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Staying Focus

Staying Focus

Wanted/People who dare to be different

What Makes This Site Different?



Staying Focus

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This site is design to show how much God loves us. This site is to help build a stronger and more powerful relationship between God and Mankind. Staying Focus is not design to win souls, only to help those that have lost sight on what is important in their lives. I do not claim to be a Professional Advisor nor do I have a degree in Physcology. Staying Focus is for every day people that would like to express their views on different ideals. This site is not design to exploit any pubic official, or discuss their personal life.

Staying Focus is about you and how you feel, what are your thought and ideas on how, we can come together to better educate ourselves on how we can help our environment, keep our country safe from further attempt of "Terrorism" from other countries. Staying Focus is design for those that are not afraid to let other know that they are not ashamed of the "Gospel of Christ".

Staying Focus is a family oriented web-site, where we as the, Body of Christ can express freely our love toward ourselves and other. Those who will share with others about the goodness of God will never be ashamed to face each day with pride, self-will, and determination to live a life of inner peace.

What make this site different? It is ordinary It is honest, It is written with love to Target audiences: Christians, Non-Christians, Parents, Teens, and Children "In order to build a stronger relationship with God, we must be different". "To achieve a new level of stability in our live, we must know who first loved us". Staying Focus 201 N. Bogle Rd. Apt. #22 Logansport, La.