Dazzlin Dead Bears Td Guide
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Dazzlin Dead Bears Td Guide

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Below Is Our Staff Rules & Guide Lines

DAZZLERS!!!~~When 4 Are In A Tourney~It is CLOSED & Started.

Tourney Settings

SINGLES ~ 50 Buxx & up ( TD's Choice )
Doubles ~ 50 Buxx & up ( TD's Choice )
Multi Tourneys ~ 70 Buxx & up ( TD's Choice )
Special Events ~ 70 Buxx & up ( TD's Choice )

Dazzlin Dead Bear DAZZLERS!!

Tds choice
SINGLES 50 - 70
DOUBLES 80 – 100 Buxx
For A DAZZLER the seeding is to be set on rating.
For all other tourneys you can choose what you want to have the seeding on.

Rules For Making & Hosting

When Pre-making you may use the 15/45 min slots ONLY if you are hosting on the hour and 1/2hr spots, When Pre-making, it would be awesome to see 2 tourneys on the hour 1 being a DOUBLES & 2 Tourneys on the Half Hour, 1 being a REGULAR. ( BUT ) Is not required

You MUST start hosting with a normal tourney!!
You MUST end your hosting with a normal tourney!!
You CAN have a DAZZLER PRE-MADE as one of your first tourneys.
You must be in the lobby a half hour before your tourney starts.

ALL tourneys must be closed or moved at 15 min to the next td’s time.
EXAMPLE: Your last tourney is made at 12:30 you MUST move all tourneys that have not closed at 12:45 pm.

Hosting Td

You are The Hosting TD when you have at least 1 tourney set on the hour & 1 tourney set on the half hour slots..*It is then up to you to make the DAZZLERS and takes requests, OR you can have some one help you.*Being the hosting td, NO ONE is allowed to make tourneys between yours with asking you first..*Plz be sure to host only what you can keep up with. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

If you are running/hosting & do not have 2 tourneys up on the hour & 2 on the half hour, Then any TD is allowed to make tourneys on those open spots.

When 2 or more TDs are hosting together we suggest that you open a conference & work together in there instead of doing it in lobby.
( OR ) you can use skype, A voice conference to talk to them.
That is much more helpful for the staff hosting together & this is also so the members do not have see our staff communicating in the lobby..Will you take that request? & So on.


Requests are not demanded but rather a request to make a tourney they want to play. *It is up to the hosting td if they want to take the request OR have someone else to take it.
Make sure you check the calendar before making any requests and see if another TD already has the game up within the next 30 mins. We do not want someone making a request when one is already pre scheduled.

If there is more then one TD Hosting. Work together on closing the tourneys up before making more. * If a game is not filling you can ask the one who is in the tourney if there is anyone in it, to change the game to something else.
If a request is made & other tourneys are open to be filled, you can simply change one of the games to the request asked. Be sure to tell the members in the lobby that the game was changed.*EXAMPLE Simon Says Ntc was changed to Snooker Nt.

Doubles Request

All doubles requests must be random partners!!
When making a doubles request it must not interfere with doubles already pre scheduled.
If a doubles DAZZLER is requested and it is 15 minutes until the next dubs starts, Plz tell the one that requested the DAZZLER DUBS, that it will be made as soon as the Pre Scheduled Dubs closes.. All doubles requests must be closed quick so that it does not affect any other pre scheduled tourney. So use your common sense when making these.

Moving / Canceling Tourneys

DO NOT ever Delete a tourney!!
If you can't start a tourney, & have to move it, close it & move it to 2010.
If you need to move your tourneys, Plz move them 5 hours ahead of time. This Allows time for the empty spots to be filled.
If LESS then 5 hours, please DO NOT move them but get a hold of a HTD OR Admin and inform them you cannot run them.. (A Htd OR admin will move them or run them for you. (HTDS if you move them you need to be sure you remove all the registered players first, close the tourneys ( so no one else can join ), & then move them.

Hosting While Playing

While In Training ~ your 1st 10 tourneys you CANNOT play in any tourney!!
Your full attention needs to remain on your hosting games. If you register for one while you are running you will be removed from it.
You MAY make any of your first 10 DAZZLERS, ( but ) the dubs is to be a regular dubs. ( NOT ) a Dazzler Dubs
A staff member may never play in more than ONE tourney or league game when hosting.
When you are hosting, the members in your tourney should be your first priority, not the game you're playing.
When playing you are a member and have the same slow play rules. You cannot just say sorry hosting that is not an excuse. You do have 3 BRBs same as players so if you need to you can use the brb's to call pairings or to make posts. If you can not keep up then DO NOT host & play. HINT~ It is easier to play a dubs while hosting rather then a singles.

Members Rules

No One is allowed to play in no more then 3 tourneys at a time!!
If they are in more then 3 tourneys they are then DQ’d from the last tourney they registered for. If they are in last hand of one of the tourneys they are playing they MAY register for another.
As a td make sure you check to see if they are at more then 3 tables in the lobby.If they are you need to talk to the td of the last tourney as they cannot play in more then 3 games and must be DQ in one game.

Working As A Team

It is ok and encouraged for you to ask for help if needed in running your tourneys. Sometimes issues or problems cause us to focus on something and making it impossible to keep up with running all of our tourneys. Ask a HTD for help If one is not available then ask another td for help.
Also if you cannot watch all your doubles tables again ask another HTD or td for help watching your tables. If you have any issues on a table example fighting, rules, slow play etc. please always get a HTD at your table. If there is not a HTD available ask another td for help.All problems should be screen shot and sent to Rippled420deadbear the HA to resolve the issue.

