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"Vietnam Vets Against McCain." You owe it to your country and yourself to take a really close look at this: Click here.
Someone gets their lunch eaten:
By NOT bailing out Wall Street, you might get one less credit card offer per week. It might be more difficult to buy a car or home. Credit will be tighter. But the real s--t hits at the top. Let those big boys on top feel it first and let it trickle down to us.

Obama is NOT for doing away with guns. By electing him, you will only be increasing the amount of money your assault rifle (if you have one) is worth. Let's let him tell us what he believes: OBAMA:Q: You said recently, "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns." But you support the D.C. handgun ban, and you've said that it's constitutional. How do you reconcile those two positions? A: Because I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country. I think it's important for us to recognize that we've got a tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally. And a lot of law-abiding citizens use it for hunting, for sportsmanship, and for protecting their families. We also have a violence on the streets that is the result of illegal handgun usage. And so I think there is nothing wrong with a community saying we are going to take those illegal handguns off the streets. And cracking down on the various loopholes that exist in terms of background checks for children, the mentally ill. We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people's traditions.> Remember, this is "trickle down" economics. When things are going along nicely, those ON TOP are The very last thing in the world we need right now or anytime for that matter, is another religious freakshow in or near the White House. Always remember, faith in something means you believe it. It doesn't mean it's right. For example...
This is Sarah Palin's preacher (you will see him lay hands on her to protect her from witches in the next clip. Let's find out what this man believes. He makes Reverend Wright look tame and sane.
Folks, this is 2008. This is NOT 1400. It's time we all started acting like it.
Sarah Palin being prayed for to protect her from "witches." Oh my God. What year is she living in?
There are no witches or invisible demons. Witches? Evil invisible spirits? Give me a break@ "Gay marriage is an abomonation." Teenage pregnancies are okay?

The only way we have of giving Mr. Bush and Cheney and Rove and Rumsfelt and...just a second...Mr. Bush, you'll have to use all your fingers and> all your toes to count this one ...a LOT of people will be going to jail for a whole lot of things. This will never be America again until they pay for what they did. I believe this should be a question asked during the debates.
Mr. Bush needs to spend a lot of time reflecting on his lack of knowledge of what America does to people who commit "war crimes." A Marine who, in a split second, has to make a life or death decision makes what turns out to be the wrong one. He didn't do it intentionally. Or maybe he was actually temporarily insane. Holding a brother's heart in your hand can do funny things to your logic. The Marine, in order for the Bush administration to appear to be "fair" against those who commit war crimes when it comes down to the troops who were only following their Commander in Chief's orders in being there in the first place. The "National Guard" meant stuff like...golly gee....protecting our borders.

If you are a terrorist and you want to get into this country how would go about it? Hell, if it were me, I'd just walk across the border. There aren't any people there to stop you. Just walk right in.

Our borders are no more secure than our money. Or our pensions. Or our Social Security. Or bridges that don't collapse and levees that should be built to withstand a category 6.


We have to understand that while the movement in many parts of the world calling for a Jihad against the United States and Israel is very real and very dangerous, we can only improve the odds of the situation improving dramatically in a short period of time by electing Obama who will sit down with them man to man and let's see where we disagree and where we agree.

That is all McCain has left to make seem "just something you don't do." This, from a man who can't send an email.

Honestly, I'd feel a whole lot better electing a man who lives in 2008 rather than a man who lives in 1965.

Most of us aren't geniuses on the Internet, but some of us are making a living off it. Some people have gotten rich off it. There is no end to the knowledge to be gained from it. And John McCain doesn't know anything about it and can't even send an email.

To his credit, he did admit it. He was honest about it. I appreciate that about him. But his honestly was beholdin' to his lack of knowledge of what he was talking about.

John M
So, if I were running for "President of the DJs" and were on a debate, I would do exactly what McCaind did. I would fall back on my history of knowledge about the subject of rock and roll. I would you "dazzle" you, even make you misty eyed, as I went through song after song after song I know something about that no one else or few other people know. But, at the same time, I'd have made certain that I wasn't left out in the dark when it comes to the Internet. I would have taken lessons if I had to.

