That only earned him a slap on the shoulder as Liz breezed out of the tent to the showers.


Journal Entry 18

Unknown elements. Testing the strength of the original elements.

Maria nudged Liz during dinner, making sure that the guys were involved in a discussion that diverted their attention. "Liz, this is like déja vu! That Jans guy hasn’t taken his eyes off you the whole night! Only I liked the way Max stared at you…"

Liz looked up only to see Jans drop his eyes to the table. "Maria, don’t panic over nothing. And above all, don’t make Max panic over nothing. He’s just helping me with some stuff."

Maria looked unimpressed. "There’s something weird about that guy, I’m telling you. And may I remind you that I also told you there was something up with Tess? And that I was right! What happened to her anyway?"

Liz shuddered. "I don’t know and Max freaks out when I talk about her. Maybe you could find out."

"Oh yeah, like Spaceboy is going to tell me anything! Maybe we could pump the Ice Queen for answers." She looked speculatively at Isabel, causing a frown on Alex’s face. "I’ll try later. We are on the verge of being dragged off to their caves!" The last part was said in a stage whisper, obviously aimed at annoying Michael who was leaning over to grab her hand.

The others just smiled as the two went off, holding hands while arguing.

Liz turned back to Max and caught him looking at Jans with an unreadable expression in his eyes. She stepped closer to him, brushing her body against his in an effort to get his attention. As usual, it work instantaneously. "Let’s go home."

Max smiled at her unconscious use of the word and turned her around in his arms so that her back was pressed against his chest. Keeping his arms around her, he marched her out of the tent, their steps matching instinctively. His thoughts went back to what he had just witnessed. Jans had been staring at Liz with an almost hungry look in his eyes. And the smile that he had on his face also disturbed Max. He wondered if he was just being paranoid. Maybe he didn’t like the guy because he spent so much time with Liz. Nick had said that he would ask Jans to look after Liz when Max was out of the camp and Max had agreed reluctantly. He still had a very vivid memory of Jans hanging all over Liz.

Back at the tent, Liz plopped down on her bed and took out her journal. Max grinned at her. She looked so cure sitting cross-legged on the bed and frowning in concentration. "So, am I ever going to get to read that?"

"Maybe if you’re really good." She bit her lip, pretending to think about it. "Its not as if there’s much in here that you don’t already know. See, here I wrote ‘I love Max’. And here I put ‘Max is gorgeous’." Liz burst out laughing at his obvious discomfort. She closed the book, deciding to rather talk to him about his day.

They had and awkward moment getting ready for bed later, not knowing whether or not to undress in front of each other. Max solved the issue by turning his back on Liz and giving her some privacy. That only solved on of his problems, because he could still hear her movements and his mind was supplying the visuals from last night to go along with them.

When they finally faced each other over the expanse of the tent, the awkwardness returned. Again it was Max that broke it. "I can’t imagine you sleeping anywhere but in my arms. Ever again." That was all Liz needed to cross the divide and snuggle into bed with him.

Max caressed her cheek and kissed her gently. He looked serious when he ended the kiss. "Liz, I need to talk to you about something. Actually, I need to ask you something, but… its serious and I want you to have time to think about it. Could you make sure that you could meet me tomorrow night at six? I’ll come get you and we could go for a drive."

Liz sensed his nervousness and wondered what could be so big that he could feel that way. "Max, if this is about the other night-."

He stopped her with a finger on her lips. "No, its … its something else. I don’t want to scare you, but I need to make sure…" He didn't know where to begin without pre-empting the talk of tomorrow night. He saw the fear in her eyes and all he could think of to say to take it away was: "I love you. Always."

Journal Entry 19

This is an irreversible step for our race, for theirs, for the two of them.

Both Max and Liz nearly overslept the next morning. They had been lying awake most of the night, worrying and thinking, pretending that they didn’t notice the other one was doing the same thing.

Max worried about many things, not the least of which was the issue he had to discuss with Liz tomorrow night. It felt like a fist was twisting in his gut when he thought about how she might react. Although nobody probably knew Liz as well as Max did, they had only been together for a short while and uncertainties still plagued him sometimes. He had held her in an unconsciously tight grip, afraid that she might take flight.

Liz could feel the tension in Max’s body and wondered what serious thing Max had to ask her. He was obviously in a state about it and she desperately wanted to make things better for him, but that was impossible if he didn’t tell her what it was. This led to another unpleasant thought. Maybe Max was right. She would never recover from her awful experience if she didn’t get it out in the open. She took a deep breath, deciding that she really would talk to Isabel in the morning.

Liz woke first from her uneasy doze. Her face was inches away from Max’s on the same pillow and she enjoyed the few minutes of watching him sleep. His long eyelashes rested on his cheeks and his perfect lips were slightly open, making her want to kiss him. He looked restless though, his mouth moving as if he was talking to someone. She rubbed his arm, draped heavily over her stomach, in an absent attempt to calm him down.

His words suddenly became distinguishable. "Nooo… Liz. I can’t… don’t go…"

His voice was filled with such pain that Liz slid closer to him, hugging her arms around his waist. "Max! I’m here!" Her eyes were filling with tears at his tone. It reminded her of the flash she saw from when he was with Pierce. He had been filled with an indescribable, searing heartache that nearly doubled her over when she felt it too. She knew he had been reacting to a blurry picture that Pierce had been showing him, but she couldn’t make it out clearly and he wouldn’t tell her what it was.

His eyes popped open the same time his arms nearly squeezed the breath from her. He pressed his face into her neck and mumbled: "Please don’t ever leave me!"

Liz threaded her fingers through his hair soothingly. "Hey, it was only a nightmare. You’re not getting rid of me that easily."

He didn’t answer, but only kept up his crushing grip on her. She realized he was trembling so she pushed his face away from her neck, looking in his eyes and said: "I love you. Nothing will ever change that."

He rolled her over and kissed her. The kiss was filled with such force and desperation that it shocked Liz a little, but she knew immediately that she wanted to help him ride out this storm. So she opened her mouth wider, allowing him to plunder its depths and fight this demon chasing him. His one hand twisted in her hair, arching her neck as his lips moved down to her throat. His mouth was hot and hard and it felt like a brand on her skin. She kept her hand in his hair, pressing him closer still.

The despair that filled Max when he dreamt of Liz walking away from him just now was lifting little by little, and with it came the realization that he was being rough with her. He pulled away to apologize, but seeing her eyes shut in ecstasy seared away the guilt. Instead, her expression caused such a kick of desire in his body that he knew he had to get out of that bed fast. He rubbed his lips over hers one last time and sat up, trying to ignore Liz’s sound of protest.

"If we don’t get up now, They’re going to come look for us again." He tried to sound light, but he couldn’t look at her. If he did, they would never get out of here. And then tonight would never come. The knot in his stomach returned full force. Tonight…


Liz cornered Isabel after breakfast. "Could I… could I talk to you please?"

Isabel looked confused for a minute. Why was Liz talking to her and not to Maria? "Yeah, sure." She followed Liz into the tent, still frowning.

Once inside, Liz started pacing. Isabel watched her for a while until the pacing started getting on her nerves. "Liz, my brother is besotted with you. And yes, he can be real controlling sometimes, but if that’s why you guys fought -."

Liz had turned around to stare at Isabel. "No! We haven’t fought. Its not that."

Isabel sighed dramatically. "Then what?"

Liz came over to sit on the bed with her. "Its… its about the other night. When Tess… I need to talk to someone and Max…"

"Will just make things worse, right? It has something to do with him, doesn’t it?" Isabel looked at her closely, seeing how Liz paled at her last statement.

"Yes," she whispered.

"So tell me."

"It was horrible, Isabel. She kept showing me these images of Max… dead." Liz barely heard Isabel’s gasp. "He died over and over again. In different ways. Every time it was something I did that caused it… I couldn’t get away from it." Tears were running down her cheeks. "It was so real. I could see his blood. And I had caused that. I… All I wanted to do was never wake up so that all those things could never happen to Max."

Isabel hugged her. "Liz, the only thing that would hurt Max, is not having you with him." Her words eerily echoed Max ‘s plea of this morning. "And Tess, well, she’s lost and desperate. All she’s ever known was that Max was hers, and you were a threat to that. She wanted YOU to give up on Max, because she saw very quickly that she would never be able to get Max to give up on you. She talked to you before the cave too, didn’t she?"

Liz nodded. "She said that if I really loved him, I’d let him become who he really was. That he was someone very important to your people and that I weaken him by loving him. That I take his focus away." She bit her lip, the pain of that moment coming back to her.

"You see. She was trying to get you to leave Max." Isabel smiled. "I’m glad she didn’t succeed totally. He was a real pain to be around after you left." Secretly she thought that Max would be livid if he knew Tess was behind Liz giving up on them at the cave too. "I want you to know one thing, and remember that this comes from the person who used to gag watching the two of you together, Max was lost when you were gone. Your love makes him stronger."

The light was starting to return to Liz’s eyes. "I hope you’re right… So where is she? Tess, I mean." Liz was almost afraid to ask.

"She’s still here. But Max instructed Nick to keep her away from us all or there’d be hell to pay. Max has never been angry with you, so you won’t know this, but he can be really frightening when he’s furious. And believe me, Tess was lucky to get off so lightly. He wanted her to leave completely, but apparently she is needed for the cause or something. He put the fear of the devil into her, she’ll leave you alone now."

Liz hugged her and whispered ‘thank you’. Izzy waved it off. "Hey, you’re the reason I have Alex."


The hours dragged by with leaden feet for Liz. She was worried about tonight. Particularly after Max had fairly bolted from their tent this morning. She was working with Jans again today, but she couldn’t concentrate on her self-imposed task. She also had to admit that Jans was starting to bother her too. He kept touching her and looking at her in an intimate way. She even caught him staring at her breasts once. Damn, Maria for putting these doubts into her head. If she didn’t need him for her project…

When she finally got back to camp it was still relatively early, so she went for a shower and lay down on her bed. It felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest with nervousness about tonight. She got up when she sensed Max was near, not wanting to scare him like last night. She stopped dead in her tracks when she realized what she just did. She SENSED Max. What was happening to her?

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on Max. Yes, the Jeep just stopped near the dining tent. Liz ran outside holding her breath and sure enough, Max was getting out of the Jeep with Michael. He turned around to stare at her with wide eyes, obviously aware of what had just happened.

Max went to her immediately. He pulled her into his arms not knowing what to say. He felt her reaching out to him to pinpoint his position just now. How had she done that? And was she scared about this development? "Liz?"

Liz saw the concern in his eyes. "What just happened, Max?"

"I don’t really know. I just know that I’ve been able to feel your presence ever since we came here. I knew you were in the camp before Nick even told us. I’m not sure why its happening to you too, though. Are you… does it bother you?

Liz wondered why a desperate note was creeping back into his voice. "Its weird, but no, it doesn’t bother me." She rubbed her nose against his neck. "Does that mean I could check on whether you’re gracing some other damsel’s tent with your presence?"

He only smiled half-heartedly. "Yeah. Like that would ever be something you’d have to worry about." He disentangled himself from her. "Let me go get cleaned up. Why don’t you go have something to eat before we leave." His eyes were avoiding hers again.

Liz wanted to scream: ‘NO! Tell me what it going on!’ Instead she dutifully left to go to dinner.


The ride in the Jeep was filled with a tense silence. Max was clutching the steering wheel like it was a life raft and Liz felt her nails bite into the palms of her tightly gripped hands. She had had an awful dinner and ended up leaving not having eaten much. Their friends were nowhere to be seen and neither was Nick. Only Jans had sat in his usual place, staring at her.

Max cast a sidelong glance at Liz. His dream girl. He didn’t need to be drunk to acknowledge that fact now. He tried to swallow past the lump in his throat. He didn’t know what he would do is she didn’t…

He stopped the Jeep abruptly. Coming round the front, he helped Liz out silently. His fingers closed around hers in a crushing grip for a few seconds before he could finally get them to relax. He turned away from her, frowning. How was he going to do this when he was a mess just thinking about it?

Liz tugged him back around. "Max, if you don’t talk to me now, I’m going to have a heart attack. Please, I can’t take this anymore!"

Max knew he couldn’t postpone this any longer. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Liz, I love you. More than life." He stopped, trying to gauge her reaction.

She was staring up at him fearfully. "Max, please… don’t ask me to leave."

Max looked stunned for a few moments. "What! NO, never!"

Liz looked momentarily relieved. "Then what?"

"I want… no, I NEED to make a commitment to you. Somehow. And since we’re too young to get married, I thought…" How was he going to explain all of this? "I talked to Nick. I said I wanted you to be my wife. In our sense… I mean my race’s sense. There’s a ceremony…" He suddenly found he couldn’t stop staring at Liz. She was starting to glow with an inner happiness that nearly blinded him.

"Liz, please say yes. I know I’m asking a lot. But I love you and I can’t bear losing you again. We’ll get married for real someday, I prom -."

But Liz had thrown her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. "Yes", she whispered into his waiting mouth.

Journal Entry 20

It had to be done. There was no other way.

Their kiss was filled with joy and promises for the future. There were so many things to say and so few words to say them with. Max was running his hands through her silken hair. How he loved to do that! And how afraid he had been that he would never be able to do it again. Her lips tasted like honey and like home, the home he had always been looking for. And her body, that fit so perfect against his, promised him heaven.

Liz was floating. This was a moment she had always dreamed of. Well, not exactly this, but this was so much better. Marriage could come later, right now she would be Max’s mate. His chosen destiny.

Max reluctantly pulled his lips from hers. There were many things still to discuss. Staring into her eyes, he wished he could freeze this moment in time forever. To be able to see the sparkle that he put in her eyes over and over again. He touched his fingers to her lips reverently. How amazing that he had to travel across several galaxies to find the person that completes him in a small town named Roswell…

Liz waited silently, sensing he had more to say. But as he opened his mouth, his eyes caught something over his shoulder. Liz turned her head to see what he was looking at, but there was nothing but desert shrubs behind them. His attention was on her again when she turned back.

"Liz, I want you to know that I’m doing this because I love you. I’ve been dreaming of marrying you since I saw you that first time. But this is not how I wanted it to be. I wanted -."

Liz shut him up with a soft kiss. "I don’t care."

If ever there were words that had the power to weaken Max Evans, those three were it. ‘I don’t care.’ Those words that had started his hope so long ago that Liz could love him back some day and now they meant that she loved him. And that she didn’t care what the costs of that love were.

Smiling, he attempted to get the discussion back on track. "Liz, there are always going to be people that want to hurt you because of me. I can’t always be with you and if you’re my mate… my BRIDE, you will have a whole race of people looking out for you. I need to know that you’re safe, that your safety is the concern of other people too." He regarded her seriously. "And I want you to know that this ceremony is a promise for the future. A promise that I WILL marry you one day, because… because that’s the human way."

Liz was trying not to cry, but his words were spoken with such determination and tenderness that they went straight to her heart.

Picking her up unexpectedly, he carried her back to the Jeep. "Where are we going?" Liz wanted some more alone time with him. "Are we going back already?" Her disappointment could be heard in her voice.

Max just hugged her closer for a few seconds, hiding his smile in her hair so she couldn’t see it. He set her down in her seat and kissed her forehead before moving around the front of the car to get in himself.

Liz frowned when he drove in the opposite direction of the camp. What was going on now? It didn’t take long to become clear. The Jeep rounded a group of boulders to reveal all their friends and Nick. They were all wearing flowing, white robes and smiles.

Liz started trembling and turned to Max. "Did you…"

He just nodded, love shining from his eyes.

Maria and Isabel were at her side and pulling her from her seat. "Come on. We have some work to do to get this show on the road."

They dragged Liz away from the guys and Max watched her go, his heart in his throat. He was startled from his thoughts when Michael slapped him on the shoulder. "Congratulations, Maxwell! You always have to do everything first, don’t you."

Max smiled at his friend of many years, but Michael jumped in before he could say anything. "I know, I know. Because its Liz." Michael shook his head. "Anyway, let’s get you into the tux before she comes back."

Max’s mouth fell open. "Tux!"

Alex was laughing by then. "He’s just joking! Come on."


Journal Entry 21

I have performed many bonding ceremonies in my life. They were all done to establish units for procreation. My final words always completing the unit. But this time, the bond was already there. I only made it official. I could feel their link and its power was awe-inspiring. How is this possible? They have not been intimate. They are not genetically coded for each other. They are from different races. This experiment becomes more important for my people by the day.

Her beauty stole his breath, his heart and his soul. She was a vision in white, her long hair flowing like silk across her shoulders and her eyes shining like the sun.

He was the most magnificent man she has ever seen. Her hero. The white material of his shirt falling loosely over his strong body. His beautiful eyes filled with love for her.

They faced one another, surrounded by a circle created by the linked hands of their friends. Nick was conducting the ceremony. No words were spoken. He put a hand on Liz and Max each, causing sensations and images to fly through their minds. They were not supposed to touch until the end, but Max couldn’t stop himself from taking Liz’s hands. It caused Nick to falter for a few seconds, thrown by the strong connection flowing between the two young lovers.

They stared in each other’s eyes, seeing images of their past together. Memories of shared kisses, shared pain and shared pleasure. Then they saw the promises for the future. Their hopes and dreams. Among them there were dark-haired children that made Liz gasp and Max grip her fingers more tightly.

Nick ended the ceremony by putting his hands on both their heads. ‘Now you are one.’

He stepped away, but Max and Liz didn’t even notice. Max raised his hand to press it over her heart and waited while Liz mimicked his gesture. "Liz, I love you. Always."

"And I love you. Forever. My Max."

They stared at each other for long moments, before Alex’s voice broke the silence. "You may now kiss the bride!" Isabel swatted him on his arm, but the onlookers were all relieved for the lightening of the mood. They had all been fighting lumps in their throats.

Max kissed Liz’s smiling lips softly. Soon that wasn’t enough and he lifted her up against him with an arm around her waist. Their open mouths melded together hungrily until they started lacking oxygen and the comments from the onlookers finally broke into their haze.

"Are you two going to be even worse now?" But Isabel was smiling when she said it. She went over to hug her brother when he finally let Liz down to the ground again. "I’m so happy for you." She whispered in his ear.

Liz was being surrounded by Maria and Alex, while Max still hung onto her one hand. Maria hugged her tightly and Alex kissed her on top of her head. "Thanks for doing this, guys. I love you both so much."

Alex was still grinning. "Yeah, the leader wanted us here, its not like we had much of a choice! And this after I told him you were going to say no…"

"Alex! You didn’t!" Liz hoped this was the normal Alex banter and that he didn’t really do it, because it would have played right into Max’s nightmares.

"Sheesh, relax. I’m not a complete idiot. I’ve watched you moon over the guy for months, I knew you would say yes before he even finished his question!"

"So does this mean you two will be having… you know, a honeymoon now?" Trust Maria to home in on the most important issue.

Liz felt Max’s hand tighten around hers and she knew he had heard the question even though he was still talking to Michael and Isabel. "Uhm… yeah, I think we’re going to wait with that…"

Looking at Max she found him staring at her with heated eyes. ‘Or maybe not…’

Journal Entry 22

It was much too soon, but we had no choice.

It was dusk when they drove back to the camp. Max and Liz were alone in the Jeep, the others having decided that they needed some private time. Max had trouble concentrating on driving. He held on to Liz’s hand tightly and only let go if he had to shift gears. He couldn’t let go of her hand even if he tried, but the flashes that came with the contact were heating up his blood unbearably. He had trouble deciding whether they were from him or from Liz. They held images of the two of them tangled together in passion and unleashed desire. Fighting for a normal breathing pattern, he glanced at Liz, trying to discern if she were seeing the images too. It was a mistake and he realized it immediately. Her head was thrown back against the seat, her eyes closed and her breath coming in gasps through her slightly parted lips. His eyes traveled lower helplessly, coming to rest on the agitated movement of her breasts.

Liz was rudely plucked from her daydream when the Jeep screeched to a halt. It took her a moment to gather her wits before she could turn to Max. The question in her eyes died a quick death when she saw the look in his. It felt like flames were burning her skin everywhere his eyes touched and she watched him entranced, unable to look away. He looked hungry… for her.

The spell was broken momentarily as Max got out of the Jeep and rounded the bonnet. Liz could only watch in helpless fascination as he finally reached her side and pulled her legs round so that she sat facing him. His hands slid from her ankles over her calves under her skirt, the material bundling on his wrists as his hands moved higher. Reaching her knees, he curved his hands round the backs of her legs and pulled her towards the edge of the seat. Staring into her eyes, he stepped closer, his hips slipping between her thighs. Liz was powerless to stop the low moan that erupted from her throat and she reached up to clutch at his shirt.

The initial touch of his mouth was surprisingly soft, but the timbre of the kiss changed as soon as Liz parted her lips. Max accepted the silent invitation by thrusting his tongue into her mouth causing passion to explode between them. They kissed hungrily, desperately.

Max slid one hand from her knee over the silken skin of her thigh to cup her bottom. The movement removed the impeding material of her skirt and Liz wriggled forward until she could wrap her legs around him. The strangled sound torn from Max’s chest was music to her ears.

Max tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her head back so his lips can reach her neck. He ran his tongue over her skin, tasting her as he went lower. Liz’s put her hands on his shoulders, leaning backwards to give him access. The heat of his mouth caused an achy feeling of need in the pit of her stomach. How much she needed Max to make love to her…

Max stopped when he reached the barrier of her top. He desperately wanted more, but wasn’t sure how Liz felt about it. Meeting her eyes, he saw the answer there and it nearly brought him to his knees.

Still watching her intently he moved back a bit and caught the edge of her top in his hands. Liz lifted her arms, allowing him to pull it over her head. Max sucked in and impeded breath as she was revealed to him. She was gloriously beautiful. ‘And mine’. The thought was intoxicating and arousing.

Liz stared at him breathlessly as he slowly lifted a hand to cover the lace of her bra. The heat of his hand seared her skin and caused a rush of sensations in her body. She arched into his hand involuntarily, silently begging him for more. "Max…" His name was a moan, a plea, a prayer…

Max gathered her close to him once again, the need to kiss her overpowering him. Their open mouths clung together, their tongues mimicking the most intimate of connections. Max kept up his caresses on her skin, teasing her with soft touches until she was writhing against him in reaction.

Liz tore her mouth away, breathing raggedly. "Sh… shirt. Take off.." The words wouldn’t come out right. It felt like her mind had left her body, as if he had somehow stolen her reason from her. She urgently started pulling at his buttons, her fingers clumsy and trembling.

Max shrugged out of the shirt as soon as she completed her task, letting it drop carelessly to the sand. He dragged her back into his arms, both of them sighing with the contact. He tightened his hold on her until they were pressed together from shoulder to stomach. He used one hand to slowly rub their torso’s together, causing a delicious friction of skin on skin.

Liz arched her neck, closing her eyes in ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around him again, instinctively rubbing their lower bodies together and producing a tortured sound from Max.

‘I want you.’

The thought was simultaneous and shared through their connection.

Max encircled her with his arms, hugging her to him in a tight embrace. He was fighting for control over his body and he felt Liz doing the same. Their hearts thundered in their ears and their breathing was harsh and labored. They stayed like that for a long time, slowly coming back to earth.

Max finally pulled away. "Let’s go home." His eyes were saying what his mouth couldn’t. Tonight, everything was going to change...


Journal Entry 23

Let the second phase begin…

They arrived back at the camp to find a large crowd waiting for them. All the inhabitants have gathered together and Max could only hope they didn’t see the state he was in. He was really desperate to be alone with Liz. It had not been his intention with the ceremony, but somewhere during all this he had given up on waiting before they make love. He felt like he had married her today and it felt right like nothing in his life ever had. She completed him, she made him happy… and she made him human.

Liz also had trouble hiding her disappointment when they were confronted with the crowd. She gripped Max’s hand for she couldn’t bear not touching him right now. She caught Maria’s eye and was mortified to see her friend’s knowing grin. Apparently it was obvious what she and Max had been up to before they came back.

A silence settled over the crowd as Max helped her out of the Jeep and they stood side-by-side in front of his people. Liz felt his hand tighten on hers and she clutched his arm with her other hand, pressing her body against his in nervousness. What are they going to do?

Then, as if following a silent signal, the crowd bowed in unison.

Liz stared at the sight, unable to comprehend what was happening. She looked up at Max and saw the relief in his eyes. He stepped away from her slowly, gently disentangling himself from her and leaving her alone in front of the crowd. Liz watched in awe, as it became clear that they were honoring her. Not Max, but HER! She turned back to Max, tears filling her eyes. This was so much more than she had ever hoped for. She had basically stolen their leader from his intended wife and they still reacted this way. Not knowing what she should do, she did the only thing she could think of. She said: "Thank you."

Heads lifted up in the crowd at her soft words. A soft clapping started and soon, the applause was thunderous. Liz stood quietly throughout the display, her head held high. The only sign of her nervousness was the hands gripping her skirt at her sides.

Max never felt prouder of her than right now. His heart was about ready to burst and he had trouble keeping himself from going to her and kissing her breath away. But this was her moment.

Nick went to Liz and presented her with a carved wooden box, bowing low before her as she took it. His expression seemed faintly sympathetic, but Liz didn’t have time to ponder this before she was surrounded by people. She also didn’t see the two people standing at the edge of the crowd, regarding the scene with cold eyes. Jans and Tess were both upset with this development, but for very different reasons.

Liz was starting to get overwhelmed by all the people trying to touch her. Maria and Alex arrived, herding her away from the crowd and towards her tent.

Safely inside, Alex bowed low before her, trying very hard not to laugh. "So, my Queen, why were you and our fearless leader so long in returning to the castle?"

Liz blushed. "Shut up Alex!"

Alex folded his arms. "I don’t think that is appropriate language for someone of your standing, young lady!"

Maria shoved him in the ribs before turning to her friend. "Wow, Lizzie! This is all so surreal! One day I’m teasing you about the quietest guy in school staring at you all the time, and now you’re basically married to him and being treated like a queen! I feel like I’m in the twilight zone."

Liz sighed. "Yeah, me too." She frowned. "Where is Max?"

The topic of her question came into the tent as if conjured by her thoughts. His face looked grim and Liz felt a cold shiver going down her spine.

Alex and Maria had also seen Max’s expression and quickly left the tent.

Liz swallowed, wondering why he wouldn’t meet her gaze. "What’s going on, Max?"

Stopping in front of her, he took her hands. "Liz… Love, I’m sorry. I… I have to leave." Hearing her shocked gasp, his eyes finally lifted to hers. "It’s a crisis. I have to go, I’m sorry."

Liz could barely get the words past the constriction in her throat. "When?"

His eyes pleaded with her to understand. "Right now."

Liz was suddenly gripped with an unnamed fear that threatened to overpower her. Something was going to happen to Max if he left, she just knew it…

Journal Entry 24

Physical contact for procreation and mating. Our people never needed more. Yet, it means so much to humans. I wonder at this need of theirs to touch. Does it create a closer bond than we could ever manufacture?

"Max, please!" Liz clung to his hand and her eyes filled with tears. She knew she should try to be strong, but this fear was clawing at her with icy fingers. Maybe if she didn’t let him leave, nothing would happen…

Max turned back after closing his bag and embraced her. "Liz… Honey, don’t cry. What is wrong? You know I’ll be back."

‘But that’s just it’, she wanted to scream, ‘what if you don’t!’ Instead she bit her lip and tried to climb into his body. Into his welcoming, loving warmth that she couldn’t live without. "Please… please be careful."

Max felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He never coped very well with her tears or pain. It was even worse when he was the cause of it. What was going on with Liz? She was normally so strong.

He caught her chin in his hand and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. They were wet and fearful. "We have to go see Nacedo. Something went wrong with his project or something. He said we must meet him tomorrow morning and its really far to drive… Liz, please! I can’t leave you like this."

A small part of her wanted to cry even harder, to force him to stay, but she knew she could never do that. So she swallowed back her tears and nodded weakly. "I’m okay. I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me." She flung her arms around his neck, hugging him desperately. "I’ll miss you! Max, I love you so much."

Max lifted her up with one arm, so her face was on the same level as his. He gently cupped her cheek. "I love you too. I’m sorry I have to leave you tonight… of all nights." His eyes burned into hers before he slowly met her lips. He poured all the love he felt for her into that one kiss. Communicating the depths of his feelings for her without words.

Liz was crying by the end of the kiss. It felt like she was kissing him goodbye forever. She had to force herself to let go of him as he finally slid her back to the ground. She stifled her sobs and bit her lip again, trailing behind Max out of the tent, her hand still gripped in his.

Max could feel the tension and distress from Liz bombarding his senses. He had trouble propelling his feet forward to the group waiting at the Jeep. Michael, Isabel… and Tess. Max felt Liz start to tremble when she realized who was going with him. He didn’t know what to say to her. She couldn’t still be worried that he would leave her for Tess, could she?

He stopped a few paces away from the others, the fact that a lot of the camp’s people had gathered to watch them leave was barely registering. "Liz." But he didn’t finish his sentence. Because in Liz’s eyes were fear, not jealousy or doubt. Pure unadulterated fear. His breath caught in his throat as he realized she was scared for him. "Honey, I’ll be fine!" He tried to sound as reassuring as he could. "We’re only meeting him and coming back. I won’t be gone for more than three days. I promise!"

Liz brushed the wetness from her cheeks hurriedly. She could see Tess watching her emotional display with disgust. The blonde girl obviously thought Liz was overwrought because Max was leaving her alone for a few days. She bowed her head and whispered: "Be careful. Please." She prayed that Max would loosen his death grip on her hand, so she could run back to the tent and break down in private, but he didn’t. Instead he pulled her with him to the Jeep, seemingly unwilling to loose contact with her too soon.

Max flung his bag into the Jeep and checked that everyone else was ready. Michael and Isabel said quick good bye’s to their respective loves and got in the Jeep with Tess. Max looked at Liz. She looked so small and vulnerable that he had trouble not breaking down and staying. She was rubbing silent tears away again, trying very hard to be brave. He caught her in a bear hug, pressing his face in her hair. "Oh god Liz, this is killing me." He kissed her neck and shoulder and every place he could reach, eliciting soft gasps from the crowd. His lips finally traveled over her beloved face, gently covering her eyelids and nose, before he brushed her mouth in a heartachingly sweet kiss.

Liz clutched at his shirt, kissing him back with unexpected passion. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, her movements full of urgency. She pressed her body into his, hoping his heat would burn away the cold fear in her heart.

"Uhm, Max. I’ll take Liz now." Alex’s voice was low and apologetic. He had inched forward after getting a look from Isabel that he needed to break up this make-out session. He took a step back when Max glared at him after lifting his mouth from Liz’s. He looked like he wanted to hurt whoever tries to take Liz from him.

Liz was shivering. Partly from the reaction of her body to Max’s kiss, but mostly from fear.

Nick appeared next to Max. "You must go now."

Max had trouble getting his eyes to look at anything but Liz. "I love you." His voice was strong and sure. Leaning down, he placed another lingering kiss on her lips, before he pressed her into Nick’s arms. "I hold you responsible for her safety." His gaze was saying the rest. ‘She is my heart. If anything happens to her, you wouldn’t want to live.’

"Max." Liz couldn’t say anything more. His name has always been her mantra for warding of evil. Without thinking, she clung to Nick’s arm in an effort to stop herself from running back to Max.

Max got in the Jeep and drove off, not looking back at Liz. If he did, he would turn back around…

After a few miles, he stopped the car. "Michael, please drive."

Michael looked at him in surprise. Max seemed truly upset. In fact, he looked like he had tears in his eyes. It was on the tip of Michael’s tongue to say that Max should get over it, he was only leaving Liz for a few days, but Izzy’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Settling himself in the passenger seat, Max clenched his hands into fists. They were separated by miles of desert sand and he could still feel her emotions. He hated leaving Liz like that! Nacedo better have a real emergency or he would definitely hurt the guy.


Liz stood staring at the place where the Jeep disappeared for a long time. She didn’t even notice that she was still clinging to Nick, or that he seemed at a loss as to what to do with her now. Neither did she notice the quizzical glances from the people still milling about.

Alex and Maria eventually came over and took Liz from Nick’s arms. She seemed dazed and Maria looked worried. "Okay Liz, you are freaking me out here. What’s up with the tears? Prince Charming will be back in a few days."

Tears welled up in Liz’s eyes again. "Oh Maria, I have this terrible feeling about him! Something’s going to happen while he’s away."

Maria hugged her tightly, looking at Alex over her shoulder. Alex only shrugged, he was at a complete loss as to what was going on with their friend. They ended up taking her to the tent and helping her to bed, staying until she fell into a restless sleep.


Liz was dreaming of Max. He was smiling at her and holding her hand. She felt enveloped in his love and was drowning in the warmth of his eyes when unseen hands suddenly ripped him from her side. Liz screamed as she ran in the direction she had seen him last. "Max!"

Comforting hands smoothed over her brow, chasing away the terrors of her dreams. Max was back in her dream as if he had never left. His voice calming her down and promising a beautiful future. Liz felt her fears diminish as she snuggled closer to Max. Her rock and her other half…


Max had woken up with Liz’s cry for him ringing in his ears. He was shaking in reaction, the fear in her voice was something he never wished to hear for real. He hoped it was just his reaction to her emotional state this afternoon and not one of those shared dreams of theirs. But he suspected he was hoping in vain.

Isabel was driving now, while Michael and Tess were sleeping in the back seat. A silent agreement between Isabel and Michael kept Max and Tess from sharing the same space in the Jeep.

Max rubbed his face tiredly. He closed his eyes again, picturing Liz as she had looked this afternoon during the bonding ceremony. Every time he thought she couldn’t be more beautiful to him, he ended up being proven wrong. He sighed. Was he ever going to get a normal life with Liz? A house in the suburbs and kids? Could he even have kids? What would happen if he made love to Liz? He had been ready to throw all caution to the wind earlier today. All those years of wanting Liz Parker and she finally were his. How was he supposed to live through this without losing his sanity or the girl he loved more than life itself?


Nick continued running his hand over Liz’s hair until she seemed peaceful. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on shaping her dream. When he was satisfied that she was okay, he sat back on his haunches next to the bed and watched her sleep. This frail-looking girl who had bewitched his leader. This girl who was much more powerful than she realized. Who was so much more important to his people than she knew. No, she was not just important, she was vital.

The four neared the spot where they had to meet Nacedo with dawn breaking over the horizon. Max had barely slept all night, his mind occupied with Liz’s reaction to him leaving. He had never seen her so scared in his life. At least he didn’t experience more horrifying dreams with her, so it meant she had slept well.

He turned the Jeep off the road and drove into the desert again, trying to make out landmarks to the spot they had to find. What was up with Nacedo and his project? And why doesn’t he come to the camp? Why couldn’t the other aliens see him? Was he afraid he would be followed? Max shifted in his seat uncomfortably, he was starting to share Liz’s bad feeling about this…

The other three were also starting to wake around him in the Jeep. Michael was being his usual morning ray of sunshine and Izzy was fixing herself with her powers. In no time she was back to looking like the perfect Isabel Evans. Max hid a small smile. No wonder other girls hated his sister!

Finally arriving where they were to meet Nacedo, they got out of the Jeep to stretch their legs. They were about an hour early and Max and Michael took the time to investigate the area. There was not a single living thing in sight. Max eventually sat down on a boulder a little way from the other three who were now unpacking their breakfasts. His mind automatically wandered to Liz. It always did. He missed her. He missed waking up with her. He grimaced. How was he ever going to go back to living in Roswell in his parents’ house and not sleep with Liz? She was his wi-. He stopped himself. No, she was only his wife on some other planet.

"Earth to Max! Get off Planet Liz, would you!" Michael yelled at him from the Jeep, snapping him out of his reverie. His eyes caught Tess’ and for a moment he saw anger reflected there. Max stood up. Whatever. He couldn’t care less what the girl felt after the way she had treated Liz.

He was halfway to the Jeep when a blinding white light engulfed them all…


Journal Entry 25

We watched her closely. She felt the disturbance in the connection more strongly than I have ever seen. Its all up to her now…

Liz felt remarkably refreshed when she woke up. She couldn’t remember having nightmares, which was amazing in light of the nauseous feeling that immediately returned to her stomach when she got up. She was sick with worry about Max.

Sitting back down on his bed, she picked up one of his T-shirts and hugged it to her body. She could smell his distinctive scent in the material and it made her heart ache with longing. Where was he now? Was he safe? She closed her eyes and concentrated on Max, seeing if she couldn’t by some miracle sense something.

The ache in her heart increased suddenly. Max! He was missing her! She could feel it! Her eyes flew open in disbelief. How was this even possible? Wasn’t he many miles away? She shook her head. It was just wishful thinking on her part…


Maria looked at her sympathetically when she arrived for breakfast. "You know Lizzie, the oversized look is so ten years ago!" But her eyes said that she understood why Liz was wearing one of Max’s shirts. They were all missing their aliens.

Nick was sitting alone at breakfast, keeping an eye on Liz. His reasons were twofold. To ensure her safety and to watch her reactions…

Liz was lifting her glass when it suddenly felt like the life was being sucked out of her. She paled and started to tremble, gripping the table to stay upright. "No…" she whispered. The world was getting blurry around her. "Max!" This cry was louder, startling her friends.

Maria and Alex jumped up, catching Liz as she slid to the ground, white as a sheet. "Chica! What is it!" Maria sounded hysterical.

Nick was at their side immediately. Liz was clutching her heart, the one that had stopped beating when her connection to Max was suddenly severed. Tears were running from her unseeing eyes uncontrollably. "Max…"

Nick lifted her up and put her in a chair. He gently pushed her hair from her face and lifted her chin. "Liz, what happened?"

"Max. Something happened to Max…" Liz was trembling so much she could barely speak.

"Can you still feel him?" Nick’s question resulted in shocked expressions from Maria and Alex.

Liz shook her head numbly. "No… Oh Max! No…"

Nick took her face in his hands. "You have to concentrate. We need to know if he’s still alive!"

Liz felt a blackness trying to overpower her. A void of emptiness the likes of which she had never experienced. Was this what her world would feel like without Max? Her breathing became erratic as despair flooded her.

"Please Liz!" Nick’s voice intruded into her little world of pain. "He needs you to help him. So that we can help him." Liz still seemed dazed, so Nick tried again. "Liz, Max! Max needs you!"

Liz stiffened at the beloved name. "Max."

Nick was on his knees in front of her now. "Yes! Max. Is he alive?"

Liz curled her hands into Max’s shirt. She gulped in air and bent her head, trying to concentrate. It was very difficult with all the emotions crashing through her at the same time. How was she supposed to find Max with all these distractions? Max… her heart and her soul. He couldn’t be… dead! No, that would be too cruel.

She tried to picture him, the way he had looked at her when he left. His eyes telling her that he was leaving part of himself behind with her. Pleading with her to be safe.

She finally opened her eyes, looking at Nick desperately. "Nothing. I feel nothing…"


Michael was the first to come to. He scrambled to his feet drunkenly, his eyes searching for the other three. Tess was lying next to the Jeep. He felt for a pulse and found one, she was fine. He found Isabel in the driver’s seat of the car, slumped over the steering wheel. Michael gently lifted her out and laid her on the ground. Her eyes fluttered open as soon as she heard her name.

"Michael, what happened?" She seemed confused for a moment. Then she felt it. The absence of a connection that she had lived with her whole life. Her brother. Max. She grabbed Michael’s hand. "Where is Max!"

Michael looked worried. He had felt it too. "I haven’t found him yet."

Isabel jumped up. "No… nonononononono…"

They searched the area, but there was no sign of Max.

"He’s dead." Tess’ voice stopped them in their tracks.

Isabel swung towards her, fury in her eyes. "Don’t ever say that! How can you say that? He is NOT dead! He is-."

"DEAD!" Tess yelled. "I feel it. We had a genetic connection. There is nothing now. He is dead…" Her voice trailed lower. "I’m sorry, but its true."

Isabel crumbled to her knees. She felt it too. Max was gone…

Journal Entry 26

Something terrible has gone wrong…

"Liz, are you sure you feel nothing?" A note of concern was creeping into Nick’s voice. Maria looked at him. He seemed to be getting more agitated by the second.

And Liz, she was just staring at her feet, hugging herself.

Jans appeared in the door of the tent, calling to Nick. Alex and Maria watched as they conferred outside, Nick seemingly getting distressed at something Jans had to say. Nick turned to look at Liz, his face showing signs of anguish.

When Nick came back, he picked up Liz wordlessly and carried her back to her tent. Liz curled up on Max’s bed, hugging his pillow to her chest. She couldn’t stop crying. She didn’t even notice Nick’s stroking her hair comfortingly.


Journal Entry 27

My heart aches for her, for us. When had I started feeling these human emotions? Is this some power she has over us? The same one she wielded so effectively over Max? And what could have happened to him? The second phase was supposed to have been simple, no long-term damage done. Instead I sit helplessly at her side, trying to stop myself from crying with her…

Michael and Isabel sat in the Jeep despondently. Isabel had tried dreamwalking to find Max, but she couldn’t reach him. They were starting to fear the worst.

Michael hugged Isabel to his side. Max had just always been there for them and it felt weird and scary to think of being without him. Even though he drove them up the wall sometimes with his controlling attitude, they had always counted on him getting them out of trouble. How were they going to tell Liz about this? How do you tell anyone the person they love is… gone?

But if he were dead, where was Max’s body? Michael frowned. He had a feeling there was something weird going on here…


Nick sat watching over Liz the whole morning. She had seemed to slip into a drugged state off exhaustion after a while, but he had stayed at her side, knowing it was what Max would have wanted. Jans came to report every now and again, but so far their people have found nothing…

Michael had called from a payphone to report what had happened and to say that the three of them were staying at the site to see if they could learn anything more. He didn’t seem surprised when Nick informed him that they already knew. That Liz knew.

Michael ended the call by saying: "Tell her that he was thinking of her when it happened."


Maria came during the afternoon. She felt awful for her friend, especially now that she knew Michael was okay. She slipped into bed with Liz, hugging her close. "Hey Lizzie, babe…"

This elicited the first real reaction from Liz. A moan of such pain broke from her throat that Maria promptly burst into tears with her. "Liz… he loved you so much!" It was all she could think of to say.

"I just want to die… please, just let me…" Liz’s voice was hollow and slurred. The pain was tearing her apart inside. It felt like her whole body was in pain. The never-ending pain of loss. The pain that was only interrupted by the flicker of something unknown at the edge of her mind, like a thought that you can’t really get hold of. Liz closed her eyes. She was just so tired… so empty, maybe if she just stopped breathing. The little niggling thought became a scream: "Noooo!"

Liz jerked upright in bed.


Nick was on his way back when he heard Maria cry Liz’s name. He broke into a run and burst into the tent. Liz was sitting up in bed, Max’s pillow still clutched to her chest. Her eyes were closed and she was frowning in concentration.

He fell to his knees at the side of the bed, staring at her with a mixture of hope and dread.

Liz was reaching out with all of her mind. Nothing again. Then she remembered Grandma Claudia. ‘Follow your heart.’ She let herself feel all the love and anguish that her heart could handle and the whisper became louder. ‘Don’t ever leave me.’

The relief flooding through Liz was indescribably sweet. "He’s alive. Max is alive!" The outburst was followed by a silent conversation with her soulmate. ‘I love you. I was so scared. I’ll find you.’ The relief in her body intensified, telling her that Max had felt her response.

She jumped up, scattering Maria and Nick before her. "We have to go find him. He’s alive! We must go NOW."

Nick blanched at the authority in her voice, but followed her obediently.

Liz faltered when they reached the car. Where do they start looking? The desert was huge and all she could sense was Max’s feelings. She turned to Nick, worry creasing her brow. "How are we going-?"

Nick interrupted her, his voice ringing with certainty. "You will guide us."

"What do you mean? I can’t… I don’t…" Liz was confused and scared. They were all staring at her with such hope.

Nick came to stand before her, blocking her view of all the others. "Yes, you can. I know you can."

Liz looked at him for a few silent seconds, before she just nodded her head.


Journal Entry 28

He is alive! They found each other and I felt so many things coursing through my body that I nearly became dizzy. Relief, happiness, pride… Yes, I was proud of her. How human that sounds! It's all up to her now.

Liz could barely sit still while they drove. She had decreed that they start where Max was seen last. There was a drive of several hours ahead of them, but Liz couldn’t sleep. She kept trying to connect with Max. It only worked on a few irregular occasions. He seemed fine, but worried. She wondered why until it dawned on her. He knew she was coming to find him and he was concerned for her safety. Her always protecting Max!


Max was still having trouble recovering from the sheer terror that had gripped him when he felt Liz giving up on life. His mind kept screaming at her not to do it, that she couldn’t leave him alone on this planet, HER planet, their planet... Until he finally felt her reaction.

Only then did he realize that he was leading her right to him. Right into the trap with him.

It was dark in the space where he was held. He had woken up in the darkness and had remained so ever since. He had no idea where he was or why he couldn’t reach Isabel or Michael. He had been desperate enough to even try to reach Tess. Nothing had worked until his body started shaking with reaction. Liz’s reaction to his death. It came out of nowhere, but the intensity of it shocked him into desperation. Desperation to reach her before she gave up completely…

What was he doing here? Who had him? Liz was coming… His mind grappled to handle the myriad of issues flying around in his head when he heard it. A voice coming closer. "They will be here soon. We’ll wait until she is here…" A cold and terrible fury took hold of Max then. For he recognized the voice.

Journal Entry 29

We needed to get him out without alerting his captors. We can’t afford to fight the other side now. Not with him vulnerable because of her presence…

It was still dark by the time Nick’s group arrived at the site where Max had disappeared. They were scattered in two vehicles, Nick having brought some men along that Liz has never seen. She didn’t care about anything but getting to Max. She had felt a wave of fury from him that scared her in its intensity. That was quickly followed by total panic. All she could make out from him was: "Don’t come." It didn’t make sense to her at all, so she kept quiet, fearful that Nick would keep her out of the rescue effort if he knew.

Isabel, Michael and Tess woke up from their restless sleep in the Jeep when the lights of the two cars fell over them. Michael was out of the car the minute he saw Liz. He pulled her into a rough hug. "Liz, I’m sorry. You know he loved you above all…"

Liz had to fight the tears following Michael’s actions. He hid such a soft heart beneath his sometimes gruff exterior. "Michael, he’s alive!"

Michael searched her eyes uncertainly. He didn’t know whether Liz was losing it or if he should start hoping with her.

Liz smiled up at him, conviction shining in her face. "I felt him! He-."

"What nonsense!" Tess interrupted her. "There is no way you could sense him. Firstly, you’re a human and secondly, none of us feel him. I share a genetic connection with him. I would be the first to know!"

The group just stared at her in silence. Then Michael turned back to Liz. "So, you felt him, huh? What do we do now?" The last part was aimed at Nick.

Nick looked at Liz. Michael looked at Liz. In fact, everyone was looking at Liz…


Max was getting desperate. He had tried warning Liz to stay away, but she had either not heard him, or she was ignoring him because he could feel her coming closer. His stubborn, beautiful, wonderful Liz was walking right into a trap.


Liz was concentrating on pinpointing Max’s location. It was very hard with Tess glaring at her and everyone else practically dancing around her with anxiety. She eventually walked away from them, holding up her hand when they tried to follow.

"Oh, please! How much more dramatic-"

"Shut up Tess!" Michael and Isabel talked in chorus.

Liz had no idea what she was doing. She was going on instinct here. She tried reaching out to Max again, but the feeling of panic coming from him was drowning out everything else in her mind and she mentally backed away again. What were they doing to him? Why was he so scared? She turned around anxiously, her eyes finding Isabel.

Isabel was at her side immediately. "What is going on?"

"I don’t know! He is really scared about something and I can’t… It makes it hard to concentrate." Liz’s voice was pleading. "Do you think you could try to use me to… to find him?"

Isabel paled. "He was afraid? What for? Are they doing something to him?"

Liz looked away, avoiding her searching gaze. "Uhm… I don’t know. He just seemed… panicked, I guess."

"Let’s do it then!" Isabel took Liz’s hand and they both closed their eyes, looking for Max. She felt him immediately. Izzy didn’t have time to be amazed at how strong the connection between her brother and Liz was, she just yelled at Max.

"Max! Where are you? You have to help us find you!"

Max sounded frantic. "Isabel! You have to keep Liz away from me! It’s a trap for her… or me, I’m not sure. PLEASE! Just keep her away!"

Isabel understood then. Max would never be in such desperate fear for himself, only ever for Liz. "Okay Max, I’ll try, but you have to tell me where you are!"

Max answered in a relieved tone. "I have no idea. Its dark. And Izzy, please warn Nick. Its-"

The connection was severed unexpectedly, when Liz was jerked away from Isabel. Isabel opened her eyes and found Jans basically hugging Liz. He was mumbling something about being worried about her. Where the heck had he come from? Isabel ws sure he hadn’t been in either of the two cars.

Liz was assailed by an avalanche of images while Jans touched her. Some disturbing ones were coming from Jans himself, but the most emphatic one coming from Max: a wave of extreme hatred. Liz pulled away from Jans, realizing that Max had been reacting to Jans. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized what it meant.

Isabel and Jans both made a grab for Liz at the same time. Isabel was a second slower than Jans. He grinned at her while holding Liz in front of him like a shield. "Sorry, she’s mine now! Since the leader will be dead soon, I can reign by her side!"

The rest of the group had arrived by then. Nick held them all back, not wanting Liz to get hurt. He glared at Jans. "What is wrong with you! These are our leaders, our own people!"

Jans’ voice was condescending. "You are so pathetic. Why does he HAVE to be our leader? Because he was born that way? I don’t care for that anymore, especially in the light of what happened to our planet. And getting little Liz in the process is just sweetening the deal…"

"Our people will never accept you after this. It will get you nowhere!" Nick’s eyes went to Liz. "Are you okay?"

Liz nodded. She had been taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm, but that was a difficult task with Jans’ hand glowing on her skin. She mustn’t think about Max either, because that just opened the connection between them and she couldn’t afford to be distracted by his distress. No, she had to keep her wits about her…

Michael was watching Liz worriedly. He never wanted to be the person to tell Max anything had happened to Liz. She seemed so calm. He wondered if it had anything to do with Max. Catching Liz’s eyes, it dawned on him that she was trying to communicate something to him. He blinked in confusion as he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what it was.

Liz gave up being subtle and mouthed to Michael: "Be ready."

She didn’t give him time to absorb that before she whirled around in Jans’ arms and kneed him in the groin. Luckily for her he had not been expecting trouble from her. There was a stunned moment where the only sound that could be heard was Jans’ groaning. Then both Michael and Nick were on top of Jans, holding him down.

When Jans was effectively captured, Michael turned to Liz in astonishment. "What the hell was that?"

But Liz ignored the question and walked over to Jans. "Thanks for teaching me self-defense, you bastard! Now where is Max!"

Michael was the first one to burst out laughing. Max was going to have a cow!

Journal Entry 30

A traitor in our midst. I still feel ill at the thought. The phase WAS to find out how intense her connection with him was, but without creating such pain for them both. Oh, Aaron and Kayla, if you could only see…

They couldn’t get anything out of Jans. Liz was close to tears with frustration because she really wanted to find Max. At least the negative feelings from Max had subsided as soon as they had Jans under control. Now, all she could sense was impatience.

Nick turned to them. "He must have had help with this. He was with me in the camp while Max disappeared. We should still be careful." He nodded at two of the other men present to take Jans away.

"Why don’t we just drive around a bit and I’ll try to find him?" Liz pleaded with Nick. She hated standing around here. "I feel like he isn’t that far away…"

"Lizzie, we’re in the middle of the desert! Where would they hide him out here?" Maria was pressed to Michael’s side. They were all still staring at Liz as if she had sprouted horns.

"I don’t know, Maria! But I need to find him. I NEED him."

"Well, as long as I don’t have to be around when you tell Max that you had Jans teach you self-defense…" Maria’s mumble lightened the atmosphere for a few precious minutes.


The search seemed to take forever. Liz was getting really tired. They had driven in ever-increasing circles in the hope that Liz would sense something, but so far they had had little success.

Liz was in the Jeep with Michael, Maria and Izzy. Laying back against the seat and sighing, she thought back to the afternoon after the bonding ceremony. She had been in this same seat, but under very different circumstances. She still remembered the heat and hunger of Max’s gaze. How his hands had felt on her skin. How desperately she had wanted to be with him… Her body suddenly started humming, making her sit up in her seat.

Michael saw the movement from the corner of his eye and brought the Jeep to a halt.

Liz got out, hugging herself. She started walking towards a group of rocks, her eyes closed in concentration. The other three also jumped out of the Jeep and followed her with Michael hovering close behind her to make sure that she didn’t fall or bump into something.

"He’s here… somewhere close." Liz’s voice was soft.

Nick grabbed hold of her arm, holding her back. "Let us do the rest. We cannot endanger you too." He eyed Liz warily as she got a stubborn look on her face. "There are other people involved with this, Liz, we’ll come get you as soon as he’s out."

Maria came over to hug Liz, effectively keeping her from going with the rest of the group. Michael’s orders. Maria sighed. When had Spaceboy gotten so responsible?


Journal Entry 31

I knew that I should not allow them to do this. But these are extraordinary times for my people… for them. How much more must they prove before we tell them everything? They need this… almost as much as we do.

The wait was agonizing for Liz. It felt like hours since the rescue team had disappeared around the rocks. "What is taking them so long, Maria?"

Maria had been wondering the same thing, but didn’t want to alarm Liz. "Relax, chica. I’m sure they’re fine." ‘Or I’ll kill them all myself!’ she thought.

Liz and Maria were sitting in the shade of the rocks in an attempt to escape the scorching midday desert sun. Liz watched the horizon shimmering with heat through half-closed lids. ‘If Max ever arrives, I’m kissing him for three hours solid to make up for yesterday!’ She felt a burst of happiness from Max and hoped Maria didn’t see her blush. This shared connection thing could become a problem!

Her body told her he was near before she could see him. She was up and running past a surprised Maria in an instant.

They nearly ran each other into the ground, but Max caught her and swung her up in the air instead. No words were necessary. They loved each other, they were happy they were safe and together, their connection did the rest. Their kiss was filled with all the emotions sweeping through them.

Max was holding her so tight, Liz could barely breathe. She ran her hands over his body, trying to ascertain if he was indeed not harmed. But all she felt under her fingertips were smooth skin and gloriously firm muscles. Only her perfect Max, no worse for wear.

"Ahem…" Michael’s effort to break up the reunion went unnoticed.

Max couldn’t stop kissing Liz. He had been so afraid for her, afraid that he would never see her again. It put so much into perspective. How short life could be and how one should make the most of every moment. He stared at her when he finally lifted his mouth. Yes, that’s what they should do… make the most of every moment they have together!

Nick’s voice finally intruded. "We should go back and deal with these three."

Max and Liz were still looking at each other intently. The others were starting to become uncomfortable with the long silence when Liz suddenly nodded at Max before dipping her head and blushing.

Taking a deep breath, Max turned to Nick. "Could you leave us the Jeep? We… ah… need some time alone."

Maria’s mouth dropped open. Surely Max Evans wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying! She turned her eyes to her friend. Liz was clinging to Max’s hand and staring at the ground. Maria walked over to Liz determinedly, but she basically had to tear Liz from Max’s grip. "I’m sorry Max, but I REALLY need to talk to Liz."

When she judged that she had dragged Liz away far enough, she whirled on her. "Lizzie, what the hell are you doing! We don’t know what will happen! What if-."

"I don’t care, Maria!" Liz interrupted her with a firm voice. "This is not normal circumstances. Nothing about me and Max is normal! I only know one thing: we love each other. That’s all that matters to me…"

Maria stared at her speechless. Seeing the certainty in her friend’s eyes, Maria gave in. "You better tell me everything afterwards, girl! I have a stake in this too, you know!"

Liz was staring back at Max. "Yeah, I don’t think I would tell you everything, Maria. Maybe just the important bits…" She smiled as she walked back to Max, basking in his heated appraisal of her progress. It was time for another first in her life. Yet another first that would be the result of Max Evans…

Liz and Max watched as the rest of the group trooped into the cars. They had found Jans’ car close to where Max had been held and were taking it back. The cars eventually drove off, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

Finally they were alone…


Maria was giving Michael the third degree about Max’s kidnapping. "So where was he? And why couldn’t any of you guys sense him? And –."

"Hey, slow down, cheesehead! One thing at a time!" Michael sounded exasperated, causing Izzy and Alex to smile where they were sitting in the back seat. Yeah, things were basically back to normal…

Sighing, Michael tried to relay the little he knew. "They had him in this underground chamber, apparently it was fitted out with some kind of metal that they thought would shield us from finding him. Guess, they only figured on mind connections, not heart ones. Jans had planned the whole thing, it just worked even better when Liz came out here to find him. He initially just wanted Max out of the picture so he could take his place as leader… and with Liz."

"Eeew!" Maria’s response echoed everyone’s thoughts. "Hey wait, what about the message from Nacedo?"

"I’m guessing that was Jans too. There’s been no sign of him around here and since the thugs knew where we were… But we’ll phone him as soon as we can, just to make sure." Michael took Maria’s hand, ignoring her surprised look at the gesture. "Let’s just get home, so we can start forgetting about this whole mess."

"Sooo, I wonder what Liz and Max are up to right now. Oh wait, no! I just had a mental image! I SO did not need to think that about my friend! Just drive faster would you Michael! I need miles between me and that image!" Alex was starting to babble at the end, causing hysterical bursts of laughter from the other occupants of the car.


Max helped Liz into the Jeep silently. What do you say at a time like this? ‘I love you’? ‘Are you sure’? No, he couldn’t ask that. What if she said no? Max didn’t think he could take a ‘no’ right now.

Liz waited until they were back on the highway, driving away from Roswell before speaking. "Where are we going Max?"

Her voice sounded nervous and Max looked at her, feeling guilty for his closed-off reactions of the past few minutes. This was a big step for her too. He enveloped her hands that were folded in her lap with one of his. "I love you." He took a deep breath. "We don’t have to do this, you know."

"I know. Max, I love you. I want this… us." Liz snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he drove. "So really, where are we going?"

He leant his head on hers for a few seconds before answering. "I thought we’d go to Carlsbad."

"Okay." Liz was starting to sound sleepy. His heart filled with tenderness for her because she had not rested until she had found him. Brave Liz. Beautiful Liz. His Liz.


Standing in the hotel room, they looked at each other shyly. Both of them very aware of the implied intimacy of the big double bed next to them.

Liz started when she felt Max running his hand down her arm softly. "Are you scared?" Repeating words spoken a long time ago. He was gazing at her anxiously, not knowing how to ease her nervousness.

"Kiss me, Max."

He hugged her to him tenderly, slowly leaning down to touch his mouth to hers. He kissed her gently, running his hands over her face and into her hair. Trying to show her with his actions how precious she was to him.

Liz leant into his welcoming warmth and felt her fears disappear like the morning mist. This was Max. Her Max. Who loved her. She had nothing to worry about.

Max pulled away from her and waited until she opened her eyes slowly. "Why don’t you go take a bath and I’ll… uhm go out to… I mean, I need to…" He was stumbling over his words, embarrassment tingeing his cheeks.

Liz’s eyes widened in understanding. Right! Ever careful Max remembering that they needed to take precautions. She nodded and watched him leave.


The afternoon sun was casting long shadows outside when Max returned. The room was quiet and he walked to the half-closed bathroom door. Hesitating in the doorway, he wondered if he should just walk in. He didn’t want to embarrass Liz. But he couldn’t stop his feet from moving forward. The sight that greeted his eyes was breathtaking. Liz had fallen asleep in the bath filled nearly to the brim with bubbles. Her skin was glistening with moisture where it peeked from the water. Her beauty made him weak. Weak with love. Weak with desire.

He lifted her gently from the tub, wrapping her in a large towel. She murmured his name and pressed closer to him, causing a severe reaction in Max’s body. The towel left so much of her uncovered that he couldn’t help but stare. Her legs were smooth and shapely, dangling over his one arm and doing wicked things to his heart and mind.He managed to get her to bed without his legs giving out. Using the towel still wrapped around her, he patted her dry as best he could without waking her. She seemed so tired and vulnerable, it made his heart ache. He pulled the towel from her and slid her underneath the covers, but it needed only the few seconds that the action took to sear her bare form into his brain.

Cursing under his breath, he went to take a shower. And to try and get himself under control.


Liz came awake when the bathroom door opened. She was confused for a moment about how she had gotten to bed, but all thought fled her mind when Max appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a towel and nothing else. Liz’s eyes traveled across him helplessly, eagerly, hungrily. Over the dark wet strands of hair falling over his eyes. Over his beloved face. Over the contours of his chest and arms. Travelling lower until she forgot to breathe.

Max stopped when he realized she was awake and watching him. His body came to life while her gaze caressed him. It was the most sensual feeling he has ever experienced and he was afraid that he might lose his sanity tonight. Lose it somewhere in Liz Parker’s exquisite body and warm eyes…

He walked to the bed silently and sat down on the edge. Pulling Liz upright, he smiled slightly as she clutched the sheet to her chest. She smiled back up at him shyly, trustingly. His heart clenched in sudden fear. What if he hurt her tonight? Not in the normal first-time sense, but because he was what he was.

Liz saw the flash of fear in his eyes and placed a gentle, warm hand on his chest. She felt the fierce thudding of his heart against her fingertips. For an instant he seemed both humbled and profoundly uneasy. Then he began to shake almost violently, the intensity of their feelings overwhelming him.

"Liz." Her name was a plea, his voice husky and low.

She watched as his eyes darkened, then blazed with fire. She slowly slid her hand down from his chest to his bare stomach, hearing his smothered groan.

Max reached out and pulled the sheet from her fingers slowly. Uncovering her beauty to his thirsty eyes. He let his fingers drift over her collarbone, caressing the smooth soft skin of her shoulder before sliding lower, finally letting the weight of her breast fill his hand. She was perfect.

Liz arched into his hand, her body knowing instinctively what to do. His lips captured hers again. His tongue licking inside the velvet depths of her mouth and setting her body aflame. His hands covered her skin, touching everywhere he could reach, stoking the fires in her blood. She drank in the hot male scent of him, wanting more.

Max lapped up each little sound exploding from her throat. He lay down with her, managing it without breaking their kiss. He pressed her against him, reveling in the feeling of her naked skin.

Soon the barriers of sheets and towels were too much to bear and were removed. Throughout Max kept up the drugging kisses that transported Liz to another world. She gloried in the heat and hardness of his body. At how perfectly he fit to her. She rubbed herself against him trying to soothe the ache in the pit of her stomach. Max was kissing her neck, her shoulders, his lips covering every inch of her skin. He seemed to instinctively know all the hidden spots where his lips would arouse her.

Max was dazed. How many times had he dreamed of this, never daring to hope that it would ever come true. But here he was, and she was a fever in his blood. He knew that being inside Liz Parker would be the closest to heaven that he’ll ever be.

He came back to her mouth, kissing her swollen lips softly before looking into her eyes. "Liz?" Asking her silently if this was still what she wanted.

"Yes, Max… yes."

She undid him with three small words. Increasing his desire for her until it felt as if he’d die if he didn’t have her. But he kept himself in check. This was Liz. This was her first time. He needed to be gentle.

Holding her gaze with his, Max completed his possession of Liz with a smooth and careful stroke. She cried out and he held her until she grew accustomed to his body. He was trembling with the effort of keeping still, but he waited until she looked into his eyes and moved against him experimentally.

Max gave in then, moving inside her until they shared in the wild, mysterious, shattering joy of each other’s bodies. Liz clung to him afterwards, thankful for his weight pressing her into the mattress. She was afraid that her body was going to scatter into little bits following the explosion of pleasure she had just experienced. This was where she belonged. In Max’s arms. She knew she would never be able to live without this feeling again.

Max finally lifted his head from her shoulder. His breathing still ragged. "Are you okay? Did I… did I hurt you?"

He saw her answer in her dazzling smile. Cupping her cheek, he kissed her again. "Liz Parker, will you marry me?"

Max could practically hear his own heart beating in the stillness that gripped the room after his proposal. He stared down at Liz anxiously, but he couldn’t figure out what she was thinking. For that matter, what was HE thinking? They were way too young to get married, their parents will never allow it and did he really want Liz to make such a huge decision right now? ‘Yes,’ a little voice inside his head said. ‘I never want her to share herself with anyone but me. I want to make love with her and wake up with her for the rest of my life. On this planet and any other…’

Liz opened her mouth to speak, but Max rushed in ahead of her. "I mean, will you marry me when we graduate? I know we can’t right now, but I want… no, I NEED to hear you say yes very much right now. Liz, no one will ever love you like I do."

Liz placed her fingers on Max’s lips, stopping any further talking. She was amazed that he could still be uncertain about her answer. How could he doubt that he was the person she wanted to be with forever? But she knew the answer to that question. Because more than anything, Max still feared that she would one day want someone normal. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Like that was even possible!

"Yes." Soft and definite.

Max’s eyes widened for a moment and then filled with tears. Happy tears. Relieved tears. Tears that showed Liz how much he had wanted that to be her answer. And confirmed once again that she would never find anyone to take Max’s place in her heart, in this galaxy or any other.

Max crushed her against him, his face pressed in her neck. His aching lungs were reminding him to breathe, but he could care less about air now. How does that compare with Liz Parker saying she’ll marry him? He felt like he was floating on a cloud. Giddy and dizzy and indescribably happy.

Liz ran her hands over his back, trying to comfort him. He seemed really overcome with emotion and she marveled at the fact that she had such power over him. It was an ego-boosting realization, but one she must never misuse. Besides, he had the same power over her…

Max rolled to his side, pulling Liz with him. He caressed her face as they lay staring at each other with their faces inches apart on the same pillow. "Wow. We just… wow!"

Liz grinned against his fingers that were now tracing her lips. "It took you long enough to notice that I am now officially ruined, Mr Evans!"

Max’s half-smile had a devastating effect on her as always. "Hey, if that means nobody but me gets to do this with you for the rest of your life, that’s fine by me!" He became serious again. "Are you okay? Nothing… uhm weird going on?"

Liz shook her head, still smiling. Max would never change! She suddenly yawned.

Max tucked her hair behind her ear. "Go to sleep, love."

"What about you? Aren’t you tired too?" Her eyes were already closing. Max was safely back in her arms and all was well in her little world.

"Yeah. But not too tired to watch you sleep for a little while." He kissed her forehead and whispered. "I have dreamt of this moment for as long as I can remember… I love you, Liz Parker."

"Love you too… Thank you for making this so special…" Her words were mumbled against his chest. She fell asleep with Max’s heartbeat in her ear.


Journal Entry 32

We held our breath until they returned. This wasn’t part of the original experiment, but we needed to know anyway. Was it possible? Did our plan work?

The Jeep came to a halt amid a hushed silence in the camp the next evening. Max and Liz looked at each other. It was clear that everyone had been waiting for their return. It felt really strange being among these people when so much in their lives had changed in the past 24 hours.

If Michael didn’t have Maria in a firm grip, she would have run to Liz screaming. Liz LOOKED fine to her. Does that mean…?

Max took pity on his friends who were very obviously dying of curiosity and asked them to have coffee with him and Liz in the dining tent. The six assembled around a table and all eyes were on Liz who was trying very hard to hide her burning face in Max’s shoulder.

Maria finally couldn’t take it anymore. "So! What happened! Did you… Was everything normal?"

"Jeesh, Maria, be blunt, why don’t ya!" Michael didn’t sound as annoyed as he should have.

Max sighed, taking Liz’s hand. "Everything is… fine. Normal. Okay? Okay! Subject closed from now on." He stared at each of them in turn, causing all the open mouths to snap shut again. Noticing Nick at the door of the tent, he waved him in. "What has happened to Jans and his people?"

Nick looked away. "They have been taken care of."

Max froze. "What do you mean ‘taken care of’?"

"I mean he will never bother anyone again. We really have to discuss some things, Max. Like Liz and the others returning home to their parents soon."

A shocked silence greeted that statement. Go home? Parents? They had all just assumed that Nick had taken care of that. Things had been so abnormal since they arrived at the camp that they had just lived in the moment.

Max was crushing Liz’s hand with his. He felt ill at the thought that she had to leave. "Okay. So tell us what is going on?"

Nick had trouble not grinning. It was clear that his young leader was very unwilling for his love to leave the camp. "Well, we let them think that you all went off on a two week camping trip with a group from school."

Liz was getting agitated. She looked at Max, remembering last night and… this morning. Boy, were her parents going to freak if they knew what their little girl had been doing while ‘camping’! "How did you do that? They would never just believe…"

Nick stopped her by raising his hand. "They spoke to all of you the next morning and watched you being picked up by the bus. It's similar to what Tess can do… We thought it best to handle it that way. The point is, the parents are expecting you back day after tomorrow."

A collective gasp was heard from around the table.

Max spoke first. "What about our training and all the other stuff that was so important that you brought us here." His voice had an underlying tone of anger. "What is going on here? You can’t expect us to fight a war-."

Nick held up his hand for the second time. "There is much you need to know. About our planet, about your real parents, about why you are here. Not just here in the camp, but here on earth. The time has finally come to tell you everything..."

Six pairs of eyes were trained on Nick and he read many different emotions in them. Hope, fear, eagerness, trepidation. He looked at Max. How was he going to take the news? News that would forever change his life and that of his friends…

Journal Entry 33

I dread the fact that I have to be the one to give them the news. Aaron and Kayla, this was not what you initially planned, but we needed to adapt. And it turned out so much better than we could have hoped for.

For the first time since they’ve known him, Nick seemed uncomfortable and at a loss for words and Max felt like a big hand was choking the life from him slowly. What was so awful that Nick would be so distressed about telling them? He felt Liz lean against his side and snake her arm around his waist. He glanced down at her thankfully, relieved that at least one constant in his life was still present.

"There is no easy way to say this… But you were all part of a test. A test that is part of an experiment for our people." Nick was interrupted by a chorus of upset cries… from everyone but Max, who had gone pale as death.

"Please! Just give me time to finish and hopefully you will understand and forgive us for our methods. It was desperate times." Nick looked at each of them in return, his eyes lingering on Max. "Our planet has been destroyed."

His announcement was met with silence.

"We had originally planned to send Max, Tess, Michael and Isabel to earth so that you could come back later, to save us. But we never had time to complete that plan. Your ship crashed, but Nacedo was able to save the four pods. As you know, he was later captured and by the time he found the pods again, you three were gone and only Tess was left."

Nick bent his head. "Some of us, in fact all of us in the camp apart from the children, fled just before the planet was destroyed. We came here to earth about twenty years ago to find you." He faltered. "I’m sorry, but your parents were… they were lost with the planet."

Isabel had begun to sob softly and Michael was staring at the table, utter desolation on his face. He was never going to meet any real parents after all.

Max was numb. Should he feel something? He guessed so, but Nick was talking about a planet and parents that he had never known.

Taking a deep breath, Nick went on. "Our King and Queen were dead, but their children were still alive. Here, on earth. It took us a long time to find you, but we eventually did after Nacedo managed to learn from his army contacts that there was a suspicious shooting at the Crashdown in Roswell and that the FBI was investigating it. I sent Nacedo there to make contact with you, to test you to see if you really were the three missing children we were looking for. It took some time, but when Michael left that sign at the library, we were certain. So in essence, that day Max saved Liz was the first day we had all began to hope again."

The group around the table seemed unable to respond. "We have been watching you since that sign at the library. We were amazed at first that you all seemed to have become almost human. That you could live… among this other race almost effortlessly. And our initial plan needed to be adapted after the destruction of our planet. We had been living in this small community for twenty years. We needed to adapt or else there would be no legacy of our once proud race but a group of stragglers dying out on a strange planet."

"Since we had all been genetically programmed with specific mates when we were born, we needed to see how that would be affected if we lived among humans. We needed to see what would happen to our children." He looked at Max again, but Max would not meet his eyes. "We saw how close Max was to Liz, but we also knew that Tess was his genetic mate. So we sent her and Nacedo to you to see what would happen." Max’s head snapped up at this. He remembered the heartache Tess had caused Liz and his eyes turned black with anger.

Nick continued hastily, but his voice was uncertain. "We saw how you fought Tess’ hold over you. How important Liz was to you. That there seemed to be something between you and Liz that was so much stronger than our genetic coding. We didn’t know what that was, but we hoped it would be something that could save us… something that all of us and our children could use to become part of this planet." His voice trailed lower. "But we were not prepared for it being so much more."

Max was starting to get up. "I don’t think I can listen to much more of this! You treated us like lab rats!"

Liz held on to him. "Please Max, give him a chance." They stared at each other, Liz’s eyes pleading as she rubbed her hand up and down his arm. Everyone let out an inaudible breath as Max finally sat down again, his mouth in a tight line and his actions clearly indicating that he was doing it only because Liz asked him to.

Nick turned his attention to Liz. "We weren’t sure what to do at first. But we knew we needed to find out what the potential was for integrating with humans. So we brought you all here. To… to test the strength of Max and Liz’s bond."

This time Liz gasped.

"It was so much stronger than we had ever anticipated. I could see that first day that Max knew Liz was in the camp. He even knew where she was. Nothing in our genetic coding was that specific. This ‘love’ you kept talking about was not something we were familiar with, so we needed to explore the impact of it on genetic coding and on the possibility of us staying here on earth, among humans. And before you ask, we had nothing to do with Tess’ little attempt to brainwash Liz."

Liz could feel Max’s agitation rising, but she didn’t know what to do to help him. This was probably the furthest from anything that he had ever expected to hear. All she could focus on was the fact that nothing that Nick had said so far meant that she and Max couldn’t be together for the rest of their lives. Nick’s voice interrupted her reverie.

"It soon became clear how in tune Max was to Liz. Just as he knew where she was, he also knew if something was wrong with her. That left us with trying to see how Liz… how any human would fit in with our race. It was more imperative to study her than any of you since… since she was with Max, our leader. And because they seemed to have the strongest bond."

Max felt like he was going to explode. How could Nick just sit there and tell them calmly that he had been studying them the whole time? That he had been studying Liz. He felt like strangling the guy. "This is totally unacceptable to me. You put all of our lives in danger. You let that Jans guy be with Liz everyday, not to mention that what you did led to Tess trying to… How could you call yourselves our people if this is how you treat us? Was the little abduction scene from yesterday part of the whole plan?"

Nick shifted in his seat. "Not entirely. We were initially just going to test and see if Liz can sense you the way you do her. Jans trying to… Jans distorted the whole plan. You were just supposed to be missing for a few hours, until she could find you. We never intended for everyone to think you were dead…"

Max was on his feet by now, but Nick pleaded with him. "I cannot tell you how sorry I am about Jans… It was terrible to see how devastated Liz was and I… I felt the same way. Devastated and guilty…"

"I thought you said you didn’t know emotions." Max’s voice had a sharp edge to it.

Nick looked at Liz who was staring at him, her eyes filling with tears. "Apparently we do… We just didn’t know we could, or what they were. Liz, I’ve come to care a great deal about you. You see, Max and Isabel’s father Aaron was my uncle. And I cannot tell you how much it meant to me that you found Max for us yesterday. And that you love him so much." The last part was said softly, hesitantly as Liz’s tears finally spilled over. "Thank all of you, for loving these three and making them part of humanity."

Max couldn’t stand to see Liz cry, so he took her hand and pulled her up against his chest. He gave Nick a long look, one that spoke of disillusionment and pain and started to leave the tent, Liz curled protectively against his side.

"Max, wait." As always, Liz’s voice got immediate reaction. Liz turned back to Nick. "Could you leave us, please? We need to talk about this."

The six looked at each other after his departure. So, there was no planet to go back to after all. No one would be coming for them soon.

Isabel was still sad. "I think we need to give ourselves time to let this all sink in. Why don’t we talk again tomorrow?"

It was a subdued group that got up from the table and left for their tents in pairs. Many thoughts were going through their heads. ‘We are staying on earth for the rest of our lives. We will never meet our parents. How is this going to affect us?’

Liz turned to Max when they got back to their tent. She could feel his confusion, his anger and his pain and she hugged him, trying to take some of it into her own body. His arms came around her in a crushing embrace. She kissed him on his cheek. "It's going to be okay." She prayed she was right.

Journal Entry 34

I am placing my hope in her. She is the only one that can help him through this. The only one that can stop him from cutting himself off from us forever…

Liz waited as Max clung to her. He was always so strong and she felt humbled that she was the one he turned to whenever he needed someone to share his burden. She wished there was something that she could say that could help, but there was just too much to take in right now. His parents and his planet was gone, his nephew had used him for an experiment, and as usual, Max was worried about what all this would do to her. She knew him so well by now.

Max suddenly shifted in her arms, leaning away so he could kiss her. The kiss was filled with pain and desperation and Liz opened herself to him, showing him all the love and support she feels for him. He kept his kisses up for endless minutes, his mouth slanting over hers in a dance as old as time.

He leant his forehead against hers when he finally ended the kiss. "Liz…. I… I really need to… Please, can I just..."

He needed her. She felt his need crashing over her, but also his concern that she might get the wrong impression about this. That she might think that their relationship has now become only about the physical for him. She kissed him softly and rubbed their noses together for a sweet moment, before taking his hand and leading him to the bed.

He stopped her when she reached down to take off her shirt. Staring into her eyes, his face held a look of such wonder and awe that it completely arrested her attention.

"I love you. Only you. Only ever you." It was a solemn promise that warmed her heart.

"Max, I need you to know that this commitment I made to you… its for forever. No matter what happens from now on. Or what you learn about yourself. Or how long it takes you to do whatever you have to do for your people… I am yours. All of me. Always."

He stopped breathing at the last comment. ‘She is mine.’ The thought made him feel protective and dizzy with lust at the same time. Desire slowly won the contest, so he helped her to pull her shirt over her head. She was perfect to him. She was everything he wanted or would ever want.

Leaning in to kiss her again, he lifted her up and placed her carefully on the bed. Kneeling over her, he continued to kiss her. Kiss her like she was water after a long desert drought. He ran his hands over her body, his fingers skimming her curves as if trying to commit them to memory. She arched under his hands, stoking the fire in his blood to new heights. He idly wondered how it was possible that she knew instinctively what to do to increase his desire for her.

His hands and lips were magical. They made her feel like she was in a different world. One where nothing but the two of them mattered. She ran her hands under his shirt, relishing in the heat of his skin and the velvet steel of his muscles. Pushing the shirt up and over his shoulders, she had to tear her lips away from his to get him to take the shirt off. He seemed reluctant to break contact with her. His breathing was ragged, his face flushed and his eyes had darkened to a fiery black. His gaze, skipping over her face and coming to rest on her mouth, caused a sharp ache in the pit of her stomach. Liz raked her fingers down his back and pressed his lower body into hers when she reached his jeans. They both groaned with the contact.

Max was frantic to have her. He needed to lose himself in her and forget the things that Nick had told them today for a few precious minutes. He basically ripped the rest of their clothes off, desperate to feel her skin next to his. Closing his eyes, he concentrated for a moment on the exquisite pleasure of having Liz in his arms before her moan brought him back to the present.


Their gazes locked as he joined them and they watched the various emotions flitting across each other’s faces. Their connection opened unexpectedly and flooded them with feelings and images that left them gasping. It was the most intense experience not only being physically close to someone, but to also share their deepest and most intense feelings. Nothing in this world, or any other, could compare with this…


They met for breakfast the next morning. If anything, the night has brought them closer to their partners. Alex and Isabel held hands, while Michael had his arm around Maria’s shoulders. Max stood behind Liz, his hands resting on her waist. They were all looking at him.

Max felt a lot calmer than yesterday. Being with Liz had reaffirmed his faith in the possibility that everything could be worked out. He had regained his balance…

"Okay, I think we need to all have a chance to say how we feel about Nick’s experiment. Izzy, why don’t you start." Max looked at her.

Isabel looked uncomfortable. "Well, I hate that they brought us here under false pretences. And I really wanted to know my real mother… I… I don’t know, Max, its all really raw right now. I don’t hate Nick, if that’s what you’re asking."

Max turned to Michael, but he was staring at the table sullenly. Maria nudged him in the side. "Whatever. He did what he did, now we’re back where we started."

"Maria?" Max startled her.

Maria looked at Michael, not sure what to say. He was not meeting her eyes. "I think that the guy was probably trying to do the right thing, but he did it in a really misguided way. I don’t like that he hurt all of you in the process, though."

Alex spoke up next. "It’s not really my place to judge, because this affects the three of you the most. But I can see that he would have been desperate, so I guess I can understand where he came from."


Liz swallowed nervously. For some reason she felt like a lot was riding on her answer. "Max, this man lost an entire planet of people. Your people. I don’t agree with his methods, but I think he was trying his best." Her eyes pleaded with Max: "He was there for me when you… I think he really cares about all of us. Yeah, I think we should give him a chance."

Max was staring at her in surprise. He knew he shouldn’t be, she was such a softhearted person, but after all that she had gone through as a result of him and his race, she was still able to forgive.

Liz stepped closer to Max. "He wasn’t trying to break us up during all this time. He was trying to understand how these people could fit in on this planet. He did our bonding ceremony. He let us go off alone the other night. He WANTS us together… I think we are stronger now because of him. And Max, we CAN be together. Forever."

All eyes were on Max again. In the end, they were looking to him to make a decision. Max turned away from the weight of their stares. He remembered how devastated Liz had been about Tess and her interference in their lives. Her inconsolable crying when she walked away from him at the cave that day. That Liz was kidnapped by Nacedo. Drugged by Nick and his people. How was he ever going to get past that? But on the other hand, Nick had helped him that day that he decided to do the ceremony with Liz. Nick had kept Tess from using anymore mind control on him. He had looked after Liz when Max was not here. Max had also seen Nick’s bewilderment at feeling emotions and it reminded him of when Izzy and him first came to stay with the Evans’. He had felt lost and alone and confused. It had taken the love of his new parents and the beauty and grace of a little dark-haired girl to teach him what it meant to belong and be human. What it was like to love and be loved…

"I think we need some time apart from Nick and these people to gain perspective. Right now I’m having trouble forgetting some of the things that he was involved in. But… I agree that we should give him a chance. Later. For right now, we need to come up with a plan on how we’re going to handle going back home."

"Can we not just act like we did before all this happened? You know, like we’re just a bunch of friends doing stuff together?" Alex’s voice started wavering as he saw the look that passed between Max and Liz. Oh boy, he had forgotten that things had REALLY changed for them during these two weeks! He watched as Liz walked into Max’s arms like it was the most natural thing in the world for her. He wondered what she was going to tell her parents. He could picture it now: ‘So Mom and Dad, I never really went on a school camping trip. I went off into the desert with an alien race, basically married their leader and oh uhm… I ended up having sex with him too.’ Yeah, that would go down REAL well! Yes, things were bound to become interesting back in Roswell…

"I think Alex has the right idea. We need to go back and act normal." Isabel aimed this at her brother.

Max swallowed. He knew what they were all trying to tell him. That he should "date" Liz like a normal guy. That they should go to the movies or bowling or something that wouldn’t let on how close they really were… physically and emotionally. He felt ill at the thought, but what else could they do? Tell her parents everything? He suspected that would only lead to him being barred from ever seeing her again, and that was not even an option for him.

Liz stood pressed to him, her face buried in his neck. As always, he smelled so… Max. Like home. But she could feel the tension in his body and she knew that it was there because they had to go home. Going home meant something completely different to them now. It did not mean their parent’s houses or their bedrooms in Roswell. It was not a place anymore. Home now meant each other…

She realized that she has started craving physical closeness with Max. Being near him for the biggest part of each day was rapidly becoming a necessity. She needed to hear his voice, look in his eyes, touch him, make love with him… She needed it like she needed breath to stay alive.

Max held her away from him and ran a caressing hand over her cheek. "Honey, Isabel and Michael and I need to talk about some things. Could you guys let us do that?" But he pulled her back when she started to leave, kissing her soundly in front of their groaning and griping audience. Leaning his forehead against hers, he whispered ‘I love you’ so that only she could hear.

Liz grinned. "Me too."

Maria pounced on her as soon as they were out of earshot of the three aliens. "SOOO???"

"Maria! What is wrong with you! You nearly gave us all heart attacks!" Alex clutched his chest dramatically.

"Yeah, like THAT’S something I’m worried about!" She dragged Liz over to her and Michael’s tent. "We want details about… YOU KNOW! What happened? Did it hurt? Did he turn into something weird? Did anything weird happen to you? What--?"

"Aaaahhh!" Alex’s cry halted Maria’s questions. "I SOOO do not want to hear ANY of this! These are my two friends, not to mention that I’ve know one of them since grade school! This is just too…" He put his hands over his ears.

Liz smiled at her friends’ antics. Everything seemed so… well, normal when they are around. "Don’t worry Alex. No details, I promise!"

Maria’s face showed her disappointment at Liz’s decision. "I don’t care if the wuss here is too pathetic to ask for details, but I KNOW he doesn’t just think of Isabel as a friend and he’s also dying to know if being closer is possible."

"Yes, Maria. It is possible. Nothing weird happened--."

Maria was getting impatient. "Yeah, yeah, whatever! Get to the good stuff!"

Liz had a dreamy look on her face by now. "Uhm…yeah… Maria, I don’t think we should talk about this…"

"Oooh no! You’re not brushing me off about this. I want to know! I NEED to know!"

Liz hugged her. "Maria, I love you, but this is between Max and I." She leaned closer, putting her mouth to Maria’s ear. "It will be wonderful for you too. When it’s the right time…" She stepped away from Maria. "Now, why don’t we think up something nice to do for the other three today. Its our last day here and with all the bad news we could use some fun time."

Maria grumbled something under her breath, but sat down obediently for the planning session.


Max was hugging Isabel. "Are you okay?" His voice was filled with concern. He knew that the news must have been really hard for Isabel. She had desperately wanted a real mother.

Blinking back tears, Isabel clung to her brother. She still had him and Michael, she reminded herself. And she still had Alex… "Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just need some time to… to adjust, I guess."

Max disentangled himself from Izzy and turned to Michael. He had his back to them, his shoulders stiff and tense. "Michael…"

"I don’t want to talk about it, okay Maxwell!" Michael’s voice was harsh.

Sighing, Max decided to let things rest for a while. His heart ached for Michael, who seemed more alone than ever now that his dream of going home would never come true. "Okay, but we need a plan for going home. And for what to say to Nick before we leave." Nick’s name brought back memories of the past few days. Particularly of Jans. "What happened to Jans and his cohorts?"

The question finally made Michael turn around. "We don’t really know. They took them into this trailer and later came out without them." He stopped, but Max was clearly waiting for him to continue. He knew that Michael would never have left things at that. "Okay, so I went back later. The trailer was empty."

"Empty?" Max was frowning. "Could they have taken them somewhere else then?"

"Maybe. But there were some weird spheric things in the trailer. Three of them…"

They looked at each other. "So, you think they’ve put the guys in those spheres?"

"How the hell should I know, Maxwell! You’re the leader. Go ask them!" Michael stomped out of the tent angrily.

Isabel stood up, but Max stopped her. "I’ll go talk to him."


He found Michael at the edge of the camp, on his way off into the desert. "Michael wait!"

"Leave me alone, Max!" But he stopped.

Not knowing where to start, Max was silent for a few minutes. "Thank you, you know, for looking after Liz and everyone else while I was gone. It meant a lot to me." Getting no reaction from Michael, he continued: "And I’m sorry. About our home and your parents--."

"No Maxwell, you’re NOT sorry." Michael’s voice was filled with hurt. "You’re not sorry, because now you can go on living your perfect little life in Roswell. You can continue pretending the Evans’ are your parents. And you can stay with Liz. Don’t pretend you’re not happy about that."

Momentarily taken aback by the vehemence in Michael’s voice, Max was unable to react immediately. There was truth in what Michael said. Ever since that day in the cave he had started hating his destiny and the fact that he would have to leave this planet that he had called home for so long. He hated his former home for what it represented: leaving Liz, his parents, his home…

"Michael, I… You’re right. I never really wanted to go home. I only wanted answers to my past. Our past." He turned to stare out into the desert, watching the horizon shimmer with heatwaves. "But I also want you to know that you are my brother. Isabel’s AND mine. We are family… And I can’t… I need you with me." He watched Michael anxiously for reaction. They were guys and never talked about this stuff at all. It was only to Liz that he had once confessed his feelings about Michael. ‘I can’t lose him.’

They stood side-by-side for a long time. Max started when he heard Michael saying softly. "Yeah. You’re my brother too."

Max hugged him, not caring that Michael stood ramrod straight while he did it. Stepping away, he smiled when Michael wouldn’t meet his eyes. "Let’s go find our women before they cook up something scary for us."

Michael looked relieved that Max wasn’t going to push the issue further. "Hey, its not my girlfriend that nearly drop-kicked that Jans guy into…" Michael trailed off when Max stopped in his tracks, swinging towards him.


Holding up his hands, Michael tried to get out of his slip. "Hey, I was just joking, okay!" But his nervous reaction told Max that he wasn’t.

"Michael, what the hell happened! Did Liz… I thought you guys handled Jans?" Max’s voice was rising and Michael REALLY didn’t want to be the one telling Max about Liz and her self-defense classes. Spotting Maria coming out of their tent, he started retreating towards her.

"I have to go. Maria is calling me…"

Max frowned as he watched Michael practically fleeing from him. What the heck was going on here? Then he saw Liz coming towards him and all thought flew from his head. His gaze hungrily took in her every movement. He drank in the sight of the sunlight making her hair shine like a halo. He watched how her clothes molded her body and his hands itched to do the same. And her eyes, as always he could see into her soul through her eyes. Taking a deep breath, he stopped himself from drowning in her gaze.

She reached him and stood on tiptoe to kiss him lightly. "You look really serious." She stepped closer, pressing her body to his and linking her arms around his neck.

He was sinking fast and he struggled to keep his head while her presence was playing havoc with his senses… and his body. "Liz." His eyes fell to her lips while she ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Okay, maybe he could just kiss her once. Then they could talk…

Liz smiled against his mouth as he kissed her hungrily. This was not what she had come over for, but the way his eyes had burned over her while she was walking towards him had started that now familiar ache in the pit of her stomach. And now he was finally kissing her. His mouth fitting to hers so perfectly. Their tongues dancing together, alternating between slow sliding caresses and urgent fights for dominance. It was hot out here in the sun, but she hardly noticed. Nor did she notice the interested stares they were attracting from fellow camp dwellers…

Max needed her closer. He never seemed to get close enough to her unless he was inside of her. Part of her. He shifted his weight and curled his hand around her rear, bringing her to stand between his legs. He trailed kisses from her mouth over her jaw to her ear and enjoyed the harsh impeded breath she took as a result. He liked the fact that she was not the only one with power in this relationship… Power. That reminded him that he needed to ask her something.

Liz moaned when he pulled away from her. "Max, don’t stop. Please…"

He nearly succumbed again. Grabbing her hands from his chest, he put them behind her back, holding her captive. Liz’s eyes flew open. Her new position put her in delicious contact with Max’s body, but his eyes told her that his mind and his body were in conflict at the moment. She blinked up at him, confused by his stern expression. His question floored her further.

"What is this I hear about you attacking Jans?"

Liz bit her lip. Max was going to kill her…

Journal Entry 35

I still haven’t told them everything.

Liz ducked her head, trying to get away from Max’s piercing gaze. Maybe if she explained that she did all of it for him… No, that wouldn’t work. Max didn’t care about himself, he only cared about her… She sighed, chewing her lip.

If he wasn’t so impatient for her answer, Max would’ve been amused by her squirming. But she looked guilty of something and his gut clenched at the possibility that she had put herself in danger.

Liz was getting desperate to get away from Max, but he still held her hands behind her back in a firm grip. So she went for a low dig. "Could you please let me go? You’re hurting me."

Max didn’t believe her for a second, but he let her go anyway. "Well, what happened with Jans?"

Backing away from him, she gestured over her shoulder. "Could we talk about this later? The others are waiting… we were planning a picnic."

He grabbed her hand again, holding her back. "No Liz. I need you to tell me now."

Liz squared her shoulders and stepped closer to him. What was she so afraid of? This was Max and he loved her. He would never hurt her. He might be really angry for a while, but surely she could seduce him out of that? "Okay, but you have to promise me you will not flip out." ‘O yeah great Liz, that line really worked on Maria last time…’

Max’s frown increased. He was liking the sound of this less and less. "Liz." His sounded threatening.

Liz ducked her head again. She felt like a naughty little girl when he spoke to her like that. How anyone knowing Max could not see that he was born to be a great leader was beyond her. Then her eyes were snagged by the triangle of skin exposed by the v-neck of his T-shirt. Goodness he was hot!

"Liz!" O yeah, right, he was waiting for an answer.

"Uhm, yeah, I sort of… I sort of had Jans teach me self-defense." She was still not risking looking in his eyes. "I figured that I should be able to look after myself and not just hang around looking pretty on your arm. He was just teaching me some basic stuff."

The silence lengthened between them until Liz couldn’t take it anymore and lifted her gaze to his. He was staring at her with a small smile curving his lips. His eyes were heating up in a way that made Liz feel deliciously desired.

"You are so amazing, do you know that?" His voice had that husky timbre that had the power of making her knees go weak. "And you really are trying to drive me insane…" Liz batted her eyes at him innocently and grinned when she heard his barely audible growl. "But if you don’t ask ME or someone we trust to help you in your little schemes next time, I’m putting you over my knee!"

Instead of looking suitably chastened, Liz’s eyes were sparkling. "Over your knee, huh? Okay!"

She laughed out loud at Max’s dumbfounded expression. It was about time he learnt that not everyone trembled in fear in front of the great leader! She pressed her body against his, enjoying its hardness and obvious excitement. Granted, she did have an edge over most people with Max…

"Could we get this show on the road already!" Alex shouted at them. He turned back to the others that were all waiting for Max and Liz to finish whatever they were doing. "Honestly, we are going to have so much trouble with them back in Roswell. First it was the staring, now it’s the kissing and uhm… other stuff that I don’t even want to think about. They are SO going to fail all their classes! Wouldn’t it be a sad commentary on their race if their leader was a high-school drop-out."


The picnic was fun, but they were all very aware of the fact that they were returning to Roswell tomorrow. And that they were returning as very different people…

Max watched his friends talk and felt peace flowing through his body. These were the most important people in his life and for a brief span of time, they were all safe. His eyes came to rest on Michael, who sat behind Maria, his knees bracketing her hips. He saw that the blonde girl’s antics captured Michael’s attention completely at times and lifted the burden of sadness and loneliness that he always carried with him. He caught Michael’s attention and said quietly: "You ARE home." Michael seemed frozen for a few moments before his eyes returned to Maria and he responded with a small nod.


It was late afternoon when they went back. They were subdued as all the couples were contemplating their last night together. Max had trouble keeping his hands of Liz. They had all decided that going back to Roswell and working summer jobs were the thing to do for now. They would try to get away nearly every weekend, though. But it wouldn’t be enough for him. He was addicted to her. Sometimes so much it scared him…

Nick was waiting for them when the Jeep came to a halt in the camp. He watched as they piled out and noted that they were even closer than before. He was relieved that the news about their planet and parents hadn’t driven a wedge between them and their human partners. At least that was something else that his people could feel comfortable about. Bonds with humans can be stronger than those between aliens. He shifted his attention back to Max when he felt the weight of Max’s gaze.

Nick cleared his throat. "I need to talk to you. There is something important you must know before you go home."

The six looked at each other. They did not need anymore bad news right now. Max, as always, took the lead by taking Liz’s hand and pulling her into the dining tent with him.

Nick waited till they were all seated before talking. "Have you all decided what to do?"

Only Liz could see the tenseness underlying his question and she squeezed Max’s hand in an effort to get him to notice it too. Max registered Liz’s small gesture, but was too anxious to be able to figure out what she was trying to tell him.

"Yes. We need to go back home and regroup. We would appreciate it if you could stay away from us for a while. Until I contact you."

Nick was shaking his head even before Max had finished speaking. "We can’t do that."

Max was on his feet. "You don’t understand. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Stay away from us."

Sitting down heavily, Nick stared at the table. "We can’t do that, because we need to protect you. I wasn’t lying when I told you that another race is on earth too. The one that destroyed our planet. And they want to destroy you too."

Max’s jaw hardened. "We can take care of ourselves. We have until--."

"They would want Liz too now." Nick played the only card that would ever make Max Evans stop in his tracks. He watched as he saw the shock register in Max’s eyes. Shock followed by guilt. Guilt that he had put her in more danger by making her his mate. Nick felt awful for using this, but he had to. They all needed each other now.

"How would they know?" Max’s voice was quiet.

"We don’t know enough about them to be sure. But they will find you and they will find out that you’re with Liz." Nick stood up too, his gaze pleading with his young leader. "We will do everything we can to protect her. To protect all of you. But you can’t go off without us now. It is too important that you stay alive."

Max felt like he had been kicked in the gut. Everything he did seemed to put Liz in more danger. His tortured mind could only come up with one answer to this problem. He had to stay away from Liz…

They were all waiting breathlessly for Max’s reaction to Nick’s proposal. Max was standing like a statue, the only movement his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. A war was clearly going on inside him.

Liz could feel Max shutting down his emotions from where she stood watching the face-off between him and Nick. He was mentally stepping back from anything that could cause heartache to the people he loved. To her…

Rushing into speech, Nick tried to defuse some of the tension in the room. "We would stay out of your way, we would just… watch over you."

Michael decided to step in since he could see Max was seeing horror-movies about Liz being killed in his head. "Max, he talks sense. As long as they don’t bother us, where’s the problem?"

Max finally came out of his trance. "Yeah, I guess you’re right." He looked at Nick again and Nick flinched at the desolation in his eyes. "Do whatever you have to do. But nothing that influences our lives before you talk to me."

Nick understood exactly what he meant. No more tests and genetic mates being sprung on them. And especially nothing that would upset Liz. He wondered about the fact that Max seemed to avoid looking at Liz. What was going on? He feared that his desperate attempt to get Max to allow them to protect the three have backfired in some way that he had not foreseen.

Michael also watched Max’s reaction and he knew his friend was thinking up ways to get Liz out of harm’s way. He also knew what Max would come up with. Staying away from her… He had hoped Max had learned his lesson the previous times he tried to stay away from Liz: never worked, never would work, dead loss even trying. A movement from Liz caught his eye. She had a determined look on her face and Michael promptly felt sorry for Max. He was in for it tonight. And this time, Liz had even more weapons in her arsenal to bring him to his knees. Yeah, what he wouldn’t give to be a fly on that wall!


Max came back from the showers to find Liz packing. She was wearing one of his shirts and her damp hair streamed down her back. His heart stopped when he thought that this might be their last night together for a really long time. Until he was sure she was safe…

Liz had felt his presence and knew he was watching her, but she didn’t acknowledge him. The ball was in his court now and she waited to see what he intended to do. His actions since their talk with Nick had hinted that he was in one of his its-better-if-I-stay-away-from-Liz moods and she was not going to stand for it. So she had taken a shower and put on one of his button-down shirts… and nothing else. He was going to admit that he wanted to stay with her even if she had to torture it out of him.

He watched her movements, graceful and sensual and he felt torn in two. How many times had he stood at this crossroad before? And where had all his previous decisions brought him? Right to this spot. This spot from where he could watch his mate, his future wife, his lover and not be with her? Could he even do that? He felt his resolve wavering in the light of her spectacular beauty.

"Liz…" He needed to tell her. He needed to tell her now or he never would. His eyes hungrily followed her movements as she straightened from her task. The shirt reached to mid-thigh when she stood before him and he couldn’t stop his hand from reaching out to touch the smooth skin where the hem of the shirt ended. He wanted more than anything not to tell her his decision tonight. He wished he could wait until tomorrow morning and allow himself one more night with her in his arms. But that would be lying to her. And she deserved better.

"Liz." But his throat wouldn’t work to tell her they needed to stay away from each other. Not with her staring up at him with lights and passion dancing in her eyes. Not with the heat of her body teasing him with dreams of heaven. Not with the knowledge that he would never love like this again.

"I can’t do this." He suddenly blurted out. "I can’t be without you. Ever again!"

Liz had been steeling herself for the fight that was coming and his words completely deflated her. "What are you talking about, Max? Did you plan on being without me?"

He brought his other hand up to her face. "I need you to be safe. I thought maybe… But I now know that more than anything, I need to be the one to keep you safe. With me. Is that… Is that okay with you? I mean, these guys will be looking for you and—."

"Max Evans! If you ever ask me again whether I would be willing to take chances to be with you, I’m going to use my new self-defense tricks on you! I love you! Together we are stronger."

Max stared at her in amazement. She had known all along what he was so afraid to say. And she had been ready to battle him about it. "I… I’m sorry?"

She retreated from him. "Do you love me?"

"Of course! How… How can you even ask me that?"

"Would you love me whether or not we were together?"

Max realized he was truly in trouble. Only an idiot would not be able to see where this line of questioning was headed. "Yeah, but Liz I--."

"But Liz nothing! They would use me in any case. Because you love me. Not because we are dating or not."

Max held up his hands. Liz could be really scary when she was angry. Really scary, but really sexy. "Hey! I get it! I… I’ll never do it again?"

They stared at each other before bursting out laughing. Max felt like a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He would keep Liz close. Well, not so close that her father would try to kill him, but close enough that he could keep an eye on her. To see that she was safe and also… because he loved looking at her.

Liz had seen the change in his gaze immediately. It felt like fingers of fire were trailing her body wherever his eyes traveled. She decided to give him what he deserved for even thinking of stepping back again anyway, so she retreated when he came towards her.

Max stopped in confusion. Was she still mad at him? His eyes widened and his heart slammed to a halt when he saw her unbuttoning the shirt slowly, her eyes never leaving his face.

"Its good that you came to your senses, because I was kind off hoping I wouldn’t have to show you that you would be missing this." She slid the shirt off her shoulders, letting it trail from her fingers as she finally walked towards him…


Journal Entry 36

They were going home. And I worry about them. These human emotions of love and caring have overtaken our camp in the two weeks they were here. We have set up teams to watch over each of them. We are working on getting houses and other covers for this job. We cannot let the others find them…

They were quiet on the way back to Roswell. Max held Liz’s hand whenever he didn’t have to change gears and Michael and Maria sat huddled together in the back seat. Isabel and Alex were in a car with Nick.

Max dropped Maria off first and waited patiently for Michael to return from the farewell at her door. Michael was next, mainly because Max didn’t want an audience for his goodbye to Liz. He stopped in the alley behind the Crashdown, hoping it would give them some privacy. Liz was in his lap immediately, kissing him passionately and urgently. Had it only been about four hours since they were together this morning? Already they were feeling the loss of their impending separation.

The lack of space was getting uncomfortable and Max stumbled out of the Jeep with Liz in his arms. She curled her legs around his waist and hung on, not breaking off the kiss. He ended up lifting her onto the seat he had just vacated. His hands slid underneath her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her back. How he loved kissing her!

"Liz!" Jeff Parker’s voice intruded into their passionate haze with a vengeance. Max pulled away and looked at Liz worriedly. This was not a great start to their new relationship. He had also not made a great impression on the man he hoped to call his father-in-law one-day! ‘Great going Evans!’

Journal Entry 37

They are home… literally. Back in the world where they belong. The world that is so foreign to us, but one that would hopefully not be as foreign to our children. And for now they only have to face normal human problems…

Liz turned to her father who was standing in the backdoor of the Crashdown, a frown creasing his face. Luckily the seat had been shielding him from seeing too much of what was going on between her and Max, but he probably saw enough of the heat of their kiss to get concerned. Liz decided to play it cool, but she had trouble not shivering when Max removed his hands slowly from beneath her shirt. "Hi Dad!"

"Hi Lizzie." Jeff watched Max with suspicion. He remembered quite clearly that this was the same young man that had kept Liz out all night not so long ago. They had managed to convince him then that nothing too intimate had happened, but the kiss he just witnessed was screaming of something he did not even want to think about. He saw Max straighten his shoulders and face him squarely.

"Hi Mr. Parker." Max could see the various emotions flitting across Liz’s Dad’s face and he didn’t blame him. He suspected if he ever saw some guy mauling his daughter like that, he would flatten the guy.

"Max." Jeff’s voice was neutral. He would talk to Liz before jumping to conclusions. Apart from a few incidents, which coming to think of it all included this Max, she had never given him and Nancy anything to worry about. He stood his ground, making it clear that he wasn’t going inside without Liz.

Max helped Liz get her stuff from the car and unconsciously took her hand as they walked over to her father. Since Jeff was still standing in the door, he ended up handing her gear to her father. Turning to Liz, his voice was low when he said goodbye. He gripped her hand fiercely, hoping that somehow she could feel how hard it was for him to let her go and walk away. That she would feel how desperately he wanted to kiss her one last time.

Liz smiled up at him, but her eyes were filming with tears. She decided to ignore her father’s menacing presence and hugged Max fiercely, whispering goodbye in his ear. She turned away quickly when she disentangled herself from his arms, hoping to shield her wet eyes from his gaze, but his voice stopped her.


He knew. He knew how she felt and it was killing him to let her go like that. Liz knew she had to get away before she really started bawling, so she just mumbled ‘goodbye Max’ and took off up the stairs.

Jeff observed this whole scene with trepidation. It was clear that something intense was going on between his daughter and Max. He wasn’t sure that he was all that comfortable with it. But he also couldn’t help noticing how protective Max was of Liz. And that, at least, earned him some points in Jeff’s book.

Max was staring at the top of the stairs where Liz had disappeared. His heart ached for her. He wished he could go and comfort her. He also wished that it didn’t feel like it would be forever before he could see her again.

"So Max, what is going on between you and Liz?" Jeff came right to the point.

Recovering from his initial shock at the question, Max realized that a lot was riding on his answer. He needed to stick as close to the truth as he possibly could, while leaving out the parts of an alien bonding ceremony and an engagement. He met Jeff’s gaze. "I’m in love with your daughter, Mr. Parker."

Jeff was speechless. What do you say to that? ‘You are too young to know what love means’? ‘Break her heart and I’ll kill you’? None of these responses seem fitting in the light of the sincerity in Max’s eyes. So he ended up just nodding. "I’ll take her stuff up."

"Mr. Parker!" Max was taking a chance. "Is it okay if I come pick Liz up for a movie tonight?"

The words hung in the air for a few tense moments before Jeff turned back to Max. "Just don’t make it a late show, she looks really tired." Again he couldn’t help but notice the happiness and relief on Max’s face. He suddenly felt sorry for the guy. He obviously had it bad for Lizzie.

Max stared after Mr. Parker and exhaled the breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding. Maybe, just maybe, things would work out for him and Liz this time…


Journal Entry 38 (Final)

And so our experiment has come to an end. There is hope for our people here on earth. A hope that started with the love between our young leader and a human girl.


A word and emotion so foreign to my people now seems like it was always a part of us. I watched the impact of this emotion on these six young people and I’m stunned that the human race is not much stronger because of it. Instead, they use this emotion to hurt and weaken one another. Will this happen to my people once they integrate into humanity? Unfortunately I think it would. In each race of people there are the good and strong, but also the weak and evil.

Aaron and Kayla, your son IS the savior of our people as we had hoped. Not in the manner you had initially planned, but in another more exiting and surprising way. He led the way for integration into humanity and showed us that we could learn to adapt on this new planet. He also showed us that there are humans that could become even closer to us than any mate our genetic coding could ever manufacture.

Her name is Liz.

She makes him strong and she loves him unconditionally. She has character, intelligence and beauty. You could not have chosen him a better mate yourselves. They have a connection the strength of which I had never seen before. They shine when they are together. And yes, physical intimacy with humans is possible. We still have to learn about children, but I am positive that even that uncertainty can be overcome in time.

Your daughter is beautiful. She is strong and a worthy princess for our people. She supports and helps Max because she loves him too. Their bond is not one of obligation, but one of choice and caring.

Max’s second-in-command is a worthy warrior. I had watched as he saved his leader’s life on more than one occasion. He is having trouble adapting to human life, but I think he is on the way to finding himself.

I am sad that these young people will never see our beautiful planet. That they will never get to meet their parents. But they have made a life for themselves here on earth. A good life. One filled with each other and the humans that care about them.

We have a long way to go before we can rest easy about our futures here on this planet. The others are here and we don’t know how many they are or how much they know about us. Keeping these three important members of our race alive is our goal now…

Friday night. He’s been gone for a week. A long torturous week of not hearing his voice and not being in his arms.

The Crashdown was basically empty apart from two men sitting in one of the back booths nursing their coffees. Coffees laced with Tabasco...

Liz hardly noticed Nick’s men (or were they Max’s now?) hovering around her protectively anymore. She sat at the counter of the Crashdown, her eyes unfocused as she stared out the window. Max… Her body heated up just thinking about him. He was so perfect. Perfect that is, apart from the fact that he insisted on good behavior from the two of them whenever they were in a four-mile radius of their parents. His fear that her parents would bar him from seeing her if they ever found out the nature of their relationship completely overriding his baser urges. It drove her crazy! The only times she and Max had really been together during this summer, was on their infrequent weekend "camping trips". She didn’t see nearly enough of him.

He was away a lot practicing his powers with Nick, Michael and Isabel. They all figured they needed to get in as much practice during the summer before school started again. At least there had been no sign of the other alien race yet. She was actually starting to wish that school would begin again, just so she could see him more often…

Liz sighed and closed her eyes, focusing on Max. It was scary how easily she had gotten used to this connection they shared that allowed them to pinpoint the other’s position. And the more she used it, the easier it was becoming. Boy, would that come in handy when they’re back in school! Eraser room meetings could now be orchestrated without the passing of little notes. Where was he now? She concentrated harder and felt a sudden surge of electricity on her body. He was on his way back!

