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Cause you just gotta know...
||| TeacherWeb ||| LiveText ||| Strategies |||

"The modern context of changing technological demands, high standards, and rigorous state and national assessments is [an] important part of this real-life context." - Conley Content Area Literacy

I teach English/Language Arts at North Hall High School and this real, ever-changing world of media and stuff to read, write, interpret is the reason why students need a good basis in literacy. Literacy skills will also help them learn in all subject areas and make them more successful across the board.

In addition to teaching, I sponsor the school yearbook and newspaper.

This page is my little collection of teaching resources.

In the bar across the top, you'll see links to TeacherWeb and LiveText, two major teacher resource websites.

My Strategies are some of the ones I've used in the form of documents I've created.

   Take a look!