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Name: Joshua

Character name: Viro "The Deadhole" Sinnerance

from: Ohio

Years of efedding: Lets say off and on for around 13 or 14 years


Windows live messenger e-mail:

Comments: I have not been the most successful at running e-feds. I will say though that the better ones I ran was when I was doing everything myself. This efed is going to be very nostalgic for me. The first e-fed I was ever in was set up kinda how I am running this fed (results are made for story purpose and not judged by rolplays). This fed will have a little different things though. Like how I will look to role plays for fued ending matches. I am no skilled writer or anything, I will give it my best shot though. Just don't expect a book for the results. :) I am doing this for the fun of it all, To give everyone something to follow and still interact using role plays. Thats about it.