She jumped off the chair and raced into the backroom, finding a somber Maria at her locker. "They’re on their way back!" she cried breathlessly.

Maria perked up immediately and hugged Liz. "I LOVE your little radar for Max! I LOVE you!!" Maria turned into a whirlwind of activity. "I have to go home and dress! I have to—."

Liz was laughing by now. "Maria, calm down! They won’t be here for a while yet!"

"Hmpf! You are taking all of this WAY to calmly, Ms-Queen-of-an-Alien-Race!"

Liz’s eyes widened as she spied her dad coming through the back room swing door. "Maria!" she hissed warningly.

They both relaxed when Jeff gave them his usual absent greeting. "Hey Lizzie. Maria. What are you two up to tonight?"

"Uhm. We’re going out to see a movie, Dad. You know, girls night out."

Jeff looked at his daughter more sharply. Her eyes were shining and she radiated excitement. He knew Max was gone with some of his friends on a hiking trip and that Lizzie had seemed to lose her natural liveliness while he was away. He frowned, wondering for the umpteenth time about the intensity he could always sense just beneath the surface between his daughter and Max Evans. Nancy was not too thrilled about the relationship, but so far the kids had not given them any reason to panic. Max always had her home by curfew and their embraces were within bounds. While he was around anyway... But he remembered that kiss he witnessed when they returned from the school camp quite vividly and he didn’t have any illusions that some heavy making out were taking place when the parents were not around. They were normal teenagers after all...

"So, just the two of you? Where’s Alex?"

Maria and Liz were practically dancing around with impatience to get away from Jeff. "Oh no, he… uhm, he has a family thing on tonight." Maria was praying that the topic of her lie didn’t just walk into the café right then. "So, we need to go get dressed. Is it okay if we leave you to lock up, Mr Parker?"

Jeff smiled, still enjoying the sparkle that was back in Liz’s eyes. "Sure." He had barely finished the word before the two girls were halfway up the stairs on the way to Liz’s room.


They waited in front of Michael’s apartment, but Maria was driving Liz crazy asking where their guys were every few seconds. "Stop Maria! I can’t concentrate if you carry on like this." Liz waved her hand to get her friend’s attention.

"Liz. I love you, but you really have to start getting better at this connection thing. I’m dying out here!" Maria complained.

Liz sat with closed eyes, ignoring Maria and taking deep breaths in an effort to find Max. She had just managed to find their connection when her door was pulled open and a pair of strong arms lifted her from the car.

"Wow, I missed you!" His beloved voice was gruff. He hugged her to him fiercely, nearly squeezing the breath from her body.

Liz vaguely heard other exited voices, probably Michael and Maria saying hi too, but all her concentration went into being in the only place that she would ever call home again. Max Evans’ arms. She pressed closer to him, trying to absorb his heat and scent into her skin. How was it possible that the more she was with him, the more she needed to be with him?

Max couldn’t take the chance of kissing Liz right then. His body was feeling the weeklong absence sharply and he needed to get her alone. "Let’s go."

Liz gave him a knowing look and turned to Maria. "I’m going to phone my parents and tell them we’re seeing the late show. Then I’m sleeping over at your house, okay?"

Maria grinned at her pleading look. "Sure, Princess Leia! Go feed your alien. I’ll cover for you."

It said a lot for Max and Liz’s desperation to be alone that neither of them reacted to Maria’s ribbing. Nick was taking Isabel to Alex’s while Maria and Michael disappeared into his apartment.


The Jeep raced through the night and the wind whipped Liz’s hair around her face. She couldn’t care less. She knew where they were going. The pod chamber. It had become one of their favorite places to be alone since they’ve returned from the alien camp. With their first few times Max had been trying to exorcise the ‘destiny’ demons symbolized by the four pods. Later it had just become one of the safest places for them to be together…

They stopped inside the chamber, out of breath from the reckless run up the side of the rock outcrop. Sleeping bags lay on the floor between them, undisturbed from the previous time they had been there. Max lighted the myriad of candles around the chamber with a snap of his fingers and then he was kissing Liz. Finally…


Jeff Parker noticed that the two men that always seemed to be around the café whenever Liz was working had left when she did. He shook his head. Was his imagination playing tricks on him or were there all sorts of weird things happening since Liz came back from that school camp at the beginning of summer? Nancy kept saying that something strange was going on with Max, but all Jeff could see was a boy that was totally smitten with his daughter. Okay, maybe he was a bit TOO intense with her, but surely that wasn’t a reason to call him strange?

The door of the café jingled and Jeff turned to the new customer. It was a lone figure with dark eyes. He stood for a moment inside the door, scanning the empty room. He finally looked at Jeff, dismissed him, turned around and left.

Jeff shivered. Now THAT was strange!

Max held Liz against him as he struggled to get his heart rate and breathing back to normal. Their lovemaking had been desperate and urgent, fuelled by a week of abstinence and a need for each other that was growing instead of abating. Propping himself up on his elbows, he stared at her beautiful face. Her eyes were still closed in ecstasy and her hair was tangled around her where his fingers had so hungrily and eagerly spread the silky tresses. When he held her in his arms, he could tell how much she wanted to be there and it amazed him still. His life has changed so much since that fateful day in the Crashdown last September. But if all that had happened since had led him to this place, tangled in Liz Parker’s loving embrace, then he would do it all over again if he needed to.

Max traced her face lovingly. He shaped her eyebrows and her cute nose and caressed her cheek softly with his fingertips. He leant closer to her and whispered ‘I love you’ against her waiting lips. Just the simple pleasure of being able to say that as often as he wanted was precious to him. No more destiny standing in their way. Just the two of them, pledged to each other already and committed for life.

Liz smiled, almost purring at the sensations Max was creating with his soft caresses. He literally had the most magic touch and he used it on her regularly with devastating effect. Now that the worst of their urgency had been dulled, they could enjoy just being together without worrying about interruptions.

Max nuzzled her nose. "Am I getting heavy?"

In answer, she pulled him down to her, creating electrifying contact between their bare upper bodies. "I missed you terribly this time. A week is too long to be without you."

He sighed. "I know." Max kissed her lingeringly, his tongue sweeping across her lower lip. "I think the others saw that I wasn’t all that effective after being away from you for so long. So we came back."

At this Liz’s eyes flew open. "Max, no please! You mustn’t let me prevent you from doing your duty! I WANT you to do your duty. Please. I just… I just miss you sometimes." The last bit was mumbled with her head turned away.

"Only sometimes?" Max’s voice was amused.

"This is not something to joke about, Max. I really, really don’t want to be in your way!" Liz was fast becoming upset and it was showing in her voice.

"Hey! Look at me." Max gripped her chin and turned her to look at him. "Part of my duty is to make sure that you are safe too. You’re my family now and I need to have you as a priority in my life. Don’t ever feel like you should be second after everybody else. You’re not and you will never be!"

Liz bit her lip. "I just don’t want you guys to get hurt because I kept you from preparing…"

"I promise not to let that happen, okay? Now can we get back to being young and in love and alone in a place with millions of stars to watch?" He got up and pulled one of the sleeping bags around him. He opened his arms invitingly, his hands holding the edges of the bag. "Are you joining me?"

Liz felt suddenly vulnerable lying there without clothes or Max’s body to cover her, so she jumped up and rushed into his arms. She slapped his chest at his knowing grin. "I’m not used to it, okay!"

He hugged her to him again and pressed his face in her hair. "And I love you for it…"

They were halfway out the cave when Liz remembered that she should call her parents. "Uhm Max? Can you stay tonight or are we going home?"

"I’m sorry, honey, but I should really go home. Otherwise Iz will have to stay over at Alex’s so my parents won’t get suspicious and then Alex’s parents would get suspicious... Its just too complicated."

Liz nodded silently, hating the situation they were in. She pulled Max with her to her phone and dialed her home number. When her mother answered, she explained that Maria and her had decided to watch two movies and would be home really late. Liz couldn’t help but wince when she heard her mother’s hurried acceptance of her story, clearly still under the impression that Max was away and all was safe for her little girl.

Max felt her tension and ran his hands over her comfortingly. "Liz, I’m sorry. I know you hate lying to them. I do too. But right now, I don’t see another way for us. I’m so sorry."

Turning towards him until she could snuggle against his chest, Liz was quiet for a few moments. Finally she looked up into his eyes. "Max, if the alternative is not being with you at all, then I’m willing to do this."

Max picked her up and carried her out of the cave into the open where galaxies of twinkling stars were shining down upon them.


Liz slept late the next morning. She only had to work the afternoon shift and her late night excursion with Max had tired her out. He had insisted on stopping in the ally next to the café when they got back, in spite of her worries that her parents might still be awake. However, the darkness of the apartment eliminated her concerns. Max, being Max, wanted to make sure that she got in her room safely, so Liz just smiled and humored him.

The first person Liz spotted when she came down to the café just before lunch was Diane Evans. Liz faltered for a moment, not really used to seeing Max’s mom eating at the Crashdown. In fact, the last time Diane had been at the café was when she and Max had come home after finding the orb in the desert. Of course Diane spotted her immediately.

"Hi Liz." Diane smiled at the girl that had won her aloof son’s heart so resoundingly. She was still a bit amazed at the fact that Max not only dated, but had a steady girlfriend.

Liz smiled back tentatively. She still wasn’t sure where she stood with Diane. "Hi, Mrs. Evans. How are you?"

"I’m wonderful actually. Max and Isabel came back from their trip last night." She watched Liz’s reactions carefully and saw what she had suspected since Max had not hightailed it out of the house at first light this morning. Liz knew about Max’s return.

"Wow! Uhm… that’s great." Liz was a terrible liar and she suspected that Diane saw right through her little attempt to insinuate that she had no idea Max was back. Then she hit on an idea. "Yeah, he… he called me last night to say hi. I’m so happy he’s back. I really missed him."

Diane was looking at her speculatively. "You two are really very close, aren’t you?"

Liz wondered if this was a trick question, but the expression on Diane’s face showed only genuine interest. She stated the truth in a soft but sure voice. "I love him very much, Mrs. Evans."

Max’s mom nodded her head thoughtfully, taking in Liz’s serious countenance.

The moment was interrupted by Nancy Parker’s voice. "I’m not sure you should be throwing around words like love at your age, young lady. It’s a serious statement to make." She turned towards Diane. "Hi. Do you have everything you need?"

Diane smiled at Nancy and wondered about the fact that she didn’t notice the hurt flashing in her daughter’s eyes at her words. Did Nancy not know that she was belittling something precious and important to Liz, even if she didn’t believe Liz knew what she was talking about?

Max chose that awkward moment to arrive at the Crashdown and was stunned when he saw Liz surrounded by their mothers. He walked over to her side quickly and took her hand. Whatever she was facing, he would help her.

His mom observed the instinctive protective role Max took in with Liz, obviously under the impression that she was being cornered. Max turned Liz towards him, as if he could ward off any threats to her with his body. And Liz, she was staring up at Max as if he was the answer to all her prayers. It was a profound moment for Diane. Suddenly she saw her little boy as a man.

Nancy saw the opposite. She saw a young man that wanted her little girl to grow up too fast. A young man that was fast becoming the most important thing in Liz’s life and thus had an increased ability to break her daughter’s heart.

It was Diane that broke the tense silence first. "Hi Max. I was just telling Liz that you were back, but she said that you called her last night when you got home." She saw the tenseness leave her son’s shoulders and the small, tender smile he gave Liz.

"Yeah. I was just coming to say hi before I have to go to work." He looked at Nancy. "Is it okay if we go outside for a little while?"

Her curt nod said it all. Nancy wasn’t all that thrilled with the idea of Max and Liz being alone. But since it was broad daylight, she couldn’t find a valid objection. "Just don’t be too long, Liz. Your shift starts soon."

The two mothers watched with differing emotions as their kids left the café holding hands.

Nick waited across the street while Max and Liz talked in the alley next to the Crashdown. They seemed deep in discussion and he didn’t want to interrupt. Instead, he scanned the street to watch for anything suspicious. Nick’s people were still having trouble with finding the right rhythm in integrating into the town while managing to stay inconspicuous. They needed guidance and Nick had decided that their young leader should be the one to provide it.

His eyes returned to the couple who was now sharing lingering kisses. He smiled. It was good to see them so close and in love. Maybe one-day Nick’s own children could share the same happiness…


Max jogged across the street with his normal goofy I’ve-been-with-Liz smile. He slowed when he reached the opposite curb and his countenance turned serious again. He wished he could make a home with Liz somewhere, so that they could go home to each other every night instead of to separate houses in different parts of town. But here they were... Two teenagers with an out-of-this-world love and the threat of extinction from a rival alien race hanging over their heads. Max felt a moment of supreme panic. He was a 17-year old guy, for Pete’s sake! How was he supposed to cope with all this? He desperately needed some help. Max took a deep breath. He needed Sheriff Valenti.

Max halted when Nick blocked the entrance of the UFO museum. "Hey Nick." He saw a moment of concern flash in Nick’s eyes at the choked tone of his voice.

"We need to talk, Max. Its urgent."

Max’s panic flared up again, but he didn’t let it show. Instead he turned instinctively so that he could see Liz through the window of the Crashdown. She was safe and he saw her two "bodyguards", Marcus and Chris, arrive at the café. Max frowned. He needed to do something about it always being those two near Liz. Someone was bound to notice.

Nick cleared his throat, amused that Max was staring at Liz across the street. These two were so sappy! He repeated his request from earlier when he had Max’s attention back. "We need to talk. I’ll meet you after work."

Max nodded silently, his piercing eyes trying to pinpoint the reason for Nick’s request. Nick was unreadable as usual. Max turned back to the Crashdown. His heart ached for Liz. How was he ever going to prove to her mother that he wasn’t just another boyfriend that would hurt her daughter? How could he prove that he loved Liz more than his own life and never wanted to be without her? That he was addicted to her presence and needed her support to stay standing under the weight of the crushing responsibilities that he had so suddenly and unexpectedly inherited? That not only him, but his whole race of people would protect Liz with their lives? Max knew he HAD to find a way to get Nancy Parker on their side.


Liz had returned to her post in the café feeling warmed by Max’s protective and caring attitude towards her. When she was with him it was easy to believe that they would make it through all this because they were together.

She slogged through the afternoon shift. With only a few customers to serve, there was a lot of time to think about her life. Liz was sitting at the counter, staring into space when Maria’s voice interrupted her.

"Earth to Liz! He’s only across the street, you know!"

Liz grinned at her best friend. "Maria no! I was NOT thinking about him."

Maria gave her the ‘yeah right’ look. "So, I see we are yet again overrun by customers waiting to be fed with alien-themed fair." She looked at Liz again. "Okay, so what’s wrong?"

"My mom hates Max. She doesn’t like me seeing him and she’s quite obvious about it." Liz bit her lip. "Maria, I need him."

Maria put her arm around Liz. "She’ll come around. Come one, who doesn’t love Max?" Maria saw that Liz only smiled weakly at her attempt to lighten the mood. Hmmm, maybe she could sing Max’s praises with Mrs Evans at every possible moment to help Liz. Her thoughts were interrupted by Jeff Parker.

"Lizzie! Can I talk to you in the back, please?" Jeff’s voice halted his daughter on her way to pour coffee for a customer. She entered the back room to find her dad standing at the door, looking through the round window that gave him a view of the inside of his café. Liz briefly wondered if Max was out there, but realized she felt him still being in the UFO Museum across the street. "What’s up, Dad?"

"I was just wondering if you knew those two men sitting in the café?" Jeff motioned her closer to the window.

Liz had to stand on her tiptoes to be able to see through the glass. Her father was pointing at Marcus and Chris. Her heart fluttered nervously. Why was her dad asking about them? ‘Uhm… Why are you asking, Dad?"

Jeff turned to his daughter. "Because they’ve been here almost every day this summer and they keep watching you…" He didn’t even want to mention that it looked like they deferred to his daughter. That was way too weird and he was truly hoping that it had been his imagination.

What should she tell her dad? That she was basically the Queen of an alien race because she had "married" their leader? "Uhm…Dad--."

Maria barged into the back, startling Jeff and Liz but effectively ending the discussion. "I’m sorry, Mr Parker, but some of Liz’s customers are asking for her." With this, she basically dragged Liz out to the counter. She waved her hands when Liz glared at her. "What?! So I was eavesdropping!"

Liz shook her head. "Well, you saved my butt so I’ll ignore this lapse." She stopped and looked over at her guards. "Make sure my dad isn’t around, I need to get those two out of here."

As Maria went off to the back, Liz strode over to her protectors purposefully and tried not to laugh when she saw them blanch as a result. Wow, how weird was her life? "Okay, guys, you need to leave. Max is right across the street and I know some self-defense. Besides, my dad is asking questions about you two."

Marcus and Chris looked at each other. They had orders from Nick who claimed his orders were from Max. But this WAS Max’s mate and she way outranked Nick. They got up nervously when Liz folded her arms, staring them down until they were out the door.

Max watched from the inside of the UFO Museum as Liz’s bodyguards fairly slunk out of the café. He had felt a moment of fear and then annoyance from her and had of course rushed over to a place from where he could see her. She was scowling at Marcus and Chris fiercely and Max had to stifle a laugh. A laugh that died a quick death when he saw the other man standing outside the Crashdown window, apparently staring at Liz. Max cautioned himself not to be overly paranoid, but then the guy moved towards the door of the café, his eyes never leaving Liz.

Max broke into a run, bursting from the UFO Museum and onto the street. His heart was racing and he barely looked for traffic before he was dashing across the road. It felt like he was watching everything in slow motion. The guy stopping mere feet away from Liz, pulling out a gun, aiming at her. And Max was not going to make it in time…

A scream was torn from him. "LIZ!"

Liz had turned away from the door after she threw her guards out on the street. She was quite pleased with herself for being so assertive. Walking to the back of the café, a paralyzing fear unexpectedly doubled her over. She didn’t hear the door jingle behind her or see the man pulling the gun out of his pocket. She only saw her mother standing in back door with Maria and turning white as a sheet. Then she heard Max screaming her name in abject terror before she stumbled to her knees under the crush of Max’s fear. His fear was for her, she realized.

The scream startled the gunman into turning around and gave Max the precious seconds he needed to get between Liz and her attacker. The guy stared at Max, now blocking his view of the girl, and dropped the gun to waist height.

Finally recovering from his fear now that Liz was safely behind him, Max felt a white-hot fury taking over. He clenched his fists at his sides, taking a threatening step forward. He could see Marcus and Chris take up position behind the attacker, waiting for his signal. The guy looked over his shoulder and back at Max, understanding dawning on his face and alerting Max to the fact that this was no random attack. This guy knew exactly what the significance of the two men behind him was. The threat to Liz had been an attempt to draw Max out…

The guy suddenly grinned. "So, your weakness has a name!"

Both Max and his guards moved towards the attacker, but he vaulted across a table and stormed out the back, flinging Liz’s mom out of the way roughly. Marcus and Chris ran out the front to follow, but Max was at Liz’s side immediately. "Are you all right?" He picked her up from the floor and hugged her fiercely.

Liz was only now recovering from the onslaught of Max’s feelings. She hadn’t had time to register what she felt during the whole exchange with the stranger due to her concentration on Max. Now she started to shiver in shock. Shock that someone had threatened her life and shock that Max had put himself right in the path of danger for her.

"Liz…" Max was too emotional to get much else out. He didn’t know how, but he knew now that she had not really been in danger. That the gunman would not have pulled the trigger. And that he had accomplished what he had wanted today. To identify Max as the leader of the opposing alien race…

Clinging to Max until her shivering abated, Liz felt her anger at Max grow. How could he have put himself in danger like that?

Max had his face pressed in Liz’s hair, his hands rubbing her back and sides comfortingly. He felt the change in her demeanor immediately. She started to stiffen in his embrace a few seconds before squirming out of his hold. Max was baffled about her actions and the anger he felt coming of her in waves until he saw her glare at him. Then he knew and started grinning. "Liz…" He stopped when he caught a movement from behind Liz. It was her mother.

Maria had helped Nancy to her feet after the gunman had shoved her out of the way during his escape. Now she just stood back and watched the events unfold.

Nancy stared at Max as if she was seeing him for the first time. Her feet were taking her closer to the couple who was now watching her warily. She was trembling. "You… you just…" Liz’s mom could not make her throat work to tell Max that she had seen what he had done for her daughter. Tears were starting to gather in her eyes and Max let Liz go so she could hug her mom. Nancy held Liz close to her, but her gaze remained on the guy she had so easily dismissed as being bad for her daughter. Max locked eyes with her. Nancy saw so much more than she normally acknowledged in his eyes. So much more than mere teenage lust. She saw love and need and protectiveness shining from Max’s expressive eyes.

Liz pulled out of her mother’s hug. "I’m fine, Mom." She turned to look at Max. "I’m fine."

Nancy was still looking at Max. "Thank you for what you just--."

"I did it for me, Mrs. Parker." Max’s quiet voice interrupted her. "She means everything to me." He looked at her steadily, willing her to see how much he loved Liz.

Hearing a throat being cleared behind him made Max turn around to find Marcus and Chris standing there. They shook their heads indicating that they hadn’t been able to find the gunman, and then looked down immediately as if waiting for their execution. Max didn’t want to get into the whole issue with Liz’s mom watching. "It’s okay, we’ll talk later." The two shot apologetic looks at Liz and left.

Nancy watched this whole interlude with a small frown, noticing how Liz had immediately went back to Max when the two men appeared. She saw how her daughter pressed herself close to Max, her face in the crook of his neck. Nancy looked at Max. "Maybe you should take her to the hospital. Let them check her for shock…"

Max felt Liz’s nod and he suddenly wondered if she was more upset than he had realized. "Liz?"

Grabbing Max’s hand, Liz finally looked up into his face and let him see how desperately she needed to be alone with him right now. She saw comprehension dawn in his eyes and felt his body tense next to hers.

"I… I think that’s a good idea, Mrs. Parker." Max was not looking at Nancy, sure that she would be able to see what they were up to in his eyes. He put his arm around Liz and walked her out to the Jeep. "Where…?"

"Can we go to Michael’s apartment?" Liz had one hand clutched in the front of Max’s shirt, trying to breathe normally when all she wanted to do was kiss him and remind herself that they were both still alive.

"Yeah, I guess so. He went to practice with Nick." Max helped Liz in the Jeep and ran round the front. He tried to drive off slowly so as not to attract any more attention, but sped up as soon as he was out of sight from the Crashdown.

Liz clutched her hands in her lap, trying to keep herself from grabbing Max. She realized that this was probably reaction to the situation she just lived through, but she needed him right now. Needed to have him inside her, celebrating that she was still alive and able to love him.

The Jeep came to a screeching halt in front of Michael’s apartment building and they jumped out and ran inside. As soon the outer door closed behind them, Liz flung herself in Max’s arms. They kissed desperately and Max grabbed her bottom, lifting her up against him. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he stumbled blindly along the hallway towards Michael’s front door.

Liz moaned into Max’s mouth, trying to get closer to him. She threaded her hands in his hair and urged his mouth into deeper contact with hers. His body heat scalded her and she grappled to come to terms with her sudden overpowering need for him to make love to her.

Max pressed Liz into Michael’s door as he waved his hand over the lock. He couldn’t stop kissing her. The fear and anger in his body had been replaced by something much more powerful: lust.

They nearly fell into the apartment when the door eventually swung open. Max recovered his balance enough to be able to kick the door shut behind him. Liz was already tearing his shirt out of his pants, needing the contact of his bare skin. He put her down on the kitchen counter, freeing his hands for more important tasks. Like undressing Liz…

Their union was urgent and fast, driven by the intense emotions of the past few hours. They were affirming their love, their life, their commitment and their togetherness with this act.

Liz caught Max’s face between her hands and her words came out hurried between gasping breaths. "I love you… so much. Don’t… ever leave me!"


Max and Nick met during the late afternoon after Max had delivered Liz to her bed at home with strict instructions to take a nap. They drove out of town in silence until Max found a place to stop in the desert, away from the highway.

Nick came right to the point. "We need to have a meeting with you."

"We?" Max frowned.

"Yes, the council of our group. Some decisions need to be taken and you are the one that has to take them."

Max felt the now familiar panic threatening to overtake him. "What sort of decisions?"

"Well, what to do about Tess for one. And about our integration into the town. And about the fact that the other alien race have found you and Liz." Nick stared at Max piercingly. "And the fact that you’re not ready to deal with them yet…"

Liz woke up to voices in the den of the apartment. She recognised her mom and dad, but the other male voice momentarily confused her.

"…was outside taking out the garbage when the guy practically ran me down. I thought he had robbed the café and ran down the street after him to see if I could see his car or something. When I came back, Nancy told me about the gun. Sheriff, you have to try and find the guy!"

Liz sat up when she heard her dad saying ‘Sheriff’.

Nancy was speaking now. "And he seemed to know Max. Liz’s boyfriend. It was really strange, Sheriff." Liz’s heart sank. Was her mother STILL suspicious of Max? "But he did save Lizzie’s life…" Nancy sounded unsure of herself.

"Yes, they love each other very much." Liz sighed in relief. ‘Thank you, Sheriff Valenti!’

Jeff sounded concerned. "There’s something else, Sheriff. These two men have been hanging around the café a lot during the summer. They seemed to be watching Liz and she seems to know them, but the whole thing was just weird to me. What if they were helping this attacker from today?"

At that, Liz jumped up and went to the den. Everybody looked up when she appeared in the door. Liz looked at the Sheriff desperately, trying to convey with her eyes that she needed to speak to him.

Jim caught on immediately. He looked at Liz’s parents. "Would you mind if I talked with Liz alone for a while? I need to get her version of the story." He took her arm and steered her down the stairs to the café. Finding the café mostly empty before the dinner crowd, he settled them both in a booth. "Tell me what happened, Liz."

Liz told him everything she knew about the afternoon. They had seen the sheriff a couple of times during the summer after their return from the camp and he had been informed about the existence of the group of survivors. But now she finally told him about her bodyguards, Max being the leader of his race, and finally about the other alien race that is seeking to destroy them all. Jim was increasingly stunned as the story unfolded before him. The magnitude of what these kids had to face was overwhelming and he felt a renewed sense of responsibility towards them. He owed Max Evans the life of his son, and he would never forget that.

Liz felt Max coming closer and hurried into the request she had wanted to make to the Sheriff. Jim looked stunned at first and then grinned. Little Liz Parker truly had spunk. He could see why Max was so smitten with her.

Liz looked to the door even before Max was opening it. "Don’t tell Max about this right now, Sheriff. I’ll talk to him later."

Max made a beeline for Liz as soon as he came through the door. Everything he heard from Nick this afternoon was threatening to overwhelm him and he needed her calming presence. He slid into the booth with Liz and leant in to kiss her, slowly rubbing his lips over hers. Their eyes were warm when they pulled apart, both of them remembering what happened earlier this afternoon.

Max was leaning in for another kiss when Jim cleared his throat, amused that the two in front of him had become completely oblivious to anyone else. He watched as they pulled apart, startled by the unexpected intrusion. Jim’s eyes narrowed as he saw Max pull his hand away from Liz’s thigh under the table. Was it his imagination or were these two becoming comfortably intimate with each other?

"Hey Sheriff. How are you?" Max’s voice was level. Frankly, he just had too much on his mind to worry about Jim Valenti seeing him kiss Liz.

"I’m fine, which is apparently more than I can say for you."

Max looked down at the table for a few moments, but when he met Valenti’s eyes, his face was full of determination. "Sheriff, I need your help with a few things." Jim just nodded, trying not to look impressed with the young man in front of him.

Liz nudged Max. "If you let me out, I’ll go get you guys something to drink." He gave her a small smile and slid out of the booth.

He held out his hand as soon as he was standing and pulled Liz out and upright. Max stopped her from moving away and turned his back on Sheriff Valenti, in effect shielding Liz from him too. Rubbing his hands over her arms and staring deep into her eyes, he asked: "Are you okay? Did you sleep a little bit?"

Liz grinned up at him. "Yes Master!" She sobered up when she saw a shadow flicker across his face. "Are you okay? You look tired and…" She caressed his jaw and felt him sigh and lean into her hand. She had wanted to add ‘worried’, but didn’t want to upset him further. She could feel his tension and wished there was something she could do to help him. So she did the only thing she could think of right now, she pressed herself against him and whispered: "I love you, Max Evans," in his ear.

Max laced his fingers with hers and held onto her hand when she backed away to go get their drinks. It reminded the Sheriff of the time at the old mine just after they had sprung Max from Pierce’s compound. He would never forget the way these two looked at each other during that terrible day. Like they were each other’s salvation. And how they couldn’t stop touching each other and how reluctantly Max had let her hand go when he told Liz to go into the mine so he could speak to the Sheriff.

Max slid back into the booth after he had watched Liz go. The seat he was in was an unfamiliar one. It faced away from the back of the café where Liz was so he couldn’t stare at Liz. He met the Sheriff’s eyes and took a deep breath. Time to be the leader of a people!

Max and Jim made plans until the dinner crowd started coming in and taking up tables close to them. They had decided that some of Nick’s men will be working for Jim as Deputies (not getting paid, so he didn’t have to explain anything to his superiors) allowing them to act as bodyguards to the teens and their loved ones without too much suspicion. Jim would also start looking into any newcomers in town, trying to find the other aliens that have apparently arrived.

When Liz came back to bring them yet another refill, the sheriff looked at them both. "I think you need to talk to your parents. It will be very difficult to keep you all safe being scattered all over town like this. You need to be in one place as much as possible."

"No! We can’t…" Max sounded agitated and Liz linked her arm through his, leaning her head on his shoulder. Max’s fear for abandonment when his parents found out what he was, was still ruling him. He never wanted to have anyone, let alone the only parents he has ever known, to look at him in fear and revulsion.

Jim saw that the subject was a touchy one for Max, so he dropped it with a final remark. "Just think about it. I have to go. Tell your parents I’ll start looking for that gunman. And you two be careful!"

Liz kept on hugging Max as the Sheriff left, wondering how she could make him see that his fears were probably unfounded. Anybody that would take in two six year-old kids and raise them as their own, would probably accept their children being ‘not human’. And there was one thing Liz was sure of, Diane Evans loved her children.

Max sighed. "I have to go. Nick asked that I meet with our people’s council tonight… Will you be okay with Tess coming back to town and working with us?" He looked at her probingly. "Because I could--."

Liz stopped him with her fingers on his mouth. "I’m fine with it, Max. You guys need her help and I," her eyes starting twinkling, "I’ll just keep you too tired to be able to do anything with her…" She giggled as Max’s eyes widened in shock. Shock that was quickly replaced by indignation. Liz kissed his mouth before he could retort. "I’m only kidding! I know you would never…" She kissed him again, softly and gently. Her wonderful, loving and loyal Max. "I have to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won’t freak out like last time."

Looking confused, Max mumbled: "Last time?"

"Yeah, uhm…I sort of… I asked the Sheriff for details about some self-defence classes. I think I need some professional help this time…"


Liz was grinning by the time she got to her new class that night. Max had actually NOT freaked, trusting the judgement of the Sheriff. He had even dropped her off at the class on his way out of town to meet with Nick. However, she now has a training partner by the name of Marcus.

She stared around the motley group of people waiting for the instructor of the class to show up. Everybody looked nervous, making Liz smile. At least she was not the only newcomer here! Then her eye fell on a tiny blonde coming through the door. The latest arrival was gorgeous and she made quite and impression on the male population of the class. She actually looked a little like one of Liz’s favourite TV characters, Buffy. The girl looked around the class until she spotted the empty space next to Liz. She came over and smiled hesitantly at Liz. "Hi, I’m Sarah. Do you mind if I use this space?"

Liz liked her immediately. "Sure! I’m Liz." She caught Marcus’ warning frown over Sarah shoulder, but decided to ignore him. "Are you new in town? I haven’t seen you around before."

"Yeah, I just moved here with… with my boyfriend a few days ago." Sarah looked away from Liz, but not before Liz had caught her frightened look.

Liz had been involved with Max for far too long to not wonder about the new girl and her barely concealed fear. She wondered if it was a coincidence that Sarah had shown up around the same time the other alien was trying to find Max? Liz glanced at her again. Well, she LOOKED harmless enough…

Max was tired when he drove back to Roswell after his meeting with the Council. They had looked to him for answers and decisions and he tried to do it all justice. They needed to get us much as possible in place before school started in three weeks.

He rubbed his face wearily and glanced at Tess in the seat next to him. She was staring out the window, her face turned away from him. He was giving her a ride home and she would stay in the house Nacedo was still renting until the end of summer. Then they would have to get her a new place to stay or the school will get suspicious. She wasn’t very friendly towards him, but he could understand that. Everything she had ever believed to be her future is gone now. He felt a little sorry for her, but the image of Liz lying in that bed and not waking up because of her was still fresh in his memory.

His attention drifted to other more pressing problems. Maybe he could graduate sooner. He knew he could probably use his powers to process all the information he needed to study faster, but he never tried it fearing it would look suspicious. So it had always been a struggle to be a good student, but not one so good that he attracted attention. But if he managed to graduate sooner, he could be with Liz sooner. And he would have greater control over his own affairs without dragging his parents into the whole mess that was his life.

Max’s throat constricted at the thought that his parents would one day find out what he was. He didn’t think he could handle that on top of everything else right now. Maybe one day when he was older and married to Liz… Liz. If it wasn’t for her unconditional love, his life would have been unbearable for him right now. But the hope of him and Liz being together forever in the future, kept him going through the motions of being the famed alien leader that he supposedly was.

After dropping Tess off at her house, he turned the Jeep towards his home. His watch told him it was close to midnight and he had to ignore the urgent calls from his heart and his body to go to Liz. They both needed sleep and could do without the wrath of their parents. It was bad enough that they had taken such a wild chance this afternoon in Michael’s apartment, but he kept telling himself that it was extraordinary circumstances and that it would not happen again. They did not need to get caught in a situation like that! The only problem was, he has always had trouble keeping his hands off of Liz Parker and now that they were intimate on a regular basis, he was even worse. It didn’t help much that Liz apparently had the same problem with him. His heart sped up at the memory of the way she had looked at him this afternoon. So much need and longing had been in her beautiful eyes that she made him weak with desire. He smiled. His Liz…


When Marcus and Liz came out of the class, tired but satisfied, they saw Sarah being driven off on a motorcycle. Liz wondered about the quiet girl again. She seemed to be almost desperate to learn some of the techniques in the class and Liz was starting to suspect it had something to do with her boyfriend. Maybe he was hurting her… Liz shuddered. She couldn’t even contemplate being in an abusive relationship. Not when her boyfriend was the world’s gentlest guy!

Marcus waited until he was sure she was safely in her room before he waved to the guy on night duty in front of the Crashdown. His muscles were stiff already and he grimly thought that guarding Liz Parker was going to be the death of him. But hey, he was just glad to still be alive and not in one of their prison spheres after what happened with the gunman this afternoon. Max had been surprisingly calm about the whole thing for which both Marcus and Chris were eternally grateful. Its not like they haven’t seen Max in full flight while something was wrong with his Liz!

He needed to get home and start preparing for his move to the little town of Roswell NM with HIS mate. At least he would get to live in a real house for a change, but he wasn’t too sure about working for the Sheriff of the town. Max trusted the Sheriff, but it was still a big leap for a guy who spent his whole life in a camp away from human contact. He smiled when he remembered the concentration and determination with which Liz had taken part in the class just now. If the other humans were like Liz Parker, then he was prepared to take the chance.


Jeff and Nancy looked up as Liz came through the door of the apartment. Their eyes widened in surprise at her attire. "Were you at the gym?" Nancy was clearly stunned at the possibility.

Shaking her head, Liz grinned. "No, I’m taking self-defense classes with someone from the Sheriff’s office!"

This seemed to surprise her parents even more. Jeff and Nancy looked at each other. "Lizzie, could you sit down so we can talk for a moment?" Jeff’s gentle voice was tentative. This was his only darling daughter and he was really scared about what has been going on in her life.

Liz bit her lip, fear of what they were going to say taking hold of her. Please let them not forbid me to see Max! She perched gingerly on the edge of the chair that faced the couch her parents were sitting on.

Her father looked uncomfortable before he started speaking. "We just need to know what is going on in your life right now."

"What do you mean, Dad?" Her voice sounded amazingly calm to her own ears.

"We mean that there are strange things happening ever since the beginning of the summer and we need to know if… if there is something we should worry about." Her mother was looking at her intently. "It’s… it’s not drugs or something, is it?"

Liz felt her mouth drop open. "Drugs! No! How could you even think that?"

Her parents were shifting around in their seats, clearly not sure how to handle the whole conversation. "What about Max? Is he into anything illegal?"

"Mom, he saved my life today. He would never do anything that would harm me. You have to believe that!"

"But why did it look like that man that attacked you today knew him? And who were those two men that were hanging around the café all summer and that helped Max today?" Her mother was getting agitated.

Liz gripped the armrests of the chair, fighting for calm. "Mom, I don’t know who that man was. And the two men that came in probably know Max from his work at the UFO museum. It’s nothing sinister." Liz knew she was floundering and didn’t know how to get out of this situation without doing more harm to Max’s reputation.

"I think we need to talk with the Evans’--."


"Liz, you’re our little girl and we love you. Surely you can understand that we worry about you being involved with Max? With any boy for that matter?" Her mother was sounding firm now.

Liz realized that fighting against this now would only cement her parents’ suspicions that something weird was going on with Max. So she merely nodded with downcast eyes.

Her mother’s voice was soft when she continued. "I saw how much he cares about you today. We just want to be sure, okay?"

Liz nodded again. Tears were starting to gather in her eyes. The day had been long and tiring. She needed Max. She needed his arms and his soft voice telling her that she is safe and loved. Her phone started ringing in her room, giving her the chance to escape. She knew it was Max before she even picked up.

"Hi Max." Her voice was thick with unshed tears.

"Hey love. Are you okay? I felt… What’s wrong?" His voice was filled with concern.

"I’m just missing you… Sorry for being so pathetic. How are you?" Liz heard the weariness in his voice and she didn’t want to add to his burden tonight. They could talk about her parents tomorrow.

He took a deep breath. "Tired. I just… I just needed to hear your voice."

Liz wanted to burst into tears. She could feel Max hanging onto normalcy like a drowning man and she desperately wanted to be able to hold him and help him gain his strength back. "I love you, Max. I’ll be here whenever you need me."

She heard his intake of breath before he said quietly. "You don’t know how much it means to hear you say that."

Liz forced a smile into her voice. "Do you think that maybe we could have one of those shared dreams of ours tonight? One of those in which I don’t have to worry about you still respecting me in the morning?"

Max’s soft chuckle warmed her heart. "We can definitely try!"


On the other side of town, another girl was talking to her soulmate. "I met her by accident. Liz was in my class tonight…"

Max was putting the phone down when Izzy came into his room. "How’s Liz? I heard about the gunman from Maria."

He ran his hands through his hair before answering. "She’s okay. I got there before he could do anything." His voice was tired when he continued. "He was looking for me, Iz. How did he know to come look for me at the Crashdown? How did he know about Liz?"

Isabel sat down next to Max and looked at him worriedly. Her brother seemed… despondent. "Max…" She rubbed her hand over his shoulder, feeling the tension knotting his muscles. "Is there anything I can do?"

Yes, Max thought, help me be normal. But that wasn’t in Isabel’s power. "Just… be careful, okay. They know we’re in Roswell and they’re bound to find all of us sooner or later."

"Don’t worry about us. I’m spending most of my day in Alex’s bedroom--." She swatted his shoulder when she saw his look. "And no! It’s not what you think! Not that you’d be one to talk! But we are doing research on the Internet to try and see if we can’t find something on these other aliens. So far, there isn’t much to find." She took a deep breath before plunging ahead. "But we did find a mention of the possibility that a waitress was shot and healed at the Crashdown in one of the recent UFO Today newsletters…"

Max’s head snapped up. "What!"

"Yeah, uhm… We saw it today. It was printed about three weeks ago. There were no names in the article about who was shot and who did the healing. They didn’t even ID their source."

"So that’s how they found us…" He clenched his hands into fists. Will the one act that forever changed his life for the better, also remain the one thing that will haunt him and every one close to him for the rest of his life? He jumped up from the bed. "There must be some other way for us to solve this thing between the two alien races! I refuse to accept that we will be hunted for the rest of our lives. That Liz and I will never have a…" he swallowed, "… a family."

Isabel inhaled sharply when she saw the torment that flashed in Max’s eyes. Max had so many dreams that kept getting sacrificed to the greater good. Sure, they all had dreams, but theirs were new and mostly unformed. Max, on the other hand, has had years in which to build up the dream of being married to the girl he had always loved. About having a house and children. And about being normal.

"Max, we will work this out. Together." Isabel hugged her brother. "Why don’t you go see Liz? I’ll cover for you with mom and dad."

Max shot her a small smile. "Thanks, Iz, but her parents will kill me." They’ll kill me anyway if they knew what I did with their daughter this afternoon! "I’ll see her early tomorrow."

Isabel smiled at him knowingly. "You hate this, don’t you. Not telling everyone that you two are… well, basically married now."

"I hate a lot more than that. I hate that I can’t be with her every second of the day. I hate that she is in danger because I love her. I hate that I have to rely on other people to help keep her safe. I hate that we will apparently never have a normal life." Max turned to find his sister watching him with a concerned expression. "But I will still take all this over my life before Liz was a part of it any day."

"Max." Isabel’s voice reflected her concern. She had never seen Max so… weary. It was like he was pulling himself through each passing second with the hope that it all would lead to a normal life with Liz in the end. Like that was the only thing that kept him going.

Turning away to stare up at the V-formation in the stars, Max shoved his hands in his pockets. "It’s okay, Iz. Sleep well."

Isabel stared at his back for a few moments, before leaving the room.

Max heard her startled gasp from right outside his door. He swung around to find that one of his recurring nightmares had apparently come true. His mom was filling the doorway, her eyes full of questions.

"Max? What is going on here?" Diane’s voice was uncertain, trying to make sense of what she just heard.

Isabel saw Max’s helpless and terrified look and realized her brother was inches away from coming undone. On top of all the events of the day, he now faced his second biggest fear. Apart from losing Liz forever, Max was most afraid that their mother will find out what they were and stop loving them. In contrast with Max, Isabel held on to the hope that her mother would continue to love her unconditionally, in spite of what she was. "What did you hear, Mom?" Isabel’s voice held a false tone of cheerfulness.

"That… that Max and Liz are… married? That she is in danger? I… I don’t understand?" Diane was floundering, her mind filled with possibilities of the meaning of what she had overheard. She was staring at Max, who had gone completely motionless. Her son’s beautiful eyes were filled with terror. Terror directed at her. Diane couldn’t stand that look in his eyes and she rushed forward, pulling him into an embrace.

"Whatever it is, Max, I’ll understand!" She pulled away slightly, asking the question that had immediately popped into her mind when she had heard Max and Isabel talking. "Is… is Liz pregnant?" Her heart started beating again when she saw Max’s complete shock at her question.

"No Mom! Liz is not pregnant!" Isabel spoke up for her brother who still seemed unable to get his throat to work. "You know Max, he worries about everything! And there was this gunman at the café this afternoon that tried to shoot Liz. Max is just overreacting about the whole thing." Isabel realized she was babbling, but she couldn’t stop herself. "That’s why we love Max, he overreacts about everything! Especially about Liz…" She kicked herself at the last statement, knowing it had brought their mother’s attention back to the issue at hand: Max and Liz.

"I heard about the incident at the café and that Liz is okay… Then what’s this about marriage?"

When he finally spoke up, Max’s voice was low and full of feeling. "I’ve asked Liz to marry me." He locked gazes with a speechless Diane. "She’s said yes."

Diane walked towards Max’s bed on unsteady legs. "Honey, you are seventeen. How can you two be thinking of marriage? I mean, I know you love her very much…"

"Mom, I have never loved anyone else in my life. Only always Liz. I know what I want. What I need. Its Liz."

Staring up at her son, Diane Evans again saw a grown man. She suddenly realized that she couldn’t remember when Max had ever been a boy. It seemed that he had moved from being a child to a man without becoming a boy in between. He had become a young man without her noticing. With this realization, the concern about what exactly was happening between Max and Liz reared its head again. "I can see that you’re serious about Liz. Are you two… are you having sex?"

Max looked at her steadily. This was one lie he wasn’t prepared to continue with. "Yes."


Liz couldn’t sleep. Something was going on with Max, she could feel it. His emotions were like a roller-coaster and she guessed something was happening with his parents or Izzy. She desperately wanted to call him, but had to wait until she was sure she wouldn’t be interrupting anything. Once again she wished she could be with him whenever he needed her. Instead she could only close her eyes and concentrate on how much she loved him and hope he would feel it. My Max. My everything.


Both Diane and Isabel stared at Max open-mouthed after his confession. Isabel was sure Max had finally lost it. Was he insane for admitting that to her mother? Her mom would probably take the news of them being aliens better than what she had just heard!

Max was watching Diane with something akin to contentment on his face. It felt good to finally be honest with her about something. His mom, on the other hand, seemed unable to form a coherent response and various expressions flitted across her face: shock, concern, admiration, disappointment and finally, relief.

"I’m glad you felt you could tell me this, Max. I don’t think you are doing the right thing, but at least now we can talk about it." Diane was trying very hard to sound reasonable so she didn’t send Max back into that aloof world where he had seemed to live before Liz Parker came into his life. "Do her parents know about this?"

With one sentence, Diane wiped out all the positive things Max had been feeling after finally revealing one of his many secrets to his mother. He suddenly realized that his rash confession would probably lead to the end of his relationship with Liz if her parents ever found out. Slowly sinking down on his chair, Max’s eyes pleaded with his mother not to take away the one thing in his life that made sense. Liz Parker.

Isabel backed slowly out of Max’s room, her eyes fixed on her mother and brother who were still staring at each other silently. Once in the hallway, she practically ran to her room and called Maria’s cell phone. As expected, Maria was with Michael…

"Michael, you need to come to our house right now. Max is… he needs us!" The phone went dead in her ear and she knew Michael had heard the worry in her voice. Ever since that day when he killed Pierce and worked through the intense guilt that came with that, Michael had slowly been accepting his role as the soldier of the group.

Creeping silently back to Max’s room, Isabel was surprised to find her mother gone. Max was still sitting in the same position, his hands clasped between his knees and his head bowed. "What happened?"

"She said she needed to think about this and that we should talk tomorrow." It was so quiet in the room after he stopped talking that Isabel imagined she could hear their hearts beat.

"Is she going to tell Dad?"

Max shrugged tiredly.

"I’ve called Michael. We need to talk." Max looked up and locked gazes with her. Finally, he just nodded. Isabel went to close the door and lock it.

Michael arrived 10 minutes later through the window. His face was expressionless, but they knew he was worried.

"We need to tell our mother about us." Isabel was looking at Michael, expecting his usual explosion of distrust. But Michael was looking at Max and saying nothing.

It was Max that eventually spoke up. "I don’t think we should…" But his voice lacked its usual sureness.

"Well, I think we should. Max, we cannot… YOU cannot go on this way. We need you too much and you can’t worry about our parents finding out all the time too. We need her, Max." Isabel’s wasn’t pleading, she was stating a fact.

"I agree." To say that the silence that followed Michael’s statement was deafening, was an understatement!


"No Max, you are worth nothing to us if you go on like now! You need to get you life sorted out, so we can concentrate on our real problem: these other aliens that have found us." Michael had trouble believing himself that these things were coming out of his mouth. But if nothing else, this last year has taught him that he is much better off without his stonewall around him.

"I still don’t think--."

Isabel interrupted Max. "I say we vote on this. I say we tell her." She looked at Michael. He just nodded. "Its two to one, Max."


Putting one foot in front of the other. That was all Max wanted to concentrate on right now. He had climbed out of his window after Michael and Isabel had left and went for a walk. His mind was playing a little horror movie of what could happen when they told their mother in an endless loop. He vaguely thought he should probably not be walking around alone while these other aliens were out here looking for him, but he was too emotional to care. His biggest fear had always been that he would not belong… anywhere. And now that fear may come true.

Screeching tires had him whirling around and before the car door opened he knew it was Liz. In the seconds that he stood rooted to his spot and watched her run towards him dressed in her night gown, he remembered something very precious. He DID belong. When her arms went around his neck, gripping him tightly, he knew he was home.

Liz pulled back and gently wiped the wetness from Max’s cheeks. He hadn’t even realized he was crying. "I was so worried! Are you okay?"

Max pulled her into his body, his hands tangling in her hair. "I am now." He placed his fingers on her lips when she opened her mouth to press the issue. "Shhh, love." He leant closer and whispered against her mouth. "We’ll talk later."

The kiss was gentle at first. As if Max was trying to make sure this wasn’t a dream. He slowly rubbed his lips over Liz’s, finding in her sweet taste a new belief in the good of the world. A new belief in destiny. Because that’s what Liz was, his destiny.

His mind was screaming at him that this was neither the right place nor the right time to start anything, but his heart wouldn’t listen. It needed the salving only Liz’s love could provide tonight.

Liz was startled that Max would kiss her right here on the street in the dead of night in a town where most people knew each other. But she felt his feelings crashing through their connection and knew how much Max needed their closeness right now. In response, she opened her mouth, inviting him in.

Max groaned and suddenly the kiss changed. It became hot, hungry and desperate. Max kissed her until they both needed oxygen urgently. He traced the curve of her jaw with his tongue, making Liz cry out in need. His hands slid from her hair down her shoulders until they came to rest on the knot of her gown.

Some sane part of Liz’s brain was trying to tell her that this was not a good idea and her hands covered Max’s at her waist. It arrested his movements immediately. But her resolve wavered under his intense scrutiny. Max was staring at her as only he could, making her knees weak and her heart flutter. And her hands fell away ineffectively to allow him to pull robe’s edges apart.

Max’s fingers were warm when they slid over the exposed skin between her tank top and her drawstring pants. Liz’s head fell back and she sighed with the wonderful feelings his touch evoked. He had magic hands. Hands that healed. Hands that loved. Hands that could caress her soul from her body.

Mesmerized by the creamy length of the throat that was exposed to him, Max leant in and pressed his open mouth to her skin. He could feel her pulse thundering under his lips and the rhythm heated his blood further. Unthinkingly, he lifted her off her feet and into his body, his arms around her like steel bands.

They kissed again while Max walked forward until he could sit Liz down on the bonnet of her car. She wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands through his hair. Max kissed her passionately, pouring his love into her through the intimate invasion of her mouth. He ran his hands up under her top, tracing the curve of her spine with his fingertips.

Liz arched into him, her body silently begging for more. She pulled his shirt from his jeans and fleetingly remembered that she had done the same thing this afternoon. It felt like such a long time ago. Grazing her nails across the firm muscles of his stomach, she reveled in the helpless groan that was torn from him. His skin quivered under her touch, heating her blood further.

Max had to clench his hands into fists in the material of her top to stop himself from stripping her naked. Things had already gotten completely out of control and he certainly didn’t intend to make love to her on a car in the street. Liz was still caressing him and he caught her hands in his and held them captive behind her back in an effort to stop her from driving him insane. He kept her body pressed to his while he waited for his blood to cool down.

"Now can you tell me what happened tonight?" Liz’s voice was soft and, knowing the topic was a sensitive one for Max, she rubbed her cheek against his comfortingly. It didn’t help much though, Max tensed up immediately as reality returned with a vengeance…

Isabel gripped the steering wheel of her mom’s car so tightly that her knuckles turned white. The moment she had been dreaming about and dreading at the same time has finally arrived. They were going to tell their parents who they were. Her mom and dad sat quietly in the back of the car, obviously confused and worried as to what was so important that they needed to be out of the house to discuss it. Max sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window at the passing scenery. He seemed more resigned to what was going to happen this morning and Isabel suspected that it was the work of Liz. She knew that Max had gone for a walk last night and returned around 03h00 after being dropped off by a car.

It had made up Isabel’s mind about something else. Liz needed to be at this meeting with their parents for the sake of Max. Even though he seemed outwardly calmer, she sensed her brother was still really close to losing it. His fear that the only parents he had ever known would reject him had taken on such gigantic proportions that he was barely able to think straight about the issue. So she had phoned Liz early this morning and asked her to meet them at the quarry. Liz had understood immediately and said she would be there. Isabel cast Max a sidelong glance. He had loved Liz and believed in her even before he really knew her and how right he had been about her. She had not only changed his life, but also that of Isabel and Michael.

Diane and Philip looked at each other when Isabel drove out of town. What on earth did the kids want to talk to them about? Diane had only just recovered from discovering that Max had been sleeping with Liz and now it looked like there was something even bigger that they wanted to confess. She saw how tense Max was and she worried about him. While Isabel had also been much more on edge lately, Diane was the most concerned about her reserved and aloof son who seemed to carry so much bottled up inside him.

Liz was waiting at the quarry. She had told her mother that she was going shopping with Isabel and her mom, after which she borrowed Maria’s car to make the trip. She had had very little sleep last night, thanks to her early morning rendezvous with Max. He had finally told her about his conversation with his mother, about them, and Liz had blushed at the thought of looking Diane Evans in the eye ever again, knowing she knew about her and Max’s physical relationship. But all her concerns about that had paled in the light of Max’s fear that his parents were going to freak when they knew what he was. So Liz had held him in her arms in the front seat of her dad’s car and told him: "Not WHAT you are, Max, WHO you are. You are still you."

And here she was again, waiting to stand at the side of the man who had become everything to her while he faced one of his biggest fears…

When they turned off the highway on the dirt road to the quarry, Max suddenly turned to Isabel and gave her a half-smile filled with relief. Isabel was puzzled until he said quietly: "Thanks for letting her come." She had forgotten completely that Max and Liz had this weird connection that lets them know where the other one was all the time!

Liz was surprised when Michael suddenly appeared at her shoulder. Looking up at him, she realized that this was very hard for him too. He was so used to not trusting anyone but Max and Isabel for most of his life that allowing anyone else that close to him was only done if he was forced into it kicking and screaming. Liz felt a rush of tenderness for this man who had not known real love for the most part of his life and was still prepared to go against his instincts to help his brother. She turned to him and hugged him, catching Michael by surprise. "Thank you. For doing this for Max."

Michael was hugging her back awkwardly when they heard the Evans’ car arrive. Michael saw the moment of vulnerability flash in Max’s eyes when he saw Liz in Michael’s arms. That Max could even for a fleeting moment wonder about what he was witnessing, made Michael even surer that they were doing the right thing. Max was starting to doubt things he knew were true. Like Liz not ever looking at another man.

Liz went over to Max immediately. She had also seen the look in his eyes and she was debating whether she should smack him for his stupidity or kiss him senseless for still getting jealous about her. She decided to keep it light when she remembered his parents were there too.

Max had other ideas. While Liz was still deciding if it would be okay to kiss him good morning in front of his mother, Max was reacting to the fear that had sliced through his body at the sight of Liz in someone else’s arms. His mind KNEW that it meant nothing but friendship, but his heart had gone into shock at the possibility that Liz might some day decide that she needed someone else… So he grabbed her to him in a desperate hug when she reached his side. He gave her quick hard kiss, one that reaffirmed his possession of her. You are mine.

Diane and Philip were even more concerned when they saw that Michael and Liz had joined them for this meeting out here in the middle of nowhere. Diane couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. "Kids, what is going on? " She looked at Max, who had finally managed to tear his eyes away from Liz, but who continued to clutch her to him. "Does this have anything to do with what we talked about last night? With you and Liz?"

Feeling Max tense up against her, Liz pressed herself closer to him and concentrated on how much she loved him. His fleeting look of relief told her that she had succeeded in diverting his attention to her feelings, even if just for a little while.

Isabel and Michael turned to Max, waiting for him to take the lead.

An eerie calm settled over Max. This moment had been inevitable ever since the Evans’ had adopted him and Izzy. Only, the present reality held so much more than he had ever anticipated. It had his best friend and brother here supporting him. It also had the girl that carried his heart in her little hands next to him, practically carrying him with her love.

Finding his mom’s gaze first, Max took a deep breath. "We… we are not from… from earth." He saw the shock and disbelief register in both his parents’ faces, but he decided to plunge ahead. "We were in a crash… the 1947 crash and we’re not…" Human. But he couldn’t say it.

"The 1947 crash? But that’s… that’s impossible!" Philip laughed nervously, wondering if the kids were making stupid jokes to get out of the real discussion. Whatever that was.

Diane, however, was watching her son. She didn’t know what to believe yet, but she had seen so many little things that she could never explain, that she couldn’t help but wonder.

"No, Dad. Its true." Isabel’s soft voice got everyone’s attention. "We WERE in the crash. Then we were in incubation pods until… until that day you found us. We’re… from another planet."

Max flinched as both his parents gasped. He watched them anxiously, waiting for any kind of response.

"When you say ‘we’, who exactly are you talking about?" Diane was looking at Liz.

Isabel answered. "We mean me, Max and Michael. Oh, and that girl Tess."

"Why didn’t you tell us before?" Diane was groping hard to find some normal subject to talk about while her mind was trying to cope with what she just heard. Her beautiful children were ALIENS!

"We didn’t want you to be in danger because of us--."

"Danger?!" Philip interrupted Max.

Max let the floodgates open. He told them about saving Liz and about Valenti and the FBI hunting them. About how Valenti finally came around and helped them and about the other aliens that they met out at the camp. The only things he left out were being captured by Pierce and tortured as well as the whole destiny and leader thing. His parents would have enough to think about without adding all that!

By the time Max was finished, Diane was crying. Her mind had trouble coping with the fact that her children had been through so much and that she had been oblivious to it all. "Max… Isabel…" But no words came out. What do you say to something like this? Her gaze fell on Max, who was still standing with Liz clutched to his side. His face was expressionless, but Diane, with the instinct of a mother, knew that he was afraid of what her reaction was going to be.

Taking two steps towards Max, Diane halted uncertainly when Max retreated involuntarily, taking Liz with him. Diane looked pleadingly first at Max, then at Liz. She watched in awe as Liz turned to Max and got his attention immediately. The way her son stared down into the face of the small girl in his arms made Diane fight back a fresh wave of tears. He looked at Liz like she was his salvation. She saw how Liz’s gentle touch to Max’s face seemed to comfort him and she was amazed when Max finally turned to her after seemingly communicating with Liz without talking. Diane’s heart was in her throat when Max started walking towards her, still keeping Liz’s hand firmly in his. He finally stopped in front of her and his eyes spoke volumes about his vulnerability. Not being able to stand this any longer, Diane wrapped her son in her arms, hugging him lovingly. The tears that have gathered in her eyes, finally spilled over when Max hugged her back with one arm. Diane caught Liz’s relieved look and she mouthed ‘thank you’ to her.

After that, pandemonium broke loose. Everyone was hugging everyone, including Michael, much to his chagrin. When they finally quieted down a bit, Diane turned to Max. "So that’s how you healed that bird? And put out the kitchen fire?"

Max nodded, smiling now. He felt as light as air, as if the weight of the world has been lifted of his shoulders.

"And how he saved me." Liz smiled up at him adoringly, making Max blush.

His father was still struggling to understand all of the information he had just heard. "How do you do it?"

"We manipulate molecular structures among other things." Seeing Philip’s confusion, Max thought he’d better just show his dad. He picked up a rock and slowly slid his hand over it. He didn’t see the surprise on his parent’s faces when his hands started glowing, but he did see their stunned fascination when he showed them that he had shaped the rock into a the form of a bird. He gave it to Liz, smiling his love at her. He turned back to his parents. "Maybe we should talk some more later." He nodded at a tearful Isabel, knowing she desperately wanted to talk with her mom. "Why don’t you guys go on home. I will go with Liz and Michael."

Diane went over to Max and hugged him again. "I love you. I always will, no matter what." She saw the tears shimmer in his eyes and knew she did the right thing. He had needed to hear her say that. She turned to Liz and pulled her into an embrace too. "Thank you for loving him. It means a lot to me to see him so happy." She was rewarded with one of Liz’s brilliant smiles. It was easy to see why Max thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

They were all on their way to the two cars when Nick suddenly appeared. Diane and Philip moved closer to their kids protectively when they saw how the teens froze at his presence. They also noticed how Nick aimed his request almost deferentially to Max.

"We have found one of them. What do you want us to do?"

Diane and Philip were amazed. Obviously their kids have not told them the whole story yet!

Max turned back to Isabel. "I’ll handle this. Why don’t you guys go home?"

Isabel blinked at the change in Max. The tentativeness and strain that had been a part of him for the last few days seem to have vanished and she once again congratulated herself for forcing him to tell their parents. The old Max was back!

Philip was not about to leave his son and his friends in the hands of this weird stranger. "Who is this man, Max?"

Max smiled at his father, the happiness on his face nearly knocking Liz to her feet. "We know him, Dad. He works for… with us. Please meet Nick. One of the people we met at the camp."

Nick and Philip eyed each other warily. Both of them were feeling the crush of responsibility for these young people resting on their shoulders. Philip finally moved to get in the car with Isabel and Diane when Max assured him again: "It’s okay, Dad."

When the car had disappeared from their sight, Max returned his attention to Nick. "Is it the guy from the Crashdown?"

Nick merely nodded, his eyes meeting Liz’s fleetingly. "He’s with Marcus and Chris at the moment." His comment letting Max know that Liz’s two bodyguards hadn’t rested until they had made up for not being there for her yesterday.

"I need to speak to him. With Michael. Could you make sure that Liz gets home okay?" Max’s voice sounded deadly. Scary.

Liz didn’t want to get into an argument with Max in front of Nick. He was the leader and she needed to assist him in his duties, not undercut his decisions. But she really did not like what was happening now. "Uhm… could you guys give me a few minutes with Max?"

Nick obeyed immediately, but Michael hung around. He knew exactly what Liz was up to and he didn’t like it. He wanted him and Max to deal with this alien without worrying about the sensitivities of some girl. Even if that girl was Liz Parker, the glue that held the group of six together.

"Michael." Max’s quiet voice finally got his feet moving.

"Honey--." Max tried to pre-empt what he knew Liz was going to say.

"Hm-mm, don’t honey me. Max, I need you to not leave me out of this. Please."

Max was having a hard time staying firm with Liz looking up at him with her big doe eyes. She always knew just which buttons to push to make him melt. But he couldn’t let her do that this time. "Liz, I need you to go home and ask the Sheriff to meet with us. We need to get everyone out to the camp again. And with everyone, I mean our parents too. You have to start organizing things at the Crashdown so they would be able to leave."

"They will never do it, Max." Liz shook her head. She was also not sure if she WANTED them out at the camp. Not that she didn’t want them safe. The camp was just such a special place for her that she wanted to keep it away from her real life, so to speak. Besides, once there, she would have to stay in her own tent away from Max. And that would just seem so… unnatural.

But Max was firm. "That’s why I need to talk to the Sheriff. He needs to help us get your parents out there." He caressed her cheek with his fingers. "I want to end all of this as soon as possible. So you and I can get back to our own lives. Where our biggest worry is that our parents could catch us making… out."

Worry creased Liz’s face into a frown. "But Max, my parents will find out about you…"

"I don’t care." He saw her surprised look. "Liz, if you and I want to be together forever, they will need to know sooner or later. I’m voting for sooner, then maybe they’d understand us better." Max didn’t sound convinced of the last part, though.

Liz bit her lip. "Do you think it’s good idea? Putting all of us together in one place?"

"I don’t see any other way. If we do it in town, it would look really weird to everyone else, and if we don’t all stay together until this is resolved… Well, we can’t guard everyone all the time." He pulled her closer to him. "Do this for me, okay?"

Sliding her hands up Max’s back, Liz stood on tiptoes and kissed him. She was still not convinced that it was a good idea to let Max go to the other alien without her. That time when they all thought he was dead was still fresh in her mind. But he needed her help now, so that’s what she’ll do.

The kiss started out as a gentle good bye, but as was the case with most of their kisses, it soon turned into something more than that. Liz opened her mouth in response to his silent request for entry and Max went under. How was it possible that she could still arouse him so quickly and so easily? Sometimes all it took was a look from her and he was in trouble. It felt like forever since they had last made love… and now he was bringing her parents into this. Max felt like a bucket of ice water was thrown in his face and he pulled back abruptly. Her parents were going to kill him. Hell, he would have killed him if it were his daughter!

"Max!" Liz was looking at him strangely. "Did you have a flash?"

Yeah, Max thought, of my imminent demise at the hands of your father! "Uhm, no, I just--." He stopped when he saw the hurt in her eyes, realizing that he had jerked away from a kiss with Liz! "Hey, I’m sorry, I just…" He took a deep breath. "Let’s not tell your parents about us until we’re 30, okay!"

Liz’s laugh was music to his ears and added fuel to his desire for her. He better leave with Michael NOW, or he never will… Max kissed her quickly and pulled her to Nick by her hand. "I’ll meet you guys for lunch at the Crashdown. We have to get everyone moving tonight at the latest." He kissed Liz’s forehead. "Be careful."


Liz was a whirl of activity when she got back to town. She phoned Maria and Alex and informed them that they were going "camping" again. And she silently organized one of the reliable waiters to take over the running of the café while she took her parents on a "surprise holiday" that they knew nothing about yet.

While Liz was running around in the café, Sarah arrived, looking around her curiously. Liz saw her and made her way over. She was still wondering if the girl’s boyfriend was abusing her, and surreptitiously tried to see if there were any visible marks on her. Nothing!

"Hey Sarah! How are you?" Liz saw Sarah flinch in surprise.

"I’m fine, thanks." But Sarah’s smile was tight and nervous.

"Did you want something to eat?" Liz, being Liz, was wondering what was wrong with Sarah and how she could be helped. Maybe I could send Max to scare the boyfriend…

Ducking into a booth, Sarah looked relieved to have something concrete to do. "Yeah, uhm, could I have a cherry coke?"

Liz nodded and walked off to get the coke, still frowning about Sarah’s weird reactions. She was filling a glass with the coke when she felt Max coming into the café. A secret smile crept over her lips and she pretended not to know he was there, continuing with her little task. Her ploy had the desired results, Max was behind her instantly, his arms sliding around her and pressing her back into his body. Liz didn’t hear so much as feel the contented sigh that escaped her as she leant her head back against his shoulder.

Sarah watched the scene from her vantage point at the booth. So this was Max Evans…

Max kissed the side of Liz’s neck, slowly running his lips over her soft skin until he could trace her ear. He heard Liz’s soft gasp and relished, just for a moment, the fact that he could make her respond this way. Liz put her hands over his on her stomach and tangled their fingers together. Her actions inadvertently giving him tantalizing glimpses down the neck of her uniform. Max closed his eyes, willing his body’s reaction under control. How on earth was he going to keep his hands off of her while they were back in the camp? Well, maybe being afraid of her father might help!

Liz angled her face so she could kiss Max. "Hey, did everything work out?"

Not really wanting to talk about his morning with a very cruel and angry other alien, Max just nodded his head. "Are things organized here?"

"Yeah. The Sheriff should be here soon and I’ve made sure that someone runs the café while we’re--." Liz faltered when Max slipped two of his fingers between the snaps of her uniform and onto the bare skin of her stomach. "Max…" His touch was making her tremble and she had to struggle to breathe normally. "Max, please…"

He didn’t move. He couldn’t. Maybe they could stay like this forever. He could hold her and touch her incredibly soft skin and her scent could envelope him while her silky hair clung to his cheek. He would be content to live like this... But then Liz shifted in his arms, her body brushing against his and he knew he would never be content with just this. He needed her as close as physically possible as much as possible. He needed to be able to talk to her and hear her wonderful laugh. He needed her support and loyalty. And most of all, he needed her love.

Pulling away reluctantly from Liz, Max smiled at her besotted expression. "Who was the coke for?" He could see Liz was struggling to return to reality and he softly ran his fingers over her cheek, his heart felt like it was bursting with love for her. His Liz.

Grabbing the glass with a glare at Max, Liz made sure that her body touched his when she brushed past him slowly, grinning when she heard him inhale sharply. She turned back after she had rounded the counter, finding his hot gaze on her. "Just getting you back for doing that to me!"

Max grinned and sat down on one of the swivel chairs at the counter, following Liz’s progress through the café with his eyes. He watched as she put the coke in front of a blonde girl and chatted with her for a while. He sighed blissfully. For just a few minutes he could enjoy being a guy in love with a gorgeous girl and imagining that the biggest problem he had to face was working out when he could get her alone and out of that cute uniform. His eyes slid to her cute bottom. The summer had not been entirely wasted on issues alien, he had, for instance, learned that the Crashdown waitress uniform took only a few seconds to remove… His eyes snapped up when he realized the girl Liz was talking to was watching him ogling Liz. He saw a moment of amusement flicker in her eyes before it was replaced with… fear? Max looked at Liz again. He relaxed when she seemed unconcerned by the strange actions of the girl.

"So, still staring at Parker I see! Its great to know some things haven’t changed while I was away this summer." Kyle’s voice interrupted Max’s musings.

"Hey Kyle." Seeing the Sheriff behind Kyle immediately got Max’s attention, reminding him that he still had a lot to do before they could all head out to the camp. Like making sure no one followed the different groups going out there and putting the rest of the camp inhabitants in danger. He cast a last glance at the girl with Liz, but she was now smiling at something Liz was saying and he dismissed the incident from his mind.

Max drove home deep in thought. Firstly, the conversation with Kyle had been uncomfortable to say the least. Neither of them knew how to act around each other. Thankfully Liz had eventually joined them and helped smooth over the moment.

After Kyle had left, Max had organized with the Sheriff to bring the Parkers to a point close enough to the camp where he could pick them up. The sheriff and his deputies would also make sure that no one followed any of the groups leaving town. It was up to the Sheriff to make up a reason why the deputies had to do that. Now Max had to face his parents again and convince them to go along with his plan…

His mom and Isabel were sitting in the kitchen, holding hands and talking quietly when Max arrived. He watched them silently for a few moments, his heart aching for the many years his fear had kept Izzy from being this close to their mother. He hated breaking into this poignant moment, but it couldn’t be helped. "Hey Mom, Iz."

"Max!" His Mom sounded really happy to see him. Hopefully she had forgotten his rash admission about the nature of his relationship with Liz! "Were you with Liz until now?" Scratch that hope, Max thought. His mom couldn’t completely hide the suspicion in her voice and he caught Isabel hiding a grin behind her hand. He shot her an annoyed glare and tried not to look like a guilty schoolboy in front of his mother.

"Yeah…" He saw his mom’s eyebrows raise and quickly tried to recover. "No. I mean, I was only…" Max finally gave up, knowing whatever he said would sound like he was covering for an afternoon of illicit love-making with his girlfriend. "Listen, I need to talk to you guys."


Packing a bag for the "camping" trip her parents did not know about yet, Liz pondered how different this was from the last time she was going out to the camp. Then she had been out of her mind with worry about Max and heartbroken about him saying goodbye to her. Now she knew he loved her and intended for them to always be together. This time she was going there as Max’s mate, his lover and with a song in her heart. This time she knew a lot of the people that were going to be there: her friends, the Evans’, her parents… Liz’s dreamy smile vanished when she remembered what her parents’ presence in the camp would mean for her and Max: being separated from each other!

Liz started flinging things in her bag in haste. Max said he would be picking her up early so they could get out to the camp first, and Liz was sincerely hoping it meant that they would have some alone time before everyone else arrived. Even if that were not Max’s intention, she would make sure that it became his intention!


Max had had a long and serious discussion with his mom. He first had to explain that they were not the only alien race on earth and a little of the history they now knew about the war. His mom’s tangible fear tugged at his heartstrings and he was overcome with guilt for dragging his parents into this. His parents’ only crime had ever been that they chose to adopt two vagabond children, not ever suspecting that these two kids would one day put them in mortal danger.

Diane was confused and worried but she folded before Max’s complete sureness that this was the best option for them right now. She could hardly recognized her quiet, reserved son in this mature and determined young man sitting in front of her. This young man knew exactly what he wanted and he made it happen. Even if it was still done with the gentleness that was always so characteristic of Max.

Max waited until he was sure that his mom had phoned his dad and that Alex and Isabel would take them to the camp later before he left to pick up Liz. The sheriff had insisted that he would keep Kyle with him and look out for his son’s safety. Max let that go because he didn’t think Kyle would be in direct trouble. No, the main targets would be him, Isabel, Michael and Tess… and his bonded mate, Liz. Max had another reason for moving everyone out to the camp. He wanted the war to be waged away from innocent civilians and the prying eyes of the FBI.

Liz was waiting for him outside the library as planned. They had agreed that maybe it would be best if Max didn’t pick her up at home where her parents could see her leave with a packed bag. They would have enough explaining to do to her parents when they arrived in the camp! Max’s gaze took in every little detail of her appearance as he drew closer. Her hair shone in the sunlight and the only thing more brilliant was her smile. He felt the warmth of that smile all the way to his toes and his heart contracted at the thought that her parents might not take too kindly to the fact that their little girl was dating an alien. He didn’t know what he would do if someone ever tried to keep him and Liz apart. His mind shied away from that possibility in complete denial. No, I could never allow that to happen!

Flinging herself into his arms as Max got out of the Jeep, Liz pressed her mouth to his. She kissed him deeply and passionately and Max responded immediately. How familiar his kisses had become to her and yet they still had the power to lift her to undreamed of heights of ecstasy. She trembled against him, her body reacting to his closeness. He was hard and warm and incredibly sexy to her. How did I ever survive without this before?

Max slid his hands over her hips and had to forcibly remind himself not to move them lower where he would be able to reach the smooth skin of her thighs. Pulling away from her reluctantly, he rested his forehead against hers, trying not to think about them having to hide the extent of their feelings while in the camp. Max sighed, he was going to need constant supervision from someone, because touching Liz has become second nature to him. That on its own wasn’t so bad, the problem is that the touching normally led to kissing, which normally led to making love… Something that did not need to be public knowledge for now. Max was determined not to cause a rift between them and Liz’s parents and that meant separate tents and abstaining from anything too intimate.

"I love you." The words spilled from Liz’s mouth unbidden.

The yearning in her voice was nearly Max’s undoing again. This was what he had always dreamed of. Having Liz Parker say those three magic words to him at every possible moment. Had she seen that during one of her flashes, or was it just that she was the girl that fate had always intended for him? The one that would complete him in every way? He lifted her up against his chest, bringing her face-to-face with him. Staring into her eyes he willed her to see the depth of his feelings when the mere words seemed incapable of expressing them. "I love you, Liz." His voice was husky with emotion. "You make me…whole."

Tears gathered in Liz’s eyes, her heart overflowing with love for this man that was sent across the galaxies to become her soulmate. She leant closer and pressed short, gentle kisses on his lips, over his jaw and his cheeks. Finally she whispered: "Let’s go."

Max carried her to the Jeep and slowly settled her in the passenger seat. He was reluctant to let her out of his arms for too long. They were both very aware of the period of enforced separation that loomed over their heads.

After they had left the town center, Max pulled Liz over to lean on his shoulder, his hand coming to rest just above her knee on the warm skin that was peeking from her mini-skirt.

Liz curled her body around Max’s arm and rubbed her face against his shoulder. He smelled so… Max. She felt every ripple of his muscles as he alternated between changing gears and caressing her thigh. A sharp ache of desire had started in the pit of her stomach and was making it increasingly hard to breathe normally. She looked up at Max, her eyes tracing the contours of his nose and lips hungrily.

"If you keep looking at me like that I’m going to have to pull over." Max was still staring straight ahead at the road, but it felt like her hands touched his skin everywhere her gaze traveled.

Those words! They were almost exactly what Nacedo had said to her that day in the convertible when he kidnapped her. Liz stiffened for a moment in fear before she reminded herself that this was her Max. The one that had just kissed her as if his life depended on it. She smiled at him when he cast her a worried glance following her reaction. Yes, this was definitely her Max.

Curling her legs under her on the seat and pushing herself up into a kneeling position. Liz leant closer to Max and slid her arm around the back of his neck. She let her open mouth travel across his jaw-line to his ear slowly, laughing delightedly when Max jerked away in surprise.

"Liz…" Max sounded strangled. He was close to having a heart attack. For one because she was out of her seat and if they had an accident now she would be seriously hurt. But mostly, because she had again managed to fan the flames of desire into a raging fire in his body.

"Yes, Max?" Her innocent words were murmured against his ear, her lips and warm breath causing an instant reaction in his loins. Her unoccupied hand was gliding over his chest, trailing heat where it went.

Max had several urges simultaneously. He wanted to yell at her that she was putting her life at risk by being out of her seat. He wanted to close his eyes and drown in the sensations she was causing. And he wanted to stop the Jeep as soon as possible so he could get his hands on her. After fighting with himself for a few excruciating seconds, he went with a version of the last thought. Catching Liz’s wandering hand in his, he pleaded with her. "If you promise to sit in your seat, I’ll… I’ll drive us to the Pod Chamber."

If he weren’t in such a state himself, Max would’ve found the speed with which she obeyed him amusing. But his mind was struggling to keep him sane enough to drive responsibly towards his new destination.


It was quiet inside the Pod Chamber where Max and Liz stood staring at each other. Max could not remember much of the drive, only that he had wanted to get here as fast as he could without killing them. Now, finally here, his eyes drank in the beauty of the girl of his heart with an intensity that hinted at the desire he was barely controlling.

Liz was making an inventory of her own. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen and would ever see. Not just because he was handsome, but because he was Max. She had had to sit on her hands all the way here in an effort to keep herself from touching him again, but now that they’re finally here, she was rooted to the spot. Her look pleaded with him to take the first step, because right now she needed to be in his arms so much it hurt.

The movement was so swift she hardly saw it. Everything was a blur to her. She felt like she was floating and the only thing that kept her grounded were his arms that bound her to him in a crushing grip. She couldn’t get her throat to work to beg for the release of his mouth on hers. All of this became irrelevant when the connection between opened with a rush. The sensory overload that followed being able to feel all the needs and desires Max was suppressing caused Liz to nearly faint. He was as desperate for her, as she was for him.

Max gave up trying to think. He was being bombarded with Liz’s needs and that was all he could concentrate on. She needs me to kiss her. So he did. Hotly, roughly, hungrily. His mouth slanting over hers in a dance as old as time. She was making soft moaning sounds in the back of her throat that drove him closer to the edge. His mind was screaming at him frantically to try and wrestle back control, but the little voice went unheard among all the other sensations that cried for his attention. Like the way her body fit his perfectly or how soft and smooth her skin was. Or how her mind was telling him: Now, Max, now!

His shirt ripped in his haste to get it off. His hands were shaking when he removed her clothes. Then, finally, he could touch her bare skin.

She didn’t have enough hands. The ridiculous thought popped fleetingly into Liz’s head as she tried to caress Max everywhere at once. There was so much of him to enjoy: his soft hair, his glorious arms and chest. But this was not a time for slow and gentle loving. So she wrapped her legs around him, bringing him to where she needed him most.

Their union complete, Liz threw back her head in complete abandonment. There was no bliss purer than this.

The storm that raged through their bodies finally left them exhausted and replete in each other’s arms. Still sharing soft kisses and finally able to whisper the sweet nothings that was normally part of their love-making, they lay together, loath to end the union.

When Max finally drew back, he was momentarily shocked at Liz’s appearance. Her lips were swollen and her hair tangled into a mess around her face. It all told him one thing, he had lost control completely and utterly. "Liz, I’m sor--."

She stopped him with her fingers on his mouth. "I needed this. Maybe more than you did."

Max stared at her in amazement. She truly was the most perfect girl in the world.


When they finally arrived at the camp, they found everybody running around preparing for the arrival of the two groups of parents. Liz and Max were greeted reverentially and neither of them noticed the weird looks they were receiving. Max had ascertained that Michael and Maria had arrived with Tess already and that his parents were on their way with Isabel and Alex. So far, everything had gone according to plan…

They were standing next to the Jeep, ready to go meet the Sheriff bringing the Parker’s, when Maria ran up to say hi. Her mouth fell open when she saw Liz. "Ohhh no, Lizzie, you’re not going to meet your parents right now!"

Liz frowned at her. "Why not?"

Pulling her over to the side mirror of the Jeep, Maria said: "Because you look completely ravaged that’s why! And don’t think your parents won’t be able to figure out who did the ravaging. You two are going to get in so much trouble, I’ll take a bet on that!"

Liz burst out laughing when she saw her reflection in the Jeep’s mirror. She was flushed and her lips were still puffy, reminding her of the explosion of passion she and Max had just shared. They had been so wrapped up in each other on the way here, holding hands, stealing quick kisses and generally basking in the afterglow of their love-making, that they hadn’t paid attention to their appearances.

Max was less amused by it all. Seeing Liz look so ravaged, as Maria had aptly put it, reminded him of how completely he had lost it back in the Pod Chamber. It also brought back his fear that he would somehow slip up and cause Liz’s parents to find out about him and Liz doing a lot more than kissing nowadays.

"Come on Max. Do you Samantha-Genie-Alien thingie and fix the damage you’ve done to Liz!" Maria dragged him closer.

Seeing the flash of guilt in Max’s eyes, Liz cupped her hand to his cheek. "I’m actually a little sad that you have to take this away." She smiled at his startled look. "I would’ve loved having a reminder of this afternoon for a while."

Her words were causing a riot of reactions in his body again, and Max bit his lip while softly running his hands over her face to smooth away the evidence of their passion.

Michael had arrived on the scene by then and he looked anything but happy. "Thank you, Maxwell! Great idea bringing the parents here!"

"What?" Max was confused by the sudden change in topic.

"Yeah, now I get to sleep with you and Alex. Nice going!"

Hysterical laughter broke out following his grumbled complaint. Yeah, thought Max, tell me about it!

Only after Maria was satisfied that Max and Liz looked "innocent" again, were they allowed to leave. It was quiet in the Jeep for the first few miles and Max glanced at Liz worriedly every few seconds. He was picking up concern from her, but he wasn’t sure what the origin of it was. Finally, he squeezed her hand that he had been holding in his lap to get her attention.

"It’s Sarah." Liz blurted out without preamble.

Max was lost. "Whose Sarah?"

"The girl in the Crashdown during lunch." Liz saw that Max was still confused. "I talked to her when Kyle arrived?"

He finally put a face to the name and nodded. "What about her?" Max was now remembering how intently the girl had been watching him. Almost as if she were studying him. And Liz.

"I met her in self-defense class. She seemed freaked about something and… she was nervous again today. I… I think maybe something weird is going on with her boyfriend."

Max was smiling at her indulgently. His Liz. Always worried about other people.

"I gave her my cell number. You know… to call me if she was in trouble."

"Uhm, honey? What exactly are you planning to do if she calls? I mean--."

Liz sighed. "I don’t know. But I can try to think of something." She smiled at him. "We can try to think of something, can’t we?."

Letting go of her hand, Max put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her against his side. He placed a small kiss on her forehead. "Probably." Hell, he would do anything for Liz!

This seemed to satisfy Liz and he felt her concern ebb. His, on the other hand, was mounting with every mile they got closer to where the Sheriff would be waiting with her parents.


By sheer luck, they arrived simultaneously with the Sheriff at the agreed meeting point. Max gave Liz a final hug and took a deep breath before climbing out of the Jeep. The Parkers were staring at him suspiciously and their eyes widened in shock when Liz rounded the car to stand next to Max.

"Hey Sheriff." Max and Jim nodded at each other.

Jim Valenti did not envy Max his position. The Parkers had been upset when he told them to come with him for their own safety. They did not understand what was happening and his promises that all will become clear later only increased their fear.

Nancy spoke first. "Liz, what is going on here? Are you two in trouble?"

Jim turned back to her. "Its nothing illegal, Nancy. Just hear them out."

"Did everything go according to plan?" Max was talking quietly to the Sheriff, trying not to increase the worry of Liz’s parents. He took Liz’s hand without even realizing it, pulling her closer to his side.

Jim just nodded. "So far, everything seems normal."

"We caught the one from the Crashdown. Maybe he was alone…" But Max knew it was probably wishful thinking.

"What did you do with him?" Jim hoped there wasn’t another death that he would have to explain later.

Max looked at Liz briefly before answering. "He’s… incarcerated at the camp. He won’t bother anyone again."

Both Jim and Liz wanted to ask more questions, but realized this was probably not the best time.

Max looked at the Parkers. "Would you come with us, please?" He didn’t wait for an answer, but started helping the Sheriff to put Jeff and Nancy’s gear in the Jeep.

Jeff was bewildered. He was staring at Max as if he had never seen him before. The authority that rang from Max’s attitude was not what he expected from the quiet young man that usually hung around the café mooning over Liz.

Nancy, on the other hand, was getting more upset by the minute. "I demand to know what’s going on here! I’m not going anywhere until I get an explanation." She folded her arms. "Liz?"

Liz was getting distressed following her mom’s aggression. "Mom, I… please… We’ll explain everything, I promise."

Again it was the Sheriff that defused the situation. "It really is important that you go with them, Nancy. This isn’t a joke."

Nancy was staring at Liz. "Are you pregnant?"

Max came over immediately, reacting to Liz’s distress that was flooding through him too. He put his arm around her before answering. "No, she isn’t. This is something much more important. Please, just come with us."

Finally giving in, Jeff and Nancy piled in the back of the Jeep. But, their faces were clearly showing their reluctance.

Max helped Liz into the Jeep gently. He squeezed her hand to let her know that he knew how hard this situation was for her before going back to talk with the Sheriff quickly.

Nancy took the opportunity to lean forward and put her hand on Liz’s shoulder. "Liz, honey, its not too late. The Sheriff is still here. Did Max… Is Max in some kind of trouble? Tell us so we can help you! You don’t have to be part of anything he did."

Liz had tears in her eyes when she whirled around to her mom. "No mom, you don’t understand. He is doing this for you!" The next instant she felt Max’s arms around her, hugging her close.

"Is everything okay here?" But Max was looking at her parents over her head. His eyes were pleading with them: don’t do this to her!

When no one reacted to his question, Max pressed his lips to Liz’s forehead before rounding the Jeep and getting in. The drive to the camp was conducted in a strained silence with Liz clinging to his hand. Right now Max didn’t care that her parents saw how much they needed to touch each other, he just wanted to comfort Liz.


It was late when they arrived at the camp. Nick was waiting for them and assured Max that they had dinner ready for everyone. He also reported that the Evans’ had arrived about an hour earlier and were in the dining tent already.

Jeff and Nancy looked at each other when they saw that everyone in the camp seemed to wait for permission from either Liz or Max before doing anything. A young guy had followed Liz’s instructions and left with their bags, while another was waiting patiently to show them to the place they referred to as "the dining tent". And what was this about the Evans’ being here?

Nick was casting worried glances in Liz’s direction until he caught Max’s look that said: don’t ask! He left with the reluctant Parkers after Max gave him the signal.

Liz walked straight into Max’s arms as soon as her parents were out of sight. They had kept glancing back at her and Max worriedly while walking away. She pressed close to his familiar warmth, clutching his jacket and her voice was muffled against his chest when she exlaimed: "This is hard, Max!"

"I know. We’ll get through this." He rubbed his cheek on the crown of her head, enjoying the silky slide of her hair against his skin. "Are you hungry?" When she shook her head, he said: "Why don’t you go lie down for a little while? I’ll come get you after dinner. Before we talk to all of them."

Liz was too tired and overwrought not to follow Max’s instructions, so he carried her high against his chest to the tent she shared with Isabel and Maria. This is so wrong, he couldn’t help thinking, she should be with me. He put Liz down on her bed and lay down with her, curling his body around hers. "I love you," he whispered in her ear as he held her.

Liz fell asleep almost immediately and Max gently extricated himself from her. The soft distressed sound she made when he left tore at his heart, but he couldn’t afford to be missing with her for too long. Not when he had to tell her parents the truth a little later…


In the dining tent, Maria was making a determined effort to keep a conversation going. Luckily she was supported by Isabel, Alex and Diane Evans, but the Parkers were quiet. They had looked to the Evans’ for answers as to why they were all here, but soon learnt that the other couple didn’t have a clue either.

Nick was talking with Marcus and Chris at the table next to the parents, trying to explain why they could not go back to Roswell right now to try and find more aliens. "We have to wait for Max. It’s his decision." He shook his head at their eagerness to fix this problem for their "royal couple."

Max arrived just in time to hear Marcus saying loudly into a suddenly quiet dining tent: "Nick, they are threatening Max and Liz! Our leader and his--." Marcus fell silent and gulped when he saw an angry Max bearing down on him. He looked around confused for a moment until he realized he had become the center of attention somewhere along the line.

Max stopped when he felt all the eyes in the room turn to him. The four parents were staring at him in complete shock…

The shocked silence didn’t last long.

"Liz is his what?" Jeff’s voice.

"What did he mean you’re their leader?" Philip’s voice.

"Who is threatening you?" Diane’s voice.

"Where’s Liz?" Nancy’s voice.

Max held up his hands. "I promise to explain everything. Just let’s all calm down, please." He turned to Marcus and Nick, not noticing that Maria was sneaking out the door. "Can I talk to you outside?"

Marcus was pale when he got up. Maybe Max would be softer on him if he explained that he had had good intentions. It had just been overrun by his big mouth. He meekly followed Max and Nick outside.

"That guy is in SO much trouble!" Alex was trying to lighten the mood.

Nancy looked ready to burst into tears. "Would someone please tell me what is happening? And where is my little girl?"

Leaning over, Diane placed her hand over Nancy’s. "She’ll be fine. Max will make sure of that." She was taken aback when she saw that this only agitated Nancy more. "Please trust him."

Everyone pushed their food around on their plates until Max came back a few minutes later. All attention returned to him immediately. He looked at Michael, Isabel and Alex. "If you guys don’t want to be here for this, that’s fine. It’s mostly my problem anyway."

"No way, Max! We’re staying." Isabel sounded firm. Michael and Alex nodded their agreement with her statement.

Max flashed them a grateful half-smile before sitting down at the table with his and Liz’s parents. "Sorry Mom and Dad, but I have to start at the beginning again." But Max felt the words get stuck in his throat. He still had trouble admitting to people what he was. He was staring at the table top, unsure of how to begin this amazing tale when a warm hand covered his. He turned to his mother in surprised relief before finally looking at the Parkers. "Isabel, Michael, Tess and I were… in the 1947 crash. We’re… from another planet I guess you could say." He stopped to gauge the reaction of Jeff and Nancy to this.

"That’s impossible! Diane, Philip? Do you believe this story?" Jeff sounded more confused than upset.

Philip nodded. "Just hear them out."

Max continued. "We were in incubation pods. We were engineered from human material, so we are essentially human." He needed to stress this for Liz’s parents. "We just have different blood and some powers humans don’t have."

Nancy was looking dazed. "Powers?"

Isabel took up the story. "Yes. We can all do different things. Max can heal. We can manipulate the molecular structure of things…" She didn’t want to mention her dreamwalking and Michael’s fighting abilities yet.

"Excuse me?" More confusion from Jeff. This was just too incredible for him. Were all these people on some sort of hallucinogenic trip?

Isabel picked up a fork from the table after Max nodded at her. She slowly ran her hand over it, forming it into a knife. Gasps could be heard around the table.

Maria arrived back in a rush, Liz in tow. She figured Max could use all the help he can get with Liz’s parents, so she had sneaked out to go wake Lizzie up.

Liz hurriedly went over to Max, but her eyes were on her parents, trying to see what they were thinking. She sat down next to Max and felt some of the tension leave his shoulders as she curled her hand around his arm. He gave her a brief smile and returned to the conversation.

"Why… why are you telling us this?" Nancy was whispering, her eyes filling with tears.

"Mom!" Liz got up again and went to her mother. She hugged her. "Its okay."

Nancy touched her face. "How do you know all this?"

Everyone was quiet until Diane spoke up. "Max saved Liz’s life. In September last year, Liz was shot at the Crashdown."

Jeff jumped up. "I KNOW that isn’t true! I saw her with my own eyes! She was fine… she just had… ketchup… on her dress..." He sat down again slowly. "It’s not possible."

"It is, Dad. It really happened." Liz was willing her parents to believe her. And Max.

"Liz honey, why are you doing this?" Her mom sounded distressed. "We love you. Whatever is really going on… you can tell us!"

Liz stared at her mom and suddenly knew there was no other way. She had to show them. She grabbed a knife from the table.

Max was on his feet instantly. "No!" he cried, rushing over to Liz, but he was too late. She had slashed her forearm by the time he reached her.

The wound wasn’t too deep, but the sight of the blood dripping onto the white tablecloth froze the group into stillness. Everyone, but Max that is. He was already cupping her arm in his hand, his other hand gently cradling her cheek. "You didn’t have to do this!"

Smiling through the pain, Liz just stared up into his eyes. She knew the drill by now. It only took a minute then the pain was gone and Max’s hand stopped glowing. "Are you okay?" Max sounded worried even though he must know she was fine. Liz touched her fingers to his mouth and nodded.

Everyone, including their friends, were staring at Liz openmouthed. Liz’s mom was crying openly now.

Max felt awful for them. At least his parents had always known him and Iz and had suspected something was weird, but the Parkers didn’t have that benefit. They were just suddenly confronted with too many shocks. One: aliens were living among us. Two: these aliens had strange powers. Three: their only daughter had been shot some months ago. Four: an alien had healed Liz from the fatal gunshot wound. Five: Liz is dating said alien. Six: Liz has obviously been leading a life they knew nothing about for close to a year. And now Max had to tell them: "There’s more…"

He led Liz back to her seat and took a deep breath. "All these people in this camp are aliens. From my… our race. Our planet has been destroyed in a war and they escaped just in time to come here to find us. I’m… we’re…" Max faltered, not knowing how to tell these people that they were basically royalty.

It was Liz that continued. "Max is the leader of his race. Like their King. His people came here because Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess were initially sent to earth so they could go back later and save their planet. Only, it was destroyed. And now they have to stay here on earth. With us."

Another thundering silence enveloped the table. Max didn’t know whom he must worry about most: his own parents or Liz’s.

Philip recovered first. "I still don’t understand why we’re all here though?"

Max grimaced. "Uhm… There’s another alien race on earth. The one that destroyed our planet. And they’re looking for the four of us. And Liz." He glanced at the still crying Nancy who was now being held by Jeff. "The guy that was in the Crashdown the other day. He was one of them."

Jeff homed in on the only thing that made any sense to him right now. "Why do they want Liz?"

Max looked him straight in the eye. "Because I love her and they know they can get to me through her."

Something else was coming back to Jeff now. "That guy that you just hustled out of here. He said something about you and Liz. What did he mean?"

Max caught Diane’s eye guiltily. "He meant she’s my girlfriend. So please know that all these people in the camp, they want to protect her too." Please, Mom, don’t say anything! he silently prayed.

"So that’s why those weird men were hanging around Liz at the Crashdown all the time! They were looking out for her." Jeff looked like he had just seen the light. He stared at Max for a long time, still not sure that the young man was telling him everything. "You saved Lizzie’s life. Thank you." He leaned over the table, holding out his hand for Max.

Max felt such a rush of emotions when he accepted Jeff’s hand that he had trouble getting the words out. "I did it for me. She means everything to me." He saw Liz’s mom’s head snap up at the words he had spoken to her after he had fended off the gunman at the Crashdown and he wondered how she was going to react to all this.

Liz slid her hand into his. "Mom?"

"I don’t know what to say… I never knew… but still… I… thank you, Max." Nancy smiled tentatively at Max through her tears.

Max smiled back. The first full-blown smile from him the Parkers had ever seen and they were stunned. Jeff, because he truly thought that Max was the most serious young man he had ever met, and Nancy because the smile made Max look even more handsome than he normally did. No wonder Liz can’t see straight around him!

"I’m sure you all still have a lot of questions, but it’s been a rough day." Max was taking charge again. "Why don’t we talk more tomorrow?"

Isabel got up. "I’ll show you where your tents and the bathrooms are." She started out of the tent with four very emotional parents in tow.

Liz jumped up when her parents got to the door and ran over to them. She hugged them both and whispered: "I love you." This led to hugs between all the parents and their kids and it took a long time before Iz could get them all to leave again.

When Isabel returned, they all stayed to chat while Max and Liz had dinner.

"Nice save on the girlfriend thing, Max!" Maria was grinning.

Alex chimed in, turning to Isabel. "So Iz, how’s the new Marcus-shaped welcome mat in front of the dining tent doing?"

Max was too happy to be baited by his two wacky friends tonight. "I didn’t kill him. I just pointed out that it was not necessary for the whole world, and especially for our parents, to know about the bonding thing." Or about the sleeping together thing either! He rubbed Liz’s arm where the wound was that he had healed a few minutes ago. "But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’m putting you over my knee! You scared the crap out of me."

Liz just smiled and kissed him on his nose. Typical Max overreaction to anything that happened to her.

"Well, I’m just rearing to go to bed. With Max and Alex." Michael sounded grouchy. "Have I remembered to thank you again for that Maxwell?"

Maria slid her arms around his neck. "Well, maybe if you stopped whinging, I would walk you to your tent. We could take the scenic route…"

Michael jumped up immediately. "See ya!"

They left with the laughter of the others in their ears.

Isabel and Alex followed them soon afterwards, leaving Max and Liz alone.

Max pulled Liz onto his lap and pressed his forehead to hers. "Thank you… for helping me today." He kissed her softly, careful not to let things get out of hand.

"My parents seemed to take it pretty well." Liz hoped she was right. She slid closer to Max. "Now let’s just be us for a little while, okay?" She sighed. "Before I have to go sleep with Maria…"


"Where the hell is Devin?" The voice belonged to a tall dark man. "He hasn’t returned since this morning!"

"Calm down, honey! I’m sure he will turn up." Sarah ran a comforting hand over her boyfriend’s back. She took a deep breath and decided to just blurt out her own news. "Liz Parker and her parents are gone. I haven’t seen Max either. I’m worried, Eric…"

Max trudged out of the showers just after dawn the next morning feeling as if he had hardly slept at all. Which was basically true. He had taken Liz to the tent she was sharing with Izzy and Maria and it felt like he was tearing off his arm when he had to let her go inside. Then, when he got to bed, he lay awake worrying about what the next day would bring. Liz’s parents seem to take all the revelations pretty well, but maybe they were just too overwhelmed and stunned to really think about everything they had heard. What would they do when they had time to take all of this in? The fear that they would decide Liz should not be seeing him was starting to become an obsession with him. If he felt ill just because Liz was sleeping a few meters from him in the camp and not WITH him, he hated to think how he would feel if he weren’t allowed anywhere near her. Breathe, Max, just breathe… That’s not going to happen!

The first pink streaks of sunrise were creeping across the desert but Max didn’t see any of it. His eyes were glued to the opening of the tent where Liz was sleeping. His awareness of her and the constant hum in his body told him that she was still in there. He imagined her lying in bed looking all tousled and sexy and had to take a deep breath to still his body’s immediate response. Her parents are here too, he reminded himself.

He was just turning away when the object of his musings came out of the tent looking exactly as he had imagined: tousled and sexy. Max was mesmerized as he watched her walk over to him. She was in her normal sleepwear: drawstring pants and a cropped tank top that allowed him glimpses of her bellybutton.

Liz had woken up knowing that Max was just outside and that he was thinking about her. She had felt his desire to see her like a palpable thing and she instantly got up to make her way to him. When she laid eyes on him, her breath caught in her throat. He was drop-dead gorgeous. His damp hair was clinging to his forehead and his shirt was only buttoned halfway. And the way he looked at her! The heat in his gaze caused a mad fluttering in her belly and she knew, just KNEW, that no other man would ever have this effect on her.

Max stood rooted to the spot until she reached him. He felt momentarily disorientated with all the feelings washing over him. His needs. Her wants. An overwhelming love. All thought went flying out the window when she fell into his arms as if she was born to be there. Maybe because she was… He ran his fingers through her sleep-mussed hair, loving the feel of the silky strands against his skin. "Liz…" he breathed her name against her lips, softly kissing her until she whimpered for more.

Grabbing a handful of his hair, Liz tugged Max’s mouth into closer contact with hers. She needed him to let go of the passion she could sense just underneath the surface of his control. She provocatively ran her tongue over his bottom-lip, nipping at it with her teeth until Max gave in and deepened the kiss. Liz sighed into his mouth as his tongue glided over hers, mimicking a more intimate act. She leaned her upper body away from his without breaking the kiss, her hands frantically opening the buttons of his shirt. They both groaned when she pressed herself against his bare chest after accomplishing her task.

Max curled his right arm around Liz’s waist lifting her up and depositing her on the lowest step of the shower trailer. The action brought her on the same level as Max and her arms instinctively went around his neck as they adjusted to the new angle. Max was drowning in sensations. Her warm curves pressed against his skin, her hands weaving magic all over his body, her tongue dancing with his and driving him insane. He ran his hands up under her tank top, relishing the smoothness of the skin of her back.

Arching involuntarily and shivering from the slam of desire following Max’s caress up her back, Liz slid her hands into the back pockets of his jeans and urged their lower bodies closer. She needed to feel all of him. She needed to feel his body’s reaction to her. She needed--.

"Liz!" Her mother’s voice snapped both her and Max out of their passionate hazes. Her mother was standing a few steps behind Max and her face was filled with shock.

Liz slowly removed her hands from Max’s butt and stepped down to round Max and face her mother. She purposely stood in front of Max, not wanting to increase her mother’s shock. That only helped a little bit since her mom now had a chance to fully take in her attire. "Hey Mom!" Liz heard her voice waver and was grateful when Max slid his hands down her arms to take her hands, lacing his fingers through hers.

Nancy was speechless. Her mind was still grappling with the fact that there were aliens all around her and now she had to contend with this. Her little girl in a passionate embrace with her boyfriend. An embrace that screamed of the fact that a lot more than handholding had been going on between these two for some time. How should she handle this? Apart from the fact that the man Liz was clinging to so trustingly was an ALIEN, Liz was much too young to be so intensely involved with anyone.

"Morning, Mrs. Parker." Max’s quiet voice broke into the silence. He was really angry with himself for letting things get so out of hand between him and Liz, because in the process he had jeopardized his fragile relationship with her mom. He watched her carefully, trying to see what she was going to do now.

Nancy was flustered by the fact that Max was regarding her steadily, not slinking away guiltily as she had expected him to do. "I… Liz why don’t you go shower and dress. I need to talk to you later." She folded her arms and watched as Liz turned to look at Max questioningly. Liz only started leaving after a small nod from Max.

Nancy and Max stared at each other. They both wanted all of Liz, but for very different reasons. Nancy wanted Liz to remain her little girl. The girl that she could protect and love and be the most important person to. But right now, the young man looking at her seriously was threatening all of that. Nancy no longer had the ability to protect Liz because everything that threatened her now was unknown to Nancy. And from what she had just witnessed, Liz was not her "little girl" anymore either. Somewhere along the line, she had become a young woman and Nancy knew it was as a result of Max Evans. She bit her lip. She didn’t want to lose Liz’s love and she was at a loss as to how to handle this situation without endangering her already strained relationship with her daughter further. Everything in her demanded that she drag Liz away from Max as far as possible, so that he could never touch her daughter again. But the rational part of her told her that such an action would just alienate her from Liz.

Watching the various emotions flit over Nancy’s face, Max held his breath. He didn’t know how to show Mrs. Parker that he would never hurt Liz intentionally. Or that he would stop breathing if he ever had to live without her. "Why don’t we go get some coffee? And talk?" Max didn’t have a clue what he was going to say to Liz’s mom, but he had to try.

The dining tent was deserted, but there were flasks with hot water for coffee on one of the tables. Max made the two coffees silently while Nancy sat down at one of the tables. When he finally sat down across from her, he saw that she was staring at the table, apparently deep in thought. "Do you have any more questions, Mrs. Parker?"

"Why Liz? Of all the girls in Roswell, why did you get involved with my daughter?"

Max blinked, thrown by the question. "There’s no one reason I can give you. I just knew she was my other half when I saw her for the first time. It wasn’t a conscious decision."

"When was that?"

"The third grade." He saw her eyes grow round.

"Are you telling me that you have been--." Nancy stopped herself.

"In love with Liz since the third grade? Yeah." Max was still watching her steadily.

"But that’s absurd! She never mentioned you! She couldn’t have known you. She--."

Max interrupted her gently. "This isn’t about her. It’s about me. Me telling you that there never have been, nor will there ever be any other woman in my life but Liz."

Nancy was speechless for the umpteenth time that morning. It didn’t last long. "Did you two sleep together last night?"

Max’s gaze didn’t falter from hers. "No." Max tried unsuccessfully to ban the image of Liz lying underneath him in abandon in the Pod Chamber yesterday afternoon from his mind.

"Why couldn’t you have left her alone? How am I supposed to protect her from all the strange things that threaten her now? As a result of you."

Nancy’s outburst momentarily surprised Max. "Would you rather that she died that day in the Crashdown?" his voice was quiet, but it had a devastating impact on her. She crumpled before his eyes. "I will protect her with my life. I can promise you that. No, I can promise you more than that. All my people will protect her with their lives. They know she’s my… they know how important she is to me." Max caught Nick waving at him from the door of the tent. He turned back to Nancy. "I know I can’t answer all your questions satisfactorily, but… just please trust me when I say that I plan on putting an end to all these threats to Liz."


Eric paced. Sarah watched from the bed, getting more nervous with each step her took. Something was definitely wrong. Devin has now been missing for a day and a night. Where was he? And what happened to Max and Liz? Just when she had started to hope that they were the people that could help her, they went missing. She gripped the mattress, staring at Eric and trying not to let the fear squeeze the breath from her body…

Liz hurried towards where she had last seen her mom and Max. Relief flooded through her as she rounded a tent and saw him, amazingly still alive and deep in discussion with Nick. Max looked up as soon as she neared and gave her a small ‘everything’s okay’ smile. Liz walked into his arms without a second thought. She knew she was interrupting something, but right now she needed the warm comfort of Max’s embrace too much to care. Just for this one time she would pull rank as Max’s mate and his first priority…

Nick watched as the two young lovers traded short, quick kisses, oblivious to everything around them. He wondered what had happened that morning to make them so upset? Maybe it was something he could help with.

Max finally pulled away from Liz, his fingers gently caressing her cheeks and mouth. He leant his forehead against hers. "Your mom’s still inside. I talked to her about us." Seeing the shock register on her face, Max realized that she had misunderstood him. "No! Not about… I mean I told her how we felt. How I felt."

"How did she take it?" Liz’s voice was low.

Max sighed. "She seemed fine, but I can’t really tell." He brushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you want to go in and talk to her?’

Now it was Liz’s turn to sigh. "I guess I should…"

After another lingering kiss with Max, she went into the tent.


Sarah stood outside the Crashdown, wondering how she was going to find out where Liz and her parents had gone. By now she and Eric had concluded the same thing. Something had happened to Devin. He had been their point man for so long that they were a little lost without him…

She hadn’t told Eric she was coming here. He would flip, and besides, she wanted some answers before she talked to him. But she desperately needed to see Liz. And more importantly, Max. Maybe between them they could avert a tragedy.


Liz found Nancy staring at nothing in particular when she arrived in the dining tent. She suddenly felt very sorry for her mother who had to contend with an amazing amount of new and strange information. Sliding into a seat across from her, she gently said: "Hi Mom."

Nancy looked at her for a long quiet moment. "He loves you very much, doesn’t he?"

Not bothering to ask whom she was referring to, Liz simply said: "Yes."

"How could I not have noticed that your life had changed so much this year?" Nancy’s eyes were starting to fill with tears. "How did we drift so far apart?"

Liz leant over and took her mother’s hand. "I’m sorry, Mom. It was mostly my fault. I…" She struggled to find the right words. "You have to understand that I was doing everything I could to protect Max." Seeing the confusion on Nancy’s face, Liz realized that there was still so much that her mom didn’t know. "Mom, after Max healed me, the FBI came to town looking for him. He became hunted because he loved me enough to take the chance that people would find out what he was so he could save me. Can you understand that I needed to help him? At any cost?" She looked pleadingly at her mother. "First, it was Sheriff Valenti. Then the FBI sent a woman to teach at our school so she could try and get evidence about Max being an alien."

Wiping at the tears that were coursing down her cheeks with her hands, Nancy could only stare at her daughter dumbly. While she had been worrying about whether Liz was having sex with her boyfriend, Liz had been worrying about her boyfriend being hunted by the FBI.

"When the teacher ploy didn’t work, they sent the FBI’s elite alien hunter unit in. The guy posed as one of the Sheriff’s deputies and they finally caught Max." Liz’s eyes clouded over in remembered pain. "They caught him because he was trying to save me again. Mom, the things they did to him… He never talks about that day."

Nancy finally found her voice. "Then how do you know what had happened to him?"

Liz wondered briefly if she could tell her mother this. "Mom, I don’t know if you’ll believe me when I tell you."

Nancy was desperately trying to catch up with her daughter’s life, so she decided its better to know bad stuff than to know nothing at all. "Try me."

"Sometimes… I can see things. From inside his head. We… we have this connection." Liz struggled to put what she and Max shared into words. "I feel what he feels, I can see what he thinks and I can see some of his memories. Like the crash."

Fear. Pure unadulterated fear was coursing through Nancy’s body. Accepting that there were aliens living on earth, was one thing. Finding out that they could put thoughts in one’s head was quite another. Her voice quacked when she spoke again. "You mean you can read his mind. Can he read yours… and mine?"

"No Mom!" Liz could see that her mother was starting to freak out. "It’s not like that! It’s… it’s only when we kiss," she finally admitted. "And it’s only between me and Max. The others haven’t experienced this. We don’t really know why it happens with us. It just does." She decided to plough ahead and tell her mom of all the strange things that happens to her around Max Evans. "We can also sense each other’s presence. I can tell where he is most all the time. And… and sometimes we dream the exact same dreams." She took a deep breath. "So Mom, you have to believe us when we tell you that this… what’s between Max and I. It’s something amazing and deep and forever."

"Are you sure you don’t just think you love him because he is handsome and he saved your life? And because this is strange and new and exiting?"

