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This is The Website for everything from gossip to boy trouble, we have everything to tell you!

Boy Trouble!    ( Cheat Sheet )

Questions from other girls:

 Q: My boyfriend keeps hanging out with these other girls but he comes up with excuses saying that they're his " Friends ". What should i do? - Sarah

 A: Hi Sarah. We know how you feel and you need to stay calm. Maybe he's just wants to hang out with some other peep's. Don't worry 'bout it, I'm sure he still loves you like mad! - The Website

Q: My boyfriend keeps ignoring my phone calls. I went over to his house and I heard a girl laughing. Please help me! - Emma

A: Hi Emma. So, this is a difficult situation you're in. I know you feel the necessity to dump him right this second, but don't. You need to find out who this girl is. Find out if your boyfriend has mentioned you to her. Hold on in there. You can do this, I know you can! - The Website

Maybe you will be on here next week!!!