If McCain knows nothing about the Internet and doesn't get on it and learn what people are thinking not only in his sound bites but people from around the planet. If he doesn't know how to use the Internet, what generation is he from? Where "is his head?" 2009? 1985? On one one hand, his experience in foreign affairs is based on "how they used to do it."
It's like McCain would be shocked that everybody who goes to T.G.I.Friday's doesn't wear a business suit.
The man is too far in the past.

On the other hand, there is Obama. Does Obama have the experience to run the country expecially in these most troubling times?

You are on airliner that is out of control and crashing. The oxygen masks are falling. It's a free fall into nowhere. Within an instant, the plane is out of control and in a free fall. Who would you want in control? Someone who knew how to read the radar or someone who did it by the "gut" because they were a maverick.

John McCain I respect and admite. I understand he listens (listened) to me on the radio and has told my boss that he "really enjoys listening to me. Be sure and tell Ron I said that" or words to that effect.

How much can I tell you that his words were. I heard a recording. I have thought about it for years and even tried to gear my show for times when I think he might be home and maybe listening. In these uncertain times, it would be to my best interest to support John McCain in any way I could. On the air, I've had more fun with things like John McCain on Letterman ....the first time. I've always used the McClain clips (sound bites) in a fun way and in no way of politics. McCain is funny. He has a real sense of humor. I know that because he made it a point to tell my boss not once, but twice, how much he enjoyed my show and to please tell me.

John, I can't thank you enough for sharing a laugh with me. To think that John McCain has been driving around town listening to me and laughint while he drives and my humor helping "make his day" - does anyone on the planet realize what an honor that is for me?

No, I can't get an email through to him. I did send one email to a campaign boss telling them that I believed that his sense of humor was one of his strongest points against Obama. It was not that I supported John Mccain for President; it's more like I was thanking him for listening to me and saying what he said about me to my boss who happened to be filling in on the morning show. This was after Senator McCain wrote the book. I read the first few pages of it at a book store and got the feeling that John McCain is more apt to "go with his gut" and this is called being a Maverick. That is no quote and I recommend you get the book yourself, but it is an honest sense I got upon reading fhe first few pages and skipping around the bookstore knowing it was too expensive for me to buy. The book was only in hardcore at the time. I will forever be grateful to Senator McCaain for listening just like I would personally thank Obama for listening. My take on McCain might be different from yours in that I might have something to gain financially if he were elected President. I am in the media. I have a huge natinal audience. We are heard from Cape Cod to Brownsville to Maui to Alaska. I could lean one way or the other on the air and I have leaned more towards McCain than I have Obama because, frankly, it's more fun to have fun with McCain. It's harder to have fun with poking slight fun at Obama because, somneone might take the "bit" seriosuly and think I was endorsing Obama on the air. Some people would take the same words and say I was "for McCain." I've found over the years that the extreme right comlpains the most. When James Dobson asked his sheep to pray for rain when Obama accepts his nominatin in Denver, we are talking pretty far out there. Perhaps Mr. Dobson might consider consulting a physician. Something isn't right.

When I really study each candidate's stance and how that stance might benefit America, I think of McCain as an Atari and Obama as a Mac. You gotta let go of the past to get hold of the future. I hope you will open your mind whether you be a KKK member or a member of the ACLU. For once, come together for the very survival of this country. Obama understands Muslims and can sit down and talk to them. He is the future. McCain is the past. Vote for the future.

II feel that I would have had a good chance of working closely with John McCain on matters relating to the FCC. If I am really his favorite announcer when he is at home, Let's put it this way.
Palin's religion is particularly frightening since it's all a fairy tale:
Religion 101 - Lesson One
Bush is the laughing stock of the world. Alcoholics can't drink. Period. Not wine. Not beer. No alcohol. But, Bush is the president. He can do whatever he wants to do. He is not held accountable.
Religious fanatics like Palin believe WWIII would bring the return of Jesus Christ. These people are insane. They must be stopped. WWIII, according to this video, has already begun.
I would love to debate Sarah Palin's pastor. Let me know when we can get together!
"Palin linked electoral success to prayer of Kenyan witchhunter.
Don't believe me? Click here.
In her own words!!!
Please watch both potential VPs and see who has the stuff and who has the fluff.
Sarah doesn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is but, by God, she's all for it. Her "favorabilty ratings are starting to plummet. The more you know her, the less you wanna know.
She's already trying to sidestep the law (like her hero, Bush). Think of how much she would be in the White House? God help us.
Judging from her stance on abortion, she's gonna MAKE WOMEN give their babies the "series" of shots for diseases that are virtually non-existant. Even if it kills them! You DO NOT want the governemt involved in your medical decisions. Those decisions are up to the woman, her doctor, and God. Sarah Palin and her relious fundamentalist Assembly of God church are not where we need to be going. I would be open to debating her pastor any day of the week on religion. If he has the "wisdom" - and if he has "God" on his side, what's he afraid of??????

