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Marian here.  My web site has been high jacked Microsoft Word does not work. ..

What is on my website. other website is a complete falsehood.  I believe I sent you a link in an email for this too.  I'm sending one link about the invasion of the Christian church .through the invasion of the monasteries.  The other link entitled   READ  THIS FIRST AND LET ME KNOW IF IT MATCHES.. I can;t call out, besides I did write your number down, but the whole paper pad is missing   I do not get any personal emails.   Please see if you can call me.  Your email that you sent with contact information has been changed.   Better times ahead!

The website I sent up is  about the Invasion of the Church through Monasteries.  A different document will open than the one I read.  Google switched the Lycos content..  And I do not know what will happen to this website once I publish it..  

It will lead you to think the antichrist through his prophet, Anti pope Francis. The anti pope is a Jesuit and Royal Spanish bloodline through the Conquistadors

Anti Pope Francis's bloodline also sent the Crusades, and blessed the Spanish Inquisitors to use torture   Anti Pope  Urban  II  did that. also.  That  Anti Pope sent the Jesuits to Sack the center of Constantinople , the Holy and True  Orthodox Church who's has maintained the true Nicene Creed .

I believe in one God the  Father Almighty . Maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ. the Only Begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages.

Light of light, true God of true God, begotten not made con substantial  with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who for us men and our salvation came down from Heaven, and was made incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilot and suffered and was buried, and arose on the third day according to the Scriptures.

And ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the Right Hand of the Father.

And He shall come again, to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom the is no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life who proceeds from the Father, Who sits with the Father and is worshiped and glorified.

And in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

I wait for the Resurrection of the dead.

I was just looking at new printings of the Russian prayer books around the house.  In these books there is the prepositional phrase, 'in glory' added to the Creed.  And I was looking for an' icon' of John the Baptist (who is the patron saint of the footmen of the Illuminati, the Freemasons) has gone out of the house.  I was looking for it to throw it away.  Jesus didn't need to be baptized!

My oldest son, Alexander, came home from visiting a renegade Orthodox Monastery with this icon.  They make icons and have a printing press.

Conquestadors designed the split in the Church between East and West in 1054, and financed the Reformation. THE PRINTING OF 


THE ANTI CHRIST IS MY FIRST SON, Alexander Kolitwezew.  He is five foot thrre inches tall.   

Anti-pope Fancis is in the line of the Pharasee founded by a Jew-pretend-Catholic in order to live in Spain, 

annointed by a Merivingian King Ferdinand II of Spain. Europe's royalty is of this line.

This bloodline was set aside here: 

Saul is of the bloodline of the trube of Benjamin. Saul displeased G-d tremendously in many ways, disobeying G=d and 

consulting a sorceress.  That tribe fought a war against the rest ot Isreal.  This story is no longer in our Bibles. 

Many this ther are wrong or missing.  

Then in this line came the Saducees and the Pharasees who Christ called vipers. Christ did not forgive them from the Cross or 

Cry out from the cross. We do not love the enemies of G-d  Nor is thelove of money is the root of all evil. Satan and 

his partial dominion over the Merovingian bloodline.  This bloodline filled out the evil scheme of the Devil and responsible 

for the Crusades,(the Jesuits sacked the true church in the East) the Inquestions, the conquestadors, the horrific order of the Jesuits 

which this present Pope is.  And  yes the Reformation, the Counter reformation led by the Jesuits again.

The Gospel of John opens with the Truth, John's letters but NOT the Revelations which says the anti-christ will

preach in the temple. G=d fixed that with the Moslem dome of the Rock on top of it.I'd try to get a Jewish copy of the Torah

Christ is the Messiah of both covenants Jew and gentle. Christ did leave a bloodline with Mary Magdeline

which she brought to the south of France. Mary Magdeline is from the tribe of Benjamin This is why she was a prostitute before 

The Messiah came and she washed His feet with her hair and anointed Him.  Jews do not need baptism.

John the Baptist is the patron saint of the Freemasons, the work horse of the Illuminati.  Only gentiles need to be baptized. 