"Mom, how can I make you see that’s not true. That I know in my heart that I was meant for Max?" Liz spotted Nick just outside the door, watching her with concern. She turned back to her mother. "I’m coming right back. Maybe I can try something."

She bounded over to Nick. "Could you help me make a connection with my mother?"

Nick blanched. "Maybe we should ask Max--."

"No! Please, I need your help! Only…" She leaned closer. "I need her NOT to see about me and Max… you know, being intimate." Liz blushed at the last part. It’s not like it was exactly a secret in the camp, but still…

Nick still looked doubtful as she dragged him over to her mother, who was watching this with obvious trepidation. "Mom, this is Nick. He is like Max’s nephew, I guess. Nick, this is my mother."

Nick came through with flying colors. He basically bowed in front of Nancy. "It’s a great honor to meet you, Mrs. Parker. Liz is very important to our race."

Talking before her mother could ask what Nick’s last statement meant, Liz tried to allay her mother’s fears. "Mom, I’ve asked Nick to help me make a connection to you. It’s sort of similar to what Max and I share--." She held up her hands when Nancy opened her mouth to protest. "Please, just give this a chance."

After Liz nodded at him, Nick placed his hands on both her and her mother’s heads. Looking at Liz, he gently stressed. "Think ONLY of you feelings for Max."

Closing her eyes, Liz conjured up the image of Max in her mind. She saw him with her heart and she heard Nancy’s gasp when the force of her love for the gentlest alien on earth flooded her mother’s consciousness.

Nancy didn’t see any images, she just experienced her daughters feelings first hand. Complete love and trust. Respect and admiration. A sense of belonging. Tenderness and protectiveness. When Nick finally lifted his hands from them, she stared at Liz as if her daughter were a stranger. Which, in essence, she actually was…

When Liz opened her eyes, it was to stare into the hazel gaze of her other half. He was watching her with an awed expression and she felt an overwhelming urge to run over to him and fling herself in his arms. She saw Max’s eyes darken in reaction before they both looked at her mother, remembering that she was still there.

Nancy was getting up from the table unsteadily and Max was beside her instantly to hold her steady. As soon as she found her balance, she turned to him. "I don’t understand what just happened. I don’t understand what’s going on between you two. But I do know one thing. If you ever hurt my daughter, I will personally make your life a living hell." With that, Nancy started out of the tent.

"Mrs Parker." Max’s quiet voice stopped her in her tracks before she reached the door and she absently wondered about the obedience he so effortlessly commands. He was staring at her earnestly. "If I ever hurt Liz, my life would a living hell ALREADY."

Nancy’s shoulders slumped. How on earth do you counter a comeback like that one? Maybe, just maybe, Max Evans was worthy of the intense love her daughter felt for him…

When everyone finally arrived for breakfast, Max and Liz felt like they had already been up for hours. Which they essentially have, but it was an emotionally trying few hours which made it seem longer. Liz clung to Max’s hand, still recuperating from the conversation with her mother. She wasn’t quite sure if her conversation with her mother was successful or not…

Max noticed the look Jeff Parker threw his way when he came in for breakfast and knew that Jeff and Nancy had talked about him and Liz. Max sighed. Between Jeff and Nancy he would normally have chosen Jeff, who seemed more placid and easy-going, but since this affects the apple of Jeff’s eye, Max wasn’t so sure that Jeff would be the easy one of the two parents. He resolved again that he would not give Liz’s parents any reason to distrust him. That thought was immediately put to the test when Liz ran her hand over his thigh under the table. Even if it kills him…

Breakfast was a subdued affair. Iz and Alex sat with the Evans’, answering questions about their exalted position in their race and also about the other aliens that were looking for them. Jeff and Nancy had chosen to sit away from everyone and they were talking quietly to each other. Max and Liz tried to ignore the questioning looks the Parkers’ sent in their direction every now and again. Maria and Michael have not appeared yet and Max had a suspicion they were in one of their two tents, making up for lost time. He laced his fingers with Liz’s and wished he could do the same: just be alone with Liz for a while. His discussion with Nick this morning had not yielded any new and brilliant ideas of how to handle the situation with the opposing aliens other than waiting until they came out in the open. And that the four of them needed more training.


Sarah came out of the Crashdown frustrated. Nobody there had any clue where the Parkers and Liz were, only that they had gone some place for a holiday. Then she remembered. She had Liz’s cell number! Running to the nearest pay phone, she dialed the number with trembling fingers only to be met with the voice of the operator telling her that the number was currently unavailable and did she want to leave a message? Sarah jammed the phone back onto its cradle. That was when she saw the man across the street watching her. And she could swear that she knew him…


Philip had left with Alex to go look at the camp’s computer set-up and this left Diane alone with Isabel. Something neither of them minded. Isabel saw her mother stare at Max and Liz who were sitting close to each other at another table, talking and touching constantly.

"They seem unable to be away from each other, don’t they?" Diane’s voice was unreadable.

Isabel decided to keep her response light, not knowing where her mom was going with this. "Yeah, they’re practically joined at the hip. It’s quite nauseating really."

"I’m worried about them being… you know, sexually active."

Well, that didn’t work, Isabel thought about her ploy to lighten the mood. She shifted in her seat uncomfortable. "Mom, I really think you should talk to Max about it."

Diane didn’t respond, but kept on watching her son and the only girl that could make him lose his head.

"Have you talked to Dad about it?" Isabel asked nervously.

Sighing, Diane turned her eyes to the Parkers. "No, but I think I should tell him. And Jeff and Nancy."

Isabel nearly had a heart attack. "No, Mom! You can’t! They will kill Max!"

"Well, maybe he should have thought of the consequences before allowing the relationship to get so intimate."

"Mom…" Isabel began as she also turned to Max and Liz, seeing how lovingly her brother brushed his fingers through Liz’s hair and how adoringly she stared up into his face. "Max didn’t get into this lightly. He… he basically married her before they… before it happened." The last part was said in a whisper.

Diane stared at her beautiful daughter unbelievingly. "What do you mean he basically married her?"

"I mean that they are married, well it’s actually called bonded, according to the ways of our people." Isabel took her mother’s hand. "Look at him, Mom. He is never going to be with any other girl. It’s always been Liz. Only Liz. Ever since the third grade."

Still trying to comprehend what Isabel had just told her, Diane saw Tess entering the tent quietly and brightened. At least here was a safer topic. "Hey Iz. There’s Tess! How is she taking all this?" Diane waved at Tess who was ignoring everyone after a quick glance at Liz and Max. Tess went to sit alone at a table away from the other people, causing a frown on Diane’s face. "What is that all about?"

Looking at over at Max and Liz, Isabel took a deep breath. Time to tell her mom about the whole destiny fiasco…


Tess, Michael, Isabel and Max were on their way for another practice session in the desert and Liz went outside with them, determined to stay as close to Max for as long as possible. She hated this enforced separation, even though she was used to being away from him a lot in Roswell, this camp was like their home where they were supposed to be together.

They found Michael and Maria waiting at the Jeep with Nick. Max just raised his eyebrows at Michael, who shrugged unconcernedly. His attention was only half on Michael since Liz was pressing herself to his side, keeping his body humming with awareness of her.

"Don’t you need to go get… stuff in your tent?" Liz was whispering to Max, not wanting the rest of the group to hear. She was particularly concerned about Max’s mom who knew about the extent of their relationship and was still staring at them intently as she had been since breakfast.

Max didn’t need to look at Liz to know what she was really asking. Being so close to her, he not only felt her need to be alone with him, he lived it. "Yeah…" He looked at Michael who was now starting to smirk. "Uh… I need to…"

"Go ahead! Take your time." Michael had trouble not grinning. Firstly it was not his style and secondly, Mrs. Evans was watching the whole scene with interest.

Max practically dragged Liz off to his tent and prayed that Alex wasn’t there. He swung her up into his arms and started kissing her before they were even inside.

Liz wrapped her legs around him, holding on as he continued to walk while his lips were hungrily devouring hers. She briefly wondered how he managed to do that. She would have had trouble just standing on her own under these circumstances!

He tore his mouth away from hers for a few seconds. "Because I have to!" he answered her thought before kissing her again, deeply and urgently, cradling her face with one hand. How did she do this to him? Time and time again he would decide to keep his hands off her for the sake of her parents and time and time again she managed to make him lose his head with merely a look or a touch.

Now it was Liz’s turn to pull away. "Because you make me lose my head too," her voice was breathless and thick with desire. "Don’t stop Max!"

They tumbled down on the nearest bed in a heap of tangled limbs. Liz arched her neck with a soft moan as Max kissed a path down to the neck of her T-shirt. He cursed the circumstances that kept him from doing anything more than kissing whatever was not covered by her clothes. He needed her. It felt like they haven’t been together for days…

"Max." Liz was trying to say so many things, but all she could manage was his name. I love you. I need you. I want you. You. You. You. She ached to become part of him and feel his hands on her bare skin. Instead she just curled her fingers around his biceps, reveling in the flexing of his muscles as he moved his hands over her.

Max returned his mouth to hers, his lips blazing a trail from her collarbone, up the side of her neck to her ear and over her jaw-line on the way. He invaded her mouth in a demanding kiss that she felt all the way to her toes.

Mine. You are mine. The thought nearly did Max in as he broke their kiss to look down on Liz lying underneath him. He loved seeing her like this. Like no one elsehas ever seen her before. And like no one else ever will in future. He loved knowing that no one but him will ever see how she looked in the throes of ecstasy. How gloriously flushed her cheeks were or how her hair streamed over the pillow in complete disarray. How moist and pink her lips were or how her breath came in tortured gasps. That his was the only name she would ever whisper in that special pleading way. Fear clutched at his heart unexpectedly. I can’t let anything happen to her. My Liz. My life.

Liz’s eyes flew open when she experienced the change in Max’s thoughts. One moment she was basking in his possessiveness and the next a cold hand ran down her spine. He was looking at her with so much love and protectiveness that she had to swallow past the sudden lump in her throat. "I love you," she whispered. "You are my life too. I’ll help you find a way to end this war. And we WILL be together afterwards. Always."

He took a shuddering breath before the corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly. "You’d make a fierce enemy, almost-Mrs. Evans." He became serious again and touched his fingers to her mouth. "Thank you for saying that."

Someone was coughing outside. "Max!" It was Isabel. "We need to go now."

Sighing, Max called back: "I’m coming, Iz." He kissed Liz gently before reluctantly sitting up. Watching as Liz also sat up, he suddenly grinned. "You look ravaged again."

Desperately patting at her hair, Liz glared at him. "Well don’t just sit there looking smug about it! Fix me!"

When they finally hurried out of the tent, they ran into Diane Evans. She caught Liz’s arm when they walked past her. "Why don’t you and I spend the day together while Max and the others are away?"

Max and Liz looked at each other. Not again!

Max pulled Liz away from his mother and into his body. "Mom," he said warningly.

Diane smiled when she saw Max go into "protective mode", as Izzy put it, over the possibility that Liz might be in an uncomfortable situation. "Calm down, Max. I’m just going to get to know her better." She looked at him meaningfully. "Since she is apparently going to be a permanent fixture in your life from now on."

Still looking doubtful, Max glanced at Liz to see if she was okay with this. Her smile eased some of his fears and he reluctantly let her go again. "Okay, but--." He stopped when Liz squeezed his hand. Brushing her hair behind her ear, he leant down and kissed her gently before whispering: "Don’t worry."

They all walked with Max to the Jeep where the others were waiting impatiently. Alex couldn’t stop himself from getting in a sly jibe again. "Gee Max, was the stuff you went to get buried under the tent?"

"Alex!" Isabel cried scandalized.

Diane watched all this with a small smile. How things have changed! She had always been worried about her children, especially Max, being on their own too much and not having any close friends. Now she could see that there was an unbreakable bond between these six young people that was forged through the shared hardship of the past year. Max and Isabel not only had good friends now, they had an increased family. Her eye fell on Tess that was already sitting in the Jeep and was watching Max and Liz with an expression of hurt on her face. Diane still had trouble believing that not only was Tess supposed to have been Max’s wife, but also that she had tried to harm Liz!

Finally getting into the Jeep after hugging Liz for a last time, Max shot his mother another warning look before driving off. It amused Diane even more. Like a tiger protecting its wounded mate! Only Max’s mate wasn’t wounded and pathetic. Diane is only now realizing what a strong young woman Liz Parker really was. She watched as Liz stood staring after the Jeep until it disappeared from view, a wistful look on her face. Walking to Liz slowly, she put her arm around the girl that owned her son’s heart. "Let’s go do some girl talk!"

Liz blushed. Girl talk? With Max’s mom?

Diane cleared her throat. "Don’t worry, I really don’t want to know about my son’s sex life."

They sat down in the girls’ tent. One on each bed. An alien leader’s mother and his mate. Diane folded her hands in her lap. "So tell me everything about my son."

And Liz understood for the first time that Diane wasn’t about to try and keep her and Max apart. She was trying to get closer to the son she had never really understood. One she had loved in spite of his secrets. Because of his secrets…


Sarah walked home slowly, trying to ignore the prickly sensation in the back of her neck. Where was Eric? He was normally so good at picking up on these things! Was that guy she saw earlier following her? And why? Deciding she couldn’t go straight home, she veered into a small mall complex. Maybe she could lose him in there… ERIC!


Liz and Diane talked about Max for hours, not noticing time passing. Diane watched the emotions flit across Liz’s face as she immersed herself in memories of Max. Liz explained how she felt when he healed her. How he had let her see his beautiful soul when he reversed the connection with her. Comforting her when her grandmother died. Their first kiss. Their first date. She literally glows when she talks about him! Diane realized.

Then they talked about Tess. Liz’s voice faltered slightly when she told Diane about seeing Max kiss the other girl. How afraid and confused Max had been about what was happening to him. But that he had kept on choosing Liz with his heart every time.

Lunch came and went. Philip brought them sandwiches when it became clear that they were not coming out of the tent soon.

Finally they talked about the bonding ceremony and Liz confessed that it felt like she had married Max that day. She desperately also wanted to tell his mom that he had asked her to marry him, but felt that that was a decision she and Max had to make together. Watching Diane anxiously, Liz held her breath while waiting for a reaction. Diane didn’t even flinch. She just nodded and said: "Congratulations."

Liz was so overwhelmed, she didn’t stop to think. She just jumped up and went over to hug Max’s mother. When she pulled back they both had tears in their eyes.

"I’m not going to lie to you. You and Max are going to have to face some tough times ahead." Diane brushed a strand of Liz’s hair behind her ear. "In addition to all these… special problems, not everyone is going to understand how rare the relationship between you two is. Even I don’t understand it completely, but… it is enough for me to see how much you two love each other. To see that it’s not just some teenage crush as I had feared."

Liz was crying for real now. Overwhelming relief was flooding her body at the knowledge that she and Max would have one less obstacle to their relationship. Relief that there was one less person they would have to lie to.

"Aren’t you ever afraid?" Diane’s voice was soft, genuine interest shining through. "After all that you’ve been through with Max… because of Max. Aren’t you afraid? I mean… the FBI, other aliens, Tess…"

Scrubbing at her tear-streaked cheeks, Liz tried to smile. "I’m more afraid of being without Max." She straightened and her next words made Diane’s mouth drop open. "Max is coming."


What the hell was his mother doing to Liz? Max felt such a jumble of confused emotions from her that he didn’t know what to think. The only thing he was really sure of was that Liz was crying. Which was why he drove the Jeep back to camp as if wild dogs were chasing him.

"What’s wrong with you, Maxwell! Are you trying to kill us?" Michael’s disgruntled voice broke into his absorption with Liz’s feelings. He didn’t answer because the camp was in sight.

Liz and Diane were just getting up from the bed when Max came tearing into the tent. He grabbed Liz to him, holding her close as he turned questioning eyes at his mother. "What happened?"

Struggling to move in his crushing grip, Liz answered the question. "Max! It’s okay! We’re just… happy."

He pulled away from her finally, brushing the tears from her cheeks gently. "Happy?" He looked at his mom who was also smiling.

"Yeah." Liz looked in his eyes, willing him to see all the things she couldn’t say in front of his mother. She supports us. In everything. "Everything is fine, Max!"

His unguarded reaction caught Diane unprepared. For one glorious moment, all the love and appreciation Max had ever felt towards his mom blazed from his eyes and it was an awesome sight. Diane marveled that she had thought for so long that her son wasn’t emotional. Now she knew he had just been keeping a tight control over himself. What a difference Liz Parker had made in his life!

His attention went back to his mate, his wife, almost immediately and Diane experience a twinge of jealousy that her son had chosen to reveal himself to this girl and not to her. That Liz knows parts of Max that she never had and never would. She knew Max loved her deeply, but there was no mistaking as to who the most important person in his life was. Liz Parker.

Diane resolved to talk to the Parkers and see if she could smooth over some of their fears about her son. As long as I don’t tell them the kids are having sex. I don’t think I would be as understanding if this was Izzy.

After Diane left the tent, Max lifted Liz up and kissed her breathless. She was laughing and clinging to him when he finally broke away. "What was that for?"

"For winning over my mother. For being wonderful. For being you." He looked so young and happy that Liz’s mouth dried. Why couldn’t things stay like this forever?

Coming back to reality, Max kissed the tip of her nose and her forehead. "Can I borrow your cell phone? I need to get hold of the Sheriff to find out how things are in town."

"Sure." Liz dug the phone from her bag and turned it on. "I didn’t want the battery to die on me out here in the middle of nowhere…"


Sarah wandered around the mall, the sensation that she was followed had faded, but she had to make sure. Her heart had not stopped pounding yet and her confusion as to why she was being followed had not abated. Did they know what she was up to? Who was her stalker working for? She bit her lip in an attempt to stem the tears. She was so afraid. She had been living with fear for the last few years of her life, but this was different. This was… evil.

Dinner was a somewhat happier affair. The four parents have become used to being in the camp. Jeff and Philip spent the day wandering around with Alex, while Nancy had spent most of the day in her and Jeff’s tent, trying to come to terms with everything she has learnt.

The six friends shared a table, while the parents were seated at another table. Max informed the group that the Sheriff hasn’t seen anything to worry about yet. Max’s frustration at the lack of developments was visible. He so desperately wanted to get whatever was coming over with, so he could start building his life with Liz. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility that things may not turn out well for his people. Looking at Liz and running a caressing hand over her hair, he knew that he had to make every second count with her. Just in case…

"I’ve been helping with searches on the Internet," Alex was saying. "We are looking for anything that might give us a clue where these other aliens are. I mean there must be more of them, right?" He realized his blunder when Isabel gasped next to him. Nice going, Whitman, scare the people more, why don’t ya! "By the way, what happened to the one you guys caught?"

Max and Michael looked at each other before Max returned his attention to Alex. "He is… in jail, so to speak."

Alex frowned. "What jail?"

"Our jail. Here in the camp." Max was shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "With Jans and his friends. Don’t worry, he won’t be coming out."

"Did the goon have a name?" Alex was intrigued.



Sarah was getting tired. She had wandered around the mall for a few hours by now and it was starting to get dark. She needed to get home to Eric. But what if something had happened to him too. What if he had disappeared just like Devin? She resolved to try phoning Liz again.

This time the phone just rang for a long time before the voice mail picked up. Sarah gritted her teeth in frustration. Now she didn’t have a choice, she had to leave a message…


Liz sensed something was wrong with Max. His levels of worry were spiking dramatically and he had sounded distracted when he spoke to Alex. She put her hand on his thigh under the table, trying to calm him. His only reaction was to take her hand in a crushing grip.

"Wow, that’s cool!" Maria was grinning. "You have some sort of alien jail thing here in the camp? I never knew that!"

Michael was also staring at Max, wondering what the heck was up with him. Max had gone silent, so Michael tried to answer the questions about the "jail". "…like pods… spheres… keeping him in stasis…"

His explanation went over the heads of the rest of them, all of them were turning their attention to Max by now. Liz finally broke the tense silence. "What’s wrong, Max?"

He blinked, as if coming out of a trance. "I don’t know. Something… I just feel something bad is going to happen."

This reminded Liz of the feeling she got before Max went away and he was abducted by Jans and his goons. A premonition of doom. She looked around the group. They were all upset by Max’s statement. They have been together too long to ignore stuff like this.

The tension in the group rose steadily as dinner progressed. The three couples all held hands and sat as close together as possible. Finally Maria, spoke up: "I have a plan for tonight. I think we all need it." All heads turned to her as she spoke in hushed tones. "I propose we… change the sleeping arrangements a little tonight. After everyone else is asleep of course…"

Michael was already nodding his acquiescence.

"Let’s see, three groups, two tents. How do we handle that one?" Maria was frowning.

Liz and Max shared a look. "We’ll go, uh… stargazing." Liz didn’t meet her friends’ eyes. They were the only couple that could potentially be in real trouble if the new arrangement was discovered, so it was better to be as far away from the camp as possible.

Now everyone around the table was nodding. They all needed to be with their other halves tonight. Who knew what tomorrow would bring?

The parents again saw how incredibly close the six were. But they also saw how serious they all seemed. Diane cringed at how unfair it was to these teenagers that they didn’t get to enjoy much of their youth. She watched her daughter lean against Alex and smiled. She had talked to Izzy again after they had returned from their training session and now felt comforted that she didn’t have to worry about her relationship with Alex yet. Now Michael and Maria… that was another story. They seemed combustible together and it was probably only a matter of time before they take the next step. It was still amazing to her that Michael actually had a girlfriend! But, as always, her eyes were drawn back to Max and Liz. They functioned like two halves of a whole. Continuously aware of each other even if they weren’t together.

After everyone had coffee, which were heated by hand by the three aliens to the amazement of their parents, Max got ready to leave for a session with the Council. He leaned towards Liz and whispered: "I…love…you," between lingering soft kisses. Finally pulling away slightly, he touched his forehead against hers, still trying to cope with the uneasy feeling assailing him. Suddenly he needed to hear Liz say it too and opened his mouth to ask her.

"I love you, Max Evans." She cupped his jaw in her hand and nuzzled his nose before softly rubbing her lips over his.

"Guys! Dining room. Where people eat?" Alex interrupted them with his usual ribbing. "Is it possible that you two can get any happier?"

Max just smiled at him when he got up. He would be really worried if Alex didn’t give them a hard time after that display. He placed a final kiss on top of Liz’s head and departed to Alex’s stage-whispered: "Eeew!"

Liz just shook her head at her friend, smiling. She was really worried about Max. He was clearly having trouble dealing with whatever was bothering him. Tonight, I will make him forget for a while, she promised herself.

Tess arrived for dinner later, clearly not happy about the fact that they were all still there. She went off to sit on her own away from everyone again. Liz looked at Isabel. "How did it go today? With her?"

Shrugging, Isabel tried to make Tess sound as unthreatening as possible. "Like that." She nodded towards her. "Never said a word. Stayed away from Max. Practiced a bit. Stayed away from Max. Had lunch. Stayed aw--."

"Isabel!" Liz interrupted her with a grin. "I didn’t ask because I was worried about her and Max. I asked because I just wondered how she was."

"Well, all I can say is, whatever Max threatened her with is working. She scampers away every time he gets near." Iz looked over at the blonde.

"Who can blame her?" Alex said. "I have never seen Max so mad in my life. I thought he was going to kill her!"

It was quiet for a while as the group thought back to the time Tess had made Liz unable to wake up by messing with her mind and how Max had completely freaked out about it.

Alex sighed dramatically. "Yeah, never mess with Mrs. Max!"

The mood lightened considerably.


Sarah crept out of the mall with her instincts on full alert for anything or anybody that looked suspicious. She had reached the other side of the street when a hand suddenly grabbed her arm, making her jump with fright.

Whirling around, she felt relief flood her body. "You scared me! I thought you were someone following me! You shouldn’t sneak up on people like…" Her voice faltered when she saw the look in his eyes. It wasn’t the one she was used to. It was one that told her she was in serious trouble.

Blackness enveloped her before she could open her mouth to scream.

Liz gripped Max’s hand tightly as they walked away from the camp. She could feel how tense he was and she desperately wanted to make him feel better. So tonight, it was Max Evans’ turn to be loved properly! She swallowed at her thoughts. That’s if I don’t die from embarrassment while trying to do it…

It was late and there were millions of stars up in the inky black sky. They had quietly traded tents and partners and she and Max had left a happy Maria and Michael in the girls’ tent, while Isabel had gone to join Alex. Max and Liz were the designated waker-uppers for tomorrow morning, since they had to return from the desert early enough not to get caught.

Max was carrying a duffel bag in his other hand with some blankets for them and now they only had to get far enough away from the camp to ensure that no one could hear them or come investigate. For what Liz had planned, she didn’t need an audience…


Sarah awoke feeling like she had a hangover. The room was pitch black and for one wild moment she hoped she was home, in bed with Eric. Slowly inching her hand away from her body, she came in contact with the edge of the narrow cot. Nope, definitely not in bed with Eric…

She struggled to remember what happened. She remembered being afraid and going to the mall, phoning Liz. Liz! Maybe she’ll get my message! Not that my message said anything about me being kidnapped or where I am right now… It’s hopeless! Unless Eric…

A narrow beam of light suddenly fell across her as the door opened a crack. It all came back to her in one horrible flash. Seeing him and blacking out. She struggled to sit up, not wanting to show him how afraid she was. "What do you want?"

"I want both of them. In one place. And you’re going to help me do it!" The evil grin on his face made her feel sick. How had she never seen this side of him before?


Stopping when they found a rock outcrop that leant some semblance of shelter, Max silently threw the open blanket on the cool sand before looking towards Liz. The sense of dread was still with him and he felt like a big fist was slowly squeezing the air out of his lungs. One torturous inch by one torturous inch. Looking at how the moonlight glinted in Liz’s silky hair and seeing the stars twinkle in her eyes, he knew only one thing could make him start to breathe normally again. Being with Liz.

Liz walked into his waiting arms without a word, knowing he needed her there. She stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his, tugging his head down towards hers. Their kisses were lingering and gentle, a sharing of love and comfort. A way of saying I love you without words. She ran her hands under his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders, but had to forcibly move his hands off her waist so she could push it those final few inches until it tumbled to the ground. His arms came around her again immediately and she reveled in his strong embrace and drugging kisses for a while longer.

Stepping back from Max, she almost smiled at his confused look. "Take off your shirt, Max." He blinked once and then slowly did her bidding. His hands slid frustratingly slowly from one button to the next until Liz felt she could step forward and rip the final buttons open. Was he doing this on purpose? She looked up into his eyes and saw that he wasn’t. He was watching her warily, trying to figure out what she was up to. Her grin made his eyes widen. Boy, Max Evans, if you only knew!

Max felt his blood starting to rush through his veins at the look she was giving him. She looked… like he was her next meal. He let his hands drop to his sides when the shirt was finally open and stepped towards her, but she retreated. What the heck was she up to?

"Take it off completely." Her voice was low and husky and Max felt it vibrating through his body. Obediently he shed the shirt, letting it drop carelessly to the ground.

Liz felt momentarily weak as she watched the moonlight caress his bare skin. He was gloriously beautiful. His groan alerted her to the fact that her feelings were clear to him through their connection. She moved closer to him, catching his hands when he reached out to pull her to him. "Put them behind your back and keep them there," she whispered as she brushed her body against his.

"Liz." His voice held a warning note that Liz decided to ignore. She walked around his back and helped him clasp his hands together. She slowly ran her hands down his arms, tracing the contours. Then she leant forward and pressed her open mouth to his shoulder blade, running her tongue over his warm skin. He trembled under her hands and Liz felt elation at her feminine power over him.

Moving around to face him again, she dragged her nails just above the waistband of his jeans until she could spread her fingers over his lower abdomen. He sucked in a sharp breath in reaction, his head dropping forward to his chest.

This was one of her fantasies coming true. Max stood like a statue while she caressed him, his only movement the frantic rise and fall of his chest as he fought for breath. Liz shaped his chest with her hands and her fingers, stopping in some places and skimming over others. Her mouth was dry as she watched the effect her touches were having on him. His muscles contracted under her fingers and his skin was covered in goose bumps. Licking her lips, she kissed his skin again, alternately nipping him lightly with her teeth and then soothing him with her open lips and tongue.

She was driving him crazy. Max felt the muscles in his arms strain with the effort of keeping his hands behind his back. Her hot breath on his skin caused such a riot of lust in his body that he felt faint for a moment.

"Liz, please honey…"

She took pity on him, pressing her body to his and sliding her arms around his neck. "No touching yet," she whispered against his lips.

He kissed her hungrily. His open mouth slanting over hers as his tongue delved into her mouth, trying to make her as desperate as he already was. Her soft moan was a sweet reward.

Pulling away, Liz heard Max’s harsh breathing with joy. Normally, he was the one driving her to the brink of insanity with his kisses, now it was her turn. She gently pushed him down on the blanket, watching as he curled his hands into the material to keep them off her. He was looking up at her with hooded eyes, his desire blazing at her from their darkened depths. She stood in front of him and began undoing the buttons of her sweater.

He watched helplessly as she let the sweater slide down her body, revealing her nakedness to his ensnared gaze.

"Oh god, Liz!"

She was straddling him the next instant, bringing their bare upper bodies in electrifying contact. She kissed his face, his neck and his chest as she pressed him back on the blanket. Max was amazed that the material he was clutching didn’t shred between his fingers.

Rubbing herself all over him, Liz crawled over his body with closed eyes, going on touch alone. It was heady and arousing, the heat of his skin and his scent driving her crazy with desire. Finally lying down on top of him, her body telling her she couldn’t take much more of this before going over the edge, she ran her tongue between his lips, silently begging him to take over.

The next moment she was crushed underneath him, his hands in her hair as he kissed her passionately, roughly. She arched into him, the feeling of his aroused weight pressing her into the blanket indescribably erotic. When he finally moved his hands over her body, molding her curves with his fingers, she couldn’t stop the low moan that erupted from her throat.

Their sense of urgency increased and Max hastily removed the last of their clothes. He took a moment to stare down at her uncovered beauty, the moonlight making her seem ethereal and breakable. He faltered fleetingly in fear of hurting her, but the thought fled his mind as she pulled him down to her, finding his lips with hers. "Make love to me, Max."

He closed his eyes as he slid inside her, wanting to enjoy every single second of the sensations that came with it. It felt so right. The stillness lasted only for a breath before her movements underneath him hurled him into an abyss of reactions. Their actions were synchronized and urgent, slowly building toward the explosion that left them both gasping for breath and shaking.

How did I ever live without this? The thought was simultaneous.


Sarah was cold. Her body ached from the hard cot she was lying on and her heart ached for Eric. She was so afraid he was going to do something crazy. And now she was afraid for Max and Liz too. She hardly knew them, but she felt an enormous kinship with Liz. After all, they were very much in the same boat…


It was still barely light out when Liz and Max made their way back to the camp. They were both close to exhausted, not having slept much the night before. Liz looked at Max who was looking decidedly more relaxed than he had last night. It was worth all the aches in her body to see the difference in him!

They woke up their friends as quietly as possible and everyone stumbled back to their own beds for a few more hours of sleep.

However, Max couldn’t sleep in spite of his tiredness and lay staring at the roof of the tent. The vice around his chest, that had disappeared for the few blissful hours he had spent lost inside Liz, was returning. Something terrible was going to happen today, he just knew it…

Liz slept right through breakfast and Max told the girls not to disturb her. He only went to say goodbye before the four and Nick left for some more training. It wasn’t really training per se, more of a honing of their skills and powers. There wasn’t much else they could do at the moment, just wait for any news from Roswell.

She was lying on her side, her head cushioned on her bent arm when he came into the tent. Max felt like he stopped breathing for a second while staring down at her beauty. He knelt by her bed and gently smoothed her hair away from her face, smiling slightly as she murmured "Max" in her sleep. He always knew loving Liz would be the best thing in life, but nothing had prepared him for the even better thing of being loved back by Liz. So completely and overwhelmingly. He remembered the way she had looked last night, naked in his arms in the moonlight and was again humbled by the extent of her love for him.

Sighing, he bent his head and brushed his lips over her cheek and forehead. "I love you, Liz. Be safe today, okay?" He kissed her again, this time softly on her lips. Lips that clung to his even though she hadn’t woken up yet.

Max was solemn by the time he got back to the Jeep. His mind was churning with the sense of worry that had overtaken him again when they got back to the camp this morning. He spoke briefly to some of Nick’s men, his men, about making sure that everyone in the camp was safe and saw from their looks they weren’t fooled, they knew he meant Liz.

Isabel looked at Max concernedly when he finally got in the Jeep. "Are you okay, Max?"

"I just… I have a bad feeling." He stared in front of him before starting the Jeep and driving off.


Liz was not happy when she finally woke up around 10:00 and realized Max had left while she was sleeping. She felt like she had failed him somehow. What sort of a leader’s mate was she that lay in bed all morning while the others were working to save their race?

Maria burst out laughing when Liz grumbled to her about it. "That’s SO like you, chica! Why don’t you just do the radar thingy you do with Max and let him know you’re awake so you can stop walking around like a little thundercloud?"

Liz sighed and concentrated on Max. His presence was a faint hum at the edge of her consciousness. "He’s too far away." She suddenly felt like crying. Okay, Liz, this is really taking it too far!

"So, do you have to do anymore parent bonding today?" Maria was still grinning impishly. "Cause I’m thinking it should really be fun talking to Max’s mom or your own with all those memories of last night in your head!"

"And I’m thinking that one night in the arms of a certain other male in this camp has made you way too chipper this early in the morning!"

Maria wasn’t perturbed by her friend’s surly mood. "And maybe I should warn Max that you turn into Grumpy if he keeps you awake for most of the night! Or… ah… wasn’t it Max doing the keeping awake bit?"

"Maria! I’m so not discussing this with you!"

Sighing dramatically, Maria shrugged. "Well okay, but I have to tell you that that glowing thing you did while sleeping could become problematic. Maybe it’s from too much… uhm… alien contact?"

Liz’s panicked expression sent her into another fit of giggles. "Gotcha!" Maria hastily departed the tent when Liz advanced on her threateningly.

Liz decided to go take a shower, although she was loath to wash Max’s scent off her for some reason this morning. Grabbing all her stuff together, she spotted her cell phone where Max had left it the previous evening. Might as well check my messages quickly…


The light blinded Sarah when the door to her cell opened abruptly. "Well, well, well! I’m hearing poor Eric is running all over town to try and find you! How careless of him!"

Sarah was suddenly furious. "How could you do this to him!" She shrank away from her captor when he leaned over her menacingly. "Because he is a weak and pitiful fool who is ignoring everything important to us."


The message was panicked and breathless. "Liz, its Sarah. I really need to talk to you. It’s about Max… and you. I can help him… We need to avert a tragedy. Please, I need to see you."

Liz was freaked. Why does Sarah want to help Max? Did she know something? What was going on? Had she completely misjudged Sarah? Liz paced in the tent, her shower completely forgotten. It sounded so urgent. Making a decision, she grabbed a jacket and ran to find Maria.

The first person she saw was Diane, sitting with her mother. This slowed her momentarily, but she couldn’t afford to be distracted now. She needed to help Sarah… and Max.

Not finding Maria fast enough, she grabbed Marcus. "I need a car. I need to go to Roswell real quick."

Marcus nearly fainted. "Oh no! I don’t think so!" Realizing he sounded a bit impudent, he rephrased his last statement. "Uhm… I mean I don’t think that’s a good idea. Who knows what could happen!"

Liz was not about to be swayed. "Then come with me, but we have to go!" She dragged him over to where some of the camp’s all terrain vehicles were standing.

"Liz!" It was Diane, with Nancy in tow. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go something in Roswell urgently. It won’t take long."

"Shouldn’t you wait for Max, honey? It might be dangerous!" Diane was trying to sound calm and rational.

"Thank you for worrying about me, Mrs. Evans, but Max is too far away and this is really important." She pointed at Marcus. "I’m taking him with me, don’t worry!"

Everyone was surprised when Nancy stepped forward. "I’m coming too."

"Mom no! I don’t think--."

"It’s not a request Liz. I’m going!" Nancy sounded uncharacteristically firm. And before Liz could say anything else, Nancy was in the car with Marcus. Sending a last look at Diane, who seemed really upset, Liz got in the car too. "Let’s go," she instructed Marcus.


Max was having trouble concentrating. A feeling of dread had settled in his stomach and he was starting to feel physically ill. When he botched yet another attempt at sending a bolt of energy towards a nearby rock, he gave up. "Guys, can we go home?"

All eyes turned to him. "Why?" It was Isabel.

"It’s getting worse. I think we all need to stick together at the camp." I need to see Liz.


After they arrived in Roswell a few hours drive later, Liz realized she had no idea where to start finding Sarah. So she went to the last place she saw her, the Crashdown.

They sat outside in the car because Marcus didn’t want them exposed. They were all still supposed to be on holiday…

Liz was just losing her patience when Marcus suddenly slumped forward in his seat, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. Liz lunged towards him, her heart stopping in her chest when she realized he was dead.

A shadow loomed at his window and Liz looked into cold blue eyes that froze her in place. The guy pulled open the car door and shoved Marcus out of the way before either Liz or Nancy had time to react. Liz turned to her door and was clawing at the handle when she felt a hand descend on her shoulder. "Max!" her mind cried out before she was plunged into darkness.



Hearing that beloved voice cry his name in such terror, made Max start to shake violently. Michael grabbed the wheel just in time to stop Max from overturning the Jeep. Fighting incoherence, Max could only say: "No… Liz."

No one asked what had happened. They all knew. They have Liz…

Liz was crying in her drugged state, tears slipping continuously from beneath her eyelids to slide down her cheeks. What have I done? Why didn’t I think before running off to Roswell with just my mother and Marcus? Marcus is DEAD because of me! Where is my mother? Max will be coming and they will take him too… Oh god, what have I done!


She could feel the presence of Max in her mind and desperately tried to block him out. Her despair heightened when she realized that that was basically impossible. Max was the origin of their connection and his connection to her was stronger than hers to him, so he got in easily.

I’m sorry, Max.

So much pain from both of them it threatened to overwhelm her. Why does she keep on doing this to him? She was his greatest weakness…

No, you’re my greatest strength! Don’t give up on us.


No Liz. I’m never letting you go again!


Isabel gasped when she let go of her brother, breaking the connection with Liz. Max hadn’t been able to reach her on his own while she was drugged and Izzy had to dreamwalk to help them. Looking at Max, she saw him wipe at his eyes surreptitiously and she marveled yet again at how strong the feelings between Max and Liz were. And at the fact that they were sent across galaxies so that her brother could find a love here on earth that would ultimately save their people.

The Jeep bumped over the rough terrain as Michael drove to the camp at break neck speed.

"I shouldn’t have left her this morning!" Max burst out. "I knew something was wrong."

"Yeah well, she shouldn’t have gone off on her own either!" Michael sounded harsh.

"Shut up, Michael!" Max was losing his temper.

"Okay, guys!" Isabel was left trying to make peace between her two very different brothers once again. "You are both worried about her, I know it. So let’s not fight! Max, did she say anything that could help us?"

He shook his head mutely, the connection hadn’t lasted long enough.


Diane and Nick were waiting for them when the Jeep roared into the camp. Max jumped out before it came to a complete standstill, practically running towards his mother.

"She left with Marcus and Nancy to go to Roswell a few hours ago…" The terrified look on her son’s face alerted Diane that something had already happened to Liz as she had feared.

Max took several deep calming breaths, putting his arm around his mother’s shoulders. "Let’s all go meet in the dining tent. We need to come up with a plan."


Waking up slowly, Liz felt her whole body ache. Blinking her eyes a few times, she wondered why she couldn’t see? Finally she could make out a thin sliver of light that seem to be coming from underneath a door. Darkness. She was in darkness.

A soft sobbing close to her interrupted her thoughts. "Mom?" She crawled towards the sobbing, bumping into legs on the way. Hands gripped her shoulders, leaving her gasping in fear.

"Liz?" The soft voice seemed vaguely familiar.


"It’s… Sarah. I’m so sorry that he found you. Because of me."

"Sarah! What is going on? Who has us here? Why does he have you too?" Liz realized she was firing questions at poor Sarah and decided to change her tactics. The sobbing hadn’t stopped yet and she now knew it was her mother. "Just give me a few minutes, I have to get to my mom."

Finally locating her mother’s slumped form on the floor, Liz put her arms around Nancy. Her mother stopped crying immediately. "Liz? You’re safe? Thank god!"

"Mom, I’m so sorry! This is my fault. I should have waited for Max. I --."

"Max! Isn’t he the reason we’re in this mess from the beginning?" Nancy had trouble not yelling.

"No Mom. I’m the reason we’re in this mess…" Liz spoke softly, trying to understand that her mother’s reactions were the result of fear, not hatred towards Max. "We just need to hang on, he will come and find us."

Nancy was speechless. The quiet and unshaken trust in her daughter’s voice completely silenced her.

"No one knows where we are." Now it was Sarah’s turn to sound despondent.

"Max can find me. And he WILL." Liz tried to allay the fears in the room without actually telling Sarah why Max would be able to find her.

Sarah was quiet for a few moments. "Your connection is that strong?" Her voice was filled with wonder… and envy. "Eric just sometimes senses intense emotions from me."

"What are you talking about? Sarah? Who are you?" Liz was starting to get a weird feeling about the girl.

"Uhm… How much does your mother know about… about Max?"

"Enough. Tell me!" What if this were part of an elaborate trap for Max!

"I’m… Eric is… Eric is the leader of his people. People that came to earth originally to find… Max."

"To destroy Max, you mean!" Liz was getting upset. "And I thought you wanted to help us! You just wanted to find Max so that you could--."

"No!" Sarah cried out. "Eric doesn’t want that anymore. But some of his people, they told him that Max wanted to kill him first. So we came here. But I saw you two together the other day. Max is not a killer and I thought, maybe if you and I could get them together we could stop this madness. But then Devin disappeared and --."

"Devin tried to kill me the other day." Liz interrupted her.

"What! But that’s… Eric didn’t tell him to do that! Maybe that’s why… Oh god, Liz! They are going to kill Eric AND Max!"


Max paced during the meeting. Liz was finally awake, but her emotions were fluctuating wildly and he couldn’t make out clearly what was going on. "Maria, I need you to call the Sheriff and have him try and see what he can do in Roswell so long. Michael, I need you with me. You’re our protector…" He shared an intense look with his second-in-command before continuing: "I’m going to try and see if I can’t connect with Liz one more time, maybe she can give us some clues that will help us to find them."

Max looked up as he saw Nick entering the tent after speaking to some people that were standing outside. "They are worried about her, Max. You should talk to them." Nick’s quiet voice was firm. Their Queen was missing.

"Later," Max nodded and glanced at Jeff. He hadn’t said a word yet, but was sitting as if in a daze next to the Evans’. "Mr. Parker, I’ll find them. Both of them."

His words brought a flicker of hope to Jeff’s gaze.

"What should we do, Max?" Isabel didn’t want to feel useless.

"I need you here, coordinating things from this end. I don’t want a surprise attack against the camp while we’re away. Where’s Tess?" Max looked around, seeing her standing behind Nick. "You’re coming with us. We will probably need your mind warp powers."

Nick stopped him before he left the tent. "Max, do you know what Liz did with that carved box I gave her after your bonding ceremony?"

Max was confused. What did this have to do with saving Liz? "Yeah. Its in our… my tent. Why?"

"You need to give it to Isabel, in case… something happens. It should always be in the hands of whomever is going to bear our next king."

Going pale, Max fought the instinct of shouting that nothing will happen to Liz. Because he knew that he couldn’t promise that. "Come with me then."

Jeff had watched this whole interlude from the side. Even in his terrified state, he couldn’t miss the words "bonding ceremony" and "whomever is going to bear our next king". His mind grappled with finding the significance of these words, the only thing making sense to him right now was that Liz and Nancy were missing. And that Max Evans was apparently the only person that could find them…

The preparations were made quickly and efficiently while Max went to his tent to retrieve Liz’s wooden box and to try and connect with her one more time. Isabel went with him.

Finding the box underneath the bed that he and Liz had shared while they were in the camp the previous time, Max stared at it after he put it on the bed.

"What’s inside?" Isabel was speaking in a hushed voice without realizing it.

"I don’t know. Liz and I never got around to looking." He met Isabel’s gaze. "And I wouldn’t feel right about opening it without her now."

Isabel nodded, understanding what Max was trying to say. That Liz will be coming back to open the box herself and that Izzy would only be keeping it temporarily. In Max’s heart, the box will belong to Liz no matter what.

Sitting down on his bed, Max had to close his eyes to stop the torture of remembering how Liz had felt curled up in his arms here that few nights so long ago. Taking a deep breath, he vowed that he would experience that again, even if he had to die trying…


Liz sat with her arms hugging her knees against the one wall. By some silent agreement, she and Sarah had given her mother the cot and Nancy was sleeping fitfully on it now. Looking at her watch, Liz saw that it was only 18:00. It felt like they had been here for ages. She was too far away from Max to feel him properly and she was getting lonely without his constant presence in her mind. On top of all the shocks she had received after listening to Sarah, another one was added. The guy holding them was one of Devin’s friends by the name of Tim. Sarah wasn’t sure if there would be any other people working with him.

Sarah was sitting cross-legged across from Liz and stared at the floor blankly. Eric was probably going out of his mind with worry by now and she prayed that he was being careful while he looked for her. So far, she had only seen Tim here and she wondered if he was working on his own. Somehow she had trouble acknowledging that some of Eric’s people were betraying him like this. He was put on earth to come finish a war that he barely remembered and meeting and falling in love with her, had made him even more uncertain about the terrible task he was here to complete. She looked over at Liz. "You seem really sad."

Liz wiped a tear from her cheek, not noticing her mother had woken up next to her. "I miss Max. I miss… his presence." Seeing Sarah’s confusion, she decided to elaborate. "Max and I we… we feel each other. All the time, but right now he’s too far away for me to really feel him."

"Wow. Eric and I, we love each other a lot, but… you and Max. You seem like two parts of a whole." Sarah sounded a little jealous.

"Uhm, yeah. That’s a good way of putting it. It’s like I can’t breathe if he’s away from me for too long, you know?" Liz’s heart ached. She wanted Max here. She wanted him to put his arms around her and make her feel safe. She wanted to tell him that she loved him one more time. She bit her lip, trying not to start crying for real. "How did you and Eric meet? How did you find out he was… alien?"

Sarah looked down. "My story is not as fairy tale like as yours, getting healed from a gunshot wound! I was… I ran away from home when I was younger. The short version is that he found me on the street one night and chased two guys off that wanted to--. Anyway, I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so he took me with him. We were friends for a long time before he finally allowed us to be more."

Smiling wistfully, Liz nodded. "Max was the same. He was so scared he would hurt me because he was different. It took him forever to kiss me! Wait a minute! How did you know Max healed me?"

Now Sarah was smiling. "We saw the story on the Internet. On one of those conspiracy sites. We just had to find out who was healed and who did the healing. We chatted with some people in Roswell, they all said that the rumor was that you got shot and that a guy named Max Evans had saved you. They always laughed while telling us this crazy story! Then I saw you with Max the other day and I just knew. The way you two were with each other. The way he looked at you. Like you were his everything…"

Neither of them realized that Nancy was listening to this whole conversation with baited breath. There was so much about her relationship with Max that Liz had never told her.

Sarah continued. "We were always travelling in a group. We were about 15 people. I woke up one night and heard some of the others arguing with Eric about me. He finally told them that he would make his own decisions and that he would tell me what he was cause I had a right to know. He told me and I realized I had always sort of known that he was different. I didn’t care. As long as he loved me."

"So you’re…?" "Human? Yeah. Just like you." Sarah paused. "Maybe not exactly like you. What happened between you and Max? Why are you two so connected?"

"We don’t know either. It was just always sort of there after he healed me." Liz didn’t want to share too much details of her life with Max with this stranger. Some things were too precious to just tell anybody.

Oh Max! I miss you…


Max was getting frustrated because all he could get from Liz were feelings, so he turned to his sister again. "I need your help."


Liz, love! Are you okay?

Liz leant her head back against the wall with a gasp, startling Nancy and Sarah. "It’s Max!" Max was inside her head! Talking to her!

Max! I love you! There was no time like the present to make sure that he knew that.

Me too. Next time I hear that, we will be together, I promise. Do you know where you are?

Nancy and Sarah watched in awe as Liz shook her head sadly, obviously having some discussion in her head that they couldn’t share.

No. We’re in a small room and its dark all the time. Max you have to listen to me. It’s really important. You have to find a guy named Eric. He is Sarah’s boyfriend and Max… he’s the leader of the other aliens--.

WHAT! Max’s rage nearly overwhelmed her.

No Max! You have to listen. The guy holding us. He worked with Devin and he is part of a group of Eric’s people that are trying to perpetuate a war between our two races. Liz didn’t even realize she used "our" when talking about Max’s people. Sarah is with us and she says the kidnapper’s name is Tim. Maybe Eric can help you find us. Liz had never talked so fast in her life, but she was afraid the connection would be broken before she could get all the details to Max. Max…please be careful. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you!

Liz. I…

Another presence suddenly joined the connection, making Liz shiver.


Get out, Max. Isabel is starting to look pale.

Honey, I… I’m coming. Hold on.

Then he was gone.

Liz came out of her daze to find two pairs of eyes trained on her. Meeting Nancy’s gaze, she smiled. "Max is coming."

The door opened suddenly. "Weeell, that’s nice to hear! I’ll start preparing for the party immediately. Can’t have the King of our enemies arriving without some pomp and ceremony!" Tim snarled at Liz. "And I know just what will make him feel welcome… Smelling the fear of his precious human mate."

They were in three cars, Max wasn’t taking any chances. They would go into Roswell separately to ensure that they didn’t cause any unnecessary suspicion. Max had also phoned the Sheriff to check on anybody named Eric (not that knowing his first name helped a lot). They had to try…

Michael kept throwing side-ways glances at Max. Max had been calm for a while after talking to Liz, but now he seemed frantic. He was staring out of the window, his hands clenched in fists on his thighs.


"Just drive, Michael. Please don’t ask anything." Max didn’t want to discuss anything about his feelings in front of Tess who was sitting silently in the back seat. He was trying to keep himself together, but it wasn’t easy. Something was seriously wrong with Liz. He sensed a mixture of fear and anger from her that made his heart pound in his chest. What was he doing to her? If her hurts her I’ll kill him.

They met Jim Valenti in front of his office. He watched with concern as Max got out of the Jeep. "Are you okay, son?"

Max nodded mutely, but Jim saw through him. Max’s body was racked with small, almost imperceptible tremors and the Sheriff marveled again at how intense the feelings between Max and Liz were. Max could say what he liked, but Jim knew he was quietly going out of his mind about Liz.

"Let’s talk in my office." Valenti led them inside. The discussion went quickly. The bottom-line was that they needed to find Sarah’s Eric and convince him to help them. He was the only one that might possibly know where Liz, Nancy and Sarah were kept.

"Well, I have three guys under surveillance right now that may be this Eric guy. One of them was hanging around the Crashdown a lot and one of the waiters called asking us to check him out."

Max jumped up. "Then let’s do it!" He was getting more desperate to find Liz by the minute.

Everyone followed Max out of the door, but halted when Max made a strangled sound and grabbed the doorframe with a shaking hand.


"No Tim! Please don’t do this!" Sarah cried. She was cuffed to the wall, he hands above her head. Tim had made sure that she was cuffed first, wanting to humiliate the human that wormed herself into his race as much as possible. He had held Nancy by the throat while busy with Sarah, thereby ensuring that Liz didn’t try anything. Then he had cuffed Nancy to the cot. He had no real use for her, but her presence kept the fear of the other leader’s mate on an acceptably high level. Of course Liz had made a fuss when he worked on her mother, so he had to silence her for a while. He looked at Liz lying crumpled on the floor, blood trickling from her lip where the back of his hand had caught her. What is it about these pathetic women that so ensnared Eric and Max?

Nancy was crying. She seemed to do that a lot lately, but right now was the first time she truly realized how much her daughter had gone through during the last year. She had listened to some of the stories of what had happened to Liz, but now she saw.

Liz was only out for a few seconds. She moaned softly as she came to. "Max…"

"No, your precious Max has not pitched up to save you yet. Methinks you have too much trust in him." Tim dragged her upright roughly, his fingers bruising her upper arms. "Now, let’s get you all trussed up for the feast."

Liz glared at him. She would not give him the satisfaction of crumbling. She could feel Max was closer and the knowledge kept her going. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as Tim cuffed her to the wall too.



Michael grabbed Max, holding him upright. "Hey Maxwell!"

Max gripped the doorframe so tightly, that his knuckles turned white. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. The others watched as he pulled himself together with effort. "We have to hurry. Please." He spoke through stiff lips, his voice low and urgent. Hold on, Liz, I’m coming! Michael and Jim glanced at each other, knowing that something had happened that Max wasn’t sharing with them. "Max--."

But Max was already moving out towards the Jeep again. It felt like a white-hot knife was twisting in his gut. Only he wasn’t sure if it was as a result of fearing for Liz or the hate he was starting to feel for the guy hurting her. For she was hurt, of that he was sure…


Liz felt the cuffs biting into her wrists as she basically hung from them against the wall. She was still a little dizzy from that backhand Tim had dealt her, but the sight of her mother close to losing it made her doubly determined to remain strong. When Max came she would give in to the blackness trying to overwhelm her. But only after she was sure he was safe…

"Mom, it will be okay. I promise."

"How can you say that?" Nancy sounded choked.

"Because I believe in Max."

There was a flicker of hope in Nancy’s eyes. "Liz, I can see how much you trust in Max, but did you see how easily this Tim killed Marcus? He didn’t even touch him! How is Max going to withstand that?"

"Tim was a warrior on Eric’s home planet. They are deadly, killing machines. That’s why he was sent here. To be the one to finally… kill Max." Sarah sounded tired.

Feeling the blackness coming closer again, Liz closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing again. A few silent minutes later, her eyes snapped open. That’s it! Soldiers needed a war to feel useful. The soldiers were revolting against Eric’s pacifism. "How many soldiers came with Eric?"

Sarah’s eyes were fluttering closed, she was obviously not going to be conscious for much longer. "Sarah, please! It’s really important! How many soldiers?" Liz was close to yelling, hoping to startle Sarah back. It worked partially.

"Wh-- What?"

"How many soldiers?" It hurt to talk by now, because her lip was starting to swell. And every time she spoke the cut in her lip started bleeding again.

"I think… I think ten? But I’m not sure…"

Think, Liz, think! Knowing she had to let Max know about the soldiers somehow. But she was feeling faint, they not eaten all day and being beaten didn’t help much either. But I have to help Max.

Nancy watched in growing admiration as Liz fought to stay conscious. Her face showed the signs of Tim’s assault, and she could see red welts starting to form on Liz’s wrists. All this for Max Evans… "Liz, honey, are you okay?"

"Have to talk to Max…" Liz mumbled.

Nancy thought fleetingly that Liz was delirious, but then she remembered how earlier Liz had seemed to talk to Max.

Liz felt herself slipping away from reality. No… have to warn Max! Warn him that—something important. Warn him… But he was waiting for her, in that dream world where she couldn’t feel the pain. He stood there as beautiful and strong as ever, holding his arms open for her to run into. She flung herself into his embrace and whispered: "Hold me, Max." And because this was her dream, he said: "Always. My Liz."


In the end it was laughably easy to find Eric. Max and Michael both saw him at the same time. He was sitting on the edge of the pavement across the street from the Crashdown and, ironically, right in front of the UFO Museum. The others stood back, watching as Max approached Eric. Michael kept a watch out for Eric’s men. Surely they couldn’t be far away…

Max halted a few feet away from Eric. He knew that he should hate him, but just like with Tess, he felt nothing. He remembered nothing. All he saw was a guy with sadness lining his face. Max saw the moment Eric became aware of his presence. His body tensed perceptibly and he slowly stood up.

The others watched, holding their breaths, as the leaders of two alien races faced each other on a street in front of a cheesy alien museum in a small town in New Mexico.

Liz felt light as air and heavy as lead at the same time. Max was making love to her, slowly and gently, but only her mind was reacting. Her body seemed incapable of feeling anything but pain. What is wrong with me? Making love with Max had never equaled pain before.

"Liz. Liz!"

Someone was calling her name insistently and the voice was a jarring note in her dream. She wanted to be alone with Max, to find that wonderful oblivion he always brought her, not listen to that irritating voice. Liz concentrated on Max instead, and for a few seconds she found the bliss she always did in his arms and caressing hands. "Max, please…" The note in her voice was one Max would recognize immediately. It was the one she always used to beg him to stop torturing her and fill that place inside her that was created for him.

On the other hand, it was not a tone of voice Nancy Parker had ever heard from her daughter. It silenced her momentarily in her efforts to wake Liz up. Liz’s voice spoke of a longing and desire so intense that Nancy had trouble identifying it with her always cool and in control child. She took a deep breath, trying not to think of what it meant. Truthfully she didn’t know what her reaction would be if her growing suspicions were confirmed. She knows what it SHOULD be, Liz was her daughter after all, but after experiencing all she did the last few days, she was just too confused to indulge in her normal mother responses.

"Marry me, Liz." For a moment, Liz grinned. This was so typically Max. She had already said she would, but he kept worrying that she would change her mind. Like that could ever happen!

"Liz! You have to wake up!" That voice again! Would the person not just go away? Couldn’t they see she was busy with more important things? Like answering Max who was now starting to look worried.

Touching her hand to his lips, she promised: "Yes Max, I’ll marry you…"

Nancy blanched after hearing Liz’s soft words. Marry him! She hoped this was a dream… "LIZ!" Her loud cry alerted Tim, who came barging in.

"What’s wrong, the little princess still out of it?" He walked over to Liz, running his hands over her arms and sides. "These human girls. So weak and pathetic, but so beautiful to look at."

Liz came to with a shuddering cry. Hands that were not Max’s were on her body and it made her feel dirty. The pain in her arms fleetingly overwhelmed her and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why would he choose you over his intended mate?" Tim was looking at her calculatingly. "Unless you were giving him something to make it worth his while. I mean, Sarah was only too happy to grace the bed of MY esteemed leader. But not those of any of us lowly servants, though." He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. "Why is that? Is it because they are Kings?" He pulled Liz towards him sharply by her hair. "Come on, you can tell me!"

Liz had trouble not whimpering from the pain. She blinked furiously to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She would not give him the satisfaction.

"Leave her alone!" Nancy’s voice was sharp.

Tim turned towards her, still holding on to Liz’s hair. "What is your problem? She’s not yours anymore, she’s the mate of an alien leader. You should rather be worried about yourself, lady."

"Mom." Liz’s voice was weak and unsteady.

Nancy recovered from Tim’s attack remarkably quickly. "She will always be my daughter, no matter what. But you’re right about one thing, she is Max’s… mate and he is not going to take kindly to the way you’re treating her!"


Eric looked at Max warily. "Who are you?" But he knew. Somehow he knew that this was the Max Evans he had heard so much about since he came to Roswell. Was he coming to gloat over taking Sarah from me?

"Max Evans. Some of your people have Sarah. And my Liz." Max figured he would get straight to the point, hoping that it would circumvent any misunderstandings between them. He saw Eric’s eyes widen in shock, then he felt Michael’s presence behind him. Looking over Eric’s shoulder he saw two men bearing down on them, obviously some of Eric’s bodyguards.

Eric took a while to recover from Max’s unexpected news, but he held up his hand, halting the advance of his men immediately. "What are you talking about?"

"Maxwell, this is not the place." Michael’s quiet voice reminded Max that they were on a public street.

"Would you mind if we go inside to talk?" He gestured at the UFO Museum. Seeing Eric’s hesitation, Max reminded him of their priorities. "Please. We need to find Liz and Sarah before it’s too late." Max prayed that it wasn’t too late already. His connection with Liz had simmered down to a hum in his mind, telling him she was either asleep or unconscious. His mind kept creating the most awful scenarios of what was happening to her and it drove him crazy with worry.

Eric followed him inside and they left Michael and one of Eric’s men at the door. Two deadly sentries intent on protecting their leaders at all cost.

It happened just after Max had relayed to Eric what he knew about the kidnapping. He had included everything that Liz had managed to tell him, but just before Eric could respond Max felt such a surge of emotion from Liz that he felt dizzy. To compound things, he now felt a presence with Liz that could only mean one thing. Tim was touching Liz. Max was overcome with such fury that his vision blurred for a moment as he jumped up from the table. Eric stared at him in surprise as he prowled around the room, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides. How was he going to think rationally about finding Liz if all he was consumed with was how scared Liz was and what exactly this guy was doing to her. Breathe, Max, just breathe. Getting hysterical will not help Liz…

"What’s going on?" Eric sounded concerned.

Max was still fighting to regain his composure. He closed his eyes, but it immediately intensified his experience of the pain and fear coming from Liz. He clutched at the nearest solid thing, trying not to sink to the floor under the weight of the sensations. "Liz! Liz, I’m coming. I promise," he whispered.


Liz! Liz, I’m coming. I promise.

That beloved voice was the final straw that made Liz’s tears spill over. He was here! He was near! He had to be, otherwise she wouldn’t have heard him so clearly. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain and the fact that Tim was still running his hands over her body. She needed to tell Max what she had learned earlier. Please Max. You have to hear me.

Inside Roswell, Max’s head flew up as he heard Liz’s plea. Liz! Are you hurt?

Relief flooded her body as she heard Max’s reply. He could hear her too! Liz told Max what she had figured out about the soldiers revolting as quickly as she could, not knowing what Tim was going to do next. She kept her eyes closed tightly, her mind going a-mile-a-minute to Max.

It didn’t take long before Tim realized something was going on. He dug his fingers into her throat, lifting her up by her neck. "What are you doing?"

Liz whimpered, fighting to breathe.

"If you’re communicating with your alien husband, tell him what I’m doing to you." He grinned. "If he’s anything like that wimp Eric, it will drive him to come running over here in a blind rage. Nothing like rage to stop one from thinking rationally, is there?" He brought his other hand to the place on her stomach where Max had healed her so many months ago.

It felt like someone was pressing a fiery hot poker against her as his hand started glowing next to her skin. Liz cried out in pain.

Michael came in a dead run as he heard Max’s roar of anguish. He found Max against the wall on the one side of the room and Eric standing on the other, watching his purported enemy in total confusion.

Max felt the power building in his body until he was close to exploding. Liz’s screams were echoing in his mind, driving him insane with reaction. I need to protect her… I want him dead! As the thought echoed through his mind, an explosion of white light momentarily blinded him. But how? I had my eyes closed. It must’ve been in my head…

It felt like a bolt of electricity had run through her body. It hadn’t hurt her, but Liz was barely conscious as it is, so she had trouble registering any coherent facts. She heard her mother scream and wondered what had happened. Liz coughed, realizing the pressure on her throat was gone. As her swimming senses became clearer, she noticed the burning hand on her stomach was gone too.

She was blinking furiously, trying to clear her blurred vision when Nancy’s tremulous voice intruded upon her efforts. "Oh my god, Liz. What have you done?"

Liz finally noticed Tim lying at her feet. Looking very much dead.

Max felt like he had been hit by a sledgehammer. The way he always felt after using his powers, only multiplied by ten. What the hell had just happened? His mind immediately searched for Liz, making sure that she was okay. Reassured when he found her life force flowing through him strongly, he turned to Michael dazedly. "What just happened?"

Michael was staring at him strangely. "Why don’t you tell me, Maxwell. You sort of blacked out there for a while."

"Blacked out?" Max frowned. "That’s all? You didn’t see a bright light? Like the sort you create?"

Michael raised an eyebrow. "No… You yelled, I came, you fell against the wall and blacked out. Is Liz all right? I thought…"

It all came back to Max in a rush. The hatred building against Tim who was torturing Liz. Feeling her intense pain. Talking to Liz. Talking to Liz? That had only happened, sort of, while he was being kept by Jans and his henchmen. How had they managed it now?

Max… It was whisper-soft in his mind. Tim is… he’s dead, Max. And I think, I killed him!

Max was completely stunned for a moment. Liz killed Tim? Liz killed anybody? How is that even possible? He felt her distress levels spiking and tried to calm himself so he could speak to her rationally. Liz honey, it’s okay. Whatever happened, we’ll figure it--.

No Max! Liz was starting to sound really upset. My Mom said he looked like he was hit by lightning while touching me. And I… I felt this surge of electricity. Max, I’m really scared! What is happening to me?

Michael watched in concern as Max suddenly went pale. "Maxwell…"

"We have to find her, Michael! Now!" Max’s tone brooked no argument. They turned to Eric. "Where would Tim have kept them? Is there any place--."

"Yes." Eric straightened. If only he had known earlier his own people had Sarah. His mind reeled with the fact that he had been betrayed like this.

"Let’s go!" Max had to force himself to partially block Liz’s distress from his mind. He needed to concentrate on finding her first.


Liz was having a hard time not falling to pieces completely. She was light-headed and nauseous, her body was bruised and burnt and at her feet lay a man that she had apparently unwittingly killed. Her mother was staring in front of her like a zombie and Sarah was still hanging from the opposite wall, unconscious. Liz felt that there wasn’t much more she could take before going insane. She was clinging to the only thing that she could. Max was coming...

She risked a glance at Tim. He looked like he was just sleeping. Only he wasn’t breathing at all. It was scary looking down at the man that had nearly killed her and that so obviously wanted to kill Max. I’m glad he’s dead. The thought shocked and sickened her. But it was true. He would have killed any of them without blinking…

"Mom, are you okay?" Liz could barely talk. She was shivering violently from reaction to her ordeal.

Nancy stared up at her daughter. Okay? That probably wasn’t the word she would use! She had just witnessed a crazed alien assaulting her daughter and then watched him being thrown off Liz like he had touched a live wire. All this while Liz was close to being unconscious from the pain. She nodded mutely and couldn’t believe the next words were coming out of her mouth: "I wish Max would get here…"

She heard Liz’s gasp and didn’t blame her for being surprised. She had all but told Max to stay away from Liz. But now, after getting to know Max a little better these last few days, she, just like everyone, was instinctively turning to Max to fix everything. More than that, she was hoping he would save Liz. Which was ironic really. She acknowledged for the first time that she didn’t need to protect Liz from Max, she needed Max to protect Liz from the world. And somehow she just knew that he would…


They met outside with the Sheriff, Tess and Eric’s men. Eric explained that one of the places they had rented when coming to Roswell had large a basement. He suspected that’s where Tim was keeping the women.

Max was quiet while they discussed tactics, letting Michael do the planning and talking. It was clear that his friend and second-in-command was really good at this, fitting naturally into his role as protector and soldier. Max, not knowing all the details, had decided not to tell anyone about Tim’s possible demise yet. Or of his suspicion that his intense reactions to what Liz had been going through had somehow caused the guy’s death.

They phoned Isabel at the camp, telling her only that they were making progress and ascertained that everything over on her side was still normal. Then they executed their plan, with Michael in the lead.


It was deathly quiet in the room. Liz was slowly losing her grip on consciousness, sliding into a foggy world of terror only to fleetingly come to, before starting the slide into oblivion again. She so wanted to stay alert so she could help Max when he came, but right now she was losing the battle. And, in the process, delirium was setting in.

Nancy monitored Liz worriedly. The burn on her stomach looked serious, while a heavy bruise had formed around her throat. Her eyes had drifted closed and she murmured unintelligible things every now and again. Nancy was not surprised when the only word she could make out on occasion was "Max".

It was a half and hour later when the door opened first at a crack, only to be thrust open completely when the guy saw Tim sprawled on the floor. He rushed in, kneeling next to the body, before turning frightened eyes to the three women. Finding two of the three unconscious, his gaze finally rested on Nancy. "Who are you?" his voice was filled with fear and awe.

Nancy had a wild urge to laugh hysterically. This guy obviously thought she was the one that had killed Tim. Instead she just stared at him mutely. Anything to spare Liz another session of torture.

Nancy slumped on the cot when Tim was dragged from the room and the door securely locked behind them. All her bravado had disappeared. She looked over at Liz again, she was turning paler and her body shook with tremors. She was going into shock.


"She’s there." His voice was quiet and sure. They were all assembled about a block away from the house and Max was staring at it as if he could see through the walls. He turned determinedly to Tess. "We need a distraction. See how many of them you can get to come out of the house." She nodded, not meeting his eyes and started to walk away. Max grabbed her arm, spinning her back towards him. "But if you betray me, I swear--."

Tess jerked her arm from his grip. "Don’t worry. I’ll do my part to save your precious Liz. But see what she has gotten herself into yet again. She is a liability. Now our people have to run over to try and save her from her--." She shut up when Max and Michael advanced on her, fury on their faces. Glaring at them one final time, she stalked away bitterly.

Michael watched her retreating figure. "I hope this works, Max."

"It has to, Michael, I can’t lose her." Max felt his throat tighten. Yes, Liz was in that house, but her presence was slowly dimming…

Nancy was still watching Liz when she saw her daughter’s eyes flutter open. "Max is here..." Nancy had to strain to hear the words, Liz’s voice was so weak. Making a Herculean effort to lift her head, Liz said: "Mom, you have… have to keep me… awake. For Max… to heal me…"

So Nancy did what she did when Liz was little. She told her a fairy tale. "Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a handsome young prince who had always dreamed of a beautiful dark eyed girl with hair the color of chocolate…"

Tess was standing across the street from the house with closed eyes and created an illusion of Eric arriving at the door. When one of his soldiers opened the door, fake-Eric told him he knew where Max was and that four of them should come with him to go "finish this off". Not knowing how to ignore Eric’s request without tipping him off that they were busy with something he wouldn’t like, the men followed him, right into the trap that Nick and his men had set around the corner.

Michael had held a firm grip on Max’s arm, preventing him from storming into the house unprepared while all this was happening. Max kept reaching out to Liz with his mind: Liz! Just a few minutes longer, love… He was rewarded every time with a small surge from her.

When Michael was satisfied that the other men were gone, he took his contingent into the house after commanding Max to stay back. Max just looked at Michael and shook his head. He would be right there alongside his friend and brother.


"…so the little Prince saw the girl from his dreams with the long dark hair and he knew her immediately. He so wanted to go and meet her, but he didn’t want to frighten her, so he--." Nancy jerked when she heard the sound of running feet upstairs. What was going on up there? Looking over at Liz, she saw that her eyes had drifted closed. "Liz honey, you have to wake up! Remember, Max is coming."

Liz forced her eyes open, but everything hurt so much. Not just her wounds and bruises, but her heart. It was Max. He was hurting because he was afraid for her. She HAD to keep fighting this urge to sink into oblivion. She had to do it for Max. She wanted him to be proud of her…


It was over in a matter of minutes. By the time Eric and Max arrived it looked like the house had been hit by lightning. There were burn marks on the walls and bodies strewn over the floor. Max felt ill when he saw that one of the bodies was one of his own people. He frantically looked for Michael and found him kneeling on the floor in the hallway in front of a door. His hand rested on the melted handle of the door. Looking up when Max arrived, he mumbled: "She’s down there." He waved weakly at the door. "I had to keep them away…"

Max didn’t have words to thank him for making sure that nothing more happened to Liz. Michael, who had been dragged into trusting other people kicking and screaming, was now prepared to give his life for the girl that had started it all for them.

"Just go, Max. I’m fine."

Max opened the melted lock by waving his hand over it and ran down the stairs. He nearly fell over his own feet when he finally reached the bottom and when he straightened, the sight of his beloved Liz cuffed against the wall with bruises covering her, brought tears to his eyes. He was next to her instantly, his hands reaching out to lift her against him gently. "Oh god Liz! I’m so sorry." He held her with one arm while the other waved the cuffs off her wrists.

Carrying her to the cot where Nancy was still sitting, he put her down at the foot of the bed, his tortured eyes taking in the damage that had been done to her. The anger was building inside him again, but he forced himself to concentrate on Liz.

Nancy looked on as Max ignored the tears coursing down his cheeks to tilt Liz’s chin up, begging her: "Please open your eyes, Liz. You need to look at me!" If she had any doubts that Max was feeling terrible about Liz being in this situation as a result of him, it was erased by his broken voice and shaking hands.

"Come on, Liz! We still have that box to open. We still have to get married. You promised. And… and I need you. Please." By this time, the tears running down his face was basically blinding him, so it took him a while to realize Liz was looking at him.

"You came…" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I’ll always come when you need me." His vow was solemn before he put his hand over her stomach to start the healing process.

It took a long time and Max was weakening, but he kept going. Fighting the damage to her body with everything in him. He felt his energy leaving him and flowing into Liz through his hand that was covering the spot where he had healed her from the gunshot wound more that a year ago.

Michael came in silently, releasing Mrs. Parker from her cuffs and making sure that Eric and Sarah were okay. Now they were all just watching Max and Liz.

The flashes were upon him in a rush. He saw himself making love to Liz the previous night. Her kidnapping and Marcus being killed. He saw every minute of her ordeal and cried out with the pain. Falling to his knees beside her, Max fought to keep himself linked to her, until the healing process was complete. Tim had basically started to burn her insides with his hand. And Max felt the killing rage return.

When he finally took his hand from her, he just keeled over until he rested his face in her lap. My Liz. You’re safe now. He desperately wanted to heal her other bruises, but he didn’t have the strength right now. A beautiful smile stole across his lips when he felt her slide her fingers into his hair. < you,>

It was another profound moment for Nancy. Yet again she was being confronted by the fact that whatever was going on between Max and Liz, was not normal. Not for two teenagers and not even for most adults. It was something amazing and special. Something that deserved special treatment from her.

Max was eventually able to crawl onto the cot and he stretched out on it, pulling Liz to him until he could curve his body around hers. The others looked at each other and realized they were intruding on a private moment, so they went upstairs to assess damage and let everyone else know they had lived through this.


Isabel was ecstatic when they phoned her to say basically everyone was fine. She informed them that Mr. Parker and her parents were coming back to Roswell right away. They all just wanted to be home now that everything seemed to be over. Isabel, Alex and Maria would wait for Max, Michael and Liz back at the camp. They all agreed that they needed some time there to recuperate before returning to their normal lives in town. And none of them said it, but they needed time with their partners to reaffirm their relationships.

It was an hour later before Michael finally had the nerve to go downstairs again to get Max and Liz. It was really late at night already and they still wanted to drive back to the camp. He found them in the same position that they had been left. Max was still curled protectively around Liz and sound asleep. Michael winced when he saw Liz’s face and neck where the welts from Tim’s rough handling of her were still clearly visible. No wonder Max lost it at the UFO Museum. He had probably felt this happening… Walking over, he shook Max’s shoulder. "Wake up, buddy, time to go home."

Max tightened his hold on Liz instinctively, not wanting anyone to move her from his arms. He woke up groggily as the shaking continued and stared at Michael uncomprehendingly for a few seconds before everything came back to him. He pulled away from Liz slowly, not wanting to wake her and kept his hand on her to ensure that she could feel his presence still. He opened his mouth to speak to Michael when his eyes fell on the cuffs still hanging from the wall. Compressing his mouth into a thin line, he got up from the bed and picked up Liz. "Let’s get out of here."

Upstairs, Max was surprised that all the bodies were gone and the house looked fine again. How long had he been asleep?

"About an hour." Michael answered him.

Spying Mrs. Parker sitting on one of the couches looking lost, Max went to sit in a chair near her with Liz still in his arms. "I’m sorry, Mrs. Parker. For all this."

Nancy held up her hand. "No, I’m sorry. For not trusting you with Liz. I see now that I was wrong."

Max stared at her in surprise and felt one of the weights he had been carrying on his shoulders, lift. "Thank you."

They sat quietly for a few minutes, content to just listen to Liz breathing when Eric and Sarah came in, holding hands and looking happy. Max got up and carefully put Liz next to Nancy on the couch.

Straightening and turning to Eric, he stood eyeing him from across the room. "I want this to end…"

Bowing his head, Eric said softly. "So do I."

Nancy held Liz against her side as she watched Max and Eric look at each other. This felt a little surreal to her. Here in the middle of small Roswell, NM, she was watching the leaders of two different planets, both of them still young men, preparing to hold peace talks. She hugged Liz closer as Liz started squirming and moaning softly.

The sound brought Max back to Liz’s side immediately. He looked at Nancy, waiting for her to hand Liz over to him. It was a symbolic moment and they both knew it. Nancy hesitated, still holding her little girl in her arms, her gaze locked on Max who was standing next to them silently. Her mind was made up for her when Liz whispered: "Max." Looking up at him, she slowly allowed him to take her daughter, now a young woman, from her arms. And she finally conceded, Liz wasn’t hers anymore, she now belonged to Max…

Max held Liz high against his chest, walking away from everyone so he could calm her down in private. "Shhh, love. I’m here. You’re safe." He talked in soothing tones that gradually lessened her distress. He wished that this was all over so he could take her back to the camp and just hold her for hours until this whole nightmare faded for the both of them.

Liz’s eyes fluttered open, fastening on Max immediately. "Max, could you kiss me? I need… need to feel you…"

Still holding her against him, he bent his head and softly covered her mouth with his. It was a slow, gentle and beautiful kiss. A reaffirmation of their love and a promise of the future to come. Their lips clung together, it felt so familiar and yet so new. Max kept the kiss feather-light, not wanting to hurt her still bruised face and neck. He continued to caress her lips until he heard her sigh against him. Pulling away, he saw that she had once again fallen asleep. He pressed a kiss on the soft skin of her cheek and her forehead and again thanked whatever providence had brought him to this place in his life.

Taking Liz back to Nancy, he went to see Eric again. They needed to finish this so he could start making plans for the rest of his life. The rest of his NORMAL life with Liz. And they needed to wait for Jeff Parker and his parents to arrive, since Jeff probably wanted to see his daughter.

Michael was standing outside the room when Max came out. He looked uncomfortable. "We, ah… We took care of all the bodies, but I thought…" Michael was uncharacteristically hesitant. "I thought maybe you’d want to see…Tim." He looked at Max worriedly. "If you don’t, I’ll--."

"No. I want to see him." Max didn’t know why he wanted to see the guy that did all that to Liz. Maybe a perverse wish to ensure that he really would never be able to bother them again. Maybe he just wanted to see the first being that he ever… killed. He felt nausea rise up in his throat. I killed someone… But then he saw the guy. And he remembered what Liz had looked like when he found her. How intense the pain had been that she had had to live through. His anger at Tim returned full force. "She just loved me. That’s all she did," he whispered at the dead man. "Why didn’t you just come after me?"


Max waved his hand to silence Michael. "We must never allow something like this to happen in our people, Michael. Promise me that we will never use innocent people to reach our goals."

Michael’s answer was quiet. "You know we never will. You would never allow it, and I would never do it."

Max nodded, his eyes still on Tim.

"What exactly happened to him?" Michael was curious, since the guy was already dead by the time they had stormed the house.

"I killed him." Max sounded tired.

"What are you talking about? You were nowhere near--."

"Through Liz. I killed him through Liz. I WANTED to kill him for what he was doing to her and we were connected… our minds. I felt so much hatred and anger I thought I was going to explode." Turning tortured eyes to Michael, he said: "He was literally frying her inside, Michael. I… I just… I wanted him dead. So much." Looking away again, he continued in a dead voice: "The next moment there was this bright light in my head and Liz… Liz said it was like an electrical charge had gone through her body. Killing him." Max rubbed the back of his neck. "I can’t believe I did that to her. She saw this man die and she thought… she thought she did it."

Michael was completely stunned by this story, but he kept his feelings to himself when he saw how upset Max was. "He was trying to kill HER, Max. He probably would have if you hadn’t stopped him."

"Maybe… But is this what’s going to happen every time I get so angry?"

"You weren’t just angry, Max. You were completely overwrought. How many times in your life is that going to happen. These were rare circumstances. You thought Liz was dying. Hell, she probably WAS dying." He put his hand on Max’s shoulder. "You need to move past this. She needs you."

Max was quiet for a long time before he nodded his head. "Thank you, Michael. For everything."

When he left, Michael stared down at the body of Tim. His mind was still grappling with what the guy had been capable of, but maybe this whole mess had led to one good thing. No more looking over their shoulders in future, waiting for the evil aliens to attack. He bent down and picked the body up. Time to bury the past.


Max and Eric faced each other across the dining room table. There wasn’t much to say. Neither of them wanted to continue the war they had been intended to continue. In the case of Max, he had no planet to go back to. His only home was here, on earth, with Liz.

"I’m not going back to my planet. I hope they will assume that I’ve done my duty and leave us both alone from now on." Eric sounded tired too. He had been living on the run for so long that it seemed quite amazing that he would never have to live like that again. His mind struggled to accept that he would be able to go live somewhere, with Sarah, permanently.

Max interrupted his thoughts. "I guarantee that my people will leave you alone."

Eric nodded. "I…" He wondered if he could say the same. After all, it had been his soldiers that created this whole crisis. "Those of my men still with me will do the same for you." He took a deep breath. And may no-one from my planet come here one day to try and finish us both off.

They both got up and walked towards each other, shaking hands to seal their deal.

Eric swallowed. "I’m sorry. About Liz. Sarah says she is a courageous lady."

A small smile slid over Max’s lips. "Yes. She is." I’m so proud of her.

"I wish you both well." Eric’s sincere statement surprised Max.

"You too. And Sarah."


It was much later when Max finally woke Liz up so he could fix her bruises. He didn’t want her father to see her like this. She opened her eyes partway and stared into his eyes trustingly when he told her to, not really awake yet. Max smoothed his hands all over her body, not noticing that Nancy was looking on attentively.

Max shoved the anger and hurt away again that threatened to return as he saw all the damage that had been done to Liz. When he finished healing her, he continued touching her. Taking simple joy in being able to still have her with him.

Still not fully alert, Liz felt the heat starting to flow through her when Max caressed her tenderly, his hands finding all the places on her body that they knew so well by now. All the places that he loved to touch. He skimmed his fingers over her hair, her shoulders and her arms, lacing their fingers together fleetingly before continuing. He curled his hands around her hips and slid them down her thighs, before slowly shaping her calves.

Nancy watched as Liz threw her head back, arching into the hands caressing her and the thought that had lain at the edge of her consciousness for a while now became more insistent. The easy and familiar way in which Max was touching Liz coupled with the instinctive and ardent response from Liz screamed of one thing. Physical intimacy. For a wild moment, Nancy wanted to run over and rip her daughter away from Max, but even as the thought raced through her mind, she cast it aside. She cast it aside because she saw the tender way in which Max lifted Liz up to cradle her against him, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. After everything that she’s seen today, worrying about Liz’s sex life seemed so trivial…


Everyone had nearly fallen asleep by the time the Evans’ and Jeff Parker arrived at the house. Eric and Sarah had left for their own place, while Nick and the rest of the guys had already gone back to the camp.

Jeff rushed over and grabbed his wife in his arms before pulling Liz from Max’s lap. Hugging his still sleeping daughter, he looked over her head to Max: "Thank you. For both of them."

Max merely nodded only to be engulfed in the embrace of his own parents. Diane smoothed his bangs from his forehead lovingly. "So it’s over now?"

A light began to shine in Max’s eyes as he looked at Liz who was now waking up from her father’s tight hug. "No, Mom. It’s only beginning…"

Max glanced at Liz sleeping with her head on his thigh as they sped through the early morning darkness back to the camp. Michael was driving and Max and Liz were in the back seat. He slid his hand through her hair over and over again, simultaneously caressing away her fears and reminding himself that she was with him and fine. A deep shuddering breath racked his body as he thought back to almost losing her. His mind had trouble wrapping around the concept that he would have had to go on without her.

It had taken him a long time to pry Liz from her father’s arms and then Jeff wasn’t very happy with the fact that Max wanted to take her back to the camp. Nancy finally ended the silent tug of war between father and mate when she stated simply that Liz NEEDED to go back. Jeff relented, but only after soliciting Max’s promise that he would call the next day to make arrangements for when Lizzie was coming home.

Waking up, Liz felt surrounded by Max’s love and warmth. She felt a lot better after basically sleeping ever since Max had healed her. Stretching, she rubbed her cheek lovingly against the hard muscles of his thigh. I’m alive. I made it. The thought brought tears to her eyes that slid onto the material of Max’s jeans. She curled her hand into his thigh, alerting him to the fact that she had woken up.

Max shifted sideways, pulling Liz up against his chest and holding her tightly. "The bad stuff is over now, love. From now on, it’s just you and me."

She clung to him, desperately wanting to believe what he promised. But she also knew that even though the threat of other aliens might be gone, they will always have to be wary of the FBI.

Max lifted her chin with his hand, forcing her to look into his eyes. "We can handle them. Together we can handle anything."

Liz’s eyes widened. "How did you know what I was thinking? Did you hear my thoughts? Like… like before?"

He shook his head. "No. I didn’t hear you. I just knew what you were thinking because I know you. We will be okay, Liz."

Nodding her head, Liz snuggled closer to him. They watched the darkness speed by outside the Jeep for a few silent minutes before Liz spoke again. "Max. Thank you for--."

He stopped her with his fingers on her lips. "Don’t say that. You don’t have to."

Running her hands over his face, Liz noticed the tired lines around his eyes. She remembered that they hadn’t slept much the previous night and then to have a day like this on top of that, Max must be exhausted. He had kept on going until he had her back safely after which he healed her, using more of his energy. And since then he had been watching over her. Liz marveled that she could be loved like that. That someone as amazing as Max Evans could make her the most important thing in his life.

Scooting back, she pulled Max until his head rested in her lap this time. Threading her fingers through his hair, she whispered: "My turn to watch over you now. Sleep, Max."

Max wanted to resist, but felt the exhaustion overwhelm him now that the adrenaline stopped rushing through his veins. He threw his arm over Liz’s thighs, hugging her legs and ensuring that she couldn’t leave without him noticing before he finally let sleep take him over.

Liz leant back against the seat, her hands still cradling Max’s head. How strange her life had become since falling in love with Max. But even stranger was the fact that she wouldn’t change a second of it if it meant that in the end she would be holding Max in her arms like this. Catching Michael’s eye in the rearview mirror, she gave him a small smile. He smiled back crookedly. Both of them were aware that the man lying in Liz’s lap fast asleep, was the center of their worlds. That without him, there would be no group of six or any alien/human relationships between them…


Dawn was breaking when they finally arrived back at the camp. Liz lightly shook Max’s shoulder and grinned when he grumbled and pulled her under him. "Max!" But he was kissing her already, still not really awake. Liz had trouble not going under from his sensual attack, but she pushed at his shoulders not wanting the rest of the camp to see them this way.

In the end, Michael brought the Jeep to a lurching halt, nearly causing Max to fall off the back seat and jarring him awake abruptly. Max glared at Michael while trying to make sure that Liz wasn’t hurt by Michael’s actions. Michael just ignored him and jumped out of the car where he was promptly run down by Maria.

Max helped Liz from the Jeep and they turned to find that all the inhabitants of the camp had assembled to meet them. Pulling Liz to his side, Max explained about the peace with Eric’s people and this led to a deafening cheer of joy rising from the crowd.

After quietening down, their eyes turned to Liz and she took a deep breath, ducking her head shyly. When she finally looked up, she spoke softly: "Thank you very much for supporting Max and I through this. Thank you for the men that went with him and… just, thank you."

This resulted in beaming smiles that widened when Max and Liz went to hug the mates of Marcus and the other guy that was killed during the raid, whispering their condolences. Max finally turned to everyone and said: "If you all don’t mind, Liz and I need to get some more rest before breakfast."

They left ignoring all the amused looks and knowing grins.

Liz tugged on Max’s hand when they were away from everyone else. "I really, really need to take a shower."

His eyes slowly heated as he said. "Okay. So we’ll take one."

Nick saw them entering one of the bathroom trailers together, carrying some clothes and he discreetly sent someone to go make sure that they would not be disturbed.

Max stopped Liz when she started undressing herself. "Let me. Please." He stripped her of her clothes gently, in the process making sure that he had not missed any bruises. They both gasped when they saw the silver handprint on her stomach, practically in the same place it had been on that day that started everything between them.

Liz took his hand and fit it over the print carefully. "You did it again, Max. Marking me. As yours."

He looked up at her surprised. "Is that what it felt like for you then?"

"It felt like… like you changed me. But later I realised that you marked me that day. Here." She pressed his hand into her stomach. "And here." Sliding his hand up to cover her heart.

Max was overwhelmed. Her love for him poured over his senses, filling him with happiness. He hugged her against him deciding that he had to find a way so that Liz Parker never went very far away from him again!

They both undressed him, their hands tangling together, before Max lifted her up and carried her into one of the showers. The water sluiced over them, and he held her against him as they gloried in the soothing water. Eventually, he leant Liz against the side of the stall and washed her tenderly. His eyes followed the path of his hands hungrily and in the process he was driving himself insane with desire. He knew that not even his tiredness would keep him from making love to her soon. She let him live one of his fantasies when she allowed him to wash her hair. He took his time with it, gently massaging the shampoo into her tresses before rinsing them out again. She was arched over his arm to allow the water to slide to her hair and Max couldn’t help leaning in to capture her breast in his mouth.

The action tore a small cry from Liz and she instinctively pulled his head down to her harder. He kissed a path from her breast to her mouth, hungrily closing his lips over hers. They kissed each other breathless. Glorying in their life and love.

Dragging his mouth away from her, Max looked at her wryly. "You make me lose my head sometimes!"

Liz smiled at him, a slow seductive smile that rocked him to his toes. "Then I’m hoping you’re not too tired to lose your head again when we get back to the tent."

He pulled her against him, whispering in her ear. "I will never be too tired to make love to you. Only too tired to do it standing up in a shower stall every once and awhile." She shivered from the sensations his husky voice was creating in her body.

"So let’s finish up and get out of here." Max thought he had died and gone to heaven when she slid her soapy hands over him. He ended up pressing his hands against the side of the stall, leaning over her and trying his best to grab a normal breath every now and again. He couldn’t hide the extent of his arousal and he didn’t want to. He ached to be inside her and finally he couldn’t take it anymore. Turning off the water flow, he enveloped her in a towel and rubbed his hands over her body, simultaneously warming her up and drying her off. He stopped Liz when she wanted to help him too, his voice gruff. "Not a good idea right now, honey…"

They dragged on their sweats and hurried out of the showers to their tent, not even noticing the guy following them to take up station a ways away from their tent. Hopefully out of earshot, but close enough that he could intercept any unwanted visitors.

Once inside, they stripped by silent mutual consent and got in bed. Max pulled Liz flush with his body immediately, just holding her against him for a few minutes. His body was screaming at him to complete their union, but he needed to go slow. He had nearly lost her yesterday and he needed more than anything to show her how precious she was to him.

He was propped up on his elbows and Liz watched the emotions flash in his eyes while lying underneath him. She felt all of them through their connection, but seeing them in his glorious hazel eyes, meant so much more.

He broke the silence abruptly. "I want us to make a promise to each other." Liz just kept looking at him expectantly, so he continued determinedly. "Yesterday… I had this feeling that something was going to happen and I…" His face contorted in pain. "I ignored it and look what happened."


"No. Let me finish, Liz. I promise to never ignore my premonitions again, if you promise to never, ever again not come to me when you need help with something." Liz’s eyes widened in shock. He had every right to be angry with her for taking off for Roswell alone yesterday and she swallowed.

"I’m sorry. I thought--." Her voice was thick with tears.

"No, Liz. This is not a blaming session… I just need us to promise each other that we will never repeat the mistakes we both made yesterday. I… I never want to be so scared again in my life!" He brushed her hair away from her face. "Okay?"

"I promise." Liz made a solemn promise to herself too. She promised herself that she would never scare Max again if she could help it and that she would also show him how much she loved him at every possible occasion. Starting right now…

She curled her leg over his, in effect bringing him to rest between her thighs, causing a helpless sound from Max. Lifting herself up on her elbows, she pressed closer to him and lifted her mouth to his. He met her halfway and kissed her deeply, tenderly, completely. She put her arms around his neck, hanging onto him until he relented and moved them down onto the bed. Opening her mouth under his, she caressed his tongue with hers, enjoying the groan that her actions elicited from him. Her body took over from her mind, moving underneath him in a dance as old as time. Her hands shaped his chest and his back, dipping lower until she could curl her fingers into his thighs.

The action made Max jerk, startled. But only for a second, then his mouth was back on her skin. He bit a path down her neck to her throat and slid his arm underneath her, arching her up so his mouth could reach her breast again. It was amazing, having her open to him like this. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the taste and sound of her. His Liz. His love. His life.

Their union was gentle and slow, Max put his hands on either side of her face and stared in her eyes as he joined them. The feeling was indescribable. It felt like they were falling into each other… until they were one body and one mind. He moved inside her gently, the images of her bruised body still fresh in his memory. He didn’t want to hurt her, but wanted to love her until she forgot the violence that had been done to her.

Liz watched him in awe. How dark his eyes became when filled with passion. How tenderly he held her and how deeply he moved inside her.

The end rushed upon them unexpectedly. Hurling them away on a sea on sensation, their bodies wracked with explosions of fire. They forgot to breathe as they rode out the storm, feeling not only the physical sensations of a pulsating release, but also the emotional sensations of being completely in tune with each other’s feelings.

They clung to each other until the last tremors deep inside their bodies stopped. Max rolled them over, while staying inside her. Right now, this was the way he wanted to fall asleep. Still joined to Liz. And so he did. With her whispered: "I love you, Max Evans," still ringing in his ears.

They had woken up to a feast brunch a few hours later. It wasn’t huge, but Nick and Isabel had organized an al fresco brunch with tables in the open air where the food would be served. Many of the camp’s residents were there when Max and Liz arrived, hand-in-hand. They were stunned when they saw everything. Isabel just grinned at them proudly: "We felt it was time to enjoy life, here on earth, a little."

Max was smiling broadly, nearly taking Liz’s breath away. "I agree." He hugged Liz, dressed in a flowing skirt and tank-top, against his side and pressed a kiss on her hair. "I need to talk to some people. Will you be okay?"

She nodded at him. Actually, she would rather drag his cute alien butt back to their tent, but she couldn’t very well do that right now, could she?

"Liz!" Max sounded strangled and she realized that he probably knew what she was thinking. He was looking at her with warm eyes and Liz revised her earlier thinking. He was NOT going to be allowed out of her arms for too long…

Max got away from her as fast as his feet could carry him, causing some strange looks from the other people present. Normally he was glued to Liz’s side, but here he was putting as much distance as he possible could between them. The only thing that prevented any alarm about possible problems between their leader and his mate, was Liz’s tinkling laugh following Max’s retreating back.

Maria was at quickly at Liz’s side. "You have to teach me THAT trick, chica. Max ran like the hounds of hell were at his heels!" She flung her arms around Liz. "I was so scared for you, Lizzie. I’m so glad you’re back safely. Max dragged you off to his cave so quickly last night that I didn’t get to see you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I’m fine now. More than fine." She looked over at Max, who had gone into leader mode on the other side of the brunch gathering with some of the group’s Council. Turning back, some of the shadows of yesterday invaded her eyes. "But it was awful, Maria. The guy was… he was evil." She looked back at Max, who was now staring at her with concern, obviously picking up on her emotions. She gave him a small smile to indicate she was okay. He kept watching her, though, and she decided to mess with his mind a little, purposely remembering her feelings at seeing him in all his naked glory in the shower this morning. She had to bite her lip at her body’s immediate reaction. Max’s eyes widened in shock and he gave one step in her direction before remembering himself. Liz felt quite smug with herself.

"Hello Lizzie!" Maria yelled in her ear, making Liz jump. She had completely forgotten that Maria was with her. She shot a glare at Max. It wasn’t his fault, but she could blame him if it suited her. He wasn’t looking at her, but the small half-grin on his face told her he was laughing at her, the bum.

"You two are sooo bad! I thought you couldn’t get any worse, but… apparently doing the wild thing has done even more damage to your brain cells!" She looked at Liz intensely. "Is it THAT good? I mean, cause… Michael and I… we’ve been, you know, thinking about it."

"Maria!" Liz exclaimed happily. "Yes, it’s THAT good between Max and I, but it is because we were very sure it was right between us." She took Maria’s hands. "So, what I’m trying to say is, make sure everything between you two is as it should be before, you know."

"I know. And don’t worry. I‘m working on the lug and he’s gonna cave soon. Believe me!" They hugged each other again. Great friends to the end.

After Maria went off to bug Michael some more, Liz stood watching Max interact with his people. She could do that all day, just stare at Max. The way he moved, the small gestures he made, his facial expressions, the way he listened to people talking to him as if they were the only ones there. However, all that staring at him always had the same effect on her. A slow throbbing was starting deep in her body and she had to stop herself from running over to Max and dragging him away.

Max was totally aware of Liz’s intense regard as he moved around to various people. It covered him like a cloak and he was too afraid to look at her for fear of losing his tenuous control. She could undo him with her gaze. With her eyes that promised him untold pleasures and her body that promised unimaginable fulfillment. Probably one day, he would be able to look at her and not want her so intensely, but for right now, that was impossible. And he had so much to do that he couldn’t afford to let her distract him for a while. Taking a deep breath, trying to bank the fires in his body, he turned to Nick and waved Isabel over as well. "I need you help…"

Liz was in a daze. She remember speaking to some people and she supposed whatever she had said made some sense, but all her concentration was on the tall, dark man that moved with such ease through the crowd. Her body was heating up slowly but surely, and after a while she realized she was clenching her fists in her skirt in an effort to stop them from trembling. She watched his lips shape words and she remembered how they had felt against her breast. She watched his hands emphasize a point and remembered how they had branded her skin. She watched his body move so gracefully and remembered how knowingly and completely it had invaded hers.

"Are you okay, Ma’am?" Liz came back to the present, realizing she was hyperventilating and her cheeks were burning. A girl standing next to her was looking at her strangely. She was about the same age as Liz. Liz glanced at Max again and touched her cheeks with her fingers. Boy, how does he do this to me? He’s not even looking at me and I’m in this state! What will I do when he DOES look at me? Melt into a puddle? Her answer came as Max turned to her slowly, his eyes finding her slim ankles and travelling up over her body, resting a few seconds in some places before travelling further. By the time he reached her face, she was shaking and her heart was pounding. She so desperately wanted to be with him right now.

"Ma’am?" The voice broke into her haze and she blinked at the girl before blushing again. The girl looked from Liz to Max and back again, sighing enviously. "I wish a hunk like that would look at me that way some day!"

Liz’s gaze was inextricably drawn to Max again. He was still staring at her with hungry eyes. "Maybe one will some day," she answered the girl.

The girl sighed again. "Yeah, but will he be such a hottie!" She gasped as she realized she had just spoken of her leader in such a way to his "wife". "I… I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have--."

Liz waved her hand dismissing the apology. "That’s okay. He has that effect on girls." And especially on me! Her body continued to hum with awareness of him, the ache low in her belly growing imperceptibly but steadily as the morning progressed.

Max was going under fast. He could feel Liz’s desire flowing over him in waves. If he normally has trouble keeping his hands off her, how was he supposed to do it when she so obviously WANTED them ON her. He had just decided to chuck all this for a while and started towards her when he was interrupted by Izzy’s voice calling everyone to take their places for brunch.

Finding that he and Liz were sitting on opposite sides of a table, Max glared at Isabel. She only batted her eyelids at him innocently, saying: "The way you two have been going on, I decided this was the best way to stop any possibly embarrassing making out scenes from happening at the table…"

Liz tasted nothing of what she ate. She and Max kept staring at each other, the world fading into nothingness around them.

Alex leaned over to Isabel. "Well, I see your plan worked. Now we’re back to the incessant mooning! No, wait. This isn’t mooning, it’s…" He faltered.

"Hunger." Isabel completed his unfinished thought. "I think this is worse than mooning. At least we didn’t know what the mooning could lead to!"

"Aaaaand, let’s talk about something else please! What was Max whispering to you about?" Alex moved his attention away from the other couple.

"He is working on one of his Liz schemes again. And we are going to need your help too…"


It felt like hours before they could get away. Max’s hand was warm as it wrapped around Liz’s pulling her away from everybody and towards the Jeep. Whatever was going to happen now, cannot happen here in the camp. He needed some place where they didn’t have to worry about being interrupted, or even worse…heard.

They didn’t look at each other as they drove away from the camp. It had been torture to wait this long and both of them felt ready to explode. He halted the Jeep close to a small cave they had found one day while training.

Liz was moving to get out, but he caught her arm, stopping her movements. "Wait."

His voice was rough and created millions of goosebumps all over her body. Liz couldn’t catch her breath as he rounded the Jeep, a blanket in his hand. When he reached her side of the car, he looked at her with heated eyes. "I’ve wanted to do this all morning…" He put his one arm around her waist sliding her closer to the edge of the seat, before lifting her against his body, her legs dangling against his. The action brought them flush against each other from shoulder to thighs and they both groaned at the contact. He moved his mouth towards hers, stopping when he was a mere breath away. "Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?"

Liz had trouble speaking, so she only whispered: "Me too," before closing the gap and covering his mouth with hers. She unleashed a storm in the process. He ravaged her lips, invading her mouth with shocking swiftness and Liz felt such an explosion of desire that a wave of dizziness threatened to overwhelm her. Her resulting moan seemed to spur him on and he whirled towards the cave, still carrying her against him and only tearing his mouth from hers for the few seconds it took to get them safely inside.

Flinging the blanket on the ground, he set her on her feet, but didn’t let her go. Instead his hands slid underneath her top, finding her curves and filling his hands with them. Liz was clawing at his shirt, needing him to get it off so she could touch him back. He relented, ripping the shirt off with a swift action before pulling her back against him roughly. Her top was removed without ceremony and she gasped as he bent his head to her breast. Her knees threatened to give out underneath her and only his arms holding her upright were keeping her from sinking to the floor.

She was literally being devoured. There wasn’t an inch of her that he didn’t taste with his mouth and tongue. She clutched her fingers in his hair as he moved over her, not able to do anything than cry out helplessly from each new sensation. Please Max… Please! She raked her nails over his back, trying to communicate her urgency to him without words.

It worked only partially as he slid his hand between her thighs, producing an answering flood of warmth from her. She rubbed herself against his hand, but it wasn’t nearly enough. She needed more. She needed all of him.

Max dragged in a deep breath, fighting for air in the heady passion-filled atmosphere of the cave. He reared away from Liz, staring down at her face that was filled with such ecstasy that it momentarily blinded him. Then the need to be inside her overwhelmed him and he gave in. Entering her in one smooth stroke and binding them together physically. They stilled for a moment before the intense desire that had brought them to this place overtook them both. Moving together, they strove desperately for that mind-numbing bliss only they could bring to each other. And when they reached it, it was a shattering explosion that caused the external world to recede for a few minutes in front of the ecstatic oblivion that they found in each other.

They lay together afterwards, their passionate cries still echoing in their ears and their bodies racked with shuddering breaths. Max lay with his head on Liz’s shoulder, hoping that things could always be like this between them. That they would always be able to find such incredible ecstasy in each other’s arms.


Back at the camp, Izzy was welcoming back her parents and the Parkers with a forced smile. They had phoned the parents this morning, inviting them back on Max’s orders. But now Max was missing. With Liz. Which meant only one thing… She looked at the Parkers, who were talking to Maria, but kept looking around anxiously for their daughter. Where the hell were they? How am I supposed to explain their sudden disappearance to her parents? Izzy resolved to smack her brother if he ever re-appeared. Honestly, the things he got up to because of his obsession with Liz!

Nancy came over to Isabel first. "Hi Isabel. Uhm… Where is Liz? And Max?" Isabel grimaced. Obviously she wasn’t the only one worried about the fact that Max and Liz were missing TOGETHER…

Liz was threading her fingers through Max’s hair while he lay on top of her, dozing. They were both thoroughly tired after the late night and their strenuous morning and being held by Max like this was only second to making love with him. She didn’t want to break the magic spell of this moment, but she had a suspicion that it was getting really late. "Max, what time is it?"

Moving his arm so he only had to open one eye to squint at his watch, Max nearly had a heart attack when he saw the time. "Oh my god!" He jumped up, pulling Liz upright. "We have to get back!"

Frowning at him in confusion, Liz pushed her tangled hair out of her eyes. "What’s going on? Are we late for something?"

He looked at her with worried eyes. "Yeah. I called our parents to come in for… for a reunion. They should be at the camp already." And this time they’re REALLY going to kill me! Not exactly the impression I wanted to make before I talk to them.

This spurred Liz into action. She ran around finding her clothes that were strewn all over the cave and pulling them on hastily. After she finished dressing, she turned to Max. "I guess you have to fix me again, huh?"

In spite of the situation, Max had to grin. "Yeah. And I’m starting to like doing it too!" He ran his hands over her, removing all traces of their passionate union. After that he grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder, causing a loud shriek from her. "Let’s go, woman! Before your dad comes looking for me with a shotgun!"


Back at the camp, Isabel was trying to salvage the situation. "Uhm… Liz and Max went to see someone quickly. They’ll be back just now. In the meantime, I need to speak to the moms." She saw the frowns on Diane and Nancy’s faces. Smiling at them nervously, she added: "Girl talk." She looked at Alex pleadingly. Help me!

"Uhm…" Alex moved forward hesitantly. "Why don’t we all go get something cold to drink?" He looked at Jeff and Philip, who nodded reluctantly.

Isabel herded the moms away and hissed at Michael when she passed him: "Wring his neck when you see him, please!"


The jeep arrived back at the camp in a cloud of dust. Michael and Maria stood waiting with folded arms for the two lovers to get out of the Jeep.

"I can’t believe this," Max muttered to Liz as he helped her out, "Michael is going to give ME a speech about responsibility." He shot her a glare when she laughed. "This is all your fault, you know."

Michael pounced on him immediately. "They’re here already, Maxwell. Great way to start the ‘I want to—‘."

"Michael!" Max’s voice cut into the rant. "If you don’t mind, can we talk about this later?" He gave Michael a meaningful look that was enforced by Maria slapping Michael’s shoulder.

Michael clamped his mouth shut, glaring back at Max. If Max would only quit with the never-ending romantic surprises he plans for Liz, then the rest of us can stop living in fear of blabbing about them all the time!

Maria took hold of Liz’s arm, pulling her in the direction Isabel had disappeared with Diane and Nancy. "We better let your mom see that you are not permanently attached to Max by now!"

Liz cast a glance to Max as they walked away. When oh when will my life return to normal?

"So Liz, how is that woman you guys went to see?" Maria practically yelled at Liz when they neared the tent Izzy had taken the moms to.

"Maria!" Liz had nearly jumped out of her skin when Maria went on like that.

Leaning over, Maria whispered conspiratorially in her ear. "Just letting you know that Iz told the parents that you and Max had gone to see some person… You know, to get you two off the hook for not being able to keep your hormones in check." She pointed at the tent. "They are in there. Now, at least TRY and look like you’ve actually been TALKING for the last few hours…"

Glaring at Maria, Liz tried to defend herself. "Maybe you and Michael should just get it over with already, because if you’re going to be this way about Max and I all the time…"

"Whatever, Lizzie!" Maria seemed unperturbed by Liz. In fact, she seemed particularly chirpy…


Max found his and Liz’s dads in the dining tent with Alex, who seemed really relieved to see him. He had a moment of complete embarrassment, looking at the man whose only daughter he had just been intimate with. But this was not a time for embarrassment. It was a time to take action… And make one of his dreams a reality.

"Hey Dad. Mr. Parker. I’m sorry you had to wait, but I really need to talk to both of you…"


Liz found three pairs of eyes on her when she entered the tent with Maria. And none of them looked fooled as to where she had just been. Or more accurately, what she had just done. She felt a dark blush creep over her cheeks. What had become of the old calm and logical Liz Parker? Sighing, Liz recognized that THAT Liz Parker had apparently disappeared somewhere in Max Evans’ arms.

Amazingly enough, no one said anything about her and Max.

"Liz honey, you look wonderful!" Nancy got up to hug her daughter, silently admitting that her decision to let Liz come to the camp after her ordeal yesterday had been the right one. Liz looked healthy and the stars in her eyes were back.

Diane also smiled at Liz. "You had us all really worried yesterday! I’m so glad everything worked out." She looked at Nancy. "Do you mind if I borrow Liz for a bit? I just want to talk to her about yesterday and I’m sure you don’t want to relive everything…"

"Sure." Nancy accepted so quickly that Liz was concerned. What is going on with everyone? They are all acting so weird.


Nancy arrived at the dining tent to join Jeff, Philip and Max. Upon seeing her, Alex jumped up and invited Philip to go see the computers again. Philip shared a look with Max, knowing where this is going after what Max had just asked them and got up to leave.

This left Max alone with Nancy and Jeff, and suddenly he was scared. What if they say no?

"Uhm…Mr and Mrs Parker, I… I wanted to ask you something. Important." He stared at them trying to gauge their reactions. Jeff was looking confused, but Nancy watched him warily.

Taking a deep breath, he plowed ahead. "I cannot tell you how much I love your daughter. I don’t think there are words to describe it…" Seeing Jeff’s eyes widen, he realized how sappy he was sounding. "And I know this must all seem incredibly strange to you, me being… you know, an alien. But I want you to know that Liz will always be my first priority."

Jeff was finally catching on. And he didn’t like it one bit. "What are you trying to say to us, Max?"

Max shifted in his chair, this was going worse than he had hoped. "I’m saying that I love Liz and I want to marry her one day." Hearing Jeff’s indrawn breath, he rushed ahead. "But since we can’t get married right now, I want you to attend our bonding ceremony."

Jeff looked at Nancy. "Bonding ceremony?"

"It’s like a marriage for my people. Please, it would mean a lot to Liz. And me." Max’s voice was quiet.

"And what rights would this give you over my daughter?" Jeff was starting to get worried. Too many little things he had seen and heard the last few days are starting to make sense to him.