Sarah Palin is doing exactly what Carl Rove wanted her to do: TAKE THE NATION'S ATTENTION OFF THE MESS WE'RE IN and concentrate on Sarah Palin.
The election isn't about her. It's about you. Your children. Their children. Do some research on her. Open your mind. You'll come to the right conclusion

We've been lied to. And lied to. And lied to. So much so, that whatever Bush says is true is false and whatever he says is false is true.
For example:
Seems pretty far out. Everything Bush has done has been pretty far out. Don't elect his clone.
Palin: "Gays should never be given the legal right to marry." Only pregnant teenagers?

The very last thing this country needs in the White House is another nubjob Right Wing Radical Christian. I mean, for God's sake, we had Ashcroft in there who went to his office immediately after he was offered the position of Attorney General and asked his staff to "annoint him." With what? They finally found some Crisco and actually annointed the guy with it. I guess this meant he had to take his shirt off.
Well, hell, Biden is a Catholic.
Obama went to a church where the pastor screamed "God Damn America."
But, by the time you get to the voting booth, Obama will appear to be someone who had way too many associations with people who hated this country thus, the absurd assumption that he agreed with them.
We are constantly being bombarded by "America is number one in everything and we are tough and we are not to be messed with. In reality, we are not number one. We have the 39th lowest baby survival rate in the civilized world. China is graduating many more engineers per capita, than we are. Every other ally gets more guaranteed by the government - VACATION TIME.
You have Republicans who won't increase the cost of living wages to something livable.
Do you realize that, in one day Bush doubled our national debt by bailing out Fannie May? Bush didn't bail them out. Your grandchildren's grandchildren will still be paying the debt. Know why he did it? Because China told him to because, once the U.S. dollar tanks, how are we going to repay them the trillions we are borrowing from them every MONTH? Those "tax relief" chacks you got? That came from money Bush borrowed from China. It wasn't really Bush who gave you the money, it was your grandchildren. They will pay for it.
Google it.
Unless you make over $250,000 or more your taxes under Obama will go down more than they will with McCain. If you make over $250,000 a year, good for you. Now help take some of this burden off those less fortunate than you.
But it doesn't come down to gays getting married or abortion or gun control. Of course veterans of that era will vote for them. But his prisoner of war experience and his brave service to his country will be the "why" they vote for him. Nothing else will matter.
For those who want to keep their assault rifles and are very protective of their right to bear arms will vote for McCain. Nothing else will matter.

Obama has been educated like no other candidate with what is wrong with America. He sees it froma world view. As Americans, we love our country. Just like we love our sons. We will always love our sons and daughters no matter what. If they blow up the neighborhood with explosives they obtained from money they made selling crack to teenagers in rich white town, we are still going to love them.

