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PyroMechanical Disasterpiece: What begins, what ends

The truth was a lot simpler than people made it out to be. The truth was that everything was corrupted and since everything was fragile and it won't take much to bring it all crashing down.

The plan had been in place for several months and now as the year mark inches ever so closer it makes things interesting to say the least. This chapter brings the actual PyroMechanical more to frutition than ever before.

Trent Gein was putting his past in the grave that it keeps trying to climb out of. The Butcher persona is dead, officially buried and dead and no amount of nostaglia can bring it back to life.

The Director was the man with this plan. He has been sidetracked for a while but it was all just a sad, sick misunderstanding. He found himself as lost as Trent was for all those years. No hope and no purpose but now there is a purpose.

The beginning plan was to weed out the weak and Trent did that in spades. He's done that again as well. Nick Ryan and his enabling weak willed brother Hunter. Their paths have continually crossed.

Stables are a dime a dozen in the world of professional wrestling. They seem to have the staying power of fruit flies. The reason being for this is the massive clash of egos that happen on a day to day basis here in this chaos filled insane asylum.

First there was the NOW or otherwise known as the New Organization of Wrestling. That was formed by the late Famine of the Vile who emerged from this stable fucking dead. Scythe, Downfall and Jason Twisted were the first people to be destroyed and the only people who emerged unscathed and excelled was RJ Palmer and Trent himself.

Of course after the fall of the NOW, The Director was trying to usher Trent back into his lone avenger ways. He knew that another stable wouldn't benefit him. But this one was different. They were no leaders despite what the horrifically uninformed would have you believe. It featured a mix of personalities but the truth of it was that it was a deadly and toxic mix.

They were known as Zero Conformity. Now what exactly does that mean? It means that they listen to no one other than themselves. It means that they don't follow anyone else's rules. They were just about anarchy and making sure that their stablemates were protected against everything but this simply was not the case.

From the sidelines along with his partner in crime Dynamic Dynamite he watched as Nick continued to self destruct and Zach Rizza spit in the face of his team mates and chase after Trent's title. The group got further and further from their original concept and Trent has watched this happen entirely too many goddamn times.

This time things would be different. So Trent along with the help and guidance of the Director went to his stablemates in order to fashion Zero Conformity back to where it need to be. He first spoke to Dynamic Dynamite as he was the one who was closer in methodology to Trent himself. Dynamite was ready to go and agreed with Trent.

They next approached Zach Rizza since he used to be in the Devil's Rejects with Trent and the recently returned Crimson Kline. Zach turned on them like a rabid dog, one that had never bitten before but the clash between Trent and Rizza over the US title should have been a good indictator. They disposed of him and he managed to win the World title and successfully defend the damn thing.

What a punch in the nuts that surely was. To go from getting his ass handed to him by Trent Gein to becoming the second highest title holder in the XWF was enough to anger Trent into provoking a response out of the only man still holding out and that would be the perpetually fucked Nick Ryan.

That tag match and aligning himself with his brother Hunter was the final straw and now since it seems that Nick wants to treat Trent and Dynamite with complete disrespect, he will see exactly what he has gotten himself into.

He's the one who made that promise that if he doesn't do something with himself in the next year that he will retire from wrestling for good. He made that promise and he is the one who has been wasting everyone's time. What a fucking jerk off but then again Nick Ryan eats, sleeps and breaths his persona.

The Director knocks on the door as Trent is sitting at the table with a large pile of letters. He wanted to speak with the young man who found Roger and made this entire PyroMechanical army a stronger and more prominent presence.

The Director enters and allows Kurt Wagner, the kid in the Voice of Reason outfit to enter. He is dressed in dark, solemn colors and the look on his face says that his anger is still very much prevalent. Trent is just shocked at the similarity between the two men. He seems like a younger version of Trent.

I brought you here because I want to hear what you're thinking and where you're going.

I listened to you on television and wondered to myself were you real or were you just playing a character? I still wonder that.

I'm very real. This is who I am and how I feel about life and how I feel about society with its ever hemorrhaging wound.

That's good. I found Roger and he seems to be the most free man I've ever encountered. He's also a little loopy taking on the identity of whoever you want him to be.

Something that I'm sure is aimed in my direction. He was my best friend in college and such a talented filmmaker that seeing him suffer like that was humiliating. I wanted him to be alive.

The power of our desires. I understand but he's here because he lives his life the way he wants to whether he has the big house, or the car or the good job. None of society's trappings have meaning to him.

So do we parade around that way or do we bring a different kind of chaos to these people?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Yeah you do.

Come on Trent.

Come on Trent what? Sure he's free but he's starving and delirious probably from the fever. He 's in a better place now that he's with us. And you are too if we can just figure out what's eating you from inside out.

Trent's thoughts:

I see we have the Ryan Brothers again. The first time was short and sweet for sure. Your heart just didn't seem to be in it. I can tell a lack of passion from miles away and quite frankly Nick you reek of it.

I offered you a proposition to join with me and I could show you all kinds of different things. I could help become a better wrestler and help secure your legacy while being part of something great. Not something that's just mediocre. Not something that people won't pay attention to because there is no heart there.

It pays me to see you dragging down your brother at the same time. Hunter has a chance, a real chance to make something of himself but he's sullying his name by associating with you. I've sullied my name by associating with you. You just don't care anymore.

Things have been bad for so long that the perseverance is gone from all of us. We fight to cling onto the memories not realizing that their memory is what is killing us. It's a poison and this entire company is infected with it.

I'm here to change that around. I'm here to allow chaos the rightful place that it deserves. For the longest time I tried to be what everyone wanted me to be. I was the Butcher. I was this horror movie villain who couldn't be stopped, never spoke and fought with the kind of vitriol that frightened most people. After the day that my humanity was exposed I was fighting tooth and nail to get back to that place not realizing that it could never be reached again.

It would forever be known as my Shangri- La, the apple of my eye or my Plainsfield. But it was just a dream and the sooner that I accepted that, the better the process would be to becoming the man that I am destined to become. This is my future and it doesn't involve playing jukebox favorites to the usual suspects.

Nick, I made you an offer and you said nothing. You stood by and spoke to your brother but you ignored me like a common miscreant. I stood by your side with Zero Conformity and I allowed you to be the leader that you imagined yourself to be. But you've turned your back on me Nick and I won't let it slide.

This is a war, a real one. One with no end in sight, one in which things are worse off than you might imagine them to be. This is the end of the line for you. No new year's eve but right now at the end of August is where the finale to the saga of Nick Ryan will be written.