Max hesitated, not sure how to answer the question. And not sure whether he should admit that Liz was already his alien wife and that he only wanted to do this so she could have something close to a real wedding with her parents present. He looked up at Jeff and decided to go with the truth. "It would make her my wife."

Jeff was flabbergasted. "Your… wife! I don’t think… She is way too young to make such a decision. Nancy?" He couldn’t believe she hadn’t gone through the roof by now.

But Nancy was still watching Max. "You’ve already done it, haven’t you?"

Max paled, thinking for a wild moment that she was talking about them having sex. "If you mean the bonding ceremony… yes, we have." He saw that Nancy didn’t act surprised, so he continued. "It gave her the protection of all my people. That’s why they are all looking out for her. I needed to protect her as much as possible."

"So you’re doing this re-bonding only for Liz?"

"And for you. So you can share in this with us." Max was starting to hope that maybe Nancy would help him. "Please."

And she did. "Then I agree."

Jeff was looking at his wife like she was losing her mind. "What?" He turned to Max. "I’m not agreeing to this! Lizzie is too young and you will only use it as an excuse to… to…" He couldn’t even say it. The thought of his daughter having sex was just too horrible to think about.

Nancy took his hand. "Jeff, after everything we saw the last few days, I don’t think we can treat this as something other than a rare occurrence that we could either approve of and share, or deny and be left out of. They are ALREADY bonded. They have ALREADY made a commitment. And I, for one, would like to share in this with our daughter." She also turned to Max. "And whatever else forms part of their marriage. Well, that’s up to them."

Seeing the way his wife was looking at Max, Jeff blanched. He finally admitted what he hadn’t wanted to all along. It is too late. My Lizzie already belongs to the young man across the table. Heart AND body…

Something flashed in Jeff’s eyes that made Max’s fear that Jeff was actually going to kill him, return. There was nothing he could do but meet the eyes of the man who had sired the love of his life and pray that his feelings for Liz were clear. "She means everything to me, Mr Parker. Please, give us your blessing."

The silence following his request was deafening…

When Jeff just kept staring at him without saying anything, Max started to panic. How could he let Mr Parker see that he would never allow Liz to be away from him again, even if that meant going against her father? That in Max’s list of priorities, being with Liz beat out everything else by a mile…

"Mr. Parker…" His voice was hoarse, pleading.

Nancy came to his rescue again. "Jeff, he doesn’t HAVE to do this. If he wanted to, he could have done with Liz whatever he liked with no commitment and leaving us clueless. This is a chance for us to share in our daughter’s life." She met Max’s relieved gaze. "In her love."

Jef was quiet for a long time. So long that Max felt his heart stop when he suddenly looked up. "Fine."

The happiness that coursed through Max was indescribable and he felt lightheaded with relief. Jumping up, he made a solemn vow to Jeff. "I can promise you one thing for certain, Mr Parker, I will NEVER stop loving Liz."

Jeff arose too. "You better not. And you better be… careful with her." The way he looked at Max made it clear he wasn’t talking about her heart. For Jeff HAD seen a lot the past few days and the one thing he didn’t have doubts about was Max’s feelings. But the physical intimacy was another thing altogether…

Max nodded, trying not to blush. "I promise." He took Jeff’s outstretched hand, giving him and Nancy one of his rare broad smiles.

Isabel was hovering outside nervously when Max came out. Seeing her brother’s smile, she flew into his arms. "Oh Max! I’m so happy for you." Before he had time to react, she pulled away. "And we have so much to do to get ready." She took off, only to be stopped by Max’s call.

"Hey Iz! Remember to bring the box."


Maria had dragged Liz into her and Max’s tent, claiming she wanted to discuss Michael’s latest weird actions and proceeded to illustrate in great detail how she was having trouble getting him to open up. It took close to two hours to get through the talk and Liz was feeling really sorry for her friend by the end. Poor Maria, falling in love with a guy who felt so much, but said so little about it.

And what was up with Max? She hadn’t seen him since he disappeared with the dads and his feelings were incredibly strong. Happiness, relief, anticipation. Liz couldn’t help but wonder what on earth was going on.

After the talk, Maria and Liz went to shower. The day had been incredibly hot and they were sticky. Maria had also mentioned that the camp was holding a special dinner for the parents and they should try to look nice. So they primped themselves in the bathroom trailer, before Maria decided what Liz should wear. She pulled out a flowing long white dress from pure cotton, that would fit Liz’s form snugly. "Oooh, chica! You should wear this. Max will flip!"

Eyeing the dress suspiciously, Liz said: "Where did you get that from, Maria? I don’t own something like that."

"How should I know where it came from? It was just… here. Maybe someone from the camp left it here for you. You know, cause you’re like, their Queen and everything." Seeing Liz still hesitating, she added: "I heard Prince Charming LOVES you in white…"

"He does?" Liz nearly swooned. And took the dress from Maria.

Maria grinned behind her hand. Lizzie, you are sooo easy! Just mention the magic name and you’ll do ANYTHING!


Max was watching his sister in amazement. She had organized basically everybody in the camp and in no time, the place was looking festive. Cloths and lanterns (for when it gets dark) decorated the area, while everyone appearing seemed to wear white. When Max asked Nick about this, he said it was the tradition for a bonding ceremony.

Max had to smile at himself. Here he was, nervous as hell and it was his SECOND time doing this with Liz. It was not as if she would say no or anything, but… I just want it to be perfect for her.

His smile widened when he felt his mom’s arms going around his waist. "Hi Mom." He put his arm around her shoulder. "Thank you for being so great about this."

Diane grinned. "Here you are the first to get married while your father and I were worried at once stage that, you know… you weren’t interested in girls at all."

Max grinned back. "No, you were right. I WASN’T interested in girls. I was only interested in Liz. And she seemed… like an impossible dream for so long that I…"

His mom gave him a hug. "Well, I’m glad she realized what a wonderful son I have. And that she loved you enough so that you could finally tell us about yourself." Mother and son smiled at each other. "And I can’t NOT see you two together anymore." She was silent for a few seconds. "Max, honey, you are being careful, aren’t you? I mean with Liz and…"

"Yeah Mom. I am."

And that was the end of that.


Nancy arrived at the tent just as Liz and Maria were finishing up. Liz had a moment of panic because the tent was clearly shared by her and Max. His stuff was everywhere. She looked at her mother anxiously, but saw nothing but a film of moisture in her eyes.

"Mom?" Liz was puzzled.

Nancy waved her hand. "Don’t mind me. I’m just happy you’re here and fine and…everything." She hugged Liz tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Mom." What was going on? Liz was getting more concerned by the minute.

"Hey!" Maria’s happy voice interrupted the moment. "I think it’s time we get to that dinner. Right Mrs Parker?"

Liz got more alarmed as her mother wiped tears from her eyes, before nodding. "Mom, are you sure you’re okay?"

"Fine, Lizzie. Let’s go."

The camp was deathly silent when they walked over to the dining tent. Not a soul was in sight, adding to Liz’s concern. Before they could reach the dining tent, Liz saw her father waiting for her. He held out his arms for her and she went over to hug him, not noticing that Maria and Nancy silently disappeared.

"Liz… Are you happy with Max? I mean really happy?" Jeff wanted to be absolutely sure.

Surprised by his question, Liz nodded her head emphatically. "Yes, Dad. He is… my other half. Why?"

Not answering her, Jeff turned her away from the tent, taking her hand as he led her around it to a clearing in the middle of the camp. A clearing that was filled by all the inhabitants waiting silently on both sides of a pathway that led to… Max.

Tears blurred Liz’s vision for a few seconds. Tears of happiness that she was so lucky to be loved so completely by Max Evans. But she blinked them away because she didn’t want to miss a single second of this moment.

She met Max’s stare and didn’t take her eyes away from his for the time it took her father to lead her towards him. The silence of the crowd enveloped them as she proceeded down the path. Everyone was aware of the significance of this moment. Even though they all knew that their leader and Liz had been bonded before, this was like the public ceremony that allowed the whole group to share in the poignant moment. And it was like nothing they had never seen before. Their ceremonies had always been for practical purposes. Now they saw one being performed for something altogether different. For love.

It shone from Max’s eyes as he watched his future walk towards him and it shone from Liz’s eyes as she stared at the center of her universe. It was breathtaking to watch. The emotions humming between them were palpable. So much that even the humans among the group felt them.

The silence was only broken by Jeff’s whispered: "Be happy!" when he handed Liz to Max. Symbolically confirming the reality that his daughter had belonged to Max Evans from the moment he had healed her in a café in a small town in New Mexico more than a year ago…

The sun was just setting over the horizon as the ceremony started. It was a strange and wonderful experience for the Parker’s and Evans’. Nick presided over the ceremony and he motioned the four friends and four parents closer to Max and Liz. They complied, linking hands to form a circle around the couple. This time Nick didn’t even blink when Max took Liz’s hands against tradition again. As before, he marveled at the strength of their connection. And it was even stronger now that they have been intimate…

The utter silence throughout puzzled the parents at first until they were also privy to the rush of images flowing through the group.

Max and Liz seeing each other across a playground for the first time when they were small children.

Max and Liz working together in the bio-lab, smiling at each other shyly.

Max healing Liz from the gunshot wound. "You’re all right now."

Standing together at the Crash Festival. "It’s not safe." "I don’t care."

Liz falling into Max’s arms through his bedroom window and again standing close together before she left. "If anything weird happens… anything at all, you come back." "I promise."

Max and Liz’s many almost kisses.

Having fun together at the old soap factory.

Their first kiss.

Their first date. "This is the best night of your life."

"Maybe that’s what we both need right now… to take a step back." "I just wanted… to remember."

Kissing each other breathless in the back of the Crashdown, images of Max’s planet rushing through Liz.

"Then tell me, Max… what’s my destiny?" "I only know the part I’m hoping for."

"You’re the one, Liz. The only one." "I’m in love with Max."

"Get out of here!" "Not without you…"

Max’s anguish when he thought Pierce had killed Liz.

"You’re what kept me alive, Liz. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny’s the same. It’s you, Liz. I love you." "I love you."

"But you mean everything to me." "Good bye, Max."

Being in the camp the first time and their mutual distress over not being able to be together.

Liz being afraid to wake up one morning because Tess made her think she would cause Max’s death.

Their first bonding ceremony. "My Liz. Forever." "Always. My Max."

Max getting kidnapped and Liz finding him via their connection.

Making love for the first time. "Will you marry me, Liz Parker?" "Yes!"

The torture of being apart when they went back home.

Facing the gunman that threatened Liz at the Crashdown.

Going back to the camp and telling their parents everything.

Getting through the ordeal with Tim. "I never want to be so scared in my life, ever again!"

And through it all, the little group around Max and Liz could feel their emotions with every new development. Wonder. Awe. Happiness. Sadness. Fear. Relief. Despair. Joy. Need. But underlying all these emotions was the most overwhelming one of all. Love, so pure and encompassing that it threatened to blot out everything else.

As before, the images of future promises made Max and Liz gasp with wonder. This was the second time they saw the two dark-haired children, laughing and playing. Mommy! Daddy! Come look!

Max pulled Liz closer to him, not caring that he is breaking the rules somewhat. Nothing about him and Liz had ever followed the rules anyway. With Nick’s Now you are one ringing in his ears, he promised Liz: "I know that this will never be normal, but I will always love you. More every day."

Leaning away from him, Liz smiled into his solemn eyes. "What’s so great about other people’s normal? This is OUR normal, Max." She leant her forehead against his. "And I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love you."

This time, Alex didn’t need to tell Max to kiss his "bride". He kissed her passionately, uncaring that their parents were witnessing the whole thing. Holding her tightly against him, he underlined his promises with his lips against hers. Invading her mouth deeply, but gently. Relaying his happiness that finally they have found some kind of peace. Their parents knew and understood and for the first time, the curse of their destiny wasn’t hanging over their heads. He could just be Max Evans, almost husband to Liz Parker, the most beautiful girl in the world.

Liz curled her arms around his neck, lifting herself closer to his mouth. He wove such magic with his lips that she always went under with a sigh. No one could kiss like Max. Every kiss was different. And she gloried in them all. Pined for more of them. Needed them like she needed air to breathe. To Liz, Max was the center of her world now. And he always would be.

Isabel had to squeeze Alex’s hand to keep him from making another silly crack about Max and Liz. He always got uncomfortable when things got so intense, so he always tried to lighten the mood with one of his jokes. Instead, he now looked at the parents, wondering what they thought of that small flash with their children making love. Maybe Nick had included that on purpose? Diane and Nancy had tears in their eyes, while Jeff looked shell-shocked. Alex hid a smile. The poor man was probably only now realizing how little he had known about his daughter’s activities during the summer. Philip also had a stunned expression on his face. Probably amazed that his son was having sex… with a GIRL! Another close call or Alex would’ve snickered. He received a glare from Isabel again and sighed.

Max and Liz eventually broke away from each other reluctantly. He pressed her face into his neck, not wanting to let her go completely just yet. The end of the kiss was the signal for the crowd to begin a rowdy cheer, alerting the couple of the fact that they were not alone. They smiled at each other, wide happy smiles that left no one in doubt as to their feelings.

"Well, I guess its congratulations AGAIN you two!" Alex came forward first to shake Max’s hand. "Although, HOW many times can you marry one person? Cause, I’m thinking we are going to have to do this again in a church in a few years time, are we not?" He slapped Max on the back, grinning before he turned to Liz. "Ah, unhand the girl Max!"

Liz smiled happily at Alex as she wriggled from Max’s grip to hug her friend. "Thanks Alex. For everything."

"Hey, he’s not me, but I guess you could’ve done worse!" He hugged her back.

Isabel threw her arms around Max and pulled her parents into the embrace too. This was the way she had always dreamed things should be. No horrible secrets from her parents, no evil aliens on their tails and everyone happy.

Michael and Maria got their turn too. Michael, of course, being uncomfortable with all the touching going on, but enduring it because he actually was quite fond of Liz. Besides, if it weren’t for her, him and Maria would never have really met.

Liz’s parents waited until she had been congratulated by basically everyone before coming forward. This was an emotional day for them. Their little girl had grown up without them noticing and now she wasn’t their little girl anymore. She was someone’s wife in all but name.

Liz walked into their arms and held on tightly. "I love you," she whispered to them. "Thank you for doing this. For understanding…"

Jeff didn’t really know what to say to her. That she was ecstatically happy was obvious. That she came to life whenever Max was near was obvious too. But he still had trouble with the fact that the young man in question had been sleeping with his daughter for close to two months now. His head was reminding him that this was Max and that there wasn’t much more he could do to prove how much he loved and cared for Liz. But Jeff’s heart was having a hard time not wanting to take Liz somewhere where he could make sure that Max Evans can never touch her so intimately again. He held her much longer than was needed. Until he caught Max’s eye over Liz’s head and saw the understanding there. It made him feel a little bit better that Max could imagine feeling the same way about his own daughter some day. About that little dark-haired girl they just saw. The one that was the spitting image of her mother…

Liz went back to Max’s side when she managed to get her father to let her go. She slid under his arm naturally, snuggling close to him. The other people were moving off to the tables with food and they finally had time alone. She stood on tiptoe, kissing Max softly. "Thank you."

He smiled down at her. "No, thank YOU." He kissed her again, this time with more urgency. When she responded, sliding her tongue into his mouth, he groaned and pulled away. "How long has it been since we made love?" The words were whispered against her sensitive lips, making her shiver.

"Too long."

"Hey, get over here you two. Food first." Isabel sounded amused.

Max took Liz’s hand, leading her over to their table. He shared a grin with his sister when he saw that she put them next to each other this time.

Izzy couldn’t help getting in a dig at her brother. "I didn’t want a repeat of this morning." And promptly burst out laughing when Max turned red. "That’s for leaving me to try and explain where you two were when the parents arrived."

Dinner passed slowly with everyone in good spirits. Max held Liz as close as possible throughout the meal, actually wishing that everyone would leave already. Yes, he loved them all, but right now, he just wanted to be alone with Liz. It was just too amazing. They were together officially with parental consent now. No more sneaking around and hiding.

Nick suddenly appeared before them, holding out the carved wooden box that he had given Liz the previous time. "Oh, my box!" Liz exclaimed, holding out her hands.

"Yes, it’s yours." Nick looked at Max. "You two should open it together."

Max got up. Finally, a valid reason to get Liz out of here… Picking her up and holding her against his chest, still clutching the box, he said: "Thank you everyone! Good night." He walked away with some very amused chuckles in his ear.

"Max, wait!" His father’s voice halted him. Turning around, he found Philip and Jeff coming towards him. Maybe I was too optimistic about the parental consent! He let Liz slide down till her feet touched the ground and watched their fathers warily.

Philip looked at Jeff before speaking. "Uhm… We were thinking. You know, that cabin we have near Carlsbad? Well, why don’t you and Liz go there for a few weeks? Until school starts again."

Max’s mouth fell open. What! They were offering them a HONEYMOON? "Uh… Sure. Thanks Dad!"

Then it was Jeff’s turn. "And when you get back, we want you and Lizzie to stay with us. I mean, there’s a small apartment at the back of the café... We haven’t really used it in a long time. We were sort of waiting for Liz’s Grandma Claudia to come live there some day, but… Well, you can have it now."

"Dad!" Liz flew into his arms, leaving a stunned Max to just stare at Jeff. Not only was he allowing them to be together, he was HELPING them be together.

"Wow! Thank you, Mr Parker. This… It means a lot."

"Well, I didn’t want my Lizzie too far away from me just yet." His eyes told Max how hard this was for him and Max felt for him. Not being close to Liz was his worst nightmare too.


Back in their tent, he whirled Liz around, kissing her breathless. Words cannot describe how happy he was right now. "I love you, Liz Parker!"

"And I love you, Max Evans."

They stood in front of each other silently for a few seconds, just basking in their togetherness and love. Max slowly lifted his hand to her face, gently tracing the beloved and familiar contours.

Liz held her breath, her eyes fluttering closed at the wonderful sensation. "Max…"

There it was again. That tone of voice that Max’s couldn’t resist. His name on her lips like benediction. He stepped closer, his hands sliding down her hips to gather the long dress and lift it over her head. His breath caught in his throat when her body was revealed to him. She was so tiny and yet she held such power over him. He let her undo his shirt and push it off his shoulders. And watched with awe as her fingers found the fastening of his pants. She glanced at him shyly, still not used to undressing him. It endeared her to him even more. But he waited quietly for her to finish, even though his body was screaming at him to hurry the task so he could have her back in his arms.

Liz stood to her feet once she had rid him of his last clothes. Her eyes caressed every inch of him until he moaned her name helplessly and reached for her. His kiss was hard and urgent, passionate and tender at the same time. He hiked her up against him, cupping her rear and moving her legs around his waist. Her heat scalded him and drove him towards the bed.

Liz didn’t even notice how gently he put her down. She was too busy glorying in his touch and kisses. Exalting in how aroused he was. She raked her nails over his back and thighs, urging him closer.

They took turns in adoring each other’s bodies. Running their hands and mouths over each inch of skin, but always coming back to share long, hot, wet, drugging kisses. Kisses that eventually weren’t enough anymore, because they were too reminiscent of a more intimate act.

Max held Liz to him for a few moments, before moving to enter her. "I love you," he vowed again as their bodies became one.

Nothing could compare to having Max inside her. To the feeling of fullness and completion that it brought. Her sense of wonder about this always lasted only seconds until her body took over. Wanting more than just him inside her. Needing him to move within her in that way that brought her such ecstasy. Needing to hear his heart pound in rhythm with hers and to finally hear his cry of fulfilment mingle with hers.

She gasped as Max pulled her legs around his waist, locking her ankles behind his back. Arching her neck, she clutched at his shoulders as she rode out the storm. Her vocal cords were unable to do anything but produce desperate sounds in the back of her throat. Her mind could only scream his name repeatedly. Over and over until she tumbled over the cliff.

Max felt her release and moved faster, never wanting this moment to end. But it always did in his total loss of control. He poured himself into her until he nearly passed out. Then he held her against him until they both came back to earth. "Wow!"

She smiled at him, her eyes still squeezed shut. "Yeah wow is right!" She rubbed her cheek against his chest. "I guess I should have known that if you kissed as well as you do, you would be great at this too."

Max felt slightly embarrassed. It was a compliment, but he never really thought of himself in those terms. Good kisser. Good lover. He was just Max. Totally in love with his dream girl.

Close to dozing off, Max remembered the box. He lifted his head, running a tender finger over Liz’s nose. "Hey, sleepyhead. How about we open that box of yours now?"

This had Liz’s eyes flying open. She had completely forgotten about the box! She pushed Max away grabbing the nearest piece of clothing – his shirt, and pulling it around her body.

Max chuckled at her enthusiasm and grabbed a pair of boxers to put on. "Don’t make me think you’d rather open the box than be in my arms or anything."

Liz just grinned and whacked his shoulder. "You jerk! Of course that’s not true." But her haste to get the box in her hands belied her words.

He caught her hands before she could open it. "Nick said… this box should always be in the hands of the woman who will bear the next… leader of my people." He was looking at her seriously. "We never really talked about… children, because I… I never thought I would ever be able to… you know--."

"Max, I want to have your children. I want to be the mother of those two beautiful kids we saw." She cupped his cheek in her hand. "I want them, because they would be yours. Ours."

He sighed. "I want that too. So much."

Kissing her tenderly, he covered her hands on the box with his own, helping her to open it. A soft humming started inside the box and suddenly an image rose from its depths. It was a family tree of Max’s ancestors. It listed the generations of couples that produced the leaders of his planet. And right at the bottom with a space for the name of their child, the next king, it now listed Max Evans… and Liz Parker.


Max slammed his book closed with a satisfying thud and rubbed his face tiredly. Finally, the assignment was done. What was wrong with these teachers that they could give such huge assignments so early in the year? But now, at close to midnight, he was finished and could go to bed.

Arriving in the bedroom, his heart softened as it always did when he saw her. She was sleeping on her side, one arm curled under her pillow and the other flung out to his side of the bed. So she would know when he joined her. His Liz. She had wanted to stay awake with him, so he had had to bully her to go to sleep earlier. She had been dead tired after working at the cafe until ten.

They were in their senior year now and have managed, with some assistance, to dodge any problems about their living arrangements so far. And thankfully their families and friends had gotten used to them living together here by now. Because it had been very awkward in the beginning to say the least. They had had a long talk with their parents when they got back from their "honeymoon" at the Evans’ cabin near Carlsbad about how to handle their situation. Obviously the school authorities would not be thrilled about two teenagers living together, so the cover story was that Max was living in the apartment on his own, while Liz was still living in her room upstairs. With her parents. Max had been uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Jeff Parker in the beginning. After all, he was sleeping with the man’s daughter practically under his own roof. But thankfully Liz’s dad had not said a word. Max wished he could make Jeff believe that he would never intentionally put Liz’s future in jeopardy. It’s not like he could really promise anything, accidents happen, but he could assure her dad that he was taking all the precautions possible to circumvent an unplanned pregnancy.

Their new home was a small apartment at the back of the Crashdown, no more than a bedroom, bathroom and living area with kitchenette, that had been given to them by Jeff Parker after their second bonding ceremony. But to him, this little flat was the world. It was home to him and Liz. It was home because she was here.

Pulling off his shirt and jeans, he slid into bed. Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles lightly and smiled when she mumbled "Max". It was not very modern of him, but he liked knowing that she was his. In every way possible. Heart, mind, soul and body. He brushed her hair from her face gently and waited for her inevitable squirm towards him. They couldn’t stop touching even when they slept. He would wake up if he couldn’t feel her somehow. Of course, their friends would be gagging again if they knew this. Max and Liz got enough ribbing for not leaving each other alone when they were awake as it was. But everything they’ve been through to get to this place in their lives had made them treasure each moment together. Even when they slept.

He wrapped his arms around her when she instinctively snuggled close to his side. Mine. My Liz.

Max was warm. He always was. His body gave off heat even in wintertime and Liz had often wondered if it was another one of those alien things. Like making her see flashes when he kissed her or talking to her telepathically when things got intense for either of them. Liz was in that place between slumber and wakefulness as she pressed her nose into the place where his neck and shoulder met, breathing deeply. He smelled so... Max. And it was amazing that being allowed to do what she was doing now was still such a pure joy to her. Sharing a bed with Max, touching him whenever she wanted, sleeping in his arms all night. After all, she’s been doing it for longer than a year. "I love you," she breathed just before drifting off to sleep again. She needed to tell him that as often as possible. They have learned that every second counts...


"Honey, have you seen my bio book?" Max yelled over his shoulder. He was stuffing books into his backpack in preparation for another school day. Summer was over and they had been back at school for a month now. Liz was in their bedroom, and he heard her giggle at his predicament. She had such wonderful laugh and he was grateful every time he got to hear it. His life was glorious.

Liz had so many dreams about her future. Dreams that Max planned on helping her achieve. Studying molecular biology. Marrying him legally. Having that little boy and girl they saw during their bonding ceremony. But first he had to find his bio book and get to school on time.

"Liz! Please, I need--."

She appeared at his shoulder, holding his book out to him with a smile. "You left it in the bedroom."

He caught her around the middle when she turned to leave, pulling her back against him. They found each other’s mouths instinctively, kissing slowly and deeply, savoring the sensations that came with the kiss. Max sighed into her mouth: "Good morning."

Pulling away, Liz grinned up at him. "You are the best kisser, but Maria’s coming to pick me up in a few minutes." She stood on tiptoe and kissed him again. Maria needed some help with a history project and Liz promised to go with her to the library before school. Besides, it didn’t hurt that she and Max arrived at school separately every once in a while. The honking of a car horn outside ended the kiss.

Max watched indulgently as Liz skipped into the bedroom to get her book bag. "Hey," his voice halted her on her way out, "I love you." That earned him a brilliant smile and another quick kiss before she ran out.


The school day was uneventful apart from a new teacher for history… and Tess coming back to town. Liz nearly dropped her books when she saw the blonde in the hall for the first time. Tess had disappeared after they had broken Liz out of Tim’s clutches and no one had heard from her ever since. Now, a year later, she was unexpectedly back. And Liz had to wonder why...

However, all thoughts of Tess flew out of her head when her bio teacher told her just before lunch hour that she had been chosen to go to Boston for a two-week biology course. The school was sending her because she was the best biology student they had. She nearly hugged Mr Davies in joy. One of her dreams was coming true!

"When do I leave, sir?"

Her teacher smiled at the way she was dancing around. "At the end of the week. I’ve written a letter to explain to your parents. They will let you go, won’t they?"

Liz’s smile dimmed a little. Two weeks without Max! "Yeah, I’m... I’m sure they would."

He gave her a thick envelope. "All the details are in there. We can talk again before you leave."

Liz practically sprinted down the hallway to find Max. He was waiting for her in front of her locker, smiling broadly. He obviously knew already that she had some good news. Liz felt a tug at her heart. She dearly wanted to go, but this would also be the first time in more than a year that she would be away from Max. She walked into his outstretched arms, feeling them wrap around her.

"Let’s go talk in the eraser room." She stepped back from him and pulled at his hand until he followed her obediently.

Max locked the door of the little room behind them out of habit and waited for Liz to share whatever it was that had made her so happy. He had been overwhelmed by her joy earlier, feeling it crash over him in a wave.

Instead of talking to him, Liz launched herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him hungrily. She pressed herself against him, tasting and teasing his lips while pressing herself against his body’s instinctive response to her. She had caught him by surprise, and he groaned as he cupped her bottom in his hands, lifting her more securely into him.

"Liz, sweetheart--."

She kissed him into silence. "Don’t talk right now," she whispered against his mouth. "Kiss me, please." She silenced him with her lips again when he wanted to protest. "Just for a few seconds?"

So he gave in and slanted his lips over hers, thrusting his tongue inside deeply, tasting her. Tasting her surrender and her passion. And her desperation to be with him… completely. Now.

Max reared back, lifting one hand from her bottom to run his fingers over her cheek. He stared at Liz searchingly. Her happiness was still there, but he also sensed some sadness. "What’s wrong?"

She clutched his shirt, torn between her joy at the chance she was getting and the sudden panic about being away from him for two weeks. Get a grip, Liz, she berated herself silently, it’s only two weeks! "I’m going to Boston for a biology course. It’s sort of an honor. Because of my grades. But I—"

Hugging her close again, Max felt his heart swell with pride. "That’s great! Congratulations!"

Starting to feel her excitement return with his enthusiasm, she smiled against his throat. "Yeah, but Max… It’s in Boston! And it’s for two weeks!"

He pulled her face away from his neck, looking deeply into her eyes. "Yeah, and I’ll miss you. Terribly. But this is such a great opportunity and we have the rest of our lives together, Liz." But he knew it was his mind talking, not his heart. His heart didn’t want her to ever be out of his sight.

Her eyes turned smoky and Max knew he was in trouble.

"We’ll just have to make up for lost time now… right?" Her sultry voice slid over his senses like smooth chocolate. She’s had a year to learn various ways to drive him crazy and there were many. He was so nuts about her it didn’t take much from her to turn him on. He tried to be careful, really he did, but sometimes, like now, when she was wrapped around him and looked like she wanted to lick him from head to toe, he forgot why…

He was wavering, she could see it. His eyes were growing darker, but his mind was keeping his hands from doing anything just yet. So, he needed a nudge…

Taking his hand from her cheek, she pulled it down until it hovered just above her breast. Leaning in, she spoke with her lips just brushing his: "Quickly, Max."

His harsh indrawn breath only barely preceded his hand covering her breast.


Maria was giving Michael a lecture about eating healthy and trying to force him to eat some fruit out in the quad when she saw Tess coming towards them. Her mouth dropped open. "What is she doing back?" Of course everyone spun in their seats to find out what she was talking about. "Great! Real subtle, guys!" Maria mumbled, glaring at Isabel and Alex.

They all exchanged glances. No one was sure what to make of Max’s bride-that-never-was. She DID help them get Liz from that evil Tim’s house last year, but she had also been quite scathing about humans… and Liz in particular. Not to mention that she had tried in various ways to keep Liz and Max apart.

"Hey, guys!" Tess sounded cheerful.

Too cheerful, Maria thought. Last time they had seen her, she had barely spoken to them after Max threatened her with death if she ever came near Liz again.

"Uhm… Hi Tess," Isabel slipped into her perfect hostess routine. "How have you been?"

"Hmpf," Alex muttered under his breath, "you mean WHERE have you been!"

"I’m great! It’s so wonderful to see all of you again." Tess waited two beats before asking: "So where is Max… and Liz?"

Maria and Alex looked at each other. Here we go again!

Some sane part of Max’s brain could not believe he was doing this. It’s not like they’ve never done it before here in the infamous little Eraser Room, but still… Every time he would berate himself afterwards because he and Liz did not need any unwanted attention right now. If they could just get through this year without getting in trouble, they would be okay. But here he was, trying to get some of their clothes out of the way as quickly as possible and still kiss her. He felt lightheaded. And hot. And very, very aroused. How does she still do that to him? Oh, married life is going to be bliss!

Liz was alternating between kissing Max and helping him get her underwear off. But finally, he was where she wanted him, inside her, and she bit her lip to keep quiet. Keeping quiet was a must in school and even at home, where her parents slept a floor above them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips, clutching him to her tightly.

Max whirled them around and pressed Liz’s back to the wall for leverage. Oh, how he loved this! Making love to Liz was the best thing in his life. Heck, Liz was the best thing in his life, period. He kept watching her face as they moved together. Seeing all her emotions flashing in her eyes. Her emotions and her ecstasy. As he watched, her eyes widened and then fluttered closed in response to her impending orgasm. And he heard her moan in his head: Maaaax! It was always worth holding off on his own pleasure to watch hers. And to know that he did that to her. Him. Max Evans. Alien. So he held her and watched her, changing their rhythm to please her more.

Her eyes opened unexpectedly. She looked at him languidly and clenched her inner muscles around him while whispering: "One day I’m going to drive you so crazy that you’ll forget to worry about my pleasure first…" She moved again, breaking Max’s control and hurling him into that dark void of sensations where only she could join him. Holding on tightly, she whispered in his ear: "Say my name."

"Liz! Ah god, Liz…" It was breathless and hoarse. Said between gasping breaths. But oh so worth it.


The silence at the table following Tess’ question about Max and Liz was deafening. The four friends were all looking down at the table, trying to avoid Tess’ searching gaze.

"Uhm… Probably around somewhere," Isabel eventually said vaguely.

"So where have you been, Tess?" Michael asked abruptly. Finesse was not in his vocabulary.

She wavered a second. "I went to Nacedo. I stayed in an apartment there and went to school. He looked after me."

"Are you insane? We don’t want the FBI to get suspicious of us again!" Isabel was angry.

"Don’t worry, he changed into someone else when he was with me. He’s got things under control at his side." Tess was still cheerful and… nice. What is up with her? Maria wondered.

Max and Liz chose that moment to come strolling out, looking for all the world like a very happy couple. Max had had to use some of his "magic" again to ensure that what they had been up to in the Eraser Room was not immediately obvious to everyone else. But he left Liz’s teeth marks in his shoulder, so he could remember later.

Liz felt Max tense up beside her and knew immediately what had caused it. In all the excitement about her course and the ecstasy of their little tryst, she had forgotten to warn him that Tess was back. And of course she would be the first person they ran into!

Max took Liz’s hand and gripped it tightly. He always felt wary around Tess. Never in his life would he forget his complete fear and panic when Liz didn’t wake up one morning out in the camp. And when he found out it had been Tess meddling with Liz’s mind, he was close to physically hurting the girl. So, from then on, he kept Liz away from her as far as possible and although he never said anything out loud, he had been relieved when Tess disappeared last year. It left him to concentrate on what he wanted to concentrate on - him and Liz.

Maria watched Tess closely when they saw Max and Liz approach. She had never trusted the other girl and wasn’t about to start now. There was a flicker of something in Tess’ eyes that Maria couldn’t quite place. It seemed to be a mixture between anger and fear. It made no sense to Maria. She turned towards Max and Liz and saw the possessive way Max was treating Liz. Maria smiled. Good boy, Max! Show her where your loyalties lie.

Moving around so he and Liz could sit on the opposite side of the table from Tess, Max tucked Liz into his side closely before acknowledging the other girl. "Hi Tess," he said mildly, "this is a surprise."

Smiling brilliantly at Max, Tess replied: "Yeah, I felt too alone out in Washington. No one of… my kind around, if you know what I mean."

Yeah right, Maria thought, you mean no one like Max around!

"Hi Tess," Liz spoke up, trying to cover for the fact that Max’s face had darkened in anger at the mention of Washington. She rubbed her hand over his thigh comfortingly under the table, trying to calm him down. "How have you been?"

"I’ve been good actually," she turned her eyes back to Max, "just lonely as I said."

Liz felt like laughing out loud. What was Tess thinking? That she would get Max back? Because that was never going to happen. Not only would Liz not allow it, but Max was also not remotely interested in her. And Liz would know, because Max was getting angrier with every word coming our of Tess’ mouth. She slid her hand higher on the clenched muscles of his thigh, stopping just short of actually groping him.

Max grabbed her hand and gave her a mock glare. Did he not just make love to her? And now she was getting to him again! She was going to be in soo much trouble when they got home! He glanced back at Tess, who was watching this little interlude with an unreadable expression, and decided suddenly that she should under no circumstances find out about their living arrangements. He looked back at Liz, staring into her eyes and willing her to hear him. Don’t tell her that we live together, please honey!

Giving a small nod, Liz indicated that she had heard him. However, she was not the problem, their friends were. They needed to talk to the other four soon.


After lunch, which was a strained affair to say the least, they all went their separate ways to class with Tess running to catch up to Max as he strode down the hallway.


He turned around reluctantly, waiting for her to reach him. "Yeah?"

Tess faltered a bit at his unaccommodating tone. "I really need to talk to you. About Nacedo. Can I come see you at your house after school?"

His first impulse was to say NO WAY! But he tamped down on that, reminding himself that Tess could just give them more trouble if they treated her in the wrong way. "Uhm… yeah, I guess." He would have to go home early to prepare his parents for the shock that he would actually be in his room for a change. He and Liz went there for supper regularly, but now he had to make it look like he lived there again. Max sighed. Great! Here we go with the sneaking around again.

She smiled at him, a nice bright smile that made him even more suspicious. What had happened to the sullen girl that ranted about how useless Liz was? Something was up and he needed to be vigilant. Especially about Liz. If something happened to her…

When Max turned away and walked off to his class, Tess frowned. She had tried to get into his mind again, only to be confronted with images of Liz in the throes of ecstasy. Apparently the fact that Max was now "getting some" regularly was making him a useless target for mind games….


Max had phoned his mom from school and explained everything. It was easy to get her to help him. She loved Liz and also still remembered the incident with Tess. So when he got home, he found clothes on the floor in his room, and some of his books on his desk. In short, he found your normal teenage room. He could hug his mom.

Arriving not long after Max, Tess was surprised to find Mrs Evans home. Diane opened the door for Tess and let her in. "Max is in his room, I’ll bring you some sodas."

Max got up when Tess entered the room out of habit. His mother had drilled manners into him and that was not something you just forget. He indicated the chair and waited until she sat down. "Okay, what about Nacedo?"

"First let me say that I feel terrible about how I acted last year. You know… about Liz. I was hurt…"

Max’s jaw was tight. "Well, Liz was hurt about us kissing, and she didn’t go around hurting you, did she? Anyway, what were you doing in Washington with Nacedo?"

She turned huge hurt eyes on him. "Well, I needed to get away and he was the only person I could think of to go to."

"You do realize that you put all of us in danger again by doing it, don’t you?" Max was still struggling to keep his anger in check. He felt flickers at the edge of his mind every now and again, making him think that Tess was trying her mind warp powers on him again. Whatever, he only wanted Liz now and that was so not going to work!

"I’m sorry Max, but I didn’t know what else to do! No one else wanted me…" Her lip trembled.

Max sighed. "What about Nacedo? Is there a problem?"

She looked away. "I don’t really know how to tell you this. You’re going to be… hurt."

"Just tell me." Max suppressed the urge to shake it out of her. Please not anything about Liz!

"Nacedo, he said, that he could not allow you to be with Liz…"

With her words ringing in his ears, Max had the uncontrollable urge to laugh. Long and hard. Not allow me? That was rich coming from someone that was supposed to be a servant! "So how exactly is he going to stop me?" Max asked with a half-grin.

"Uhm… he didn’t really say exactly. Just that we needed a pure alien heir to the throne, not some half-breed--."

Max was on his feet, towering over her. "I don’t care what he thinks is best. I’m doing what I KNOW is best. Liz and I are bonded now, and there’s nothing anybody," he looked at her meaningfully, "and I mean, ANYBODY, can do to change that."

Tess cowered away from him for a moment before he felt the tug at his mind again. Looking at her steadily, he purposely remembered him and Liz opening the wooden box with the family tree inside. The one that listed the current King as Max Evans, his mate as Liz Parker and had the space below their names for the future King. The one that would be born to him and Liz. He saw her eyes widen in shock and knew he was right, she had been trying to play mind games with him again. "As I said, nothing will get between me and Liz again. Remember that."

"I just wanted to warn you. I’m not trying to stir up trouble." Her voice sounded high and fearful.

"Well, as you can see. Everything is fine here. Was there anything else? I really need to go." Max had decided to go talk to Nick about this thing with Nacedo. Even though he didn’t believe for an instant that Nacedo based his threats on something real, he didn’t like the fact that Nacedo had such a disregard for humans. It might make him do something stupid to Liz.

Diane was just coming down the hallway with two sodas when Tess brushed past her in a sulk, mumbling: "Goodbye, Mrs Evans."

She watched the girl disappear out the front door and turned to her son. "Well, want to have a drink with your old mother?"

Smiling at her, Max took the soda with one hand and hugged her with his other arm. "Thanks for helping, Mom."

"Is everything okay? She isn’t… she’s not going to harm Liz again, is she?" Diane looked up at her tall son worriedly.

"I don’t think so. I think she was trying her luck to see if maybe she could cause some trouble again." At least I hope so! Max thought.

He sat down with his mom at the kitchen table and told her about the course Liz was going on at the end of the week. Trying to sound as cheerful about it as he could.

Not fooled, Diane said: "You’re going to miss her, aren’t you?"

Max looked at the table, a feeling of loss already settling over him. "Yeah." The word carried a lot more emotion that its single syllable warranted. He jumped up suddenly. "I need to go home."

Diane just smiled as he kissed her cheek and took off. She understood what he was actually saying: I need to go to Liz.


Maria had driven Liz and Michael over to the Crashdown after school and Liz shared her news with her two friends. "Boston! Lizzie! That’s so cool!"

"Hey! Watch where you’re driving, cheesehead!" Michael yelled from the back, but he gave Liz a little smile to show his happiness about her achievement.

After all the details had been spilled, there was silence in the car for a few minutes. "How are you going to cope? Without Max I mean?" Maria’s voice was soft.

Liz felt her heart lurch again. "I’m sure I will, Maria. It’s just two weeks…" She was trying to convince herself too.

"He’s gonna miss you a lot." Maria covered Liz’s hands in her lap with one of hers. "Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he’s okay."

The two friends smiled at each other with years of understanding and loyalty.

When they reached the café, Michael went to the kitchen to start his shift and the two girls went to the apartment to talk. Both their shifts only started later.

"So chica, are you okay with leaving Max here alone while you-know-who is back?"

Liz shrugged. "She doesn’t bother me, Maria. I mean, I would KNOW as soon as something strange is happening to him."

Maria looked unconvinced. "It’s just… I saw the way she was looking at you two and… something’s up. Something weird. And now she wants to see him after school? Alone? What’s up with that?"

This reminded Liz of her and Max’s decision. "Oh Maria! Please don’t let her know that Max and I are, you know--."

"Doing the nasty every chance you get?" Maria was grinning evilly.

"No! Maria! I mean living together… What do you mean ‘every chance we get’?" Liz planted her hands on her hips indignantly.

Maria was laughing openly by now. "Just what I said! You two are insatiable! We can’t leave you alone for a few minutes and you two are at it!" Hearing Liz’s shocked gasp, Maria continued teasing her control-freak friend. "Admit it! You can’t keep your hands of his--."

"Maria!" Liz was blushing furiously. Mostly their friends discretely avoided the topic of her and Max’s sex life and even Maria has made a point of not saying too much about it. This was new to Liz, realizing their friends did indeed know and speculate about all her and Max’s disappearances.

"Okay, okay, I’ll stop if you tell me details!" She flopped on Liz and Max’s bed with a flourish.

"No way!" Liz was outraged.

Maria rolled onto her stomach and propped her head in her hands. "Please, Lizzie. Michael and I are gonna… we decided to… you know."

Liz was stunned. "You mean you two actually talked about it before doing it!"

"Haha, you crack me up!" Maria pulled a face. "I’m serious, Liz! I’m… I’m kinda nervous about the whole thing."

Liz’s face softened. "Maria, Michael is a normal guy. Nothing weird will happen."

"It’s not just that. I’m not good with pain…"

Hugging her friend, Liz didn’t really know what to say. "Just… tell him to be careful and to take it slow. You’ll be alright." She smiled at Maria. "And it gets better really fast, I promise."

Maria hugged her back. "Ugh, what’s becoming of this world when I get sex advice from the most prim and proper girl in school!" She giggled. "Ever since you got involved with a certain alien, you have become impulsive. Oh the horror!"

They were still laughing when Max arrived in a rush, faltering when he saw Maria was there. "Uhm, hey Maria."

"Hey Max. We’re glad to see you lived through your session with Cruella DeVille!"

Max just mumbled: "Thanks," before leaning down to kiss Liz. His mouth lingered on hers.

Maria cleared her throat to get their attention back. "So what did she want?" She watched as Max straightened and started caressing Liz’s hair.

He shrugged. "She was going on about Nacedo. Nothing we have to worry about right now." But Liz could feel the tension in his body, both physically and mentally. As well as his need to be with her right now.

Folding her arms, Maria huffed: "So basically she just wanted to get you alone. Max, you have to--."

"Maria, could you maybe let me talk to Max alone?" Liz interrupted her friend.

Maria looked from Liz’s imploring face to Max’s unreadable one. "Oookay."

Liz followed her out the door. "I’m sorry. He… We need to talk right now."

"Are you sure your connection with him isn’t misinterpreting ‘talking’ with something, ah… else?"

Liz laughed. Maria could be really mischievous sometimes. "Just go… make sure Michael doesn’t kill Jose and burn the burgers or something!"

Max was still standing in the same position in their room when she got back. "Honey, what’s wrong?" She put her arms around him.

He pulled her into a crushing embrace, burying his face in her neck. "I love you."

"I know." She ran her hand through his hair, rubbing his back with her other one. Concentrating on their connection, she made sure that he felt her love and support.

Finally, Max lifted her up and sat down on the bed with her in his lap. "Sorry, I just freaked out because you’re going to be away for two weeks." He traced her features with his fingers as if trying to memorize every inch.

"Are you sure everything is okay with Tess?"

"Yeah," he looked into her eyes, "she spouted some nonsense about Nacedo being against our bonding. Nothing that I was too concerned about." He kissed her softly. "Don’t worry about her, Liz. She’s nothing to me."

Leaning her forehead against his, Liz gloried in being in his arms. "I know that. I’m not worried about you. I’m worried she would try something desperate."

Pulling away, he slid his hand under her skirt: "Well, I’ll talk to Nick later tonight. When you’re at work." Liz’s head fell back as his hand moved higher. "But for now I think I need to start making up for when you’re away…" He flipped her on her back and proceeded to kiss her everywhere… as well as all the important places in between.


Maria slammed a plate down in the kitchen. "I hate some of these customers! Nothing is ever good enough for them!" She glared at Liz who was smiling. "And if you don’t stop looking like the cat that got the cream, I’m going to kick your butt!"

"Sorry, Maria! I’m just happy." Liz danced out of the back room with a grumbling Maria behind her. They both stopped in their tracks when they saw Tess coming in, with a handsome guy hanging onto her arm.

"What the--?" Maria muttered under her breath.

Tess saw Liz immediately and came over. "Hey Liz. Maria." She motioned at the guy next to her. "This is my boyfriend, Neil."

Maria was speechless, so Liz had to stammer: "Nice to meet you, Neil." The guy was looking at her strangely. "Uhm… Are you staying? Can I get you guys something?"

"Oh yeah, we’ll go get a booth and look at the menu." Tess dragged Neil off.

Maria turned back to Liz. "Okay, what the hell was that? She suddenly has a boyfriend? Out of thin air? And one that looks like THAT!" They glanced over at Neil. He was tall, blonde, blue-eyed and well built. Your average All-American guy. Who was still looking at Liz…

Liz started towards the booth, but halted when Maria grabbed her arm. "I think I’ll go. That guy seems weird and I don’t like the way he’s staring at you!"

"Maria! You’re always such a drama queen. He’s not interested in me."

"Who said he was interested? He looks at you like you are some… I don’t know, experiment or something." Maria was still watching Neil. His gaze hasn’t wavered from Liz and Tess didn’t seem to mind. "Where’s Max?"

"He went to see Nick. I’m sure its nothing." But Liz sounded uncertain. She had to admit the guy was creeping her out. "Okay, you go help them. But I’m telling Michael he needs to keep an eye on what’s going on out here."

She went to the kitchen as Maria walked up to Tess and Neil. "So, what will it be?" She watched Neil watch Liz walk away. "No, she’s not on the menu. And as Tess can tell you, you don’t want to upset her boyfriend." She smiled sweetly at Neil.

He just grinned back, unmoved by her threats. "Well, we’ll see won’t we?"

Maria glared at him before turning to Tess. "Great taste you have, Tess! Now what do you want?"

"There’s no need to be so rude, Maria. We just want some cherry cokes. With lime." Tess sounded hurt.

"Oh, and I’ll take your friend too." Neil yelled after her as Maria left for the back. "To go. She looks like she would be great company," he said smugly when Maria whirled around.

"Is there a problem here?" Max’s quiet voice stopped any angry retort from Maria.

Everyone turned to him, but his eyes were on Tess and Neil. Max had heard the guy’s last remarks and had understood it was aimed at Liz. Looking into the guy’s eyes, he realized that this wasn’t just some ordinary obnoxious client. Something else was going on here…

Tess grabbed Neil by the arm. "Let’s just get out of here!" She looked at Max. "He’s just…"

"Annoying?" Maria provided. She had moved to stand next to Max, while Liz and Michael watched from the kitchen. Thankfully it was close to closing time and there were no other customers.

Max was still trying to figure out what bothered him about the guy, apart from the fact that he was a complete jerk. He watched Neil carefully while speaking to Tess. "Aren’t you going to introduce me?"

Tess’ brilliant smile was back. "Oh yeah, this is Neil. My BOYFRIEND." She stressed the last word, hoping for some reaction from Max.

Nothing. No visible reaction from Max. Just a continuation of his cautious regard of Neil, before glancing between Liz and Maria. "Are you two okay?"

Giving him a warm smile for including her in his concern, Maria answered. "Yeah. He was just being a creep about Liz." Maria turned to Neil. "This is Liz’s boyfriend. I’d take note if I were you."

Looking at Liz now, Max didn’t even hear what Maria said. He was silently waiting for Liz to give him an answer. She nodded at him, her eyes assuring him that she was fine and he relaxed his stance.

Liz was overwhelmed by how much she loved this quiet man. Her Max. He had a presence about him that just permeated a room and with a few words he had ended a potentially problematic situation. Not to mention that, as always, he was so protective of her. How could a girl not love that? She felt safe and loved whenever he was around and it sometimes scared her that she had come to depend on him so much. Not that he would ever leave her, she knew that, but it was frightening how important he was to her. She had gotten used to their connection quickly and now it bothered her when it faded into a distant hum at the edge of her mind on the occasions they were far away from each other. She liked knowing that she could share his feelings and sometimes even his thoughts. But most of all, she was in awe of the love he felt for her. Nothing in this world, or any other, could be better than that. She prayed every day that she could make him happy and give him the life he deserved.

Blissfully ignorant of the exchange between Max and Liz, Maria was in full PI mode. "Sooo, Neil… is it? From where did you suddenly appear? Its not like Tess told us she had a boyfriend or anything." Maria folded her arms.

"He came from Washington. To surprise me. We met there." Tess answered for Neil.

Narrowing her eyes, Maria thought: Aha! Now I have her. She never was the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. "Oh really. If Neil here became your boyfriend in Washington, then why were you so alone there that you had to come back here? Or wasn’t that what you told us this afternoon?" Maria put her hands on her hips and looked Neil up and down. "Although, after meeting him and seeing what a charming personality he had, I’m actually not surprised that you hightailed it away from him."

Liz heard Michael make a strangled sound next to her. She couldn’t make out if he was stifling a laugh or whether he was getting upset about Maria.

Tess was pushing Neil towards the door by now, but he turned to Max. "Nice friends you have here, buddie. You should know that a person can be judged by who he chooses to associate with." His eyes went from Max to Liz fleetingly before he disappeared through the door.

Maria whirled around and waved her hands in the air. "Okay, what WAS that? He is like the creepiest guy ever and Tess DATES him? I smell something rotten!"

"I agree." Max was still staring at the door. He was not stupid enough to miss the significance of that last statement of Neil’s. The only person he could think of with that attitude would be Nacedo, and he was supposed to be in Washington. "I’d phone Nacedo, but they are only going to take a message and have him call me back. So, we won’t know where he’s phoning from."

Liz and Michael both came from the back. Max took a seat at the counter and he pulled Liz between his legs when she reached him, kissing her softly. "Hi honey, I’m home," he said with a half-smile.

Laughing, Liz hugged him tightly. "Have I told you how much I love you recently?"

He smiled at her, remembering how she had said it repeatedly earlier when they were together. "No."

She looked taken aback for a moment before she saw the glint in his eyes. Then she leaned forward, pressing herself against him to whisper in his ear: "I love you so much it hurts. Even if you are getting old and starting to forget things." He jerked away from her, surprised. She looked at him coyly: "Maybe I wasn’t screaming it loudly enough this afternoon…"

Max nearly fell off the chair. Sometimes his lovely ladylike Liz surprised him with wild statements like that. He inhaled sharply when she leaned in again. "Maybe I’ll have to SHOW you instead of tell you next time…"

By now Max was grinning. He slid his hands from her waist to cup her butt and pulled her closer between his legs. "Maybe you’ll have to. But I think I’m going to forget again, so… I’ll need regular reminders."

Liz nuzzled his face. "You can count on that, Mr Evans!"

They shared another lingering kiss before Liz turned around in his arms to look for Michael and Maria. They were arguing again, but Michael put a stop to that when he grabbed her and kissed her hard, causing chuckles from Max and Liz.

"Michael, why don’t you and Maria take off. I’ll help Liz clean up here." Liz was leaning back into Max’s chest and she shivered when the rumble of his voice traveled through her.

Both Michael and Maria threw Max grateful looks and it didn’t take them long to be ready to leave. This caused Liz a lot of amusement, since she had an idea why they were in such a hurry. She left the circle of Max’s arms reluctantly to finish up the last of the cleaning. She sighed to herself. It was Tuesday night already and she had to leave on Saturday. Time was just passing too quickly for her and work and school kept her from being with Max as much as possible before she left.

She heard Max lock the doors and carry some stuff into the kitchen where she was cleaning the counter. Her hands halted their movements when she felt him come up behind her. Liz held her breath and closed her eyes as she waited for him to make a move. He didn’t. Instead he just stood quietly, close enough for her to feel the heat of his body and hear the sound of his breathing. She KNEW he was looking at her and she could sense all his wants and desires through their connection. He was seducing her without even touching her. She felt her breathing become shallow gasps, her body start to tremble and that now familiar ache settle in the pit of her stomach. She clutched the sides of the counter, trying to hold herself steady when all she wanted to do was to fall backwards in his arms and have him touch her the way she craved. "M-Max!" His name was a heated whisper.

She shuddered when his hand gently pulled the fastening from her hair, before he slowly spread her hair over her back, while carefully avoiding touching her anywhere else. She was aware of him rubbing her hair between his fingers leisurely and it was driving her crazy.

A helpless sound escaped her throat.

He moved his body closer until it was flush against her back, pressing her into the counter. He bent his head until his cheek rested against hers and she felt his eyelashes flutter against her skin. As Liz’s head fell back against his shoulder, he laced his fingers through hers on the counter. His lips started tracing the line of her jaw, barely grazing her skin. When he reached her ear, he spoke quietly: "Do you remember the first time I kissed you here on this counter?"

"Y-yes." She had trouble speaking.

He touched her earlobe with his tongue before continuing. "And do you know how many fantasies I’ve had of making love to you on this counter ever since?"

"No." It was a sigh.

He let go of her hands and found the top snap of her uniform, opening it before moving onto the next one. "Ever since that day, when I see strawberries, I think of that kiss." Her uniform was open to the waist now and he slid his warm hands inside, splaying his fingers over her stomach just underneath her bra.

"Oh… me too." It was true. Strawberries would forever remind her of that day when she experienced for the first time how complete and devouring Max’s passion for her was. Liz held her breath as his fingers reached for the front clasp of her bra.

"Tell me how you felt that day." His voice was gravelly and low.

"Like fire was running through my body." She bit her lip as the bra fell away and his hands replaced the silk against her skin. "Like I’ve been waiting for that moment my whole life. I couldn’t get close enough to you." She arched against his magic touch. "Like I would die if you stopped kissing me… and like I would die if you didn’t." Her hands fluttered to cover his, urging him to increase the tempo of his movements. "And I knew no one else… no one else would ever make me feel that way. Only you."

"Feel what way?"

"Like you could fill this hollow place inside me. That you were meant to be inside me. Inside my body, inside my skin, inside my heart."

He spun her around with a growl and lifted her up onto the counter. His kiss was hard, hungry, hot. He took her mouth almost roughly, kissing her desperately while his hands made sure she was ready for his body’s possession. Their lips clung together, stifling their cries when he made his fantasy came true. He was making love to Liz on the counter top that, to a large extent, symbolized the beginning of their physical relationship.

Only tonight, there were no strawberries getting in the way…


"What are we going to do? He doesn’t plan on giving her up." Tess sounded petulant.

"We’ll find a way. She’s leaving at the weekend, isn’t she? We’ll work on him then…"

Liz was lying contentedly in Max’s arms. It was really late by now, but neither of them really wanted to sleep. Instead they wanted to savor every minute they still had together before she left. He had carried her back to their room, still half-undressed after loving her thoroughly in the kitchen, and finished undressing her gently before putting her to bed. Now they lay snuggled together, just talking about stuff and touching each other. She was curled on her side next to him, her head on his chest and her leg thrown over his hips. Max had one arm around her shoulders, his fingers idly threading through her hair and the other was drawing lazy circles on her thigh.

This was one of her favorite places to be. Lying with her cheek pressed to his warm skin where she could hear the thunder of his heartbeat in her ear. Her thoughts drifted to her impending two-week separation from Max and she bit her lip. How on earth was she going to make it?

"You will make it." Max’s quiet voice broke into her musings. "And so will I." The last part was said more to himself. He put his hands on her waist and moved her higher on the bed until her head lay close to his on the pillow. Turning on his side, he looked at her gravely: "Will you go on a date with me?"

He always managed to make her smile. "A date?"

"Yeah," he hesitated before continuing. "Our moms want to give you a farewell dinner on Thursday, with the parents and our friends… So, Liz Parker, lady of my heart, will you go on a date with me on Friday night?"

She pursed her lips, teasing him. "Hmmm, I’ll have to check my calendar and get back to you…"

He pulled her closer. "How about I kiss you until you say yes?"

"Okay--." But he didn’t give her a chance to finish. He kissed her deeply, his tongue stealing over her lips and into her waiting mouth. She tasted his love on his lips and felt his need in the caresses of his tongue. Liz ran her hands over his arms, enjoying the hard muscles and the heat of his skin. And suddenly his mouth was gone, he had moved back until their lips were just touching.

"Open your eyes."

It was a gigantic task to get her heavy eyelids to move so she only made a muffled sound of protest. Her eyes flew open, though, when he touched his tongue to her bottom lip.

"Look at me, sweetheart. Look at me when I kiss you." His amber eyes were dark and clear, staring into hers… into her soul.

He touched his lips to hers again while holding her gaze. Even though he was so close to her that her vision blurred, it didn’t dim the intensity of the emotion she saw in his eyes. It was like being burnt by a flame. It was nothing alien or incredible, just plain human feelings. How much he loved her shone from his dark eyes together with the satisfaction that she was his.

Liz felt a whimper starting deep in her body and it grew to a shout in her mind. Yes!

Max reared back from her. "Yes?" His eyes traced her lips, swollen and puffy from his kisses. "Yes to what?"

Liz had trouble breathing, the man should be issued with a warning label: LETHAL KISSER. "Yes… to anything."

He grinned, a smug, wonderful grin. "So, yes you will go out with me AND yes you are mine forever?"

"Yes," Liz sighed.~*~*~*~*~*~ The next day arrived sunny and warm and gave no indication that it would turn out so crappy. Max had left for school early in the hopes that it would keep Tess from finding out that he was not living with his parents anymore. So Liz had to wait for Maria to come pick her up for school and Maria was late. Late, but glowing.

"Oh my god Maria!" Liz cried when she saw her friend and the perpetual smile on her face. "You two did it!"

Maria was completely giddy. "Yeah we did and wow! No wonder you can’t get enough, it’s like a drug!"

This led to a whole discussion on poor Michael’s performance on the way to school, so they were even later when they arrived. Liz could only hug Maria when they finally got out of the car. "Be happy Maria. Or I’ll kick his butt."

Grinning, Maria corrected her: "You mean or you’ll send Max to kick his butt."

"No, you’re my best friend, I’ll do it myself."

The two girls were late for their first class and got tardy notes from their teacher. The day just got more insane from there. Liz seemed to run into Tess around every corner and although the blonde smiled at her every time, Liz couldn’t help feeling uneasy. Her bio teacher wanted to see her over lunch to discuss some of the details of the course she was going to attend and that kept her away from Max too. She was starting to feel like there was a conspiracy to ensure that she saw as little as possible of him before she left when she trudged into the girls’ locker room for the second to last period of the day.

Maria was there, still dancing around on a cloud of Michael-induced euphoria. "Lizzie, we are going shopping this afternoon!"

Liz would rather go home and be with Max. "Why?"

"Because, chica, you and I both have dates with two intergalactic hotties on Friday and I intend knocking Spaceboy to his knees with some new and sexy underwear!"

Liz was starting to grin by now. Maybe Maria had a point, she could also do her part to make their last night memorable. It’s not only Max Evans that can think up amazing things to make life romantic!

"Okay, I’m in! I think I’ll need a new dress too." Liz was determined to be something right out of Max’s fantasies on Friday.

They were all filing out into the gym when Maria looked back and grabbed Liz’s arm. "Ahem… you’re gonna be late for gym."

"Maria, what are you talking--." But she felt him. Max was here. Liz whirled to the outer door and saw him standing just inside, looking at her.

"I’ll cover for you," Maria whispered, "but don’t take too long…" Then she was gone and the locker room was blissfully quiet.


He closed the distance between them quickly. "I haven’t seen you all day. And I was going to go crazy if I can’t at least kiss you." He caught her against him and kissed her breathless, holding her tightly to him while he devoured her mouth. Liz stood on tiptoe and kissed him back, caressing his tongue with hers while her body sighed finally! Was she ever going to get tired of being kissed by Max?

Maria rushed in a few minutes later, causing Liz and Max to jump apart. "Okay Lizzie, long enough bathroom break! The teacher is getting antsy." She grinned at Max who was still staring at Liz’s mouth. "Bye Max!" She dragged a dazed Liz out of the locker room. "I hope you can think of a plausible explanation for the fact that you look like someone just kissed the daylights out of you!"


Liz and Maria hurried to Maria’s car after school, only to see Tess get in the Jeep with Max. He shot Liz a ‘I’m in hell’ look before driving off. Maria watched the whole thing with disgust: "Relentless much?"

Liz sighed. She would much rather worry about how much time she could still spend in Max’s arms before she left, than worry about what Tess was up to again. "Let’s go Maria!"

"Nope, we’re waiting for the Queen of Shopping to join us." Maria grinned. "Isabel would NEVER forgive us if we went to the mall without taking her."

"You’re right," Isabel said from behind them, "I wouldn’t. Besides, no one knows those two idiotic boyfriends of yours better than I do, so I figured you could use my help."

"Whatever," Maria said. "As long as it gets his motor running, I’m happy."

Isabel turned to Liz. "Where is Max going with Tess?"

"I have no idea," Liz shrugged, she could feel Max’s annoyance at his situation and she felt really sorry for him. Tess was truly becoming stalker-like.

"Well, I just want to warn you that she came to our house really late last night wanting to see Max. So I told her he was helping you close up the Crashdown and that I didn’t know when he would be home." Izzy looked at her sympathetically. "Trust Max to get the bride-from-otherwordly-hell!"

Liz looked at Isabel assessingly. "Well, then maybe Max should sleep at your house tonight…"

Both Isabel and Maria looked at Liz with shock on their faces. "You’re kidding, right?" Maria spoke for both of them. "You want the guy who crashed the girl’s locker room so he could kiss you to sleep ALONE in his room at his parents’ house tonight? Three nights before you leave for two weeks?"

Liz gave them a superior look. "Did I say he was sleeping there ALONE?"

It was quiet for a moment in the car before Maria stated: "I was gonna say… The guy’s gonna explode." All three girls erupted into laughter after her deadpan statement.


Max gave Tess a sidelong glance and wondered how on earth he always seemed to end up with her the last few days. He wondered what Liz was doing, sensing her mirth through their connection made him long to be with her to share in whatever was making her laugh. His hands curled around the steering wheel at the thought of that beautiful laugh that had the power to warm his heart. He sighed wistfully, unaware that Tess was watching all of this with narrowed eyes.

"Where can I take you? Where do you live now?" Max suddenly realized he had been so wrapped up in making sure that Tess doesn’t upset Liz, that he hadn’t even bothered to ask about Tess’ life.

Tess looked flustered for a second. "Can we go talk at your house? I… I live in a dingy motel on the outskirts of town… I really don’t want to go there. Your house, it’s like a second home to me."

Max decided not to react to that last statement. "Tess, I appreciate that you have a lot to say to me, but can we keep the talking to school hours from now on? Liz is leaving soon and I’d really like to spend as much time with her as I can."

"Well, this is important to me." She sounded petulant and turned her head away until Max drove up to his house.

This time, when they went inside, no one was home. Max assumed his parents were still at work and Izzy, who knows where she was. He stopped in the living room, not wanting Tess in his bedroom with no one else there. He just watched her as she paced and wrung her hands.

"Firstly, I wanted to explain about Neil…"

"Tess, I don’t care who you date. Just please don’t put us in any danger." Max’s decent upbringing won out again. "Are you sure you want to be with him? He looks kind of…"

"Yeah, I know. But he’s obsessed with me, can you imagine that?" She smiled at him coyly.

Not really knowing what to say to that, Max just nodded. "Well, be careful. Was that all you wanted to talk about?"

"No!" She stopped in the middle of the room, staring at him accusingly. "Max, I was supposed to be the queen of our people. You took that from me! You can’t take away my right to be the mother of the next king too."

For a minute, Max was too stunned to move. "Tess--."

She walked closer to him, forcing Max to take an involuntary step back. "You owe me a baby, Max. Your first--."

"Whoa, whoa!" Max held up his hands. "Are you insane? There is no way I’m having a baby with anyone but Liz. And as for me taking away your right to be--. Why am I even explaining this to you? You need to get a life, Tess! Your own."

"No Max, you need to realize that I am right. This baby should be an alien, Max. Just like the two of us. Not some watered-down version."

It felt like all the blood was rushing to his head, making him see Tess through a red haze of anger. She wasn’t just talking about any baby, she was talking about the son he had seen in the future vision with Liz during the bonding ceremony. The one with his eyes and his mother’s laugh. And even though that little boy doesn’t exist yet, he felt fiercely protective of him already. Tess looked at him imploringly. "Liz doesn’t need to know at first--."

Deep breaths. I have to take deep breaths or I will hurt her. "I am only going to say this once and if you or Nacedo ever come to me with a stupid idea like this again, I will not be responsible for my actions. Liz and I are bonded. She is my wife now, you KNOW that. Every one of my people accepts that. I don’t intend to have children with anyone but my wife. I don’t owe you anything. The rules changed as soon as we came to earth and our own planet was destroyed."

"But Max, I WANT to be the mother of the heir."

"You see, that’s the difference between you and Liz. She is unselfish." He breathed deeply again to stay calm. "Now, will you please leave? This has gone too far. Stay away from me. Stay away from Liz. Go live your own life." He shoved his hands in his pockets in an attempt to keep himself from doing her harm.

She had given up all pretence of nicety and was staring at Max with hatred. "You are making a big mistake. What if she leaves you? How do you know--."

"Because I know her. Heart, mind, soul and body."

They stared at each other in a silent battle of wills until the slamming of car doors outside broke the silence.

"Liz is here." He said it quietly. "Could you leave now?"

Tess waited until Liz, Isabel and Maria arrived in the living room before taking her leave. Let Liz Parker see that she had met Max alone in his house. Maybe that will give the mousy earth girl a reason to pause. She was not giving up on Max Evans yet… He was going to have a great dream tonight. At least, he’s going to think he was dreaming… and not about Liz. She would be there to guide this "dream" and in the process hopefully ensure that she got pregnant…

Max couldn’t remember when last he was so glad to see Liz. He felt almost dirty after the conversation with Tess and all he wanted to do now, was to go home and lose himself in Liz. He pulled her into an embrace and held her tightly.

Isabel could see her brother was upset and worried about going through with the lie that the girls had dreamed up to help Liz surprise Max later that night. "Are you okay Max? What did she want this time?"

Liz felt Max tense up and wondered what had transpired before they arrived. She gently rubbed his back, hoping to comfort him.

"About Neil and some other stuff. Did you have fun with whatever you were up to?" He was trying to change the subject and it was obvious to everyone.

"Yeah, we went shopping, but… Liz ran into that Bio teacher of hers there." Isabel decided to go ahead with their plan. Even though Max might be upset now, he would thank her later!

Max was still not letting Liz go, so he talked to Izzy over Liz’s head that he had firmly tucked into his neck. "You did? What did he want?"

"Uhm…" Maria and Isabel looked at each other.

"He wants to see me tonight to go over some more stuff." Liz’s voice was muffled at first before she managed to at least move her head so she could look up into Max’s face. Just in time to see it fall. "I’m sorry, honey. Could you maybe have dinner with your parents? I’ll call you when I’m done."

Max didn’t like it. He wanted to go home with Liz right now. But he stopped himself, this was for her after all. "Yeah, okay, but I think my parents are going to get sick of me real soon. They haven’t seen me this much in a long time."

Maria went ahead to her car as Max and Liz trailed behind, hand-in-hand. "So what did you buy?" Max sounded indulgent.

Liz smiled up at him happily. ‘You can see on Friday night." She stopped and turned to him. "Are you sure you’d be okay eating dinner here?" She was starting to feel guilty about lying to Max since she could feel that he was still somewhat upset about his encounter with Tess.

Sighing, Max pulled her to him again. "I really wanted to go home… with you. But this is important, so I’ll live." He kissed her sweetly, threading his fingers through her hair. Then he walked her to Maria’s car and kissed her through the open window again before they drove off.

Back inside, Max ran into Isabel in the kitchen. She handed him a soda and sat down at the table. "Max I wanted to talk to you. Actually tell you something. About Tess." She saw Max’s wince at the name. "What did she say this afternoon?"

Max debated about telling Iz. He needed to tell someone, but he didn’t want the story to get back to Liz. On the other hand, he couldn’t very well talk to either Michael or Alex about it since he didn’t think either of them would understand about him wanting a baby with Liz so much it hurts. Not right now, of course, but someday.


Isabel’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Making a decision, he looked at her. "She wants to have a baby with me. She claims I owe it to her to let her produce the next… king." Max was still uncomfortable with the title. To him, his little boy would be just that, his son. Not the future king of some alien race he never knew.

Isabel was speechless.

He looked at his sister imploringly. "Please don’t tell Liz, okay Iz? I don’t want her to get upset about this."

Finally finding her voice, Isabel was spluttering in anger. "What… what did you say to her?"

"I told her she was insane and that she should stay away from me and Liz."

"What does Nick say about all this?" Isabel remembered Max saying earlier at school that he had gone to see Nick.

"He thought it was ridiculous. He knew that Nacedo had been sent to guard us, but he doesn’t know him personally, so he couldn’t help me too much. But he is going to Boston with Liz for me." Max paused. "I still have to tell Liz about it. She’s not going to be happy."

Isabel looked at him sharply. "Are you getting one of your premonitions about Liz again?"

He shook his head. "No. I’m just taking precautions." After being silent for a few minutes, he burst out: "I wish I could go with her. I hate being away from her for that long!"

Diane Evans had arrived just in time to hear her son’s outburst. She hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear: "Well, maybe I can help you a little bit with that problem…"


Liz was nervous. She watched from outside Max’s window as he pottered around his room. It was close to nine by now and she had been waiting for the right moment to put her plan into action. Sure, she had sometimes taken the lead in their lovemaking, but tonight she needed to be so much more. She needed to be Max’s fantasy-come-true and she was flying by the seat of her pants. Not that she wore any…

Max whirled around went he heard the soft knock on his window. He knew it was Liz even before he reached it. What was she doing at his window? And what was she doing wandering around alone in the dark? He jerked the window open and found her standing outside in a coat that nearly reached her ankles. "Liz, what--."

"Help me in, Max." She held out her hand and he took it involuntarily.

Liz climbed through gingerly, not wanting to ruin her surprise for him by letting him see what she was and wasn’t wearing underneath the coat. She looked up at him when she was finally standing inside. "Could you lock your door?"

Max was amazed. What was going on with Liz? But… he could think of only one reason why she would want him to lock the door and his eyes widened. She was still watching him steadily and he eventually complied. Walking back to her after completing the task, he halted when she held up her hand.

Her eyes fluttered away from his shyly for a moment when she started to undo the belt of the coat. Max realized he had stopped breathing as he waited for her to make the next move. Then her gaze locked with his again as she slowly opened the coat to reveal a lace nightgown. It hid nothing of her body but merely served to highlight all the erotic hills and valleys that he loved so much. She let the coat fall and he prayed his legs would not give way as he took in her beauty. The gown fitted her upper body like a second skin, it stretched over her breasts only to flare into a short skirt that ended just above mid-thigh. His eyes drank in every minute detail of her and stored it to memory. God, she is beautiful. And mine. The thought went straight to his loins.

"Tonight is for you, Max." Her voice was breathy and sultry and low. And filled with desire for him. He couldn’t speak to save his life.

Liz walked towards him slowly, swaying her hips slightly and glorying in the dazed look in his eyes. She wanted to drive him crazy with desire tonight. She wanted to give him a night he would never forget. She wanted to show him that even though he thought she was a princess and a lady, she could be something from his fantasies when they were alone like this. That she had a side only he could bring out and that only he would ever see.

Max was rooted to the spot with all the conflicting desires raging through his body. He wanted to grab her and rip the gorgeous gown off her and take her quickly. He wanted to take it slow and torture them both to just this side of insanity before finally making them one. But most of all he wanted to wait and see what she had cooked up for him in that pretty little head of hers.

Liz felt heavy with lust. Her body was screaming for his. But she had to move slowly at first, otherwise her plan of making him lose that famous control of his would never work. She watched him from underneath heavy eyelids as she carefully undid the buttons of his black shirt. Pushing the shirt from his shoulders, she raked her nails over his chest, hearing the hiss of his breath with satisfaction. He brought his hands up to capture her face so he could kiss her, but she evaded him. She waited until he let his clenched fists fall back to his sides before stepping closer again. She leaned in and ran her tongue lightly over the bunched muscles of his upper arm before moving on to his chest. He was panting by now, his eyes almost black as they followed her movements hungrily.

She took her time. It was glorious to be able to touch him like this. She tasted the saltiness of his warm skin on her tongue and reveled in the ripples under his skin wherever her hands roamed. After long moments of exploring his chest, Liz slid to her knees and nuzzled his navel.

"Ah, god, Liz!" It tumbled from his lips involuntarily.

She smiled slightly against his skin, enjoying the power she held over him at this moment. She explored the textures of his stomach, from the smooth tanned skin around his navel, to the softer, more sensitive skin just above the waistband of his jeans. He trembled violently when her tongue traced the fine arrow of hair disappearing into his pants. She pulled back slightly and looked up at him. Her Max.

He could not form a coherent thought. She looked sultry and innocent at the same time as she stared up at him with her flushed face and her moist lips. A lady and a vixen all rolled into one. She was still watching him when she licked her lips and moved her hand to trace his hardness through his jeans. He drew a harsh impeded breath and wildly tried to find something to hold onto… or he would melt at her feet.

She undid his pants and pulled them down together with his boxers before returning her hands to his body.

"Liz… Liz, I need…" He needed to sit down somewhere. He needed to be inside her. He needed her to stop caressing him so intimately. He needed her to continue.

She understood, because she got to her feet and pushed him to his bed, following him down when he collapsed on it gratefully. Liz straddled his legs and replaced her hands with her mouth on his body. Max nearly came off the bed. He tangled his hands in her hair, no longer able to keep from touching her and urged her closer, faster, harder. She did all that and more.

The only thing he could hear was the roar of his blood in his ears and the thundering of his own heartbeat. And all he could feel was her sweet hot mouth doing magic things to his body.

Pulling away from him when she felt his body tightening, Liz laced her fingers through Max’s as she moved over him. Their hands gripped tightly as they fought the urge to moan out loud. They stared at each other as she slowly sank down on him, taking him deep inside her.

She was a fever in his blood. One that he never wanted to get rid of. His eyes raked over her body that was still thinly covered by the nightgown. Her breasts heaved with her tortured breathing and her hair fell around her face in a tangled mass his fingers had created. All of a sudden, Max didn’t have the strength to take it slow anymore. He ripped his hands from her grip and curled them into her hips, holding her tightly as he moved urgently, desperately inside her. He gave up trying to be in control and to wait for Liz. Instead he let his body take over and it had only one goal – to imprint itself so deeply on Liz Parker that they could never be two entities again.

And Liz let him. She gave him free reign over all of her body. It was incredible, watching Max in the throes of a blinding ecstasy that she had brought him.

When the first signs of their release started pulsing through their bodies, Max reared up and pulled Liz against him, taking her lips forcefully to dampen the sounds they were both making. He held her and kissed her until the shudders in their bodies started dying down before falling back to the bed and taking her with him. He wanted to tell her what it meant to him that she did all this for him, but he was too tired to talk. Instead he held her cradled against his body, his arms around her like steel bands.

"Wow." It was all he could muster. He felt her smile against his skin as she wrapped her arms around his neck.


Neither Liz nor Max were aware of the figure that arrived at his window not very much later. Or of the terrible rage that infused their watcher’s body as she saw their tangled limbs and satisfied, sleeping faces. Even an idiot could see what had taken place here tonight. And even an idiot could figure out that Max Evans was not going to dream about anyone else but Liz Parker tonight…

"This is just heartbreaking to watch." Maria and Alex were standing at Maria’s locker and looking over at Max and Liz who were basically clinging to each other at the other end of the hallway. This had been going on all morning. It was clear that the impending separation was creating panic in both their friends and they didn’t let any opportunity pass to at least touch each other. Not that they ever did, but this was… desperate.

Liz had her hands bunched in Max’s sweater. She grimaced to herself thinking it was hard to believe she had been such a seductress last night when she acted like such a pathetic little girl today. The only thing that made her feel slightly better was the fact that Max was acting the same way. Like he was afraid to let her out of his sight because then she would disappear sooner.

They had been woken up this morning by a knock from Max’s mom, telling them that she made breakfast early enough for them to be able to go by their apartment before school. Liz had felt like a complete idiot when she had to borrow some of Max’s boxers and a T-shirt to be able to appear at the breakfast table. She wondered what Diane would’ve thought if she pitched up in the coat!

Max had held her hand tightly as they drove home and again when they drove to school. In fact, he hadn’t let go of her hand at all when she was remotely within touching distance. It had made for some improvising in the bio class when she had to take notes! But she knew how he felt and she was grateful that they were going through the same thing so she didn’t have to explain her need to be near him.

Tess was mysteriously missing from school today and Max could care less. His main goal for the day was to be near Liz as much as possible. Not in a sexual way, but to hear her voice and her laugh, to feel her soft skin and to smell her scent. He was really going to miss doing all those things, so he was frantic to make up for that time now. What his mom was planning was going to help and he loved her even more for it, but it still didn’t come close to him actually BEING with her for those two weeks.

The bell for the next period was ringing and Max reluctantly let Liz go. They had different classes until lunch so he whispered in her ear: "Meet me here again for next period." When he lifted his head he saw one of the guidance counselors watching them, so he stepped away from Liz and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Liz nodded her head silently. She could do this. It’s not hard. She had been without Max for most of her life, two weeks should be a breeze! She sighed as she walked away from him. Two weeks would NOT be a breeze because in the meantime she had found out what it meant to be loved completely by him. She had learnt what a pure joy it was to be held in his arms and most of all how amazing it was to be allowed to love him back.


The others left them alone during lunchtime and they ended up driving off campus to a nearby park. Max wasn’t hungry, he just wanted to hold Liz for as long as he could. He stopped under the shade of a tree and pulled her into his lap. They sat huddled together for a long time with Max sliding his fingers through Liz’s hair. He suddenly smiled and tilted her chin up: "We must look like a sorry pair from the outside!"

Her mouth smiled at him, but her eyes were sad. "I know. We can do this, Max. We did it before and we’ll do it again." She pulled his head down and kissed him, her lips warm and moist against his.

I could kiss her for days. Max held her against him, just letting their mouths say what their hearts were feeling. It was peaceful and wonderful… until the flashes started. Flashes of Tess talking to him about having a baby and that his first born should be a pure alien. Everything he so desperately wanted to keep from Liz. He should have known she would find out one way or the other…

Liz jerked back as if she was stung, her eyes wide and shocked. "That’s what she wanted? Max--."

Max put his fingers over her lips. "Sweetie, I didn’t want you to see that. She’s… she’s just talking crazy. That’s never going to happen." He looked at her closely. "You know that, don’t you?" He had to make sure. He would never forget the look on her face after she had seen him kiss Tess that time. He remembered so clearly the complete and utter panic that took hold of him when she came into the Crashdown the day after the kiss and ignored him, making him realize she had seen him with Tess. It was one of the most awful moments of his life. He had been confused and scared about what Tess was doing to him, but most of all he had, for a fleeting moment, had to face the fact that he may lose Liz. And the thought had made him frantic. Amazingly enough she had believed in him then, but he had always wondered afterwards if seeing that kiss had made her vulnerable about his faithfulness when it came to Tess.

"I know, Max. I know you won’t let that happen." She looked away from him. "It’s just… it’s Tess and we don’t know what else she will try."

Max gently pulled her back to face him. "It will NEVER happen. No matter what she tries." He pressed his lips to her forehead. "I’ll let you know if something starts happening that… that I can’t handle alone. I promise." He watched her bent head for a few seconds. "Hey. Look at me." He waited until she met his gaze. "Never. I promise. Besides, I think last night was enough to last me a lifetime!"

That made her blush, thank god! Max really wanted her to forget about his horrible discussion with Tess yesterday. They only had a day-and-a-half left before she went to Boston and he didn’t want it to be ruined with nonsense from a lunatic.

Liz squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment. Although last night had been absolutely incredible, she felt really weird about it in the light of day. She loved that she had made Max so happy, but the things she had done! Well, suffice to say, she would only ever do them for the guy holding her right now like she was the most precious thing in his life: Max Evans.


They had made it through the day, but not without some problems. As the day progressed, Max and Liz realized that they were always being watched by some sort of authority figure. Either a teacher, a guidance counselor or somebody always seemed to be around them, so they had had to tone down their touching and hugging and it was killing them. Why had they suddenly become so interesting for the school authorities? They had been left alone until now, so what had changed?

Max waited by the Jeep for Liz. Where was she? Almost all the kids have left the school already and still no sign of his beautiful other half. He closed his eyes and concentrated until he could sense that she was somewhere in the school. So he waited some more…

Liz shifted from one foot to the other. Her bio teacher was droning on about the two-week course coming up but she just wanted to leave. She knew Max was waiting outside for her and her mind was just beginning to drift when the teacher said her name loudly. She looked up at him.

"I asked if something was bothering you, Miss Parker?"

"Uhm… No Sir. Why would you ask that?" Liz looked at him curiously.

Her teacher sounded serious. "It’s just that I don’t want you to lose your focus here. I know you’ve been dating Max Evans for a long time, but you need to remember that you are young and will still have many other boyfriends. None of us here at the school want to see you doing something stupid that may ruin your life."

Liz had stopped breathing while he talked. "What… what exactly do you mean by that?"

"I mean there are stories about you and that boy… Anyway, don’t do anything that would jeopardize your career and going to college. That’s all I’m saying…"

Liz was in a daze. The teachers were talking about her and Max? Why? She was relieved when her teacher finally let her go. She ran outside, straight into Max’s arms.

"What’s wrong?" he said worriedly. Liz was normally not someone to get so upset without a serious reason.

She told him about her weird conversation with the teacher. "It sounds like they’re going to investigate us, Max!"

He hugged her tightly. "Hey, calm down. Our parents will help us. We’ll get through this." It seems like that was all he was saying lately: We’ll get through this. How he wished that they could just get school over and turn eighteen so he could just be with Liz without all this trouble! "Why don’t we forget about all this until you come back? Right now, we need to get home because my mom has been cooking for a week for tonight!" He was glad that he managed to get her to smile.


The dinner was held in the Evans’ dining room and everyone was there. Liz’s parents, Isabel, Alex, Maria and Michael. Liz was sitting at the head of the table with Max to her right. The group was boisterous and it brought some sense back in Liz’s life. She looked around the table indulgently. This was her family – all these people. Last year she would never have thought that they would all be together like this, but here they were. One big happy group. Her eyes fell on Max who was talking to his mom earnestly and Liz marveled at how completely he gave people his attention. It was like you were the only person in the world when he was talking to you. Then she felt his hand slide over her knee, just below her skirt and she had to hide a smile and correct her previous thought. He would always have some attention left over for her, no matter who he was talking to…


For yet another night, Tess had to turn away from the Evans’ house without getting to Max. It seems that there was a party going on judging from all the cars in the driveway. Well, she was not giving up yet! Her plans were starting to come together. Max Evans will get her pregnant come hell or high water…

Dinner was a huge success that was interspersed with the usual bickering from Maria and Michael. While returning from taking some dishes back to the kitchen before dessert, Liz was stopped in the hallway by Jeff who gave her a hug. "I’m so proud of you, Lizzie. I was a bit worried, you know, about the impact living with Max would have on your grades, but you showed us that we did the right thing to believe in you two."

"Thanks, Dad." Liz hugged him back, fighting back tears of happiness. Her father loved her very much, of that she was sure, but to hear that she was still making him proud was a wonderful gift. And it helped alleviate some of her anxiety about the actions of the teachers today. Max was right, their parents WOULD help them.

When she got back to the table, Max gave her a wicked half-smile and moved his chair deeper under the table and closer to her. He then proceeded to hook her right leg over his left knee so that her calve was dangling between his legs before softly tracing his fingers over the inside of her knee. Liz nearly swooned. He was doing all this with a straight face while talking to her parents! She was going to… she was going to… Holding her breath, she eventually decided she was going to kill him if he stopped.

"Lizzie! Are you okay?" Maria was looking at her strangely and Liz feared she was doing a very poor job of hiding the fact that Max was caressing her inner thigh in a very intimate manner. Everyone turned to her at Maria’s question, including Max, whose eyes were dancing with mirth. Mirth and desire…

Liz concentrated on breathing evenly before she attempted to answer, but this was a near impossible task with Max continuing his lazy stroking of her thigh. "Yeah… I-I’m fine." Was that her voice that sounded so… choked? "I… I guess I’m just tired." She was doing everything she could not to look at Max again. That would be fatal.

Narrowing her eyes, Maria leaned closer to Liz: "Cause you look a little flushed."

Damn Maria and her suspicious nature! She KNEW something was going on and she seemed determined to embarrass Liz. Liz smiled brightly at everyone: "No, I’m fine." She pinned Maria with an innocent gaze: "And how was your date with Michael last night?" She listened to Maria splutter with satisfaction. Maria won’t try to get her like this again soon!

Max’s hand was still inching slowly higher on the inside of her thigh and Liz was glad they were eating ice cream for dessert or she would have burst into flames! She was just starting to panic about moaning aloud when her dad stood up and cleared his throat, mercifully putting an end to Max’s teasing.

"Lizzie, I know I just told you, but we are all really proud of this accomplishment of yours. So we thought we’d give you a little congratulations present from all of us." He came round the table making Max and Liz scramble to get back in their normal sitting positions before he reached their sides. He handed Liz a brightly wrapped package, but did not leave immediately. Instead he put his hand on Max’s shoulder: "And we would all like to thank Max for not keeping Liz from her studies too much!" Everyone burst out laughing when Max turned red.

Liz smiled up at her dad, knowing he was saying a lot more with the comment to Max. She knew how reluctantly he had given her into Max’s care and now he was saying that he was finally sure he had done the right thing. She clutched the present to her chest: "Thanks guys. I will miss you all…" Her voice started wobbling at the end and she looked desperately at Max who immediately took her hand in a comforting grip. They looked at each other for long seconds before Max lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles tenderly.

"We’re going to miss you too, Liz," Diane spoke for all of them as she looked at her son’s other half lovingly. How quickly this slip of a girl had become a part of the Evans family and what a difference she has made in all of their lives. Max was a whole new person without the shadows of loneliness that had lived in his eyes for so long and Isabel had a whole new group of real friends instead of the bunch of popular girls she used to hand out with. But most importantly of all, Diane and Philip were now part of their children’s lives and their secret.

As usual, Alex couldn’t take the emotional moment for too long: "Jeesh, Liz, would you open the present already? I’m sure my money didn’t just pay for pretty wrapping paper!"

Laughing, Liz gave in and tore off the wrapping to find a beautiful leather-bound folder with notepaper inside. Her eyes widened: "Its beautiful!"

"We though you could use it to attend classes with in Boston," Nancy said. "It will remind you of us."

"Yes it will. Thanks everyone." Liz was starting to feel a little weepy. She had never thought of herself as particularly close with her parents, but ever since they had all been at the alien camp last year, the group has become tightly knit. There was nothing like sharing a secret to bring people together.

Good byes were said not much later and Liz felt the tears well up in her eyes again when she hugged Max’s parents. Diane whispered that they would look after Max for her and pressed her into Max’s arms where Liz promptly shed a few tears against his warm chest. She looked over at Philip and Diane after getting control of herself again: "I’m sorry that I’m acting like such a baby. I’ll bring you something from Boston."

Max kept his arm around her as they walked to the Jeep. Liz would still see her friends tomorrow at school and would say good bye to them then. Right now, he just wanted to get her home so they could have some quiet time while she packed. He settled her in the Jeep and walked around the front to get behind the wheel. Looking over at her, he saw some lingering tears shimmering on her lashes and knew it was not only because she wasn’t going to see their parents and friends for two weeks. It was about him. Max leaned over to slip his arm around her shoulders and press his lips to her cheek before leaning his forehead against her temple. "Honey…" He didn’t really know what to say since they both felt the same way.

Liz turned her face until their lips were a mere breath apart. "Just… just kiss me, Max. That’s all I need right now."

He took Liz’s face in his hands, letting his thumbs caress her soft skin before he settled his mouth on hers. It was a sweet and gentle kiss with their lips rubbing over each other softly and their tongues touching tenderly. Two years ago, Max would never have dreamed that he would be making out with a girl outside his parents’ house in his Jeep, let alone the fact that the girl would be Liz Parker. Even more incredible was the fact that he was not worried that his parents might see them. How strange and wonderful his life had become.

After kissing the remnants of her tears from her eyelids as well, Max pulled Liz down until her head rested on his thigh before driving back to their apartment. Liz clung to his thigh and he stroked her hair whenever he wasn’t changing gears. He marveled at the contrasts in Liz. Here she was in tears because she was going away for two weeks, while this was the same girl who had dragged him away from the FBI, jumped in a river with him and faced the torture of another alien alone. She was amazing. She had so many different sides: a little girl when she was sad, a tigress when someone close to her was threatened, an innocent in so many respects and a seductress in others. And he loved every part of her.

It was late, but Max still made sure that no one was around to see him and Liz enter their apartment. They didn’t need any more trouble just before she left. He swung her up into his arms and kicked the front door closed behind them. "Let’s get you packed, young lady!"

Liz pressed her cheek against his and wriggled in his grip. She hated packing and would much rather do something else than sort out her luggage right now. She squealed when Max dumped her in the middle of their bed and went to retrieve a suitcase. Sitting up, she gave him a sultry look causing him to grin.

"Batting your beautiful eyes at me is not going to put clothes in this bag." He tilted her head for a quick kiss. "The sooner you get packed, the sooner I will be in that bed with you." He grinned again when she got up reluctantly and started flinging clothes on the bed. "You look cute when you sulk." That earned him a blouse against the head.

They packed her stuff quickly and the longer the task went on, the quieter they both became. Max was desperately trying to stay in a good mood and not ruin their last few days together, but it just felt like a giant fist was squeezing the breath from his lungs when he thought about Liz being so far away from him. He worried about a lot of things. That was him: Max Evans, worrier. He worried about Liz’s safety while in Boston. She could get mugged, be in a car accident or have more alien trouble. He worried that she will enjoy being in Boston so much that she will forget all about him. Okay, so he knew that won’t really happen, but he was not being real rational right now! He worried about all the guys that are going to flock around her and that he wouldn’t be there to make sure they know she was his. He worried about--.

"Max!" Liz’s voice broke into his thoughts. "Honey, NONE of the things you are worried about is going to happen." She looked at him with love shining from her eyes and Max cursed the fact that in times of intense emotion, like his current panic about her leaving, she could basically read his thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, he realized the time had come to tell her about Nick. "Liz, sweetie, I asked Nick to go with you." He watched her carefully to gauge her reaction. "I know I’m probably overreacting, but please--."

"Max, its okay. I knew you were going to do something like this. I wish we could live differently, but this is our normal… remember?" She smiled when she saw his relief at her easy acceptance of his plan.

"Okay then. Nick will meet us at the airport. He’s flying out with you." Max was taking her to the airport in Albuquerque early on Saturday morning from where she would fly to Boston. He traced a finger down the side of her cheek. "And he knows he’s dead if anything happens to you."

Sitting down in his lap, Liz wrapped her arms around his neck. "But what about you? Are you sure you’re going to be okay here with… Tess and Nacedo?"

Her concern made him love her more. He wasn’t sure what she thought she could do if she was here, but she would’ve made an effort. "I’m sure you have the whole gang rallied up to protect me… so I’ll be fine. And she isn’t coming near me again after that nonsense she tried yesterday."

Liz nodded, but her brow was still creased by a frown so Max got up with her in his arms and carried her into the bathroom where he put her on her feet. "Let’s get you out of these clothes…" He smiled when he saw her eyes light up. "And into the bath."


Liz woke up before dawn on Friday morning feeling completely sick. She was cuddled warmly by Max’s arms and her body was still lax from all the loving attention it had received from him. He had been tender and thorough. And Liz had loved every minute of it. But now she was violently nauseous, so she stumbled from his embrace and the bed in a desperate attempt to get to the bathroom.

Max was jolted awake when Liz flew from his side and he heard her being sick in the bathroom. He jumped out of bed, still half-asleep but very concerned about Liz. He found her crumpled next to the toilet, looking pale. "Oh my god, Liz! Are you okay?" He shoved a cloth under the tap to wet it and knelt next to her, gently wiping her face.

She nodded weakly. "Ugh… I must’ve eaten something last night. I feel better now, though." She ran her hand over his cheek. "I’m sorry if I scared you. Now go away so I can clean up with some dignity."

Max left reluctantly and sat at the edge of the bed waiting for her when she finally emerged from the bathroom. He didn’t say anything, but pulled her into a hug when she reached him. As if he needed more worries to add to those he had already dreamed up, he now worried that Liz was going to some strange city without him when she was ill. Or pregnant…

Liz had only started feeling better by mid-morning and Max had hovered around her in concern all the time. After her pre-dawn bout of nausea, Max had brought her some orange juice and held her in his arms in bed until they had to get up for school. Of course, he had nearly had a heart attack when it became clear that she actually intended going. He had wanted her to stay home in bed… and he had wanted to stay with her so he can look after her. But Liz had been feeling better after breakfast, so she vetoed his objections.

Driving to school, Max had given her worried glances all the time until Liz cried: "Max! You are driving me crazy! I am FINE." He had just given her an unbelieving look, but had at least tried to act more casual.

Max was fighting hard to keep his panic under control. Liz had seemed fine when they reached the school and he had checked her out every chance he got throughout the morning. The color had returned to her cheeks and the smile was back on her face. But he couldn’t shake the worry that something was going on with her. He hadn’t said anything this morning about the fact that she might be pregnant. If she were, there was nothing they could do about it now and he didn’t want to worry her before she went to Boston. On the other hand, did he want her so far away from him in that state? Who knew what would happen to her? He was not exactly a normal guy… And how could she be pregnant? She was using birth control pills and had been ever since they had gotten back from the camp the first time. Granted, they haven’t been using anything else lately, but the pills had seemed to work fine for months now. He shoved his hand through his hair in agitation. If only there was some way he could make sure she was fine!


"So Max tells me you were sick this morning." Maria leaned against the counter in the girls’ bathroom and looked at Liz. "Are you okay?"

Liz sighed. "Max is overreacting. I was nauseous. It passed. I’m fine now."

"Chica, you know you might be…" Maria floundered, wondering if Liz was purposely ignoring one of the obvious potential causes for her sickness. Taking a deep breath, Maria decided to wait before creating panic until there is more proof of a possible pregnancy. One morning of nausea does not a baby make! "You didn’t seriously think your better half would NOT freak if he saw you ill, did you? How long have you known Max Evans again?"

Turning to look at Maria, Liz put her hands on her hips. "Did he send you in here to check on me?"

"Damn! I told him you would figure it out." Maria grinned at her. "So what do I report to him?"

Sighing, Liz picked up her backpack and took Maria’s arm to steer her out of the bathroom: "Let’s go tell him he’s busted. And then maybe I’ll drag him into the Eraser Room to show him how fine I am…"

A few minutes after they left, one of the stalls opened and a very pissed Tess Harding came out. It was time to phone Nacedo, it sounds like the earth girl may be breeding…


Everything went well until lunchtime when Liz suddenly became sick again and fled the table in the quad where all her friends were gathered. Max took off after her and found her in the nearest bathroom, which he entered without even bothering to worry about the modesty of any girls that may be in there. Luckily, there was only one sophomore busy admiring herself in the mirror and who was too shocked to see one of the school’s biggest hotties come storming in after his girlfriend to make too much of a fuss.

He found her hunched over in one of the stalls and dropped to his knees next to her. "What is wrong with you?" he cried in despair. This was horrible. He could heal bullet wounds, but he couldn’t help Liz when she was feeling so awful. He brought her some water and watched her in growing concern as she cleaned herself up in front of the mirror.

"Max, please stop worrying. I’m sure its nothing." But she sounded weak even to herself.

Max looked at her for a long moment. "I’m taking you to a doctor."

No amount of protesting from Liz could sway him and before she knew what hit her, they were in the Jeep on the way to the emergency room.

Max died a thousand deaths while he watched the doctor run all sorts of tests on Liz. He hated not knowing what was going on or how to help her. So he did the only thing he could, he held her hand fiercely.

The doctor returned after completing some forms to go with the blood work: "Should I run a pregnancy test too?"

Max felt his heart lurch and looked at Liz, whose eyes were wide with shock. It seemed so much more real now that someone else was voicing the possibility. "Yes," he said softly.

"P-pregnant?" Liz was getting dizzy. She had been blocking out the possibility ever since this morning, but now she admitted that deep down she HAD been worried about it. Glancing anxiously at Max, she wondered what he thought. Would he hate her for making them parents so young?

"Never." He answered her thought. "I love you."

Liz closed her eyes but felt the tears squeezing from beneath her lids. "I’m sorry."

Max was on his feet in an instant and cradled her against him. "For what? We both did this. And maybe you’re not… so let’s just deal with whatever the doctors say, okay?"

When the doctor came back, she found Liz huddled on Max’s lap and marveled for a moment at the strong bond she could see between these two young people. "You can get dressed now and go home. We’ll phone you later with the results."


Max had refused to take her back to school and now Liz was tucked into their bed with Max making her some of Maria’s herbal tea in the kitchen. When he came back he lay down on the bed with her, looking at her seriously. "It’s killing me, Liz." For a blind moment she thought he was talking about her possible pregnancy. "I hate that you are going to be in Boston and maybe ill or… pregnant. And alone." He trailed his fingers over her lips, concern marring his features.

"I know." Liz kissed the fingers that were caressing her. She was feeling great again, these bouts of nausea seemingly coming and going at intervals. "I promise I will call if something weird happens." He nodded, but did not look like he was feeling much better, so Liz slid closer to him and pulled him into an embrace. "It’s going to be okay."

She rained little kisses all over his face while pressing herself against him and trying to absorb all his worries into her body. His only reaction was to hold her so tightly that she could barely breathe. "Max, honey, do you still want to take me on that date tonight?"

His head jerked up: "Why? Are you not up to it, cause I --."

"No, I would just need some air to stay alive until then," she reminded him gently.

"Oh god, I’m sorry!" He loosened his hold and Liz pushed him on his back so that she can curl up on his chest.

Not much later, Liz’s cellphone started ringing and they looked at each other before Liz answered. "Oh, hi Mrs. Evans…. Yes he is. Oh! Yeah, I’ll tell him. I’m sorry, I wasn’t feeling well so he brought me home… No, I’m fine now… Okay, bye." She looked at Max. "The school was looking for you so they phoned your mom. She’ll phone them back to say you weren’t feeling well."

Max sighed, worrying about school was not very high on his list right now. He pulled Liz back to him and slowly flattened his hand against her womb. Was his baby growing in there? It was a scary and wonderful thought. Scary, because they were so young and because they knew nothing about human/alien babies. Would Liz even be okay? And so wonderful, because he had never thought he would be able to have children, much less with Liz.

Liz held her breath as she experienced every one of his feelings through their connection and she realized how much they both wanted this baby. And how much they would love him or her when they arrived. And for the first time since Liz was so ill that morning, both of them smiled.


Tess stood in Liz’s room and knew that Liz hadn’t slept there for a long time. The room looked pristine, almost untouched and very few personal items littered the place. A picture of her and Max was pinned to a board over her table, but the rest of the stuff was old. Clenching her fists, Tess had trouble controlling her rage. She couldn’t believe that the Parkers let their precious little girl move in with Max. Because that is now becoming crystal clear to her. Max and Liz were shacked up together somewhere.

She hated Liz Parker. She hated the girl who had everything she had been told was hers. Liz had Max swooning at her feet. Liz had the position that Tess had always believed was hers. Liz had the adoration and protection of Max’s people. And now, Liz apparently had the next King in her womb.

Tess stared furiously at the picture of Max and Liz. Max was a weak idiot who was ruled by his indiscriminate heart. Yes, he was a babe and Tess wouldn’t mind getting in his pants, but she didn’t really care about him all that much. She wanted what he represented. Being royalty. Being revered by an entire race. Being important.

She would have to take action on this. Nacedo had been nothing short of livid when she spoke to him about Liz’s pregnancy. Tess rolled her eyes. When push came to shove, Max Evans had been just like any other guy, his hormones ruled his head. And while Nacedo makes sure that dear Lizzie does NOT produce the heir to the throne, Tess would make sure that Max’s hormones work in the right direction this time. Hers.


The phone jarred them awake and Liz blearily fumbled for it while trying to disentangle herself from Max. She suddenly didn’t have the guts to speak to the doctor and Max took the phone from her after seeing her pleading look. Liz was dying while he spoke to the doctor, his face gave nothing away and all he did was hold her hand tighter and tighter.

When Max switched off the cell phone he turned to Liz with a mixture of emotions in his eyes. Leaning forward slowly, he pressed his forehead against hers and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Max?" Liz didn’t know what to make of Max’s reaction.

"Sweetie, I’m sorry…" His voice was choked. "We’re… we’re not going to have a baby…"

Hot tears rushed into Liz’s eyes as she absorbed the news. No baby. No miniature version of her and Max yet. She should be glad… and she was… to a certain extent. They were really young and had lots of time to have kids. But it hurt too, because for a few brilliant hours she had been dazzled by the thought that she was carrying a part of Max inside her.

"Liz… We WILL have a baby one-day. I promise." Max felt the same weird mixture of happiness and sadness, but uppermost in his mind right now was the doctor’s diagnosis of Liz. "Honey, they couldn’t find anything wrong with you. The doctor thinks it must be stress." He tilted her face upward with his hands. "Do you… do you think she’s right?"

She tried to evade his gaze. That gaze that saw everything and more. That saw things she wanted to hide from him. From herself. What could she tell him? That she worried about leaving him here alone with Tess around? That she knew he wouldn’t purposely get involved with Tess, but that she sometimes had trouble forgetting that kiss and how Tess had managed to invade his mind and turn him into someone none of them recognized? That she felt ill at the thought that she would not see Max for two weeks, not hear his voice or be in his arms. That she was scared of going to Boston on her own and that she was frantic about not making the grade during the course. Could all this truly be making her so sick?

"Liz…" He forced her to look into his eyes. "Is there anything I can do? Please tell me how to help you."

Not wanting to get into a discussion about all her fears and especially about Tess, Liz smiled: "You can let me out of this bed so I can start making myself pretty for our date tonight."

He looked unconvinced. "Are you sure? Cause we can just stay in…"

"No way, Max Evans! You owe me a date." She cupped his face. "I really am fine now. And I’m going to go dress upstairs, so I can make an entrance when you come get me."

Max REALLY didn’t want Liz to leave his sight right now. "You don’t have to do that. I could… wait outside in the kitchen or something."

Liz laughed, a tinkling, beautiful laugh and Max relaxed perceptibly. "No, I have this all planned out. I’m going to knock your socks off, but I need to make an entrance for that. So, I’m going upstairs." She gave him a quick kiss before climbing out of bed and starting to gather all the stuff she would need.

Max watched her, wondering what went on in her head. It really was annoying that he couldn’t control this connection, because right now, he knew she was upset about the baby and a lot of other things, but he had no idea about what. Well, tonight he planned on erasing some of her demons.

Liz struggled upstairs to her old room with her arms full of cosmetics and clothes bags. She wanted Max to never forget this night for the rest of his life. Not only has she bought a dress that’s going to make his blood pressure soar, she also bought some very sexy red underwear. Red for love. Red for desire. Red for her heart that belonged to Max.

Liz shivered when she entered her room. A weird presence seemed to linger there and she defensively clutched everything in her arms closer to her chest. She looked around carefully, but all her belongings were in their normal places, so she decided she was just overreacting from all the shocks she has had to face today. Once in the shower, she let the tears flow freely. Crying for a baby she wasn’t having and for all the fears that lived in her heart on the eve of her departure.

Max paced in their bedroom, trying to pass the time as he waited for the appointed hour when he could go upstairs to get Liz. His mind whirled with all that has happened in the last 24 hours. For a few hours, he had thought he was going to be a father. It made his knees weak to think that he could have children. For many years, Max had not allowed himself to think of the future because he had always assumed he wouldn’t have one. At least not a normal one. Not the one he would have dreamed of where a girl with chocolate colored hair and eyes loved him to distraction, accepted his alien side and gave him children and a normal life. He hadn’t even thought about going to college!

But now that he had Liz in his life, his future suddenly became something he should think about and plan for. Going to college, making sure that he could look after Liz… and their future children were all things that were becoming increasingly important. He sat down on the bed, his gaze falling on a framed picture of him and Liz. She was laughing up into his eyes and her mouth was moist and puffy from a kiss. At first he had been annoyed that Maria had sneaked up on them to take the picture, but he changed his mind when he saw the result. Now he treasured this photo of Liz being happy and in love with him.

But he hated being away from her for this hour-and-a-half she needed to get ready. Each minute was one less he could spend with her before she went away. On the other hand, he planned something really special for tonight and he should do everything in his power to make this night as memorable for Liz as he possibly could. So he went to the phone…


She made his knees weak when he finally saw her. She was in a red dress that ended just beneath mid-thigh and had a demure high neckline. Her arms were bare and her hair was piled on top of her head in elegant disorder with loose tendrils falling around her face. And her eyes! They were glowing even though a hint of sadness still lingered and tugged at his heartstrings.

"You take my breath away," he murmured quietly when he reached her. He desperately wanted to kiss her and skip the dinner and dancing part to go directly to what he had planned for later, but that would put all her efforts to look beautiful to waste. Instead he ran a caressing hand down her arm and watched as goosebumps appeared on her skin.

Liz shivered at his touch and turned her face upwards to find his dark eyes devouring her with barely suppressed hunger. "Max…"

"Hey you two!" Jeff Parker’s voice interrupted their moment. "Don’t you look spiffy!" He beamed at them with pride, not noticing that he had not managed to gain their full attention.

"Yeah, Dad, we’re going out... Bye." Liz sounded as distracted as she felt. She couldn’t manage to tear her eyes away from Max’s dark and possessive gaze to save her life.

Jeff sounded taken aback when he answered: "Oh… yeah sure. Okay, bye. Enjoy yourselves."

Then they were finally and mercifully alone and outside next to the Jeep. Liz hung onto Max’s hand when they stopped next to her side of the Jeep. "You can kiss me, you know. I can always fix my--."

He didn’t let her finish, but pulled her into his hard body and plundered her mouth. It was a kiss born out of deep need and want. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, vaguely hearing her soft sound of pleasure through his swimming senses. He ran his hands from her face, down her arms to slide around her rear and bring her closer to him. This led to a whimper from Liz, who stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck. Max needed to touch her and he moved his right hand from her bottom to the small of her back… only to encounter bare skin!

Tearing his mouth from hers, he didn’t even try to control his ragged breathing as he moved both his hands over her back experimentally. All he encountered was smooth, gloriously bare, skin. His throat wouldn’t work, so he slowly spun her around in his arms until he faced her back. From the broad band of the dress circling her neck, her back was exposed almost to where the swell of her buttocks started. His eyes halted on the small of her back and the little mole there that he loved to kiss. He slowly traced a finger down the indentation of her spine and whispered: "God, you’re beautiful."

Liz leaned back into him and gloried in how warm his skin was. "Max… let’s just … let’s just stay home."

His hands flexed on her hips for a moment before he turned her so he could lift her into the Jeep. Running his fingers over the soft skin of her thigh, he looked up at her: "Don’t worry, we WILL be coming home. And then… then we will love each other all night long."


The restaurant was subdued and elegant. Liz took in her surroundings and did not notice all the looks she was getting from the other men in the room. Max noticed, however, and fluctuated between being flattered that his girlfriend was making such an impact and wanting to drag her out of the place so only he could see her looking like this. His eyes followed the gentle sway of her hips as she walked in front of him to their table. His hands were itching to curl around her body and make her move that way against him.

Liz felt his regard like a physical thing and her body reacted to it instinctively. Her heart pounded in her chest as she followed their waiter to a table next to a small dance floor. The place was gorgeous, but Liz hardly noticed. She was only aware of Max’s heat mere inches from her back and wondered wildly what the reaction of the other patrons would be if she turned around and—

Max made a strangled sound behind her, causing their waiter to look around in confusion. When he found nothing wrong and only the two flushed young people behind him, he shrugged and indicated their table. Max pulled out Liz’s chair, not wanting the waiter to do it and couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward and brushing his lips softly over her bare shoulder after she sat down.

