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  Polygamy is the practice of having more then one spouse. It has been practiced for many centuries, but has been eliminated in most modern societies. There are a few types of Polygamy. A man who can have two or more wives is referred to as polygyny, but a woman who has two or more husbands is called polyandry. The practice of polygamy is illegal in the United States, but it is still practiced in some areas(wisegeek).


  The actual term "polygamy" is from the Latin, Greek and French roots in ancient times, which stood for "married often" or "many marriages". Polygamy is generally used when talking about marriages of human beings, but it can also be used for animals. In Zoology, scientists also refer to polygamy since some animals will mate with more then one member of the opposite sex(What is Polygamy?).

  There is an estimate of 35,000 people living in polygamous relationships in the United States (dailymail).