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Which Pool Alarm is Best for You?

One of the very latest high-tech innovations to ramp up pool safety to an entirely new level is the revolutionary new pool alarm. Now the name 'pool alarm' can imply that there is really only one type of system available. In reality though, there's more than one variation and each one has its own unique capabilities. So which one is best for you?

Body Heat and Motion Sensors for Your Backyard

There was a time not too long ago when the pool fence was the standard for backyard safety to keep intruders out of the yards of pool owners. Unfortunately though, the pool fence really only keeps out the honest intruder, because anyone who's determined enough can climb over one. So it's only effective to a certain level.

Perhaps what may suit you best is a wireless system that relies on body heat and motion sensors to sound the alarm if they detect the movement or heat of the human body. The sensors on these systems are so finely calibrated now that they easily differentiate between a child and your family pet.

They also function in any type of weather, and even contain integrated technology that allows them to call you on your telephone to notify if you have an intruder in your backyard. Then because they are wireless there's no wires to connect, so anyone who has an outdoor electrical wall outlet can get one up and running in just a few minutes, right out of the box.

The Drowning Detection Pool Alarm

Then the drowning detection pool alarm is designed to function as an electronic lifeguard when people are actually swimming in your pool. So it's not meant to stand guard in your back yard when you're not around, but rather to help you watch the swimmers when you are around. A big difference in this case.

How they function is both basic and complex, both at the same time. This is because this type of pool alarm uses underwater cameras to monitor swimmers movement in the pool. The view of the swimmers that the cameras pick up is then continually monitored by computerized system to detect a motionless body.

Of course then the alarm is sounded, so you or your lifeguard can then respond. But there's another type of similar system that uses underwater cameras, but it operates without computer analysis. This system also uses cameras for constant underwater surveillance but the images, rather than being processed by a computer, are instead transferred directly to flat screens for visual observation.

The Off Hours Monitor Pool Alarm

Then there's yet another type of pool alarm that functions on an entirely different level. This type of pool alarm, rather than guarding the pool area with motion and heat sensors, attaches to the side of the swimming pool to keep an eye on the actual water itself. It has the same level of accuracy in it's image sensor system and can also call you by phone if it detects an intruder in the pool.

So there are several different types of systems to accommodate the wide variety of special needs that individual pool owners have. Do keep in mind though, that you aren't limited to one specific type of pool alarm. You can do just like many pool owners today are doing, and that is to combine more than one type of pool alarm for a multi-layered pool security system.

Written By : Nikole Delaney