Dinner was a strange mixture of intense emotions and fuzzy details. What they ate was not as important as looking in each other’s eyes. What they said with their mouths didn’t matter as much as what they were saying with their hearts.

I love you.

I want you.

I need you.

You. Only you.

Max eventually took her onto the dance floor, using the time to smooth his hands over her body and let his lips linger on her temples, her cheeks, anything he could reach. He listened for her sighs, needing them as much as he needed air.

Liz pressed herself to him as closely as she could, not caring that people were staring at them. She needed to hear his heartbeat underneath her cheek. She needed to listen to the unevenness of his breathing. She needed to feel the hard excitement of his body against hers.

Finally neither of them could take it anymore and they made their way out of the restaurant and back to the Jeep. This time Max lifted her into her seat before kissing her. He held her hands, lacing his fingers with hers as his mouth wove magic on hers. Their tongues caressed and dueled and made silent promises of more to come. And Max had to fight to keep his hands from taking that dress off her.

He drove them out of Roswell and Liz looked at him enquiringly before she realized that she knew the route. It was one they had driven many times before. It led to the Pod Chamber. Liz could feel Max’s intense need to be at the Chamber as well as his excitement about whatever he had planned for them there. Knowing Max, whatever it was, would be wonderful.

He came round the Jeep and helped her to the ground. "Are you cold?"

Liz shook her head. How could she be cold when he looked at her like that? His eyes burned into hers before slowly journeying down her body and igniting fires wherever it touched. She was a quivering mass of desire by the time he reached her feet. Kiss me, she silently begged him.

"If I start now… I’m not going to stop and… I really need to do this." He took her hand and led her up to the entrance of the chamber, opening it and stepping inside. The normal eerie glow in the chamber illuminated their faces as Max finally halted in front of his pod and turned to her. Liz held her breath as she saw his serious face.

"Liz Parker, this is where I started my existence on this planet. But… my life here started when I healed you. And… my happiness when you started loving me." He tenderly wiped a stray tear from her cheek with his forefinger. "I… I don’t know if you really know how much it means to me that I get to be with you everyday. To fall asleep beside you at night and to wake up with you in the morning. I don’t know what I did to deserve this… you… but I don’t want to ever be without you again." He took her left hand and pressed a light kiss on her palm before looking at her with shining eyes. "I know I’ve asked you before and… and you said ‘yes’, but now I’m asking you officially." Liz’s sharp intake of breath accompanied him taking out a diamond ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me, Liz Parker? And wear my ring?"

Not able to speak just yet, Liz merely nodded and bit her lip as he slid the ring onto her finger, kissing it when it was in place. They leaned against each other with their foreheads touching as they tried to recover from this intense moment. Suddenly, both of them saw a flash of a little boy skipping around in a garden. Liz jerked away from Max in surprise. "Max!"

Max was equally stunned. This was the first time they saw a future vision without the help of Nick. When he found his voice, he assured her. "That’s our son, Liz. We WILL have him one day." He moved closer to kiss her, but she pressed him back with a hand on his chest.

"I need to say some things too," she said softly. "I need to tell you that I never knew what love was until you came into my life. And that… that you are my everything, Max Evans. That I knew that day you saved me that no one will ever touch me that way again. Every moment with you is perfect. I love that I can talk to you and that you will listen. And that you think I’m beautiful. And that you have risked your life for me so many times. That you love me so well." Max swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I… I love you. So much."

He kissed her then. Gentle, loving kisses that warmed her heart and spoke of his love more eloquently than the heavy ring on her finger. His tongue swiped across her lower lip, tracing the contours and speeding up her heart rate. Then he pulled back, his hands sliding over her hips. "Let’s go outside."

Liz let him lead her outside, but cast a longing glance to the sleeping bags lying in the one corner. They never had gotten around to removing them after the need for a private place to make love far away from parental eyes had passed.

Once outside, Max stood staring up at the stars for a moment before turning to Liz. "I always thought that that was what I wanted," he motioned upwards with his hand, "all those stars up there. But now I know that the only stars I really want… are the ones in your eyes when you look at me." He smiled crookedly at his sappy comment. It was sappy, but true.

Liz turned away from him and looking at the stars with a smile. "Don’t knock those stars, one of them sent me you."

Grinning at her comment, Max moved to stand behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and pressing her back against his chest. He felt her take a deep breath and knew that the time for talking was over…

Tess had been waiting in front of the Evans’ house for hours. Where the hell were Max and Liz? They had disappeared in the middle of the school day just after she had overheard Liz being sick and she hasn’t seen them since. Liz wasn’t in her room and Tess had assumed that Liz had basically moved in with Max at the Evans’. However, there has been no sign of them so far and the light in Max’s room stayed resolutely out.

Nacedo had decided that he would leave Liz alone until she returned from Boston as it would be easier for them to take care of her "condition" then. In the meantime, he instructed Tess to work on Max in Liz’s absence. She should use her powers to get him to sleep with her as many times as possible, they had to make sure she gets pregnant before Liz gets back. Tess had been reluctant to tell Nacedo that she was having trouble with putting images in Max’s mind and had merely hinted that while Liz was around, Max seemed to be less receptive. Nacedo’s answer had been: "Just do it."

So here she was, across the street from Max’s house at ten at night and no sign of the alien leader and his pet obsession yet. Needless to say, she had tried to use her supposed connection to her genetically bonded mate, but to no avail. Not even a little spark of Max anywhere in her mind. Damn Liz Parker and her big doe eyes that had thoroughly enslaved Max!


Liz smiled a secret little smile as she felt Max’s body harden against hers when he pulled her closer. He was in for quite a surprise later! But for now, she relished feeling his heat against her, enjoyed his hands shaping her hips and waist and held her breath every time his fingers just brushed the undersides of her breasts. Her body was responding to his caresses, readying itself for his possession. She could feel the liquid heat pool between her thighs and hear the thundering of her heart in her ears. Closing her eyes, Liz basked in her love for Max and his love for her. He was right. They WILL have that little boy one-day. They had many years of loving still to come and there was no need to hurry into anything. She rubbed herself lazily against him and heard his soft groan. In the meantime, they could practice the process of actually making the baby. After all, practice makes perfect…

Leaning back into his chest, she lifted one arm and wrapped it around his neck, curling her fingers into the soft hair at his nape. Her other hand dropped to find his hand splayed over her flat stomach and moved it higher towards her breast. She needed his touch there now. "Stop teasing me, Max." Her voice was husky with need.

Arrows of pleasure shot through her body at the first touch of his fingers and she arched into his hand, silently begging for more. How could such a simple action cause such a riot of sensations? And such overwhelming desire? She answered herself immediately: because it was Max. No one else had ever touched her this way, but she instinctively knew that no other touch would feel like this. She had been halfway correct when she told Max that time after Michael had returned her diary that she had tried to write down everything so that one day she would remember what it was supposed to feel like when someone touched her like that. Now she knew, NO ONE would ever make her come alive with a mere touch but Max.

Turning Liz’s face towards him with one hand, Max slid his other hand from her breast to her side and underneath the material of the dress. Although he had suspected as much, his fingers found confirmation that she was not wearing a bra. The feel of her soft, warm curves filling his palm was arousing and intoxicating. He loved touching her like this. When his lips captured hers, he moved his other hand into her dress as well. Liz moaned into his mouth, her body moving restlessly against his and heating his blood to fever pitch.

He kissed her and touched her until it felt like he would explode if he couldn’t have her soon. "Liz, we have to go home." It was said against her lips, between hot kisses.


Max pulled away a little. "Because I don’t want you to remember our last night being about me not controlling myself enough to get us home and to our bed."

"And if I want to remember it like that?" She pressed his hands to her breasts for one last time before turning in his arms and looking up at him. "Just you, me and the stars, Max…"

He was speechless. She WANTED him to make love to her here?

Stepping away from him completely, Liz lifted her hands and undid the halter-top of her dress. She let the material drift slowly down her body before it caught on her hips. Max couldn’t help himself and nudged the material further down her body with one hand.


The dress had fallen in a crumpled heap on the ground and Liz stood in front of him wearing a red garter belt, silk stockings and a red lace thong. The roaring in his ears got louder. She was a glorious goddess with an angel face and mostly he just wanted to treat her like a princess. But then she does something like this and all his good intentions fly out the window. The moonlight was bathing her skin in a soft glow and Max wanted her with an intensity that scared him. He wanted her to be his, he wanted to be a part of her, he wanted to be so deep within her that it was hard to tell where he ended and she began. And he wanted it all right now. "Liz…" It was a soft sound. Tell me we have to go home. While I still have some semblance of control over myself.

"I want this, Max. I want YOU. Here. Now."

But still Max clung to his last shred of sanity and picked her up to carry her inside to the sleeping bags. He slid her to her feet next to his pod and looked at her for a long moment, trying to memorize the way she looked tonight. So incredibly beautiful… and almost naked.

She came into his arms eagerly and slanted her mouth over his, drowning him in the sensation of having her pressed against him while her tongue did magic things to his. His hands drifted down to the bare cheeks of her behind and he curled his fingers into her flesh, pulling her into his arousal urgently.

She leant away from him unexpectedly. "I want to be outside under your stars with you, Max."

Like he could ever say no to anything she asked of him! So he gathered up the sleeping bags and took her outside again. The moonlight made the scene look magical and somehow it seemed fitting that he would make love with Liz here in this place that used to symbolize that he couldn’t have what he really wanted. Her. His only love. This place that used to symbolize a destiny he didn’t ask for and a bride he didn’t want.

Liz undid the buttons of his shirt, scraping her nails across his skin before leaning forward and trailing her tongue over his chest. She felt him shudder and stepped back, even though his disappointed groan nearly did her in. Looking up at him from beneath her eyelashes, she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her thong and pulled it down slowly. She had always wanted to try this ever since she had read about it once in one of Maria’s romance novels. By putting your stockings and garter belt on first, you can take of everything else later without removing those two articles.

Max felt the air get knocked out of him when she straightened and smiled at him with a slight blush. How lucky could he get? Not only does he have Liz’s love, but she was doing her best to fulfil every fantasy he had ever had… and even some he hadn’t been creative enough to think up! He couldn’t take much more, so he scooped her against him and ravaged her mouth while his hands trailed fire all over her body. He wanted to touch her everywhere at once. He could feel her wet heat pressed against his arousal and knew he needed to taste her. Everywhere.

Liz nearly fainted when he sank to his knees in front of her and proceeded to kiss her stomach and thighs before moving to her center. She clung to him, her eyes closed and her head thrown back as she experienced the explosion of fire in her body. He kept the intimate caresses up until her knees gave way and he finally slid her underneath him on the sleeping bags. He held her gaze as he got rid of his last clothes, the dark desire in his eyes making her dizzy and breathless. Her mouth went dry while watching the moonlight dance over his body. He was gloriously beautiful… and hers.

Max grabbed hold of her hands, turning her left hand so that the diamond ring caught the light as he pushed into her urgently. He wanted to be gentle and slow, but he couldn’t. She had turned him inside out tonight. So gentle will come later. Right now he was desperate to make her his in the most primitive of ways.

Liz wrapped her legs around his hips, grinding herself into him as her nails dug into his hands. It was explosive and fast and exactly what she wanted. Amazingly, her release came first and triggered his. And the way her name was torn from his lips was a memory she would always treasure.

It took them a long time before they could move again. They helped each other dress, but Max shoved her thong into his pocket, saying with twinkling eyes that he needed to get it framed or something. Liz whacked his chest: "You jerk!"

He just grinned and bent down to brush his lips over hers. "I love you." Thank you for being my fantasy.

Liz stopped smiling when the reality of her impending departure hit her again. "Oh Max, I don’t know if--."

"Shhh." He stopped her with a finger on her mouth. "Let’s not think about that tonight. Let’s just go home and love each other some more." He waited until she nodded before taking her hand and leading her back to the Jeep. Lifting her inside, he covered her with his jacket before moving around to get in himself.

They drove home in silence, with Max casting glances at Liz every few minutes.

"What?" Liz asked with a smile as she huddled deeper into the jacket. It smelled like Max and it was having a profound effect on her.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you look right now? And how hard it is for me to forget that you are wearing practically nothing underneath that dress?"

She breathed his name, moving restlessly on the seat and wishing they were home already.

He watched her for a few more minutes, before lifting one hand from the steering wheel and placing it on her thigh. His hand caressed her lazily and moved ever closer to where she wanted it most. Arching towards his touch, she begged him: "Max please…"

Max held his breath and waited until he turned the last corner on the way to the Crashdown before giving in to her plea and letting his fingers find her heat. Both of them gasped in reaction and Max tore his hand away to park the Jeep behind the café with her disappointed moan ringing in his ears. He pulled her over to him as soon as the car came to a halt and she wrapped her legs around him as he stumbled to their front door and into the apartment.

Tumbling onto the bed, Max tried, for a vain moment, to remember if he had closed the door, but all that paled in importance to loving Liz. This time, he tore their clothes off in haste and didn’t have the patience to take off her stockings. Then he was inside her again and her sigh of contentment went straight to his heart. Now that he was where he wanted to be, he could slow down. Resting his forehead against hers, he felt an ache grow in his throat. "Oh god, Liz, I’m going to miss you!"

Tears welled up in Liz’s eyes as she clung to him. "Me too." The separation loomed over her menacingly and she was starting to panic. "Promise me you’ll think of me. And promise me you’ll look after yourself. And that--."

He kissed her into silence before catching her tears with his tongue. "Sweetie, you know I will. Not having you near will be a constant ache in my heart." He took a deep breath. "Stay with Nick, okay? Don’t go off on your own and… and phone me whenever you get a chance." He looked at her seriously. "Remember you are looking after the most important person in my life… Promise me you’ll be careful."

She nodded mutely and they made love with tears in their eyes and hearts. Praying the night will never end and that if it did… the next two weeks will pass quickly.

They slept fitfully, with Max lying awake and watching Liz most of the night. She clung to him in sleep and murmured his name a few times, the sound tugging at his heart.

Liz was dreaming of Max. He smiled at her and mouthed that he loved her when suddenly his face froze and Tess appeared at his shoulder. Panic flooded through Liz when she saw the blonde girl glare at her maliciously before tugging Max away from Liz. Liz struggled to cry out, but her vocal chords didn’t work and she was immobile, only jerking in fear when Nacedo suddenly appeared at her side to grab her left hand. He tore the ring off her finger and hissed in her ear: "This belongs to Tess!"

"Noooo!" Max nearly had a heart attack when the pain-filled moan suddenly erupted from Liz’s throat. What was happening to her?

Hugging her closer, he was suddenly in her dream, being dragged away from her by Tess while Nacedo was hovering menacingly next to Liz. Fury rolled through him at the sight and he ripped himself from Tess’ grasp while yelling at Nacedo: "Leave her alone!" He was at Liz’s side instantly and the other two faded from the dream. A dream! It was only a nightmare, he told himself as he held her shaking body. A nightmare that said a lot about what Liz’s biggest fear was... He silently cursed Tess and Nacedo for making Liz feel this way. But most of all he cursed his weakness of last year when Tess first came to town. He put his hands on the sides of Liz’s face and reaffirmed his promise to her here in the dream plane as well: "Never, Liz. She will never manipulate me again." And he promised himself that too. Whatever it takes, that girl will not get the better of him…

Morning came too soon and Max had trouble waking up because staying in that place of slumber meant that Liz was still with him. That she hadn’t gotten on the plane to Boston yet…

Liz, on the other hand, woke up feeling nauseous again. The first fingers of dawn were creeping over the horizon and this time she literally sneaked from the bed so as not to wake Max. Huddling on the floor in the bathroom, the nausea didn’t go away, but at least she wasn’t being physically sick this time. She didn’t want Max to know how scared she was, because that would only make him more upset about the fact that she was leaving. And besides, she was just being a child about all this. None of her fears were going to realize! Max would not let Tess get to him. He was stronger now… and closer to Liz than ever before.

When she felt a little better after drinking some water, Liz went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. A huge bunch of white roses stood on the counter, making her smile because Max had obviously intended to give it to her last night. He was so sweet!

Max came awake with a start, panicking for a moment because Liz wasn’t next to him before his senses registered the smell of coffee and breakfast permeating the small apartment. Liz appeared next to the bed with a tray in her hands and his heart melted as she smiled at him sweetly. "You didn’t have to."

"I know. I wanted to." She sat down across from him and placed the tray between them.

Max grinned when he saw the single white rose she had added to the tray. "I’m sorry, I wanted to give them to you last night, but we sort of got side-tracked."

"Yes, we did. But it was worth it."

She looked so beautiful to him, perched on the bed in one of his old T-shirts, looking tousled and sexy. "But I had this whole plan of seducing you with a rose…" he said with gleaming eyes.

Liz glanced at the clock and grinned back at him. "Well, we have two hours before we have to leave…"

His eyes turned dark, a sure sign that she was getting to him, but he made her eat some of her omelet first, claiming that it would be a long time before he could look after her again. When he was satisfied that she had eaten enough, he took the tray to the kitchen and returned with the roses. He made Liz stretch out on the bed on her stomach and proceeded caressing her all over, first with a rose and then with his mouth… until she begged him to make love to her. It was another slow and gentle union, tinged again with sadness and a little desperation because this would be the last time for a while. When they got up to shower much later, rose petals were scattered all over their bed and the floor… and some were even stuck in Liz’s hair.


The drive to Albuquerque was conducted in silence. Liz wiped at the tears threatening to overflow from her eyes every few minutes and Max gripped her hand and clenched his jaw to try and control his feelings. This would have been so much easier if he didn’t worry about Liz’s stress-related sickness and about Tess and Nacedo basically breathing down their necks. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and pulled to the side of the road before lifting Liz into his lap. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and brought her hand with their engagement ring to his lips. "God, I’m going to miss you so much!"

Liz just nodded, not able to speak around the lump in her throat. She suddenly threw her arms around him and kissed him desperately, willing him to see all her emotions through their connection. Their tears mixed on their lips as they kissed.

Please be safe!

Please be careful.

I love you.

I love YOU.

Nick was waiting for them when they arrived at the airport. He gave them one look and took Liz’s luggage before going off to get it sorted out.

Liz’s hand was going numb from the crushing grip Max had on it. But she didn’t complain, it was comforting that she wasn’t the only one coming apart at the seams. If only she could stop the stupid tears from rolling down her cheeks incessantly, then maybe she would be able to get on the plane with some dignity. That didn’t seem to be a possibility right now though, because the closer they got to the checkout counter, the worse the ache in her heart became. "Max…"

He stopped and turned towards her immediately, his eyes clouding over when he saw the tear tracks on her face. "Let’s get you booked in, then we’ll talk, okay?"

The task was completed soon, with neither Max nor Liz noticing the interested and sympathetic looks from the airport staff. Max left Liz briefly to talk to Nick for a few minutes, after which Nick left for the departure hall to wait for Liz.

Watching him walk back to her, Liz had trouble not flying into his arms. She might as well have, since Max pulled her into a fierce hug as soon as he reached her.

The woman behind the counter watched the couple embrace and marveled that after all her years of working in this small airport, she still got to witness something new every once in a while. It was clear that the impending separation was breaking the hearts of the young couple in front of her. She heard their whispers of love and wondered how two people could look so much a part of each other at such a young age. They were teens, that was clear, but the way the intense young man held the beautiful girl close to his heart was breathtaking to see and it made her long for something similar.

Max kissed Liz softly, his lips tracing a loving a trail across her face before he leant his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Max. So much. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through two weeks without you…" Liz bit her lip to stop its quivering.

Her words made Max come to a decision. He had wanted to surprise her, but seeing her so sad was killing him. "Sweetie, I’m coming up to see you next weekend." Her head jerked up and the light that started to grow in her eyes assured him he was making the right choice by telling her. "My mom has to go to Boston to see some clients. She said I could go with—"

"Max!" Liz cried. She hugged him closer, joy starting to dissipate some of her sadness. He lifted her up and swung her around in a small circle before sliding her back to her feet and kissing her breathless. The kiss was long, intense and deep and spoke of a love that transcended time and distance.

When they finally pulled apart, a chorus of applause broke out around them. Both Max and Liz flushed when they saw the small crowd of spectators beaming at them. The moment was short-lived though, as they heard the call for Liz’s flight. Ignoring all the people still milling about, Max turned to Liz. "Call me, okay? About anything. And if you feel sick again—"

Liz stopped him with her finger on his mouth. "I promise." The tears were welling up in her eyes again. "I’ll miss you!"

He just nodded and kissed her again before dropping his arms from her slowly and stepping back. He had to shove his hands into his pockets to keep them from hauling her back into his arms and taking off with her to someplace they would never have to be apart again.

Blinded by her tears, Liz hurried away from him. I’m coming back, I’m coming back, she repeated to herself as she walked. She had no idea where she was going and was relieved when she felt an arm encircle her shoulder and Nick’s familiar voice telling her to come with him.

Bracing himself against the glass with one arm, Max stood at the window and watched her plane take off, his mind frantically clinging to the link of their connection. As the plane grew smaller in the blue sky, he had to sink into the nearest chair following the disorientation that resulted from the rapid fading of his connection to Liz. He sat resting with his head in his hands, waiting for the dizziness to pass so he could go home. Home to Roswell… alone.

Tess watched his pathetic actions from the other side of the hall. She had never seen such a sad display of emotions from two people, one of whom were supposed to be this strong leader of a whole race! Oh wait, she HAD seen such displays before, and, not surprisingly, the same two people were involved. She saw Max stagger to his feet after a few minutes. Good. He is weak. That will help a lot.

Lying back in her seat with her eyes closed, Liz finally managed to get herself under some sort of control. Nick had gotten her onto the plane and into her seat and he was now sitting beside her, reading quietly. She was already missing Max, it felt like a hollow void had appeared where her heart used to be and the fact that their connection had died down to a barely discernable whisper at the edge of her consciousness didn’t help much.

Nick watched from the corner of his eye as Liz took a few deep breaths and squared her shoulders. He smiled slightly. Not that he needed any reaffirmation, his "experiment" with the two of them last year already proved how intense Max and Liz’s connection and love were, but seeing them this morning made him glad his people hadn’t decided to force their young leader into a bonding Max would have hated. It was still weird to him sometimes, to accept the human way of choosing a mate through love and not have one thrust upon you by your parents and then made acceptable through genetic coding.

"Thank you, Nick."

He started at Liz’s sudden quiet statement. "For what?"

"For always being there for Max and I." She looked at him with her serious brown eyes and Nick understood a little more of Max’s complete devotion to this girl. She inspired it so effortlessly. "I mean you have your own wife and here you are going off with me because Max asked you." She faltered a bit before asking: "Why are you doing it?"

It was his turn to look serious. "Because he asked me to." It was a simple answer that said so much about his relationship with Max. It said that he was doing it because technically Max was his superior and could order him to do anything and he would obey. It also said that he was doing it precisely because Max had ASKED him and not ordered him. Nick had come to respect Max Evans for who he was, so when Max arrived at his home with the tale of Nacedo and Tess’ reactions to him being bonded with Liz, Nick knew he would help him. It angered Nick to no end that Nacedo had become so self-righteous while living on this planet. It was completely crazy that they would have to protect their leader and his mate from one of their own.

"I can hardly feel him anymore," Liz said sadly.

Nick understood immediately. She was talking about her connection with Max. He smiled at her bent head. "I can help you with that…"


Arriving back in Roswell, Max headed to his parents’ house. He didn’t really want to go to their apartment, its emptiness would just remind him of Liz’s absence. He was actually not surprised to find his sister and three friends waiting for him around the kitchen table when he entered his old home.

Maria jumped up first, coming over to hug him. "Are you okay?"

Max just nodded. His mind going to Liz instinctively. Was she okay? Did she feel sick again? He glanced at his watch, wondering how long before she would call to say she had arrived in Boston safely…

"We’re taking you bowling, Max," Isabel announced, getting up from the table.

Max couldn’t help but be amused. He had trouble picturing Isabel and Michael in a bowling alley! But hey, he needed something to take his mind off the fact that Liz was steadily flying further and further away from him. "Okay, but I have to go to work later this afternoon."


In another part of Roswell, Tess was with "Neil", preparing for her visit to Max tonight. Neil/Nacedo held his hand over her womb and grinned with satisfaction. "Well, the little earth girl couldn’t have left at a better time. You are ready." His smile vanished as he suddenly glared at Tess threateningly. "This is your final chance. If this doesn’t work, nothing will…"

Liz called Max at work at the UFO museum when she arrived in Boston since Max was working until closing time late the afternoon. It was horrible for Max as he could hear the tears in her voice as she spoke to him. She told him that the flight had gone well and that she was now firmly ensconced in her hotel room and that Nick had managed to get himself a room on the same floor she was staying. Everything was fine, in other words.

Writing down the number to her hotel, Max swallowed as he thought of sleeping alone tonight. "I’m going to stay with my parents this week, okay Liz? If you need me, I’ll be there…"

"Okay," she said softly.

"I’ll call before you go to sleep later. And…" He faltered, not knowing what to say. He didn’t want to be talking to her, he wanted to be WITH her. "I really want to hold you right now!"

Silence greeted his fierce statement, before Liz said: "I love you, Max. I-I’ll talk to you later."

Cursing himself for only upsetting her further, he mumbled: "Yeah. Bye sweetheart."

Milton came bustling into the office and gave him strange look. "What happened to you? Cat died?"

Giving him a weak smile, Max tried to get a hold of himself. "No, Liz is in Boston."

"Ooooh," Milton said as if that explained everything. In fact, to Milton, it did. Max has been working for him for a long time and he would have to be blind not to notice how besotted the guy was with his Liz. Milton patted Max on the back sympathetically. "First time without her, heh? You’ll live."

Max sighed. "Yeah, I know."

Milton grinned. "But I can see that you would miss her. A cute thing, your Liz. And what guy wouldn’t miss being looked at like you are the best thing since chocolate!"

Max couldn’t help but chuckle at that comment. Milton was a funny guy.


Liz was just starting to seriously mope when Nick came to get her, announcing that he was taking her out to dinner. After seeing her less than enthusiastic response, Nick decided to take action: "I’ll make you a deal," he said, "you tell me when you need Max and I’ll boost your connection. I know you’ll miss him all the time, but he wouldn’t want you to not at least enjoy SOME of the trip, okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Liz realized he was right. Being pathetic all the time was not an option. She was a big girl and she could surely live for a week without Max by her side. She had his love and she could phone him at any time. And Nick was here to help her when things got unbearable. Getting up, she squared her shoulders and pinned Nick with a determined gaze: "Deal! Let’s go have dinner."


Max was catching up on some reading later that night when Michael appeared at his window. "Wow, this brings back some memories!" Max said drily. "What are you doing here?"

Looking sheepish, Michael scratched his head. "Maria made me come. She didn’t think you should be alone tonight."

Not knowing what to say, Max merely nodded his head. Maria was apparently in ‘Operation-Never-Leave-Max-Alone-for-an-Instant’ mode again. Not that he complained, he had had a weird feeling of being watched all afternoon.

Michael flung himself on Max’s bed, dissatisfaction with his current location screaming from every line in his body. Max suddenly felt guilty. "Hey, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I’m sure I’ll be okay."

"Yeah, you don’t know Maria. She threatened me with horrible punishments if I left here tonight." Michael sounded surly.

Grinning, Max felt some of the tension leave his body. His friends would be here for him, he shouldn’t even have tried to handle all this alone. "Like what?"

"Like no sex for a week."

Max winced. "Hey, that’s too cruel. I’ll have to talk to her."

Michael sighed long-sufferingly. "She’s a hard woman, I tell you." He was quiet for a moment before continuing: "You know that time you said friends didn’t keep such things from each other?"

Nodding, Max remembered talking to Michael about seeing flashes when kissing Liz and Michael had claimed to have experienced that several times.

"Well, Maxwell, you should’ve told me it would be so amazing. You know, being with her."

This elicited a full-blown grin from Max. "I had no clue you would take so long to take the final plunge, so to speak! You and Maria were always so hot and heavy, I thought—"

"Yeah, whatever." It was clear that this whole discussion made Michael uncomfortable. "Let’s just say, I’ll do whatever she tells me now."

They looked at each other with understanding. "Man, we’re whipped!" Michael stated disgustedly.

"It still beats being without them," Max said matter-of-factly. This only reminded him of Liz again and he rubbed his hands over his face before glancing at his bed. This would be the first time in over a year that he would sleep without Liz in his arms…


Tess stood outside Max’s window and glared at Michael’s sleeping form on the floor. What the hell was he doing here? Everywhere Max went today, he had been surrounded by people and she was getting irritated. Also, Max wasn’t asleep right now. He was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling and Tess just KNEW he was thinking of HER. It was disgusting, really. She turned away from his window angrily and jumped in her car, adjusting the mirror so she could see herself. What was wrong with Max Evans? She was gorgeous! How could he not want her? How could he keep lusting after Liz Parker when she was so… so boring! She had no chest to speak of and always wore such prim outfits. And her hair! It was BROWN, for crying out loud. Brown and flat. Tess jerked the mirror back in place and took off with squealing tires. Tomorrow night… she would get him tomorrow night.


Max only vaguely registered the sound of screeching tires outside, his mind was focused on Liz. When he had spoken to her a while ago, she had sounded better and had told him about the little restaurant near the harbor where Nick had taken her. They also planned to do some sightseeing the next day and Max was relieved that Nick was looking after her so well. Now if he could only get through this night, it would be one less he had to live through before he could see her again. Turning on his side, his eyes fell on a picture of her he had on his nightstand. The moonlight helped him pick out her features, but most of all, the picture had captured her sparkling eyes. Oh god, I miss her.

Closing his eyes, he could still hear her parting words. Dream of me, Max. And he did…


Liz was surprised when she actually enjoyed Sunday. Nick took her all over Boston and they even made a quick stop at the college where she was taking her course so she could see the place. She still found herself looking around for Max to show him something or tell him something, but luckily Nick seemed to understand and didn’t comment on her lapses. She got tired late in the afternoon and Nick grinned when he saw her yawning behind her hand for the umpteenth time.

"Sorry!" she said with a blush. "I didn’t sleep much last night."

"So I gathered. Why don’t we make it an early night tonight? We have to be up early for your course tomorrow."

"Oh Nick, you really don’t have to go with me. I’m sure I’ll be—"

But he interrupted her. "You’re kidding me, right? You might not be in awe of Max’s position, but I sure am. I grew up hearing about him and there’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight these two weeks. Even if you technically outrank me and can order me away!" He smiled at her embarrassed countenance. "I’m just pulling your leg. I want to go with you. For Max and for me. You are like my sister, you know!"

Liz couldn’t help but smile at him for saying such sweet things. "Thank you."

Nick shook his head, thinking that that was such a Liz thing to say.


Isabel sat with Max in his room and he gathered that it was her turn to watch over him tonight. They had spent the day with their parents, something that was rare these days, and Diane had made a ton of food for Sunday lunch to celebrate. But now that the sun was setting and the normal Sunday afternoon quiet was stealing over their small town, Max was feeling melancholy. Normally, he would be in bed with Liz right now, either napping or talking or making love. Anything that included a lot of cuddling was part of their late Sunday afternoon ritual. He missed that. He missed being able to touch her and talk to her. He missed Liz.

Isabel saw everything that went through her brother’s mind on his face. "Do you want me to help you dreamwalk her tonight?"

Max was tempted for a few seconds, but he needed to be alone with Liz, not have Izzy there too. "No, its okay. I’ll phone her later."

"How are things with her?"

"Nick says she’s fine. You know, doing stuff like preparing for the course."

"You sound bummed," Isabel said with a small laugh. "Not liking that she didn’t fall apart completely without you? And what’s with the ‘Nick says’ thing? Is he reporting in every night or something?"

Max didn’t answer immediately.

"He is!" Isabel cried. "Max, I can’t believe you!"

"Whoa," he held up his hands, "he just tells me how she is. It’s not like I’m spying on her or anything. I just… I want to know that she’s okay, that’s all. And you know Liz, she would not tell me if something’s wrong."

Isabel just shook her head. "Well, I’ll be next door if you need me. Tell Liz I said hi when you talk to her."


Much later, after he had talked to both Liz and Nick, and had taken a long shower, Max finally dropped into bed. He had trouble sleeping last night and the only real rest he had was when he was dreaming about Liz. Thank goodness, it had not been an erotic dream. He had plenty of those about Liz normally and he would’ve hated for Michael to hear him or something!

But tonight, he was finally alone in his room, so he could dream whatever he liked. He put his hands under his head and stared up at the ceiling until the flutter of the drapes in front of his window reminded him of the night Liz came here wearing that sexy nightgown and a coat. A small smile stole over his lips as he remembered how innocent and provocative she had been all at once. His mind had no trouble conjuring up the image of her, he knew every part of her body like the back of his hand. It had been so strange in the beginning. Making love came naturally, but being naked and allowing each other the freedom to explore had been something else. Liz had this thing that she was not voluptuous or sexy enough and that he would get tired of her body. So he had to patiently and tenderly break down all her reserves about herself. He had shown her over and over again what she did to him. How much he wanted her. He smiled ruefully. And now a year later, he wanted her even more. He never got tired of looking at her. She was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Outside, Tess waited in the shadows for him to fall asleep. He had that idiotic little grin on his face that he always got when he was thinking about Liz and Tess grit her teeth in fury. Well, let him dream about his little mate. She would even help him dream some more later. He was going to have the hottest dream about Liz she could conjure up and in the process, Tess would be there to let him live his dream. She would have to be careful though, little Liz Parker was probably not all that adventurous and she didn’t want Max to get suspicious. Smiling gleefully, she watched as Max drifted off to sleep. Have sex with Liz all you want in your fantasies, lover boy, it will be my body in your bed!

Max jerked awake and found that he was drenched in sweat and shaking. What is wrong with me? He had been dreaming of Liz, nothing strange there, he dreamt of her often. But tonight the dream was… disturbing. Something about Liz in the dream felt off. Maybe, it wasn’t her, it was me. The way I was thinking of Liz was… animalistic. He blinked and rubbed his hands over his eyes. I never want to treat Liz like that. What is going on? And then he saw her. Liz. Standing at the foot of his bed, naked. Max stared at the vision, if he hadn’t talked to Liz a couple of hours ago on the phone, he would swear it was her. Was he still dreaming?

Sitting up, he realized his body was not reacting to her like it usually did. In fact, he should have been hyperventilating from excitement by now. He would have been normally, but instead he felt slightly nauseous. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Liz was flaunting her body at him. She never did that. If there was one thing he loved about Liz, it was her shy sensuality. Nothing overt or slutty, just a way of being with him that made him certain that he was the only guy she would ever be so intimate with. This is wrong. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong.


Liz ran down the hotel corridor barefoot to Nick’s room and knocked on the door urgently. He jerked it open seconds later, looking over her shoulder with concern. "What is wrong?"

Now that she was here, Liz wasn’t sure what to say. She had an awful feeling about Max? Something was happening to Max, but she wasn’t sure what? "Uhm…"

Nick pulled her into his room. "Did something happen to you?"

"No, I-I need Max," she finally managed. Actually, she had a feeling Max needed her, but that was beside the point now. She gripped Nick’s hand fiercely. "Please!"

Shoving the questions he still had to the back of his mind, Nick decided that he had seen enough of Liz and Max’s connection to put stock in their feelings about each other. He led her to his bed and pushed her down gently. Putting his hand on her forehead, he ordered: "Sleep. I’ll boost your connection. Then it’s up to you two…"


Max was still staring at the apparition in his room. "Who are you?"

‘Liz’ blinked and then smiled at him coyly. "What do you mean, baby? It’s me, Liz." She came around the bed.

Baby? Liz NEVER called him that. And her walk, it was all wrong. The grace of Liz’s movements had always mesmerized him, but this was… His mind suddenly cleared and he jumped off the bed, away from ‘Liz’. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the faint murmur of his connection with Liz and he felt it become marginally stronger. When he opened his eyes, ‘Liz’ was gone and a very naked Tess stood on the other side of the bed.

The rage that took hold of him was fiery hot and burned through his veins like lava. Max clenched his hands to fists next to his sides in an effort to keep himself in check. "Get out of here. Now."

"But Max—"

"Out! Now. And I never, ever want to see you again." He saw the fear in her eyes. "I mean it, Tess. If you ever come near me again, you will join Jans and Tim in our prison."

Her anger boiled over. "You are a weak idiot and ruled by your hormones, Max Evans! You are NOT what our people need. As for your little plaything, she is a pathetic human that is going to mean the end of your royal line. You mark my words. She will be your downfall! Her and that little brat she is carrying!"

But this time Max was around the bed and had taken hold of her arm. He propelled her towards the window: "Get out and go learn what it means to be human. I suggest that you do, because we are on earth now, forever." He spun her back when she started going through the window. "And hear this, if ANYTHING happens to Liz, there will be no place far enough to hide from me."

He waited until she disappeared from his sight before stumbling back to his bed and dropping down on the edge. He rubbed at his eyes furiously, trying to rid himself of the memory of everything that had happened here tonight. He started when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Max!" Isabel whispered urgently, "what happened? I heard voices…"

"Tess came." Max sounded numb. He wanted Liz, he needed her to get these images from his head.

"Are you okay?" Isabel felt horrible. She had thought that everyone was overreacting about the need to watch Max every minute. Now she realized that they were right. Tess was a psycho. And Max was really upset.

"Yeah. I woke up before she could… God, Iz, she made me dream the most horrible things about Liz! How can I ever look her in the eyes again?"

"That’s crazy, Max. It wasn’t you! Liz will understand."

He turned tortured eyes on his sister. "What if Liz sees this in my mind one day?"

"Then she’ll also feel how repulsed you were with it all, won’t she?" Isabel was trying to be reasonable, but it was clear that only Liz would be able to get him out of this mood. Why does she have to be halfway across country, right now? She watched as Max suddenly stiffened and closed his eyes. What was going on?

He whispered the answer reverently: "Liz…"

Isabel stared at Max as he seemed to faze out completely. She knew he was in trouble. Across thousands of miles, Liz KNEW. How amazing was that? Getting up silently, she left Max alone with his soulmate.

Max fell backwards on his bed, keeping his eyes closed because it helped him concentrate on his connection with Liz. It had been like the flick of a switch, one moment a faint hum, the next a dull roar in his ears as Liz’s presence flooded his consciousness. Her love washed over him in a wave and it felt like light was slowly seeping into the darkness that had engulfed him moments before.

How I wish you were here, love! I-I really need you tonight. He felt her wonderful smile and it warmed his heart a little more.

I AM there. In your dreams. Just go to sleep. I’ll wait. It was silent for a few minutes as he just basked in her aura. I was so worried, Max. I’m glad you’re okay now. You scared me.

He never wanted to hug her more in his life. Thanks for coming. For being here…

It was agonizing, trying to fall asleep. The harder he tried, the harder it was. He was literally desperate to fall asleep so he could meet her somewhere, anywhere in that dream world. So he asked her to talk to him. She told him stupid stuff from her childhood, about her toys, about Maria and Alex when they were little… until, finally, he drifted off.


It was weird. He was still lying on his bed with his eyes closed when he abruptly stood in a meadow he has never been, but that felt so familiar. But that only occupied his thoughts for a few seconds, because coming towards him was a vision. Liz seemed to float as she moved and he wanted to drop to his knees in gratitude because he could see her. She was wearing a wispy white dress that billowed around her ankles, but didn’t hide much from his hungry eyes as the breeze molded it to her body.

Max was staring at her like he couldn’t quite believe his eyes and Liz decided to take matters into her own hands. She ran to him, flinging herself in his arms and wrapping her arms and legs around his body. It felt so real, his body was hard and warm against her, like it always was. So she set the final test, she kissed him. And they both moaned at the contact.

They were coming alive in each other’s arms and it only took Max a few seconds to take charge. He held her to him with one arm, while the other hand curled into her hair and held her still while he plundered her mouth. This was what he wanted with every fiber of his being, to hold Liz and ravish her and make her his. To be in her embrace and in her body. In this he didn’t want to be normal. He didn’t want to be one of those guys lusting after anything in a skirt. He only ever wanted Liz.

Liz threw her head back and moaned his name as his lips traveled over her jaw and down her neck. He was kissing and nipping a trail of fire over her skin and she was melting from his heat. He kissed her through the thin material of the dress, but Liz squirmed because she needed his touch on her bare skin. And, because this was a dream, the dress disappeared like mist from her body. Max’s groan when his mouth suddenly encountered skin was music to her ears.

They tumbled to the grass while Max kept up his hungry, almost desperate kisses. His mouth moved over her stomach and for a fleeting moment, he remembered the few hours that he had thought his baby was in there. Lifting his head, he caught her gaze: "Liz…"

"Don’t stop, Max. Please," she whispered. She didn’t want to think about sad things. Right now, more than anything, she needed Max to make love to her. He was still hesitating, so she sat up and pushed him on his back before straddling his thighs and wishing his clothes away too. She stared down at him for a long time, her eyes moving over every inch of his body like a tangible caress. She watched as his breathing became labored and his hands clenched on her hips in reaction. She studied every minute little reaction of his body with rapt attention, the darkening of his eyes, the dull flush that crept over his cheeks, the little tremors of his muscles, the harsh sound of his breathing. "You are so incredible," she blurted out and wondered how many girls from school secretly envied her this. That this man and this body were hers.

Max hardly heard her. His heart was thundering so loudly that it drowned out all the other sounds. Could she not see that she was killing him? That he needed her hands and mouth on him or he would surely die?

She reacted like she had heard his every thought and slowly leaned forward until she could trace her fingers over him. She watched him shudder and ran her tongue over every inch of skin she could reach.

Max closed his eyes and drowned in the sensations of her caresses until it felt like he was just a hair’s breadth from exploding. He rolled her under him in one fluid move and entered her at the same time. Their sighs were the only sound in the silent meadow as they did what they were born to do, become one. One body, one soul and one heart.


Tess stormed into the motel room where she had been staying and found Nacedo waiting up for her. "It didn’t work, okay!" she yelled at him. "It’s NEVER going to work! It’s like she has put a block on his mind. I can’t get in." She was close to tears from frustration. "And he threatened me if anything happened to his precious Liz. I hate him. I hate her. I hate them all!"

"That’s good, because we are leaving," Nacedo said calmly.

She swung around to face him. "What do you mean ‘leaving’?"

"I mean, I have been contacted. And we’ll be going to a place where we will be appreciated. This infernal planet will never see us again, and neither will Max Evans and his brood!"

Nick glanced at Liz next to him in the taxi, she was literally bouncing around with anticipation. And why not, they were on their way to meet Max and his mom at the airport! He wondered how she could think she wasn’t all that beautiful. To him it was easy to see why Max couldn’t see straight around her. Her eyes were shining and that stunning smile was permanently etched on her face right now. In short, she was glowing.

Things had changed that Sunday night she had came to his room in such a state. After he had helped her connect with Max, he had sat in a chair and watched over her while she slept. She had started smiling at one stage and had stayed like that ‘til morning. He could see the difference in her when she woke up. She seemed… stronger somehow.

Liz fingered her engagement ring that she had put back on her finger from its chain around her neck after her last class today. She felt ready to explode with excitement. Ever since Sunday night, she had tried to push the ache in her heart to the background as the week progressed. She had set herself two goals: doing well in the course and making it to Friday so she could see Max. Amazingly, the week had sped by and after another bout of nausea on Monday morning, she had been fine for the rest of the week. Liz worked herself into a coma with the course. She did extra work, read until late and slept like the dead every night. But in spite of all her efforts, there had been a few occasions she had woken in the middle of the night, disorientated from a dream about Max and reached for him only to find him not there.

Nick had been amazing through it all. He accompanied her to and from classes every day. He went with her for walks when she got cabin fever from all the studying and he took her to dinner a few times. He ever teased her about some of the boys in her group who were clearly smitten with her. She hadn’t even noticed until he had pointed it out. Some of the guys there were sweet, and she liked chatting with them during class, but that was all. She firmly told them about her boyfriend back home. And if that didn’t work, it definitely scared them off that she had a bodyguard! She had heard some of the girls talk about her and Nick, wondering of something strange was going on with her. She just grinned silently to herself. Something strange was putting it mildly! She was practically married to the leader of an alien race living on earth. She would bet that THAT was the last thing they were thinking of about her. And right now, she could care less! Max was coming…


Diane watched Max as he sat next to her on the plane with his eyes closed and a look of intense concentration on his face. "What are you doing, Max?"

He smiled slightly without opening his eyes. "I’m feeling Liz coming closer…"

And again Diane was struck with the intensity of her son and Liz’s love. It still made her a little jealous that Liz knew parts of Max that she never would. Normally a mother would have moments of her son’s growing up that would be hers alone, but Max shared everything with Liz: every thought, every memory.

They were close to Boston now and Max rejoiced in the increasing strength of his connection with Liz. He couldn’t wait to see her again! He had dreamed of her all the time, normal dreams by his standards where they were together in a jumble of tangled limbs and from which he woke in a sweat of hungry desire, but none of them were similar to the one where she had come to visit him. That had felt as close to real as it could get. They had spoken on the phone several times a day and he shuddered to think what his phone bill would look like at the end of the month. He turned to his mother: "Mom, are you sure its okay about tonight? I mean…"

"Max, I understand. I’ll see you two for dinner tomorrow night, right? I’m tired tonight anyway and I have an early meeting tomorrow morning, so I think I’ll just go to bed early." Diane wondered what had possessed her to even suggest the dinner tonight in the first place. Apparently she had forgotten what it meant to be young and in love! Max had gently but firmly told her that he would rather be alone with Liz and that dinner tomorrow night would be better.

Staring out the window to Boston below, Max allowed himself one bad thought. Tess had disappeared again and that meant he couldn’t grill her about her comment that Liz was pregnant. Where had she heard that? And what did it mean for Liz? He had spoken to Nick about it, of course, warning him to be extra careful around Liz. Even though he was convinced that Liz WASN’T pregnant, Tess was apparently under the impression that she was and that put Liz at risk. But nothing had happened throughout the week and he remained puzzled as to what had become of Tess…

They were finally touching down and Diane could see the barely leashed excitement vibrating through Max as the plane taxied to the airport building. Diane smiled to herself. To most people he looked just like any other passenger getting off the plane, but if you knew him really well you could see all the emotions churning in his eyes. She was dying to see what her normally rather reserved son would do when he saw his girlfriend for the first time in a week. What could she say? She was living vicariously through the lives of her children.

Liz danced around Nick at the Arrivals Hall. Now that she’s lived through a week without Max, a few more minutes seemed unbearable. Nick sighed dramatically and she realized she must be getting on his nerves. He was only waiting until Max came and then he was catching a plane home for the weekend. His wife needed to see him too. She suddenly wondered about the silent woman in the background of Nick’s life. "Nick, do you… miss your wife? You know, as much as I miss Max?"

A shadow flitted over his face before he answered. "I miss her, but nobody misses anyone like you two miss each other!"

Liz nodded and wondered about the way these aliens seem to be put together with the aim of procreating without really looking into their feelings. It must be weird being with someone just for the sex. She couldn’t imagine having sex with someone she didn’t love. In fact, she couldn’t imagine having sex with anyone but Max!

She saw some of the people from her class waiting around a few feet away and waved at them timidly when she saw them staring at her. But all thought fled her mind when the doors whooshed open and the first people from Max’s flight came pouring out. She stood perfectly still, all her energy and attention focussed on that door until she saw his dark head appear. To finally see him nearly knocked the air from her lungs and paralyzed her momentarily before she started running towards him.

Max’s eyes had found her immediately and he dropped everything in his hands to come to her. He caught her against him as she flung herself into his embrace. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist as he wrapped her in his arms and buried his face in her hair.

They clung to each other for long minutes as Nick and Diane said hi and started organizing the luggage. Max twisted her hair around his hand and tugged her head back before his lips descended on hers passionately. It was a hungry, devouring, open-mouthed kiss and the world around them blurred into nothingness. He thrust his tongue into her moist mouth and explored every crevice while his hand fitted to the curve of her bottom, lifting her closer against him.

Liz was going under fast, his kisses always sent her world spinning of its axis. She speared her hands through his hair and brought his lips down on hers harder. After the long week of no touching, she wanted to feel every inch of him against her.

The haze eventually lifted from Max’s brain and he reluctantly tore his mouth from Liz’s. They were in a busy airport, with his mom and Nick looking on while he mauled Liz. Nice going, Max! He pressed his forehead against hers and tried not to notice how inviting her red and puffy lips looked. He let her slip to the ground, but held her against his body. There was no way an inch of space would be found between them this weekend!

Liz was still in a daze when she noticed the stunned looks of her classmates. The girls were gaping at Max while the boys were gaping at her. She blushed when she remembered how abandoned her reaction to Max had been. In class she was in control and bookish Liz, now they had seen her in a passionate clinch in an airport. She could just imagine what Monday would be like for her!

After a fleeting moment of embarrassment, Max decided he could care less that people had just seen him kiss Liz. That paled in importance to getting her back to the hotel as fast as he could.

They said goodbye to Diane as she left for her hotel and Max and Liz stayed to see Nick off. He was grinning as he waved to them before disappearing into the exit, making Liz’s blush worse. Everyone knew they were sleeping together, but it was kind of horrible to see the knowledge of what she and Max would be up to this weekend written all over Nick’s face.

Max wheeled her around and started determinedly for the door when they were interrupted by a voice: "Hey Liz!" He gritted his teeth as he turned, still keeping Liz plastered to his side.

Smiling weakly at the two girls staring with barely hidden interest at Max, Liz introduced Stacey and Kristy to him. "This is Max," she stated, not elaborating. If those two couldn’t see that this was her boyfriend, they were blind.

"Hey Max!" they sounded breathless and giggly, causing Liz to roll her eyes.

Sparing them only a cursory glance, Max said ‘nice to meet you’ politely, before saying to Liz: "We should go, sweetie."

Shivering from the heated way he stared at her mouth, she just nodded before bidding the two girls goodbye.

Watching their retreating backs, Stacey cried: "Oh my god! Where did she get HIM? I thought Roswell was filled with small-town hicks!"

Kristy agreed. "And did you see the way he looked at her? Talk about hot. What hotel does she stay in? Maybe we could go have breakfast there tomorrow morning, I wouldn’t mind seeing him again…"

Max bundled Liz into the nearest taxi and waited anxiously until she gave the address of her hotel before pulling her onto his lap and kissing her. His hands explored the curve of her neck and glided over the arc of her back, while his mouth wove more magic over hers. They only broke the kiss when the need for oxygen overwhelmed them.

Running his fingers over every inch of her face, Max whispered: "I missed that. Kissing you… I missed YOU!"

Liz leaned closer and slid her hand in between his jacket and his shirt until it rested over his racing heart. "Me too." The heat of his skin was evident even through the material of his shirt and she snuggled closer to him until her face was pressed into the crook of his neck.

"So tell me," his voice had a smile in it.

"Tell you what?" she mumbled against his throat, enjoying the little shiver that went through him when her breath collided with skin.

"Anything that would make this infernal ride shorter so we can be alone!"

Liz decided to tease him a little. "Oh, I didn’t know that you wanted to be alone… I have some new friends waiting to meet you at the hotel."

He was quiet for a few seconds. "Liz…" He pressed her hip closer to his body and into his arousal. "Trust me, we should be alone!"

Giggling softly, she gave in. "I was kidding! I’m gonna lock you in my room for the whole weekend so I can ravish your body."

He tugged her head back so he could look in her eyes. "I’m going to get you back for this, you know."

"Oooh, promise?" She licked her lips, in full teasing flight, making Max groan.

"Promise… But if we don’t start talking about your classes or something soon, we’re going to get into real trouble." His eyes were almost black and traced heated paths over her face.

Liz wiggled against him one last time, before starting to tell him about the work they had been doing in class. He asked questions and responded, but all the while his eyes burned over her mouth and promised of untold delights to come when they could finally be alone…

Liz dragged Max through the lobby of her hotel only to have him pull on her hand until she stopped. "Shouldn’t we book me in or something?" He was breathing hard, and not from walking fast either.

"No, it’s a pay per room hotel, they don’t care how many people are in—"

"Let’s go then." He steered her towards the elevators, his urgency to get to her room returning in full force. He waited impatiently until the doors of the elevator have slid closed behind them before turning Liz into his arms and swooping down on her lips eagerly. She tasted sweet and hot at the same time. Intoxicating. A whole week of abstinence has increased his need for her to almost unbearable levels. She moaned into his mouth when his hand splayed over the small of her back to press her into his body. She had just curled her hands around his neck when they dimly felt the elevator jerk to a halt. They managed to break apart before the doors opened to allow an older couple to enter.

Max pulled Liz to stand in front of him as they looked at the backs of the newcomers who pressed the button for a floor a few below theirs. He clasped Liz around the waist to keep her from pulling away from him and cast a glance at their companions in the elevator, but they seemed oblivious.

When he felt Liz relax in his arms, he slowly maneuvered the zipper at the back of Liz’s dress down soundlessly. She stiffened but didn’t say a word. He laid the palm of his hand against her bare back and gave Liz time to step away if she wanted to. She didn’t. Instead she stood rigidly facing forward, holding her breath and waiting for his next move. Keeping an eye on the two people in front of them, Max let his fingers glide up and down the path left by her zipper. Liz shivered, then leaned back into him, her sigh almost inaudible.

Trailing his fingers up her back, he felt the pattern of her spine, traced the gentle curve of her shoulder blade and found the soft skin under her arm. Liz’s body rose and fell as her breathing became more labored. She was forcing herself to stay in control, he knew, because so was he.

With slow, easy strokes, he caressed her side, up and down under her arm, delighting in her soft skin under his fingers. With each upward stroke, he moved his fingers closer to her front. Liz leaned back, the soft grinding movements of her hips against him increasing his arousal.

When his index finger stroked the soft flesh of her breast, his efforts were rewarded with a small spasm. Was he driving her as crazy as he was, he wondered? He knew he would go mad if they didn’t reach her room soon.

When the elevator stopped at the 32nd floor the couple stepped off. As soon as the doors closed, Liz spun around in his arms, her face flushed. "Kiss me, Max."

It was an order Max wouldn’t dream of ignoring, and he lost himself in the kiss for the next three floors, lost to everything except the throbbing in his own body and the ambrosia of her mouth under his.

This time the doors had opened on their floor already before it finally dawned on them that they should probably get off. Max turned Liz around in his embrace and held her flush against his body as they walked to her room. It took some coordinated steps, but their feet found the same rhythm without them even noticing. Liz was too absorbed in his breath skating across her cheek as he held his bent head next to hers, while Max was trying not to lose it from the way her body swayed against his as they walked.

Then finally, FINALLY they were in the room. Max dropped his backpack with a slight shrug of his shoulder before returning both arms around Liz’s waist again. It was glorious to just hold her like this. Her hands came up and her fingers entwined with his. He listened to the rhythm of her breathing for a few moments, trying to get himself under some sort of control. If he made love to her now, it would be over quickly. Right now, he wanted nothing more than be inside her as fast as he could and she deserved so much more than that. His gaze fell on the ring sparkling on her ring finger and he slowly rubbed his finger over the sign of his possession of her. It still surprised him how his primal instincts just kicked in with Liz. He WANTED her to be his… and he wanted the whole world to know that she was.

"Liz?" his voice sounded strained.

"Hmmm?" She wriggled against him, making him groan.

"I-I don’t want you to think that all I want is to—. I mean—"

Smiling, she leaned her head back on his shoulder. He was worried that she would think all he wanted from her lately was sex. "I know. We talked on the phone all week. Time to stop talking, Max…"

He took a deep shuddering breath. "I love you."

"Show me."

Just like that, she snapped his control and he pulled her around to him roughly, his mouth immediately capturing her lips. He pressed her into his body while his mouth played over her neck as she threw back her head.

"Please," she whispered and he pulled back to gaze into her eyes. The desire she saw there was enough to make her knees weak.

He lifted her hands to kiss her fingertips as his eyes continued to promise unimaginable pleasure. "My Liz." The way he said it, with that husky catch in his voice that shot straight to her loins, made her chest constrict with emotion.

"Yes," she acknowledged. That she was.

He pulled her to him again. His kiss, powerful and possessive, cut off speech and coherent thought until nothing was left in her except a wild hunger. She rubbed herself against him, soaking up his heat, tasting the luxury of his lean, hard body. She moved her hands over him and he shuddered under her touch, his reaction sending her own passion soaring to new heights. She WANTED him to shudder, to cry out her name in ecstasy, to find absolute pleasure in her touch.

His hands stroked her legs, moving higher underneath the short skirt until she sighed his name into his mouth. He pulled her with him to the bed, managing somehow to end up on top of her as they sprawled across the cool sheets.

"Close your eyes," he said, and when she did, he kissed each eyelid, a feather kiss that made the rest of her body tingle in anticipation.

When he started to peel off her dress, she raised her hips in accommodation. "Can I open my eyes?"

He brushed a kiss across her lips. "No."

His lips burned a path down her neck, his breath hot against her body. His hands caressed her, sliding over her skin and preparing a trail for his mouth to follow. She reached up for him, but he pulled away, catching her hands.

"Not yet."

He moved away from her momentarily, jerking his clothes off in haste before coming back to her. With one motion, he turned her over on her stomach. She stayed still as he curled himself against her. His tongue traced patterns on the back of her neck, sending bursts of ecstasy racing through her.

While his lips roamed her back and shoulders his hand slipped down, caressing her bottom. She held her breath as the caresses slowly became more intimate.

Liz moaned. He was like a fire that was spreading through her being. A fire she needed and wanted. So much she thought she might die if he did anything so foolish as to stop making love to her.

"Max, please."

Max was fighting his own battle. Agony. Not being in her was such sweet torture, but he wanted to savor these moments, to draw out her pleasure for as long as possible. He was awed by her response to him, so honest and so intense. He rolled her over and inhaled sharply when he saw her flushed face. She opened her eyes and smiled, shy and trusting and hungry at the same time and he knew he couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else touching her.

"My Liz," he repeated. He kissed her briefly, then slid his kisses down her chest to her navel, where his tongue flicked over her bare flesh. Her heard her small sound of surprise when she realized he wasn’t stopping there.

"Max…" Another helpless moan.

Heady from the desire in her voice, he moved lower until he was kissing the tender inside of her thigh. Her breathing was coming faster and faster, her sighs music to his ears.

Liz gloried in his mouth on her body, weaving incredible magic and intensifying the ache in her stomach until it was a sharp and piercing need for him to become one with her. When she finally couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled him up to her and he kissed her savagely, deep and hard, until she slid her mouth from his and breathed one word against his lips.


That one soft word almost hurled him over the edge. He took one sweet moment to memorize the passion and love in her eyes before finally entering her in one smooth stroke. None of the dreams he had this week compared to the reality of being inside her. He moved urgently, with Liz matching him until she cried out his name in release. He felt his body join hers too soon, and at the same time, not soon enough.

Afterwards, she snuggled against him, her back pressed against his chest. Max draped an arm over her. He felt like he’d claimed her again. She was his.

Liz chuckled softly at his thoughts. "Yes, I am."

He nuzzled the back of her neck, breathing in their combined scents. "I missed you so much."

"I know. This week felt like it would never end. I kept waking up because you weren’t here, next to me."

He was quiet for a while. "Are you sure you’re not sick anymore?"

She nodded. "I’m fine now. Why?"

"It’s just that… We don’t really know if that pregnancy test would work on you, do we? I mean… because of who I am…"

She had wondered the same thing. "I guess… But I don’t FEEL pregnant, Max." She twisted onto her back so she could see his face. "Don’t you think I would feel something?"

He lifted himself on one elbow and rested his other hand on her womb. "I think you probably would. I mean, you and I share this connection, can you imagine how strong one between you and our baby would be?" He sounded slightly envious, bringing a smile to Liz’s lips.

She touched her fingers to his mouth. "But you will always be my first love, Max Evans."

His eyes glittered down at her before he asked tentatively: "Would you mind if I… if I tried something?"

Not even asking what he wanted to try, she nodded trustingly and watched as he splayed his fingers over her stomach and closed his eyes in concentration. Liz literally held her breath as she waited for him to finish.

When he finally opened his eyes, he continued staring down at her stomach before saying softly. "Nothing."

She touched her hand to his cheek again and brought his face down until their foreheads were pressed together. "I knew that. I’m sorry."

"Its okay. I suppose I knew too. I just wanted to be sure…"

"We have time, Max. Why don’t we concentrate on being the two of us first."

He moved his head until his lips just touched hers and smiled against her. "I can do that."

This time their union was gentle and slow, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms afterwards dreaming of a bright and happy future together.

His whole body ached, but Max could care less. It was a good ache. One that confirmed that he had gotten very little sleep last night. Liz’s hair was spread over his chest and he ran his fingers through the silky tresses softly as he watched her. He was sprawled on his back, with Liz draped over him almost like she wanted to make sure that he couldn’t disappear without her knowledge. He risked a glance at the bedside clock and saw that it was 09h00 already. He supposed they should get some breakfast, he couldn’t expect Liz to get all this exercise and not get hungry!

Not opening her eyes, Liz smiled against his warm skin. This was one of her favorite things in life, waking up in Max’s arms. His gentle stroking of her hair made her feel like a pampered cat, she just wanted to lie here and purr. Last night had been nothing short of incredible, but they ended up so exhausted early this morning that nothing could keep sleep away anymore. She shifted slightly, still too lax to really move, but trailed her fingers over Max’s stomach, watching the little tremors under his skin follow her touch. Max had been mortified when she saw one of his dreams from last week in a flash. Being Max, he tried to control his waking fantasies so that she couldn’t see anything really wild by accident when they kissed or made love, but he had no control over his dreams. She had always known that he had a thing for her hair, but seeing that dream of his completely stunned her. So he liked having her hair all over him? Hmmm, she could do something with that knowledge later…

Grabbing her hand to stop her from creating a problem for him, Max brought it to his mouth for a kiss before asking: "How about some breakfast, beautiful?"

Finally opening her eyes, Liz pouted at him and moved over his body until she lay completely on top of him. She rested her head on her crossed arms on his chest and wriggled around until she was comfortable, pretending not to hear Max’s soft gasp. She faked a surprised look when his hands came up to grip her hips and still her movements.

"Are you trying to kill me?" he asked with a strained voice.

She giggled. "No… So are you hungry?"

"Yes!" It was a low growl and had very little to do with food. His hands were now stroking her bottom and the backs of her thighs.

She looked at him for a few moments, enjoying the look of intent desire on his face, before she got up and tossed: "I just have to take a quick shower," over her shoulder at him.

Max was flummoxed. He lay on the bed and watched her cute tush disappear into the bathroom and wondered what the hell had just happened. The little minx had completely played him! Throwing back the covers, he grimaced as he got out of bed, his muscles were still screaming in protest. No time to worry about that now, he had to get back at Liz for this one.

He caught her stretching her body in the bathroom and she looked at him with a blush. "I overextended some parts of my body, I think…"

Guilt came tearing through Max. "Oh god, honey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—. I mean—. I should’ve treated you better!" Why hadn’t he realized before that if his body hurt, Liz’s must feel ten times worse. He rushed over to her side. "Let me help!"

"Max!" Liz cried in exasperation. "Did it look like I was complaining last night? Or that I’m complaining now for that matter?"

He was unconvinced. "No. But you never complain about anything." He took a deep breath. "Maybe we should just… just take it slow today."

Liz gaped at him fleetingly before narrowing her eyes sternly: "No Max. We’re NOT going to take it slow. YOU are going to fix me up and then the problem will be solved."

His gaze flickered away from hers uncertainly. "I guess… Liz, I don’t want you to feel like… like you have to."

"Don’t make me show you how stupid that comment is, Max. What is wrong with you? I thought we were past all this?"

Suppressing the horrible and demeaning image of Liz still imprinted on his memory from that Tess-induced dream he had last Sunday night, he tried to collect himself. "I-I just—. Just let me help you. Please."

Liz looked at him assessingly and wondered what had made him so paranoid about looking like he was abusing her body.

He pulled her into the shower with him and, together with the warm water, his gentle hands chased all the aches from her muscles. Afterwards, she stepped closer to him and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thank you. My hero."

Max blushed before staring into her eyes intently. "Liz… I-I love you. So much. And… and I would never treat you like… like a thing, to be used. You know that, right?" He sounded anxious.

Frowning, Liz cupped her hand over his cheek, ignoring the water that threatened to run into her eyes as she looked up at him. "Yes, Max. I know that! And there is a big difference between what happened last night and using me. We made love. YOU made love to me. Every touch spoke of love. That’s not using me, that’s loving me."

Some of the fear drained from his gaze as he brushed her hair back from her face repeatedly. "Promise you will tell me if you ever feel like I was—"

She stopped him with a finger on his lips. "No, I won’t promise you, because it would never be necessary. Max, you would never do that!" She waited a few beats before continuing. "Please tell me what happened to make you feel this way? Was it… was it me? Was it something I did?"

His eyes widened in shock. "No!" he fairly yelled. "I mean… no. Its… its nothing. I’ll stop. I promise."

He was hiding something from her and Liz felt a little hurt by it, but she decided not to press the issue now. Instead she handed him her shampoo and let him wash her hair. By the time he was finished, they were locked in a tight embrace, kissing as if they hadn’t already tried to make up for the week apart last night.

Max carried her back to their bed, not caring that they left a wet trail from the bathroom. He kissed her softly and tenderly, sucking at her lower lip while his hands held her close to his heart. They had just tumbled onto the bed when the phone started ringing. "Ignore it," Max muttered against her throat.

"What if its your mom?" Liz said breathlessly and fumbled for the instrument while trying not to get too far away from his mouth.

"I don’t care. Leave it." He attempted to catch her flailing hand, but she managed to evade him and grab the phone.

"Hello?" Liz bit her lip in an effort to stop a moan as Max’s lips drifted over her shoulder blade and moved lower.

"Hi Liz?" The voice sounded unfamiliar and Liz thanked her lucky stars that it WASN’T Diane Evans who would have had no trouble guessing why Liz was sounding so strange.


"Its Stacey and Kristy and the gang! We thought we’d all have breakfast together here at your hotel? You haven’t eaten yet, have you?"

Liz was having serious trouble following the conversation. Max had progressed to her stomach and was busy drawing lazy little patterns with his tongue low on her belly. What did the voice say? Oh yes, something about breakfast. "Uhm… ahh… breakfast. Yeah, breakfast seems…like, ah… like a good idea."

"Okay great! We’ll meet you in the restaurant downstairs! Is Max coming too?"

Squirming under Max’s continued attack of her body, Liz tried to concentrate. Max… Something about Max coming… Liz bolted upright in the bed, startling Max. She was completely panicking. Did she say something to give them the idea that Max was… that she was…

"Liz? Will Max come down to breakfast too? We’d all like to meet him."

Oh. OH! ‘Max coming’ referred to him going down to breakfast with her. Not… She cleared her throat. "Yeah, he’ll be there."

Max was mock-glaring at her when she finally put the phone down. "Did you just tell someone we’ll have breakfast with them?"

Her eyes widened. "Yeah… Max!" she cried, "this is all your fault! You distracted me. Now I can’t even remember who I talked to!" Liz searched her memory wildly. It was a girl. Yes! That’s it, it was Stacey. Max was going to kill her… "Uhm, well, Stacey and some of the people from my course is downstairs for breakfast…"

"Stacey?" Max looked blank.

Liz leapt from the bed, ignoring her body’s protests that it was frustrated and needed Max more than breakfast. "Get dressed, Max! They’re waiting and I really don’t need to give them more fodder for gossip."

Max observed her frantic running around the room with amusement. "Do you have any idea how cute you look right now?" This halted her momentarily and she blushed.


He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay. But you owe me. Big!"

They arrived downstairs 15 minutes later. Liz blanched when she saw that 4 other people were sitting at the table with Stacey and Kristy. They had brought two guys and two more girls from her class. The girls were all gaping at Max and Liz held his hand tighter, trying not to glare at them. They were obviously here to scope out Max and she wasn’t about to share him with anyone else during his short time here.

Max gave her one of his crooked half-smiles before doing the round of introductions. Liz felt marginally better that he didn’t let go of her hand while doing it, but she couldn’t believe the blatant way these other girls were flirting with Max! She had forgotten that in Roswell, everyone knew her and Max were together, so none of the girls, bar the occasional brazen hussy, even bothered anymore. Seeing girls throwing themselves at him like this was a new experience for her. Not all of them were that obvious. It was clear that Stacey was hanging onto Max’s every move but she did nothing except giggle. However, the one other girl, Erica, was definitely trying to get Max’s attention.

It didn’t take long for Max to become irritated and frustrated. He had dragged Liz’s chair close to his before sitting down and he made sure that she was within touching distance… and that he was touching her. His body was screaming for more of her, but here he had to sit and listen to silly giggling about things that weren’t even funny to him, while the two guys were making puppy eyes at Liz. He stared them down. Damn! Where was alien death ray vision when you needed it? He ate some stuff, but he didn’t really notice what it was. His attention was focussed on Liz and on how long it would take her to eat what she had left on her plate.

Liz turned her head and her eyes met Max’s. She fell into his gaze headlong and forgot all about the rest of the group. His eyes were sending her a million messages at once and she watched in slow motion as his hand came up to brush her hair behind her ear.

He dimly registered that Erica was saying something, but his mind had trouble making that a priority above the feel of Liz’s silken hair and skin against his fingers. His gaze dropped to her mouth. Her beautiful luscious mouth…

"Max?" His name being said rather petulantly brought him back from the brink. He shot Liz another glance before turning to answer the girl. Damn, what was her name again?

They made an effort from then on to stay part of the discussion around the table, but their intense awareness of each other was unmistakable to the rest of the group. They did stuff instinctively, like pass each other the salt, without being asked. Liz gave Max one of her packets of sugar when their coffee arrived, because he liked his sweeter than she did hers. It was effortless and obvious. This was a real couple, not a teenage fling.

After the group had left, Max looked at Liz, wondering what she wanted to do now. He knew what he wanted to do, but maybe he should stop acting like a sex-starved barbarian for a few hours. That image of Liz from the Tess-dream flitted across his mind again. "So, do you want to show me a little of Boston?" he forced himself to ask.

Liz glanced at him uncertainly. Something weird was going on with him again. She felt it through their connection. Something was still bothering him. "Yeah… I guess." No, I don’t want to. I want to go back to my room and just be with you!

They ended up on a train and Max pressed Liz’s back against him, folding his arms around her as they stood in the packed car. They were both quiet and he wondered what she was thinking.

When they got off at their stop, Liz turned to him and said solemnly: "I want to go back, Max. I’d really rather just be with you than…" She waved her hand at their surroundings. "Please?" Her voice became even softer: "Unless you really want—"

He grabbed her face in his hands, relief flooding through his body. "God no! I thought… Nevermind! Let’s just go back, this was a really stupid idea!"

"So this was all for my benefit? Because you had some crazy idea that I wouldn’t want to—"

He kissed her hard. "I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget that I should just be me with you. Just be honest…"

She met his eyes. "Yes, you can be a real idiot sometimes. Now let’s go back so I can punish you for this!"

He grinned at her, looking for all the world like a young man in love, instead of the leader of an alien race with lots of responsibilities. He took her breath away when he looked like that. Maybe the hair thing would be a good way to start the rest of their day in bed…

It was the second time that they ran breathless through the lobby of the hotel in their haste to get up to their room. This time, Max held his hand over the controls of the elevator and they managed to make it up to the 35th floor without interruptions. He backed her from the lift while still kissing her, but that was going to take too long, so he swung her up into his arms and fairly jogged to her door. The key was in his pocket and Liz took her time fishing it out until Max threatened to drop her if she didn’t stop teasing him. She relented and he kicked the door shut behind them gratefully.

Liz enjoyed feeling him move against her as he let her slide to the ground. She looked at him through her eyelashes as his hands cupped her rear and brought them closer together. "Max?"

"Yeah?" He was leaning his forehead against hers, his eyes closed.

"Take off your shirt." That got his attention.

She stared in his eyes, watching them grow darker as the seconds ticked by. Then he slowly backed away from her and started unbuttoning his shirt. It seemed to take forever for Liz. She watched dry-mouthed as more and more of his skin was revealed until she stepped forward and pushed the shirt from his shoulders. He looked at her, clearly realizing she was up to something and that she should make the next move. Liz smiled slightly. Max was a clever guy.

Shrugging out of her jacket and blouse, she wriggled out of her white jeans next, knowing that Max was following her every move avidly. When she was clad in just her panties and tank top, she straightened and let her eyes drop to his pants. "Everything else too."

Max swallowed, an endearing sign telling her he was getting nervous about her plans. But he didn’t say anything, just yanked off the rest of his clothes before looking at her again.

Now it was her turn to swallow. How can a man be this beautiful? Even stranger was that a man this beautiful, inside and out, was interested in her…

"Hey," his soft voice stopped her thoughts. His knowing gaze told her he knew she was having one of her moments of self-doubt.

She collected herself and pulled him to the bed. "Lie down," she instructed, "and no touching!"

His eyes jerked to hers at her last statement. But still he said nothing and did her bidding by lying down on the cool sheets and placing his hands flat on the bed at his sides.

Liz walked to the foot of the bed, hiding her flaming face with her hair. I can’t believe what I’m about to do! But then her eyes met Max’s and she could see his hungry desire and his overwhelming love for her, and she knew that she would do this for him. Exactly because he has never asked her to live out one of his fantasies and had chosen to expend all his energy on living out hers. But she suddenly panicked that she would make a hash of her attempt at seduction. She swallowed again and decided that the worst thing that could happen was that he could laugh at her, and knowing Max, that would never happen.

"Liz?" His voice startled her from her contemplation and she blushed when she found that she had been staring at his body while worrying about her next move. "Honey, you don’t have to…"

This brought her head up sharply. "No, I want to, I’m just a bit…"

"Shy?" he provided with a tender smile. Did she have any idea how sexy she looked to him, standing at his feet with a soft blush creeping over her face and neck? His chest constricted from the force of his feelings for this girl. This is why he wanted her so much, because she was such a tantalizing blend of innocent and temptress. He sat up, desperate to get his arms around her and hug the breath out of her.

This snapped Liz out of her moment of nervousness. "Hey! Get back down, Mister."

He lay back down slowly, suddenly unbearably exited. He watched with heavy eyelids as Liz crawled onto the bed and swiped her long hair over one shoulder so it spilled down in a beautiful chocolate waterfall. And suddenly he knew what she was going to do. Oh god!

Liz ran her hands over his feet and calves unhurriedly, letting her fingers shape him. She looked up at Max who was clutching the sheets already, his face a study in suppressed hunger. He was watching her every move avidly, like he couldn’t bear to miss one second of her seduction. She knelt next to him and bent over, her hair sliding over his skin as she trailed her lips over him. She moved up at a leisurely pace until her lips reached the sensitive skin of his hip.

A sound, something between a groan and a moan, was torn from Max when Liz’s hair fleetingly caressed his arousal. His hands were reaching for her before he even realized it. He pulled her up to his mouth urgently, fusing his lips to hers and kissing her hard. He was losing control at an alarming rate… a frightening rate. He squeezed his eyes shut, pulling back from her and taking deep breaths. This was too much. If this went on, he would hurt Liz.

"Look at me, Max," Liz instructed him in a firm voice. She had heard every thought that just went through his head. He didn’t respond immediately, so she cupped his face and forced it up towards hers. Kissing him tenderly on each eyelid, she ordered again: "Open you eyes."

Max did so reluctantly, still desperately trying to get himself under control. He blinked when he saw the unconditional love shining in her eyes.

"Stop this," she said softly. "You will never hurt me."


She leant closer to his mouth. "I love making you lose control. It doesn’t happen often enough. Being a bit rough sometimes is fine with me." She straddled his hips and started sliding downwards, her hair drifting over his chest like soft silk, causing goosebumps on his flesh and tremors in his muscles. Dipping her tongue into his navel, she met his gaze: "Let go, Max. It’s allowed…" Then she moved lower.

Max arched off the bed involuntarily. The feeling of her mouth and that hair that has bewitched him for so long, caressing him so intimately was causing an explosion of lust in his body. His mind grappled to contain all the desires he felt as she used her hair to outline and trace every inch of him. He was shaking with the force of desire coursing through him.

"Turn over…" By now, Max was in no state to resist and he meekly complied. His hands curled into fists on the pillows as his mind’s eye conjured up images of what she looked like while tantalizing him. He heard the rustle of clothes as Liz undressed, only to return to sliding her body and her hair over him, from the backs of his thighs to his shoulders. Strands of her hair spilled over his cheek and into his mouth when she finally lay stretched out fully on his back. He dragged air into his lungs with great effort, hearing his own panting echo loudly in the room.

She nuzzled his ear, snaking her tongue out to trace its contours and he groaned again, starting to twist around so he could get to her. She stopped him with gentle but firm hands. "Not yet…"

Desperate. Liz wanted him desperate and completely out of control. She wanted him to do the worst thing he could to her so she could prove to him that he would never treat her badly. That even when he lost control, he would still treat her like with love. So she wriggled a bit lower, until she could press her face between his shoulder blades. Even his back is sexy… It was a stray thought. She ran her hands over his arms, feeling the muscles strain as he tried to keep himself still. Curling one hand around his right bicep, she moved the other until she could slip her index finger into his mouth. Making a small sound when he swirled his tongue around it, she took turns with her other fingers, allowing him to wet each one in turn. Trailing a wet path from his mouth, she let her fingers drift down his side before sliding her hand between his body and the bed. Max moved slightly to allow her access. Her hand found the ridges on his stomach, but that was not her target. As her hand found his arousal, she nipped his shoulder blade with her teeth before smoothing the little mark over with her tongue.

Max was close to having a heart-attack. Her touch was driving him insane and to feel her warm body lying flush on his back, with her hair drifting lightly over his sensitized skin, was just making it worse. Yes, he always wanted her, but this was…

He grabbed hold of her one arm to hold her steady as he rolled over. It was such a swift move that Liz only registered the change when she was settled on his chest, her hips trapped between his thighs. She stared at the dazed look in his eyes with astonishment. He looked… primal.

He was close to the edge, Max realized. He needed to give himself time to recover marginally… But as he watched, Liz licked her lips and moved lower, her hair obscuring her actions. Max lost it then, completely. He jerked her up, turning her on her back and entered her with a driving force just this side of violence. He dimly heard her cry out his name, but his body was beyond his mind’s control. He dragged her legs around his hips and braced one hand on the bed as the other gripped her rear, lifting her into each thrust. He had no idea what he was doing, he only knew he had to get inside her as deeply and completely as he could. Until their bodies were meshed into one. That’s what he wanted, for her to become a part of him. Liz was scratching his back, making keening sounds that only increased his desire. The explosion that slammed into him nearly caused him to black out and it took a few minutes for his head to clear. Liz was shuddering in his arms, their bodies seemingly locked into place from the intensity of what just happened. Max wrenched his head up, urgently searching Liz’s face for any sign that she was hurt or upset. He found her arched backwards in abandon over his arm, her eyes closed in complete ecstasy and her breath racing from her lungs.

"Liz…Oh god, I…"

She opened her eyes with difficulty to meet his anxious gaze. "Oh Max, that was… incredible!"

That floored him.

He finally let go of her bottom, laying her back down on the bed gently, but Liz refused to unlock her legs from around him. "Stay with me…"

"I’ll crush you."

"No you won’t."

But he moved them until they lay on their sides, their heads sharing one pillow. Liz pouted as he moved out of her. Running his fingers through her hair, his eyes avoided hers. "I-I don’t know what came over—"

She cupped his cheeks and forced him to look at her. "You lost control. And it was awesome." His eyes flickered away from hers again. "And I didn’t break in two. In fact, you nearly made me see stars." She realized how that sounded. "I don’t mean the normal flashes you give me… Max! I didn’t see any flashes! Did you?"

"No," he said wonderingly, "but I was so out of it, I don’t think I would’ve noticed." He looked at her closely. "Are you sure you’re okay?"

There was only one option to that question. "Connect with me. Find out for yourself."

His hands shook as he placed them on her face. The connection was instantaneous, a mere widening of the link that already existed between them. Her ecstasy washed over him in a wave, covering him with her glory in the way he had completely lost himself in her. He took a deep shuddering breath, relief and profound gratitude flooding over him for finding her. Liz. His other half. "God, Liz…"

Tears welled in Liz’s eyes as he rubbed his lips gently over hers. They shared long, deep, tender kisses that spoke of a love found only rarely in this universe. I love you, she told him over and over in her mind.

Afterwards, he pulled her into his side and she lay her head on his shoulder, throwing her leg and arm over him. He picked up her hand, lacing their fingers together. He rubbed his hand over her empty ring finger. "So have you thrown my ring down the drain already?" he asked amused.

Liz’s sharp intake of breath sounded loud in the silent room. "I took it off to shower earlier and then…" She looked up at him in concern. "I’m sorry, Max! It’s just… I’m not used to wearing it on my finger yet since I can’t really wear it to school, so…"

He kissed her forehead. "Don’t panic. I knew you left it in the bathroom. I’m just pulling your leg."

They lay quietly for a few minutes, before Liz asked the question that had been burning in her mind all morning. "So, are you going to tell me what made you so weird with me earlier?"

Max swallowed. Damn.

Liz lifted herself on one elbow, looking down at Max. He had literally frozen after her question. "Max?"

After a long silence, he spoke so softly that Liz had to strain to hear him. "That Sunday, when you came to me… When Tess had been there..."

Nodding in encouragement, Liz thought back to the telephone conversation they had the next evening about Tess’ appearance in his room and her subsequent disappearance from Roswell. She remembered Max had been so disgusted by the whole thing that he only gave her the barest details of what had happened. He had worried more about the fact that Tess had apparently been under the impression that Liz was pregnant and what that would mean for Liz’s safety. As a result, Nick had been instructed to never leave her side. That had only ended when Max was sure that both Tess and Nacedo had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth.

He finally looked at her, his eyes filled with torture. "Liz, she made me dream about you. I wanted to do things… I-I was… dreaming of using you in… such horrible ways. Ways that would hurt you… demean—"

She stopped his desperate rambling with a tender kiss. "It wasn’t YOUR dream, Max," she whispered against his lips. "Those things weren’t coming from inside you. They never would." She trailed her fingers over his cheekbone and lips.

He watched her intently, and as he did, it felt like a huge weight was lifting off his shoulders. It left him almost dizzy with relief and wonder about how deep Liz’s trust in him went. He curled her body against his, holding her tightly and whispered in her ear: "I used to dream about you loving me back, but it was nothing as amazing as this. As reality."

They spent the rest of the day in the room, watching a movie on TV, talking and finally lying in the bath together for about half-an-hour before having to go out to dinner with Diane.

Dinner was a fun affair, especially after Diane made a comment about how nice it was to see the sparkle back in Max’s eyes. Liz had had to put her ring back around her neck, because they wanted to wait until close to graduation before telling their parents about their engagement. They chatted about the course and Diane’s case, as well as what to do for Michael’s birthday that was coming up.

Afterwards, when Diane had left, Max and Liz bought ice-cream and went for a walk, looking in shop windows while holding hands. Max felt profoundly grateful again for the sense of normalcy his life currently had. No alien wars to be fought, no unwanted destiny hanging over their heads, no FBI hunters on their tails… just him and Liz, being a family.

He made love to her so tenderly back in their room that Liz had tears in her eyes when it was over. They fell asleep with Liz tucked tightly into Max’s body, her back against his chest and his arm draped around her waist. They were both tired after the physically draining night and the emotionally draining day they had, and being back in each other’s arms meant a good night’s sleep for both of them for a change.

Liz went out and bought them some bagels and coffee for breakfast while Max was still sleeping on Sunday morning. He was flying out again around lunch and she wanted this to be a private little breakfast for two. When she got back to the room, Max was in the shower.

She smiled to herself. Time to surprise him! She pulled off her clothes and sneaked into the bathroom to jerk open the shower curtain. Max stood waiting for her with a smirk and Liz belatedly realized that he had probably known the minute she had arrived in the room. This connection could be really annoying sometimes!

He lifted her in with him and kissed her soundly. "Have I told you you look cute when you pout?"

She smiled up at him. "Does that mean that you will kiss me again if I pout some more?"

He bent his head again and teased her mouth with light little touches of his lips. "Hmmm, I never need an excuse to kiss you." He swiped his tongue across her lower lip, making her gasp. You just breathing is sexy to me." "I brought breakfast," she said when he moved to kiss her again. "I don’t care…" he replied, sweeping her up and proceeding to ravish her thoroughly.

After breakfast, consisting of the bagels and the coffee that Max had heated again with his hand, they settled next to each other on the floor to catch up on some urgent school work they had to finish for Monday. Liz lay on her stomach, chewing a pen and Max ended up lying with his head on the small of her back, reading the next chapter of his English assignment. Even doing homework together was a tradition for them. They were both serious about studying and had gotten used to working together in a companionable silence.

A little later, Max came back from the bathroom and smiled when he saw that Liz had fallen asleep on her book. He picked her up gently and put her on the bed, brushing her hair from her face.

His tender touches woke Liz from her doze and she blinked up at him sleepily. "How long before we have to leave for the airport?"

He glanced at the bedside clock, already feeling a bit melancholy at the thought of leaving her again. "About three hours."

Turning over on her back, Liz looked up at him seriously. "Could you kiss me until then?"

He nodded and bent towards her mouth, but she stopped him. "I meant kiss me… all over, Max." She stared up into his eyes, underscoring her request with the need in her gaze.

Kiss her all over? Hell yes! Liz was always beautiful to him, but Liz looking all tousled and sleepy just sent him into overdrive. It still freaked him out sometimes. Liz Parker, the girl he had loved from afar for all of his life, was now a permanent resident in his bed. Not only that, she made love with him every chance she got. During those first few months in their new apartment, Max made a point of watching Liz sleep and wake up. He loved the way she looked in the mornings, her hair tangled around her and her face slightly flushed and more often than not, she still showed signs of having made love with him sometime during the night. The sight always took his breath away.

Liz sat up to allow him to undress her. He did it carefully, as if he were unwrapping a present. He felt her dark eyes on him as he bent to the task and her gaze never left him, even after he had laid her back down, bare to his eyes. Only then did he meet her gaze and purposely let her see his feelings in his eyes. You are so beautiful.

When his lips touched hers softly, Liz sighed and closed her eyes. "Max…" It wasn’t a question or a plea, just a statement of fact. She felt him move his mouth over her face and neck, moving lower and lower as he traced every inch of her with his lips. His touches were tender and light, making her shiver with delight. And when they finally came together much later, they stared into each other’s eyes. Each watching every emotion and sensation on the other’s face. The flashes were of their quiet moments together this time, moments that reaffirmed their love and commitment.

Later, they packed Max’s stuff and phoned for a cab. Just before they left the room, Max turned to Liz and took her face in his hands. "I love you," he said and kissed her eyelids, her cheeks and her forehead.

She threw her arms around his neck and rubbed her nose against his. "And I love you. Always."

Max grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder and took her hand as they left for the lobby. Inside the elevator, he hugged her close to his side and rested his cheek on the top of her head. The elevator stopped on the 32nd floor to let in the older couple that rode up with them the day Max had arrived. The couple smiled at them before turning around to watch the floor numbers go by.

Liz felt Max grin and she blushed. Wow, they had really been out of control when he first arrived! She stiffened when Max started rubbing his hand over her hip, moving closer to her breast all the time. She jerked back and gave him a stern look, but he just grinned at her innocently. "Just teasing you, sweetheart," he whispered in her ear. Liz felt a tug at her heart at the thought that he was leaving again. At least this time she was only sad, not as inconsolable as she had been last week. She idly wondered if it had to do with the fact that Tess was gone and she didn’t have to worry about Max this time.

They were quiet in the cab on the way to the airport, just snuggling together as closely as they could. When they arrived, Nick was waiting with Diane and his face was grim. Liz felt Max tense up next to her and wondered what was wrong now.

"Hi Max, Liz," Nick said. He always managed to look like he was battling not to bow when he greeted Max, Liz thought. "We need to talk."

Max just nodded and went to book in his stuff before they went to a coffee shop. After they had all been settled in with a cup of coffee, Nick started softly. "I have news about Tess and Nacedo." His statement was met with silence, so he continued. "They left earth."

"What?!" Diane cried.

Max’s grip on Liz’s hand tightened. "How? Where did they go?"

"We’re not sure. We think maybe they went to Eric’s planet. Ours was destroyed and there are only four more that are inhabited as far as we know." He paused before continuing: "I guess they could’ve gone to any of the four. All we know is that Nacedo was contacted and they were picked up in Frazier Woods early last Monday morning."

"So what exactly does this mean for us?" Max asked.

Nick sighed. "I’m not sure yet. They are gone for good, I would guess. But…" He met Max’s gaze. "But it may also mean that these other races now know you are still on earth. Alive."

Glancing at Liz, Max said: "There isn’t much we can do about that now. We just have to stay careful."

Nodding, Nick also met Liz’s worried eyes: "Don’t worry, I have people working on trying to find out where they are. And what they are doing…"

The boarding call for Max and Diane’s flight was announced and everyone walked to the exit. Max stopped Nick as Liz and Diane were saying good-bye. "Please talk to everyone. If anyone wants to leave earth, now that it’s possible, they are free to go."

Nick smiled at Max. "It was always possible for us to go to any planet we liked. We chose to be here, with you."

Liz came up to join Max and Nick left with Diane to give them a few moments alone. They hugged tightly, before Liz pulled back. "Max… If-if you need to go… I mean—"

He grabbed her face in his hands. "I’m not ever going anywhere without you. Don’t even think that!" He kissed her, promising his love with his touches.

They clung to each other until Max finally tore himself away and walked off with his hands in his pockets and his head bent. God, was it ever going to become easier to leave her?

Liz wiped the tears from her eyes as she watched him. She was turning into a real cry baby! Nick joined her and they went to watch the plane take off into the blue sky. Pressing her hand against the glass window, Liz sent a silent prayer to the machine that was carrying Max away from her so swiftly: "Please get him home safely, he is my everything…"


I’m finally going home! Sitting on the plane next to Nick, Liz reflected on the past week. Monday had been utter hell of course. The story about her "hottie" boyfriend and her uninhibited behavior around him had done the rounds and she suddenly found herself the center of attraction in the class. The girls wanted to know everything about Max and those that had seen him gushed endlessly about how sexy he was. Liz wanted to knock their teeth out, he was hers and they shouldn’t be talking about him like that! She even contemplated putting her ring back on to shut them up, but the idea of ruining the surprise for her friends and family stopped her.

The guys… well, they apparently just wanted HER now. ‘We didn’t know you were such a warm-blooded babe, Liz!’ She ignored them for the most part, but she could see that Nick got annoyed with all the little comments and cautioned him not to do anything about it. He gave her a look that said Max would have a fit about this if he knew, but left it there.

Luckily the course had gotten more intense as the week progressed and everyone reverted to studying almost non-stop. The best candidate from the course would get a college scholarship for the first year and it was a sweet incentive indeed. Liz ended up just missing the prize but she was proud of herself anyway. Not as much as Nick though, who had immediately phoned Max to spill about her wonderful course grades. Liz looked at him indulgently. He was acting more like a big brother every day.

Nick grinned back at her. He had a lot to be happy about. He was delivering Liz back to Max safely, for which he was eternally grateful. Awful things always seemed to happen to one of them when Max and Liz were apart and he never wanted to be the person to tell Max Evans something was wrong with his Liz. But here they were going home, Liz was fine and he could just imagine Max pacing with anticipation in the arrival’s hall of the Albuquerque airport right now!

His smile vanished as he contemplated the whole mess with Nacedo and Tess. They haven’t been able to find them yet, but it was difficult when they had to rely on members of the other races for information. He couldn’t really risk sending out a lot of communications since that would only alert other aliens of his group here on earth. And earth was not ready to hear that an alien King and some of his people had been living among them for a while! Nick decided to only talk to Max or Liz after he had something concrete to report. They needed to live normally for as long as they could.

He would also not tell either Max or Liz about the guy he intercepted in front of Liz’s room one night. One of her classmates who decided to come find out if Liz was as hot as everyone told him. Nick had been tempted to rough the guy up a little, Liz WAS the mate of his leader after all, but in the end, he settled for scaring the living daylights out of the guy. Afterwards, he couldn’t help thinking that his race’s strategy of bonding a male and female sometime during puberty was maybe not such a bad idea. It cut out a lot of this macho fighting over one woman.

Max sat in the airport with his hands clasped between his knees, looking outwardly calm when he was anything but. Liz was coming home! He had left his four friends in the middle of decorating Michael’s apartment (much to Michael’s disgust) for a homecoming party that would take place later tonight. But first, he was taking Liz home to their apartment for a private homecoming celebration.

After he came back from Boston last Sunday night, he had moved back into the apartment. With Tess gone and knowing that there was only a week left before Liz returned, he felt like facing the empty apartment again. He had needed to feel Liz’s presence around him and having her things all over the place, her scent permeating all the rooms, helped a little when missing her got too much to bear. It also helped when he started finding little notes she left him all over the place. Stuff like: I’m missing hearing your voice right now and You’re the love of my life were scribbled on little pieces of paper in Liz’s meticulous handwriting. He found them in his underwear and socks, in the coffee can, inside some of his notebooks… They made him smile and love her even more. Not all were so innocent and romantic though, and these made him ache to hold her again.

School had seemed empty without her. He missed meeting her at her locker or just hearing her voice. Not that he was allowed much time to himself. Maria and Michael were all over him and he couldn’t remember seeing so many movies in one week in his life. Only after he pleaded that he needed time to study, did they allow him a night alone.

The plane touched down with a soft bump and Liz had to fight down the urge to jump and run through all the people to get to Max. Stay calm, she cautioned herself. She thought she was doing well until Nick handed her her carry-on luggage from the overhead compartment and she realized her hands were shaking. It seemed to take forever to walk off the plane. Liz felt close to hyperventilating and she had to remind herself to breathe normally as she followed the queue of disembarking passengers. However, all rational thought flew out of the window when she caught sight of Max, waiting just inside the arrival hall door for her, his hands in his pockets. Their eyes met first, sending each other messages over the space that still existed between them. The next moment she was in his arms, being held tightly against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face closer into his throat. Her heart was singing: I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! Home was in Max Evans’ arms… wherever he was.

"Wow, I missed you!" His voice was rough in her ear and he still did not let her out of his arms. "I’m so proud of you." They weren’t kissing, but just stood clasped in a tight embrace for endless minutes until Max finally noticed Nick standing off to the side. "Hey Nick. Welcome back."

Liz could hear the rumble of Max’s voice under her ear and nothing had ever sounded so sweet. She twisted around in Max’s arms and beamed a brilliant smile at Nick. "I don’t know how to thank you. For looking out for me these two weeks."

"Me either," Max added. His eyes told Nick everything he didn’t want to say in front of Liz. Thank you for keeping her safe. Thank you for bringing her back.

"Well, I’m off. My wife hasn’t seen me in a week!" Nick picked up his bags. "Take care, you two," he said before disappearing to where he had left his car.

Max turned Liz back to face him and cupped her cheeks with his hands. His eyes traced her features for a long time, until Liz curled her fingers into his sweater and tugged him closer. "A kiss would be good now!"

He was grinning against her lips: "Minx!" The kiss was tender and full of love, their mouths fitting together perfectly. It lasted for long breathless minutes before Max lifted his head and said: "Let’s go home."

He took her hand and grabbed her luggage before steering her outside to the Jeep. The ride home was lengthy and Liz twisted around in her seat so she could watch him drive. Being away from him for almost two weeks made her appreciate simple pleasures like this again. Max kept flashing smiles at her and touching her when driving allowed it. So finally, Liz gave up trying to stay away from him and maneuvered herself so she could lie with her head on his thigh. It was glorious to feel the heat of his skin through his khaki pants and she rubbed her hand over his leg, just enjoying being close to him again.

Max brushed her hair from her face tenderly until his fingers could skim over the soft skin of her face. She was just perfect to him. Tiny and beautiful and wonderful and perfect. His Liz.


It was late afternoon when they got home and Max took her up to say hi to her parents first. They were overjoyed to see her back in one piece, not to mention beaming with pride because she did so well during the course. Max hung back to allow them some time together and watched indulgently as she dug small gifts for her mom and dad from her bags. They promised to have lunch together the next day and Liz walked back into Max’s embrace before turning to say good-bye. Her mom had tears in her eyes again, but she just waved them off when they asked about it. "I’m fine. Go."

When Max and Liz had left the apartment, Nancy turned to her husband. "She’s grown up, Jeff! She doesn’t need me anymore." Jeff just held her and refrained to mention that Liz had apparently stopped needing them as soon as Max Evans had entered her life. He was used to Nancy’s bouts of sadness because Liz was not her little girl anymore. He felt the same way. It was hard watching his little princess look at another man like he was the center of her universe. And he tried not to think too much about the fact that Max was all too intimate with Liz. He was just happy that they hadn’t lost Liz completely during all the craziness that took place last summer.

Downstairs, Max picked Liz up to carry her into the apartment, making her laugh delightedly. A laugh that turned into a surprised gasp when she saw the bunches of flowers that adorned the small apartment. They were everywhere, in the kitchen, the bedroom and even in the bathroom. She swung around to Max who was clearly enjoying her reaction. He held open his arms and she flung herself into his chest. "I love you! You are the sweetest man alive!"

"Welcome home," he whispered against her hair, holding her tightly.

Finally moving away, he took her hand and led her into the bedroom. He reached out and took the ring from her neck, sliding it from its chain before slipping it onto her finger. Lifting her hand, he kissed the finger with the ring on. "I wish you could wear this already," he said wistfully.

"Me too." She leaned closer to him, silently asking him to kiss her.

He caught her face in his hands, resting his forehead against hers. "Liz, I-I want to take it slow right now. I want to feel every second of being with you, so don’t make it impossible for me, okay?"

Smiling she stepped into his body and looked up at him through her eyelashes. "Are you saying that I could make it impossible for you?"

"Yes!" he groaned, grabbing her hips and moving her back a bit. "You know very well you can drive me completely insane if you want to, so please… just let me do this."

Seeing that he was completely serious, Liz nodded her acquiescence. And she wasn’t sorry. For Max undressed her slowly before running his hands and his mouth over every inch of her skin. He kept the pace of their lovemaking languid and tender in spite of her pleas and it all built to a wonderful explosion for both of them. Liz ended up lying boneless and completely satisfied in his arms, wondering again what she had done to deserve this.


The party with all of their friends later that night was fun, mostly because Michael kept grumbling about how the girls had turned his apartment into something from a freak-show carnival for which Maria smacked him every time. Liz had to tell stories of Boston and of her course mates and Maria regaled everyone on the latest embarrassing gossip going around school. Liz watched as they consumed all the pizza that was delivered and sighed. It was good to be home.


They were jerked awake by loud knocking on their door the next morning. "What the hell?" Max glared at the clock before stumbling out of bed and yanking on some pants. "Stay here, love, I’ll go see who it is." He gave Liz a quick kiss on her shoulder and left.

Liz, being Liz, didn’t follow orders, but grabbed her robe and got up. When she arrived in the living room, she was just in time to hear Nick saying: "I have news…"

Hearing Liz’s soft gasp, Max turned to her and held out his hand. Liz rushed to his side, feeling his arm drape across her shoulders as he pulled her into the warm comfort of his body.

Nick held up his hands. "Don’t worry! It’s good news actually."

Max relaxed visibly and he hugged Liz closer instinctively. "Is it about Tess and Nacedo?"

Nodding, Nick thrust his hands through his hair. "Yes. I don’t think they meant to, but they’ve actually done us a huge favor."

Max motioned Nick towards a chair in the living room and sat down with Liz on his lap. He unconsciously rubbed his hand over her back comfortingly.

"She told them that everyone from our race but her and Nacedo had perished with the planet or in the subsequent crash here on earth. She has convinced them that she is the only surviving royal and she is being treated like a queen on Dendar."

"Dendar?" Max looked perplexed. "Is that the planet where Eric and his people come from?"

"No. I guess I should explain better. I had hoped we could put everything behind us after you and Eric made peace, but…" He looked over Max’s shoulder in contemplation. "You see, there are… WERE five planets in our solar system. Our planet, Antar, and Eric’s, Tresar, were at war most of the time. The other three planets were always sort of neutral, mostly due to the fact that they had no real natural resources that were of value to us, so nobody bothered them. We assumed there were spies all over the other three planets, so we decided to send you all to a planet no one has ever heard of when the war came to a head. Earth was the only place we felt certain you could be hidden for a long period of time without detection. When Antar was destroyed, my group had to decide whether we would go to one of the other three planets and claim refugee status or whether we would come here. We came here in the hopes that you were still alive… and that we could find you."

"But… can you leave? I mean…"

"No. Apparently your… I mean the Earth’s atmosphere was… We could land, but our ship didn’t make it in an effort to return to space. It was the same thing that happened to the ship you came on."

"So how did Tess and Nacedo leave?" Max had a crushing grip on Liz’s hand by now.

"I’m guessing that there is new technology by now. That whoever contacted Nacedo from Dendar was able to pick them up in Frazier Woods and leave again."

Max nodded. He was too stunned to speak. This was a lot to take in.

It was Liz’s turn to slide a comforting hand over Max’s shoulder now. "Uhm… Does that mean you guys are stuck here? Forever? And that everyone thinks Max is… is dead?"

"Yeah. Essentially." Nick was watching Max who was staring at the floor with an unreadable expression. "We have people we can contact on Dendar now, if you want to…"

Max was shaking his head before Nick even finished. "No. Let them think we are dead. That means they will stop looking for us." He paused before continuing softly. "My planet’s name was Antar?"

"Yes. It was a beautiful green planet, filled with life. A little like earth in some places, I guess."

Max has lapsed deep into thought and Liz and Nick give each other a knowing glance before Nick got up to leave. "I’ll see you guys again soon. Good luck with going back to regular old West Roswell High, Liz."

After seeing Nick out, Liz returned to find Max leaning forward in his chair, his elbows on his knees. Climbing in behind his back, Liz straddled his hips, slipped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his warm skin. "Are you okay?"

His fingers laced through hers as he sighed. "It’s just weird, you know. My planet was always this… this far-off dream. Hearing the name has made it more…"

"Real?" she asked, rubbing her face against his bare back.


Liz wrapped her legs around his waist, enveloping him with herself as completely as she could. "What can I do?"

He was quiet for a long time. "Just-just be you. And be with me."

"Always." She kissed the indentation of his spine and felt some of the tenseness leave his muscles. "Max… You know you should probably… discuss this with Michael and Isabel." She was almost afraid to mention this. What if Michael decided that he wanted to go? What if they all went to this other planet to see what it’s like?

Max tugged at her arm. "Come here," he commanded. She moved around until she was straddling his lap. He cupped her face and stated: "You KNOW I will not leave you here. If the others want to go, we’ll go. All of us." He looked at her for a few more seconds before he kissed her sweetly. Their lips clung together as their tongues dueled and danced for a few endless moments. His voice was rough when he spoke against her mouth: "Now can I stop pretending that I don’t notice you aren’t wearing anything under this robe?"

Grinning, Liz wiggled in his lap. "I noticed you noticed!" She ran a hand over his face. "I’m sorry about just now. I-I just can’t be without you."

"I feel the same way, so I guess we can stop badgering ourselves about it. We’re never going to be apart again for long periods, I won’t allow it." He slid his hands under the edges of her robe, parting it and baring her to his eyes.

Liz clutched at his shoulders, her head falling back and exposing her neck to him. His lips descended on her throat, nipping and licking at her skin until she sighed with pleasure. "You should… probably-probably call… Michael and…"

"Later," he mumbled against her, his breath feathering over her heated skin. "Much later…"


They finally called a meeting with the others late the afternoon. Lunch with Liz’s parents had dragged past for Liz. She was truly worried about especially Michael’s reaction to the news of the possibility of visiting the other planets.

Everyone sat around Liz and Max’s living room like they have so many times before. But it felt different this time. There was tension in the air.

Liz ran around bringing everyone sodas until Max finally put an end to her restlessness by grabbing her hand and pulling down next to him. They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Max turned to the other four.

Watching Max as he quietly but firmly explained what happened to Tess and Nacedo and that the possibility existed that they could visit these other planets if they wanted, Liz couldn’t help but be impressed with him. He had an inner strength that was inspiring to watch. Liz wondered at the fact that he was so… intact, in spite of the insanity that had taken place around him for most of his life. He had remained the gentle soul that she first got to know so long ago. But now she knew that underneath that gentle exterior ran a vein of steel. He absolutely deserved to be the king of an entire race. This stray thought made Liz’s heart stop in her chest. He deserved so much more than a mundane life here on earth. A life with an ordinary human wife, a white picket fence and a boring office job…

As the odd gasp indicated, Max had his little audience’s complete attention as he relayed all he knew. Observing the reactions of everyone, it became clear to Liz that this afternoon was going to have a definite impact on the group. Michael was starting to clench his jaw while Maria was sending little worried looks at him. Alex sat with a stunned look on his face and Isabel’s eyes were filling with tears. Liz unconsciously moved closer to Max and he put his arm around her to fit her to his side.

"We need to discuss what we want to do," Max said as he met everyone’s gaze in turn. "Iz?"

"I don’t know. I don’t think I can decide that right now…. I need to think about it first."

Max nodded. "Michael?"

Michael stared at the floor before glancing at Maria quickly. "I need time too."


Maria seemed a bit surprised that Max would want her opinion too. "I…" She looked at Michael. "I can understand it if you want to go find out more about the other planets. I-I could support that." Her voice was soft at the end.

Giving her a small encouraging smile, Max looked at Alex.

"Hey, travelling through space? I could do that… You know, if… you guys wanted me to go." He avoided looking at anyone in particular.

Hugging Liz harder, Max answered for both of them. "We would rather not go right now. They think we are dead, so we have time to be normal for a while. We could finish school first and maybe go later. I don’t think this is a one time only opportunity." Max and Michael were looking at each other now. "But if it’s really important to any of you that we go soon, then we’ll go."

Liz held her breath to see if Michael was going to fight Max about the way he was handling this whole thing, but it didn’t happen. Instead, Michael got up and said to Maria: "Let’s go. We’ll talk about this again later, Maxwell."

It was quiet after everyone had left and Liz busied herself with tidying the living room. Max stood at the window, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. When Liz finally joined him, his beautiful hazel eyes were solemn. "I’m going to ask you this for the last time." He took her hands in his. "I know you love me. But… I thought things were going to be normal from now on. That you and I will have the future we’ve always dreamed of. But Liz, I-I don’t think that is going to happen. There is always going to be something that crops up." His gaze wavered from her steady one. "Are you really prepared for everything that will result from being with me? To give up on so much? To have no security about the future? To maybe go to some strange planet without your family…"

Her smile made him falter.

"Yes," she answered simply.

"Liz…" he sounded dubious.

"Yes, Max," she stated more firmly. Moving closer to him, she speared her fingers through his hair. "You matter more to me than any of those things you mentioned. And the only security for the future I need is that you will continue to love me. And you will, I know that."

"Yes!" he said fiercely. "Yes, I will."

Hearing his vow ringing in her ears, Liz buried her face in his chest and felt his arms wrap around her. Please give me strength to never disappoint this man! she prayed silently.


After that, things went back to normal. They went to school, they studied, wrote exams and went to the movies. It was like everyone had tacitly agreed not to discuss the possibility of leaving the planet again. However, as the weeks progressed, Max and Liz realized they had a much more immediate problem to deal with. One that had nothing to do with alien destinies or interplanetary travel. No, it was very much a teenagers-living-on-earth problem. And for once, it was one that alien powers couldn’t solve…

Max found Liz in front of her locker. She had been back from Boston for months now, but midterms were taking up most of their time and they hardly saw each other. Even though they shared an apartment and a bed, they haven’t really had time to talk lately. Most nights one of them fell asleep while the other was still studying, so quality time together had been scarce and they were both starting to feel it.

"Hey sweetheart," Max said as he reached her and slipped his arms around her waist. Liz leaned back into his chest immediately. "How did the exam go?"

She sighed. "Fine, I guess."

Rubbing his cheek against hers, he smiled. His Liz always sounded like this after an exam only to get the highest marks in the class when the results came out. "I miss you," his voice was low and raspy.

Liz spun around in his embrace, lifting her arms around his neck. "Me too!"

Max had to reign in his impulse to swoop down on her mouth and plunder her lips. They were still in school and were trying not to cause any more problems for themselves or their parents until Liz turned 18 too. Which, thankfully, was soon. But he couldn’t keep himself from kissing her softly for few seconds, trying not to let things get out of control. Liz made a soft sound against his mouth and he felt the answering kick of desire in his gut.

When he pulled away, he noticed one of the teachers standing at the other end of the hall watching them. As soon as the teacher saw that Max was looking at her, she turned and walked off. Max frowned, remembering that the teachers had started to show more than a passing interest in him and Liz before she went on course. He moved his hands away from Liz and shoved them into his pockets. Why could they not just be left alone? It was not as if their grades were bad or anything!

Liz was blinking up at him, disorientated by his sudden withdrawal. "What’s wrong. Max?"

"The teachers… We have to be careful, Liz." Seeing her face fall, he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear tenderly. "Just for a little while still, okay?"

She nodded mutely. She was getting so sick of being in school and having to explain to people about her and Max. Just a few more weeks, then she would be 18 too and they could stop worrying about authority figures paying them too much attention…



Everyone was at the Evans’ except Liz. Max had called a secret meeting to discuss the plans for Liz’s 18th birthday. She had managed to surprise him with a small gathering for his birthday, and he intended to make hers special as well. Also, this party would mean the end of them hiding the true nature of their relationship to everyone. He planned to tell the others about the engagement then before going public with it.

