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Website Online!

Yayz! This website has been in development for the last few days, built from the ground up with nothing but my hands, a solid computer, and the ability to check W3C Schools every few minutes to figure out what's wrong with my Javascript :d

Regardless though, this Website will serve as my primary platform site (The first to go live anyhow) for building other websites at request of people in need of them. Or alternatively, I can help "co-build" a site with you, or very least help troubleshoot your code (See the 'Web Help' Page). But no promises, I myself am still learning.

To see what I'm working on, or will be working on, see Projects, where you can see my Project lineup, status and see progress on each Project. Finished or Current. If you'd like to see about getting me to help with your website, you can check out my 'Resume page' and if you like what you see, you can 'Contact' me.