I love my country. I hate what it's become. I paid five tolls tonight on a short trip. They pay booths were not more than five miles apart. $1.00. Each stop. Five bucks total. I could buy a six pack with that. The toll was supposed to be "until we get it paid for." It's paid for itself 10 times over and we're still paying. Why? The Saudi's own it. They own many of the tollways. Much of each dollar you pay at a tollway goes to the Saudis. Surprised? Why? You know they bought the Chrysler Building in New York City? They are buying a lot of land around Houston/Sugarland.
Why ivande it when you can buy it?
You are least likely to hear about this on the Fox Republican Network.
Some Americans are as amart as a box of rocks and, if they ever hear: "Fair and balanced" they will assume that the news is somehow fair and balanced on that network. Those are the same good ole boys who will vote for McCain simply because that is about all there is to do where they live. You go out on Saturday night in your pick up. You meet a nice young lady. You get her pregnant. And her mother runs for VP and get's applauded because she is such a fine and upstanding Christian. Some good Christians might say: "She talks the talk but she don't walk the walk."
Some feminists will vote for her simply because she is a woman which puts them neck and neck with the guys who sell chewing tobacco at NASCAR.
In other words, American's collective ability to sort fact from fiction and lies from truth derived from an average of all voter's IQs.
Is there a way to get an idea of which are the smart states when it comes to education levels? With few exceptions it's "less educated states that vote red. I live in a red state and I know what they mean. Freak shows around here. Like living around ax murderers or something. They don't speak the same language.
The language is simple. The choice is simple.
As I write this, Russian ships are headed to Venezuala to "conduct maneuvers we had planned long before diminished relationship with the United States."
Why are we supporting Georgia over there after we told them, during the Bay of Bigs, that we would not allow them to put missles in Cuba. We nearly blew each other up over that.
Cheney just gave Georgie OVER THERE A BILLION DOLLARS while ignorning out own GEORGIA, USA!!
We MUST come together on one issue at a time. As a people we need to consider "which of the two candidates will keep us out of a nuclear war with Russia?" That is the only question we need to ask because that our "clear and present danger."
Now is not the time in history for a Maverick. There is too much at stake. Let's get things settles with Russia. McCain deals with strength and resolve and "it's our way or the hightway" and Obama is more like "Let's sit down and talk this out and make it happen."
McCain san't even send an email for God's sake while Obama is over there texting.
Love McCain. Cry for him. Build a statue of him in Cental Park to honor his valor and preserve the memory of an old war horse who gave it his best shot. A holiday named after him but to honor all of those brave vets who fought in Viet Namn. May best friend is a Viet Nam vet. His daughter's picture is in my trivia book.
I remember the Cuban Missle Crisis. I was in the 7th grade. We all thought we might be nuked the next day because some of the missles in Cuba were armed and ready to fire.
We had seen what the bomb cound do. The world had seen it. A baby zapped with 200,000,000 X-Rays at the same second turned into remains with the texture of burned paper.
The election MIGHT get here in time to save us. Bush wants a legacy and backing the Russians down would be last ditch effort - 4th and 30 - Hail Mary - let's see what happens. He is not a brave man. He wants to be. He vicariously "becomes" a "real strong man" through our men and women fighting his war in Iraq.
There never will be nor has there been any honor in continuing to fight a dishonorable war.
When you punch the paper or click the lever or touch the screen you are voting "McCain - I wanna follow the old guy into the final battle because Jesus is coming. Let's nuke it out with the Russians because we're tough guys."
Or, would it be better to say: "It is very nice to speak to you. We have a misunderstanding we need to work on. You tell me what the problem is, and let's see if we can settle it without spending billions out of your economy and ours to find out who the tough guy is. I see your point. I understand the problem. We are placing missles in your hermisphere and we already did the whoe Cuban Miccles Crisis. Okay. Let's see what we agree on."
WWIII. Worse than any terrorist. This is not prophecy. This is for real.
I took a Sunday afternoon to put this little video on youtube for Mr. Bush. He's done so much for us. It's my way of saying "thanks."
Senator McCain was a war hero. There is no question about that. We all honor and respect his service. A tribute to him is appropriate. The Presidency is not.
This summer's "HOW TO BE INSANE" award goes to:
SHAME ON YOU, James Dobson. How dare you "test" the Lord asking Him to "rain on Obama." How immature, selfish, and just plain disgusting. It shows you for the man you are NOT. You are a spoiled little brat who, when he can't get his way, considers God his own personal bully.
But then, you've said you will never vote for McCain. Are you gonna ask God to rain on his parade, too? Please don't do that. Let each candidate have their time "in the light." The American people will ultimately decide.
Instead, why don't you ask your "flock" to pray for this little boy. He needs rain. He needs water. He needs food. He is dying or already dead.
Click here to help.

I do ask my listeners to pray for you. And I will pray for you. I won't be asking God to rain on you. I'll ask Him to teach you tolerance. That is what makes this a great nation - we don't agree on everything. God bless you, Mr. Dobson, but please, don't make a mockery of God again.
Let's focus on Focus. Click here.

That's why just the idea of a man this much out of his mind gives us all the creeps. Doesn't it actually frighten you that many people actually believe this crap?
Click here.

LISTEN To the Foster Show LIVE Click here.