The last two weeks had been hell. It was clear that they had become the target of an investigation and Max had taken to sneaking around in the middle of the night again. He hated it. He hated that Liz had to move back into her old bedroom and that he was staying in their apartment alone. He hated having to climb up her fire escape in the middle of the night to be with her and he hated that they had to organize times to see each other. Having sex with Liz in the room next to where her parents were sleeping was not fun. It put a severe cramp in their relationship and he took to dragging Liz off to the apartment only to take her back again later when he wanted to be alone with her. They were both starting to feel the effects of too little sleep. Only one more week, he promised himself…

"Maxwell!" Michael’s voice interrupted his thoughts. "Could you get back from Planet Liz so we can finish your latest little scheme, please? And where is the lovely Miss Liz anyway?"

Max stilled for a moment, remembering the last time when Michael had accused him of being on Planet Liz. It had been moments before Jans had abducted him into that underground bunker, making Liz think that he was dead. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the memory. It still hurt when he remembered how afraid he had been that Liz would give up on life… to be with him. "She’s with her Bio teacher. They’re discussing her college plans."

This caught the attention of their parents. "Have you guys decided your college plans yet?"

Max hesitated. He had received the letters from Harvard yesterday and he intended to surprise Liz with hers on her birthday. "Yeah, we have…"

"And?" "And we’re both going to Harvard."

This announcement led to pandemonium. All the parents bore down on Max, hugging him while getting emotional about how wonderful their children were.

Max finally had to put a stop to it all by holding up his hands. "Please! Liz doesn’t know yet. I want to surprise her with her letter. She got a scholarship to study molecular biology."

"She did?" Nancy burst into tears again.

"What are you going to do, son?" Philip was looking at Max.

"I’m going to study medicine. I want to get into medical research…" Max had thought long and hard about what he wanted to do with his life. He had talked to Liz about it for hours. He never really thought about his future much until this last year. Together, they had decided that Max was better off not becoming an actual doctor, too much chance of him getting into situations where he might want to use his powers. Instead, Max would get into research into incurable diseases since that would allow him to remain true to his healing nature without him having to have too much contact with other people. Max was actually starting to get exited about going to college. He was still working on a few details, like where they would live, but he was already sure of one detail: Liz Parker would be Liz Evans before she started her first class at Harvard!

After all the excitement had died down and they finalized the plans for the little party for Liz, Max went home, hoping that Liz wasn’t there yet so he wouldn’t have to explain his whereabouts. He found the apartment empty and made his way through to the Crashdown, finding Maria in the back putting on her apron. She smiled at him: "Better be careful, lover boy, I see our guidance counselor out in the booths."

Cursing under his breath, Max looked out through the window and sure enough, there was Mrs. Moore sitting primly at one of the tables. When he turned back he surprised a solemn expression on Maria’s face. "What’s wrong?"

"I-I’m just going to miss you and Lizzie when you go off to college, that’s all…" She trailed off.

Max nodded. He had also wondered how they were all going to cope with the group breaking up. They had gotten used to doing most everything together and it would be strange to be without this support network all the way out in Boston. He put his arm around Maria. "I know, we’ll just have to make an effort to see each other regularly." But they both knew it would never be the same again…


Liz bounced into the café a few minutes later, dying to see Max and tell him about her afternoon with her teacher. However, she was intercepted by Maria who quietly pointed out that now was NOT a good time for Liz to look like she was running to the backroom for a secret rendezvous with a certain dark-haired boyfriend of hers. Liz had to relent and went upstairs to her room. Her phone was ringing when she got there.


"Hey Liz." Max’s voice slid over her senses like warm silk.

"Max! Where are you?"

"I’m at the UFO Museum. I wanted to ask my girlfriend if she would like to have dinner with me at the Crashdown. Do you think she would agree to that?"

"I don’t know," Liz answered with a smile in her voice. "I hear there are teachers hanging out at that café lately and maybe your girlfriend would want to do stuff to you that those teachers shouldn’t see?"

"I know about the teachers. I thought maybe they would stop being so suspicious if they saw me having dinner with my girlfriend in a public place for a change?"


"I do intend being alone with her later, though. But don’t tell her, it’s a surprise."

Liz pretended to think about it. "Hmmm, you sound like a nice guy to date. It’s a pity you already have a girlfriend. Is there any chance you might consider cheating on her with me?"

He chuckled. "That depends."

"On what?"

His voice lowered. "On whether you are as beautiful, smart and sexy as she is."

"I think you might be surprised!"

"Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes? I’ll give you my verdict then."

"Okay!" Liz was grinning when she put the phone down. She dashed to her closet, throwing a skirt and blouse on her bed to change into. For some silly reason this felt like a date. She and Max went out every so often, but mostly their real dates were few and far between. Especially with all the studying they’ve been doing lately…

When she arrived in the café in rush a few minutes later, she saw Mrs. Moore chatting with her dad and Max in his usual booth. She said a perfunctory ‘hi’ to the teacher and her father and went over to join Max. He got up as she approached, his eyes sweeping over her appreciatively. They kissed quickly, both aware of the teacher’s attention.

Max took both of her hands in his when she settled across from him in the booth. "You are right, you are just as gorgeous and sexy as my girlfriend."

Liz was squirming under his warm gaze. "Oh? And what about smart?"

"Well, I’d need to talk to you for a bit to know that, wouldn’t I?"

Liz glanced at the teacher, who was still sneaking glances at them while drinking her coffee. "Max, this is horrible! I hate having to hide like this."

"I know, sweetheart. But you’ll be legal soon and then I’m giving up on any and all pretence." He rubbed his thumbs over the backs of her hands. "I love you. We have coped with worse things than this."

"I know. I’m sorry." His caresses on her hands grew softer, more sensual, as his eyes traced the contours of her face. Liz felt herself flush and she licked her lips instinctively.

This caused Max’s eyes to turn a shade darker as they fixed on her moist mouth. "When was the last time I kissed you?"

"I-I think very… early this morning?"

He moved his fingers onto her wrist, feeling her pulse race under his touch. "Liz…"

They were interrupted by a throat being cleared loudly next to them. Maria still had the worst timing ever.

"Hi, I’m Maria and I will be your waitress tonight. Can I get you some drinks?" It was clear that she had a hard time not laughing.

When both Max and Liz just stared at her, she put her notepad away. "Oh-kay! So I’ll come back later. But you two should really get a room, you are making the other patrons jealous!"

They looked at each other and smiled when Maria left. "I thought we’d get better if we lived together," Max said ruefully.

"Yeah, me too. But unfortunately I now know that you even look sexy brushing your teeth!" Liz grinned at Max’s embarrassment.

He recovered quickly. "Please don’t make my mind go to images of you in a towel! I’m desperately trying to keep my cool here."

Liz tangled her feet with his under the table, making Max gasp. "I like you when you’re not—"

"Miss Parker? Could I speak with you for a few minutes?" The voice belonged to Mrs. Moore.

Liz met Max’s gaze. She wondered how much of their conversation the teacher had heard. "Uhm… Sure."

Max gave her hands a squeeze before she got up to follow the teacher to the back room. He wished he could go with her to face whatever this was.

Liz turned to Mrs. Moore when they were alone, looking at her expectantly.

"I just talked to your father about you and Max Evans," Mrs. Moore began. "And I think we have to straighten a few things out…"

Max watched with a frown as the teacher and Liz disappeared into the back. What was going on?

"Hey Max," Jeff sounded upbeat, but his face turned serious when he saw Max’s look of concern. "What’s wrong? Where’s Lizzie?"

Gesturing towards the back room, Max said: "That teacher took her back there. What did she talk to you about?"

Jeff was frowning now. "She wanted to know if we were aware of the fact that you two seemed too close. I told her that we were well aware of how serious you two were about your relationship and that the school should only concern itself with your grades."

The two most important men in Liz’s life shared a look, before Max got up from the table. "Let’s go see what’s going on…"

Relief flooded through Liz as the backroom door swung open to reveal Max and Jeff, both with mirroring determined expressions.

Mrs. Moore blanched when she was faced with all three of them.

"Is there a problem that I’m not aware of?" Jeff asked her.

"Ah… no, I just wanted to make sure everything was fine with Liz," Mrs. Moore replied.

Max took Liz’s hand in his, squeezing it in support.

"Everything is just wonderful, Mrs. Moore," Liz said quietly while moving closer to Max.

Jeff had had enough. "Mrs. Moore, I would appreciate it if the school butts out of my children’s private lives. They are doing exceptionally well in school and that is all that you need to worry about. Trust me when I say that neither Max nor Liz has been hiding anything about themselves from us or the Evans’. I trust them. Also, Max is already 18 and Liz will be 18 soon, so I guess what they do in their off time is up to them. Surely you have better things to do than go around checking up on students after hours?"

Both Max and Liz stared at Jeff in amazement. He normally cannot be described as a vocal person and here he was telling off their teacher!

Mrs. Moore seemed at a loss as to what to say to Jeff. She gaped at all of them for a few seconds and then mumbled: "Well, everything is fine then so I’ll… just leave."

Max hugged Liz against him when the teacher left with Jeff in tow. "What do you say we kick this dive and go home? To OUR home," he whispered in her ear.

Nodding against his shoulder, Liz inhaled his scent deeply. She loved being close to him and being able to smell him. It was such a unique Max scent: warm, exotic, exiting and sexy. And right now, it made her want to be with him so badly. To be able to press her skin against his. Yes, Max Evans had put a force on her…



Liz rolled over onto her stomach and found Max’s side of the bed empty. She opened one eye to see the time on the bedside clock. Too early for him to be up yet. The next moment, something soft slid over her bare shoulder. Shivering, Liz tried to turn over, but Max covered her back with his chest, nuzzling her cheek before placing light little kisses all over the side of her face.

"Happy birthday, sleepyhead," he said softly, his breath feathering over her sensitive skin. "How does it feel to be 18?"

"Hmmm…" She contemplated the sensation of the warm skin of Max’s bare chest sliding over her back as his one hand gently moved her hair away from her neck and spread it over the pillow. "I’m liking it so far."

He reared away from her a bit and this time she saw what it was that he was sliding across her skin. It was a white rose. Max used it to trace all of her features, taking his time with her mouth, still keeping her virtually pinned underneath him.

"Max!" she gasped, desperately wanting to be able to touch him back.

"No, wait," he said. "This is the first time I’m making love to you legally and I intend to do it thoroughly."

He caressed the indentation of her spine with the rose, slowly pushing the sheet that covered her lower. Then he followed the same path with his lips. Finally, he tore the sheet away completely, leaving her totally bare to his eyes. Instead of continuing his caresses, he carefully fit his body to hers, not lying on top of her, but covering just enough of her so that she could feel his skin next to hers. She lay facing away from him and he pressed his cheek against hers again. "I love you, Liz," he stated simply.

Tangling her fingers with his, Liz felt like her heart was going to burst with happiness. "And I love you."

Curling his arm around her waist, he moved her onto her side, still facing away from him and pressed his face into her hair. "You mean everything to me…"

Liz inhaled sharply. "Thank you, Max, for not giving up on me. Ever." Last time he had said those words Liz had felt like her heart was being ripped out. She had known then that he meant them, but also that a destiny he didn’t ask for didn’t allow him to mean them. Walking away from him with those words ringing in her ears had hurt so much she could hardly breathe. This time she knew he meant the words too. And this time, he was allowed to say them. And that made her gloriously happy.

He allowed her to turn towards him and she faced him, her heart clenching at the blinding joy she could see in his eyes. "I’m going to do my best to always make you this happy, Max," she promised him, touching her fingers to his mouth.

Rolling them over unexpectedly, Max settled his body on top of Liz’s, again marveling at how tiny she really was. So tiny and yet so made for him.

Liz held her breath until he angled his head and tasted her soft mouth with a devastatingly direct hunger that shot right down to her toes. Her lips burned and her thighs trembled as he rimmed her parted lips with the tip of his tongue, teasing her, making her desperate for his invasion of her mouth. When his tongue finally tangled with hers, it electrified her, tore a moan from her throat and sent her hands into his hair, pulling him closer for more.

Their connection flared to life, showering them in images of themselves, entwined in passion and lost within each other. Max trembled against her and she knew he was trying to keep himself in control so he could pay full attention to what he was doing to her. The rose he had been caressing her with lay forgotten next to them on the bed as his hands shaped her curves, trailing fire where they went.

Max fought his own urgency as he watched Liz’s reaction with dark, heated eyes. She arched underneath him, her head flung back and her eyes shut tightly as she instinctively tried to get closer to his arousal. He teased her by keeping his body just far enough away that she couldn’t quite manage to touch him properly.

She reached up to him suddenly, finding his mouth again for herself and parting her lips to the invasion of his tongue. He shuddered violently against her, his control slipping as he kissed her back with raw, hungry force.

His hand slipped lower, touching her intimately, making her whimper and writhe underneath him. "When you respond like that, all I can think about is being inside you." It was a groan against her lips, his voice hoarse with passion.

"Then please… please, Max!" she begged. And he complied, entering her slowly to extend their pleasure. He gripped her hips, halting her frantic movements against him, changing her rhythm to fit his. He kept their advance to that final peak gradual, making sure that the release would be explosive. And he held Liz tightly as she shuddered in his arms, his name tumbling from her lips with that little catch in her voice that he loved so much. He watched as she came undone in his embrace, her fingers digging into his shoulders and her breathing rapid and labored. This was his Liz. The one no one but him had ever seen…

She finally opened her eyes and wrapped her legs around his hips. Her voice was still husky when she promised: "Your turn, Max…" And sent him over the edge with a small movement of her hips.

"Oh god, Liz…" Coherence left him as he rode out the storm she had stirred up inside him. And for a few exquisite moments, Liz Parker was in complete control of the leader of an entire alien race…


She was all dressed up and had no idea where she was going. Liz smoothed her hair once again as her eyes wandered to the Harvard acceptance letter that lay on her dresser. Max had finally gotten around to give it to her this morning and she had promptly burst into tears with joy. Her dream of studying molecular biology at Harvard was coming true. And even better, she was going there with Max…

The school day had been uneventful, apart from her friends surprising her with a cupcake and a birthday candle during lunch in the quad. And, of course, Maria doing a loud rendition of "Happy Birthday to You" which made them the center of attention and made Liz dive into Max’s shoulder to hide her face.

Oh, and Max dragging her into the Eraser Room saying that this was the last time he could make-out with her on her birthday in this little room. And boy did he make it count! Okay, so the day had not really been uneventful…

Now, here she was, waiting for Max to finish dressing so he could take her out to dinner somewhere. She fingered the chain around her neck carrying her engagement ring absently. Max had given her a delicate charm bracelet for her birthday, one that had little stars and planets hanging from it. He had had a lopsided grin on his face when she opened it, saying he had thought it was a fitting gift.

Max halted in the door of their room, watching Liz sit at the dresser. She looked ethereal with the lights dancing from her hair and turning her smooth skin into the color of moonlight. She took his breath away. He watched as she turned towards him, a smile lighting up her whole face. "Lord, you’re beautiful…" he said wonderingly.

Liz blushed and stood up, suddenly unnerved by his intense appraisal. "And you are biased."

Smiling, he countered: "So what if I am?" He caught her hands when she reached him and kissed her softly on the tip of her nose. "Ready?"


Max told her that his parents wanted to wish her happy birthday in person and that they had to stop by his old house first. Diane and Philip met them in the hallway, hugging Liz before taking her into the den where all her friends and her parents were congregated.

"Surprise!" Maria yelled. When she noticed she was the only one she glared at her friends: "How do you all expect to graduate when you can’t even follow simple instructions?" The same thing had happened during Michael’s birthday party and Maria was getting tired of trying to teach them how to throw a successful surprise party.

Liz was happy nonetheless and she finally got Maria to stop calling their friends names. She got more presents, among others a sweater from Isabel with tiny buttons down the front that Isabel claimed was actually a present to Max, causing him to squirm in embarrassment and everyone else to laugh at his discomfort. She also got a leather case from her parents who could finally beam at her proudly about Harvard.

It was late when Max finally pulled her to her feet and the room went quiet. Still holding on to her hands, he took a deep breath before saying: "Liz, I-I talked to your parents and… I asked them if I could marry you."

Liz stopped breathing as his hands found the chain around her neck and lifted his engagement ring from its nestling place between her breasts. The ring was still warm from her body heat when he slipped it onto her finger.

"They said yes." His eyes met hers unwaveringly. "So will you please wear this on your finger from now on? And never take it off again? And marry me soon?"

He smiled as he watched her eyes fill with tears because he knew her answer before she even said it out loud. Yes! "Yes."

Applause broke out around them as they kissed softly.

"Finally!" Michael grouched.

"Oooh, a wedding!" Maria’s gleeful voice.

"I’m choosing my own bride’s maid dress!" Isabel sounded firm.

"Oh god! Another wedding!" Alex whined.

But the only thing Liz and Max heard was their own thoughts. I will love you forever…

They got married in the sunshine on the Saturday after they all graduated from high school. The wedding was small and was held in a small chapel with only their parents, friends and Nick and his wife in attendance.

Of course, the school authorities had had trouble with two of their students being engaged so openly and Michael was never going to let Max forget that their "fearless leader" had needed his lawyer dad to help him with this problem. Philip and the rest of the parents had eventually convinced the school board that Max and Liz knew what they were doing, was not going to disrupt school activities and had full parental consent for their actions (even though they technically didn’t need it).

Max had chafed under all this attention. He wanted to live his life with Liz and not be subjected to interrogation for it. He had had enough of that from Nacedo and everyone else already. For the first time, it irritated him that he couldn’t tell these people to take a flying leap and that Liz was already his two times over according to the laws of his own people. But, eventually, it all blew over and the stares and whispers following Max and Liz in the hallways of West Roswell High died down.

Preparing for a wedding while trying to study for finals put a lot of strain on everyone. Isabel and Maria bickered endlessly about their bride’s maid dresses until Liz decided on a color for them and told them that they could each fashion a dress to their own tastes. For the rest, Isabel took care of planning the small reception that was to be held in the garden of the Evans’ home. At first, Maria and Liz had tried to help, but Isabel got scary so they just gave up.

The day had finally arrived. Max felt like a huge fist was squeezing his chest and he thrust his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time that morning. Liz had been staying with her parents since Thursday night and he had only gotten to see her for a little while last night. He wasn’t worried about Liz not showing up, he was worried something horrible would happen to ruin this day that he had been dreaming about for so long. He kept locating Liz through their connection, making sure she hasn’t been abducted or something. He knew he was being ridiculous, but there have been quite a number of moments during his life where he had been afraid that he would never see Liz again and he never wanted to relive them. Especially not on their wedding day…

"Maxwell! Would you quit wearing a groove in the floor? It’s not like the girl can escape you or anything!" Michael was supremely irritated with the whole affair. Figures that his leader would be a complete sap for a girl.

Max just sighed. How could he explain his fear to Michael? Michael lived life in broad strokes, Max lived in small nuances. They saw life from two very opposing angles. "I know she will be here, Michael. I-I just want everything to be perfect."

"And here I was starting to think maybe you and Isabel weren’t really related," Alex stated from his position slouched on the couch. They were waiting in the side-room of the chapel for the appointed wedding hour and Alex and Michael were getting really bored with everything. Trust Max to take this whole commitment thing to the extreme!

Liz was staring at herself in the mirror. She was nervous, really nervous. Not about Max. Never about Max. She was nervous about something going wrong today. She was, after all, Miss-Gotta-Have-A-Plan Parker. A small smile touched her lips. Actually, soon it will be Mrs-Gotta-Have-A-Plan Evans. Liz Evans. Her smile grew to a delighted laugh. Mrs. Liz Evans!

"Liz, babe, not a good time to be losing it, okay?" Maria arrived in a rush. "Isabel is freaking out over the napkins that are all wrong and you are standing here laughing. What’s up with that?"

Whirling around, Liz hugged Maria. "I’m going to be Mrs. Liz Evans, Maria!"

Maria pulled away and smoothed her dress. "And why is that such a big deal? It’s not like you haven’t been practicing signing that name for years now. Or that you haven’t been LIVING and acting like Mrs. Evans for the last two years. Or that anyone of us ever doubted this day would finally come. Or that—"

"Okay Maria! I get the point," Liz cried. She was deliriously happy and Maria was not going to rain on her parade.

"Well, then put on your dress, girl! The man is probably going to beam you there with some of his freaky alien powers if you don’t arrive on time!"

Nancy came in to help Liz dress. She was emotional and ended up wiping some tears off when she saw Liz in her wedding dress.

"How do I look?" Liz asked nervously.

"Absolutely gorgeous," Nancy said past the lump in her throat. "My baby… All grown up!"

"Max is going to die, Lizzie," Maria added softly.

"I agree," Isabel spoke from the doorway. "You look stunning. Dark-haired girls always look better in wedding dresses."

Giving her a look, Maria came over to hug Liz carefully. "Max is one lucky alien, chica."

"Thank you."

"Now let’s get this show on the road!" Isabel clapped her hands, back in organizer mode.

Max stood perfectly still at the front of the chapel, his mind busy talking to Liz.

After watching this for a few minutes, Michael slapped him on the back. "Not the time to space out, Maxwell. I hear cars arriving."

"I know. She’s here," Max answered, turning to the door.

Isabel and Maria came in first, smiling broadly at the group of men standing at the end of the isle. "Well, that’s probably the closest I’ll ever get Michael Guerin to an altar," Maria said from the side of her mouth to Isabel.

"Hmmm, don’t be so sure!" Isabel whispered back, startling Maria.

Max gave both girls a perfunctory smile, but his attention wandered to the door again. And then she appeared on the arm of her father… Her dress was the color of ivory and the strapless bodice fit her curves perfectly. The skirt of the dress was wide and swirled around her as she moved. In her hair, she wore the white roses that he had given her last night.

Liz felt Max’s gaze wander from the top of her upswept hair to the tips of her shoes peeking from beneath her dress. When his eyes met hers again, they were warm and filled with love and wonder.

I didn’t think you could get more beautiful, his mind whispered to hers.

I love you, Max Evans! she whispered back.

"Be happy, honey," Jeff told her before kissing her lightly and giving her over to Max.

They stared in each other’s eyes, oblivious to everything around them. Max lifted his hand and reverently touched her cheek.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman…" The preacher went through the motions, but Max and Liz couldn’t stop looking at each other. Their hands were tightly entwined and for a fleeting second, they saw two little children playing in a garden again. Both of them gasped at the vision.

Their "I do’s" were said softly, but firmly. They were only confirming again what their hearts have known for a long time. They belonged to each other.

Liz felt absurdly pleased when she slipped the ring on Max’s finger. Finally, an outward sign that he was hers! She saw from his half-smile that he knew what she was thinking.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Max ignored Alex’s ‘like he ever needed an invitation to do THAT’ and wrapped his arm around Liz’s waist, lifting her up against him until she was eye-level with him. "I love you, Liz Evans!" He said clearly before swooping in to kiss her mouth. Most wedding kisses were quick and tame, but not this one. Max practically devoured her lips, sliding his tongue against hers as his other hand came up to cup her cheek.

Liz put her arms around his neck and let herself be swept away by his passion. She kissed him back ardently, letting him see into her soul with each kiss.

As always, it was Alex that broke up the moment. "Okay you two, isn’t that what got you in this mess in the first place?"

Finally letting Liz slide down his body until her feet touched the ground, Max grinned at her. Liz looked completely dazed and… ravished. And for once, he didn’t have to try and ‘fix’ her up so no one would know.

They finished the formalities and emerged from the chapel with rose petals raining down on them. Maria and Alex were taking pictures and Alex commiserated with Philip for having to drive the car with the newly weds. "They gonna suck face all the way, Mr. E! You do realize that, don’t you?"

Philip watched his son, who had seemed very uninterested in girls for a long time, in the rearview mirror, kissing his new wife as if the world would end if he stopped. Tearing his eyes away when Liz climbed on Max lap, he ruefully admitted that it sure looked like they had had enough practice with kissing.

Back at the house, Isabel glared at Max for ruining Liz’s make-up and waved her hand over Liz’s face to fix the damage. Max could care less. He grabbed Isabel around the middle and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for everything, Izzy!"

They ate, they danced, they chatted. It was a wonderful, sunny day and everything that the new Mr. and Mrs. Evans had wanted.

Liz threw her bouquet to the only two unmarried girls in the room, and Maria caught it! Michael just raised an eyebrow until Max took off Liz’s garter (he took his time with it) and walked straight to Michael to hand it to him personally. Michael was completely flummoxed and stood there gaping at them all while their laughter filled the garden.

Max and Liz had asked to go the Evans’ cabin in Carlsbad for their second honeymoon too, and Max was driving them up there in the Jeep. Alex had made sure that the Jeep looked like a carnival, filled with balloons and streamers and saying "Just Married" on the bonnet.

Max swung Liz, still wearing her wedding dress, into the passenger seat and they finally waved goodbye to their families.

"You could’ve given me some time to get out of this dress before we left, you know!" Liz smiled at him.

Giving her a disbelieving look, Max stated simply: "If you thought I would’ve let anyone but me take that dress off you today, you were sadly mistaken…. So you will wear that dress until I can undress you. Okay, Mrs. Evans?"

Opening her mouth to say something, Liz decided that her first action as Max’s wife would be to follow this order of his. He was a King after all…

The drive to Carlsbad was longer than they remembered. Max and Liz kept stealing glances at each other, wanting the ride to be over so they could be closer.

Max’s eyes wandered over Liz’s bare shoulders to the swell of her breasts, just visible above the top of her bodice, for the umpteenth time. What was it about seeing the bare shoulders of a girl that was so alluring to guys? Liz shifted towards him and he jerked his gaze back to the road. Good lord, you’d swear he’d never seen Liz before! Although, it has been a few days…

He had taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves before getting in the Jeep. His tie was undone and the first few buttons of his shirt were open and Liz practically drooled at the sight of all that skin.

"Max…" Her voice was low and sultry and when he looked back at her, she was leaning towards him. Nothing in the world could’ve stopped him from staring at her curves again. What he wouldn’t do to be able to run his tongue along the edge of her dress right now…

"Would you just stop and… and kiss me. Please…"

Belatedly he realized that she must’ve been aware of his thoughts all along. Adhering to her request, he pulled the Jeep off the side of the road, driving a small way away from the highway. When he turned off the engine, the only sound that could be heard was their labored breathing. Max shoved his seat back as far as it would go and lifted Liz onto his lap, his eyes never leaving hers. Her dress billowed around them and Liz pulled it from between them as she straddled his hips with her silk-stocking clad legs. I’m just going to kiss her, he told himself. Our first time making love as a married couple is NOT going to be in this Jeep!

But all thought flew from his head when Liz pressed her mouth against the warm skin of his throat and touched him with her tongue. His head was spinning and he only realized she had unbuttoned his shirt when her hands glided over his bare stomach. He gasped involuntarily and cupped the back of her neck with his hand, pressing her closer to him. While his mind was trying to hold onto some semblance of control, his body was betraying him at a dizzying speed. This was Liz in his arms, his WIFE, and she was still wearing her wedding dress…

Liz lifted her lips from his chest and quickly closed the distance between them, placing her mouth against his as she whispered: "Stop thinking, Max, I want you to—"

She never got to finish her sentence, because suddenly and totally unexpectedly she heard Max groan deep down in his throat, and the next minute she was being dragged tightly against his body as his mouth opened over hers. His one hand cupped her face and his lips moved against hers with devastating passion. It made her whole body ache for more intimate caresses from him. As if on cue, his other hand slipped to her side, moving slowly upwards before finding the curve of her breast. His fingers trailed over the smooth, soft skin at the top of her bodice, causing fire to fly through her body.

Her pulse was racing underneath his touch and Max desperately wanted to press his lips over her heart. Liz shivered as his mouth started to caress the delicate curve of her throat. He put both hands around her waist, lifting her higher against him so that he could finally fulfill his fantasy.

"Have you got any idea just how much I’ve been wanting to do this?" he whispered against the skin just above her bodice. "How much I’ve ached to kiss you like this all day?"

There was no space for a flirty answer. Even though Liz had been perfectly aware of what was going through his mind while they were driving, his mouth was making it impossible for her to do anything but whimper his name.

He took his time, leaving a trail of wet kisses over the swell of her breasts deliberately and carefully, making sure he didn’t miss a spot. His body was tight, crying out its need for this girl in his arms, but he had been fantasizing about this for too long to hurry it. Resting his hands on her ribcage, he lightly ran his thumbs over her as his tongue traced the line of her dress above her breasts. Liz whimpered again and he pressed his mouth to her sensitive skin, this time sucking lightly. Liz’s moan was loud in the silent night and it reminded Max that this was not where he wanted to finish what they had started.

She moaned again when he pulled away from her, this time in disappointment. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him tightly as he fought to calm himself down. "Oh lord Liz,I’m sorry! I should never have… I just wanted to…" He felt her nod against him jerkily in understanding. Neither of them had thought things would get so out of hand.

They sat like that for a long time, Liz cradled against Max’s chest as he rubbed her leg soothingly. When he felt like he could function again, he gently lifted her away from him. "Are you ready to—" But his eyes fell on the light marks he had left on her skin and desire streaked through him again.

Liz was watching him with wide eyes. "Yeah, I think we should go…"

"Maybe we shouldn’t do the abstinence thing again soon," he said wryly, trying to lighten the mood, but only eliciting a weak smile from Liz.

He helped her back onto her own seat, trying not to look at her. They better get to that damn cabin soon!


It was dark when they arrived at the cabin and Max made Liz wait in the Jeep so he could unlock the door and turn on the lights. Liz watched him disappear into the cabin and had a few minutes to reminisce about the last time she was here. There had been time for nothing but her and Max. Being alone together. It had been a time that was precious to both of them.

He appeared next to her and stared at her for a few seconds before tenderly lifting her from her seat and cradling her against his chest. Liz was looking into his eyes so adoringly that it felt like his heart was going to explode with all the love her felt for her. How did he deserve such devotion?

It felt like she was floating when he carried her from the Jeep. She had a fleeting glimpse of an inky black night with millions of stars twinkling down on them before they went inside and Max dropped a kiss on her mouth. "Thank you," he said softly.

"For what?"

"For marrying me today. For looking so beautiful… Most of all for loving me back." So many emotions clouded his voice.

"No Max, you made ME the happiest girl alive today." She reached up and kissed him again, her lips lingering over his.

He had been walking to the bedroom at the back of the cabin, but his footsteps suddenly faltered. "Are-are you hungry? It’s kinda late…"

Smiling up at him, Liz allowed all her desire for him to shine from her eyes. "No. I want you to make love to me. That’s all I need right now."

She heard his breath stop and start again at a faster pace. His gaze drifted down to her mouth, still swollen from his kisses. "Yes," he answered and proceeded into the dark bedroom.

"Max?" she questioned. "I want to see—"

The room was suddenly filled with candlelight that cast a warm glow over everything. Max let her slide down to the floor slowly, a small smile tugging at his mouth. "I want to see too…"

He stood her in front of the tall antique mirror that was perched in one corner of the room, turning her towards it and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. Liz was stunned at the way she looked. Flushed. Aroused. Lips swollen and puffy. Breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Was this what Max saw when he made love to her? Her questioning gaze met his in the mirror.

He laid his cheek against hers and brought up a shaking hand to touch her mouth. "You are always so beautiful to me, but this… this just floors me. Every time." He trailed his hand down and smoothed it over her breast, listening to the small sound she made. "Because this look is because of me. For me. It’s MY look, Liz." He turned his head until he could kiss her jaw line, his unoccupied hand splaying over her stomach and pressing her back against his hard body.

He was so obviously aroused that Liz sighed and leaned into his caresses. He kissed her shoulders as his hand continued to tease her through her dress. When his warm lips reached the sensitive back of her neck, she trembled as he ran his tongue over her skin. "Max…" Her fingers curled into the material of his pants, clinging to his hard thighs to stay upright. Her eyes were drifting shut but she fought to keep them on the reflection in the mirror. Seeing Max’s hands against her was incredibly erotic.

He was kissing her shoulder blades now, his hands abandoning their other tasks to find the first tiny button at the back of her dress. He knew he could cheat and open this dress with a wave of his hand, but tonight he wanted to savor every moment of taking this dress off her. He opened each little button slowly, kissing the skin he was revealing. The row of buttons ended on the curve of her bottom and he stood slowly to his feet when the last one was undone.

For some reason, Liz was clutching the dress to her chest and her breath stopped when Max’s dark eyes met hers again in the mirror. Slowly and deliberately, his hands peeled the back of the dress open and crept inside to slide around her torso. Without realizing it, Liz lifted her hands slightly to allow him to cup his hands over her breasts. Then he stepped closer until he was pressed against her back. "Let go, love." It was a soft, but firm command.

Her fingers obeyed automatically and the dress slithered to the floor, pooling at their feet. Liz was left wearing a scrap of silk and her stockings. And Max’s hands. The sight made her dizzy with desire. So much that she couldn’t wait any longer for him to finish this torment and take her.

She spun around in his arms, moaning his name against his lips and pressed tiny kisses against his mouth, his jaw, his throat. She pressed her body even closer to his, moving frantically against him, bestowing feverish, eager kisses against whichever bit of him she could reach.

"Oh god Liz, slow down, honey…" She could hear him protesting, but at the same time his hand came back up to cup her breast.

Liz shuddered in sensual delight as he touched her and her eyes, bright with passion, found his to silently beg for more. She put out a shaking finger to trace his lips, her eyes widening as his tongue snaked out to touch it. Holding his gaze, she pulled her finger away and deliberately brought it to her own mouth, curling her tongue around it.

His whole body seemed to be caught up, galvanized by the fierce shudder that racked him. His hands cupped her breasts and his mouth covered hers. Liz could feel his hands shaping her as they slid down her back before coming to rest on the rounded curves of her bottom. He bent his head and caressed her breast with gentle, slow strokes that increased the ache in the pit of her belly and made her move feverishly against him.

Her hands found his shoulders, shoving the shirt from him so she could reach his back as he continued his tormenting caresses on her breasts. "Yes!" she told him fiercely and suddenly his urgency returned.

Pulling away from him, she told him hotly: "I want to see you, all of you!" Her hands were reaching for the fastening of his pants, but he stepped away from her and completed the task himself.

Now it was Max’s turn to stand enthralled as her hands moved over his body. She knew every hill and valley. She knew what reaction he had to each place she touched. Her fingers trailed over his hard stomach, feeling the muscles clench under his skin. He groaned as her hand closed around him and explored him deliberately.

Drawing back from him, Liz looked at the bed and then at him, but before she could say anything he was removing her hand from his body and telling her hoarsely: "My turn again…"

She stood perfectly still as he removed the rest of her clothing. The sensation of his hands sliding down her thighs to remove her stockings and then moving back up over them far more slowly made her feel as though she was melting from the inside out. As she closed her eyes he stood up and picked her up in his arms, carrying her over to the bed. Laying her carefully on it, he started to touch and caress her.

This was heaven. Max kissed his way down the length of her body, dimly hearing Liz’s soft moan when he reached her thighs. He took his time exploring her, adapting his touches to her reactions. It was intoxicating to listen to her moans and sighs, to hear his name torn from her throat. Then she was pulling frantically at his shoulders, whispering thickly, the words almost lost against his chest: "Please, Max…"

He moved onto her, INTO her, slowly – too slowly. Her hands slid down his back, urging him faster, deeper and she felt him pause. But her body wouldn’t let him. She needed more…

Her needs slammed into his mind and Max nearly lost it on the spot. "Liz!" Her name was a fierce moan that was still echoing around the room when he gave up trying to slow them down. Their union was intense and their release mind-blowing. They were alternately kissing and crying each other’s names while the waves washed over them.

Max collapsed against her afterwards wondering how it was possible that this could just get better every time. He was completely and utterly addicted to making love with Liz. His Liz. His wife.

Holding her tightly, he rolled them onto their sides, so they lay looking at each other. He brushed her hair tenderly from her face, remembering belatedly that he had not removed the roses and pins before making love to her. He did so now, pulling each rose and pin from her hair carefully while she watched him.

When he was finished, Liz took his hand and kissed each finger reverently. "I love you Max Evans. And I-I promise to always make you happy, as happy as you make me," she declared fervently.

He was smiling when he kissed her mouth. I know you will, Liz. I know you will… His new wife had made a huge difference in his life already. She had made him look forward to the future…


Max felt the now familiar excitement take hold of him as he parked the Jeep in their driveway behind Liz’s little car. THEIR driveway – as in his and Liz’s. The house was small, but it had a yard and Max and Liz had fallen in love with it when they first arrived in Albuquerque a year ago. It had reminded them a little bit of the yard they kept seeing during their visions.

They had finished their studies at Harvard and, while they would’ve liked to stay in Boston and work at Harvard, there were no positions available at their former university, so they had decided to move closer to Roswell. Closer to Max’s people. Closer to their families. And to a place where both of them could work in their chosen fields.

Michael and Maria, who were finally living together after years of arguing about it, had moved out here four years ago, while Alex intended to follow them here when he finished his studies at MIT at the end of the year. Isabel had moved to Albuquerque when Michael and Maria did, unwilling to be too far away from all her family. She lived in an apartment in the city and was designing for a local boutique.

Studying at Harvard had been one of the most wonderful and toughest things Max had ever done. They had lived in a small apartment on campus, doing everything they could to limit financial expenses, but Max wouldn’t have traded the experience for the world. It had taught them a lot about each other, more than they had ever learned while living at the back of the Crashdown under the protective wings of their parents. They had learned to work hard to reach their goals and to still make time to love each other while being under enormous strain. They had even bickered a few times about silly things, the way married people did. The first time, it had ended with them staring at each other in surprise after which they proceeded to rip each other’s clothes off. And since then it had become an unwritten rule of sorts, any disagreement was solved before bedtime and forgotten in each other’s arms.

He was eager to get home, Liz had a few days off from work and she was busy doing some interior decorating to their house. He loved helping her. Actually, he loved doing anything with her because they mostly saw each other after work lately. They were both working at the University of New Mexico, Liz at their School of Medicine Molecular Research Center and Max at the UNM Hospital Cancer Research and Treatment Center. He also taught a class at the university as part of his job and had found to his surprise that he liked doing it. Liz teased him constantly about how much his female students swooned over him, but as usual, Max was oblivious to any female attention that didn’t bear the name Liz Evans.

The front door was locked, they had never really managed to get rid of their sense of caution. Stepping inside, he yelled: "Hi honey, I’m home!" He still got a kick out of that.

"I’m in the kitchen," Liz called back and he veered off to his left towards her voice. Only to nearly have a heart-attack when he found her perched precariously on a tall ladder, painting the ceiling.

"Liz!" he cried and hurried over to take hold of the ladder. "Get down from there!"

She blinked down at him in surprise and got that stubborn look on her face that he normally thought was really cute. "Liz," he warned her, "don’t make me come up there to get you!" He could see that she was still contemplating whether or not to actually obey him, so he added: "I’ll paint the ceiling. Please, just come down from there."

As usual, the subtle approach worked better on his wife than the authoritarian one. Liz gave an exaggerated sigh before asking impishly: "Can I decide what you wear while you’re painting?"

"What?" He was stumped, but if it got her down from there, he would agree to anything. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

She fairly bounced from the top of the ladder, causing Max to hold his breath until he could grab her around her waist to lift her down. She resisted him and climbed down until she reached the second-to-last rung and was face-to-face with him.

Turning around, she let go of the ladder and wrapped her arms around his neck before nuzzling his face. "Hello Max," she said and swiped her tongue over his bottom lip. His lips parted instinctively as his arms slipped around her waist and pulled her closer, but she backed away before he could kiss her. "Repeat after me: Liz is not an invalid. She can do things without hurting herself."

He grinned at her, not embarrassed in the slightest that he was still so overprotective of her. "Whatever."

"Wrong answer!" She cupped his cheeks and lowered her voice suggestively: "If you say it, I might make it worth your while…"

Schooling his face into a longsuffering expression, he said: "I guess, but I’m kinda getting tired of always having to give in to your sexual advances—"

Score! Liz’s mouth fell open in shock and he burst out laughing before picking her up from the ladder and spinning her around. "I’m joking, love! I can’t believe you fell for it."

"You absolute jerk!" Liz cried. "Put me down so I can kick your butt."

He dumped her onto the kitchen counter and caught her hands in his, just to make sure she didn’t get a chance to use them on him. She was wearing cut-off denim overalls splattered with paint. Her hair was covered by an old faded bandana and she had white sneakers on her feet. She looked incredible sexy… and really pissed! Max panicked immediately and let go of her hands. "Liz, sweetheart…"

The next moment Liz had wrapped her legs around his hips and grabbed his shirt to yank him against her. Max was unprepared for her move and stumbled forward, nearly falling on top of her until he braced himself on the counter with his hands next to her hips. Liz attacked him, there was no other way to describe it. She wrapped herself around him and kissed him senseless. She kissed him until he felt faint with lack of oxygen and saw stars exploding in his head. She ripped his shirt open, buttons flying everywhere, and scratched her nails over his chest and abdomen. She sent him wicked fantasies through their connection and Max nearly went over the edge. His hands plucked the scarf from her hair, but before he could do anything else, Liz had pushed him backwards. She caught him off guard again, so she easily moved him away from her.

"Are you two at it AGAIN?" Maria’s voice floated in from the kitchen window. "Would you start acting like you’re not 17 anymore?"

Liz ran her gaze over Max deliberately. He was panting like he was about ready to die. His hair was completely mussed, his shirt was hanging open, he had marks on his chest and his mouth was showing the signs of her attack. But best of all, he seemed completely and utterly stunned and confused by the sudden changes in her actions. Liz hopped off the counter, brushing against him as she passed him on her way to the door. "Payback’s a bitch, Mr. Evans."

His groan was loud and heartfelt. Several things bugged him right now. Firstly, why on earth were they living in the same city as Maria, who apparently made it her business to show up at inopportune moments like these? Secondly, what the hell just happened? Thirdly, Liz was seemingly trying to ensure that he would not live through the next five years to see his 30th birthday. Fourthly, his body was ready to explode and there was nothing he could do about it now. Apart from taking a cold shower… Damn it, he was going to get Liz for this one!

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he passed Liz and Maria in the hallway. "Well, hello to you too, Prince Charming!" Maria grinned at him. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"To the shower!" he muttered with a glare in Liz’s direction. Their laughter followed him to the bathroom.

"Lizzie, you’re going to kill the guy," Maria sounded sorry for Max.

"Don’t worry, he knows very well he can get back at me easily."

Maria flung herself down on the couch in the living room. "Admit it, Liz. You love that he acts around you like he does. And if you won’t admit it now, I could lend you Michael Guerin for a while. Trust me, you’ll see the difference immediately!"

Liz was grinning. "Okay, I admit it. I love being the center of Max’s universe. But it’s only fair, since he’s the center of mine too."

"Argh! You two are the worst! How long has it been now? Nearly 10 years that you are together? And STILL you are the two biggest saps on the planet."

They heard the shower being shut off and Liz jumped to her feet. "Just excuse me a minute, Maria, I’ll be right back."

She returned with a broad smile on her face and Maria looked at her suspiciously. "What are you up to?" "Just picking out some clothes for Max," Liz answered vaguely. "I actually needed to talk to you about this weekend. Nick and his wife are coming up to come show us their new baby and I was wondering if Alex could maybe stay with you guys? I don’t think our house can take four more people!"

"Alex is coming? Great! Sure he can." Maria looked pleased. "So, we’re finally all going to be together for a weekend again, heh? It’s been a long time."

"Yeah. And I can’t wait to see Nick’s little girl!" Liz’s eyes were shining as she talked and Maria couldn’t help but wonder if Liz was starting to feel that it was time she and Max got pregnant themselves. "How’s Michael?"

"You know, grouchy and horny. Same as ever," Maria replied. "He is starting to do well with his paintings, though. I think it freaks him out a little."

Liz turned serious after a few moments. "Maria, I know we never really talked about it, but… do you think we should have forced them to go to that planet in high school? I sometimes wonder if maybe they would’ve gone if we weren’t around."

"THEY made the choice, Lizzie, not us. Michael never asked me about it, he just decided to stay and never said a word about it. Besides, did we really want to know what a planet that would embrace the blonde as a Queen would look like?"

Liz glanced in the direction of the kitchen where they could hear Max moving around. "It’s just, they have this whole other side that they continue to deny because of us, Maria. Max tries so hard to be just human sometimes that it scares me. He’s… he’s so much more. But he doesn’t allow himself to be because of me."

Maria was shaking her head. "I still say, it was THEIR choice, Liz."

"I guess," Liz answered softly. Thoughts of Max’s alien heritage had been plaguing her more and more recently and she couldn’t help but wonder if it was coming from him. That she was feeling things he was trying to hide from her and from himself. She was glad Nick was coming over the weekend, it was time she talked to him about this.

Jumping up, she waved Maria out the door. "I need to finish this house before the guests come over, so I’ll see you around."

Maria kissed her on the cheek impulsively. "Its going to be fine, Lizzie. Now go watch Max paint, I can see you are dying to!"

Liz was still grinning when she got back to the kitchen, but the grin fled her face as soon as she saw her husband. He had actually put on what she told him to and she wondered at how clueless Max can be sometimes. He truly had no idea why she had dressed him up in one of his oldest jeans and a T-shirt with the arms ripped off. Her mouth dried as she watched him stretch towards the ceiling. His jeans were riding low on his hips and the shirt let her see every movement of muscle in his arms as he worked.

He knew she was there, watching him, but he decided to finish the ceiling first before acknowledging her. Let her stew a little for working him up like that earlier. When he finally dropped the paint roller and looked over at Liz, the look on her face was incredible. She was literally stripping him with her eyes and Max felt that look reverberate through his entire body. He never tired of Liz wanting him. It was as astonishing and heady to him now as it had been in high school.

She knew every part of that body intimately. She had seen and explored it thousands of times, but it still had the power to take her breath away. Not because he was merely beautiful, but because it was HIM. Wonderful, amazing, sexy Max Evans was inside that body.

He fairly flew off the ladder and came to her, scooping her into his arms. "We’re not going to get interrupted again, are we?"

Liz laughed breathlessly. "No."

"Good," he fairly growled. "You owe me some serious loving, Mrs. Evans!"

So she began making up for earlier while he was still carrying her to their room…


Nick looked around the circle of people gathered at his house. The Council. The meeting had been short and to the point. "I will talk to him this weekend. We have to act quickly…"

When Liz woke on Thursday morning, her whole body ached. She had apparently overdone it a bit with the painting and gardening the previous day, not to mention baking for the weekend. Max had only come home late, after she had fallen asleep on the couch waiting up for him. She vaguely remember him carrying her to their room and kissing the tip of her nose and her lips before she had fallen asleep again.

Max was holding her against him, his arm slung around her waist and his hand splayed over her stomach. She could feel his breath on her bare shoulder and smiled contentedly to herself. She would never get used to waking up in Max’s arms. From that very first time in their sophomore year out in the desert near the old radio tower, she had remembered to be thankful for every time she could experience this pleasure. Of feeling his body pressed along her back and relishing the protective and possessive way he held her even in sleep. She loved this man more every day!

Glancing at the bedside clock, she saw that it was still early enough for her to make Max his favorite breakfast before he had to go to work. Moving slowly, so she wouldn’t wake him, Liz slipped from Max’s hold. He mumbled her name and she turned around to kiss him softly: "I’ll be right back."

She skipped downstairs wearing one of Max’s old T-shirts that reached her thighs. She had learnt not to run around the house without clothes since their elderly neighbors had the habit of popping in at the most inopportune times. She and Max loved Mr. and Mrs. Kellerman and they had them over for tea occasionally, but there had been some near misses when they had come over unexpectedly. Of course, the Kellermans thought it was "cute" that their young neighbors were so in love, but it created for some panic in the Evans household! Liz prepared the blueberry pancakes quickly so they would have time to sit and chat while they have breakfast, then she doused Max’s stack in Tabasco sauce and hers in maple syrup before taking it back to the bedroom together with a coffee for each of them.

Placing the tray next to the bed, she crawled over Max quietly, but she could see from the twitching at the corners of his mouth that he wasn’t sleeping anymore. She straddled his waist and leaned over him until her face was mere inches from his. Liz kissed his eyelids, his forehead, his cheek bones, his nose and by the time she kissed his mouth, he was kissing her back and running his hands down her back to cup her bottom. "Hmmm," she murmured against his lips, "I’m not breakfast."

He made a disappointed sound and pulled away. "You’re not?"

"No!" she laughed one of her wonderful laughs, warming Max to his toes. "Your OTHER favorite is." She located the tray next to the bed and made him sit up so she could place it between them. The way his eyes lighted up was enough payment for her efforts. Men were so easy to please, feed their appetites, and they were happy!

"I heard that!" Max mock glared at her. "I’ll have you know that it takes more than jut food and sex to make me happy."

Liz popped a piece of her pancake into her mouth, making a whole show of licking the syrup from her fingers. His attention was arrested immediately. "Like what?" she asked innocently.

He looked completely befuddled for a moment and Liz burst out laughing again. "Eat your breakfast, honey!"

Later, as she was putting the dishes into the washer, Max came breezing into the kitchen, wearing his lecturer’s outfit: khaki chino’s, a crisp white shirt and a tie. He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up against him to kiss her. "I love you, sweetie! Thanks for breakfast." He put her down again and kissed her forehead. "What are you up to today?"

"I have to go into town to get some stuff for the spare bedroom, like a crib!"

They looked at each other quietly after the mention of a crib. It had been their decision to wait with having kids until they had completed their studies and had settled down. Max traced her cheek with his fingers tenderly. "I love you," he repeated seriously before kissing her hard.

Liz watched him leave, he seemed reluctant to go and kept looking back at her. "Bye, Max," Liz said when he finally turned to go. A feeling of melancholy had suddenly overtaken her. She always hated saying good-bye to Max. Normally they were rushing to work and she didn’t notice it so much, but with him leaving her here in the quiet house that smelled like him was depressing her. She moved to the bathroom quickly to take a shower so she could get everything done that she needed to today. Maybe she would go by Max’s class and sit in, that would help her get through the day until she could see him again…


It was the period before lunch when she made it into the building where Max taught his class. She had managed to buy a little crib that still needed assembling, something Max could help her with tonight and everything else was now set for Nick and his family to come visit.

The class hadn’t started yet and Max was writing something on the board while the students were still talking to each other. Liz slipped into a seat at the back of the lecture hall and looked around her. She had come to some of his classes before, just to listen to his voice and watch him work. He didn’t mind and she got to see him during the day.

"I hear he has a really pretty wife." The voice came from one of the girls sitting to her left. Their eyes were on Max, so Liz assumed they were talking about him. Her own eyes drifted to his butt and she breathed in deeply, starting to feel all tingly. Max’s writing faltered. Damn, he knew she was here, that puts an end to her surprise.

"That would explain why he doesn’t ever look at any of the girls in his classes. It’s a shame, though, I had contemplated failing my labs so I could get tutoring from him." By this time, Liz was grinning and she caught the eye of the girl talking. She was cute and she frowned when she looked at Liz.

Max had turned around by now and his eyes searched the class until he found her. He quirked an eyebrow at her and she gave him an innocent smile, batting her eyelids. The girls next to her turned to her, obviously intrigued that their teacher was showing some interest in someone in the class.

"Are you new?" It was the chatty girl again.

Liz kept her eyes on Max while answering: "No, just here for the view."

They giggled. "Yeah, he is pretty gorgeous, isn’t he?"

Liz was tempted to say ‘you should see him naked’, but didn’t think Max would appreciate her putting ideas into the heads of his students. So she just smiled serenely and sat back in the chair, observing him work. The class hung onto his every word and so did she. Eventually, it was time for questions and she listened to him explaining a few concepts to the students. She had to forcibly reign in her reactions to hearing his voice as this would surely reach Max through their connection and distract him.

After class, the students filed out and she remained in her seat and raised her hand. "Ah, Sir? I have a question?"

Max came over, climbing the stairs slowly to reach her. He stopped in front of her desk and leaned over, bracing himself on his hands. "Yes Miss?"

His voice had turned smoky and slid over her nerve endings like silk, causing her to shiver. "Can I get some special tutoring? I think I’m having trouble concentrating in your classes…"

"As long as you can come to my house, I guess it can be arranged," he whispered against her lips, finally kissing her. "But, you’ll have to come at night, I don’t want my other students to think you’re getting special treatment." The last part was mumbled into her mouth.

"Oooh, I like being the teacher’s pet!" She smiled at him and he lifted her out of the chair to kiss her more deeply.

"Can you have lunch with me?" she asked breathlessly as they broke apart.

"Yeah," he laced his fingers through hers and they stared into each other’s eyes.

"Uh, Mr. Evans?" It was the girl that had sat next to Liz and her eyes widened when she saw Max holding hands with Liz. "Oh, sorry, I just wanted… I could come back later."

Max smiled at her. "No, it’s okay, Julie. Meet my wife, Liz."

"We’ve met, sort of," Liz informed him and had to stifle a laugh when the poor girl turned all shades of red. It must be a bit embarrassing knowing you had drooled about your teacher in front of his wife.

Max, as usual, was completely clueless and wondered what had transpired that he missed. Liz just kissed him again and said ‘I’ll wait outside’ before leaving him and his very uncomfortable student to themselves. She could just imagine what the girl was going to tell her friends after this!

Liz went back home after lunch. She felt restless, though, and wandered from room to room in the house, touching things idly. A feeling of worry had settled in her stomach and she couldn’t shake it off. What was going on? Maybe she was just starting to feel the effects of wanting a baby. Staring at the little crib that still needed assembling, Liz sank to the floor in the spare room and admitted it for the first time. She wanted to have Max’s baby. Not at some undetermined future date, right now! But Max seemed so happy with the way things were at the moment, what if he told her he didn’t want to have kids so soon? Tears slipped from her eyes as Liz grabbed a pillow from the bed and curled up on the floor. She was starting to shake and her mind sorted through all her reactions to try and find a reason for her emotional state. She knew this was not really about a baby, she had only felt like this once before in her life, that time in the camp just before Max was abducted.

This was how Max found her when he got home later that afternoon. He had had a disconcerted feeling the whole time since Liz had left him and, while he knew some of it was coming from her, he also recognized that a large part of it was originating from deep within himself. He tried to concentrate on work, but eventually gave up and went home a little early. He had panicked stupidly when he found the house silent and their bedroom empty. He knew she was in there somewhere, but reason always seemed to flee him when it came to Liz.

His heart contracted when he saw her curled up on the floor in the spare room, tear-tracks still visible on her face. He knelt on the floor next to her and scooped her up into his arms tenderly. She pressed herself to him immediately, wrapping her arms around his neck in a death-grip.


Her eyes had flown open at the sound of her name. "Make love to me, Max! Please! Now."

He carried her to their room knowing he needed it as much as she did. Maybe even more. For close to seven years they had lived their normal happy lives, but both of them knew that something was going to happen to them soon and they had no idea what it was or how to stop it…

He stood her in front of him in their room and tenderly undressed her, trying to ignore the shaking of his own hands. He kissed each inch of skin that he bared, loving her with every breath that he took. Silent tears still coursed down her cheeks, but as he caressed her, they started to dwindle. When he was finished and she stood before him, naked and vulnerable, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. "Whatever it is, love, we’ll face it together." He didn’t need to voice the fears that were coursing through them both, their connection made it unnecessary.

She reached up to cup her hands over his cheeks and pulled his face down to her. "I love you, Max Evans. So much."

Then he kissed her.

It was a long, slow kiss that seemed intended to arouse as much as reassure. Max’s mouth moved against hers with erotic expertise. His left hand trailed down her back and settled at the base of her spine, urging her closer with a splayed-finger caress. She arched into the embrace, headily conscious of the hardening thrust of his lower body. Their tongues met and mated. The kiss deepened, became more demanding. Desire flooded her, but Liz knew she was not the only one trembling when Max finally lifted his mouth from hers.

"Let this be only about us right now," he urged in a deep, dark, velvet tone.

Lifting her right hand, Liz lightly caressed the side of Max’s face. A hint of new beard growth abraded her fingertips as she traced a line from cheekbone to chin. "Yes," she said in a throaty whisper. "Just us." And she pushed the horrible fears to the far corner of her mind.

He charted the swell of her breasts with his hands like he has done so many times before, but it never failed to electrify her. She arched into his caressing, claiming palms, shifting in an effort to increase the intimacy of the contact. His hands tightened against her flesh and something deep inside her spasmed in response.

They kissed again. Deeply. Deliberately. Not noticing that Max’s hands had begun to glow against her skin. Liz communicated the depth of her love for him through that kiss. That no matter what, she would always be by his side, supporting him.

Max’s shirt came off. Liz kissed along the hard edge of his collarbone then licked against the hollow at the base of his throat. The salty tang of his skin lingered on her tongue. His pulse, when she found it, was rapid and intense.

He lay her down on their bed gently, his hands gliding upwards between her legs.

"Please," Liz begged softly.

Max took off the last of his clothes and stretched out beside her on the bed, his hand finding the curve of her breasts. Liz was staring up at him. Her cheeks flushed with passion, her lips parted and moist. Her eyes locked with his in a long moment of wordless communication. Max whispered her name, then used his right hand to trace the arch of her brow and the slim elegance of her nose. He followed the outline of her mouth with his fingertips, a sensual thrill spearing through him when her tongue stole out to lick at him.

Their kiss was hungry and urgent. Max felt Liz’s arms encircle his neck and her fingers sliding into the dark disorder of his hair. He devoured her responses like a starving man, all thoughts of anything but Liz have fled his mind. Right now all he could concentrate on was her. Only her.

Shifting his position slightly, he kissed downward from her face. He lingered for a few seconds at the pulse point at the base of her throat. The pounding of her blood was intensely, unbearably exiting to him. His mouth found her breasts, his tongue laving and shaping their beautiful contours making her sigh.

His hand left a glowing trail as it slid down to the apex of her thighs, finding her wet heat. Those soft, intoxicating sounds that he loved were escaping Liz’s throat again, increasing his desire and feeding his possessiveness.

Liz moved her hips against his touch, slowly and inexorably edging closer to that final release. His hand was doing magic things to her, creating little explosions just underneath her skin that was more intense than usual, but she was too intent on experiencing them to wonder why that was.

Drawing on everything he knew about making love to Liz, Max held her trembling on the edge for several fevered moments, then tenderly urged her over the brink. She came apart against his hand, crying his name into the stillness of the room.

Only then did he shift himself, parting her thighs as he moved up and over her. Their gazes locked as he joined them with a single, gliding stroke.

Her hands were clutching at him and he gripped her hips, holding her still for a few seconds as he tried to stem the tidal wave of passion building within him. Every nerve in his body was clamoring for release, but he refused to give in to it.

The flashes were unexpected and nearly blinded him. He saw how much Liz wanted him during class today. He felt her desperate need for him from this afternoon, the one that had called him home. And he experienced her sadness about a baby. A pregnant Liz. The thought rocked him to his toes. "Oh God, Liz!" It was torn from him as the image of his pregnant wife formed in his mind.

Liz was beyond hearing anything. She was shaken to the core by the feeling of coming alive everywhere his hands touched. She saw herself from this morning, wearing his shirt and smiling and experienced the rush of warmth and love he had felt watching her. The awareness of her during class and the urgency to come home, knowing she needed him.

He dimly realized that something was different this time. Their feelings were more… intense. He finally started moving inside her, slowly at first but more urgently when he felt, HEARD her response. Finally!

Max felt her body clench around his as she found fulfillment. He moved one last time, driving her to a keening cry that dissolved the final shred of his control. He gave himself over to the woman in his arms and in turn received the most perfect pleasure a man could experience.

It was more than a sexual climax.

It was utter and absolute completion.

Afterwards, when his heartbeat had slowed and his breathing pattern smoothed, Max gathered Liz’s sated, seemingly boneless body into his arms and held her close to his heart. "I love you," he whispered into her hair.

His hands had not stopped glowing yet…


Nick was staring at his new baby girl as his wife packed for their visit to Max and Liz. They were driving up to Albuquerque early tomorrow morning and would meet Liz at the house since Max was still working. He hadn’t seen them in the last few months due to his wife’s pregnancy and his unwillingness to leave her alone during that time. Madelaine. That was her name. The name of the newest little alien on planet earth. He took a deep breath and said a silent prayer that her life would be less complicated than his had been. Maybe one day she would also find a human that would love her as much as the ones that were involved with their royal family.

The rumblings that all was not well on Dendar had begun a few months ago. They had only received ad hoc reports since Nick was still trying to keep the fact that a last outpost of survivors from Antar was on earth a secret. His mouth thinned. They have had seven years of peace and tranquility during which he had almost stopped worrying about his King and his future. Almost.

During the times he had visited Max and Liz in Boston, he had had trouble reconciling the happy couple with the two young people who had been through so much while still at school. And he had silently continued to marvel at the depth of their love for each other.

In seven years, not one of their group had gotten close to a human. They had friends, yes, but no one has gotten involved with anyone that he knew of. It was weird. Maybe it was the genetic programming that still influenced them. Maybe it was just plain old fear. After all, it had taken Max the best part of eight years before he got together with Liz and then only after a near fatal incident.

He glanced at his sleeping daughter again. Maybe the next generation…

How would Max react to the news he would carry with him to Albuquerque this weekend? How would Liz? Nick still vividly remembered the two weeks they spent apart when Liz went to a course in Boston. And this would be so much worse. At least they didn’t have children yet.

And at least he had spent the last seven years teaching Max Evans about his history. Not a lot at a time, but he knew enough about what it entailed to be the King to be able to fulfill that role. As for the rest, Nick was surer than ever now that Max was older that he had the makings of a fine leader.

He would need all of that now.


The sun was setting and finally the earth started cooling down a bit in the New Mexican desert. Liz was still sprawled on top of Max, dozing while he kept her protectively close. She could feel from the even way his chest moved under her cheek that he was fast asleep, but she didn’t want to open her eyes yet. If she did, Max’s embrace would not stop that dark feeling that crouched at the edge of her consciousness from haunting her anymore.

She felt tears well up in her eyes and this made her roll off Max, afraid that the moisture would touch his skin and wake him up. She curled into a little ball on her side next to Max. She wanted to scream and rant, do anything to make this impending sense of doom go away. But she didn’t, because nothing would help. All she could do was pray that, when the time came, she and Max would handle what was coming well.

Max’s heat suddenly enveloped her from behind. Even in sleep, he had missed her and searched her out. He pulled her back against him so that she lay spooned against his body. Pressing his face into her hair, he muttered: "Love you, Liz..."

She squeezed her eyes shut, love for Max overwhelming her. Now that she knew what it felt like to be loved so completely, how would she ever live without it?

His arm slipped around her waist, his fingers splaying over her stomach tenderly as he kept her close to him.

And again, neither of them noticed the faint glow of the hand he had flattened over her womb.

Leaving Liz on Friday morning was one of the hardest things Max had ever had to do. He had held her against him until the very last minute, not knowing what to say, but knowing he needed her near. She had walked him to the Jeep, clutching his arm and Max had kissed her desperately and lingeringly, crushing her tiny body against his before he finally left. She had looked so small and vulnerable standing in front of their little house when he looked back at her in the rearview mirror.

He had told her over breakfast that they needed to talk. Them having a baby was such an important topic that he didn’t want to rush it. And it worried him that Liz seemed so scared about his reactions. Had he somehow given her the idea that he didn’t want a baby? The thought of Liz pregnant with his children made him dizzy and the possibility that he might someday have a child of his own was just magical to Max.

Yes, he and Liz really needed to talk. Right now would have been the perfect time to start their family, but instead this feeling that something was about to happen to them just won’t go away, and sadly that would have to take precedence right now…

A shiver of apprehension ran down Max’s spine as he worked in the lab. He knew it was from Liz again. For some reason, their connection has spiked to previously unknown levels and it literally felt like he was inside her body, experiencing everything with her. And all she wanted from him now, was to come home…


It was lunchtime when Nick, Grace and little Madelaine finally arrived at the Evans house in Albuquerque. They had stopped often for Grace to feed the baby and for them to stretch their legs.

Liz came out to meet them when she heard the car arrive and Nick hugged her impulsively. He could see sadness lingering in her eyes and wondered if somehow, she knew that he has come to turn her life upside down once again. But Liz said nothing and played the perfect hostess.

Grace showed Liz her daughter proudly. Liz was their Queen after all and, in spite of years living on earth, that was still a big thing to Nick’s wife. While the women cooed over little Maddie, Nick carried their luggage inside and settled things in their room. He noticed a lot of changes in the little house, it was clear that Max and Liz had worked hard on it since he had last been here. The place looked like a real home, cozy and filled with loving reminders of the life shared by its owners.

They had lunch outside in the garden in the shade of a big old tree and Nick and Liz caught up with each other’s lives. They had a soft spot for one another and it showed. Maddie slept right through her parents’ lunch and only woke up when they went back into the house.

"Why don’t you guys go rest until Max comes home? I’ll look after Maddie," Liz offered. She could see that both Nick and Grace were tired after the long drive and probably also from the pajama drill of the night before. Their grateful acceptance confirmed her suspicions.

While the tired parents napped, Liz lay on the living room carpet with Maddie propped on her little mattress next to her. She was really tiny and really perfect to Liz. The thought brought fresh tears to Liz’s eyes. Would she and Max ever have a little perfect person like this in their lives? A tiny version of them both rolled into one?

When Max got home a little later, he found Liz still in the same position, watching Madelaine sleep. The sight nearly took his breath away and he had to lean against the doorframe to steady himself. For a brief moment, he could picture his own little family together like that.

After he recovered, he walked over to Liz quietly and knelt down next to her to kiss her cheek. She turned her face to him and he whispered: "Hi." Placing his hand on her hip, he rained light, soft kisses on her lips, making her smile.

In between all this, Maddie woke up and started to whimper. This got Max and Liz’s attention immediately and Max helped Liz upright so she could pick the baby up. He sat with his back against the couch and watched as Liz gave Maddie a bottle. Another kick of raw emotion in Max’s gut caused him to sit up straighter and gently brush Liz’s hair back from her bent head. She gave him a watery smile and he knew he needed to hold he again. So he pulled her back until she could rest between his legs, lying back against his chest while she fed the baby. Max put his arms around both of them, just staring down at the beautiful scene in awe.

Grace arrived in the room in a rush a few minutes later, clearly concerned that she had left her baby alone too long and imposed on Liz in the process. She faltered when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Hi Max," she said softly and bowed her head at him without thinking.

Max smiled at her. "Sorry, that I’m not getting up. It’s good to see you again!"

Grace hurried forward and lifted Maddie from Liz’s arms. "I’m sorry! You should’ve woken us!" She looked embarrassed. "I guess we were more tired than we realized."

Max had felt the tiny shiver that went through Liz when Grace took the baby and he hugged her tighter against him fleetingly before getting up. Nick had also arrived and the two men greeted each other warmly.

"Congratulations with Maddie. She is beautiful," Max told Nick.

"Yeah, it’s hard to believe she is mine, right?" His comment made everyone smile.

"Okay," Liz announced brightly, "I have a LOT of people coming over for a barbecue tonight, so I have to get started on the preparations." She was holding on to Max’s hand tightly while she spoke. "So you guys have to go do the men stuff outside."

"I’m on it," Max informed her, "just let me get out of these work clothes. Would you all excuse me?" He gave Liz another quick kiss and left.

Liz and Grace went to the kitchen to start with the salads and Nick watched some TV while he waited for Max to finish showering. Max had sort of hoped Liz would come to their bedroom, because he suspected she needed a hug, but when she didn’t he sought her out in the kitchen.

He smiled at Grace who was sitting at the counter and put his arms around Liz from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. Liz stopped working and leaned back against him with a sigh. They stood like that for a few moments, no words were needed between them. Then Max kissed Liz’s cheek and went outside with Nick.

Not long after that, Michael and Maria arrived with Alex and Maria immediately took to playing with Maddie instead of helping with dinner. "What can I say, Space Boy is not with me for my cooking!"

"Lizzie, looking good!" Alex yelled when he came in, resulting in a startled whimper from Maddie.

"Alex! Do you mind!" Maria hissed at him. "Baby in the kitchen here!"

Holding up conciliatory hands, Alex made a show of tiptoeing over to Liz to kiss her cheek. "Hi Alex."

Michael preferred looked at Maddie from a distance. She seemed real cute, but he had no experience with babies and felt uncomfortable around them. "Nice baby," he told Grace before hightailing it outside with Alex.

Isabel arrived later and the group was complete. They ate outside in the garden at a huge old wooden table that Liz had found in some thrift shop. And for a little while it seemed that everything was just as it has always been. Isabel and Alex continuing their weird friendship/relationship, Michael and Maria bickering and Max and Liz holding hands.


Later that night, when everyone had finally left or gone to bed, Max took Liz’s hands in his. "Sweetie, I know we have to talk about some things. About-about us starting a family for one, and—" He saw her pale and hastened to add. "I WANT a family with you, Liz. Please don’t think otherwise. We just have to discuss a few things first, okay?"

She nodded, feeling more relieved than she hoped she let on.

"So, let’s make a date to talk on Sunday night after everyone has left." He brushed his fingers over her jaw line before pulling her flush with his body. "We’ll be alright, I promise."

Liz so desperately wanted to believe him, but some things were too big even for a King to fix.

Max lay awake for a long time, wondering what Nick wanted to discuss with him. Nick had cornered him just after the others had left and Liz was still outside saying good-bye to tell Max that he needed to talk to him about something urgent. And that it was better that he and Max talk alone first. He unconsciously held Liz tighter to him. He had a horrible feeling about this…


Although Max had been very reluctant to let her go, Liz and Grace left for the city early on Saturday morning to do some shopping. Grace claimed the shops in Roswell seriously lacked when it came to baby stuff.

Max didn’t really want Liz to go because he could feel the sadness and worry come off her in waves. It was very strange to him, because on the other hand, she seemed to be glowing. Not literally, but something inside her just shined.

Nick watched as Max practically hung onto Liz’s hand until they were in the car. Max kissed Liz through the open driver’s window and made her promise that she would drive safely. Even Liz looked a little amused by his anxiety attack. It made Nick feel even worse, because just like they did so many years ago, Max and Liz were aware of something brewing on the horizon.

Max was wary as he sat outside with Nick in the garden and Nick’s jittery actions just confirmed his suspicions that something was up. "Right, what do you need to tell me?"

Staring at his feet, Nick wondered where to begin. "A war is brewing between the four planets. Peace talks are starting soon."

All the blood was draining from Max’s face. No, no, no, no…

"The Tresarians specifically asked that our planet be represented before they would come to the talks. Max, Tess is going to represent our planet during those talks." Nick paused. "Unless you go…"

It was all he could do not to say ‘NO’ immediately and hope that the whole mess will just go away. Instead, he took a calming breath and asked: "Why do we even need to be there? It’s not like we have a planet left." Please don’t make me go to another planet without Liz…

"Eric’s planet is by far the strongest in the group. If Tresar does not agree to peace, there will be war. Alliances are being formed, Max, and we need to end this once and for all. We cannot hide here forever. Would you really want your children to grow up like you did? Forever hiding from something? Because the possibility would always exist that the Tresarians could find out where you are. That you are still alive. And that you have kids."

The vice around his chest was tightening. "When would I have to go?" His voice was soft, strained.

"As soon as possible, there have already been skirmishes and lives lost," Nick sounded very serious. "Max, I know this might look like it’s not your problem, but your father used to dream of uniting the five planets in a federation. Many people up there still believe in what he stood for. And you could save millions of lives. I don’t think we should leave our heritage and the future of four planets on the shoulders of Tess…"

Max was staring at the tabletop. Silent. Thinking.

"I would propose that you take Michael and Isabel too. So that the whole Royal family is there. Strength in numbers as they say…"

When Max still didn’t say anything, Nick prompted him. "What do you say, Max? Will you do it?"

There really was only one answer, Max could give his friend. "Yes…"

Relief flooded Nick as he heard Max’s firm answer. "You will?" It had been easier than he had thought it would be.

"But…" Max met Nick’s gaze steadily. "Liz is coming with me."

Opening his mouth to protest, Nick realized he should’ve seen this coming. Max wouldn’t go anywhere without Liz. But this was not a good idea. "I don’t think—"

Max interrupted him. "No, Nick. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. She’s coming with me."

Nick was quiet for a long time. "I know how you feel about this… about her, but we don’t know what the reaction of the other groups will be to her. We don’t know what to expect on the other side at all. There might be danger."

A determined light was shining in Max’s eyes by now. "If there’s danger, I’d rather have her with me. They are bound to find out about her anyway. They could get to her here too." He rubbed his face tiredly. "We promised each other we would listen to our premonitions after… after last time. And this time I feel she needs to go with me or something will happen to us." He pinned Nick with another steady stare. "I promised her, Nick. And I will keep that promise. Those people need to recognize that Liz is my wife. Not Tess."

Nick decided to try one last time. "You probably won’t see her very much over there. You will be so busy—"

"I don’t care. She is really upset and there is no way I’m leaving her here. Even if I only get to see her for half-an-hour every day, it’s better than not seeing her at all." He was silent for a few moments. "In fact, I think all six of us should go."

Nick blanched at that. "All six of you! Max, with all due respect—"

Max silenced him by holding up his hand. "You’ve taught me a lot about being a good leader, but there is one thing I learnt all by myself. Our group is stronger when we are together. Liz and I are stronger when we are together… I will have to discuss it with them all first, but if they want to go, we’ll take them." Max didn’t know how to explain this feeling that he shouldn’t let Liz out of his sight right now. This sense of something happening to Liz was overpowering and threatened to drive him crazy with worry. No, there was no way he was going anywhere without her…


Shopping for baby clothes with Grace was really hard for Liz. Firstly, she couldn’t help wondering if she would ever be doing this for her own child, and secondly, because she could feel Max’s increasing agitation. They were both really upset about this "premonition" of theirs and Max’s worry seems to be getting worse.

And why was their connection so strong? Instead of the vague sensing of his feelings when they weren’t physically close, it felt as clear as when he was inside her. As when they were making love. It both scared and exited her. It exited her because she never feels this close to Max unless he was making love to her and it scared her because she feared it meant something bad was going on.

And it was.

When they got home, she could see on Max’s face that something had happened. He looked at her with an intensity that threatened to steal her breath away. And he crushed her to him as soon as she was out of the car. Liz felt her throat close up with fear, but she put up a brave face until they were alone.

Grace and Nick had gone to their room to put baby Maddie to sleep and Max took the chance to take Liz to their bedroom. Just inside the door, he jerked her against him and kissed her passionately. Desperately. Possessively. His movements lacked their usual grace and instead were laced with urgency. Max Evans was completely off balance.

Liz gave herself up to his caresses with wild abandon in the hope that it would chase away her fears. She knew she should be asking questions, but right now she just wanted to bask in being with Max. In his love and in his embrace, which still was the only place in the universe where she felt truly complete.

He couldn’t stop kissing her. He needed to tell her what was going on, but he was afraid to let her out of his arms. Afraid that, for all his bravado with Nick, his world really was coming crashing down on him. Instead, he let his mind talk to hers.

Liz, I need you. So much. Now more than ever. Please go with me.

The emotions and words rushing at her from Max were threatening to drown Liz. There was so much to take in, but most of all, she was shocked by the panicked need she felt from Max. For her. She tore her mouth from his, gasping for breath and grasping at Max’s shirt in desperation. "Max, you’re scaring me! Please tell me what is going on?"

He wanted to, but suddenly a lot of what Nick had said made sense. What if taking Liz to Dendar would put her in danger? He didn’t know anything about the planet other than that Tess had apparently survived there with her human body. But what if there was something different about him, Michael, Isabel and Tess that he didn’t know about? Something that could make a life and death difference to Liz?

Again, Liz could feel and hear everything as if he was inside her mind. She slowly sank onto the bed, with Max still clinging to her hands. "You have to go to Dendar?"

"Yeah," Max looked tortured. "But I want… need you to go with me. Will you?"

Opening her mouth to speak, it promptly felt like Liz was being sucked into a tunnel. A black void. Dizziness overtook her and she only managed to whisper ‘Max’ before she lost consciousness.

"Liz!" Max cried as he caught her. He lay her down on the bed gently and stretched out next to her, touching her with shaking hands. He ascertained very quickly that she had just passed out and that everything else seemed to be fine. His heart was pounding with reaction to seeing her slump to the floor like that. Of course Liz had gotten the flu a few times since their marriage, it was not like Max wasn’t used to her getting sick. But he still freaked out every time it happened. She was his Liz, damn it, and he hated that things happened to her that he couldn’t fix.

She had never passed out before, though. He tenderly caressed her face with one hand as he whispered in her ear: "Please wake up, Liz. I love you…" He kept murmuring soft things until he could feel her stir against him.

"Max?" Liz’s voiced was husky, confused.

"I’m here, love."

"I’ll go, Max. Of course I’ll go." Her voice was gaining strength.

Max stared at her in amazement. Here he was, still trying to recover from her fainting spell, and she was already talking sense. But when he looked in her eyes, he could see she was dazed and he realized that her answer had nothing to do with recovering, but everything with her anxiety about him leaving. "Shhh, sweetie, let me get you some water, then we’ll talk, okay?"

She watched the door of the bathroom until he returned. Liz wasn’t sure exactly what had happened, but she knew she was worried about not seeing Max again. She relaxed only when she saw him striding towards her with a glass of water and a wet cloth in his hands. His eyes were haunted, making Liz tearful. She had done something cause that look. "I’m sorry, Max…"

He was beside her immediately. "For what? No! I just-I just panicked when I saw you like that, Liz. I-I never want to face being without you."

Liz grabbed the hand he was using to wipe her face with the cloth. "Never. Where you go, I go."

Max inhaled sharply at her words. They were everything he needed to hear at this moment. "Liz, it may be dangerous. And your job… I don’t know how long we will be gone. And there’s a war brewing—"

"I don’t care," she said promptly, making Max’s heart soar. "I only know that I want to be wherever you are."

He kissed her softly, rubbing their lips over each other while cupping her face. "‘I love you’ seems so insufficient to explain how I feel about you."

She put her hands on his face too. "Max, you made me ME. How much more do you need to say?"

Closing his eyes, Max breathed deeply as emotion threatened to choke him. He didn’t know how to answer, so he hugged her to him again, praying his embrace would speak for him.

When they had both calmed down a bit, he got back to the reason for his earlier panic: "What happened just now? Are you ill? Did you eat? Are you—"

Liz kissed him to stop the barrage of questions. "I don’t know, love. I just… I think it was because I was so worried about you. And I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping all that much lately."

They looked at each other with comprehension. It was the same reason why Max had tired bruises under his eyes.

"I’m sorry, Liz." She looked at him with alarm, so he hastened to finish. "For making your life so uncertain."

"I told you before. I have the only certainty I will ever need – your love. The rest are mere details." She cuddled into Max’s warm body and sighed. That horrible feeling that has been plaguing her for days seemed to have lifted somewhat. Maybe because they now knew what they had to face.

Max was rubbing her back soothingly. "I’ll get everyone here tomorrow and we can decide on a plan of action."

She nodded, that sounded like a good plan. "So, why are we going to Dendar?"

And Max realized she had said she would go without even knowing why… He lifted her higher up against the pillows and kissed her breathless. "You are so amazing!"


Nick paced in the spare room later that night. He had talked to Max and Liz for a long time and Liz seemed even more determined to go than ever. On the one hand, he knew that letting her go would make Max more productive. If she were left behind on earth, the majority of Max’s attention would go into worrying about her and missing her. But if she went, who knew what could happen? Nick was sure Tess wouldn’t appreciate having her exalted position taken from her again. By none other than Liz. Not to mention that he worried that the Tresarian request to have the Antar Royal Family represented during the talks may be a trap.

But what alternative did he have? His spies on Dendar were relaying the imminence of war and it seemed like Max was the only one that could make a difference. Not to mention that Max could be fulfilling one of his father Aaron’s dreams – uniting all the planets in their system.

He worried about Liz. She was the glue that kept the aliens and humans together and they have put so much faith in her link with Max. What if something happened to her on Dendar? He had no idea what awaited them there. He sat down heavily on the bed. He will discuss the final plans for their departure with Max tomorrow. He needed to get transport for them, which meant contacting Dendar officially. And that meant that the fact that the King of Antar was alive and well and living on earth would not be a secret anymore…


Liz lay in the circle of Max’s arms and felt more peace than she had in a few days. She could see the stars through their window and she wondered at the fact that she might be among them soon. How weird was that? Humans have been trying to travel in space for decades and were very proud of themselves for reaching the moon. Well, here she was, a girl from a small town in New Mexico, about to travel to another galaxy.

She turned on her back and Max shifted automatically to accommodate her changed position with the ease of years of practice. He lay on his side, his face pressed into the crook of her neck, his even breathing caressing her skin. Liz tangled her fingers with his that were splayed over her stomach. That’s when she saw it.

His hand was glowing. Not brightly, but definitely glowing.

Her gasp woke Max up and he looked at her, blinking sleep from his eyes. "Is something wrong?" he asked with concern.

Liz brought his hand up from her stomach to press her lips in his palm. The glow died out immediately after his hand left her body. "No! Everything is fine."

He kissed her softly. "Are you sure?"

Nodding, Liz prayed that he wouldn’t force the issue and most importantly that he wouldn’t learn anything from their connection. She gave him another quick kiss and rolled onto her side with her back to him. "Just hold me, that’s all I need."

He pulled her flush against him and Liz waited until she could hear him drift off to sleep before she carefully splayed his fingers over her womb again. The faint glow started almost immediately.

Breathing deeply, Liz cautioned herself to remain calm. She was really afraid that she knew what was causing this. And with that knowledge came the decision that Max should not find out about this before they left for Dendar, or he would never let her accompany him…

Complete and utter hell. That was what Liz experienced during the next few days. Keeping a secret from Max was hard at the best of times, but keeping from him that she suspected she was pregnant was almost intolerable. She was scared, exited, worried and elated all at the same time and not having Max as a safety net during these emotional times was putting a lot of strain on her. For one thing, she still wasn’t sure that she really was pregnant and she desperately wanted to keep the info from Max until there was no way they could be separated again.

But worst of all was not sharing with Max that his child was probably growing inside her. This was one of those times that a couple should be experiencing everything together. She swung from being at the heights of ecstasy about her possible pregnancy, to the depths of despair about Max not knowing. Under normal circumstances, Max would have been ecstatic, but with the threat of them going into a war zone, Liz knew he would worry. She still dreamed of being able to share this agonizing and exiting time with him. She wanted to see his face when she told him, she wanted to experience every one of his feelings when he found out, but most of all, she just wanted to be close to Max again.

She had purposely kept herself away from him as much as she could without raising too much suspicion. Luckily, there had been a million things to do and Max was too tired to do anything but hold her late at night. And her fainting spell was still vivid in his memory, making her efforts to look too tired for anything physical look plausible. He had given her a few worried looks, but mostly he treated her like she was made of fine porcelain. He touched her gently, held her hand and kissed her softly, but nothing beyond that. He seemed to sense her need for a bit of distance and Liz knew that any other time, he would have confronted her with her actions by now. She was relieved, but it was also horrible. She needed him. She needed him to make love to her and be close to her. Her body needed his with a vengeance, but she couldn’t risk him seeing too much via their connection. And it was slowly killing her…


On Sunday, everybody had been there for lunch and Liz had watched as their eyes grew bigger while Max explained the situation on Dendar and the need for him to go there. Sympathetic glances had been sent her way until Max made it clear that Liz was going with him. Those same eyes grew even wider when Max had announced that Michael and Isabel should go to Dendar too and had asked Maria and Alex to join them in going.

The discussion had been short. Michael and Isabel would never let Max go alone and Maria and Alex did not want to miss out on travelling to another galaxy, let alone have their significant other’s go off without them. Liz could feel Max relaxing next to her as they all agreed to go. He gave her one of his crooked smiles and squeezed her hand to tell her how happy this made him.

"I’m only going to kick the scrawny butt of one Tess Harding to the curb when we get there," Maria had announced to them. "I just know this is all her fault."

"Just so long as you do it from behind Mr. Shoots-Energy-Bolts-from-his-Hands over there," Alex had countered, pointing at Michael. "Otherwise your single-handed attempt at saving the universe will be very short-lived."

Nick had hovered on the periphery of the meeting, his agitation clear to everyone. He still wasn’t convinced that it was a good idea for all of them to go, but Max had spoken and it was up to him to make sure everything went according to plan. Their plan.

Nick was of the opinion that their transport would arrive the next weekend at the earliest, so they would all meet on Friday night in Frazier Woods to wait for the ship. He also hoped they wouldn’t lynch him for the adjustments he had made to their travel arrangements. But he was doing it because he had to… He told them all to pack light just before he left with Grace and Maddie for Roswell on Sunday afternoon.

Everyone had agreed to organize unpaid leave from their jobs and congregate in Roswell again as soon as they have their affairs settled. Members of the alien colony would mind their houses and pay their bills and everyone was too afraid to ask how they would accomplish that. Max and Liz had to work until Friday and in between, Liz talked to their elderly neighbors to look after their garden. Max worked very late most nights since he had been in the middle of a big project when all this came down and he wanted to finish as much of it as possible before he left.

This gave Liz more breathing space, but by Thursday she was ready to climb the walls. It was not that she and Max couldn’t go a few days without physical intimacy, they have been together for close to 10 years, after all, but not being allowed to be with him was a completely different kettle of fish. It made her fixate on the absence of sex all the more.

She was feeling fine so far. She had some intermittent dizzy spells, but as luck would have it, Max had not been around for any of them and they weren’t too bad. Only a few more days, she promised herself. As soon as they were on that ship and there was no way he could send her back, she was telling him everything. She hoped these other aliens had a way of confirming pregnancy, because if the conception happened when she thought it did, it was way too soon to go to a human doctor yet. There were some tests that could tell if you’re pregnant as early as seven days after conception, but they were not all that conclusive. And there was no way she would be able to hide a visit to the doctor from Max. He would go into orbit about it, would want to go with her and know exactly what is going on and she would cave. No, she would have to wait.


Max was exhausted when he finally got home close to midnight on Thursday night. There had just been so many things to concentrate on that he felt like he had been through the wringer. Things were intense at work. His boss had not been too thrilled about him going away unexpectedly for an indeterminate time so he was working his butt off to finish a few things before he left. Added to that he had been in contact with Nick all the time, trying to find out as much as he can about what was going on up on Dendar to prepare himself.

Nick had informed him that the ship was on the way that would pick them up and also that the news about his existence caused quite a stir on the four planets. Max hadn’t asked, but he knew Nick would be monitoring the reactions of Tess and Nacedo to their imminent arrival. Seeing them again was not something he was looking forward to.

And then there was Liz. She had become distant and quiet and if he didn’t know better, he would swear that she was trying to block him from reading too much of her emotions. He didn’t know what to think about her actions. Sometimes when he was at work, he would experience such intense emotions from her that he would have to stop what he was doing and take calming breaths. The problem was that those emotions were so jumbled and wide-ranging that he couldn’t figure them out. And every time he asked her how she was, she told him ‘fine’ with a smile. It was starting to drive him crazy.

He wanted to give Liz the space she so obviously needed, but he also wanted to fix whatever it was that had her so emotional. The main thing stopping him was his fear that she was panicking about going to Dendar with him. He really didn’t want to know that, because it might indicate a deeper fear within her that they haven’t had to face for many years. His alien side. What if, after all these years, him being "not normal" was finally starting to bother her? He stopped himself from thinking about that possibility too much. Along that road lay madness. Because in spite of the threats of hordes of aliens trying to kill him and the uncertainty of venturing into an unknown galaxy, the one thing that frightened Max Evans above all else, was the possibility of losing Liz. The house was quiet when he entered it and he felt a pang of sadness when he realized it would be their last night in their little home for a long time. He found Liz already in bed, the sheets tangled around her hips as she slept on her side, her arm clutching his pillow to her chest. She was wearing silk pajamas with spaghetti straps that he had given on a whim a few years ago. One of the straps had fallen off her shoulder and her smooth thigh was thrown over the sheet. Her pj’s had ridden up to her hips and the sight of all that golden skin reminded Max that he hadn’t made love to his beautiful wife in a week. He walked closer to the bed and tenderly stroked her hair back from her face. How he loved this woman! She was the air that he breathed and was imprinted on every cell of his body.

Liz rolled towards him when she dimly sensed his hands touching her. "Oh Max…" It was barely audible. She didn’t want to wake up and face the reality of another night lying next to him without getting too close.

Max froze. Her instinctive movements and soft sigh had shot straight to his loins. He wanted her so much he could taste it. But he fought down his impulse to just wake her up in the most primitive of ways and instead he leant down and kissed her cheek tenderly. She was so small and fragile, and he still had trouble getting that image of her fainting out of his mind. So he forced himself away from her, going to the bathroom to shower.

Waiting until he disappeared into the bathroom, Liz slowly let out the breath she had been holding and rolled onto her side again. She had came fully awake at his kiss and had prayed that he wouldn’t do more than kiss her. She could feel his need for her and tonight she had very little fight left. Her body craved his hands and his mouth. And her mind craved its deep connection with Max’s. She lay listening to the water running in the bathroom and her mind created the visuals involuntarily. There wasn’t an inch of that body that she didn’t know intimately by now. How she longed to just give up her efforts to stay away from him and walk into that bathroom. Then she remembered why she was doing this. Curving her hand over her belly, she reminded herself that the alternative was Max leaving her here and going off to another planet for who knows how long. No, she had to stay strong. Only a few more days…

By the time Max dropped heavily into bed, Liz had herself more or less under control again. She stayed on her side, facing away from him and listened to him shift around to get settled. He lay quietly next to her for a long time, his breathing telling her that he wasn’t sleeping. She desperately thought of things like their garden and her work to make sure that nothing about her situation escapes into his mind.

Max was still trying to get the humming of his body under control, so he lay with his hands under his head and stared up at the dark ceiling. He wondered what tomorrow would bring. He couldn’t even imagine what a space ship looks like, let alone what it would feel like to travel to another galaxy. They were truly venturing into the unknown.

Sighing softly, he admitted it. He missed Liz. He missed knowing what was going on in her head and her mind. He missed kissing her breathless and hearing her moans.

Moving onto his side slowly, his eyes traced the indentation of her spine and the way her glorious hair spilled over her shoulder and the pillow. Reaching out a hand, he touched the silky tendrils gently, rubbing them between his fingers and the thought of how she sometimes drove him crazy with that hair came unbidden into his mind. He clenched his jaw against the riot of lust streaking through his body at the memories. He shifted closer to her, reveling in her scent and her heat.

He needed to touch her. He would do it softly so he didn’t wake her up, but he needed to run his hands over her skin just for a few blissful moments. Liz was used to having him all over her in her sleep, so he didn’t think she would notice. He started with her hip, gently rubbing the silk material of her pajamas underneath the palm of his hand. The friction was delicious, but he needed to feel her bare skin, so he moved to her arm. He trailed his fingers up to her shoulder lightly, vaguely registering the goosebumps that followed his touch. How could skin be this soft?

Sliding closer without even noticing it, he finally found himself pressed against her back, their naked thighs touching. He knew he was driving himself insane, but he couldn’t stop.

It was all she could do not to throw back her head and beg him to take her. Liz was starting to shiver under his hand and she bit her lip to make sure that her breathing didn’t give her away. She had been in trouble as soon as his hand had touched her hair. Max pressed his lips against her shoulder, lightly tasting her skin with his tongue before pulling back. Getting carried away was not a good idea. Instead, he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her more tightly into him. It was excruciating inhaling her intoxicating scent and feeling her fit so perfectly against his body. "Liz," he whispered her name against her hair. So much was locked up in that one little word. His love, his desire, his possession and his awe.

As his hand brushed the silk out of the way to cup her breast, Liz gripped the sheet and spoke to the maybe baby inside her: ‘You better be in there, because I am giving up your daddy’s loving for you! And you can’t even imagine how hard that is for me.’ As his hand continued to slowly graze her breast, Liz decided that she needed to do something for Max too. "I love you, Max," she whispered softly, hoping he would think she was talking in her sleep.

Hugging her closer, Max tried to stop his suddenly racing heart. All his suspicions were confirmed. Liz was awake, but didn’t want him to know because she didn’t want him to make love to her. What was going on?

By breakfast, Max felt ready to have a nervous breakdown. Liz was avoiding his gaze this morning and he wondered again if he shouldn’t just come right out and ask her what was wrong. Somewhere during the night, Liz had turned to him in her sleep and had clung to him with such desperation that he had contemplated waking her up to find out what is going on. It was clear that she was distraught about something and Max didn’t have a clue what it was about. He had decided somewhere during the dark hours that he would talk to her before they left for Roswell late this afternoon, but now he wondered if he would make it until then.

He watched her getting ready for work with dark eyes, and Liz chewed her lip incessantly trying to stop herself from falling apart completely. He knew, she told herself. Of course he knew she was silently freaking out! How could he not know when she was acting so strange? Max was so in tune with her that there was no way she could hide her distress from him for any length of time. She was putting on some eyeliner when she realized that her eyes were wet with tears.

"Liz?" Max was suddenly standing behind her, looking at her in the mirror with such love and anguish on his face that she crumbled. She heard her own sobs echo through the room and the next instant he had scooped her up from the chair and was cradling her against him. She gripped his shirt and pressed her face into his neck, crying as if her heart was breaking.

Max sat down on their bed and settled her in his lap, stroking her hair with one hand as the other arm crushed her against him. Her sobs were tearing into his heart like sharp claws, each one hurting more than the next. "Please-please tell me what is wrong?" He could barely speak around the pain in his chest.

In response, Liz just cried harder and increased her grip on him. He concentrated on her feelings through their connection, deciphering fear, loneliness, uncertainty and heartache so severe it stopped his breath. His own fear that this was about him increased tenfold. "Liz… please, I-I just… please!" he begged incoherently.

His warmth was all around her and Liz slowly calmed down somewhat. She was still afraid that he would find out too much, but at least she was back in his arms for a few precious seconds.

He was shaking.

Against her, Max was shaking in reaction to her inconsolable tears and Liz’s guilt about lying to him and being distant from him spiked. Would he ever forgive her for doing this to them? Would he ever forgive her for not telling him?

"Not telling me what? Forgive you for what?" he asked frantically.

She jerked away from him in a panic, realizing belatedly that he had heard her thoughts. The hurt in his eyes when she did that nearly caused another breakdown. "I-I really want to tell you, Max, but… I can’t. Not right now… Please!"

She was starting to cry again and Max alternated between wanting to force whatever it was out of her and trying not to upset her more. "Please let me help you," he ended up whispering painfully, hoping against hope that she would give in and tell him. Her words had created a vice around his chest. ‘Forgive… doing this to them… not telling him…’ His mind was making up the most horrible scenarios of what all this could mean and he lowered his eyes from hers when she didn’t respond right away.

Wiping away the moisture from her cheeks, Liz looked down on his bent head and felt the full force of his torment slam into her. Oh God, how selfish was she being? "Max…" She ran her hand over his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck to lean into him. He trembled against her again. "I love you," she whispered against his skin. "More than ever. More every day."

She felt him nod above her, but he didn’t say anything. "I WILL tell you. I promise. Just give me some time. Please…"

"Okay," he didn’t sound sure he was doing the right thing.

He had no experience with Liz not telling him things. Usually he was the first person to know everything she did and felt. An ache settled in his heart and it took him a few moments to identify it as loneliness, something he had never felt since he got together with Liz. He only remembered it from all those years he was watching her from afar. Seeing her experience things that he wasn’t a part of had been terrible. Knowing she was experiencing things now that he wasn’t a part of after being in her mind and body for 10 years was excruciating. Suspecting that this was happening because of him was even worse.

He drove them to work in silence. Liz had felt him starting to shut down his emotions as soon as they had gotten up from the bed after their "talk" and she was worried. She finally took his hand when he wasn’t changing gears and was silently relieved when he didn’t pull away from her physically too. When he parked in front of her lab, she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back desperately before kissing her good-bye softly.

Liz turned around when she reached the front door of the building and saw him still sitting in the same place, his head bent, his eyes closed and his hands gripping the steering wheel. It hit her again: she was hurting him. She was hurting the most important person in her life.


Nick had organized a place for them to camp in Frazier Woods that was far away from prying eyes. He brought a few of the other men from the camp with him and they had set up tents and other essentials for the group that was coming later that afternoon.

It had been hard for him to choose, but he had to take some people from the colony with him on the trip and leave others behind. Max and his family will need protection and advice while on Dendar and needless to say, all Max’s people wanted to share in the honor of going with him. In the end, he had decided on 20 men. Enough to keep an eye on all the members of the Royal Family as well as impress the leaderships of the other planets.

He was worried about Max, though. Every time they had spoken on the phone, Max sounded more tired. And this morning was even worse. Nick was of the opinion that something was seriously wrong with Max. And that could only mean one thing. Liz. He would have to keep an eye on them tonight to see what was going on. Nick had trouble believing that after all this time and after all they’ve been through, a trip to another planet could cause problems between Max and Liz.


Michael, Maria, Isabel and Alex were all driving down in Isabel’s car. They had invited their parents to meet them in the woods to say good-bye since no one really knew when they were coming back. None of them were looking forward to the farewell scene.

The bickering had started even before they were in the car.

"Isabel, what the hell do you have in this bag?" Michael exclaimed as they loaded up the car.

"Shut up, Michael. Everything is weightless in space," Isabel had countered.

"Oooh! In that case, I expect to be carried around a lot, Space Boy," Maria said. She was grinning from ear-to-ear at Michael’s ‘I’m in hell’ look.

He got in the car and mumbled: "I wonder if maybe sound doesn’t carry in space either."

"I heard that!" Maria yelled from outside the car.

"I wonder if they have electricity so I can power up my lap top and take notes?" Alex was leaning against the car with a far-away look in his eyes.

Maria burst out laughing. "You’re kidding me, right? Electricity? These people heat stuff with their hands, why would they need electricity?" She fell unexpectedly quiet before suddenly screaming: "Oh. My. God. I’m going into space!" She jumped into the car and grabbed Michael’s arm. "What if we don’t come back? I’m too young to be floating around in the stars for years! And you haven’t even married me, you bastard! I’ve been living in sin for years and it’s all your fault. I can’t die now. Michael—"

"Would you quit yelling in my ear? Everything will be fine. Tess lived through this, so why won’t you?"

This halted Maria for a few seconds before she gathered steam again. "Because her hair color is fake? Because she is shorter than I am and have bigger boobs? Pick your reason!" She took a deep breath. "If something happens to me up there, I’m kicking YOUR ass, Michael Guerin! If you hadn’t abducted me in high school, I wouldn’t be in this—"

Michael eventually shut her up the only way he knew how. He kissed her.

"Finally," Alex muttered to Isabel. "Step on that pedal and let’s get there before she comes out of her daze."


Max finished a little early with his project and decided to go see if Liz could go home early too. He parked outside her lab and went in, the receptionist knew him well by now and she just waved him to the back with a smile.

His heart slammed to a halt when he found Liz being hugged by one of her co-workers. His mind was screaming at him to calm down, that this was nothing, but his heart urged him to go over there and rip the guy away from Liz. Instead he just clenched his hands into fists and hovered in the door. Liz saw him and for a fleeting moment, her face lit up like it always did when she saw him. But then that horrible distant look that he was starting to hate with every fiber of his being slipped into place again. He felt like she had kicked him in the gut.

Liz felt the dark emotions coming off him and she moved away from her colleague. She was so happy to see him, but then she remembered that she couldn’t get too close right now. She walked over to him meekly and hugged him lightly. His arms were around her immediately and he said ‘Liz’ in her ear. The tone of his voice clearly said ‘You are mine’ and Liz allowed herself to bask in his possessiveness for a few moments.

"Can we go?" His voice sounded strained.

She nodded and grabbed her stuff and Max took her hand as they walked out. This normally would’ve been a sweet gesture, but at the moment it felt more like he was trying to keep her from running off without him.

When they got home, Liz started gathering their bags in the bedroom, trying to ignore the fact that Max was watching her intently again. This was killing her.

He spoke unexpectedly, causing Liz to flinch. "Do you… Would you rather stay behind?"

Terror flew through Liz. No. No, no, no, no. "NO!" She rushed over to him, grabbing his upper arms in desperation. "No, Max, please! You can’t… you can’t leave me behind. Please…"

Tears were shimmering in her eyes and Max was taken aback momentarily by the desperation in her voice before sweet relief flooded through his body. She DID want to go with him. He touched her face gently, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Liz, you’re scaring me. Something is happening to you… to us, and I don’t know what it is or how to fix it." He pressed his forehead against hers, squeezing his eyes shut. "I really need you right now. All of you, not just the little bits you’ve been giving me this past—"

Her strangled sob interrupted him.

Liz put her arms around her husband, pushing closer until it felt like she would climb into his body. She wanted to tell him, she really did. This was too hard. Maybe he would still let her go and if he didn’t she could stow away or something.


She continued to cling to him. "Max, I… I’m… I think I’m…"

She couldn’t finish the sentence. Not even the intense concern on Max’s face could get her throat to work. She literally froze in his arms.

His mind was racing. "Liz, love if you’re sick or… or something, please tell me now and I’ll stay here with you."

"No. No, I’m not sick," she said in a small voice. "And you have to go, it’s important."

"Cause if you’re sick, we should rather be here on earth with human doctors for you. What if they don’t know anything about human physiology on Dendar?"

All her resolve not to tell him came roaring back at his last statement. He would panic about them not being able to look after her up there and now it seemed he wouldn’t only not let her go, he would stay behind himself. She couldn’t allow that. "Max, I’m not sick, I promise. Besides, you studied medicine, you could help me well enough." She tried to get the courage to leave his embrace. "And we have to go, those people need you."

He didn’t want to let her out of his arms. Lifting her chin with his fingers, he pleaded with her again: "Let me in, Liz. Please..."

She squeezed her eyes shut and drew in a tortured breath. How much more of this could she take? "I will, just not right now. Please understand." She had to keep him from finding out before they left at all costs. This was Max. Overprotective, slightly obsessive with her Max Evans. While he normally was a rational, thinking person, all that flew out the window when it came to her. He WOULD make her stay here, but she now realized that that wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about. He would also stay WITH her and never let her out of his sight, because he was still worrying about the effects of his alienness on their relationship and on her. She could just imagine how paranoid he was going to be about her situation and what will happen to her as a result of it. "I love you, Max. Always. Please, you have to go to Dendar and take me with you."

The hurt in his chest had subsided somewhat after her pleas to go with him and his realization that whatever was happening was not due to doubt about him. He sighed and hugged her harder before letting her go. "Maybe we should get a move on then?"


Nick watched as Grace fed their baby. He was completely baffled as to why Liz had called him on Thursday to specifically ask that Grace go with them to Dendar. He had asked her, but all she would say is to just do it for her. Grace had been surprised to say the least. Why would their Queen want her along? Now he was even more glad that he changed the travel arrangements, the group was getting bigger by the minute.

Glancing at his watch, he noticed that the first four would be arriving soon if they had left Albuquerque when they planned to. He’d better go check how dinner was getting along. Everyone was bound to be hungry when they got here.


"Michael, I don’t mean to upset you since you can probably squash me with one hand and all, but are you SURE this is where we are supposed to meet our guide?" Alex was peering into the darkness around them nervously.

"Yes. I’m sure," Michael said irritably. If one more person says anything…

"It would just be really ironic if we missed our ride into space, you know." Michael turned around from the front seat to glare at Alex, who wasn’t fazed by it at all. "It would be like, sorry, we would’ve loved to help you sort out your intergalactic problems, but we got lost in the woods on earth."

"Alex!" Isabel hissed. Things in the car had gotten tense a few hours back while they were still on the road and Alex’s jokes wasn’t helping any.

A light suddenly glowed a little way in front of the car and they all sighed in relief.

"So, what’s the magic password?"

"ALEX!" the other three cried in unison.


When they arrived in the make-shift camp, Sheriff Valenti and their parents were there already. The Parker’s stood to the side, observing the reunion between Isabel and Maria and their parents. Jim Valenti and Amy got married a couple of years ago and she had finally been let into the secret of the spikey-haired boy that loved her daughter.

Nancy was clinging to Jeff’s hand, trying to cope with yet another huge unexpected development in her daughter’s life. She knew that Liz and Max would be arriving much later and she was scared that she wouldn’t have enough time to properly say good-bye to Liz. Heck, what was she thinking? A week wouldn’t be long enough to say good-bye.

A few tables were set in the middle of the tents and everyone gathered around them for dinner. Talk was subdued as everyone was aware of the imminent departure of a large part of the group.

The men that were accompanying them went to bed early, conscious of the important task they would have to perform from now on, while Nick went to man the communicator, waiting for the signal that their ride has arrived. He didn’t think it would be here before Saturday night, but still.

The four friends remained around the table with their parents, drinking coffee and waiting for the two most important guests to arrive. The six of them were all sharing one big tent tonight and Nick apologized profusely when he told them that it had been easier to organize a few large tents than around 15 small ones. Michael was about to grumble about it when Maria had hit him in the arm with a threatening look.

So far, so good.


She had driven the first half of the route to Roswell, but now Liz was sleeping in the passenger seat, leaning against the window. Max had stared at her intermittently while driving, marveling again at the inner glow that she seemed to have. The moonlight shone on her pale skin and he felt an incredible need to just kiss her again.

What was going on in her beautiful head? And why would she still not want him to know? Her words clearly told him that she loved him as much as ever and that there was no way she would allow him to leave her here on earth, but her actions were saying something else. She had avoided physical contact from him for a while now and that made him worry. Had he done anything to make her scared of him? He couldn’t remember being rough with her the last time they made love. In fact, that Thursday afternoon had been one of their most beautiful moments together, he had never felt closer to her and that said a lot.

He cursed his baser instincts silently. All this enforced abstinence was beginning to play havoc with his body. He craved Liz. He craved her kisses and touch. He wanted to lose himself again in that blissful oblivion only she could give him. What kind of a person did that make him? They have been together for so long, surely he should be able to keep his hands off her for a while if she needed him to? He glanced at her again. Her lips were slightly parted and looked so inviting. Maybe just one kiss…

Liz was jerked awake when the Jeep came to a halt next to the highway and she looked at Max in sleepy confusion. "Is something wrong? Are you tired? Should I—"

Her next words were lost against Max’s lips as he cupped her face and tilted it up for his kiss. Liz was caught completely unaware by his move and she went under without a second thought. It had been too long to go without the magic of Max’s kisses…

He kissed the corners of her mouth before running his tongue over her bottom lip. Her small gasp went unheard but was definitely felt against his moist lips. "Liz," he breathed against her, not willing to break the contact to form the word.

The kiss deepened, became more urgent as Liz wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands finding the soft hair at the base of his skull. Max made a helpless sound against her lips as she opened her mouth for him instinctively. Kissing him was like breathing. And she hadn’t done enough of that lately.

Max was pulling her onto his lap when the flashes hit her. Max watching her being distant these last few days, seeing her being hugged by her colleague, feeling his distress, loneliness and fear when he thought she was having second thoughts about going with him to Dendar. She suddenly knew she had to stop this kiss, before he saw too much. Pulling away from him gently, she trembled at the distressed sound he made. She pressed her forehead against his. "We have to go, Max." They were both breathing hard, reminding Liz a little of how he sounded when he made love with her. She searched his eyes frantically, trying to see if there was any sign of him having seen what she was so desperately trying to hide. Nothing. Just his warm gaze regarding her hungrily. "We have to go," she repeated.

"Yeah," he replied in a husky voice.

Liz breathed a silent prayer of thanks for her narrow escape. Her secret was apparently still safe.

Max pulled the Jeep back onto the road, still trying to calm down his overheated body. He smiled slightly when Liz arranged herself across the seat so she could lie with her head on his thigh. The move brought back such memories that he had to swallow down the lump in his throat. He stroked her hair tenderly like he always did and for a moment, he fooled himself into thinking that everything was the same as it always was.

But it wasn’t. Liz had pulled away from him once again. And the only flashes he got while kissing her, was from earlier this morning and how sad she had been. He really didn’t want to relive her inconsolable crying. He had also felt her desperate fear that he would leave her behind. Why would she even think that? There was no way he was going far away from her ever again. He looked down at her face and noticed the circles under her eyes. Unless she was sick, then he would have to reconsider everything.


They finally arrived at the camp at around eleven at night. Everyone swarmed around them in excitement. Max allowed Liz some time alone with her parents, but he could see she was exhausted, so he dragged her off to bed with a firm statement that everyone could talk to everyone else tomorrow morning.

Six cots adorned the tent and Max grimaced when he realized that he would be sleeping without Liz glued to his side for the first time in many years. He bullied her into bed and kissed her forehead, forcefully having to ignore the sad look in her eyes when he got up to leave. She wanted space and time and he would give it to her. Or die trying.

Outside, only Michael was still sitting at one of the tables. "What’s up with you and the princess?"

By now, Max knew Michael cared a lot about Liz, so he didn’t take offence to the "princess" reference. "She’s very tired. We had a rough week." That was the understatement of the year. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looked up at the stars and continued to try and ignore the niggling little thought that had been terrorizing him ever since he kissed Liz earlier.

There was another presence in their connection. A faint, but definite other presence had shared the link between him and Liz during that kiss.

Liz didn’t sleep well at all. Although she didn’t have to worry about getting too close to Max during the night for the first time in a week, she missed his comforting warmth next to her. She woke up several times during the night and turned to look over at Max in his bed every time. He seemed to be sleeping deeply so she would breathe a relieved sigh.

