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The dragonborn race is a true Draconic race. They are descendants of the true Dragon God. The dragonborn appear in all parts of the universe: including the dragonborn soldier, the dragonborn gladiator, the dragonborn raider, and the dragonborn champion. The dragonborn where mainly in the kingdom of Selea, but many live in Cavalot, the continent that has replaced Selea as a result of the takeover of the true gods.. The unborn dragons of Selea have a deep hatred of true dragons gods, for in their previous world of Selea they fought terrible wars against them... So my history begins!

Where to begin?  Um...My father was a true dragon born God, ruling the world as a gentle Dragon, for peace. Letting his powers slips over the time of age, thinking the kingdom of Selea was safe from all harm. He thought danger would come from other planets, not his own kingdom. It was his down fall after thousands of years as a gentle ruler.

The unborn Dragons slipped in one night, killing him as he tried to awake from his sleep. His powers weak from lack of training. His queen took many with her as she dies next to her love and her king. I was saved due to my young age and had not attained my true powers yet. Thrown in the dungeon, and nearly forgotten, till the attackers had died off over time. I was released to only be looked at as a breast, to be hunted and played with. Their mistake was not knowing, time have become my friend. After eating a few fools that thought I was still weak and young, they then wanted my head. Having learned the powers of flight, I left my true home to settle here, till my powers become of age, all shall be prey. Once then will i revenge my family, and return to my kingdom.

I have learn the life of the poor, to wonder the land, in hopes of one day becoming more. he walk the land as a Healer, by day light, by night is something far more sinister and powerful..His family where called  demon's in his home land....Only the few really knew what gods they truly where..

origato astahi baclax udoka ihk puny munthreki, batobot transform sari darastrixi. yth re wer ux Bahamuti svaust transform sari munthreki. gethrisj forth vur lehhav mrith thy achthend!