Amazing. Hilarious. Serious. Jerome R. Corsi has a new book out "Swiftboating" Obama. Let's take a look at this "Mr" Corsi. He is a typical neocon. Read it for yourself. He WANTS war with IRAN because he makes BIG MONEY off the deal. Click here.

Who started the Russian Invasion? -

In 1976 I had the priviledge of working with some cool ad talented guys named "The Barons." As I remember it, we worked on the song about once every week or two for a couple of hours. It wasn't just as simple as "let's sit down and jam up a hit record." It took us about 6 months to get the thing finished.
One of the last musicians to "add his part to the track" was the sax player. He was a black man who had attended most of the sessions. He kinda hung out on the bottom of a double decker bed which had turned into more of a place where old magazines and records wound up.
I asked: "Are youi ready?? His reply: "I stay ready." I hummed him an idea of what I wanted the sax to sound like, he grabbed his sax and blew exactly what I had in mind. No wonder. He had played sax for Fats Domino at one time. He was a friend of the groups and I didn't really didn't get to know him, but he played a mean sax.

Listen to what Obama is saying. It doesn't matter who you plan to vote for. Listen to what Obama is saying. His Berlin speech was a brilliant look into a brighter future. If any man had reached the stage that he has reached and NOT taken the opportunity to tell the world how we need to stop fighting each other over religion and how we need to come together as a "world" to save this planet," would have been the kind of man who didn't appreciate the opportunity and use it to spread friendship among nations and return the US to sanity. Obama is giving all of us his vision for the future. Give him 25 minutes of your time.

Free Concerts and you are on the front row. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. For two clicks you will have free access to tons of Classic Hits!

Sadly, looks like a silent stroke.
By definition, there can be no "honor" in fighting a dishonorable war.
Donohue kicks O'Reilly's ass.
Four more years of this?
O'Reilly is such a hypocritical dork that he got all over Democrats' case for saying nice things about Tony Snow the day after his death. Now, watch Mr. Hypocrite!
Yeah, get to work!
Rush Limbaugh on McCain before he was paid $400 million dollars to continue his job as a mouthpiece for Bush and the oil companies. I thought payola was illegal?
Agree with Bill O'Reilly or he will send the religious police to GET YOU!!!
More humor from Bill O'Reilly: (Hey Bill, I'm waiting for those religious police to come get me. Why don't you come along with them)?
Even a true man like Ann Coulter despises McCain. In her own words:
This says it all...

Now, for more "revelations."
Horus came along about 3,000 years BEFORE CHRIST. Thus, the story of Horus could not have come from the story of Jesus, but rather, the story of Jesus is almost a carbon copy of that of Horus. Proof that the story of Jesus was taken from Greek mythology.
What about Attis?
Attis of Phrygia, 1200 BC!
--Attis was born on December 25 of the Virgin Nana.
--He was considered the savior who was slain for the salvation of mankind.
--His body as bread was eaten by his worshippers
--His priests were “eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven.”
--He was both the Divine Son and the Father.
--On “Black Friday,” he was crucified on a tree, from which his holy blood ran down to redeem the earth.
--He descended into the underworld.
--After three days, Attis was resurrected on March 25 (as tradition held of Jesus) as the “Most High God.
More on Attis - Click here.

Krishna - 900 BC! Click here.

What about Dionysus? Click here.

My views on religion?

Your deceased father did not come back as a cow. Cows are not holy. The Jewish people are not "God's chosen" people. All people are created equal. Mary is not appearing on tree stumps or waffles. Mary is dead. Deal with it. The Pope is not infallible. He's a guy who refrains from sex, wears a funny hat, and tells the world how they should give to the poor and then gets in his 5 million dollar Popemobile for the ride back to the billion dollar Vatican. Muhammad didn't "tether his winged horse" and ascend into heaven to receive "the word" from Allah. Horses don't fly. God did not find it necessary to impregnate his own mother so that he might be born so that he might be made to suffer so that he could be capable of forgiving Eve for the eating of an apple. Strapping a bomb on yourself and blowing yourself up to take out as many "Jews and infidels" as you can doesn't get you a special place in heaven. It gets you dead.

Don't you find it odd that the gods of all world religions JUST HAPPEN to be of the same nationality as their authors?

My thoughts: Click here.
And if you look at it with an open mind, you'll agree.