All this awake-time gave her the space to think about a few things. What was going to happen to her body if she were pregnant? This was the first human-alien pregnancy she knew of and, even though they had seen those flashes of two beautiful and healthy kids during the bonding ceremonies, they didn’t really know what sort of things went on during the pregnancies. Maybe she should have talked more with Max about this before getting herself into this situation. No, she couldn’t have. She HAD planned to talk to him about it so that they could decide together on when they wanted to have a baby. But then that Thursday afternoon happened and she had gone completely off the rails worrying about what was going to happen to them, so it was Saturday by the time she realized that she had forgotten to take her birth control pills since Thursday morning.

What if Max is going to be really angry with her? What if he hated her for getting them pregnant and lying to him about it so he wouldn’t leave her behind? What if he sends her home after finding out? Her mind whirled with thoughts of things that could still go wrong. She fully intended telling Max the first moment they had alone on that ship, there was no way she would last much longer with the way things are between them. And she had to know what his reaction to the possible pregnancy would be.

She closed her eyes and pressed her hands over her womb, wondering if she really was carrying a little part of Max inside her. The thought made her completely giddy and she tried to sense if something felt different. It was silent inside her for a few moments before she became aware of a slight vibration underneath her fingers and a soft echo of something in her mind. Her eyes flew open and she saw a faint amber glow leaking through her fingers. She had to hold onto the sides of the cot when the certainty slammed through her. She was pregnant with Max Evans’s child!


It was barely light out when she awoke again, this time with the most brilliant smile on her face… and a feeling of complete nausea. She risked a quick glance at Max and, seeing that he was still sleeping, she stumbled out of the tent with her hand over her mouth. She prayed that no one would be around to see her being sick.

Luck was on her side and she managed to make it away from the camp into the woods without an audience before retching her guts out. As she rested her forehead against a tree afterwards, she thought grimly that it would be just like Max’s child to wait until she was sure she was pregnant before starting to make her sick. She splayed her hands over her womb again and felt a wave of intense emotion wash over her. "Hello, baby, this is mommy. I love you so much already and… your daddy will love you too once I tell him about you." She rubbed her hand tenderly over her stomach that had started glowing slightly. "Your daddy is the most wonderful person in the world. You will see that once you’re here. He is gentle and kind and so protective. He will make sure that you have a wonderful life. He gives the best hugs when you’re sad and he always listens to everything you tell him. He will be so happy about you. You have always been one of his dreams. A dream I had prayed I could make real for him."

Starting to walk, she found a small stream nearby and cleaned herself up as best she could. Then she sat down on a soft patch of grass and talked to her baby some more. "Me and your daddy love each other very much." She grinned a little. "You will have to learn to leave us alone if our door is closed, but I’ll tell you about it when the time comes. For now, just know that we really want you." She leant back against a tree trunk. "He is a very special person, your daddy. A King. A very important man to our people. And he is a great researcher. I know it sounds like I’m gushing, but it’s all true. He gets a little annoying with the protective thing every now and again and I’m guessing you’re going to have the same problem with him, but you will just have to forgive him for it. It is all because he loves you so much and cannot stand terrible things to happen to you." Tears welled into her eyes. "That’s why I cannot tell him about you yet. He will make me stay behind and I cannot bear to be away from him for too long. Or he will stay behind with me, and he has all this responsibility on his shoulders. I would feel horrible if I kept him from them. He needs to go stop a war. I know it looks like I’m taking you into a very dangerous situation, but my heart tells me we have to be with your dad while you are still inside me. I don’t know why, but being his child, you will soon learn to trust that instinct that comes from being an Antarian. How do I know this, you ask? Because your dad healed me a very long time ago… and in the process, he changed me to be his. So him and I are linked. Have you felt that? My link to him? If you have, I’m sorry that you must experience how sad we both are at the moment. It’s because I can’t tell him about you yet and he misses me."

The tears were flowing down her cheeks now. "I miss him too. But I guess I don’t have to tell you that. Hopefully it won’t be much longer. We are going on a long trip later today. And then I will tell him everything. He will want to be introduced to you, so you must stay awake for that, okay?" She wiped the moisture from her face with a watery smile. "After that you should probably sleep, I need to be alone with your daddy for a while to make up for all this lost time."

She had no idea how long she sat there, just immersing herself in the feeling of the little life growing inside her and her reminiscing about Max. Suddenly, she felt a wave of panic through her connection with Max and jumped up, knowing he has found her missing. Concentrating on letting him know she was alright, she turned so she could go back to the camp, only to realize she had no idea how she got here. She had been feeling so horrible that she hadn’t paid attention to her route. Damn! Okay, she would just have to keep concentrating on Max and see if she could locate him. That worked, so she started walking back to camp. She had only gone a few steps when he crashed through the bushes in front of her.

"Liz!" He grabbed her against him. "You scared the crap out of me! Why are you here?"

He was looking at her searchingly and Liz bowed her head. "Sorry, I woke up early and decided to go for a walk. I guess I got a little lost."

Max lifted her chin and saw the faint remnants of her tears on her face. He cupped her face tenderly and rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. "Oh God, Liz… I don’t think I can do this much longer. I need for you to tell me…" He watched as she bit her lip and her eyes flickered away from his. Gritting his teeth against the desire to force her to tell him, he pressed her face into his shoulder. "It’s okay… I’ll wait a little longer," he promised above her.

They walked back to the camp hand-in-hand and Liz found almost everyone there waiting to see if Max had found her. She felt like a real idiot and apologized profusely for causing such unnecessary worry.

Breakfast was organized at the tables again and Liz prayed that she wouldn’t get sick from the smell of the food.

Nick reported at breakfast that he had received a notice from their transport very early that morning. "The first ship will be here around 8h30 tonight."

Max looked at him sharply. "What do you mean ‘the first ship’?"

Nick looked nervous. "I had to order us two ships to get us to Dendar, because… because you can’t all go on one ship. It’s too dangerous. It’s the same reason the President and Vice-President of the USA never travel in the same plane. If the plane goes down, they’re both gone."

Liz groped for Max’s hand. Nick couldn’t be thinking of not putting her and Max on the same ship, could he?

"What exactly are your plans?" Max asked.

"I’m thinking that you go in one ship and Michael and Isabel in the other. That way, there will always be one of the members of the Royal Family around."

"What if they take out both ships at the same time? I don’t like this, I should be with Max," Michael said unhappily.

"We’ve thought of that. The ships are not taking the same route." Nick sounded surer of himself after no one had shouted at him yet.

"What about us?" Maria asked, looking death rays at Nick. Liz silently thanked her best friend for asking what she so desperately wanted to.

"You all go with your partners." He looked at Liz. "But maybe the Queen should—"

"No," Max said immediately. "She goes with me."

Nick just shrugged. He hadn’t really thought he would get that one past Max.

Liz felt herself relax. If they had put her on a different ship as Max, she would’ve gone over the edge right here at the breakfast table!

"Okay, so Max and Liz will go first. Does everyone agree?" Nick looked around the group and monitored all the nodding heads. Michael still looked like he wanted to object, but he let it go once Max agreed to the arrangements.


They spent the rest of the day with their respective parents, saying good-bye and promising to come back. They were all planning to come back, they just didn’t know when that would happen.

Max talked with Jim Valenti for a while too. Jim was just blown away by the fact that the group was going to another planet. He wished he could tell his father about all this, it would give the old man back his faith in himself. That he had been right about aliens being on earth all this time.


Liz was dying to tell her parents that they were going to have a grandchild, but the fact that Max doesn’t know yet held her back. It would be so wrong for her to talk about this with anyone else before him. So she kept her hands carefully away from her stomach and pretended that everything is as it always was.


The sun was setting slowly in the west and the group had gathered around the tables again to wait out their last hours on earth. The communication said that the second group would be picked up closer to dawn as it takes a few hours for the shuttle of the ships to make the return journey from the dark side of the moon.

Max had watched Liz closely the whole day. That faint new presence in their connection was now discernable even when they weren’t touching. He had wondered at first if someone had gotten to Liz and that that was why she acted so strangely the last few days. But in the end, he had discarded that theory in light of her inner glow and the fact that she seemed fine other than about the physical contact with him. The only other possibility was one he didn’t even want to think about right now. It was too scary and wonderful at the same time…


The arrival of the shuttle was anti-climactic. No really bright lights flashing and lazer beams coming from the hull. Just a sudden whisper of wind in the air and then it was there, right in front of them.

Nick was taking 10 men with him, Grace, Liz and Max on the first ship, and they all stood waiting as the door quietly slid open. Max and Liz stood slightly in front of the group so that there could be no mistake about the identity of the leader of the group. Liz had tried to step away from Max a little, but he had taken her hand firmly and gave her a look to say she shouldn’t be silly about not being at his side.

Maria had to clap her hand over her mouth to stop herself from giggling hysterically when she saw the two new aliens step out of the ship. Maybe they should’ve asked what these beings would look like, she though wildly. They were really… short! They didn’t have three eyes or pasty gray bodies, in fact, they looked more or less like humans, apart from being really short. She estimated that they were about 5 feet tall, about the length of her and Liz. Michael, Alex and Max looked like giants against them.

The two aliens moved until they stood in front of Max and bowed deeply.

Maria had another hysterical thought. How were they going to communicate? She had seen Mars Attacks! one too many times to be comfortable about this.

The one alien handed Max a small rectangular piece of steel that started glowing as soon as Max touched it.

"We are honored," the being said, making the group gasp when they could all understand him. "That is a translator, we had it programmed for your language too, that is why you can understand us. We have to go soon, we don’t want to be here too long."

There was a final flurry of good-byes that left Nancy and Diane in tears and then the group was led into the smallish shuttle. Everything inside was made of a metalish material that shone dully in the light inside the ship. They shown to seats and before long they experienced that falling feeling in their stomachs during take-off. Max and Liz watched through a window as the earth quickly became smaller below them. It was the weirdest experience of their lives.

Max held Liz against him and ignored the strange looks he got from the aliens on board. They would just have to get used to him having her at his side.

Liz leaned her head on his shoulder and wondered how long it would take to reach the other ship so she could talk to Max. In spite of the strangeness of the whole experience, her need to speak to Max was still uppermost in her mind. When had she gotten this blasé about being around aliens?


They arrived at the huge ship that hung silently behind the moon about three hours later to a huge welcoming party by another group of small aliens. They told Max that everyone in their galaxy had feared that Aaron and Kyla’s children would never return and how honored they were that he was gracing them with his presence.

He would have to get used to being called all sorts of exalted names, Max guessed, but for now it was still a new thing. He thanked them for their hospitality and introduced Liz to them as his wife. The group turned to her and bowed again, but Max and Liz could see they were baffled about her.

They were all taken to another floor on the ship where the sleeping quarters were and shown to some rooms, which were more like cells, very small and cold-looking. Liz could just imagine Alex’s reaction to all this: ‘I feel like I’m on Star Trek’.

And then they were finally left alone.

"Max?" Her voice sounded strained and shaky.

He turned so that he stood facing her. Everything he could read from their connection (and there was that new presence again) shouted that she was in a complete panic about whatever she wanted to say.

"I-I… need to… to tell you something now," her lips were trembling so much that she could hardly talk.

Max took her hand in an effort to calm her down. "Sweetie, it’s okay. I think—" He faltered when he saw that Liz had put her hand on her stomach… and it was glowing.

"Oh my God, Liz…" he whispered just before she flattened his hand over her stomach too. The glow appeared again, only in a different color and the new presence in their connection became stronger. His earlier suspicion had been right, his wife, his mate, was pregnant!

He kept staring at his glowing hand on her womb and her soft ‘I’m pregnant, Max’ barely penetrated his haze. My baby is in there!

"God, Liz!" was all he could think to say.

There was a roaring in his ears and his world shrank until all it consisted of was his glowing hand over his unborn child. A wave of joy and humbleness crashed over him, forcing him to his knees in front of his silently watching wife. He forgot to breathe as the reality sank in. He was going to be a father. This was incredible, wonderful and scary all at once. He ran his hand over Liz’s flat tummy again, smiling a beautiful smile as the red glow followed his hand.

He didn’t even realize that he had tears in his eyes as he looked up at Liz, his gorgeous, amazing wife. "We’re pregnant?" As if he still didn’t really believe it. Max felt the lump in his throat get bigger as he lifted Liz’s shirt to look at the bare skin of her stomach. She was so small and flat, how can there be a baby in there?

Liz watched his actions in awe. For a moment, they were just Max and Liz Evans, newly expectant parents sharing in a profound moment. She could feel Max’s joy and wonder at this development as if it were her own.

"How… when…" Max was incapable of anything coherent yet as he traced the soft skin of her stomach with shaking fingers.

"I think last Thursday when you got home early…" She didn’t tease him about the ‘how’ question, the moment was too precious for that.

"Liz… you’re giving me a baby! I-I dreamt, but…" He brought her closer to him and unzipped her low-slung jeans. Peeling away the flaps from her body, he pressed his lips against her lower belly over and over again. "My baby," he whispered against her skin. "I love you." He pulled back a bit and put his hand back on her stomach, reveling in the immediate glow that resulted in his touch. Then he realized Liz was trembling. He kissed her stomach one last time, whispering ‘be good to mommy’ softly so Liz wouldn’t hear.

He climbed to his feet and caught Liz’s hands in his. Her head was bent and he could feel her worry about what he would say. And there was a lot that he wanted to say, but first he needed to kiss Liz again. In spite of the kiss from yesterday, it felt like he hadn’t had her in his arms for years. He lifted her chin gently and covered her mouth with his. It started out tenderly, him tracing her lips with his tongue and tasting her sweetness. Then she moaned quietly into his mouth and the hunger for her returned in full force. He kissed her urgently, penetrating her lips with his tongue deeply, drowning in her magic.

Liz wanted to cry with the relief of being able to kiss him back without worrying what he might see. She threw her arms around him, clutching at his hair to pull him down on her harder. The force of the kiss increased, their lips meshing together in desperate urgency.

This time, Max felt Liz let him into her mind and heart again. The relief that went with the full return of their link nearly made him dizzy. He felt her pain and confusion of the last week, her panic over being left behind by him and her tentative joy about her pregnancy. He felt how many times she had cried and saw her dizzy spells and this morning’s bout of nausea. That tore him from his haze very quickly. "Liz! Are you okay? Has anything strange happened? Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick? And—"

Liz pressed her fingers over his mouth. He was wearing the signs of their intense kissing session and she just wanted him to shut up and kiss her again. "Everything is fine. It’s just the glowing so far. The rest is normal." She pressed herself closer to him. "I missed you so much, Max! I’m so sorry about not telling you sooner. I didn’t really know for sure until last night…"

This reminded Max of all the things they needed to talk about. Moving over to the bed, he pulled Liz down on his lap and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Tell me everything," he asked seriously.

Glancing in his eyes, Liz saw only loving concern and took a deep breath to spill the beans about her actions and decisions of the last week. Please, Max, don’t hate me!


Maria was seriously grumpy when they were woken to wait for their shuttle a few hours before dawn on Sunday. And Michael’s unintelligible mumbling when she nudged him to get up was just making things worse. "Get up you big lug," she finally yelled in his ear, eliciting a muffled curse from him. "Some soldier you would make," she told him haughtily and breezed out of the tent. She found Isabel outside, staring up at the stars.

"I wonder if they made it okay? And where they are right now." Isabel sounded uncharacteristically lost. In spite of all her bravado and iciness, she relied on Max a lot.

"I’m sure they would’ve communicated to us if something went wrong," Maria tried to cheer up her friend.

This time, the group was not surprised at the sudden appearance of the shuttle and the second group was whisked into the ship quickly.

"So how long will it take for us to reach Dendar?" Alex asked as soon as he had a communicator.

"About six rotations of your planet," their host answered. "The ship with the King will take one rotation longer."

Maria looked baffled and Alex told her: "Six days, he means six days for us, seven for Their Royal Aliennesses."

"That’s not a word, Alex!"

"Hey, we’re in a space ship on our way to some distant galaxy, I don’t think making up words is a big problem right now."

Michael cornered David, one of Nick’s men. "Is there any way you can communicate with Nick? We need to know if Max and Liz are okay."

"Yes, Sir," the man answered respectfully. "I’ll do it right away."

It took a few minutes, but they all sighed in relief when Nick’s voice came from the orb. He assured them everyone was fine, but Michael insisted on talking to Max directly. There was an awkward silence before Nick said: "Max and Liz are in their room right now, I don’t want to disturb them."

Alex promptly burst out laughing. "I cannot BELIEVE those two, they’re at it in space already!"

Michael decided to let it go, but asked Nick to get Max to contact him as soon as he appeared.

Maria wasn’t laughing. "Am I the only one that thought there was something wrong between Max and Liz yesterday?"

This shut Alex up quickly. Reluctant nods could be seen all around the group.

"Lizzie was acting really strangely and they weren’t all over each other like they normally are."

"It’s probably just an argument. They will get over it, they always do," Isabel stated calmly, more calmly than she felt. Max had been upset about something, she had definitely seen that.

A silence descended on the small group. If things could go wrong between Max and Liz, could the world end too?


Max had listened quietly to Liz’s account of how she got pregnant, why she didn’t tell him and why she felt she had to keep away from him. He didn’t know how to react or what to think about it. On the one hand, he felt like she hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him about her situation. He hated knowing that she had been going through all that alone. Moreover, he couldn’t help worrying that he was taking his pregnant wife into a possible war zone. He didn’t even want to contemplate anything happening to them.

Liz had fallen silent after she told him everything and waited for his reaction with a bent head. She was unconsciously clinging to his hand with both of hers, her throat closing up with fear about what he would do and say now.

"Liz," his voice was soft, "I want our baby, I really do. I cannot tell you how it makes me feel to know that there is a little part of me growing inside you." He stopped briefly. "But I wish you would’ve told me. What we went through this week… I never want to feel like that again."

Biting her lip, Liz swiped at the moisture on her cheeks. Had she broken something between her and Max that could never be mended again?

"But… I guess I can understand why you did what you did. You’re right, I would’ve made us stay home." He pressed his forehead against her hair. "Somehow I have trouble finding a war in another galaxy as important as making sure that you and our baby are safe…"

"No Max," Liz said worriedly.

"I-I don’t know what to do now, Liz. Tell me what to do, because everything inside me is screaming for me to make them turn this ship around and take us home. I can’t lose you!"

Liz turned her body in his lap so that she could rest her forehead against his. "I’ve asked Nick to bring Grace. She’s been through this and she will help me. And my heart tells me that I have to be with you while I’m pregnant and didn’t we say we would listen to our hearts from now on?" She felt him nod against her. "Please, Max, let me stay. I promise I’ll be careful and that from now on you will be the first to know exactly what is happening to me and our baby."

He was torn, she could feel it so she pulled back and stripped her shirt from her body before placing his hand back on her womb. Both of them stared at the glow appearing under his touch. Liz realized for the first time that when Max touched their baby, both his hand and her stomach glowed. With her it was only her stomach. "He knows you," she whispered to Max with happy tears in her eyes and heard Max’s sharp intake of breath at her statement.

Max sat like that for a long time before he gently lifted Liz from his lap. "I need to think," he told her and felt his heart contract at the flash of hurt he could see in her eyes. He helped her take her jeans off before tucking her into bed and kissing her forehead. "Get some rest."

She watched him walk to the door with more tears in her eyes. Was she ever going to stop crying? She held her breath as he hesitated and turned back to come kneel at the side of their bed. He pulled the covers off her and kissed her belly softly. "Bye, baby. Let mommy get some sleep, okay?"

"Max…" Liz pleaded.

"Just rest and I’ll be back later," he said as he tucked the bedcovers back around her.

"I love you," she called after him and saw him falter before he finally left the room. Turning on her side, she folded her arms around her stomach and cried, great, racking sobs that stemmed from the relief she felt at not having to hide from Max anymore and her anxiety that he would decide to send them back or something equally unacceptable. She could feel his fear and confusion through their connection and wished there were some way she could make this better for him. He had reacted so calmly to all this, it reminded her a little of when her diary got lost in their sophomore year. That was the time she realized fully what a gentle soul Max Evans had.

Somewhere through her tears she felt a warmth underneath her hands and the feeling chased away most of her sadness. When all was said and done, she was still carrying Max’s child inside her, nothing could take that away from her.


Max stood at one of the big windows of the ship, staring at the stars and planets rushing past at a frightening speed but he didn’t really see them. His mind was whirling with all that he had learnt in the last few hours. He was so afraid that something might happen to Liz while they were on Dendar. But wasn’t it better for her to be pregnant among other aliens that wouldn’t be suspicious if anything weird happened to her in the process? He had never been as confused as he was right now. His heart was telling him to take Liz with him wherever he went and to never let her leave his side, but his mind was pointing out everything that could go wrong.

"Max?" Nick’s voice interrupted his musings.

He turned to Nick who was watching him anxiously and blurted out: "We’re going to have a baby!" A silly smile settled on his face and wouldn’t go away again. Whatever else happened, this what was mattered. His Liz was carrying his child.

Nick’s mouth fell open and it took him a while to recover enough to say: "Congratulations!"

"I have to go see Liz again," Max informed him, suddenly in a hurry to go back to their room.

Nick watched him rush away and grinned broadly. Wait till he told the rest of Max’s people! Celebrations were in order, the heir to the throne was finally going to arrive!

When he entered their room, Liz was sleeping on her side, her arms folded around her middle and with dried tear tracks on her face. Max felt horrible. She had kept all of this from him because she knew him so well. She had known that he would completely overreact if he found out she was pregnant. And he had proven her right.

He walked closer to the bed, his eyes never leaving her face. In spite of her recent bout of tears, she was breathtaking. Her inner glow was visible even in sleep and Max dragged what he presumed to be the Dendarian version of a chair closer to the bed so he could watch over her. He longed to get in bed with her and just hold her until the torture of this last week faded into a distant memory, but he was afraid that he could hurt her now. What if this was like when she has her period? He knew all too well about cramps and sensitive breasts. On the other hand, he had no knowledge whatsoever about pregnant women, let alone women pregnant with alien babies. He would really have to talk to Nick and Grace about this.

What would happen to Liz? They were both pretty much human, but what if the baby needed vitamins and nutrients that could only be provided by another alien? He had never felt so out of control in his life. Things were now happening to Liz that he could do nothing about and he just knew this pregnancy would be the death of him.

He leaned forward in the chair, softly brushing her hair from her face. "I love you, sweetheart," he whispered. With every breath she took, Liz made his life more complete.

Jumping up, he knew there was at least something he could do to make things safer for Liz. He went to Nick and Grace’s room and knocked on the door softly. Nick opened the door and he could see in their shining eyes they had been talking about his baby. This thought brought another stupid grin to his face. Good lord, he was going to be a father!

"Congratulations, Max," Grace said respectfully.

He smiled at her broadly, not seeing her eyes widen at the unexpected sight. "Thank you. I really need to ask you two a favor. Actually, two favors."

Nick was already sighing. "I know. Don’t tell anyone else Liz is pregnant yet, right?"

Max gaped at him fleetingly, before recovering. "Yeah. It’s just, Tess and Nacedo— I really don’t want her to be in danger because of this. And if anything happened to my child… Anyway, I want you to post two guards to her round the clock." Nick was nodding his ascent. There were only a few Antarian survivors left in the universe, making the pregnancy of their Queen a huge issue. "And those men should stick with her no matter what she says! No more slinking off because Liz had a privacy fit."

"Yes, Sir." Nick had trouble hiding his smile. Max was going to be hell to live with until that baby came. "What was the other favor?"

"I-I need you two to come talk to Liz and I about this pregnancy at some stage. I have no idea what to expect and Liz… she doesn’t have her mother or anybody else here that can give her advice. Grace…"

"I’ll be here for her, don’t worry."

Max felt relieved. He felt like he had accomplished something useful for Liz. Wow, his Liz was pregnant!

"Okay… then… I’ll go back to her. She’s sleeping…"

"Pregnant women need their naps," Nick informed him. "Excuse me for asking, but how far along is she?"

"We think about a week-and-a-half." Max felt really uncomfortable discussing the conception stage of this joyous event. Everyone knew he had sex with his wife, but he preferred the exact dates and times to stay private. "Well… I’ll let you know when we can meet with you."

"Wait, Max! Michael wanted to talk with you."

Max gritted his teeth, he needed to be with Liz. He didn’t want to miss a second of his baby growing inside her. "Okay, fine."


Michael and the gang had arrived on their own transportation ship by the time Nick contacted them. The discussion was short and to the point. Yes Michael, everyone was fine and they were on their way. Yes Maria, we all have small rooms too.

"Geesh, did Max sound a bit hyper to you guys too?" Maria asked after the connection was broken.

Everyone looked at each other and said ‘something with Liz again’ all at once.


Max retook his seat next to the bed, his eyes tracing Liz’s delicate features lovingly. He suddenly remembered a poem he had found for Liz on their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.

"I love you, before long I die,

I have travel’d a long way merely to look on you to touch you,

For I could not die till I once look’d on you,

For I fear’d I might afterwards lose you."

She had been his wife for close to eight years now, and sometimes he still felt like this poem. Like he had traveled the vast expanses of space just to behold her. Being with her was like holding a fleeting moment of perfection in his hands and sometimes he feared that it might all suddenly and inexplicably slip through his fingers. That the universe would get tired of their perfect happiness and take it away from them.

He was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice Liz had woken up until she spoke his name.


He was on his knees next to the bed instantly. "I’m so sorry, love! I needed to think, there is so much to consider. But please don’t ever think that I would send you away. I just want you to be safe. You and our baby." His eyes begged her to forgive him for making her cry again. "I love you so much, Liz."

She sat up and touched his face. "I’m sorry too, for keeping this from you. For making us both so miserable the last week…" Leaning forward, she pressed her forehead against his. "Max, we’re having a baby!"

The wonder in her voice echoed his own feelings. This was yet another wonderful chapter in their lives. "Yes," he whispered back. "Thank you for giving me this gift."

"I missed being close with you so much," she added after a while.

"Me too."

"Will you just hold me then? Please, I-I missed your touch…"

She was looking at him with her fathomless dark eyes and he fell headlong into her magic. "Yes." He kicked off his shoes and climbed in behind her back, pulling her against him and wrapping his arm around her waist. Her head was cushioned on his other arm and he inhaled the sweet scent of her gorgeous hair with great relief. It was so good to have her back in his arms without any barriers between them.

He felt her tangle her fingers with his that were resting on her tummy and she languorously rubbed his hand over her skin. Max had to remind himself forcibly that his hand was covering his unborn child in an effort divert his concentration from the fact that her skin was soft and warm and that his fingers were drifting dangerously closer to the edge of her panties.

Liz was in heaven. After nearly a week-and-a-half of serious torture, she was free to do anything she liked with Max again. She could feel his conflict about how much he should allow himself with her, but she was determined to change his mind. So she pressed herself back against him, irritated by the fact that he was still wearing clothes.

Rolling over onto her back, she looked up at Max through her eyelashes and licked her lips before sighing: "Max…" She knew just which buttons to push and he inhaled sharply at the sultry huskiness of her voice.

One kiss won’t hurt, will it? Max couldn’t ignore that he had his wife wearing very little clothing in his arms again and, most importantly, WILLING after what felt like forever.

The kiss was gentle at first, gentle enough for Liz to wonder whether he would be able to resist her after all, but almost instantly they caught fire from each other, and by the time it was finished she was pressed fiercely against him, her hands hard across his back, offering him all he wanted.

"God Liz," Max muttered as his mouth touched the long line of her neck, not just once but several times, the brief, fiery graze of his lips sending wild little shudders through her whole body. "I don’t want this to get out of hand—"

He didn’t try to pull away but she tightened her arms around him anyway.

"I’m staying," he promised her. "You’re not getting away from me again."

Liz smiled against his throat and slid her hands under his shirt, forcing him to lift himself up so she could take it off. "Liz…" he sounded strained but lay back down with her after his shirt went flying to the floor.

Still smiling, she ran a light finger across his chest, the skin felt smooth and flexible.

"Don’t do that," he said, his beautiful voice husky with desire.


"Because I can’t give you anything more than just comfort right now. You are—"

"Not made of porcelain." She lifted herself on to an elbow and smiled into his face, letting her hair fall around it like a curtain.

He looked at her with brilliant eyes, no longer trying to hide his hunger and passion. "Liz, we have to be careful, we don’t know what can—"

This time she stopped him by covering his mouth with hers.

Feeling her desire through their connection was his undoing and he resisted only a second. As her hand moved across his chest, spreading wide until she could feel the solid, rapidly speeding beat of his heart beneath her palm, the tip of her tongue traced his lips with delicate precision, outlining the top lip, then the more sweeping arc of the bottom.

He groaned deep in his throat and his arms came up and caught her, iron bands around her pliant, yielding body, pulling her over him so that she could feel his warm skin, the need and passion in him that more than matched hers. He touched her with such devouring yearning that she couldn’t help but respond.

Max’s breath hissed between his teeth when she curved her hand around his hip and pulled him close against her so that, mouth joined to mouth, their bodies were welded together by the fire leaping from one to the other.

The fire was threatening to consume him and steal his reason.

Max pulled away from her in a panic. "Liz! I’m sorry. Did I hurt you? We should be careful," he repeated his previous statement.

Liz was confused by his sudden withdrawal before it dawned on her that Max apparently now thought he shouldn’t make love to her. She was too mad to get anything out and concentrated on making sure he felt each and every one of her feelings through their connection.

Holy crap. He was reeling from all the emotions Liz were sending him. Not least from her intense need for him to make love to her. "No, Liz," he practically moaned. "We have to make sure everything is fine with you and our baby first. Please don’t make this impossible for me!" He was shamelessly begging. This was tearing him in two opposite directions. His mind had now placed her in a different category: mother of my child, while his heart and body was screaming at him that this was his lover and wife and he needed her just as much as she needed him.

"Liz, please," he begged again, holding his breath as she watched him steadily. It would take very little to push him over the edge and she knew that. He wondered what she would do. Did he mention that this pregnancy was going to be the death of him?

Liz felt an unreasonable urge to either scream or cry. Didn’t he want her anymore now that she was pregnant? No, that’s not it, their connection made it very easy to feel how wrong that assumption was. He DEFINITELY wanted her. So then, how could he do this to them both?

Horror tore through Max as he saw her eyes fill with tears and he sat up quickly to pull Liz back into his arms. He knew she needed him, but he was afraid of what making love with her would mean for their baby. And now there were no doctors that could tell them what would be harmful and what not. As he felt her tears against his neck, he castigated himself for making Liz cry again. That would make it two times in a few hours already. What sort of a husband was he?

After getting herself under control somewhat, Liz pulled back to look into Max’s concerned and tortured eyes. Sighing, she admitted that all her tears had accomplished was to make Max more certain that she should be coddled. Not really what she had in mind for the two of them! She wiped the moisture from her cheeks determinedly and pinned him with a gaze. "Max, I am pregnant, not ill. And what both our child and I need right now is for you to love me, not to try and keep us apart as much as possible." She could see Max wasn’t being swayed so she tried a low blow. "The baby can feel when I’m upset, Max, and that is not a good thing." His eyes grew large at her statement. "People have been making love while pregnant for centuries, so it’s not like we will be breaking any physical laws or anything," she ended. She couldn’t believe she had to resort to emotional blackmail to get her own husband to make love to her. She was used to being loved in abundance and having had very little of that for a while was disconcerting and with her pregnant hormones going nuts, Max was in deep trouble.

"Uhm… Liz…" Max was at a loss. He had all sorts of horrible images flying through his mind of what could happen to Liz if he actually had sex with her and he no idea how to explain them to his obviously perturbed wife. Heck, some of them were silly even to him!

Liz suddenly climbed out of bed, standing in front of him wearing only a few delicious scraps of silk and lace. Max felt his temperature skyrocket. She was exquisite. His eyes clung to her curves, from the lush line of her lips to the sensual flare of her hips. Oh, how he wanted to bury himself inside her once again…

She made sure he had a good look before turning to the little bathroom type thing leading from their room. "So, how do the showers on this ship work?"

He decided it was a good thing she wasn’t looking at him, because his stupidly confused expression after her unexpected question would surely have had her in stitches. He buried his face in his hands, trying to ignore how uncomfortable he was sitting around in a pair of pants while being really aroused. When he eventually felt strong enough to face her again, he found she had disappeared into the bathroom.

Her shriek seconds later had him sprinting to the other room, nearly falling over his own feet in haste.

She was standing inside a little cubicle that emitted a low hissing sound, her hands covering her eyes as she was engulfed in what looked like a fine mist. Max panicked and slammed his hand into one of the buttons next to the door of the cubicle. The sound and the mist disappeared immediately and the door slid open moments later. "Liz!" he cried as he lifted her out and hugged her tightly.

Desperately blinking the moisture from her eyes while trying to get her hair out of her face, she mumbled: "I’m fine, just soaked."

Max helped her with her hair, using his powers to dry out the moisture and leaving it lying down her back smoothly.

Still really upset with his stubborn refusal to make love with her, this irked Liz even more and she glared at him. Get your hands off me, you smug Alien idiot! Just because your hands glow you think you can do everything.

Max heard her thoughts clearly and backtracked warily. What on earth was wrong with Liz? He thought he had been helping her. They stared at each other from a few paces away. This was not at all what Max’s dreams about a possible Liz pregnancy had looked like. He had had visions of her glowing with health and enjoying every moment with him. Of being blissfully happy. Of them planning a nursery and picking out names. He definitely had not had visions of being on Liz’s bad side all the time. "What happened?" he asked cautiously.

Liz waved her hand at the cubicle. "The stupid thing went like a tornado suddenly and I couldn’t see to turn it off…" All of a sudden her mouth started twitching and she burst out laughing.

What the hell? He wasn’t sure if he would get lynched for joining in her mirth, so Max just smiled at her. "Maybe we should get someone to come show us how things work in this room," he stated dryly.

"Maybe…" Liz’s voice had turned husky again and he noticed her eyes were trained on his damp chest. His body reacted helplessly. Her naked body glistened with moisture. She was gloriously, breathtakingly sexy. He watched as she came towards him, seemingly in slow motion, and trembled as her hand splayed over his chest.

Liz leaned forward and caught a few drops of moisture from his skin with her tongue. He was so beautiful. She felt the muscles jump in reaction to her touch and she stepped even closer, opening her mouth against him. His muffled groan barely reached her ears, she was too intent on enjoying every inch of him.

He couldn’t help himself. His hands found her waist and slid down to cup her behind, lifting her to her toes and arching her into his hardness. Her hands were digging into his upper arms as she moved her assault to his neck.

"Liz…" He had meant it to be a warning, but it sounded more like a plea. She was a witch, ensnaring him in her magic and making him lose his mind.

He tasted warm, male and incredibly arousing. She trailed her open mouth over his throat, her tongue tracing little shapes against his skin. She could feel his chest heave against her and hear his labored breathing and it made her deliriously happy. Nipping at him, she thought fiercely that his body was hers. It had always been. No one else had ever done what she was doing and no one else had ever made him respond this way. Her mouth reached the firm line of his jaw, but before she could explore further, he had turned his head so that their mouths met.

He plundered her mouth with open desire, long past the stage of even trying to hide his passion and Liz reveled in every minute of it. Her body rejoiced and her heart sang when she felt Max’s surrender. Felt him giving up on trying to keep things low key between them. Finally, they would be together again…


There had been some confusion on the other ship when it became clear to the Dendarian hosts that the two Antarian visitors intended to share their rooms with their companions. Their hosts didn’t say much, but Maria surmised that males and females did not normally stay in one room on Dendar. She wondered if King Max had had the same problem on his ship. Probably not, he would’ve just waved his hand and everyone would’ve been falling all over themselves to do his bidding. Wait a minute, that sounded a lot like Liz… Maybe she was from Dendar too, Maria thought amusedly.

The small rooms were clearly meant for one person, but Maria left Michael under no illusion that he could kiss any type of physical interaction good-bye if he let her stay somewhere else, alone between all these aliens.

Isabel had decided to test her royal status and had asked for two adjoining rooms, which they managed to find for her. Even though she and Alex were close, she needed her space. Sharing a bed not much larger than a single was not her idea of fun.

By unspoken agreement, the four of them met each other again in what looked like a lounge type area after settling in their rooms. The chamber had a huge window/porthole from which they could watch the stars fly by.

"This is, like, so surreal," Maria said in a hushed voice. "I can’t believe I’m hurtling through space at a dizzying speed!"

"Yeah, it makes trying not to overspend on groceries at the end of the month look a little less important, doesn’t it?" Alex stated dryly.

For Isabel it was a different experience. It felt almost… familiar. Sharing a glance with Michael, she knew he felt the same. It was familiar not in the same sense as her home on earth was, but in the sense of having experienced this before. It was a little disconcerting and she scooted closer to Alex.

Maria was fiddling with buttons situated underneath the window, when suddenly a soft siren sounded from further down the hallway. Michael dragged her away and scowled at her. "Are you insane? You could open this window or launch a missile or something!"

Folding her arms across her chest, Maria stared at him irritably. "Well then get one of these very short little aliens to give us the guided tour and explain how I can get something to drink on this vessel. Or I WILL be opening this window!"

"Wuss," Alex hissed under his breath when Michael held up his hands in surrender and took off to find someone that could help them. "Thanks Maria, I could eat any type of alien food right now, that’s how hungry I am!"

"I’m a waitress and let me just say, this race will not win any wars if it depended on their hospitality!" Maria huffed. But all this bravado was a show to hide her true feelings. Maria Deluca was terrified. She was in space, for crying out loud! What was she thinking coming here? Oh yeah right, she was thinking she couldn’t let Michael go off to some other planet to meet some new alien girlfriend. She glanced bitterly at Isabel. From what she had seen of alien women, in other words Isabel and Tess, they were all beautiful. There was no way that she would allow Michael Guerin to go live among such women alone.


Max tamped down on his urgency. Under normal circumstances, he would’ve taken her quickly, but he felt that he needed to do this right this time. Liz was whimpering against his mouth, begging him silently to make them one soon, but he kept on kissing her. Sliding his tongue over hers and worshipping her with every movement of his mouth and hands.

"I love you," he had pulled back just a fraction to whisper it against her lips. He felt the shudder that racked her slim body as his breath feathered over her moist and sensitive mouth. Finally letting go of her rear, he put both his arms around her waist, hoisting her up against him until her legs dangled against his, and walked back to the bed without breaking off the kiss. He couldn’t have, even if he wanted to. He was like someone that had found a spring in the desert after dying of thirst for days. He drank his fill from her mouth. He had been starved for her kisses, something he hadn’t really admitted to himself until yesterday. It probably was an understatement to say that they kissed a lot usually, and this past week they had barely kissed once. He was mystified that he had managed to live without Liz’s kisses for so long.

He let her slide to the floor beside the bed, gasping as he felt her bare skin move against his. Electrifying. It felt so electrifying to have her in his arms like this. He lifted her arms around his neck and gently trailed his hand down her sides until he reached her upper thighs before moving them around to the back and letting them glide upwards over her bottom, the curve of her lower back and up to her shoulders. Slowly letting himself rediscover the wonders of Liz’s body. They needed oxygen, so he ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.

Liz’s heart was overflowing. "My love," she said softly. He had been the most wonderful husband any girl could ever wish for through all these years, and now he was going to be a wonderful father.

Max had one final moment of uncertainty. He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist, his thumbs meeting at her bellybutton. The soft glow was back immediately. "Liz, what about our baby, wouldn’t this be… weird for—"

"I told the baby to sleep so we could be alone for a while," she said with a small smile. He looked so cute when he was flustered. "No seriously, Max, our baby is only a few cells big right now. I don’t think he’d mind." She reached down to find his hands and moved them upward to her ribcage, letting them linger tantalizingly close to her breasts. Max’s gaze had dropped to follow the path of his hands. "Okay?" she asked him gently.

He swallowed and nodded solemnly, his eyes never leaving her curves. "Yeah." And he moved his hands the final few inches.

Michael returned with a small delegation of Dendarians who bowed formally in front of Isabel and then invited their guests for a tour of the ship. It was awesome for the four friends. Everything in the ship gleamed or was made of something that looked a lot like plastic. There were buttons for almost all the things you’d want in your room.

"Room service!" Alex whispered to Maria. Which it was, sort of. It was not like a tray of food magically appeared out of the wall like you sometimes see on sci-fi shows, but you could place an order and then go eat it in the dining room a few minutes later. This caused a tussle between Alex, Maria and Michael. Alex and Maria were starving and wanted to eat immediately, while Michael pointed out that he had basically forced their hosts to show them the workings of the ship and they should at least finish the tour first.

"Space boy!" Maria began threateningly until she saw that the four Dendarians that have been showing them around were watching her with expressions varying between alarm, shock and amusement. Damn, they could understand what she was saying! She had forgotten that. "Ah… sorry," she finally managed with an apologetic smile while ignoring Michael’s glare. "Please, let’s continue." Where was Liz when she needed her? Surely Liz would never cause such a scene in front of their hosts. On the other hand, Liz was now a Queen and no one would dare say anything if she DID create a scene. Liz just had it all...

Alex asked endless questions of their tour guides. He was fascinated by the technology on the ship. How they communicated (mostly telepathically), how they navigated (they had trained "navigators" doing the steering, not computers or machines). It seemed that the Dendar nation depended a lot more on people than on technology, something that interested Alex to no end. They were shown how to operate all the gadgets in their rooms, from the showers (yes, they do have water on Dendar), to the Dendarian version of a toilet, to their food orders and how the chute type thing in the bathroom worked that cleaned clothes.

They were also shown how to expand a bed until it fit their bodies, making Alex exclaim, "nifty" with a sly look at Isabel who had to try and hide her smile.

Then finally, they could eat. They asked their hosts to order them something, since they had no clue what Dendarian food was like. And all went for a shower before what would essentially be brunch for them.

They sat around the table and stared at the strange stuff on their plates. Alex was hungry enough to try everything, so he relayed his findings about each new dish to his companions with relish. "This tastes like broccoli." "A little bit like chicken." "Oooh, bread!" After a while, all his comments got to the rest of them and they all started eating. Overall the stuff wasn’t bad!

"Oh!" Alex cried out suddenly, turning red and grabbing his chest.

"What?!" Isabel sounded frantic.

"Can’t breathe… Food may be poisoned… Help," he ended pathetically, making gasping sounds and clutching at Isabel. All his antics brought a small group of Dendarians over.

"Quit it, Alex!" Maria said matter-of-factly, whacking him behind the head. He sat up straight immediately and looked fine.

"I can’t believe you did that!" Isabel hissed at him.

Michael just burst out laughing. "Good one, Whitman!"

When Maria and Isabel joined in the laughter a few moments later, Alex knew he had accomplished what he wanted to, to lighten the tense and uncertain mood that had been part of the group ever since they got on this ship.

And their Dendarian audience just stared at each other in wonder about this wacky group of people.


Surely she was made for this. For having Max’s hands on her body, his thoughts in her mind and his baby in her womb. His fingers lingered possessively on her sweet curves and Liz trembled with pleasure beneath his touch. She arched her back sensuously against the pressure of his hands as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Liz . . ." Max’s grip tightened, and he pulled her closer. She sank into his kiss, exited by the urgency of his touch that matched her own need. Locked in his arms, her breasts pressed against the strength of his chest and her body ignited by the sensation of skin against skin.

Their kisses became deeper and more demanding and, still kissing almost frantically, they fumbled with desperation to rid Max of the last of his clothes.

Liz’s senses were spinning with exhilaration and the pent-up desires of the last week-and-a-half. At last she could touch him and feel him again, at last his mouth was on hers and his hands were sure against her skin, at last his need was as great as her own.

Max lifted her onto the bed and followed her down. "Do you know what it’s been like, not being able to really be with you these last few days?" It was a moot question, she knew exactly how he felt. He was kissing her eyes and her ears and her throat and then her mouth again.

"I’m sorry," she reiterated, running her hands greedily over his body. "It was hell for me too."

He rolled her beneath him and took her face in his hands, smoothing back her tousled hair. He looked into her eyes and there was such warmth, love and desire in his expression that Liz felt herself dissolve with happiness.

"Tell me if something hurts you…" he asked tenderly.

He was still worried about her pregnant status. Pulling his head down to hers, she breathed, "Yes," against his lips and invited more deep sweet kisses.

Max smoothed his hands over her slenderness, still amazed that she was so small and yet pregnant. His gaze lingered possessively on the soft curves of breast and hip, on the smooth, slender line of her thigh and the silken warmth of her skin. Liz tried to reach for him to pull him back to her mouth, but he only smiled and continued his devastating assault on her senses by kissing her all over, slow, tantalizing kisses that burned over her skin and left her shaking with desire. He spent a few extra moments with his lips pressed to her stomach and whispered, "I’m borrowing mommy for a while" into her bellybutton before moving lower.

Hearing her little moans was music to his starved ears. It felt like ages since he had heard them last. They spurred him into increasing the intimacy of his touches and he kept that up until Liz was quivering against him and begging him for release. But still he took his time, his mouth retracing its path back up over her belly, teasing her taut breasts and drifting lovingly up the pure line of her throat to recapture her lips.

Liz’s fingers dug into his back. She felt on fire and she urged him closer, demanding to be fulfilled until finally she could feel him enter her flooding warmth. They both groaned with a mixture of relief and pleasure while Liz wrapped herself around him and gave herself up to the glorious rhythm of their bodies moving together.

Max kissed her every time their movements allowed it. He literally worshipped her with each stroke of his body and his tongue, wanting to give her back some of what she had given him: herself and their baby. That’s why he didn’t rush this, how ever much his body demanded him to. This moment was incredibly special to him. He basked in the intensity of their connection, his mind ablaze with images of him and Liz together from that day they had conceived their baby. It stopped his breath.

Swept along by and irresistible force that grew ever stronger, faster and more urgent, they clung to each other with hot mouths and hungry hands.

Max buried his face in her hair and murmured her name in that sexy husky tone of voice he always had when they were making love. He would say her name with a little hitch that always increased her desire, because it was a tone he used uniquely for her. She arched her head back, beyond speaking, beyond thinking, beyond anything but feeling. He filled her, and it was as if every nerve down to the tips of her fingers thrilled with awareness of his hard, strong body that was taking her to the limits of sensation. She could feel his hands, insistent against her breasts, could taste his mouth and smell his hair and touch the sleekness of his skin, but as the rhythm grew even those senses dissolved beneath their shared excitement.

"Thank you," they both whispered at the same time and their gazes locked as finally the explosion of release washed over them. It was said for so many things, for saving each other’s lives, for loving one another, for making sacrifices, for always being there, for making dreams come true. And most importantly, for completing each other. They lay staring at each other afterwards, eternally grateful that they could share this again.

Carefully rolling them over so Liz was lying on top of him, Max made sure he stayed inside her for a while longer. He had missed this so much, he had to make up for lost time. He stroked Liz’s hair and asked: "How did you know you were pregnant? You said you knew last night?"

Liz wriggled around until she could lay with her arms folded on Max’s chest, resting her chin on her hands.

"Lord, Liz!" Max gasped, stilling the movement of her hips. "I think I’ve done an admirable job of not mauling you in your delicate condition until now, don’t make it impossible for me to continue."

Just smiling at him serenely, Liz knew she was going to get this nonsense out of his head soon. "I suspected when you put your hand on my belly one night and it started glowing, and I was sure when my stomach glowed when I touched it last night. And when I got nauseous this morning…" She trailed off, kicking herself for reminding Max of her morning sickness when she saw him pale.

He felt completely overwhelmed by everything this pregnancy entailed. He had no problem with going off into the wide expanses of space to stop an interplanetary war, but coping with Liz being sick, worrying about the safety of her and their baby, and trying to do things right for them was threatening to drown him.

"Max?" Liz’s soft voice called him back from his dark thoughts. "We have each other. Everything will be fine."

Slowly trailing his forefinger from her forehead, down the slope of her nose, over her lips to her chin, he marveled again at how trusting Liz still was about the world. After all that has happened to her since got involved with him, she still believed that as long as they were together they would be able to face anything. And maybe she was right.

He moved her onto her back again and scooted down so he could lay his head on her belly. He felt Liz thread her fingers through his hair as he concentrated on the faint link he had with his baby through Liz. The link did not yield anything concrete yet, just a faint hum of life that hovered at the periphery of their connection. His baby was alive and safe and growing. And he would always be able to check on it himself. He smiled against Liz’s skin, kissing her stomach softly. It was starting to feel a little more real to him. "Daddy loves you, baby." He kissed her again and looked up to meet Liz’s gaze. "And daddy loves mommy even more for giving you to me. And I promise to look after both of you."

Liz drew him back to her and they kissed. A long, slow, deep kiss that spoke of love and commitment and promises for the future.

A kiss that was rudely interrupted by a commotion outside their door.

"No, you can’t go in!" That sounded like one of his men.

"I have to see him!" A female voice cried. "There has been a terrible mistake…"

Feeling like he would rather just ignore whoever was making a fuss at the door, Max pulled himself from Liz’s intoxicating embrace to get up and drag on his clothes. He gave Liz a hot look and leaned over to kiss her hard before whispering: "Don’t move, I’ll be right back."

She hated that he had to go, but she was sleepy again, so Liz decided that this would be a good time for a nap. She concluded that she would have to train her body to nap whenever Max was busy with other things, that way they could make the most of their time together. But right now, the release of all the previous week’s stress, the adrenaline rush of making love and the fact that she finally felt whole again caught up with her, making her eyelids droop before Max had even opened the door. She rolled over onto her side and pressed her face into Max’s pillow, inhaling his scent that still lingered there. Her life was perfect…

Max opened the door to find David and James, the two guards he had instructed Nick to post to Liz, trying to bar a distraught-looking Dendarian girl from entering the room. "What is going on?" he asked, watching the girl’s eyes widen in shock at his appearance.

"Sorry, Max," James said. "She was going on about some mistake and that she had to see you. We tried to keep her quiet until… until you could see her."

"That’s okay. What is the problem?" Max turned to the girl, who looked positively frightened now.

She bowed low before stuttering. "There has been a big m-mistake with y-your room. You should not be in here. T-this is for a normal p-passenger. My Commander is furious. I-I humbly apologize for this!" She was looking at him as if she feared he would order her execution for this mishap. "We need t-to move you im-immediately."

Max had trouble not grinning at the poor girl’s panic. "That’s okay, uh… what is your name?"

"Shilla," the girl whispered fearfully.

"That’s okay, Shilla, we were not inconvenienced." Max wondered what Liz would think of having to get up now. "Uhm… let me go check on my wife and I will tell you when we can move."

Shilla just nodded mutely, apparently struck dumb by the fact that the King was not angry about the whole mess. And boy was he tall and good-looking!

"Don’t worry, he is not you run-of-the-mill royal," James informed her kindly. In fact, he was probably the furthest you’ll get from one, he thought amusedly. Not that that made his people love him any less.

When he reappeared, Max told Shilla that Liz was sleeping, but that he would move her to wherever they needed to go.

It was a strange procession that trekked down the corridor. David and James, each carrying a bag, followed Shilla, who kept looking over her shoulder at Max and Liz in amazement.

Max had bundled Liz into one of his sweaters and wrapped her in a blanket, before picking her up and carrying her to their new room against his chest. She hadn’t even stirred, apart from mumbling his name and curling her one hand into his shirt.

The chamber they were shown to was huge in comparison to the one they had just vacated. It had a lounge (or audience room as the Dendarians called it), two big bedrooms each with their own bathroom, a kitchen and a dining area. Max took a quick glance at everything, but didn’t take much notice.

Shilla pointed at one bedroom. "That would be the Queen’s room and that one is yours…"

Max, James and David faltered at the statement. David and James stared at Shilla in mild shock and then looked at each other meaningfully. Max merely turned around towards "his" room.

Shilla hurried after him. "Ah… the Queen—"

"Stays in my room," Max informed her firmly. "Always."

James and David waited out in the lounge area for Max to put Liz to bed, but Shilla had never heard of such a thing so she followed Max into his room, not sure how to handle this. A man and woman sharing a room? It was not that Dendarians didn’t have sex or form a life partnership, but they didn’t share rooms for long periods. Or handle their mate like she was the most precious thing in the universe. They cared about each other, but it all took a backseat to intellectual undertakings.

Max put Liz on his bed gently, making sure that she is warmly snuggled into the blanket. He had to sit down by her side when she wouldn’t let go of his shirt. Smiling slightly, he rubbed the back of her hand until she eventually let go of his shirt and grabbed his hand instead.

Shilla felt awkward, like she was intruding on something. "Uh… Was-was there anything else you needed? I-I was assigned to be the your servant while you’re here."

"You could get us something to eat in an hours or so, if that’s possible?" Max felt weird ordering someone around.

"Yes Sir," Shilla said quickly, all too glad to be getting out of the room. After observing that tender moment, she realized that she better not be barging into this room unannounced in future.

David and James were grinning when Shilla came rushing out of the room. Lesson number one for the Dendarians, never try to separate the Antarian Royal Couple!

After taking their luggage from David and James, Max retired to their room as the two guards went back outside to stand at the outer door of the suite. He looked at his watch, seeing that it was late morning on earth. He had just joined Liz again when she reared upright with her hand to her mouth. Max, realizing she had no idea they were in a new room, jumped up and helped her to the bathroom.

Liz felt wretched, hanging over the sink until the nauseous feeling got better. Max was hovering behind her in concern, holding her hair out of her face with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. Somehow this all felt like his fault. If he hadn’t gotten her pregnant, she wouldn’t be this sick.

"Please stop, Max," Liz managed weakly, still bent over the sink. "You are upsetting me with those thoughts."

"No, Liz… honey please don’t get upset," he sounded worried. Good, Liz thought, otherwise he was going to drive me crazy with all the guilt-trips. "Is there anything I can do?" he was clearly lost.

"Could I get some crackers…" then she remembered that she was on an unfamiliar space ship, "or whatever they have that is similar? I don’t think I can stomach anything else right now."

"Sure," his relief in finally having something concrete to do was evident in his voice. Liz was still clinging to the sides of the basin when she felt Max hug her tightly from behind. He kissed her ear and murmured: "I love you." Then he was gone.

Wow, she felt like she had been put through a ringer. What happened to the woman who just about forced her husband to make love to her a few hours ago? After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she eyed the shower longingly and decided to try again.

The shower was in a different place! And much bigger than the one she got stuck in this morning. Liz wandered out of the bathroom in amazement. Wherever they were now, was huge. Apparently Max could not only do magic with his hands.

Walking around the suite in an effort to find Max, she rounded a corner into the lounge area and surprised a girl with short black hair that had just arrived from the outside.

It was Shilla’s first good look at the real Queen of Antar. They were about the same length, but the Queen’s hair was long and shiny and their eyes were a different color. Shilla thought Liz was beautiful, even in her disheveled and strangely clothed state. "Oh, you’re awake!" Shilla exclaimed and bowed deeply again. "I brought some food and bread like the King asked."

Liz felt like a complete idiot, standing there in Max’s sweater (how did THAT happen?) and being honored for being a Queen. And why does the poor girl look so worried? "Thank you very much!" Liz could feel that her bout of morning sickness had left her hungry. "What is your name?"

"It’s Shilla. And I am your servant on the ship."

Walking closer, Liz smiled at the girl. "Hi Shilla, I’m Liz. I hope Max wasn’t too hard on you about my food?"

Shilla was stunned. Who was this friendly woman? Shilla had heard a lot of stories about the Antarian Queen that found refuge on Dendar so long ago. And how sad it was that she was widowed so young. However, a lot of other things were whispered about the blonde Queen as well. How she was living it up and lording it over other people. Then they got the news that the King wasn’t really dead but was coming to the peace summit. And that he had another mate. And that the woman on Dendar wasn’t really the Queen! All this was really confusing to Shilla. Everything but the fact that this woman with the deep brown eyes was apparently completely different from the fake Queen. And that it was very clear that the King had no uncertainty about which one was his mate. Just wait till she told everyone!

"Where is Max?"

"He said that he had to go see Nick quickly and to make sure you had everything you needed."

This made Liz’s smile broaden. "Since you are going to be around Max and I often, I should warn you that he tends to go slightly overboard about me. It’s best to humor him, that lessens the tension considerably."

Shilla found herself grinning back at Liz instinctively.

"Do you think you can show me how to operate the shower? I desperately need to clean up even more than I need to eat." She didn’t want to tell the girl that the sight of the food was causing her nausea to return.

"Oh, yes! Of course," Shilla said eagerly. She rushed into the bathroom ahead of Liz and proceeded to give Liz a lesson in Dendarian technology.

"Tell Max I’m in here when he gets back," Liz told Shilla as she shooed the girl from the room.

Max arrived a few minutes later with Nick and Grace on his heels to find the tray of food still untouched in the dining area and Shilla hovering outside their room. He frowned at Shilla. "Where’s Liz? Why hasn’t she eaten yet?" He was past Shilla and into their room before she could answer him.

He found Liz in what could only be described as the "drying cycle" of the shower. No dirty towels will be lying around on this ship! Max was amused when she eventually emerged dry from the cubicle. "That is handy," he joked.

Not wasting time, Liz crossed the distance between them and pressed herself against him. Twining her arms around his neck, she told him: "And this one can take two of us at the same time…"

She had barely finished when he was kissing her. They had so much time to make up for…

Liz unbuttoned Max’s shirt and splayed her fingers over his warm chest, feeling his heart race under her hand.


She ripped his shirt from his pants and stood to tiptoe so she could deepen the kiss. Hunger unfurled in the pit of his stomach, but…

"Liz… Nick is—"

She ran her tongue over his, rubbing her nakedness against his bare chest. Fire exploded between them. Fire fueled by intense need and desire.

"Oh god, Liz…" His hands fell to her hips, lifting her until she could wrap her legs around his waist. Both of them groaned at the contact.

Max put his arm around Liz’s back and the force of his kiss arched her backwards. Liz had her hands in his hair, holding his mouth to hers, drinking from his lips.

Sanity returned gradually to Max, reminding him that there were people waiting for them outside. He pulled away from her, but nearly gave in again when he saw how puffy and moist her mouth was from his assault.

"No, Max. More," she tugged him back, "I need more."

The plea made his gut clench with desire. "Nick and Grace are outside. I asked them to come and talk to us about the pregnancy," he told her hoarsely while his eyes clung to her mouth.

Liz battled with herself. She was torn between her need for Max and her need to know about their baby.

In the end, Max made the decision for her. He gently extricated himself from her arms and legs and led her to their room. "Get dressed while I take a shower," he ordered her softly. His dark eyes swept over her hotly one last time before he left her.

A tearful Grace rushed over to her when she emerged from the bedroom. "We are SO happy!" she said as she hugged Liz impulsively.

"Yes we are," Nick added with a smile. "This is a wonderful time for our people. One we never thought we’d have again. You and Max are giving our race a great gift."

"Thank you," Liz replied, touched by their intense interest in her baby. She put her hand on her stomach, causing the faint glow to start up again. "Now I need to know everything about an alien pregnancy!" She grinned suddenly. "And how to handle an overprotective alien husband and father-to-be."

A timid knock on the door stopped the baby talk before it even began. Nick went to open the door and found Shilla on the other side. "I brought some water and drinks for everyone," she said breathlessly. She had thought she would hate catering to royalty who in general were notorious for their demanding personalities, but so far she liked the Antarian Royal Couple. And if being nice to them would gain their favor and some really great gossip for her, all the better.

Nick showed her where to put everything and told her that Max and Liz would call her if they needed anything else. Shilla exited the suite disappointed that she couldn’t stay and hear more about the royal couple. How did they meet? Where did the fake Queen fit into all this?

Max emerged from the room, his damp hair still clinging to his forehead. His searching gaze went to Liz immediately, ascertaining her position and her health in one long sweep.

Food! Liz attacked the spread of breads and other things, her hunger finally catching up with her. It was only after she had eaten two pieces of bread and returned with a plate laden with food she didn’t recognize, that she noticed the amused looks from Max, Nick and Grace.

"Yes, you’re definitely pregnant," Nick laughed. "Grace made me crazy with her cravings for weird foods and her constant eating."

Max ended up moving their whole discussion to the dining table, so that he could have brunch while Liz would be close to more food if she needed it. He cast a look at Liz, who was still happily tucking into her food, before asking Nick and Grace: "So tell us what to expect?"

It was Nick who answered. "We can tell you how it was for us, but…"

"But what?" Max was immediately alarmed.

"It might be different for you two, because…"

"Because we’re different?" Max sounded slightly bitter. Why could he not just have been a normal guy? What if something happened to Liz, the center of his universe? Or to his baby? He would just—

"Max!" Liz’s voice halted his thoughts. She scooted closer to him and put her arm around his neck to pull his head down to hers. Kissing him softly, she murmured, "Stop that!" against his mouth.

After getting him to nod, Liz turned to the other two people in the room again. "How long does an Antarian pregnancy last?"

"Six months," Grace grinned. "A lot better than the human nine months…" She faltered a bit. "But…"

"Mine might take anything from six to nine months because I’m human?" Liz helped her out.


"What about the birth?" Max didn’t even want to think about Liz having to go through some weird alien birth thing.

"Just like the human one." Max wasn’t sure if that was better either since it meant Liz would go through all that pain. "Only the father does not attend the birth, we have other women in the room. Our children are bonded closely with their mothers, not really with the fathers, but—"

"No way!" Max said immediately, not noticing Nick’s grin. "There’s no way I’m letting Liz do this alone."

"But," Nick continued as if Max had not interrupted, "we know it will be different with you two." He was amused that Max still thought none of them knew how he got about Liz. That Max thought that any of them would have any illusions about him letting Liz out of his sight for more than a few seconds during the pregnancy, let alone the birth.

"What was that about weird cravings?" Liz asked when she saw that Max had calmed down.

"I wanted food at strange times at night," Grace replied. "And I couldn’t eat anything sweet. But you might have different cravings. It differs from person to person."

Sharing a glance with Max, Liz wondered how to approach the issue of sex. She desperately needed Nick and Grace to assure Max that everything was fine, but how do you ask someone that? Why didn’t she buy that book about pregnancy like she planned to just before they left? She felt Max’s hand closing around hers under the table in an effort to calm down her babbling thoughts.

"And I slept a lot," Grace continued, unaware of the small interchange between her leader and his wife. "I was dead tired a lot of the time."

Liz saw Max’s eyes widen and she sighed. Now he would bug her to sleep more. She threw him a sly grin and deliberately thought: I promise to take a nap every time you make love to me. His small gasp made Nick and Grace look at him strangely.

"What about morning sickness?" Liz asked Grace innocently, ignoring Max’s stunned glare.

"No, nothing like that for me. Why are you sick?"

"Yeah, I get nauseous late in the mornings. Nothing serious, though," she added for Max’s benefit. "Could you-could you feel Maddie? Sense her? Before she was born I mean."

This seemed to confuse Grace and Nick answered. "No. Grace only formed a link with her after she was born. She had to make a connection with her first." He stared at Liz intently. "You mean you sense the baby?"

"I do too," Max said after Liz had nodded silently. He squeezed Liz’s hand. "It’s like a third person has become part of our connection. I can feel… It’s like a small hum of life. Nothing more yet."

"Wow!" Nick sounded awed. It seems that somehow this intense connection between Max and Liz that was there even when they hadn’t been bonded yet is going to exist between them and their children also. This reiterated Nick’s belief that his race had done the right thing by sending their young King across the galaxies, because in the end fate had decreed a different path from the one they had worked out for him. Fate had decreed that he had to meet a tiny dark-haired human girl with eyes like chocolate that would steal his young heart and keep it forever. And this one event meant that the Antarian people were slowly learning how to incorporate strong emotions into their bondings. Max and Liz had amazed him once more.

Staring into each other’s eyes, Max and Liz missed Nick picking up a bundle from next to his chair. He cleared his throat to get their attention and they turned to him after Max touched Liz’s cheek softly with his fingers. "I brought you some traditional Antarian clothes," Nick announced. "If you like it you can have some more made on the ship."

Liz clapped her hands in glee. "Antarian clothes? Can I go try it on?" She looked at Max expectantly.

"Since when do you ask my permission to wear anything?" he asked in amusement, only to kick himself when he saw a dark shadow flicker over her face.

"I’m just…" Liz sounded subdued and she got up to take the clothes Nick held out and left the room in a hurry.

"Liz…" Max jumped up in a panic. What happened just now? What had upset her? He glanced at Nick who also looked concerned and an amused Grace. "What just…? I have to go…"

"Her hormones are going crazy, Max. It’s nothing she has control over. You will just have to be patient about her being so emotional," Grace informed him kindly.

"And give her whatever she wants!" Nick cried after him as Max dashed out of the room. "It’s the best way to ensure no tears."

He found her sitting on the bed, staring at the heap of clothes next to her. Falling to his knees in front of her, Max looked at her anxiously. "What is wrong, love?"

"These are Antarian clothes, Max," Liz said softly and Max cringed.

"I-I know, Liz. And I-I’m sorry that I’m not… human. This must be so—"

"No!" She looked at him with wide, moist eyes for a moment, touching his lips with her forefinger. "It’s not that. You are perfect for me."

"Then what?" Max was both relieved and confused.

"I’m not…"

"Not what?" He grabbed her hands in his, urging her to meet his gaze. She wouldn’t.

"Not really Antarian," she finally whispered, trying to pull her hands from his grasp. "I shouldn’t be wearing this."

It dawned on him then. Liz would be as much of an outsider on Dendar as he had been on earth. And he remembered vividly how terrifying that had been. Fearing that you would be outcast for what you were. Wanting so desperately to be part of something, but never really achieving it. Not until Liz Parker had let him into her heart. He felt his chest constrict with emotion. "No, you’re right. You aren’t Antarian. You’re the Antarian Queen. And my wife. The person who makes my life perfect. That’s all that matters."

Tears filled Liz’s eyes. She understood a little better about Max’s life on earth now. How he must’ve felt being one of a handful of very different beings on earth. She risked a tentative peek at him. "So, it would be okay for me to wear this?"

He tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "I think Nick would be offended if you didn’t. And so would I. I want the universe to see you are mine." He kissed the backs of her hands before saying with one of his crooked smiles: "And you better listen to me, I’m the King around here."

She flung her arms around him, nearly toppling him over backwards. "I love you so much… King Max."

He chuckled against her hair. "Groveling will get you everywhere!"

Pulling back, she gave him a sizzling look. "Will it get you inside me? Soon?"

His groan was heartfelt even as his hands brought her closer to his body. She was going to be the death of him! His head was spinning with all the emotional changes he had to cope with. First she wrings out his heart with her soft words and pain, and now she made him want her again. Disentangling himself from her hastily, he lifted her back onto the bed and stood back. "Why don’t you try on the clothes and I’ll go talk to Nick… I’ll send in Grace." Lord, was that his voice that sounded so strained?

He literally fled the room.

Grace arrived a few seconds later, looking concerned. "Max was in a state! Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Liz said with a secret smile. "I’m fine now."

Grace laid out the clothes while Liz got out of her jeans. It consisted of a long flowing robe, a tight-fitting top and a sheath skirt with two slits on the sides coming nearly to mid thigh. It was white with some dark-green trimmings at the seam of the skirt and around the edges of the robe. It had the symbol that was on Atherton’s pendant on the two flaps of the robe too.

"That’s the seal of the Antarian King," Grace pointed out. "Your seal now."

This made Liz inhale sharply and she touched the seal in awe. Who knew when she went to River Dog so long ago, she had been clutching the seal of her future in her hands? She dressed slowly with Grace fussing around her. Grace had tears in her eyes when Liz was finished.

"I never thought I’d see someone in this again," Grace said softly. "My Queen."

Liz hugged her spontaneously, ruining the solemn moment. "Thank you."

"Let’s go show Max." Grace was smiling. "He will be stunned."

"Wait, Grace!" Liz urged her back into the room. "I-I needed to ask you something."

Grace looked at her sympathetically. "I didn’t want to say anything in front of Max. I know you two… uhm… I needed to warn you, though. I didn’t want sex when I was pregnant. Poor Nick was…" she trailed off when she saw Liz look at her in total consternation. "What?"

"You didn’t?"

"No. I just wanted to be left alone. Why?"

The blush creeping over Liz’s face told her even before Liz started talking. "I-I don’t have that symptom. In fact, I feel the exact opposite!"

It was Grace’s turn to be speechless. "You mean you… Uhm, well… Don’t tell Nick, he will be disappointed that he doesn’t have a human mate after all!"

"Yeah, but Max treats my like I’m going to break!" Liz burst out. "And it’s driving me insane! I need to know for sure if it would be okay for us to, ahh, you know."

"I’m sure it is," Grace assured her. "Besides, you two would know if something went wrong with the baby through the connection."

Liz bit her lip and nodded.

Out in the lounge area, Nick was looking at Max seriously. "You need to keep an eye on her for a while." He met Max’s concerned gaze. "This is the first time a human is pregnant with an Antarian baby. We don’t know… I mean, her body might reject…" Nick felt awful when he saw the distress growing in Max’s eyes. "I’m sure everything will be fine. We must just make sure in the beginning. I didn’t want to alarm Liz." He knew he was babbling now. "Just watch her carefully. The connection with the baby will help." Max was staring at the floor now, his jaw clenched. "It’s just a precaution, Max. I’m so sorry to even say it. Your body is mostly human, so I’m sure she’ll be fine."

But Max had heard only the first part. Liz could be in danger from his baby.

"Max?" Liz’s voice made his head snap up. She stood a few feet from him.

He stood up slowly and heard a roaring in his ears as he stared at her, looking so familiar in the Antarian royal garb. Dizziness was overtaking him as he kept staring at her in shock. A rush of images he knew, but didn’t know flew through his mind.

"Max!" Liz cried, rushing forward as she saw him stumble back into his chair, white as a sheet.

Still staring at her, he whispered: "Shani…"

Pacing in their room, Michael fought the panic that was rising in his chest. Maria was sleeping soundly in their bed, having claimed that the ungodly hour she had to get up at this morning was finally catching up with her. He stopped next to the bed for the umpteenth time, staring down at the earth girl he tried so hard to keep at arms length. First, he hadn’t wanted to admit he was in love with her. He had cursed Max for his blind devotion to Liz and for the danger he had put them all in by saving her life. Then he had envied Max for having Liz, someone who loved him back in spite of what he was. Then he had cursed both Max and Liz for saddling him with this exasperating girl that just wouldn’t leave him alone, no matter how hard he tried to piss her off. She had broken him down, bit by bit until he ended up admitting he loved her and living with her in Albuquerque. He wasn’t even sure how that happened. It just did.

And now she was on this ship with him, going to who knows where. He had thought it was his dream, to see the other planets even if he couldn’t ever see his own. Now he was starting to doubt that. He still wanted to see the planets, but not if it meant that he could lose Maria. Grimacing, he remembered all the times he had scoffed at Max for worrying about Liz. Now here he was, doing the same thing. He might be dragging her into a war. Or to a place where he wasn’t the only amazing alien (apart from the very unavailable Max Evans) around her.

What if he lost her without ever making a real commitment? Her words from the car have been haunting him. You haven’t even married me, you bastard! I’ve been living in sin for years and it’s all your fault.

She was so right.


Isabel was sitting in the lounge area of the ship, watching the comings and goings of the short Dendarians with an expressionless face. From the outside, she looked like the Ice Princess she always tried to emulate, but in the inside she was quaking. She hadn’t wanted to leave her quasi-normal life on earth for a planet unknown, but Max had needed her to come, so she came. And now she was really scared.

The Dendarians have been nice to them all and very deferential to her, but she missed Max. This is first time she had ever felt completely out of her depth, and her brother, with his broad shoulder, wasn’t there to make her feel better. For a fleeting moment, the resentment she had felt when Liz first became the most important person in Max’s life resurfaced. In spite of Liz saying that she wasn’t trying to take Max away from Isabel, she had. She had made Max hers so completely that the rest of them became an afterthought. And the worst was, she didn’t even have to do anything, she did it by just being her. By being Liz.

Sighing, Isabel shook herself. She was being unfair. This is the first time that she really needed Max that he wasn’t there for her. A few years ago, he had flown down from Boston to be with her when she had had trouble with her career. And apparently Liz had made him come. Not to mention all the times he had listened to her prattle on for hours on the phone about her strange relationship with Alex. Max loved her just as much as always, he just wasn’t WITH her as much as always.

"Do you need anything, Your Highness?" It was the girl who had been appointed her servant on the ship.

"No thanks," Isabel said automatically, not really looking at the girl. She was too overwrought to bother about being nice right now. Maybe she could get Michael to contact Max again…

"Iz, are you okay?"

Or maybe she could just talk to Alex about everything.


Everyone was staring at him in shock and he still couldn’t take his eyes of Liz. Liz who was wearing his royal seal. Max’s vision was starting to blur and it felt like his head was being split open with pain. "Shani," he said again, grabbing his head and squeezing his eyes shut. Who the hell was Shani? And why did he remember seeing Liz in the royal garb before? "Liz?" he pleaded, trying to get up and go to her, but the pain in his head forced him back in his chair with a groan. She would be upset, he knew that much even in his half-dazed state. He needed to get to her.

Liz had gone rigid when he called her "Shani". It was the first time in his entire life that Max had mistaken her for someone else and it shook her to the core. She felt sick with fear that Max was starting to remember some great love for Tess or whoever this Shani was as a result of going back to his alien roots. Forcing herself to take a shuddering breath, she took a halting step forward.

"Oh God," Max moaned, clutching his head in his hands. "What is happening to me?" It was a hoarse whisper. "Liz… Liz, please?" he begged again.

Not able to take his pain any longer, Liz pushed her panic to the back of her mind, rushing forward to drop to her knees in front of him. "I’m here!" she cried softly, running her hands through his hair and raining little kisses on his bent head, over his hair and his forehead.

Max was starting to shake, images of Liz wearing that white and green royal outfit and laughing gaily were still spinning through his head. He saw her in a garden, in a huge ballroom among many people wearing similar clothes, looking up at him with wide eyes and a moist mouth. He groaned again. And throughout the visions, he kept hearing himself say ‘Shani’ over and over again.

Nick was next to them in an instant. "Let me try to help," he urged Liz, pulling her away from Max.

"No," Liz pleaded just as Max moaned again, reaching out blindly towards her. Nick let go hastily and Liz fell back against Max. He wrapped one arm around her, pressing her against him and muttering hoarsely: "Don’t leave me again, please… my Shani…"

"Max," Liz said urgently. "It’s not Shani, it’s Liz." She hugged him closer. "Please let Nick help you."

He held her more tightly before mumbling "okay" and letting her out of his embrace. "Don’t go." Max felt sick and dizzy, but he knew he should not let Liz leave before he could clear up this Shani mess. Why did he keep on calling Liz Shani?

Nick gingerly put his hand on Max’s head, making a connection. He was hit with the images that have been haunting Max and with the blinding pain that went with them. He tried sending Max some calming thoughts and felt the pain recede after a while as the images stopped. When he stepped back, all he could do was stare at Max in amazement.

Max’s gaze found Liz immediately. She was sitting on her heels a few feet from him and looked ready to bolt. Her teeth were worrying her bottom-lip and her hands were clenched together in her lap. "Liz, come here," he sounded like he had cotton wool in his mouth. "Please," he added and held out his hand to her when she didn’t react. He still felt wobbly, but he wanted her back in his grasp before he asked Nick what the hell had happened to him just now. It was suddenly very important that he not let Liz leave this room. "Please," he repeated.

His beautiful amber eyes were pleading with her and their connection told her that he didn’t understand what had transpired either. She shook off the paralyzing fear that had come back as soon as she saw that he was better and moved towards him cautiously. Everything inside her screamed for her to find out who this Shani was and to do it now, but she heard herself ask "Are you better now?" first.

She was still out of his reach and Max fought down his worry. Liz looked fragile and skittish, causing Max to talk to her in a soothing voice. "I’m fine now… love," he added deliberately.

That galvanized Liz into action and into his arms. "I was so scared for you, Max! Are you sure you’re okay now?" They were both trembling and holding each other tightly.


Nick and Grace had been observing the whole scene from the sidelines. It was clear that Max had remembered something from his past, his previous life. The one in which he was married to Tess. And it was also clear that Liz had been really thrown by him calling her Shani, although that puzzled them both.

Max finally turned to Nick, still keeping a firm grip on Liz. "What WAS that?"

As soon as he spoke, Liz started wriggling in his arms. "I-I need to go," she said.

"Why?" Max asked suspiciously. He was glad now that he had her firmly anchored to him before starting the discussion with Nick.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom." She could see he didn’t believe her, so she added hastily. "I f-feel sick again." That was a complete lie. "Please." She just couldn’t sit here and listen to a tale of Max’s previous love.

"Liz—" He clearly didn’t believe her.

"Max!" she tried again.

"I’ll go with you then," he floored her by saying. He didn’t make a move, though, just sat there watching her with hooded eyes.

"No, you need to talk to Nick and… and I’d rather not hear this if you don’t mind," she finally admitted. His eyes darkened with pain and she felt like a heel. "Unless… you really want me to stay," she whispered. Why was she acting so selfishly around him? Because you’re deathly afraid of losing the one thing you always counted on, his complete and total love. Something you’ve never had to share with anyone else before. Since he was eight years old, Max Evans had loved her with all of his heart and nothing had ever threatened that love. Even though she had sometimes feared that they would not end up together, she had never feared that anyone could take her place in his heart. She did now. She could fight any living threat to their love, but she could do nothing against an all-encompassing passion from a former life.

"Yes, I want you to stay," Max stated firmly. He could sense her fear and he needed to clear up this whole thing before it got out of hand. "It’s about you too," he told her. He turned back to Nick questioningly.

"I think you have remembered something from your past," Nick said carefully. "Although I am not sure how what you’ve seen is possible."

Max looked at Liz’s downcast head. "I saw YOU, my love," he informed her huskily. "You wearing these clothes in places we have never been."

Liz felt her breath hitch in her throat. "That can’t be."

They stared at each other before looking at Nick, who seemed as lost as they were.

"Maybe you were remembering… Tess and your mind just put… m-me into the images somehow…" Liz stopped when Max shook his head with certainty.

"No." He met her gaze, stating firmly. "It was you."

The simple statement stopped her heart just like it did when she was sixteen. Her eyes glittered when stared up at him. "How do you know?"

"Because I know YOU. I’d know you anywhere." He sounded so sure of himself.

"This is not possible, Max. Forgive me, but your parents showed me all there is to show about your previous life before they sent me to earth, and there was definitely no one there that looked like Liz. And…" he cast an apologetic look at Liz, "you were definitely married to Tess. Not for long, but you were."

"What did Tess look like then?" Max had tightened his arms around Liz at Nick’s last statement.

"Exactly like she looks now. And besides, Liz is completely human."

"Then who is Shani?" Max asked. He was even more confused now. He still did not remember Tess at all, yet these images of Liz wearing his royal seal was as clear as day.

Both Nick and Grace looked at him strangely. "There is no such person as Shani, Max."

"He definitely called me Shani. Maybe she was someone his parents didn’t know about or show you?" Liz asked with her heart in her throat.

A light went up for Nick as he saw the anxious faces of his King and his mate. They both thought that Max had had a vision of some former love called Shani! "There definitely is NO such person as Shani, unless someone on Antar had a very strange sense of humor…"

In no mood for kidding around, Max gripped Liz even tighter to him and glared at Nick. "Would you mind explaining what you are talking about?" He risked a glance at Liz when he felt her tremble against him, but she was turned away from him.

Nick was staring at Liz too, seeing her pale face and shaking hands and kicked himself for making things worse. "Yeah, uhm… ‘Shani’ is an Antarian word. It’s an endearment. It means ‘love’ or ‘beloved’. Sorry, I-I thought you knew that…"

The air rushed out of Liz’s lungs, leaving her deflated. Here she was, all geared up to hear about the wonderful "Shani", the love of Max’s previous life and all he had been doing was calling her "love" in his own language?

Max was starting to feel lightheaded. "How would I have known that, Nick?" He sounded tired. "I have never even HEARD Antarian."

"I’m so sorry," Nick apologized again. "I didn’t realize…"

Relieved tears were starting to gather in Liz’s eyes, alerting her to the fact that she was on the verge of a serious emotional meltdown. Her shoulder had been pressed against Max’s chest, but now she twisted her upper body until she could bury her face in his neck, breathing in his warm familiar scent. As she did this, she felt the small tremors traveling through Max’s body intermittently, rudely pulling her back from the edge of her own feelings. Jerking up, she hastily wiped at her cheeks and searched Max’s face. He was breathing raggedly, the aftereffects of his intense flash obviously still crashing through his body. Not looking away from him, she firmly told Nick and Grace: "We can talk about this more later. Could you please let Max get some rest?" Her voice wavered, indicating her own distress to the listeners.

Max didn’t object, confirming Liz’s suspicions that he was feeling worse than he let on. "Thank you for talking to us and-and helping Max."

This was Nick and Grace’s signal to leave the Royal Suite and they did so hastily, glancing over their shoulders at the two young people clinging to each other on the chair.

Reaction was setting in for Max. That vision had been so vivid and the intense emotions going with it had shaken him. His head was spinning with all it could mean. Had he somehow known Liz in his past life? How was that even possible? Why did he call her Shani in the vision? No name, just… Shani. My Love. Was it a future vision? How could it be when she wasn’t pregnant? Did the vision take place on Dendar? Thank God it wasn’t the name of some other woman. HAD he loved someone else in his previous life? Why was the vision so hard on his body?

"Max?" Liz’s voice broke into his thoughts. "You need to go rest, come on." She had to tug herself out of his tight hold to drag him up from the chair. For a fleeting moment it amused Max that Liz probably thought she could manage moving his entire weight around with her slight frame and heaps of determination. But the amusement fled before his weakness. He felt like a truck had run him over.

Maneuvering Max to their bed, Liz let him sink down on the edge and began to take off his clothes. She unbuttoned his shirt with unsteady hands, while Max just sat quietly, still shaking. It reminded her so much of when they found him after Pierce had tortured him, that Liz couldn’t stop a hiccuping sob from escaping her throat. She bit her lip determinedly, now was not the time to come undone. She had to make sure Max was okay first.

Shoes next. She knelt in front of him, taking off his shoes and socks and fighting the urge to hug his legs and never let go again. She swiped at her eyes again before climbing to her feet. "Lie b-back so I c-can…"

He fell onto his back heavily, his eyes still on Liz. He could see how valiantly she was trying not to cry. "Liz…"

She ignored his weak plea, undoing his pants and tugging it off his hips and down his legs. When he was down to his boxers, she managed to drag the blanket from underneath him and cover him with it. Only then did she meet his gaze, her eyes bright with unshed tears. "Max Evans, no one will ever love you like I do," she whispered. "Please don’t ever forget that."

"Liz…" he tried again, cursing his weak body. She was backing away from him. "Liz!" panic laced his voice now.

"I-I’m just gonna…" she gestured over her shoulder at the bathroom vaguely.

Another short, sharp pain shot through his head when he saw her turn her back on him and start to leave. "No," it was barely audible. "Don’t disappear again please, Sh… Liz."

The utter desolation in his tone made Liz swing back towards him, the Antarian robe whirling around her feet. The dazed look in his eyes and the frantic expression on his face made her run back to the bed. What on earth was going on with Max? He looked like he thought she was leaving him forever!

"I was just going to take this off," she assured him. And cry my eyes out in the other room where you can’t see it. "I’m not going far."

"No," he said again. "Stay here, where I can see you."

Leaning in to kiss his forehead, Liz promised him she would. He grabbed her hand, holding onto her and refusing to let go even when she starting struggling out of the clothes. She ended up with the robe and the top bunched around her left wrist. "Max, honey, you have to let go for a minute." She felt horrible for disturbing him, cause it looked like he had fallen asleep.

Max was standing in a clearing in a forest, his eyes hungrily drinking in the sight of the girl twirling in front of him. His heart ached from her beauty and grace and he felt a strange desperation that he needed to catch her in his hands and make her his. Then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone, leaving him with an ache tearing at his heart with sharp claws.

She had gently pulled her hand from his grasp and was in the process of stripping the long skirt down her legs when she heard the soft, distressed sound he made. Forgetting about the skirt, she tumbled onto the bed, heedless of crumpling the material and hugged him, cradling his head against her chest and whispering incoherent words of love.

He woke up abruptly, relaxing immediately when he felt Liz’s familiar warmth and shape next to him. He could hear the frantic beat of her heart under his ear and the sound calmed him down. Slowly, carefully, he lifted his hand to place it against her belly, watching as the soft amber glow appeared. He wistfully thought that he would be content if he could stay like this forever. Hearing the heartbeat of his beloved wife and seeing the gentle light that signified the life of his unborn baby. The terror of watching Liz disappear in the dream was finally receding in her presence.

Many conflicting emotions were crashing around in Liz, halting her from normalizing her breathing. Everything that had happened this morning indicated to her just how much she loved this man that was lying in her arms and caressing her stomach. The possibility of losing what they shared was frightening to her.

And she worried about Max. What was happening to him and will it harm him? A little bit of the fear she had felt when Michael got sick in their sophomore year had seeped back into her heart. What if something happened to Max that she couldn’t help him with? What if Nick couldn’t help him either?

But worst of all were Nick’s words that still rang in her ears. You were definitely married to Tess… She had known that, of course. But hearing it so bluntly from someone that would know beyond a shadow of a doubt made it real for the first time. Why did it feel like he had cheated on HER by being married to someone else in his previous life? Her mind painted sickening pictures of Max being happy with Tess, touching her and kissing her… and most of all, making love to her. But he chose ME this time, she told herself. It didn’t help. Before he had been hers, Max had belonged to someone else, and the realization made it hard to breathe.


Shilla shifted from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the stares of Max’s guards. She had no idea what was going on inside the suite, only that Max’s advisor and his wife had came out and told her to wait until she was called back in before going to get the dishes. The couple had looked worried and she wondered if the King had been harsh with them or something. On the other hand, Max had been nothing but polite with her so far and the Queen did not look like she lived in fear of her tyrant husband. In fact, she looked like she was very sure of the King’s affection and very much pampered.

Were all these Antarian’s so tall? Why then was the fake Queen so short? And Queen Liz? She was short too. There were whispers that she was not Antarian at all. She wondered if that was true. The King had lived on earth for most of his life, so it was possible in theory, but then what happened to the Antarian way of bonding mates genetically when they were young? There must be more to this story!

There were other whispers among the Dendarian servants. That a third ship was on its way to Dendar for the peace summit. One that carried another important visitor.


Max had no idea how long he laid there, lost in his thoughts and the closeness of his little family. Liz was really quiet and he had assumed she had fallen asleep, so he continued to draw little shapes on Liz’s tummy, watching as the glow followed his finger and small goosebumps lifted on her skin. She was wearing a snow-white pair of bikini panties that rested low on her stomach and gave him access to a lot of space to play with his baby. He felt slightly envious that his child was getting to be inside Liz for so many months, sharing a physical bond with her that couldn’t be broken. And he wished their baby could stay inside her until they got back to earth safely, that way he would only have to keep an eye on Liz and not on some helpless little person that couldn’t fend for himself too.

Finally noticing that Liz still had the skirt wrapped around the lower part of her legs, he roused himself enough to remove it for her. Afterwards, he sat on his heels, letting his eyes travel over her cute little feet and her shapely legs, pausing briefly on the scrap of silk of her underwear to skip to the flatness of her stomach. Helplessly, he reached his hand out again, touching her skin reverently and marveling about the miracle that was taking place inside her right now.

Liz sucked in a tortured breath at his warm touch and squeezed her eyes shut. She had turned her head away from him while he undressed her, hoping he would think she was still sleeping. Her throat felt on fire from keeping in the tears that threatened to spill over at the images of Max with Tess that were still haunting her. How selfish was she being? He had had this whole other life before he even knew she existed, how could she hold it against him that he had fallen in love then too?

Of course Max had felt the gasp and his eyes flew to Liz. He had been so preoccupied with his own thoughts, that he had failed to notice she was awake. Awake and distressed. Lying down next to her, he ran his hand over her shoulder and up her neck, attempting to pull her face towards him.

She resisted.

Tess. She was thinking about him being married to Tess. His heart contracted.

"If you don’t look at me, how can I tell you how much I love you?" he asked softly.

Another gasp.

"And… that I KNOW I have never loved like this before?" He let his hand drift to her throat, resting against the fluttering pulse there.

"And that I never will again?" He felt her swallow convulsively.

He was breaking down every fear she had until only little shards of them remained embedded in her heart.

"And that I love it when your eyes go that deep green color when you want me?"

A small chuckle. "My eyes are not green." She finally turned her head towards him slowly and met his gaze.

He moved closer, rubbing their noses together. "Like I would ever really make such a mistake." His hand brushed through her hair. "Liz—"

But she moved until she could kiss him, pressing her lips against his and wriggling closer until she was plastered to every inch of him. She wanted oblivion from her thoughts, she wanted his lips and hands to make her feel all the things he had just said. She wanted to drown in Max.

He slipped his arms around her, one hand cupping her rear and the other the back of her head and kissed her deeply. Her mouth opened underneath his with a small sigh and he eagerly swept his tongue inside, tasting her sweetness and her complete surrender. She threw her leg over his hip and the kiss became harder, more urgent.

Liz sucked on his tongue, hearing his small groan and tried to move even closer to him. He rolled them over so that she was sprawled on top of him, her hair falling around their faces like a curtain.


Liz, my love. My Shani…

As the last endearment echoed through her mind, the flash hit her. Max was standing at a big window overlooking a dark garden. Around him people in traditional Antarian clothes were milling about at what looked like a party. He seemed like the only stationary object in the whole scene. Liz was overcome by the extreme sadness that radiated off him. His head was bent as if he was under pressure from some great force and his hands were bunched at his sides. He looked hopeless and utterly dejected. Until a blonde head appeared next to his shoulder: "My husband…"

It was Tess. Wearing the Antarian Royal seal on her clothes.

Liz broke away from Max’s kiss and stared down into his startled eyes. Her heart was beating double-time.

"What did you see?" he asked anxiously.

Too tired to try and pretend anymore, Liz simply said: "You and Tess."

Max felt his heart plummet to his feet. "Liz, I’m—"

"No Max," she stopped him. "You WERE married to her and I-I just have to deal with it. I’m acting so childish about all this." She looked away from his penetrating gaze. "I just… I need a little time to adjust. I’m sorry."

He nodded slowly. "But only if you promise not to shut me out as part of this dealing process. Please Liz, I don’t think I could take that."

"I promise. And… I’m sorry about this. I’m sorry for ever dating Kyle too, because… because now I know what you must’ve felt like."

That’s true, Max admitted grimly. He liked Kyle, he really did, but he would always remember seeing Kyle with his hands on Liz in high school and feeling like he wanted to die as a result of it. "So, we’ll work through this together then?" He had to make sure.

"Yes," Liz nodded against his chest. "I’m sorry," she repeated.

"We weren’t together then, Liz." He was obviously talking about more than the Kyle-thing. "But I’m sorry too," he added. He was sorry for so many things. For coming into Liz’s life with the baggage of a whole other life resting on his shoulders. For dragging her into all his alien messes. For the fact that they would have to watch her very carefully during her pregnancy to make sure his baby doesn’t hurt her.

So they just held each other tightly, hoping that this will pass too.


After an hour had passed, Shilla had politely asked the huge James to go see if maybe she couldn’t go sort out the remnants of the brunch Max and Liz had had. James had seemed reluctant, but did so anyway. She again wondered at the intense protectiveness these Antarians felt towards their royal couple. This went way beyond just making sure they were safe, it was a nearly obsessive effort to ensure their privacy too.

She was allowed into the dining area with strict instructions from James not to go anywhere else in the suite. This made her blush, because she realized that the guards were apparently under the impression that she would disturb their King and Queen having sex. This amazed her. On Dendar, men and women bonded and made children and from then on, sex was like exercise. You made a proper appointment with whomever you wanted it and left afterwards. It had no impact on your bonded mate and only depended on your physical needs. On Dendar, this level of physical closeness by two bonded people was unheard of.

Blushing even harder, she admitted to herself that she could definitely understand Liz’s willingness to remain close to Max. He was going to make waves among the women on Dendar. Just like his fake Queen had with the men.


Michael was in an awkward situation. He had just been approached by the ship’s second-in-command to tell him that there were women he could "schedule" to be with if he needed. He had to hastily explain that they did things differently on earth and that he would not be needing any entertainment.

But when he got back to his room, Maria was waiting for him, her foot tapping with impatience. Her stormy eyes informed him that the offering-of-women deal had become known to her somehow. He was going to kick Alex’s ass!

"So where’s your bit-on-the-side?" She asked as soon as she saw him.

"Right in front of me," he retorted, taking the wind from her sails.

"Guerin!" she yelled at him in exasperation.

"Don’t yell, DeLuca," he answered. "They don’t know… how things work with us." As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he had made a mistake.

Maria narrowed her eyes at him. "And how DO they work with us?"

Scratching his head, Max’s second-in-command was struck speechless once again by the only girl who had ever managed that feat.


Watching Liz out of the corners of her eyes, Shilla wondered again what was going on with the Antarian royal couple. The atmosphere in the suite has been subdued for the past two days, even when Max was not here.

The King was busy in meetings with his Advisor and the Dendarian elders on the ship for most of the day each day, but he came back to the suite often, apparently to check on Liz. Shilla always enjoyed the soft way he spoke to his mate, but she wondered why their eyes seemed to cling together so desperately while they were together. And why they suddenly touched each other so tentatively. She could see that James was worried about them too. Having made it her business to get to know as much as she could about the hunky Antarian royal guard, she quickly noticed the anxious glances he cast at them whenever Max or Liz wasn’t looking.

This couldn’t go on any longer. Liz was miserable and she needed Max. She loved him with every fiber of her being and he loved her back. Surely they would be able to handle the odd upsetting vision between the two of them?

Max left late in the mornings, staying with her as she retched her guts out in the bathroom. He was gentle with her as always and slept with his hand on her stomach at night, but they kept each other at an emotional arm’s length, afraid of a recurrence of the flashes that reminded them of Max’s past.

It had to stop.

During the days, Liz roamed the ship with James and David at her heels or sat in the suite talking about the progress of her baby with Grace. These talks always brought tears to her eyes and made her miss Max even more.

She needed Max’s kisses and love like she needed air to breathe. She craved him. And she had to make the first move to change things.

When Shilla arrived with the dinner stuff, she found Liz pacing the lounge nervously. "You look lovely, Your Highness!" she exclaimed spontaneously. Liz wore a short black skirt and a red sweater with little baby buttons down the front that was molded to her body.

"Thank you," Liz smiled at her, but Shilla could see that the Queen’s attention was only half on her. The other half was watching the door. She was obviously waiting for Max. They saw each other a lot, in Shilla’s opinion. The King left late in the mornings and she was not allowed inside until he was gone. He had also been to see Liz earlier today and had only left her alone again just after lunch.

It amazed Shilla that these two have been bonded for so long and yet they still acted like this. On the other hand, maybe the Queen WASN’T waiting for the King. Maybe she had decided to avail herself of the male entertainment on the ship and was expecting her company any minute now. That would be strange to Shilla, because they had all heard about the huge fit the King’s Advisor had thrown when he was told to inform the King of the female "entertainment" that was available if he wanted it. The Advisor had reportedly told the informant in no uncertain terms to not even MENTION the idea to the King.

Shilla had just finished setting the table for dinner, still astonished by the Queen’s obviously jumpy attitude, when the door opened to reveal Max.

She was about to have her first lesson in ‘Max and Liz Passion 101’.

Stopping just inside the door, Max felt his heart slam to a halt when he saw Liz slowly rise from the chair she had been sitting in. It was clear that she had dressed for him. Wearing one of his favorite sweaters, the one with the seemingly millions of little buttons that drove him crazy when he wanted to get it off her, and a skirt that made his temperature skyrocket, she was a huge temptation.

Completely forgetting that she had wanted to ask Shilla to clear out once she had finished preparing the dinner, Liz could do nothing but melt in the heat of Max’s eyes. He was staring at her with questions in his eyes. Are you sure? What if…?

Taking a small step forward, she whispered: "I don’t care."

Max felt his world tilt. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again to trace the slim lines of her calves and thighs, the curve of her hips encased in that sinful skirt and the little piece of skin visible between the cropped sweater and the top of the skirt. His gaze clung hungrily to the swell of her breasts, taking note of the agitated state of her breathing. His body was acutely aware of the fact that they had only made love once in the past two weeks.

Shilla watched as Liz took another little step that turned into a run as she fairly flew at Max. He caught her against him as if he had done it millions of times before and lifted her up into his body with one arm. Their mouths crashed together and Shilla distinctly heard the Queen’s soft moan. She was completely speechless, vacillating between being utterly shocked at the abandon she was witnessing or hopelessly charmed that two people could be like this with each other. Excessive emotion was not common on Dendar.

She knew she should leave them to themselves, but she couldn’t. They were blocking the only exit.

Liz ran her hands through Max’s hair, mussing it completely in her attempts to pull his mouth down harder on hers. His hand gripped her hair as he angled her head to allow him maximum invasion space. His tongue caressed the inside of her mouth deeply and intimately, causing all the heat in her body to pool at the juncture of her thighs in a moist rush. She arched even closer to his arousal, rubbing herself against him in an age-old effort to both incite and relieve.

Tearing his mouth away from hers, Max kissed a trail from her jaw to her throat, his body trembling at the relief of doing something so familiar again. He found the pounding pulse point at the base of her neck and rested his sensitive lips against it fleetingly.

"M-Max," Liz managed. "I love you. I missed—"

Another kiss ended her efforts to speak. He ate at her bottom-lip, causing sparks to ignite behind her closed eyelids. Sparks that made her realize she hadn’t had a flash yet. A harsh sound slipped from Max’s throat when she broke away and stared up at him with bright eyes. "Nothing," she breathed.

"Oh god, Liz," was all he could manage as his temperature spiked even higher. He forgot everything. He forgot that he was worried about what could happen to her if he made love to her too roughly. He forgot all his intentions to find out what had happened when he was married to Tess before subjecting her to more visions. He forgot about dinner and that they weren’t alone in the room.

Staring up at him, Liz saw his eyes darken and knew she had gotten through to him. "Max?"

She was asking him to make love to her. He swallowed before saying: "Yes!"

They left an open-mouthed Shilla gaping after them as Max carried Liz into the bedroom with long strides. She was starting to gain a new respect for the Antarian way of life!

He was tearing at the buttons of her sweater when it hit him: she was pregnant! He shouldn’t be attacking her like some sex-starved maniac. But Liz was all over him, she had managed to open his shirt before they even entered the bedroom and she was nipping at his skin in that maddeningly arousing way she had perfected over their years together. They were just inside the bedroom door that had silently slid shut behind them and the bed suddenly looked a long way off to him. "Liz," he begged, trying to pull her away from him and calm down somewhat before making love to her. If he did it now…

Determined not to let him slow them down, Liz wriggled in his arms until he let her slide down his hard body. She looked up and met his dark and hungry eyes, letting him see exactly how desperate she was for him. She felt light-headed and heavy at the same time, desire for this man in front of her making the blood rush through her veins at a dizzying pace. He was holding her by her shoulders with unsteady hands, inadvertently pulling the edges of her half-undone sweater apart. Liz licked her lips, tasting him in her mouth. And wanting so much more.

His eyes were drawn helplessly from her moist mouth to the swell of her breasts, still encased in a lacy bra, when she took a deep breath. She’s pregnant, he repeated to himself even while his fingers found the last buttons of her sweater and ripped them open. He kissed her again, a hard, bruising, deep and desperate kiss that forced her mouth open underneath his. Her tongue met his halfway and he heard his own groan echo in his ears. God, they’ve been married for nearly eight years, and she still drives him insane with lust. He urgently shrugged off his shirt before finding the fastening of her bra, ridding her of that too and bringing her against him. The rubbing together of their bare torsos inflamed him further.

Liz whimpered when her sensitive breasts came in contact with the hard muscles of his chest. Some sane part of her brain was stunned at her wild behavior. Yes, she always wanted Max, she even sometimes got a little out of control while making love with him, but this… She was practically clawing at his back to get him inside her. If she had not lost the ability to talk coherently, she would have begged him to make them one quickly. To do it before she exploded into tiny pieces. She had never felt so out of control in her life.

"You’re pregnant, sweet…" It was a slurred mumble as Max tried one last time to slow down the juggernaut of their passion. The only answer he got was a low moan and another nip at his chest.

He gave up. Let the consequences be on his head, but he couldn’t help himself anymore.

He wrapped Liz in his arms and kissed her with the pent-up hunger of their time apart. Her mouth was as urgent as his and he covered her face with kisses, breathed in the seductive scent of her hair and moved her back against the wall for support as they both trembled with the force of their release from the restriction they’d imposed on themselves.

With his hands free to revel in the soft curves of her femininity, his mouth sought hers again, loving it, caressing it. Her arms were around his neck now, her body arched against his, her fingers curling into his hair, holding him to her, wanting him.

He was painfully hard within the constriction of his pants, desperate for the release only his Liz could give him. And she was burrowing even closer to him, the quiver of her thighs revealing the same feverish desire that gripped him. Their connection consisted only of their desperate desire to consummate, leaving no place for shared visions or flashes.

His hands found the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. The silky scrap of her panties was moved apart easily to give him access to the intimacy he craved. She was wet with need for him and he gloried in the way she shuddered as he stroked her.

"Max, please." It was a soft cry and a gasp all in one.

"Liz… I’m dying for you…"

Still keeping her pinned to the door, he got his own clothes out of the way and slid inside her, hearing her soft relieved sigh.

She lifted her leg, opening herself further, sensuously stroking his leg with it. Only a shallow penetration was possible and the teasing of it was driving him crazy with excitement. He shoved his pants further down his thighs, filled his hands with the soft roundness of her bottom and hoisted her up, the explosive tension inside him demanding the thrust that took him deep inside her, fast and strong and intensely fulfilling.

Liz moaned his name in his ear, his possession of her so incredibly needed and satisfying. She wound her legs around his hips, sinking him even further inside her.

Then there was a moment to die for, a moment of stillness, of exquisite appreciation of how it was to be together like this, so deeply co-joined, owning an inner-world that was uniquely theirs.

Her hands clutched at his shoulders, fingers digging into his flesh as though they, too, would claw inside. Her head was thrown back, exposing her long throat, and there, at the base of it her pulse visibly throbbed. Max kissed it, drew on it, loving the sense of her heart thrumming with his.

He felt her muscles start to spasm around him and abandoned the kiss to ride the gathering storm of sensation, pushing it until the waves of her release rolled through him and tilted him over into his own release. The intensity was blinding and he didn’t even hear himself call her name. Liz. Love. Shani.

She slumped over him, hugging his head and he buried his face in the heaving softness of her breasts. He wrapped her fiercely in his arms to prevent her from slipping away from him, holding onto their intimacy as long as he could. Her fingers stroked his neck as though gentling him and he felt a rush of tenderness for the woman she was, the mother she would be.

Only when she stirred did he become aware of his surroundings again; the bed not a few feet from them, the soft vibration of the ship underneath his feet, the fact that their guards and a very surprised servant girl were probably on the other side of the door.

"Max…" she whispered, her breath warm on his skin, alerting him to the shift that had to be made.

Liz leaned back against the wall. Max lifted his head. Her face was flushed, her eyes glittering, her mouth slightly parted as though her lips were too sensitized to close. She met his gaze intently. "I love you. That is more important than anything else." Telling him indirectly that whatever his past held, she was his present and future.

"I’m sorry for…" He couldn’t even say it. He had taken his pregnant wife against a wall!

She smiled at him crookedly. "Yeah, I can’t believe we just did this."

Alarm ripped through him, making him irrational. "But you wanted it?" he pressed.

"Yes," she answered fiercely. "More than anything."

His fear dissolved into a relieved and happy grin.

"Do you think you could let me stand on my own two feet again?" She sounded unbearably happy and his body reacted to that note in her voice that he had missed so much.

Nodding, he kissed her to make up for the more intimate disconnection. He clenched his jaw when he saw that Liz was still wearing her skirt and was walking unsteadily to the bed. Cursing himself, he kicked off his pants and caught up with her, swinging her into his arms and carrying her the final few paces before depositing her on the mattress. Sinking to his knees next to the bed, he helped her take off the skirt and her underwear, trying not to notice how languidly she stretched as soon as she was naked.

He had more pressing problems than his rapidly returning arousal. Pulling her closer to the edge, he let his hands run over her body, trying to ascertain if he did any damage with his wild behavior.

Liz shivered underneath his light touches, still needing more of him. She could see that he was back to ‘my pregnant wife is made of porcelain’ mode and she reached out to smooth the frown from between his beautiful eyes with her finger. "Max…" her voice was sultry and low. He had just managed to make her feel like the most desirable woman in the universe and she could also feel the vestiges of his desire for her still reverberating through their connection. She licked her lips. She wanted more.

Still valiantly trying to ignore Liz’s attempts at distraction, Max finally let his left hand rest on her belly, exhaling in relief when the glow appeared. Leaning forward, he rained tiny little kisses on her stomach. "Sorry, baby. I’m sorry I was so rough with you and mommy."

Finally giving up on the subtle approach, Liz grabbed his head and pulled it up to her. "Well, mommy isn’t sorry that you loved her like that." She kissed his warm mouth, running her tongue over his lips until he opened them with a small exclamation. The kiss was seductively sweet at first, before it turned fiercely passionate. "Love me some more, Max. Please…"


Shilla had hurried out of the suite as soon as the entryway was clear and she fled past James with heated cheeks, not hearing his soft "Thank God". She had never in her life witnessed such raw emotion and it made her feel funny inside. She couldn’t help but wonder if James would ever look at someone the way Max had looked at Liz. She had thought that Antarians were more or less the same than Dendarians. They mated, they had sex, but they never gave in to intense emotions. But watching that scene just now had made a tiny part of her wish that someone would be so intense about her one day.

James, on the other hand, felt like sending a rejoicing message to all the Antarians on the ship. Max and Liz were back to their old ways! They had all watched with trepidation as their royal couple struggled through this rough patch, all silently praying that this would pass. None of them wanted to see either Max or Liz looking as sad and unbalanced as they have for the past couple of days. It affected the group. But only the famed passionate encounters of Max and Liz could send poor Shilla running for cover like that. Emotion like Max and Liz’s were still a rare thing among Antarians, but they had gotten used to seeing it whenever the two visited the camp in the desert. It would be new to the Dendarians though. James grinned to himself, glad he would be there to witness all the shocks that would follow the arrival and stay of the King and Queen of Antar on Dendar!


"I can’t believe they have the nerve to come here!" Tess was furiously pacing her room in the Dendarian palace. "They are obviously intent on ruining my life at all costs."

The man lying on her bed watched her progress with dark eyes. He was enjoying her passion. "I have to go soon, it will be light. Come back here."

"Is sex all you care about?" she flung at him. "He will take away my position, I tell you!"

"We won’t let them. This is all part of my big plan." He sounded sure of himself.

"It better be," Tess pouted. "Your position would be in trouble too, you know."

"If my plan works, no one would ever doubt my position again."


Max and Liz were finally having the dinner that Shilla had left them hours before. She sat on his lap wearing one of his shirts and he was in a pair of sweatpants. They were trading kisses between eating, incredibly happy to be close like this again. They only had a few nights left on this ship before they would reach Dendar, and Max had an idea that he would be very busy once they were there. So, they had to make the most of their time left here.

He absently rubbed his hand over Liz’s stomach and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "Tell me the truth, are you really feeling okay?"

Her tinkling laugh lifted his spirits. "Yes, Daddy, I’m fine."

His breath hitched in his throat at the term. Daddy. Emotion suddenly choked him and he pressed his forehead against Liz’s. "If I haven’t told you before… You have made my life complete, Liz Evans."

She hugged him back. "I only ever wanted you. Our baby is a bonus."

They held each other tightly. Could their lives get any better?

Let it not be said that she was a slow learner, Shilla thought as she served lunch to Max and Liz a few days later. It was a ritual now, Max would arrive in the suite at various times throughout the day and she would leave. Unless she was asked to stay. Those were her favorite times since she got to see Max and Liz together and what an education she was getting! They always held hands when they were near each other, like they just HAD to touch in some way. And the looks that they shared just blew Shilla away.

Her second favorite was sitting with the Queen and just chatting. Liz liked to talk about her home on earth and her parents. And, of course, about how wonderful Max was. Shilla was slowly gaining an understanding for this most unusual couple. She now knew that Liz was not Antarian but human, and that the King had chosen her of his own free will. And that they had bonded twice and also "got married" according to the earth’s traditions a long time ago.

The only weird moment had been when Shilla had cautiously asked about the other Queen that was on Dendar and where she fit in. Liz’s eyes had fleetingly clouded over before she said simply that Tess was supposed to have been Max’s mate. Shilla had left it at that. Especially after she got a stern look from Max when he arrived for lunch that day and had spoken softly with Liz. She hadn’t been able to hear what they were saying, but she did take note of the soothing way in which Max stroked Liz’s hair. And the intense way he had kissed her before he left. Over and over until Liz finally pushed him out the door with a small giggle.

Shilla had still not figured out why the King left so late in the mornings. He was clearly up for a while by the time he went to his meetings and sometimes he was frowning fiercely as she passed him on her way in. On these occasions, she would find the Queen looking pale. She had also noticed that the Queen got dizzy on occasion. Shilla hoped the Queen wasn’t sick or something, because she didn’t think either of these two people would make it without the other!

And now it was the day before they would arrive on Dendar. The excitement on the ship was as palpable as the tension in the Antarian group. Even James, who normally was quite friendly with her, had become stern and quiet. Nick and Grace were having lunch with Max and Liz and they were talking about the big celebration that would be held on Dendar for Max’s arrival.

"So the other ship will get there today?" Liz asked. She couldn’t wait to tell Maria about her news. She would have to do it in some soundproof room, though.

"That’s what they tell me," Nick answered. "I will speak to Michael again later today."

"I think we should ask them to stay on the ship until we’re there too. I’d like for us all to arrive together," Max said as he took Liz’s hand and kissed her knuckles. He could feel her excitement at seeing their friends again.