Game Length

All games are 45 minutes start to end. If you see a table close to the 45 min then go to table and give them a last hand warning or 5 min warning.

Calling Pairs In The Lobby

After you post the pairs always place a time after post!!
People have 3 minutes from the time posted to make the table and invite.
If they do not make within the 3 minutes the opponent can make the table & invite.
The person who makes the table has the option of what seat they would like to sit in.

**make sure your pairings are as short as possible as more then 3 lines of spam may get you booted and barred from the yahoo games room. Everyone has their own style of running so please use yours.

Singles Timers

If a person is MIA in a singles match they have 10 minutes timer.
Timer is put on the table & also posted in lobby.
EXAMPLE: Rippled 8:50 TIMER.
When or if the player comes back & time is left, you post how many minutes they used and how many is left. This is in case they are booted again.
EXAMPLE: Rippled 5 minutes used 5 left.
If A Player is booted 3 times in a singles game they DQ & the game is canceled.

If both players in a match are MIA when you announce pairings, you place the first player on a 10 minute timer from pairings time. If the player is not back within the 10 minutes; then you advance the 2nd player to next round. The next round is played as normal. If they are still MIA you have the opponent make the table and place another timer from pairs on the table and in lobby.

During a game if a player goes MIA, The td is to look at score & if the score shows that the player that is still there is clearly winning they are to get an Admin to the table. If No admin Available get A Htd. If no Htd. Screen Shot the score, & send it to the Ha Rippled along with the name of the player that went MIA.
This is to watch for people leaving when they are losing.
CLEARLY WINNING ~ 3800 ~ -800 / 4200 ~ 1200
CLEARLY NOT WINNING ~ 3800 ~ 2500 / 4200 ~ 2500
If The score is 4000 or more the td is to sit and finish the hand for the other opponent to get there rating AFTER the mia time is over.


Only 3 BRB's during a game are allowed!!
No BRB's should take more than 3 minutes. if you are invited to table check idle time if over 3 mins start MIA from the end of the 3mins.
If they take more then 3 mins that also comes off their future BRBs to not hold up the game.
Example: someone is gone BRB for 5 mins that’s actually almost 2 BRBs therefore they only have 1 BRBs left. If they have no ping then the timer is placed from the time of no ping. If they are in a doubles game ask the players to boot as soon as they can so to not hold up the game.

Dubs Timer

If A member is MIA when pairs are posted then a timer is placed in lobby and at the table from the time of post. The member has a 5 minute timer. After 5 minutes is done a SUB is requested in the lobby. If the player returns and the sub has started the game the SUB finishes the entire game of that round. The MIA player can watch the game quietly with NO Kibbies allowed. If they win that game the original player can continue to play when the next round is called.

If the member goes MIA after the game has started, there is no timer!!
A SUB is asked for in the lobby immediately!!
If the player returns before the game is over, They may have there seat back ( BUT ) the SUB is to finish that hand first. Plz Thank the sub before being booted.

Restarts on Dq's / Wrong Table Settings

There is NO restarts!!
UNLESS # 1 ~ Table is made wrong and it is still in the first hand and no score is on the board. The players can cancel the game and make the correct table and start over.
# 2 ~ Some one DQ's in A Dubs**the opponents must both agree it is ok to restart the game. The game can only be restarted if it is the first hand.
If it is past the first hand then it is up to the players opponents if they wish to continue playing the game. *both people must agree to ignore the DQ and continue the game. If the DQ is ignored the game continues as if the DQ never happened until there is a winner.

Please seperate your staff from your members on your messenger
If you are hosting and there are no tourneys after yours, Plz spam the staff only on your messenger for the need for upcoming tourneys.

Game Tables

All NEW games must make a NEW table. You cannot use the same table you just finished playing on you must make a new table for the next round or next game.

Appreciation Tourneys

Appreciation tourneys will be rewarded for
100 ~ 200 ~ 300 ~ 400 ~ 500 ~ 600 ~ 700 ~ 800 ~ 900 ~ 1000.
After 1000 tourneys hosted then it goes to every 500 tourneys.
( 1500 ~ 2000 ~ 2500 ETC ) These tourneys get a 500 Buxx TD Donation.
Singles~Doubles~Swiss~D/E~OR 3 vs 3 Can be Requested as appreciation tourneys.

Birthday Tourneys

Birthday Tourneys Get a 1000 Buxx Td Donation
Singles ~ Doubles ~ Swiss & D/E can be Requested as Birthday Tourneys.


Please remember we have plenty of different types of personalities and humors. Never take things said to heart and never let something fester always speak to an admin about any issues you have in the lobby or with members.
If you have any issues with another td. Plz see Ripple About this.

We like our lobby to remain a peaceful place for people to come in feel welcome and have fun with friends.
If trouble starts in the lobby Plz bring the issue to a table and invite a td/htd or admin to it to handle it.
People do not like drama and will find else where to play so we must remain under control.
Anytime if anything happens please get screen shots and send it to the HA in the members or staff complaints form on the Main League Page. Always remember everyone deserves respect and you can only control your actions not the actions of others. So do the best you can to handle the situation and always come to an admin to take care of the issue or questions.