"I will contact him again later then you can talk to him," Nick answered. They had been communicating with Michael and the others twice daily during the trip.

"Where are we going to stay when we’re there?"

Nick looked at Liz. "Well, there is some good news. Max’s parents had a suite in the Dendarian palace. It’s like a house within the palace. They are preparing it for you all."

Max and Liz had the same thought immediately. "Where is Tess staying?"

"She apparently has her own rooms somewhere else in the palace. I have no idea why she isn’t staying in the royal suite." Nick smiled at their obvious relief. He paused before saying: "We have to talk about money, Max."

"Money?" It was the first time this ever came up.

"Yes, obviously your family had a substantial fortune before the war with Tresar. While some of it was very definitely lost when the planet was destroyed, Dendar served as a base for ‘banking’ if you like. A lot of it may still be available once we get there."

"Money?" Max seemed unable to grasp the context.

"Well, not really money as you would know it from earth. But resources and jewels that are very valuable in our galaxy." Nick didn’t mention that he hoped the family jewels were part of what was left. Better to leave that as a surprise for when they are found.

"Yeah, uhm… I think you’d better handle the finances," Max told Nick dryly.


Michael and Maria had had one of their infamous fights and took to glaring at each other whenever they were in the same room. Michael had unfortunately made too big a deal of being happy to get off the "blasted ship" and for finally getting away from having Maria, Isabel and Alex "yapping" in his ears all the time. The truth was, he had cabin fever…. And he needed Max’s advice on how to get bonded to Maria. Commitment and romance was not his strong suit.

Isabel, on the other hand, had taken to her exalted position like a fish to water. She wore the Royal Antarian garb almost daily, liking the identity it gave her. They had talked to Max earlier and decided to wait for him and Liz to arrive before shuttling down to Dendar. As she stood in front of the large window in the lounge area and stared down at the silent planet that drifted just below them, she felt a stab of pain that they would never get to see their own planet. That Antar was gone and so were their families.

Hearing the voices of Alex and Maria behind her, a smile returned to her face. But she had Max and four wonderful friends.


Cleaning the kitchen after lunch, Shilla dropped everything when she heard a soft gasp from the dining area. She found Liz sitting on her heels on the floor, clinging to one of the chairs and looking deathly pale. "Queen Liz!" she cried and rushed to her. "Are you okay?"

"Very dizzy," Liz mumbled, raising a shaking hand to her face.

"Should I go get the King?" Shilla asked anxiously. Max and the others had left a few minutes ago and this was the only answer Shilla could come up with.

"No!" Liz yelled weakly. "No please… Just help me to bed. Need to lie down for a few minutes."

Practically dragging an unsteady Liz to the bedroom, Shilla was close to panicking. If the King got upset when Liz was merely mildly distressed, she could just imagine how he would react if he knew about this. She helped Liz onto the bed and hurried off to get her something to drink. When she put that next to the bed, Liz asked her to go get Grace, but she ran into Max outside in the corridor instead and he looked at her with alarm.

"The Queen… nearly fainted," Shilla blurted out breathlessly, seeing the shock register on Max’s face just before he sprinted back to the room.

Ignoring the nervous Shilla, who was hovering in their door and wringing her hands, Max dropped to his knees next to the bed where Liz lay with her eyes closed.

"She shouldn’t have told you," Liz smiled weakly when he put his hand on her forehead.

"Lord, Liz! Don’t scare me like this! What happened? Is it our—?"

Nodding slightly, Liz finally managed to drag her eyes open. "It happens sometimes, love. It’s normal." At least, Liz HOPED it was. This was the worst dizzy spell she’d ever had. She felt such tenderness for Max as he knelt helplessly by her side. He hated this, that much she knew. He hated not being able to help her. "A kiss would make me feel better."

He kissed her on her forehead, then on her eyelids, then on her cheeks, on her nose, on her chin, all the while murmuring soft words of love to the mother of his first child. By the time he reached her inviting mouth, she was smiling. The kiss was long and wet and sweet. They tasted each other gently, tongues caressing and exploring, lips brushing for endless moments.

When they finally broke apart, they smiled at each other lovingly before Liz finally noticed the anxious Shilla still standing at the door. "I’m fine now, Shilla," Liz assured her too. "But could you still go find Grace, please?’

Shilla nodded, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat. She had been really scared that something terrible was happening to Liz. And then to witness that tender scene! She was starting to suspect that emotions were infectious.

Liz waited until Shilla had left before lifting her shirt and placing their linked hands on her stomach. They both stared at the glow that appeared. "See, our baby is fine."

Max looked at her seriously. "Liz, I love our baby, but you have to know that you are my first priority right now. And…" His eyes skittered away from hers. "And that is an alien baby you’re carrying. We don’t know what… You have to promise to tell me if you feel something’s wrong, okay?" He met her gaze imploringly.


"I know you think I need to concentrate on other things right now, and that you should… rather keep some stuff from me, but… but I beg you not to." He touched her face with his free hand. "Cause not knowing is just going to make me worry more."

Biting her lip, Liz realized that what he was saying was true. From their connection, he would pick up that something was wrong, and if she denied it, he would just freak even worse.

"Promise me," he stressed.

"Okay. I promise." She watched him relax and put her hand on his cheek to pull him closer. She was starting to feel weepy and kissed him softly. "I love you so much! Don’t ever leave me!"

His first instinct was to panic about why she was suddenly feeling so vulnerable but when he looked into her moist eyes, he realized this was hormonal. She didn’t really believe he would leave her. So he just said, "I promise" quietly and tenderly wiped the moisture from her cheeks.

Max was ushered out when Grace arrived, much to his disgust. And Grace had barely returned from the lounge area when Liz burst into great racking sobs. Grace patted her back and waited to hear what this was all about.

"I’m so scared, Grace!" Liz was lying on her side, crying into Max’s pillow. "I don’t want to see Tess again. I don’t want to wear that damn Antarian outfit again. It hurts him."

She sounded incoherent to Grace.

"What if all this familiar alien stuff makes him want to go back to Tess? What if something happens to my baby?"

"He would never stop loving you," Grace tried to stop the avalanche of tears. "And Nick says he was very unhappy when he got married to her."

"But what if she was better than me in bed?" Liz practically wailed. "What if he remembers that now? Oh God, he’s only going to stay with me for the baby!"

"It will never happen," Grace tried again, only making Liz cry harder. She was starting to gain respect for the calm way in which Nick had handled her own outbursts when she was pregnant with Madelaine. Getting an idea, she quietly motioned Shilla closer and sent her off with instructions.

A few minutes later, Grace put a gurgling Maddie next to Liz on the bed. The little girl regarded the weeping lady curiously before reaching out her tiny hand and grabbing Liz’s nose. This caused a fit of laughter from Liz and Grace sighed in relief. Max was handling the next emotional outburst himself!

Still feeling unsteady from her bout of morning sickness, Liz sat among their luggage and waited for Max and Nick to finish the preparations for their trip down to Dendar. She smiled as Shilla came in and gestured for the girl to come sit with her.

"I wanted to give you something for being so patient with me and Max during this week." Liz handed Shilla a pendant with the Antarian royal seal that she had asked Max to make the night before. "I feel like you are the only Dendarian that I know and I want to thank you for being so nice to me. To us."

Shilla smiled broadly. "No, thank you! I really enjoyed working for you. And…" She wondered how much she could say without giving offence. "And I’m really glad you two are happy again."

"Yeah, we are," Liz said, fighting off the flash of fear and hurt she felt at the prospect of seeing Max’s former bride again. He loves me so much, why can’t I get past these irrational feelings? Maybe because Tess had once turned Max into someone even he didn’t understand himself. What if she could do it again? Liz glanced at the bag carrying her new supply of Antarian royal clothes. It was in various designs, but all were either white with dark green markings or dark-green with white markings. She still hadn’t worn any of it again after that time that Max had the flashback to his past life. She had an awful feeling that it was seeing her in those clothes that brought all that on. Seeing Max in such pain had been horrible, not to mention that it included him having flashes about Tess. And you, the little voice reminded her.

"Shilla?" Liz’s voice stopped the girl from leaving the suite. "Would you be able to join us on Dendar? I mean come and help us… me, when we live in the Dendar palace?"

Shilla was nodding already, with shining eyes.

"I’m going to need help with the Dendarian customs and… and help with hiding my condition for as long as possible." Liz watched Shilla anxiously. She was taking a big risk in telling her about the pregnancy, but she would need Shilla if she stayed with them.

"Your-your condition?" Shilla had paled at the statement. She rushed over to kneel at Liz’s feet. "Are you ill?"

"No!" Liz smiled down at her. "I’m pregnant."

There was utter confusion on Shilla’s face for a few moments. "You mean you… you still have the baby inside you?"

Liz was frowning now. "What do you mean?"

"I mean… How far along are you?"

"About 3 weeks, why?"

"Oh! Well, then its not too late yet."

Liz was starting to doubt whether she did the right thing by telling Shilla. "Too late for what?"

"For harvesting the cells and putting them in a breeding pod." Shilla was looking at her strangely.

"You mean women on Dendar don’t carry their babies inside them until they are born?"

"No!" Shilla exclaimed. "It’s much safer in the…" Her voice faltered. "You carry the baby the whole time on earth?"

"Yes." Liz put her hand on her stomach, seeing the faint glow moments before she heard Shilla gasp. Looking up at the girl, she said: "See, how can I not have this magic happening inside me? It’s a little part of Max and the feeling is incredible."

"Can I—" Shilla reached out a hand and Liz allowed her to touch her tummy. The glow stopped as soon as Liz took her own hand away.

"It only glows for Max and I," she clarified when Shilla looked at her questioningly. "So, will you help me? But you have to promise me that no one else will know about this baby until we feel its safe."

"Of course!" A lot of things were starting to make sense to Shilla now. Carrying a baby inside you for such a long time! How strange was that? But if Liz and Max felt they wanted to do things this way as well as keep the baby a secret, she would honor their wishes.


When Max came back to the suite later, he found Liz in their bedroom, wearing the Antarian royal outfit of white with the dark green markings. She hadn’t seen him yet and he grabbed onto the door, holding himself steady as another flash of Liz, sitting and writing in a book, tore through him. She was always alone in the visions, but he could hear his own voice, calling her Shani. He concentrated on steadying his breathing, but Liz had felt him and turned around, rushing to him as she saw his pale face.

"Are you okay?" She sounded distressed. "I KNEW this was going to happen again! But Shilla told me—"

"Liz, sweetness, I’m fine." He touched her face gently. "I just saw you again."

They walked over to the bed together and sat down. "Max, what is going on? Why does this happen every time I wear these clothes? Shilla told me there would be an official welcoming committee and that I should dress like the Queen. I’m sorry! I don’t want to hurt you," she babbled.

Max caught her hand. "Shhh, I’m fine. No piercing headaches this time." He rubbed his thumb over her wrist soothingly. "I spoke to Nick and we still don’t know why I see flashes of you. There was no one like you in my life that anyone knows of." He didn’t want to tell her too much of what Nick had said about his marriage to Tess, it was too confusing. "All I know is that my marriage to Tess was arranged, so don’t worry, okay?"

Nodding mutely, Liz leaned into Max’s shoulder. "Did-did you sleep with her when you were married?" The question was out before she could stop herself.

"I-I don’t know," Max sounded defeated. "I’m sorry."

Liz crawled onto his lap and nearly choked him with her embrace. "No, I’m sorry. It was an unreasonable question. I’m so sorry…"

They kissed each other desperately, trying to assuage some of the hurt and uncertainty they felt. "We’ll be fine," Max whispered against her mouth, wishing he really were sure of that.


Meanwhile, Maria was driving everyone insane on the shuttle. She could hardly sit still and she was chattering incessantly about how she had missed Liz and "even Prince Charming" and WHEN were they getting to the other ship?

Michael was starting to feel like his head was going to explode. He was just about to yell at Maria when they felt the soft bump of the shuttle docking. "About damn time," Michael muttered under his breath.

The doors opened to reveal a smiling Nick… and behind him, Max and Liz.

"Chicca!" Maria squealed, shoving everyone out of her way to fling her arms around Liz. The two friends hugged tightly, while Max went over to hug his sister.

"I missed you," he told her quietly.

"Me too."

Behind them, the luggage was being carried onto the shuttle as the Antarian Royal Family, their friends, Advisors and guards all filed onto the shuttle.

Maria, Alex and Liz sat together to catch up, as did Max, Michael and Isabel.

"You look like you belong in that outfit," Maria told Liz enviously. Maria was wearing a similar outfit in dark blue, but without all the markings and seals. Liz glanced at Max and he smiled at her encouragingly. The guys all wore Antarian clothes too, snug-fitting pants and vests with a billowing robe over it. Max was wearing the dark-green of his family, while Alex and Michael’s outfits were various shades of blue.

"This is SO bizarre!" Maria continued. "I cannot believe I am in some strange galaxy wearing a weird clothes. Hey, I’ve never even been out of the US until now." She glared in Michael’s direction.

Liz was bursting with her news, but she couldn’t risk telling Maria while they were surrounded by strangers on the shuttle. Knowing Maria, her shriek would be heard in the neighboring galaxy. Shilla appeared at her elbow at some stage, bringing her a snack. Liz caught her arm when she turned to leave. "Everyone, this is Shilla. She will be working for us in the palace too. Shilla, these are my friends Maria and Alex."

Shilla bowed her head to them respectfully. "I have heard so much about you."

"Yep, the super humans from earth! That’s us," Alex grinned at her.

Maria had been staring at Liz with narrowed eyes. "What’s with the snacking? And why are WE not getting any food?"

"Oh sorry!" Shilla exclaimed, glancing nervously at Liz. "I’ll go get some more…"

"No, it’s okay." Maria waved at her. "I just really want to know why Liz is apparently eating enough for two now…" Her eyes widened. "Oh. My. God! Liz Evans! You aren’t!"

"Maria!" Liz tried to catch her friend’s wildly flailing arms. "Shhh! Calm down would you." She shook her head at Max who was on his feet and ready to come over.

"Okay, what the heck are you screaming about Deluca?" Alex was staring between Liz and Maria.

Max had ignored Liz’s indication that he should leave her to handle this and ordered the group of friends into a nearby little room. He grabbed Liz’s hand and followed a still hyperventilating Maria, a perplexed Alex and an irritated Michael and Isabel into the room. After the door closed behind them, Max pulled Liz to stand in front of him. "We have something to tell you all," he stated.

Maria kept on muttering ‘oh my god’ over and over until Michael put his hand over her mouth. "What is up with you two?"

Not really knowing how to say it, Max brought his and Liz’s linked hands up and placed them over her stomach. He could see from the stunned expressions around the room that the glow had started up again.

"We are going to have a baby," Liz said softly.

"Wow." Alex was the first to say something.

"Lizzie!" Maria screamed again and launched herself at Max and Liz, only escaping knocking them over because Max braced himself against the door. She hugged them both tightly.

"I’m amazed that it took so long the way you two are normally at it!" Alex again.

Max was looking at Isabel. "That’s great, Max," she finally said, sounding unsure.

Michael was another story altogether. "I’m sorry, but are you insane, Maxwell! I can’t believe you would do this when you knew we might be going into war?"


"Whatever! You always do what you want anyway." He stormed out.

Holding Max back, Liz told him quietly. "I’ll go talk to him."

She found Michael standing in front of one of the windows. "It’s not his fault, you know. It’s mine."

As loudly as Michael always yelled at Max, he never could quite manage it with Liz. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, this was not planned and is entirely my fault. I lied to Max so he wouldn’t find out and leave me behind."

"Why would you do that?" Michael sounded agitated. "How are we supposed to protect both you and the baby?"

"I-I just couldn’t be without him, Michael. It’s selfish, but I’d rather be here with him when something goes wrong, than to be safely on earth and maybe never see him again." She touched his arm tentatively. "Please don’t make this harder for him. You know Max, he is already freaking out as it is."

He was silent for a long time before sighing: "Okay."

They turned around to find Max watching them from the entrance to the room. Liz walked over to him immediately and snuggled into his embrace.

Michael walked past and just said: "Congratulations, Maxwell."

Liz felt Max relax and press a kiss on her head. "That went well," he said laconically.


The crowd awaiting them on Dendar was huge. They disembarked the shuttle in a large building, with Max and Liz leading the way. Max held Liz’s hand resolutely, not allowing her to slink away and blend into the rest of the group. The commander of their ship led them towards a group of formally dressed Dendarians that Max assumed was the King and his family.

There was clapping and singing and when they were a few steps away from the welcoming committee, a small blonde launched herself at Max crying: "My husband! You’re back!"

Several things happened at once. Max’s heart plummeted to his feet. Maria gasped in outrage. Michael cursed. Some of the Antarian guards rushed over.

And Max felt Liz flinch next to him. He gripped her hand tighter as James stepped between them and the oncoming Tess. Without even looking at Max, James took Tess’ arm firmly and steered her to the back of the little Antarian group. To say Max was relieved was an understatement. There was no way he wanted to have this confrontation in public and James had handled it perfectly. He had made Tess a part of their group without having her too close to Max and Liz.

Furiously tugging to get her arm out of James’ grip, Tess was fuming. "Get your hands—"

"Nice to see you again, Tess," Michael took up position on her other side. "If you promise not to make a scene, we promise not to hurt and humiliate you in public."

He had to fight to keep himself from glancing backwards to see what was going on with Tess, but Max knew he shouldn’t acknowledge her in any way right now as it would only add to the spectacle. So instead, he took a deep breath, pulled Liz closer to him, whispered "my Shani" in her ear, and continued walking towards the Dendar Royal group.

Liz wanted to die. If it weren’t for Max’s arm around her waist, she would’ve run away by now. Tess had managed to make her feel like the "other woman" in Max’s life. The one that stole him from his legitimate wife. She didn’t even want to know what the people of Dendar thought about her already! Then she heard him call her "my Shani", my love, and she realized that the only opinion she cared about was his. Max Evans. Her husband three times over. So she straightened her shoulders and lifted her head proudly. She may not be seen as the true Queen of Antar, but she was the true love of the King of Antar.

The King of Dendar was exceedingly polite to them both, welcoming them to his planet and expressing the wish that Max’s presence would have a positive impact on the peace talks. He also "cordially invited" them to a function in their honor that would be held the following evening.

After saying a few words of thanks, Max motioned his group out of there. He needed to be alone with Liz. And he needed to sort out Tess.

Their suite in the Dendar palace was mansion-like. And the silence that thundered between the members of the group was overwhelming as they waited in the entrance hall for Nick and his men to finish their inspection of the place. Tess had started saying something, but Michael had slapped his hand over her mouth and kept her in pinned to his side. However, he could not stop the glares she was throwing at Max and Liz.

Max had turned his back on his former bride and pulled Liz into his arms so she could rest her head on his chest. He rubbed his hands over her back soothingly. He could feel how tired she was and he just wanted to get her to their room so she could take a nap.

Shilla was stunned yet again. She stood to the side, waiting for instructions and trying to understand the obviously strained atmosphere. She had been amazed when the "fake Queen", as she has started referring to Tess, threw herself at Max during the reception. As far as she understood, Tess had not been bonded with Max, so what was she doing acting like he was hers? Shilla could just imagine how poor Liz was feeling. But at least it looked like Max was aware of that and trying to help her.

"Everything is fine," Nick announced from the top of the staircase and Max turned to Michael.

"Wait here with her, please." He took Liz and Maria upstairs. The rooms that were supposed to be his and Liz’s were magnificent. It consisted of two bedrooms and bathroom and an "informal living area". Max halted in the door of the one bedroom, feeling that dull ache he had learned to associate with the resurfacing of his old memories suddenly pressing down on his temples. He grabbed for something to hold onto, and found only Liz.

Staggering under his unexpected weight, Liz managed to push him against the wall to hold him upright. "Max!" she cried.

"No," he sounded weak. "Get me out of here," his voice got a little stronger. "Please, Liz."

They stumbled out of the room and into the other bedroom, Max started feeling better immediately.

"What did you see?" Liz asked him anxiously when he was seated on the side of the bed.

Max was still taking deep breaths in an attempt to get himself to calm down. "Uh… nothing specific. I just had… this feeling. This awful feeling." He had felt dread and despair while going into that room. And he had seen a brief flash of Tess, grinning up at him seductively. He was betraying someone. His Shani.

"So we’ll just stay in this room then," Liz said firmly. She had a feeling he wasn’t telling her everything, but right now, she didn’t want to know. Because whatever he wasn’t telling was bound to be about Tess.

Pulling Liz onto his lap, he nearly crushed her in a hug. "I have to go talk to her. I have to get her out of our lives for good." He brushed her hair behind her ear. "Why don’t you take a nap until I get back?"

They kissed softly, longingly, lovingly. "I’ll be back," Max whispered as he rested his forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He found Michael downstairs, glaring at Tess who was obviously trying to mind-warp the people in the hall. "Stop that, Tess." His voice was hard and uncompromising.

She whirled towards him. "So Max Evans, King of Antar returns from the dead. Imagine my surprise to see my beloved DEAD husband!"

Max just got more angry at her sarcasm. "I was never you husband in this life, so just give it up. What do you want?"

She sauntered over to him. "Why King Max, I want to be Queen. How many times must I tell you this?"

"That’s not going to hap—"

"I’m not asking you to give up little Lizzie Parker—"

"It’s Liz EVANS now," he broke into her chattering, seeing her falter with satisfaction.

She recovered quickly. "Whatever. You can keep her as your mistress, just let me have the title."

"That is never going to happen and you know it. I will never degrade Liz like that. She is my wife, my mate and my Queen and you better accept it or I WILL announce your scam to the planet."

"Don’t threaten me, Max Evans. I know things about this war that you don’t. You are going to be in way over your head. And you wouldn’t want something to happen to your precious Liz while you are off fighting a war, now would you? You should have just left her at home."

Max started towards her, but was stopped by Michael’s hand on his arm. "So help me, Tess, if anything happens to Liz, I’m coming after you." His voice was quiet, deadly.

"You are so out of your league here. Think about my offer, I want an answer before the celebration tomorrow night."

"You HAVE my answer. It’s NO."

"Then I will just have to make sure that my position is clear during the party," she announced smugly and flounced out the door.

Max was furious. He couldn’t remember ever being this angry in his life. "James…"

"I’m on it," James answered promptly and left to follow Tess.

"What are you going to do, Maxwell?"

"I’m going to make sure she doesn’t attend that party tomorrow night, that’s what."

Michael nodded, he didn’t really know what to say to his friend.

"Michael, have you maybe… started remembering stuff from our life on Antar? Or of being here on Dendar before?"

"No." Michael was looking at him strangely. "Why?"

"I keep getting these-these flashes that I can’t make sense of. Nick can’t help me either. He only told me that I definitely WAS married to Tess and that it was arranged. And that I was miserable."

"So what… are you getting flashes of you and Tess?"

"Only two. The rest are… about Liz."

"What? Maxwell, that’s impossible. Maybe you just have her on the brain—"

"No Michael. I see her wearing these Antar Royal clothes. And I kept calling her ‘Shani’ during these flashes."

"Ooh, calling her someone else’s name is NOT fine."

"It means ‘Beloved’ in Antarian." Max could see that Michael was completely floored.


"Yeah," Max sighed. "It’s driving me crazy. I don’t know what to tell Liz. I don’t know what the hell happened while I was married to Tess. I don’t know if I knew Liz when we lived on Antar…" He thrust his hands through his hair in frustration.

Michael watched him pace in silence. "Yeah, I was wanting to ask you something too." Why did Michael sound so tentative? "I-I uh… I want to get bonded to-to Maria," Michael was staring at his feet causing Max to grin. This was going to lead to another ear-piercing shriek from the lively pixie. "I need you to help me, you know, plan things."

Wiping the grin off his face so as not to increase Michael’s nervousness further, Max said solemnly: "Sure I’ll help."

The two friends looked at each other. They had come a long way. From bickering and fighting to a place where each of them knew that the other got their back.


James waited around the corner to see which room Tess entered. He also caught a glimpse of a man waiting for her, his back turned to the door. Well, this certainly is interesting. Maybe Shilla can find out who Tess was seeing…


Max found Liz sleeping in their bed and Maria standing at the window. "Hey Maria," he said softly, going over to join her.

"Hey," she smiled up at him before risking a glance at Liz. "Did you get rid of the pest?"

He grinned. "Sort of. Is Liz okay?"

Maria looked over at her sleeping friend again. "I guess so. This pregnancy is not going to hurt her, is it?"

"I-I don’t know. So far she seems fine apart from the glowing stomach and morning sickness."

"This is just killing you, isn’t it?" She stared up at him shrewdly.

"I… I would rather have done this on earth. I don’t like that I’m going to be away from her a lot while I’m here…"

"Well, she has me."

"I know." He hugged her spontaneously. "Thank you for accepting me in her life from the beginning."

"Are you kidding?" Maria was laughing. "I told her you might be like those spiders that ate their mates after having sex when I found you two in Michael’s flat that first time. Boy, you two were all over each other!" Max was blushing. "Not that THAT has changed! Just so you know, I was ready to kick your ass if you did anything that would have hurt her."

"THAT much I knew," he assured her. "Do you think you could let me have some time alone with her? We could all meet for dinner later. Just tell Shilla if you need anything."

He sat down on the side of the bed after Maria had left, softly brushing his hand over Liz’s hair. He would wait until she woke up, but it was time to make some new memories here on Dendar.

A warmth was invading her womb, making Liz smile before she even opened her eyes. She was lying on her side and as she fought her way up through the layers of sleep, she felt Max gently caressing her stomach with the backs of his fingers. She found him lying next to her, his dark and expressive eyes resting on her face.

"Hey sleepyhead," he said softly and lifted his hand to her face, continuing his caresses on her cheek. "Feel better now?"

"Yes," she smiled at him. In quiet moments like these, when it was just the two of them and their love for each other, it was easy to forget that Max was anything other than her husband and the father of her unborn baby. To forget that he was the King of another planet, that he had had a destiny to fulfil and that he currently had a lot of lives depending on him. In these moments, he looked at her in a way that made her feel like they were the only two people in the universe. That she was all that mattered to him. That the universe could shiver into nothingness around them and he wouldn’t care. "And you?"

"I’m fine. I have all that I need right here next to me." He leaned in for a kiss, tenderly brushing his lips over hers, but not allowing it to deepen too much. "I have good news," he breathed against her mouth.

"Mmmm," she didn’t want him to stop kissing her. "Michael is finally going to pop the question." He grinned when she jerked away in surprise.

"You’re kidding!"

"Nope. He is really nervous and we have to help him. So don’t tell Maria, okay?"

She flung her arms around his neck, pushing him onto his back on the bed and crawling on top of him. "Maria is going to be so happy!"

He closed his eyes to enjoy the little kisses she was raining all over his face. "Hey, if this is the response I get, I’ll have to get Michael to propose more often."

She pulled back from him and shivered as he slid his hands under her top to caress the bare skin of her back. "You know very well that you don’t need any gimmicks to get such a response from me…" She sighed again as his hand moved higher and found the clasp of her bra.

He pressed her upper body tightly against his by flattening his one hand between her shoulder blades. His other hand moved into her hair, holding her face immobile as he trailed moist kisses from her lips to her ear. "This is the honeymoon I never had the previous time I was here." His breath tickled her ear. "It should’ve been you…"

She kissed him urgently then, trying to eliminate whatever it was that he was remembering from the last time he was here, in this suite. "It’s me now, Max," she promised him.

Need. Pure unadulterated need washed over her as Max finally allowed the floodgates of their connection to open. Trembling under the force of his need, Liz opened her mouth wider, allowing him complete access.

He sat them both up to slide Liz’s top and bra off in one smooth movement before pulling off his own shirt. His hands met at the small of her back and slowly trailed upwards until he could press her against his warm skin again. Both of them gasped at the electric contact.

Liz had to bite down a moan when his hands continued to roam her back and sides as he captured her lips again. Her breasts were starting to become sensitive due to her pregnancy and the friction between their bodies was exquisite.

She was straddling his lap, clutching at the solid muscle of his upper arms, leaning into the kiss, her body curving into a taut bow before relaxing against his.

He kissed her eyes shut, then his mouth lingered over the smooth cream column of her throat, until he smiled against her skin and murmured: "You are so beautiful."

They undressed each other further, getting in one another’s way and then his heated mouth found the fine skin at her waist.

Liz looked down at the dark head moving against her and her heart swelled. Sudden tears blurred her vision; she lifted a hand and ran it through the black silk of his hair, cupping his cheek as he turned his face into her glowing stomach. How she loved him!

He kissed her navel, his tongue searching out the small indentation. The intimate touch sending quivers through her. "You are gorgeous too," she told him huskily.

He laughed and kissed her mouth and her throat, and the junction of neck and shoulder, biting it gently, letting her feel his undisguised passion. It stopped her breath in her throat.

This time, their movements were unhurried. To Liz, it felt like everything had gone into slow motion. The way his hand stroked her skin, the powerful thud of her heart in her breast, her boneless lack of energy as she ran her fingers through his hair and curled her hand around his neck, feeling his life-force pulse against it. Her eyelids were weighted in anticipation.

Max’s kiss told her he had searched the universe for her, and that she was more precious to him than life itself. His touch sent fire through her, her breath lodged in her throat when he kissed her breasts. Instinctively, Liz held his head there for a long moment, reveling in the responses of her body.

She moved against him, quick, involuntary movements and she felt his reaction, growing, urgent, but instead of taking her, he said: "No, not yet."

She protested, but he kept on caressing her, until her body was aching with the need to take him inside her.

"Touch me," he finally said.

Drawing a long deep breath, Liz put her hand up to his shoulder, feeling the muscles bunch and quiver beneath her fingers. His skin was hot and she could smell the scent of his arousal, male and incredibly stimulating. Slowly she ran her hand across his back, down the sleekness of his spine and over the taut muscles of his backside. A groan was torn from deep within his throat.

Liz kissed his shoulder, then bit it, then licked the small red crescent she had made. From the corners of her eyes she noted his reaction, his smile, the way his eyes gleamed and darkened. He touched her breasts again, causing an ache to unfurl deep within her. Her hips were moving against him and she slid her hand down his body, touching him intimately.

"No," Max said in a strangled voice, it would be over too soon.

But Liz laughed at him, a smoky, seductive sound, before bending to flick her tongue across his chest. She pressed herself against him until he groaned something in a shaken voice and rolled her over, filling her with one hard thrust as though his life depended on it.

Stabbed by hunger, she ran her hands once more down his back before pulling his hips towards her. "I need you, Max."

He looked at her for a long moment before replying: "I need you too." They moved together then, increasing their pace towards that ultimate release that they craved so much. Liz cried out as the waves of ecstasy flowed through her and Max followed instantaneously, racked by the same flood of sensation. They lay panting in each other’s arms afterwards, basking in the completion only they could bring each other.

Max finally braced himself on his forearms and brushed her tousled hair from her face. "New memories."

It sounded like a promise.


Shilla was starting to lose hope. She had been chatting with some of the other servants in the palace at James’ request, but so far, no one was able to help her about the gentleman in Tess’ bedroom. All she had managed to find out was that there had been a steady stream of men visiting that bedroom in the past few years.

If ever Shilla had doubts about the way that Max had handled his destiny and his choice, they were eradicated by this news. She also made sure to tell the others about the amazing relationship between the Antarian Royal Couple, knowing that the news would soon reach everyone of importance in the Palace. But she kept carefully quiet about Liz’s pregnancy. By tomorrow night, there will be no doubt who Max’s real mate is…


Liz had taken Maria for a stroll through the palace grounds late the afternoon, giving the guys the chance to prepare for Michael’s proposal. They were surrounded by 10 men and no amount of pleading from Liz’s side to decrease the number had made an impression on Max. If someone wanted to get to his wife and child, they would have to go through quite a few bodies to do it. He had kissed her hard before they left, telling her to stay in contact.

"Check in time, chicca," Maria told her with an amused grin while folding her arms and waiting for Liz to concentrate on letting Max know where they were and that they were still safe. "Boy, that man is adorable when he freaks out over you like this."

"Haha, let’s go back and dress up for dinner."


"Because… it’s our first dinner together and I-I’m trying to help Max make new memories here in this place." Liz hoped that sounded convincing.

Maria looped her arm through Liz’s. "Eew, it must be a bit disconcerting for him to suddenly remember doing the nasty with Tess…" She felt Liz go rigid next to her and hastily tried to fix her blunder. "Damn, Lizzie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…"

"It’s okay. He doesn’t exactly remember that yet. Just that they were married…"

Stopping to pull Liz around to look at her, Maria took her hands. "You know that will never happen again, right? That she might be his past but—"

"I know. Thanks for telling me again, though."

Maria hoped that Max has remembered all he was going to remember about his marriage to Tess. And for once, she was glad she didn’t get flashes of Michael’s past when he was with her, because she was very sure that she would not take seeing him and Isabel together very well. "He’s crazy about you, Liz. What normal husband makes love with his wife at all hours of the day after nearly eight years of marriage?" Liz was starting to grin. "Come on, I SAW how you glowed when you came out of that room this afternoon!"


"And I SAW King Max’s silly I’ve-been-getting-happy-with-Liz smile! We’ve been seeing it for years and we were all just too polite to say anything."

Neither of the two women noticed that all the guards were trying to hide their own grins by now.

"Let’s go get dressed, Maria." Liz’s cheeks were flaming. She had no idea that they were so obvious!

Max was waiting in the entrance hall when they got back and he looked at Maria as if she was losing her mind when she burst into hysterical giggles upon seeing him.

"She’s just-just insane," Liz assured him as she kissed his warm mouth quickly and bundled Maria upstairs to where Isabel was waiting. It was make-over time!

The guys just stayed out of the way until all the primping and dressing was done upstairs and they watched appreciatively as the girls all came down the stairs in evening wear.

"Whoa, Michael, who managed to get you into a tux?" Maria walked over to her boyfriend of many years who seemed struck dumb at the moment.

Max sighed, took Liz’s hand and led them all outside to a large balcony from where they could see the three moons that orbited Dendar. A small table with two place settings was waiting for them.

"Don’t tell me this is one of Max’s little Liz schemes—"

"Maria," Michael interrupted her and led her over to the table while their friends stood waiting at the door.

"What?" She truly seemed at a loss and looked over at Liz who was smiling at her broadly. "What?"

"Maria…" Michael was struggling again. "This is for you. For us."

"I don’t… MICHAEL GUERIN!" Her sudden shriek made everyone jump.

"I-I don’t want you to live in sin anymore, so will you—"

"Yes!" She flung herself at him, raining kisses all over his face before finally pulling back. "Wait, you ARE asking me to marry you, right?"

This made them all burst out laughing and Nick took that as his cue to appear. Maria cried her eyes out throughout the bonding ceremony. She couldn’t believe this was finally happening. For once, she was not one of the people in the small circle around Max and Liz, but was inside, with her space boy. Surrounded by her friends. Her mother would be so proud!


Later that night, while Max was lying in bed holding Liz and staring up at the ceiling of their room, his mind returned to what had happened in that other bedroom. He knew he had to go back there and see if maybe he couldn’t remember something concrete.

He gingerly moved away from Liz, but kept his hand on her bare arm until she got used to not having him plastered to her back. Crossing the little lounge area, he walked resolutely towards the closed door. Nothing was worse than uncertainty.

Pushing the heavy door open, he immediately felt the pressure in his temples. Not even bothering to turn on a light, he fumbled his way to the bed and sat down. He heard voices in his head.

His own, indignant: "I can’t do this, Mother."

A female voice: "It’s for the best, Zan. She is a beautiful and wonderful girl."

His again, upset. "She’s not…"

"She’s not who? What is going on with you these last few months?"

Despair washed over him as he heard himself plead: "Please don’t ask me to do this…"

He was shivering by the time the flash ended. This at least confirmed what he already knew, he had not wanted to marry Tess.

Rubbing his face tiredly, he became aware of Nick’s presence in the room, watching him silently. "Liz sent me," he clarified. "She thought I might be able to help you."

"There is something about this room…" Max waved his hand.

"It was your parents’ room whenever the family stayed here. It became yours once you married."

"Where did I sleep before..." He couldn’t even say it.

"In the room Michael and Maria are sharing."

Damn, there was no way he was bothering those two tonight, but he desperately wanted to go to that room to see if he remembered anything from there. Maybe tomorrow…

"Nick, are you sure there was no one like Liz around on Antar? Could she have been in my life without any else’s knowledge?"

Taking a long time to answer, Nick finally stated: "I don’t know, Max. I’m beginning to think your parents showed me what they wanted me to see. If I had not heard some stories about you and-and Tess from the elders, I wouldn’t have known you were unhappily married. They certainly did not show me that. I only saw scenes from your life at war, growing up… Only one or two things from when you were married." He met Max’s gaze in the moonlight. "If you are asking whether you might have had a mistress… I guess its possible."

Max stared at his clasped hands. It was possible, yes, but why did he feel like he wouldn’t have done that to Liz even then? His heart rebelled at the thought. No, whatever his Shani had been in his previous life, she had not been his mistress.

The day of the ball was hectic. After breakfast, Nick had hustled Max out of the suite for an endless round of meetings and discussions, leaving Maria and Shilla with their hands in their hair as Liz cried her way through her first bout of nausea without Max. They managed to get her back in bed later, where she curled up clutching his pillow as her sobs turned to hiccups. "Why do I have to share him with these people?"

Normally unselfish Liz Evans was having another hormonal breakdown and if Maria didn’t fear for her life, she would have laughed hysterically. Liz was acting so… NOT Liz. Now Liz was punching the poor pillow in what Maria suspected was an effort to get back at Max for leaving her here. Poor guy, he would really need all his Prince Charming qualities to see through this pregnancy! Alex was off with Michael, "scoping out" the palace, while Isabel was working on what everyone will be wearing during the function.

By mid-afternoon, Max had met a dizzying number of officials from the four planets, all of who immediately wanted him to hear their side of the story. He had politely asked all of them to wait until the talks start for real.

They had still not gotten word from James about who Tess was seeing. James had been instructed to stay glued to Liz’s side at any moment that Max was not with her, so he had posted two other men to continue monitoring Tess’ movements. She had not left her rooms all day and the men watching her had orders not to let her attend the function.

When Max got back to the suite, he found his wife in his sister’s room, being fitted for an Antarian evening dress. There really was no such thing, but Isabel had decreed that she was not going to the function in the normal top, skirt and robe. So she was "tweaking" their traditional garbs a little.

He watched them in silence from the doorway for a moment, smiling as he felt Liz’s joy at his presence. Isabel would not let her turn around, though, so he walked closer and kissed Liz’s neck. "Hey."

"Max!" Isabel said in irritation. "Don’t get in my way."

"Hi Max," Liz answered. "How was your day?" She sounded worried. "Did all the meetings go okay?"

Completely ignoring Isabel’s warning, he stepped closer until he was against Liz’s back and encircled her waist with his arms. "It was fine. How was yours?"

"Ugh, I was really sick this morning, but other than that, nothing to report."

"Max Evans, get out of this room!"

Isabel was glaring at him now and Max sighed before kissing Liz’s cheek. "See you in a little bit."

He left and found Michael and Maria on their way out to the balcony. "Hey. Would you two mind if I just went in your room for a while? It was my room when we were… here before."

Maria immediately looked alarmed. "Are you sure you should do it now? What if—"

"I’ll be fine, Maria, don’t worry."


"I’ll be fine. Don’t be too long outside, we don’t want to be late for the first intergalactic party on our honor!" He gave them a small smile and waited till they had gone out before entering their rooms.

He braced himself for the images that would assail him, but none came. Curious, he stepped further into the lounge and walked over to the bedroom. His bedroom. A flash of familiarity washed over him as his hand pressed against the door.

His heart was starting to pound. What would he remember when he got inside? He was so afraid that it would be something that would be horrible to Liz. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stepped inside, his eyes finding the wide bed immediately. He had known exactly where it was in the room!

The dull ache in his temples was back, but not nearly as intense as last night. He gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed. The rush of images nearly knocked him to the floor. It was Liz. Liz everywhere. Liz in the sun, in the moonlight, in the dark. Liz outside, in a ballroom, in a space ship, in this room. Max fell backwards onto the bed, trying to catch his breath and calm his heart rate. He felt a desperate longing as he watched her visage floating across his mind’s eye. She was smiling at him, laughing at him, looking at him seriously. Looking at him with passion in her big doe eyes. Shani. She was always just out of his reach, and he felt his urgency increase. He needed to get a hold of her, make sure she could never just leave. Need crashed over him. "Don’t leave me, I need you." His voice sounded strained and hoarse in the silence of the room. "Please, she means nothing to me…"

Cool hands cupped his face and he felt the sweetest relief. It lifted his body on a swell of pure gratitude as he finally managed to grab onto her and hold her to him. "You mean everything to me." It was mumbled into her hair, the silky tresses smelling so wonderfully familiar. He was shuddering in reaction, clinging to her as if she would disappear into thin air if he allowed even a millimeter of air between them.


The soft question invaded his churning mind, smoothing it over with a gentle touch. "Oh God, I thought you had left me! My Shani." He gripped her hair in his fist, pressing her face into his neck as his other hand swept down her back to urge her body into closer contact with his. "I have to do this. Please understand. I hate this… She’s not you."

Holding him tightly, Liz tried to make sense out of all the things that he was muttering. So far, all she knew was that he seemed to believe that she had left him in his previous life.

"She’s not you," he repeated in a defeated voice. "What can I tell them? They’ve never seen you! I can’t explain how I feel to them. This feeling inside me… it’s not something our people know." He pressed his mouth against her temple. "You taste so sweet. How did I know this is what you would taste like? It scares me."

Inside his mind, Liz was sitting and listening to him intently, her head tilted to the side slightly. She had never looked more beautiful to him. But her eyes were filling with tears, causing a sharp stabbing pain in his heart. "Don’t cry. She’s not you. She can never be you, but… I don’t know what to do!"

"You have to follow your destiny."

The soft words made him reel in shock. "Don’t ask me to give you up, please." She was disappearing in front of his eyes. "Please…"

It was a frantic sob. It was too much for Liz. Max was literally coming apart emotionally, she felt his despair and loneliness as if it were her own.

"Max!" She pulled her head back so she could press her lips against his. "Max, look at me."

She was kissing him! Confusion assailed him as he felt her warm mouth move over his. She was kissing him! His hands found her face as he opened his mouth, kissing her back. It was a bruising kiss. One that spoke of so many emotions. I love you, she told him over and over through their connection. I’ll never leave again. He couldn’t get enough of her lips. To finally be able to kiss her like this was overwhelming and glorious. Their tongues mated and he had a sudden vivid picture of them tangled together on a bed, bodies striving for the closest contact possible between two people. He trembled at how right it felt. "Liz…" His eyes blinked open at the name. Liz?

Reality came back with a rush. Max broke away from Liz, gentling his embrace as he stared at her in shock. Her mouth was puffy and red from his hard kiss and her hair was in total disarray. "Liz?" He smoothed a trembling hand over her cheek and jaw.

"You were remembering things, but you were very upset, so I came closer and-and you grabbed me."

Comprehension was finally setting in. He remembered sitting down on the bed and then the visions had hit him. He sat up carefully, lifting Liz to sit on his lap. "Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head. "Are you okay? I was scared that you wouldn’t… come back from wherever you went."

"Yeah. I… It was… upsetting."

"What did you see?"

"You again. You everywhere. I was trying to explain to you about marrying Tess, I think. You were crying and you told me to follow my destiny. Then you… disappeared." His tortured gaze found hers. "It felt like part of me was ripped out."

"I’m sorry, Max. I’ll never leave again. I promise." She leaned her forehead against his and repeated her vow. "I promise."

"I don’t understand this. How could I know you, be in love with you? You are human. Antarians didn’t know love."

"They must have known it at one stage, they have a word for ‘beloved’" she pointed out.

"Yeah." Max’s forehead was crinkled in thought. Why did he keep seeing Liz alone in these memories? And why had they both been saying things they had said to each other in this life of his on earth? Nothing about this made sense.

"We should go get dressed for the ball," Liz reminded him gently. "Will you be okay to go?"

He nodded and lifted her to her feet so he could stand up. He caught her hand when she turned away to go. "Liz, I-I just want to say thank you. For making this life of mine so perfect. I have never had an unhappy day since we got together." He kissed her lightly.

Smiling up at him, Liz countered: "Well, I don’t have a previous life that I know of to relate this one to, but I can honestly say that I won’t need another one to find happiness. I love you, Max Evans."

She gasped when he swung her up in his arms unexpectedly. "Max! What are you doing?"

"I need to take a shower. And I need for you to take it with me." A short and simple answer, hiding so much more.

"Only if I can work the soap buttons," she grinned up at him impishly.

They had reached the hallway, causing everyone to stop and stare at them.

"Oh crap, we are SO going to be late," Alex exclaimed after them. "Do you not fear the wrath of Princess Isabel? Are you insane? Don’t DO this, Max! I beg of you! For the sake of humanity… err, Antarianity." His dramatic antics had everyone laughing loudly.

But Max and Liz were ignoring them totally…

Butterflies were fluttering wildly in Liz’s stomach, and for once, it had nothing to do with the half-alien baby she was carrying. They were outside the hall where the ball in their honor is being held and from the din coming through the doors, there were LOTS of people there. She was practically clinging to Max’s hand and arm while she concentrated on taking deep breaths to calm herself. She needed to be poised and graceful, not hysterical and embarrassing tonight. This was for Max.

She looked completely gorgeous. Max had stared at her in awe when she finally emerged wearing a snow-white dress that reminded him slightly of her wedding dress. The bodice hugged her curves while the skirt was wide and full. His Royal seal was put around the seam of the skirt as a dark green border. She looked like she was floating when she walked. He needed to thank Izzy for this later.

Now they were waiting to be officially introduced and Liz was trying very hard not to let her panic show. He pulled her in front of him, smiling down into her anxious eyes. "Don’t worry, sweet, everything will be fine."

"How do you know? I could trip over my dress! I could spill stuff. I could—"

Max stopped her babbling by kissing her soundly. The sensations of their love-making in the shower not too long ago were still with them and the kiss quickly turned steamy. He curved his arm around her waist, bringing her as close to him as her wide skirt would allow and urged her mouth to open wider for him.

Isabel’s scandalized exclamation went unheard.

Lifting herself onto the tips of her toes, Liz kissed Max back with ardor. She gloried in him licking her lips and sucking on them. In his possessive embrace. In the way his mind whispered ‘My Shani’ to her.

A sudden silence brought Max back to his senses. The doors to the hall had opened and everyone was staring at them in complete amazement.

"Errr, the King and Queen of Antar and their families," the announcement eventually rang out.

Max felt awful when he saw the shock on Liz’s face. Coming to a sudden decision, he stepped forward with Liz and said: "Ladies and Gentlemen, meet my Shani and my wife, Liz." Everyone was bowing low before them when Max dipped Liz over his arm and kissed her again. This was met with a huge roar of applause and some relieved sighs from behind Max and Liz.

"I love you, you romantic idiot!" Liz said to him when she was finally on her feet again.

"And I’m going to kick your ass," Isabel hissed at him when she swept past.

"Glowing and grinning again, Lizzie," Maria was laughing.


The two men guarding Tess’ door had stopped her from leaving earlier when she wanted to go to the ball. Their ears were still ringing from her furious shrieking, but now everything seems quiet in her rooms. They kept watch anxiously, knowing how important this was to their King.


James was standing to the side of the crowds milling about in the big hall, his eyes never leaving Liz. She was surrounded by important women from Dendar, as well as various apparently fawning men. Max was on the other side of the hall, talking to the King of Dendar and some of his closest aides, but James noticed that Max also kept an eye on Liz. Which is why it was so amazing that none of them saw anything coming.

One moment all was well, the following Tess was next to an oblivious Liz with a furious expression on her face. Max was halfway across the hall before anyone else had even moved. A terrible fear had taken hold of him and caused adrenaline to pump through his veins like crazy. James was shoving people out of the way ruthlessly as he also bore down on his Queen.

"So you think you’re the Queen now?" Tess suddenly said in Liz’s ear, grabbing her arm and holding her immobile. "I don’t think so."

"Tess!" Max cried, but he was still too far away to really do anything.

"Oh, look! He sure is predictable. Right on cue, my darling husband." Tess was grinning at Max’s stricken expression.

"Liz, love…" Max felt tears come to his eyes as he saw the trust in Liz’s gaze.

Everybody around them was frozen in shock as Tess held a glowing hand to Liz’s head. "Tell them she is not really your wife, and I’ll let her live."

"Tess…" Max felt dizzy with all the emotions crashing over him. He needed to keep Liz safe and he had never hated Tess as much as he did that minute. "I’ll do anything, please… Just let her go."

"That’s clever of you," she smirked at him as Max watched the tears run down Liz’s cheeks helplessly. A little circle had formed around them by now, Michael, James, Isabel, Alex, Nick, Maria and some more of the guards were standing tensely on the periphery of what now seemed to be a final showdown.

"So tell these people, Zan. Tell them you really were married to me and this is just your little mistress. And while you’re at it, tell dear Lizzie how hot we were together."

Max swallowed. "I-I love you, Liz." He stared at her, willing her to see what a lie his next words were going to be. "I—"

"This is an outrage!" The voice of the elderly King of Dendar boomed across the strange gathering. "What is the meaning of this?" He had walked over with difficulty and was looking between Max and Tess.

"I apologize, Your Highness," Max said quietly, his eyes never leaving Liz.

"I wish merely for the King of Antar to announce me as his true Queen and admit that this is his royal concubine," Tess announced. "It is my rightful position and I want it officially declared." She cast a sweet glance at the elderly King. "I’m sorry I had to resort to this, but my husband seems intent on ignoring my existence."

"I remember you two being bonded here in this palace at a big function many rotations ago." The King’s announcement made Tess grin as Max cringed and Liz bit her lip. "But I also remember that it was a political liaison that Zan was not too happy about." Everyone stared at him in shock. "Also, that was previously. As to what is true during this life, that we can easily determine."

"How?" Tess’ voice had gotten an edge. "This is a HUMAN girl, she is not Antarian—"

"That doesn’t matter. If they are bonded, there is a way." The King turned to Max. "Do you agree to this test?"

"Yes!" Max was overjoyed. Only the glowing hand against Liz’s head kept him from any rash actions.

Liz felt a piercing heat invade her brain. "Max…" she whispered before blackness enveloped her.

A roar of pure rage erupted from Max as he jumped forward to catch Liz in his arms. He jerked her away from Tess, just as James yanked Tess away from Liz. The force broke the hold she had on Liz.

An all-consuming fear took hold of Max as he knelt on the floor, cradling Liz. She was completely still in his arms.

"Oh my God, Max!" Maria was at his side immediately. She gave his dazed face one look and shook his arm. "Snap out of it, you have to see what’s wrong! Max! Liz and the baby need you!"

He felt like everyone was talking to him down a long, dark tunnel. Liz needs you. It echoed in his mind and he took a shuddering breath before moving his hands over her head gently. "Liz, baby, you have to let me in…"

He got no response.

Your baby needs you. Maybe he could try… He put a shaking hand on Liz’s stomach, nearly sobbing in relief when the glow appeared immediately. He concentrated on the presence of his baby, finding it and using it to find Liz. "I love you. Come back to me. Please. Come back." Even the carefully emotionally controlled Dendarians could not fail to be moved by what was happening. Maria and Isabel were in tears with Max, while Michael and Alex tried very hard not to lose it themselves.

Please help me help Mommy. We can’t be without her. Max was talking to his baby in desperation by now. While his mind knew that his baby was barely three weeks old and not much bigger than a few cells, his heart refuse to go on facts right now.

The heat under his hand became more intense and suddenly he was in! He desperately healed blood vessels and cells in Liz’s brain, as he begged her to fight. He was nearly finished when he had a flash of himself holding the hand of a little boy as they watched the most important woman in their lives smile at them.

Both Max and Liz opened their eyes at the same time, grabbing each other in a fierce grip as they trembled in relief. No words were spoken, they knew exactly how the other one felt.

Very soon, a towering rage started replacing Max’s relief and he finally looked up at Tess. She quaked when she saw his death glare. "Tess—"

The King of Dendar stepped into the fray again. "We will give you a few minutes to recuperate from this, but then I will have to make a ruling." He looked at Tess. "You have made a serious accusation against the King of Antar and I have to warn you, if this proves false and you have threatened the life of the true Queen of Antar, there will be serious consequences."

Max could barely control himself. "No, I want to finish this now." He got to his feet and held Liz against his side. She was leaning against him for support.

The King nodded. "Give me your hand." He held out his hand to Tess.

Still in the firm and hurtful grip of James, Tess held out her hand reluctantly. After motioning Max to do the same, the elderly King moved their hands until their palms faced each other, a few inches of space between them. He closed his eyes, apparently concentrating on something. The hush in the crowd became even more quiet as a faint glow appeared between Max and Tess’ hands, depicting a swirling blue mist with no real shape or form.

The Dendar King’s face gave nothing away as he dropped Tess’ hand and lifted Liz’s. Her eyes clung to Max’s, she had no idea what the glow meant, but surely it must mean something.

As soon as their palms faced each other, a bright light appeared between them, one that slowly condensed into the form of the Antarian Royal seal. Max gripped Liz to him tighter as they saw the proof.

"Just as I suspected," the King announced. He pointed to Max and Liz. "Bonded and consummated in this lifetime." He waved at Tess. "Bonded but not consummated in a previous life-time." He motioned his own guards over. "Take her away and incarcerate her." He looked at Tess again. "Be glad we don’t punish people with death anymore, for what you did was surely enough to warrant such a sentence. As it is, you will not be seen on this planet or any other, ever again."

Max hardly heard the other King as he apologized for what happened and told Max to take Liz for some rest and see if they can join the party again later. He lifted Liz up against his chest and left the ballroom with long strides, his little band of friends hurrying behind him.

"Max, I’m okay," Liz tried.

"I’m not," was all he said in reply.

Back in their suite, the others watched him take the stairs at a near run and disappear into their rooms.

"Oh my God," was all Maria could get out.

"Ditto," Michael said.

"So… he DIDN’T sleep with Tess in his previous life? Way to go, Max!" Alex didn’t mean it to sound flippant, just amazed. How the hell were the rest of them supposed to live up to Max?


In the room, Max put Liz carefully on the bed before kneeling next to it, taking her hand and dropping his head to the mattress. Then he did something he hadn’t done in a long time.

He cried.

Liz slid to the floor and wrapped herself around him, crying with him for so many reasons. For the fear and terror they had both felt. With relief that they were safe now. For knowing that they truly were linked in the eyes of the universe. For finally having Tess out of their lives for good. And for finding the most precious love the universe could produce.

And for now knowing they were going to have a son…

It was late by the time they returned to the ball as Max and Liz had had a lot to talk about. They arrived in the hall to another round of applause and more deep bows and smiles. Maria and Alex took to partying in abandon due to the relief of not being scared about Tess anymore. Maria had attempted to drag Michael onto the dance floor but he bluntly refused, so she was out there now with Alex, getting into moves that these poor Dendarians have never seen in their lives.

This time, James stayed right next to Liz, not caring if he got in the way of some fancy Dendarian that wanted to talk to her. Max had also been at her side for most of the time, but now he was talking to the old King of Dendar in the corner. Although the three girls were mostly taller than the Dendar men, it was clear that Liz, Maria and Isabel were being greatly admired for their beauty.

"So you knew me… before?" Max asked the other King.

The old man looked at him speculatively. "Yes. You do not remember?"

Carefully choosing his words, Max’s gaze found Liz in the crowd before turning back to the King. "Only bits and pieces. Did I get married here?"

"The bonding ceremony was conducted on Antar, but the celebration was held here on Dendar. The war was getting more intense, so your parents thought it best. You were… killed a few weeks after the bonding. In the war."

Max was quiet for a long time. "This may seem like a strange question to you, but… do you know if I was… involved with someone else before the bonding?"

The King looked at him strangely. "Actually, no. Your mother always said you were a loner and she was getting worried that you would never settle down with your chosen mate. That’s why they finally pushed through the bonding with Ava… Tess."

Max bent his head as the familiar feeling of despair flooded him again at the memories of his "wedding". He kept feeling that he was betraying someone. Betraying Liz. "No one else, huh?"

"Not that we were aware of. Why?"

"I-I just keep remembering someone else. And no one can tell me if I really knew her or not." His eyes met Liz’s across the room, she was surrounded by men.

"Well, you might ask some of the servants. They usually know everything. I’m sure there are still some around that might have been working here then." The King watched Max nod but his eyes stayed on his mate. "I need to urge you to some caution about something else." He waited until he had Max’s full attention. "Remember that these peace talks are necessary because of the threats made by Tresar. Well, the current military ruler of Tresar, Dak’or, is a hard man. It was him that asked for you to be here and I suspect he wants to make sure no one from Antar will ever bother him again. Be careful of him."

"Where is he? Still on Tresar?"

"No, he has been here on Dendar for some time. Threatening us with war unless we all agree to Tresar’s domination in this galaxy." The King’s eyes narrowed. "Their young King was sent on a mission many rotations ago and never returned. We all wondered what happened to him. You haven’t by any chance run into him somewhere?"

Thinking back to a strange meeting on a street in Roswell many years ago, when two former enemies had both been frantic enough about their women to forget that they used to be out to destroy one another. Max saw the strained face of Eric, the once King of Tresar in his mind’s eye as Eric told him that he just wanted to disappear and enjoy his life with HIS human love, Sarah. "Uhm, no, not that I know of."

Looking over at Liz again, he saw that she now had even more guys around her. "Excuse me, Your Highness."

None of the men were really bothering her, but Liz still felt relief when she saw Max striding over to her purposefully. She maneuvered herself away from the group and met Max halfway.

"Dance with me?"

"Always," she told him as he pulled her into his arms.

"I wonder if those two ever do anything that doesn’t look like a slow-motion scene from a Mills and Boon romance," Alex asked Maria from where they were still dancing gaily.

"No. They are Cinderella and Prince Charming or hadn’t you noticed?" Maria glanced at Michael who was watching her with brooding eyes from the side of the hall. She smiled at him brilliantly. "We got the screwed up members of the gang. On the brighter side, Lizzie is going to look like a beached whale soon because Prince Charming can’t keep his, err… hands to himself while I will still be gorgeously thin. It would probably be the only time I was the tiniest girl in this little group, so I’m gonna enjoy it while it lasts."

Max twirled Liz around the floor, hugging her close to his body and resting his cheek against her hair. A shiver went through his body when he remembered how close he had been to losing her. "You are so precious to me, do you know that?"

She looked up at him. "Because of the precious cargo I’m carrying?"

His eyes widened in alarm. "No Liz, that’s not—"

"Don’t worry, I’m kidding. I know you love me for more than being the mother of your baby."

"You better believe that," he said feelingly and kissed her in front of the many witnesses.



The peace talks had been dragging on for months and Max was losing patience with it all. He spent endless hours in meetings, talking to all the sides. He flew all over Dendar to various meeting places, pleading various cases, but whatever he came up with, Dak’or refused the idea. He wanted Dendar to submit to his rule peacefully, or there would be war.

In the process, Max and Liz saw very little of each other. Many nights he would come in late to find that she had tried to wait up for him and had fallen asleep on the couch. And when he was away from the palace on one of his trips, they would not see each other for days. Max was starting to hate Dak’or with a passion for keeping him away from Liz during her pregnancy. She never cried when he took his leave of her, but he knew she did as soon as he was out of sight and the knowledge would put him in a foul mood for the first part of each trip. It hadn’t taken long for his traveling companions to learn to stay out of his way after he said goodbye to Liz every time.

And at the rate things were going now, they would never sort out this mess…


Max had gone to see Tess just before they put her in the sphere. He had wanted to know where Nacedo was, but she had just laughed in his face, saying that he would never find the shapeshifter again.

"And I would watch my mousy wife and kid if I were you, Max Evans. Dak’or will avenge what you have done to me once he rules everywhere. And he will let me out of here."

That was how Max found out who Tess had been sleeping with lately.


Observing the cocky Dak’or from the other side of the negotiation room, Max wondered how the man can still be so arrogant while there were rumors of an uprising coming from Tresar. But he dismissed the thoughts from his mind as an image of Liz came into his mind’s eye. Tonight he was flying back to see her, come hell or high water. Even if he could only be with her for an hour before he needed to come back to this outpost, he would still go.

The rumblings of trouble on Tresar reached the Dendar palace too and Shilla raced down the corridor to find Liz. She eventually located her outside on the balcony with Maria. "Your Highness!" Her cry made the two women jump in surprise.

Seeing the hopeful look on Liz’s face, Shilla felt like kicking herself. Max and Michael have been away for a week and Liz was slowly wilting in Max’s absence. "Sorry for interrupting. It’s just that…" She sent Liz an apologetic glance for not bringing her the news she was hoping for. "There are rumors that the King of Tresar had returned to his planet and that he is taking back power! Dak’or is being overthrown!"

"You’re kidding!" Maria said. "Wasn’t Eric the King of—"

Liz sprang to her feet, her eyes filling with hope. What if Eric could finally end the long negotiations and Max can stop being so involved? What if this meant that she could see Max for more than a few hours at a time?

Cold fear followed hope. What if Dak’or did something desperate to the delegations of the other planets that were congregated at the outpost for the negotiations? What if something happened to Max? She put her hands over her stomach defensively. Daddy will be back, sweetheart. I know he will. But she was talking to herself more than to their little boy.

"Uhm…" Shilla was still shuffling around nervously. "There is something else…"

Liz looked at her fearfully. "What?"

"I think I have found someone that may have known Max in his previous life here. Someone that may be able to answer some of his questions."

Not sure how to react to this news, Liz looked at Maria before asking: "You have? Who?"

"It’s an old woman. She says she was Max’s servant when he used to stay here." Shilla hoped that she had done something good, but Liz was reacting strangely.

"I want to go see her," Liz announced suddenly.

"Chicca, I think you should wait for Max." Maria had risen in concern. "He’s gonna flip if you do this without him!"

"Maria, we don’t know when he is coming back and… I need to know. It’s about my life too."

"I still think—"

But Liz was determined. "I’m going, Maria." She turned to Shilla. "Find out if she can see me later this afternoon."

Shilla curtsied and quickly left. What had she done now? The old woman had seemed a bit creepy, but she seemed to know a lot of things about Max. Maybe she would have some good news for Max and Liz.

Or maybe she wouldn’t…

Smoothing her hands over her stomach and waist in front of the mirror, Liz felt tears welling in her eyes. Who was she kidding? She HAD no waist. This is what Max will see whenever he finally came back from the outpost. Her new, fat body! Tugging her top downwards to fit it more snugly over her curves, she thought wryly that maybe her slightly bigger breasts would make up for her growing stomach. Max had never said anything, but she knew she was not as well endowed as a lot of other women. And men like that, don’t they? What did he see in her? The tears were starting to spill over now.

"Lizzie?" Maria came in as Liz spun around guiltily from the mirror and tried to wipe away her tears. "What is wrong?"

"I’m fat!" Liz cried in despair. "And-and… how can he love me?"

"Whoa! Liz, calm down, babe. I don’t think it’s good for Max junior if you get so upset!" She hurried over and dragged Liz away from the mirror. This is ANOTHER melt-down you owe me for, Max Evans! "Besides, are you high? Max practically drools over you all his life and you think he doesn’t think you’re pretty?" She patted Liz’s back when Liz collapsed on the bed. "Lizzie, love is about so much more than what the other person looks like! If I hear him one more time about your laugh or about how smart you are, I’m gonna barf. You’re his best friend too, you know."

"I know, but—"

"No, see, you have to count your blessings, because you got the alien with actual communication skills. Me, I have to go on grunts and other nonsensical sounds to know what Michael is trying to say."

"But I want him to like what I look like too! And I’m… not…" Liz sounded silly even to herself.

"Excuse me! Did he, or did he not drag you out of an official dinner last week when he got back?"

"Yes…" Liz answered in a small voice.

"You’re not going to tell me it was because he wanted to TALK to you in private, are you?"


"And that he couldn’t stand to see you undressed or to touch you?"

"No." Liz was smiling by now.

"Didn’t think so. Lizzie, I wish you could see the way he looks at you sometimes when he thinks you won’t notice. He adores you." She rubbed Liz’s arm. "And now you’re giving him something no one else ever has. A son." She giggled. "So I’d say it’s safe to assume that you are just this side of a goddess to him right now."

"Ugh, Maria! I am SO lame! Nearly four months pregnant and really hormonal. How do you all live with me?"

"Well, mostly ‘cause we don’t have a choice! And because Max threatens us with horrible torture if we don’t pamper you."

They laughed together until Liz sobered up. "Maria, I miss him so much!"

"I know. I miss Space Boy too…"


Max rubbed his face tiredly. The afternoon session was not going well. Gee, that’s a surprise. Dak’or has changed his demands yet again. Now he wanted the King of Dendar to relinquish his position as well. The man was clearly getting more power hungry as the negotiations progressed. It was like he was deliberately playing games with them all for his own amusement. Well, Max was not amused.

One of Dak’or’s advisors was droning on about the new ruling structure they envisaged for the Whirlwind galaxy when Max felt a shiver run down his spine. He looked at Nick and Michael, but neither of them was showing signs of anything but extreme boredom. His connection to Liz was still stronger than normally through his son, but they were basically on opposite sides of Dendar at the moment. This feeling wasn’t coming through their connection, it was more like a… premonition.


The old woman had consented to see Liz late the afternoon. James had thrown a huge fit when she told him to let her go alone and refused point-blank. In fact, his exact words were: ‘there is no way in hell you are going in there alone’ and when she mentioned that he was being real snippy with his Queen, he pointed out that he was only following the VERY SPECIFIC instructions from his KING. No amount of sulking from Liz’s side had worked, so when she started off to see the woman, she had James, two other men and Grace in tow.

Her name was Hora, she told Liz. They were sitting in one corner of a huge room, with Liz’s entourage watching them carefully from the other side. Hora had stated that her knowledge was for the ears of Liz alone, so everyone else had had to move back.

"I remember you," were the first words from her mouth, making Liz shiver. She had strange, intense eyes that were watching Liz enigmatically. "I can’t believe he is making the same mistake again."

What did that mean? "Was I here? Did I know… Zan?" Her heart was going like a trip-hammer.

"Yes," Hora answered. "Although I wished you didn’t, you and Zan knew each other."

A cold hand was starting to close around Liz’s throat. The woman did not look very friendly. "What do you mean? Why does no one else remember me then?"

"He snuck off to see you and only about three of us knew. He was completely besotted with you. We had never seen anything like that here on Dendar. It was like you put him in a trance and he cared about nothing else but you."

Biting her lip, tears started forming in Liz’s eyes. "But… I loved him too, right?"

Hora looked at her coldly for a long time. "I don’t see how you could have."

This elicited a gasp from Liz. "W-why?"

"Because you were seeing someone else too. And you got pregnant by that someone else. Ironic in the light of your present condition, isn’t it?" She leaned forward and put her hand on Liz’s stomach for a few seconds.

The tears spilled over now. Everything inside her was screaming NO. No, she could never have done that to Max. "I-I don’t remember any of it."

"Maybe that is for the best then. He never knew about the other man’s baby. You left him before he found out. He was devastated and I think it made him reckless during the war." Those eyes pinned Liz again. "Recklessness led to his death."

A sob escaped Liz as she placed one hand over her womb and the other over her mouth. It felt like a white-hot knife was twisting around and around in her heart. "No…"


"No…" She was starting to feel dizzy. "P-please…"

James was at her side, glaring at Hora. "What did you tell her?"

"The truth."

James looked at Liz worriedly. She was staring in front of her in a daze, her cheeks wet with moisture. "Let’s go. This was a bad idea," he told her and gently helped her to her feet.

"You will begin to remember soon," Hora called after her as James practically carried her out.


The memories started flooding over her after she had lain on the bed listlessly for an hour.

And each one made her more sick.

Teasing Zan until he panted for her but never allowing him more than short touches and kisses. Meeting him in all sorts of places to tease him some more. Sex with some other man she couldn’t see the face of. Finding out she was pregnant about the same time Max heard about his bonding with Tess. Telling Max to follow his destiny and seeing him break down and cry, begging her not to leave him.

Her whimper brought Maria and Grace out of the chairs they had been occupying next to her bed. "Lizzie, what did she say to you? You are scaring us!"

Maybe I could just stop breathing, she thought idly. That would be so much better than to see Max’s face when he remembered what she had done to him.

"If she told you some crap story about Max not loving you, it’s a lie. You KNOW that!" Maria tried again.

This only led to another soft moan from Liz.

One of James’ men came in quietly and spoke to Grace and James. "I can’t get hold of him. The guards are saying that the door to the negotiations room is locked and they are not allowed in, so they can’t go tell him." Max, if ever there was a time you should rely on your connection with your wife, this would be it, James thought.

Panic permeated the Antarian royal suite. News about Liz’s complete breakdown had soon reached everyone’s ears and there was a constant stream of anxious people to the little lounge outside Max and Liz’s room. No one knew what to do and everyone was praying that Max returned soon. Also, that they would not be around to see his reaction when he saw Liz.

Liz continued to swing between hysterical thoughts that what she was remembering could not possibly be true and a horrible suspicion that she had really betrayed and used Max like that. It felt like thousands for voices were all yelling in her head at once and she didn’t know how to make them stop.

How would she ever look Max in the eyes again? How could he ever trust her? Oh god, but I’ve done nothing but love him during this life! Please let him remember that too. A helpless sob was torn from her throat. "I love him," she whispered, causing everyone to run to the bed again.

"Where the hell is Max!" Isabel said from the doorway. "He is the damn King, why can someone not break down the door wherever he is and get him out here?"


Max was in agony. He had started feeling nauseous somewhere during the late afternoon and had just started to rise to get out of there when Dak’or barred the doors from the inside. Furious words were flung around the room and finally it became clear that the Tresar King had taken back his throne and was on the way to get rid of Dak’or too.

It was killing him. He needed to get home because something was going on with Liz that threatened to force all the air from his lungs. She was alive, that much he knew. But she was in absolute emotional distress.

Dak’or was still standing at the door, his men keeping an eye over the VIP’s congregated in the room when something inside Max snapped. He got to his feet determinedly, not even noticing that Michael was right behind him.

As they did that, several things happened all at once. The door was blown in from the outside, throwing Dak’or to the floor. Max felt a dull ache in his shoulder from what must have been a shot from one of the guards’ blasters. He didn’t care, he stumbled over the fallen men until he could reach Dak’or. Grabbing him by the lapels, he jerked him upright and they both came face-to-face with Eric.

"Max, nice to see you again!" Eric was beaming. "And thanks for holding him for me."

Shoving Dak’or at his once-again King and pressing a hand against his bleeding shoulder, Max ground out: "Eric. Nice to see you again, but I have to go. Can we catch up later?"

"Sure!" Eric was puzzled, but he definitely needed to sort out some things here as well. "Say hi to Liz from Sarah and I."

That made Max falter on the way out. "Yeah. Bring Sarah to the palace soon. Sorry about this." But I HAVE to go, my heart is calling me home.

Stumbling outside while ignoring the wound in his shoulder, Max shouted at his guards to get a move on so they could leave. Then he saw their faces and felt despair rip through him all over again. They all looked like they knew something terrible and didn’t want to tell him. "Let’s go," he told them once again.

They didn’t need to tell him.

His heart was being torn into little pieces inside his chest as he could literally hear Liz’s heart break over the thousands of miles separating them. He needed to get to her before she gave up completely…

Drifting between slumber and wakefulness, Liz heard someone say: "He’s coming," in a voice that sounded more like "Thank god, he’s coming." A sudden soft fluttering in her womb made her jerk upright and put her hand on her stomach.

"Lizzie?" Maria and Grace rushed over again.

"He moved…" she whispered. This made her cry again, because she realized how selfish her thoughts were. She was carrying Max’s baby and she owed it to him and their son to get herself under some sort of control. Max so loved this baby… She swiped at her eyes with one hand, keeping the other over her son. A sudden bout of extreme nausea had her running for the bathroom where she threw up violently.

Shilla watched all this and wanted to cry. SHE had been the one to take Liz to the old woman and SHE was the one responsible for all this. Turning away blindly she ran straight into James, who caught her in his arms. This turned her tears into outright bawling and he took her away from Liz’s room to sit her down in the dining room.

"It’s my fault!" she burst out as soon as she was seated. "What did that horrible woman tell her?"

James rubbed her hand, absently wondering why the girl’s tears made his heart ache. "We didn’t know what she would tell Liz. We still don’t know what it was. Stop blaming yourself." Shilla turned wide, wet eyes on him and James was jolted by a sudden desire to kiss her. He blinked.

"I need to go find out!" Shilla announced abruptly, jumping up from the table. "There must be some horrible mistake. Max wouldn’t have done anything to make her feel this way…"

"I’ll go with you," James heard himself say. What was happening to him? He watched Shilla hurry out in front of him and felt an urge to protect her. No, he was doing this for Liz and Max. Yeah, that was it…

People scattered in front of Max as he strode into their suite. His shoulder was still hurting like hell because Nick had only been able to heal him partially. Nothing hurt as much as his heart, though. He wanted to see Liz desperately, but he was also afraid of what he would find. On the way over, the guard that had gotten the message had only told him that Liz had spoken to some lady that claimed to know him in his previous life and that she had completely broken down afterwards. He relayed James’ exact words as well: "Tell Max we are extremely concerned and he needs to come home right away." Again, it struck Max that everyone referred to wherever Liz was as his home. And how right that sounded…

He ignored Alex’s "its about time," and entered their bedroom in a dead panic. Maria and Grace got to their feet hastily, staring at him fearfully, but Max only had eyes for Liz who was sitting on the side of the bed. A stabbing pain ripped through his heart when he saw how forlorn she looked.

"Hi Max." But she wouldn’t look at him. More pain sliced through him.

Everyone else rushed from the room as he sat down next to her. "Don’t I get a kiss?" He had meant it to sound light-hearted, instead it sounded desperate and scared. What could I have done that was so awful she wouldn’t even look at me?

"I-I’m afraid."

He inhaled sharply. "Of me?"

"No!" She was shaking her head sharply. "No…"

"Then what? Liz—"

"Of what you’ll see," she interrupted him.

That shut him up. His mind struggled to cope with the change in direction. He had been sure the old woman had told her about his past life and what he’d done… "I… Love, I don’t understand?"

"Max?" She turned agony-filled eyes on him. "You know that I love you more than life itself, don’t you? That I would never do anything…" Her voice trailed off as she saw the blood on his shoulder. "What happened to you?!" She cried, jumping up.

"Nevermind that right now!" he said harshly and grabbed her hand as she was pulling the edges of his clothes out of the way so she could inspect the damage. "Tell me what the hell you are talking about!" He jerked her forward until she stumbled onto his lap.

Taking hold of her chin firmly, he urged her: "Tell me."

It came out haltingly. "She told me that you knew me. That you were… That I had…" But her eyes kept straying to his hurt shoulder. "Max! I’m so sorry for what I did then. I would never do that to you this time, please believe me! I love you so much. Please…"

This was even more confusing. SHE had done something bad when he knew her before? He had trouble marrying the sweet girl with the wide emotion-filled eyes from his memories with someone that might have hurt him in some way. He pulled her against him with his good arm and pressed his lips against her temple. "I know you love me, Liz," he assured her. "How could I not after all you’ve sacrificed for me?"

She made a small hiccuping sound and turned her head so that his lips rested against her forehead. He took advantage of the little sign, sliding his hand into her hair and tugging her face back so he could kiss her. He kissed away her tears slowly, carefully taking note of all her reactions and any sign she might want to pull away. He needed to know what the woman had told her about their past, but even more than that, he needed to kiss her and make her feel secure in his love again. So he kept on brushing his lips over her cheeks, eyes, nose and forehead, feeling her relax slightly in his arms. She was starting to cling to him now and he took it as a good sign.

Moving his mouth over hers, he whispered against it: "I will never stop loving you. You’re my Shani, in this life and any other one."

She yanked her head back so suddenly that Max was stunned for a few seconds. "What!"

"That’s just it, Max. I think our… our love in your previous life might have been a-a lie." Her head was bent again.

A giant fist was squeezing his chest. "Why-why do you say that?"

"Oh Max! I was a horrible person in that life!"

"No, you were not," he sounded so sure of himself that Liz felt a momentary flicker of uncertainty. But then the images of her in that other man’s embrace appeared in her mind’s eye.

"I was…" She said in a defeated tone. She had to have been to take this beautiful man’s unconditional love and trample all over it like that.

He pulled her closer again, pressing his face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder and gently moving his hand over her womb. He barely had a chance to register the faint ache in his shoulder before the flashes hit him.

Hearing the older woman’s cold words to Liz. Telling Liz how she betrayed him. Touching Liz, touching his baby. He growled in anger when he saw that and pressed his hand over her belly harder. Faint, blurry images of Liz with another faceless man, his hands all over her. Seeing the way Liz had teased him, used him.

"Oh my god!"

"Max, I’m sorry! I don’t remember! I love you—" She was weeping again, trying to pry his hand away from her stomach.

"How the hell could she do that to you!" he cried, furious at the weird old woman for putting Liz through such torment. "And why did James allow her to put her hands on you!"

It took her a few seconds to fully comprehend that he wasn’t angry with her. She looked up at him in stunned surprise. He looked absolutely frightening. "M-Max?"

Hearing his name in her wonderful voice brought him back from the brink. There would be enough time for retribution later. Right now, he held one very fragile and precious woman in his arms. "I don’t believe any of it, Liz." He touched her wet cheek. "That isn’t you. That is not the you I fell in love with when I didn’t even know what love meant. And that isn’t the you my heart found again when I got a second chance at life." He tilted her face so he could look into her eyes. "Please. You shouldn’t believe that either."

She bit her lip, wanting so desperately to have as much faith as he did. "But-but I remembered things on my own. Those things… How…"

"I don’t know." His mouth thinned in anger. "But I sure as hell am going to find out!" He stroked her hair. "My memories of you are so clear, love. And not at all similar to what you saw."

"Maybe you just remember stuff the way you wanted them to happen…"

"I don’t think so. I never wanted you to leave me, and you did. And it hurt like crazy." He kissed her nose again and rested his forehead against hers. "Let me show you?"

Fear raced through her. What if what he showed her confirmed her memories? Then a little voice inside her said, ‘but what if it didn’t?’ Knowing she was doing this for them both, she finally nodded tremulously.

Putting his hands on the sides of her face, he unexpectedly brushed his lips over hers first. "I love you, okay? Remember that."

"Yes," she breathed, staring up into his warm amber eyes. She faintly remembered her first time seeing inside his soul, his intense words: ‘just let your mind blank out…’

The flashes were vivid and she caught her breath at the way she looked at Max during them. Her past self was just as smitten with her alien king. The flashes showed her herself in places her own memories didn’t. She was wearing different clothes and she talked and laughed and told him ‘I love you’. She heard him call her ‘Shani’. And finally, she saw a quick flash of herself when she was 8 years old wearing her cupcake dress.

Max was watching her anxiously. "Now do you believe me?" It sounded like a plea.

"I don’t remember any of those things, Max. Why do I remember other things?"

"Because we still haven’t figured out what really happened in my past life. How can you be completely human now?" He pressed his face into her hair. "Just-just know that none of that matters to me now. In this life, you have been all my dreams come true."

"You have been mine too. I can’t imagine my life without you. And… I don’t want to," she assured him softly.

"We’ll find out what all this means, Liz. I promise."

They kissed again, a slight edge of desperation still lingering in the kiss. Raw need raced through their bodies in response to the contact.

His mouth traced heated paths over her cheeks and jaw line until he reached her throat and groaned: "I really want to make love to you right now, but my shoulder is killing me."

Her shocked gasp made him smile. "Don’t worry, I forgot about it too. Let’s just go find Nick and see if he can finish what he started." He helped her to her feet and curved her tightly to his body before opening the door to their room.

A host of anxious faces looked at them, only to clear up as they saw the possessive way in which Max and Liz held each other. A clapping started that grew to a crescendo as everyone felt the need to get rid of the negative feelings of the last few hours.

That was when Shilla and James appeared, assisting an ancient woman with unseeing eyes between them. Max felt such a rush of familiarity that he had to blink away the tears.

"Zan?" Her voice was old and raspy, but it echoed in his mind, reminding him of days long past. ‘Zan get down from there!’ ‘Zan, your father is coming, you better get cleaned up.’

"Rula?" The name tumbled from his lips unbidden.

Her brilliant smile confirmed it all. "You sound just the same."

Shilla and James brought her closer since Max seemed to be rooted to the floor. Everyone else was staring at each other in bewilderment.

"Max? Who is this?" Liz asked softly and watched as the old woman’s head swiveled towards her. Her next words caused a silence to ripple across the room.

"Have you really finally found her?"

"Yes," Max answered without thinking. Then his brain caught up with his heart. "Wait, found who?" Max wondered if he sounded as befuddled as he thought.

"The girl you were dreaming of all your life." Rula answered as they helped her down into a chair. It was eerie, she looked like she was staring right at him. "You used to tell me she had silky hair that fell like a rich waterfall down her back. Eyes that were like that of a doe, dark brown, sparkling and filled with emotion." Everyone was turning to Liz as Rula continued. "You said her voice was husky and called you home. That she was tiny and perfect and fit right under your chin. That her laugh gave you goosebumps and seeing her made your stomach rumble."

Max was slack-jawed. "I-I DREAMT of her? You mean I never actually knew her?"

A small laugh bubbled from Rula’s throat. "No, Zan. You always were a dreamer. At first I thought it was just that, dreams. But then you grew older and you kept on telling me about what you dreamt and it seemed so real. You begged me not to tell anyone, you said she should be your secret until you finally find her. Your Shani, you called her." This elicited a gasp from everyone in the room and Liz’s eyes were misting over.

When Max finally found his voice, all he could manage was: "Liz, this is my nanny." He pulled Liz closer and picked up Rula’s hand. "Rula, this is my Shani. My Liz."

It was a profound and emotional moment for the three of them. Max remembered that this woman in front of him had been like a mother to him, while Rula softly held onto the hand of the girl that had bewitched her prince even before he knew her.

"Do you feel us much for him as he does for you?" she asked of Liz.

"Yes," Liz answered simply.

"That is good then." She touched Liz’s face and slid her hand over her hair, her smile widening when she felt the long silky tresses beneath her fingers. She lingered over Liz’s slightly bulging stomach, saying: "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes," the softness in Liz’s voice said a lot about how she felt about her pregnancy.

Rula’s inspection eventually found Max and Liz’s linked hands. They couldn’t bear letting go of each other, even while they were hearing the most wonderful news.

"Can I speak to Liz alone?" Rula was still holding onto their hands.

"Uhm," Max was reluctant. He still had the vision of that other old woman touching Liz in his head. Who WAS she then?

"It’s okay, Max," Liz smiled up into his worried face.

Everyone watched as Liz led Rula into her and Max’s bedroom. She cast a last glance at Max before closing the door behind them.

Max swung around to locate Nick. "Would you try getting this shoulder healed completely now?"


"Tell me about Zan… Max as you call him," Rula invited as they sat down on the bed.

"Okay," Liz wondered where to start. "He is the gentlest person I’ve ever met…" She told Rula about watching him in school, wondering about him, thinking that he was so out of her league. About that day in the Crashdown when he risked all he was to save her. She told Rula how smart he was, that he had a degree in medical research, that he really was the great leader his parents had foreseen. That he was the best husband she could have asked for. That he did little things for her out of the blue. How much he loved their son already. His loyalty to his friends and people.

"You sound just like he did all those years ago," Rula finally interrupted her.

"I do?" Liz was embarrassed.

"Yes." She smiled. "Completely besotted. It worried me at first, because he was so adamant that you were out there somewhere and he just needed to find you. He was living his life in his dreams. And I knew he was meant for another. The day his mother told him he had to bond with Ava, he came to me. He was so distressed. He said you would leave if you knew about her. I told him you were a dream and that he could make his dreams go the way he wanted to. He just looked at me strangely and told me, ‘she’s real and she is going to think I’m betraying her’. I thought he was exaggerating. But then I saw him again after the bonding. He was so sad. ‘She’s gone’, was all he said. And I knew then, that you were his other half. That he would not rest until he found you."

"It was chance, really, that he was sent to earth by his parents." And Liz would thank whatever providence had made that happen until the day she died.

"Was it really chance?" Rula rubbed her hand over Liz’s womb. "Or was it destiny?"

The word made Liz flinch. For a long time, ‘destiny’ meant that Max could not be hers.

"Tell me about the baby."


Max rubbed his shoulder, which was now more or less completely healed. "Will someone please tell me who this other woman was that talked to Liz?"

James and Shilla glanced at each other and stepped forward as the others silently left the lounge for other parts of the royal suite.

Noticing that James took Shilla’s hand before she started speaking, Max suddenly realized that a romance had apparently bloomed under his nose without him noticing it. He bet Liz knew, though, she always noticed stuff about people around her.

"I was asking around to find someone that could help with what happened in your past life," Shilla informed him. "And Hora, she contacted me. She knew so many things about your life on earth and about your bonding to Tess, that I thought…" Shilla hung her head. "I’m sorry, I should’ve waited for you to come back before telling Liz."

"Yeah," Max sighed, "you should’ve." His voice was mild. "Where is this woman now?"

This time James looked reluctant. "It-it wasn’t a woman. It was… Nacedo."

Max jumped to his feet. "Nacedo?"

"Yes, and we managed to catch him as he was leaving the palace. He’s outside with Nick."

Max was past them before the sentence was finished. He found "Ed Harding" outside and grabbed him by the throat.

"Max!" Nick yelled. "Stay calm."

"Did you do anything to Liz?" Max asked him angrily.

"Oh damn," Nacedo said in a sarcastic voice, "does that mean she’s still around? I thought for sure she would kill herself after seeing her less than sterling past."

"She is stronger than you would ever know, you bastard." Max gripped him tighter, causing him to cough. "I saw you put your hand on her, did you do anything to her?"

"N-no," said with difficulty around the fist gripping his neck. "Only helped her with some memory retrieval."

Max fairly threw the man at Nick. "Take him to join his wonderful Tess. I never want to see him again."


Rula finally left some hours later after Max had worn a groove in the floor outside his room. "You were right, Zan," she told him as she was leaving. "She was worth waiting for."

He found Liz still sitting on the bed when he rushed inside. "I love you," he blurted out and hauled her against him.

Liz trembled violently as he groaned her name between hungry kisses. She needed to tell him their son had moved, but this moment was for them only. He was holding her so tightly that she suspected she would be slightly bruised, but she didn’t care. She wanted, NEEDED, him to hold her like that tonight. To want her like that, with the same wild intensity that she wanted him.

He kissed her as though he couldn’t get enough of her, memories from those dreams from his previous life dancing through his mind. He remembered wanting her, dying to kiss her and never being able to. His hands shaped her body, quietly taking note of the minute changes his baby has wrought on her as he molded it against his own.

"Oh god, I want you… Shani."

His hands were on her hips. She could feel the hardness of his body as intimately as she could feel the eager swell of her own breasts and the sharp, intense ache low down in the pit of her stomach…

He undressed both of them quickly, allowing Liz only a few moments to assure herself that his shoulder was fine now before laying her down on the bed and following her to pull her into his embrace again.

Familiarity, far from decreasing the intensity of her love and desire, had only fed it, so that now merely the act of running her fingertips caressingly down his spine was enough to stir their bodies into swift arousal.

When she kissed him, tracing the hard line of his collarbone, she heard him moan softly under his breath, his hands sliding up over her body, cupping her breasts gently, caressing them. He gathered her up against him, slowly kissing her breasts, bathing them in moist heat that instantaneously turned her bones to liquid, his hands slid to her thighs stroking shape of the firm outer flesh and then more urgently stroking her soft inner skin.

Her body was eager and waiting for him, her quick moans of pleasure joining the other sounds of their love-making; the silken stroke of skin against skin, the slow suckle of Max’s mouth, the urgency of the low groan of pleasure he gave when she touched him intimately, closing her fingers around his flesh and caressing him. He was so vulnerable to her when he was like this, so much in need, the words he whispered to her, as well a the movement of his body, openly showing the depth and intensity of his love for her.

Something about the way Max watched her when she looked at him and kissed him intimately increased her aching tenderness for him and deepened her love. Now, as she caressed him lovingly with her lips, it was an attempt to show him how much he meant to her. The fulfillment of every male fantasy, she acknowledged: a woman worshipping at the fount of a man’s most essential maleness.

Tears formed in her eyes as she felt the tender way he twined his hands in her hair as soft gasps escaped his lips. What had she ever done to deserve this man’s love?

It was his turn then. Max rolled them over and touched his mouth to her skin, her throat, her breasts, the soft, smooth, slightly swollen skin of her waist and stomach and moved lower.

Liz shuddered as she looked downwards to see his dark head pressed against her body, her fingers reaching out to tighten convulsively in his dark hair as his fingers caressed her moistness. She could feel the warmth of his breath as he touched her gently with his tongue, and her whole body started to shake.

"Max, please…" It felt like ages had passed since they were together last and she needed him desperately. When he gave in to her imploring, she could taste her body in his kiss.

Her back arched and her soft cry of pleasure as he entered her was lost beneath the fierce pressure of a kiss that mimicked the slow thrust of his body within her own.

Her body closed possessively around his, so sensitive to him that every movement he made sent new pleasure spinning through her.

"Look at me," Max had commanded as he’d entered her, the intimacy of the shared eye contact, and the shared sensations of their connection, had heightened their experience.

Their movements increased slowly until it reached an explosion of pleasure and release, so intense that they cried out each other’s names, their eyes filling with emotional tears.

Max stared down at her, seeing her struggle to get her breathing under control, and he knew. This is what he searched for through two lifetimes. His other half. The other part of his soul.

In the darkness near dawn, Liz shifted against Max’s warm, hard body and curved instinctively closer, her hand splaying over the smooth planes of his chest, her cheek resting against his shoulder. "Max," she breathed, he had been away for so many nights during the last few months. Instant recognition combined with an instant contentment, and she would’ve drifted away again had he not tangled a hand in the mane of her tumbled hair, tipped her mouth up and kissed her.

It was like coming alive. Every skin-cell suddenly flamed into red-hot life, a kind of frantic, feverish hunger possessing her. Her response was so intense it swallowed her alive.

"Max…" She gasped again as he pinned her to the mattress beneath him and kissed her breathless, his mouth, hard, hungry, hot, exiting her beyond bearing.

In the darkness, there was no warning before his mouth closed round the engorged bud of one swelling and sensitive breast. The sensation hit her with stunning effect. Her neck extended in an arch, a stifled moan torn from her when she felt the erotic brush of his teeth. There was no time for anything, not a single thought, nothing but the raw driving intensity of need screaming through her veins.

His lips skimmed a tormenting path over the quivering muscles of her belly, his hands parting her thighs before he was kissing her intimately.

She was at screaming-point when he moved over her, every shred of physical awareness centered on the ache of emptiness between her thighs. And then he thrust into her and she moaned and arched in one taut movement, her body clenching on a pleasure so intense that she was utterly possessed by it. Her fingers raked down his back in reaction and her teeth nipped at the strong column of his throat, reveling in the raggedness of his breathing and his groan.

After that there was nothing but the long, pulsing drive for satisfaction. It went on and on. She hit the heights fast, unable to reign back the flood of release, but he didn’t stop. She had barely hit the ground level again before the frantic climb back up began. When the second climax whooshed up inside her she was wiped out.

He shuddered above her, every muscle clenching taut. She put her arms around him, holding him tightly.

"Wow, I’m sorry," he whispered after they had calmed down. "I’m just… starved for you, I guess." He rested his forehead against hers.

"Me too," she whispered back.

He pulled out of her reluctantly and moved them so she was lying with her cheek on his chest. It was quiet for a long time as they watched the room get lighter.

A faint fluttering in her womb had Liz grabbing for Max’s hand and pressing it against her. "Max!"

He stared at her in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

"No! He moved!" She met his gaze. "Our son moved!"

Max was speechless as he pressed his hand over the spot where their son was. He kept remembering the serious dark-haired little boy that had held his hand and helped get his mommy to come back to them. When nothing happened, he looked Liz. "What did it feel like?"

She touched his cheek, wishing he could experience it with her. "Like some butterflies were flying around in my tummy."

He nodded solemnly and dropped his gaze to where his hand was covering the smooth skin of her stomach. Covering his baby. "I’d love to—" A light vibration against his hand stopped his words.

Liz saw his eyes widen and close as he concentrated on the very faint feeling.


When he opened his eyes again, they were moist. He moved lower on the bed and rested his cheek against her tummy while his fingers trailed over her skin. "Hey little guy. Sorry that Mommy and I got so upset yesterday. We love you," he glanced up at Liz, "and each other very much." He placed little kisses around her bellybutton. "And Daddy promises to be around more from now on. For you… and for Mommy."

It was light outside when Liz woke again. She found Max on his side next to her, his hand on her stomach. His gentle kiss was heaven.

"I love you." He sounded like he was afraid she would have forgotten it since last night.

She laced her fingers with his. "I don’t deserve you," she told him seriously. "How can I live up to how long you have loved me?"

Tightening his grip on her fingers, he took a deep breath. "It’s not about how long either of us loved the other, it’s about how happy we’ve made each other during the time we’ve had together. And trust me, Liz Evans, my last life-time had only a few moments of happiness, when I was dreaming of you."

She opened her mouth to answer, but he put his finger over her lips. "And you’ve given me enough during this life-time to last me another few. Let’s just think about the future from now on, okay? The past’s demons are behind us now."

Nodding, she kissed him for being the sweetest alien in the universe. "Do you have to go back to the negotiations?" she asked him when they finally broke apart.

"I don’t know. I have so much to tell you that I didn’t get around to last night." He smiled crookedly at her. "Let me get us breakfast, and we’ll talk."


The reunion was sweet when Eric and Sarah arrived later that day. Sarah and Liz hugged each other tightly and Sarah and Eric were joyful when the heard that baby will make three for the Evans’ soon.

"How did you know to come back now?" Max asked Eric when they all finally settled down in the little lounge off his and Liz’ bedroom.

"I’ve had informants on my planet for years and I heard how Dak’or was running the place into the ground. I figured the best time for me to come back and get rid of him was while his attention was directed at the peace negotiations. I’m sorry it took me so long to get everything sorted out on the planet."

"So, what about the peace talks?" Liz asked. Please let them be over so Max and I can live our normal lives again.

Eric grinned and reached out to take Sarah’s hand. "I told everyone they could keep their planets as long as they left mine alone. So, I guess you could say peace has been reached."

The relief that washed over Liz tilted her hormones into madness again and she burst into huge racking sobs that didn’t stop even when Max pulled her into his warm embrace and let her cry against his chest. She vaguely heard him thank Eric and find out some of the final details of the talks, but she could care less. All she wanted to do was go home to their little house in Albuquerque and have her son.


In the end they stayed another week. A week that saw James and Shilla become an official item. Max had smiled warmly at them when James came to ask if Shilla could accompany them back to earth.

Max had spent a lot more time with Rula too, learning about his past. He also met with the King of Dendar and Eric to finalize the peace agreement. Nothing felt as good as signing ‘Zan’ at the end of the document.

But most importantly, he had kept his first promise to his son and stayed with Liz as much as possible, talking to his unborn baby and making up for lost time with his wife. He got quite good at handling her emotional moments, causing Maria to complain that it was unfair how perfect Liz’s life always was. When Alex pointed out that Maria could have Liz’s life if she were prepared to accept that all sorts of evil people would be trying to kill her off all the time, she changed her mind.

A huge crowd saw them off when they left. This time, they all traveled on the same ship and the atmosphere was almost party-like. Shilla had gotten a little more used to all the antics of Max and Liz’s friends, but she was still getting used to the tingly feeling that overcame her every time James was near. Not to mention the melting sensation when he kissed her!

Their reception on earth was laughably small in comparison to the fanfare of their departure from Dendar. Nick had managed to contact his people to let them know the approximate time of their arrival and when the shuttle’s doors slid open, a hushed little group of parents and members of the alien colony waited for them in the dark of Frazier Woods.

Isabel and her mom were in tears, and Max took the opportunity to hug them both. Liz was being embraced by her parents who noticed her growing stomach immediately. This led to more hysteria from their parents and Max smiled at Liz, both of them knowing that their son was going to be spoilt rotten by his grandparents.

They stayed over in Roswell for a few days, telling their parents and the Valentis all about their adventures. Needless to say, Amy was very happy to hear that Michael had finally gotten around to marrying her daughter, but she made it clear that she expected him to get the official paper here on earth too. Isabel and Alex seemed closer, but were still taking things slow. Nick, Grace and Maddie returned to their home in Roswell after Nick performed the bonding ceremony of James and Shilla. And Liz had only smiled when Shilla told her shyly afterwards that she hoped she could also experience a little of the passion that Liz knew on a daily basis.

Some things were private, though, and none of the parents ever heard about an alien prince that dreamed about his perfect mate and only met her in his second chance at life on a planet far away from his own.


Max was ready to lose it. Liz has been in labor for six hours and he couldn’t take it anymore.

They had all been surprised when it became clear that their son was going to be born seven months after being conceived. When the six month alien pregnancy period had lapsed, they had all just assumed that Liz’s pregnancy would follow human rules, so Max nearly passed out when she woke him up earlier this morning to say that the baby wants to be born. A few frantic phone calls later, the birthing team was on the way and Max was left trying to cope with the first stages of Liz’s labor on his own.

He had tried not to panic, he really did, but at the first sign of the pain Liz was in, he nearly freaked. He attached himself to her side and refused to be moved, even when Grace got irritated with him for being in her way after she arrived with her birthing team. He was deathly afraid that something would go wrong and he wouldn’t be near enough to fix it. Their room in their house in Albuquerque was crowded with Grace and two other women from the colony, who had been slightly taken aback by his resolute presence at Liz’s side. So far, he ignored all the bullying looks and concentrated on Liz who was coping much better than him.

A small whimper from Liz alerted him to another contraction coming on and he pressed his face against the side of her head as he held her hand through it. He kept his other hand on her stomach, trying to send heat and healing through to Liz. He waited until she started taking great, racking, relaxing breaths before kissing her cheek. "I love you. You are doing great," he told her.

Glancing at him wryly, Liz knew he was not as calm as he tried to sound. In fact, he looked ready to keel over. She caressed his face with a smile. "Breathe, Max."

"God, Liz, there must be something I can do!" he burst out. She was so tiny. In spite of being seven months pregnant, she was still petite and he wasn’t sure her body could take this battering. Actually, he wasn’t sure HIS body could take the battering. Surely he could help the process along. Why did he have these stupid powers if he couldn’t use them to save Liz all this pain? Surely there was some way he could hurry up his son’s entrance into the world.

"I’m fine so far. I’ll let you know if I need help," she promised him. To tell the truth, she felt a little sad that her little boy was not going to be part of her body anymore. She’s gotten used to having him inside her and sharing such a strong connection with him. Even though she didn’t want to have the last three weeks of her pregnancy over again (she had been HUGE), she would miss the closeness with her son.

"How long is this still going to take?" Max asked Grace.

"I’m guessing about two more hours?"

Max paled, but didn’t have a chance to say anything before he had to help Liz through another contraction.

"Maa-aax!" Liz cried as the pain sliced through her belly. The others were awful, but this one felt like a thousand hot knives were cutting into her. Tears formed in her eyes as she gripped his hand and looked wildly at him. Something wasn’t wrong, was it? She had been able to cope with the pain so far, what was going on now?

"Grace!" Max called wildly. "What is going on?"

The other two women stared at their King, they had never seen him like this before. "Calm down, Max," Grace commanded him. "Things are just starting to move faster now. It’s normal."

Taking deep breaths, Max tried to get a hold of himself. Little did he know, his worst nightmare was just beginning!

Liz was in a fog of pain and finally her calm fled her completely. Her eyes flew open, huge and hopelessly woebegone. "It’s horrible, Max," she wailed.

"I know, I know," he tried to soothe.

"You don’t know," she cried. "It’s not you suffering this… this…" She moaned and bent forward, huddling over the pain of the contraction.

She was right to some extent, he thought frantically. Some of the pain was seeping through their connection, but none of it would be as intense as she was experiencing it. "Roll onto you side, Liz," Max urged. "I’ll rub your back."

"It won’t help," she sobbed.

"I’m sorry, love, but it’s all I can do for you right now…"

"Don’t just say you’re sorry, DO something," she moaned.

Max got his hand working in circular caresses on Liz’s lower back, adding some alien healing power to the mix, and leaned over to kiss her ear. "I love you so much. This will be over soon."

"You’re only… saying that to make me…" Grumbled between gasps of pain.

"No!" he cried out in sheer desperation. "It WILL end soon or I’ll…" He glared at Grace. "Please hurry this up!"

"Max?" a breathless question.

"Yeah?" Lord, will this never end?

"He should have… have a name…"

He leaned forward to kiss her again. He kissed her all over her flushed, beautiful face. "You pick one. Right now, I’m too upset with him for making you suffer like this."

Shock registered in her eyes and he knew he had said the wrong thing.

"He’s YOUR… son!"

"I know! I’m sorry, it’s just… Can he come out of there already!" He pressed his forehead against hers. "I hate seeing you like this."

"You better… be nice to… him when he’s born. You’re… responsible…" She was starting to not make sense anymore.

"I know," he muttered. "I’m not touching you again!"

Liz moaned again and Grace glared at Max. "Are you crazy? Stop saying stupid things to her, she is having your baby!"

Nodding meekly, Max resolved to keep his mouth shut until his son is born. He broke his own rule immediately. "So, what do you want to call him?"

"Head’s engaged," one of Grace’s assistants informed them. "You’ll feel like bearing down soon."

Max kept rubbing her back, hoping it helped. How useless men of all species were when it got to the crunch of actually giving birth!

A groan of sheer anguish rattled his nerves anew. Liz rolled onto her back, desperately trying to stick to a breathing pattern. He grabbed her hand and her fingers dug into his like talons as she lurched forward. He quickly slipped his arm around her shoulders, hugging her supportively. His heart was hammering.

Suddenly it was all action. Instructions and encouragement were being called out. Liz was frantically trying to follow orders. Max heard himself echoing what everyone was saying, wildly anxious for it to be over.

Then a tiny baby slipped into Grace’s hands and the distinctive cry of a newborn silenced all of them. Liz fell back onto the pillow exhausted.

"It’s okay," Max murmured, stroking her damp hair away from her damp forehead. "He’s born. It’s over. And I love you more than I can ever say."

She smiled weakly at him. "Me too. Can I see him?"

He dragged himself away from her reluctantly. His son was being wiped and was yelling his dislike of the outside world. He stared at the little waving arms and feet in awe.

And then the next King of Antar was placed in his arms.

He didn’t even notice the tears in his eyes as he looked in his son’s eyes for the first time. A rush of such protectiveness overwhelmed him that he had to take deep breaths to get his body to work again.

"Max?" It was a profound moment for Liz, watching her son and her husband bond like that.

Her voice snapped him back and he carried the baby back to Liz and carefully laid him across her bare tummy, just under her breasts. "Liz…" It was a choked sound as they stared down at the perfect little person their love had created.

Max touched his finger to his son’s little hand and the baby grabbed it, causing a bright glow at the point of connection. Max’s harsh inhalation of breath was loud in the room and his wet gaze searched for Liz’s. "He is so perfect. You are so perfect." His heart was literally overflowing with relief and joy.

It was a moment Max would never forget.

The most perfect moment.


Liz woke up later, groggy and disorientated and her hand automatically drifted to her tummy, a soft, spongy, deflated tummy. The baby! She’d had the baby!

Her eyes opened in a flash. The room was filled with white roses, spilling over every available surface. Emotion threatened to choke her when her gaze found Max sprawled in a chair next to the bed, his head dropped onto his chest, eyes closed, fast asleep. And next to him, still clutching his finger, their son slept too in his own little bed.

She relaxed onto her pillow and reveled in just looking at the two of them. Max was the loveliest man. His black hair was mussed, lending an endearing, almost little-boy quality to his handsome face. Of course, his eyes changed that when they were open… such powerful, riveting amber eyes. And his body was all man… the sexiest, most exiting body a woman could ever know and be pleasured by.

She was so lucky to know him, even luckier that he loved her. And it wasn’t because he was gorgeous on the outside. What was inside was best of all… gentleness and a caring, giving heart, lined up with a strength of character that didn’t shy at anything that he considered had to be done.

Her gaze shifted to their son. He was really tiny and already had a mop of black hair, just like his daddy. How could you love someone so shatteringly that you’ve only known for a few hours? And how amazing that just looking at him made the pain of bringing him into this world recede.

As if aware that she was awake, Max opened his eyes and looked at her with such tenderness that tears welled up in her eyes. He got to his feet, gingerly dragging the little bassinet closer to their bed so he didn’t have to remove his finger from their son’s grip. Perching on the side of the bed next to Liz, he slid his free arm between her shoulders and the pillows, hugging her against him tightly.

"Thank you for the roses." She snuggled closer against his chest as he rested his chin on her hair.

"Thank you for my son." He kissed the top of her head before pulling back slightly so he could meet her eyes. "And thank you for loving me enough to go through all that to give him to me."

She smiled up at him. "Max, women have been going through all that to have babies forever, I’m not special."

"You are to me. And other women did not have to worry about giving birth to a half-alien baby. Weren’t you ever worried that something strange might happen?"

"No," she whispered. "I knew everything would be perfect."

His fingers threaded through her hair and gently tugged her head back. He kissed her, not hungrily, not passionately, more as though he was slowly relishing and deeply valuing every nuance of her love and response.

A small whimper from their son broke them apart. Max looked at her wryly. "I think he’s hungry, but his dad is going to have to teach him better timing. I’m not having another Maria around that interrupt us every time we get intimate." He picked the baby up and placed him in Liz’s arms and stretched himself out next to them on the bed.

"I think we should call him Matthew," she stated firmly. "Because he is a gift."

Nodding, Max touched his finger to his son’s cheek. "Hi Matthew." He watched as Liz started feeding Matthew. "We’re glad you’re finally here." He leaned over to whisper to his suckling son. "We love you."

Later, after he put the sleeping Matthew back in his bed, he came back to join Liz, wrapping her in his warm, comforting embrace.

"I thought you weren’t touching me again," she teased him.

Grinning, he kissed her nose. "Well, maybe no touching was a bit extreme. I just meant no sex ever again!"

Snuggling closer, she smiled to herself. She was going to enjoy changing his mind…



Liz heard soft whispers next to her bed and had trouble not smiling. Max had obviously decided Matthew was finally allowed to meet his new little sister and was telling him the rules about being close to mommy and little Belle-Mari. His soft and serious: "I promise, Daddy," made Liz love her little boy even more. It reminded her of all the times during the past three years that she had found Max and Matthew talking to each other seriously. They played together a lot, but those quiet moments together were the most special to witness.

Max watched as Matthew raced to his mother first. He looked at her with anxious eyes before hesitantly touching her hand. He was his mother’s little boy and he loved her to distraction. Maria had told him how distressed Matthew had been while Liz was giving birth and the tear-tracks had still been visible on his cheeks when Max went to get him so he could come see for himself that everyone was fine.

Matthew turned to Max, his eyes huge and concerned. "Are you sure mommy is okay?"

Walking closer, Max lifted him up so he could sit on the bed with Liz. "Yes, she is. You know how much I love mommy and that I won’t lie to you. She’s just very tired."

"I’m fine, sweetie," Liz didn’t want him to be so worried so she opened her eyes to reassure him.

"Mommy!" Matthew whirled to her and flung his arms around her neck, making Max wince. "I felt you hurt."

She met Max’s eyes over Matthew’s head. Why hadn’t they thought about Matthew’s connection to both of them? No wonder he was upset. "I’m sorry, sweetheart. Everything is over now." She rubbed his back. "Why don’t you let daddy show you your sister?"

"Okay," he bounced back like only a three-year old could.

Max took him over to look at his newborn sister and he grinned with Liz when Matthew stood on his tiptoes next to the little bed to see her. "She’s red," he announced.

"She will be for a little while still," Max told him.

Apparently not able to tear himself away from watching Belle-Mari, Matthew remained at her side, clinging to the sides of her bed. "Hello Belle," he whispered, making his parents smile.

Joining Liz on the bed, Max kissed her forehead. "Did I do better this time?"

"Yes, you were much calmer," Liz chuckled. "And you didn’t even threaten to never touch me again!"

"I learned my lesson. Look what not touching you last time brought us." He waved at their daughter. "Besides, you were made to be touched by me." Leaning closer, he brushed his lips over hers, kissing the girl he first fell in love with, his best friend, the woman he married and the mother of his children.

Liz wrapped her arms around his neck, glorying in the way he kissed her and the way he loved her as she had from the moment he first touched her. It was a sin that no one else would ever get to experience this. Sparing a thought for the rest of the universe’s women, she told them all silently: Sorry, ladies, he’s mine and I’m keeping him!

They never saw Matthew leaving the room to find all their family and friends waiting outside. His grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guerin, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whitman, Nick and Grace, James and Shilla were all waiting to get a chance to see the latest little Evans since they had been too late to attend the previous birth. Matthew looked at them with a scowl and his exasperated exclamation was loud enough for his parents to hear.

"They’re kissing again!"

A few words that meant so much more.

It meant that all was right with the world.



If I could grant you one wish

I wish you could see the way you kiss

I love watching you, baby

When you’re driving me crazy

It’s not right, it’s not fair

What you’re missing over there

Someday I’ll find a way to show you

Just how lucky I am to know you

You’re the million reasons why

There’s love reflecting in my eyes

I love the way you love, the way you love me

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be

To feel the way I feel with your arms around me

The way you love me.