No where in the Western Churches baptized correctly Because the this Bloodline 

This bloodline, the Merovingian, is both full of evil, and the Graces of J-ahw-h.With the true graces of recognizing 

the Messiah and that they are full of sins that must be wept over sufficiently, then the 

descendants baptized into the Tree of Jesse raised in the Church of the East Y-wh-eh will continue to 

give the graces or 'the uncreated energies' the until the repentant enters the Kingodm of Yah-eh, G=d.  The graces 

continue on and on unto all eternity ever greater flowing never reaching the Father

The Merovingian line was in Russia through Royalty.  Holy Mother Russia was the True forerunner of the Kingdom of G_d

on Earth which is coming

My family is Merovingian. Both through the evil British blood line and through the Cossacks bloodline,

the defenders of the faith and Czar of Russia.  The Czars of Russia were sometimes divine, sometimes demonic.

I named my son Ivan because of an archbishop in Rome who took me to Lourdes France where Mother of the Messiah

provlaimed that what the Pope said about her is true "I am the Immaculate  Conception"

He got called Ivan the Terrible and Ivanhoe.  He is completely controlled by Merovingians through belief 

they are friends and employers.  He mows lawns.

Otherwise how could she return to give birth to the Holy One again?

Psychiatry developed in Austria in the late 1800s.  A neurologist by the name of Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis.  I'm finding several different stories about how he fled out of Austria..

Here's some conflicting stories II found::

I can't find the first story I read.  It said that Freud sold his antiques for his passage.  In another  He was reported to have said that he would recommend the Gestapo any time.  He was conveniently located in Austria where there were many welcoming Germans.  In several places I've read that Nazis burned all his books.  In one reference the first paper they burned was about  allowing consenting adults to have same sex intercourse.  Many say he died with physician assisted suicide.  Was that even legal?  What a perfect eugenicist's ending to his life.

When Nazis invaded Austria, Freud was permitted to move to London after paying a large ransom.

Against all the odds, Freud died with dignity in his own bed in London in Sep 1939.

In another account  I read he died three weeks after the end of the war.  Google the name below, 'Sauerwald.'  Look for how he read Freud's books.   they were not burned in those stories.

After the war, Sigmund’s nephew Harry insisted that Anton 

 had to be located. Harry believed that Sauerwald had robbed his family and destroyed the family publishing business that his grandfather had started in 1919. Harry got into Sauerwald's old flat to seek out documents that would prove the man’s guilt. At the end of October 1945, at Harry Freud’s insistence, Sauerwald was arrested and the police started to investigate every aspect of his past.

This decent Nazi (sic) was charged with war crimes and was sent to be tried in the new People’s Court, which was set up as soon as Germany surrendered in June 1945. The Allies wanted to show that the Nazis had been defeated by civilised people who followed rules.

As for Sauerwald, he was finally released after Anna Freud wrote to say that he had indeed helped the family but by then he had spent 18 months in detention. He eventually went to live in the Tyrol and died in Innsbruck in 1970.

 Now it is nothing but torture and makes no sense anymore."Schur administered three doses of morphine over many hours that resulted in Freud's death on 23 September 1939.[

He died of throat cancer three weeks after the outbreak of WW II in 1939. His death on September 23, 1939 was eased by euthanasia - Freud asked his physician to give him a lethal dose of morphine


This is the same thing I found when I investigated the discover of neurolyptics or antipsychotics.  A lot of very passionate stories with a lot of differences, some major.

the American ambassador in Paris who was a friend and ex-patient of Freud — had insisted that the American Consulate in Vienna send a man to watch over Freud and his family; he was under strict instructions to intervene if there were any problems. 

From this historical search engine, there was no articles we I search  "Sigmund Freud" for the  year 1939, (It is stuck in BC)  I tried another history resource.  No Freud  in London. when all these articles do agree that he fled Austria at that time.

This is much like the stories I;ve read concerning the discovery of the French version of Thorazine.  I.G. Farber, the company that made the nerve gas for the gas chambers had a network of 1400 companies have in his conglomerate, half financially connected.for reasons that include moving funds out of Nazi Germany.

Many of these companies were drug companies.  Bayer and Merck are well known.

Freud went to the death camps in Germany and did research with Farben to design the perfect drug to close down the brain.  

The stories about the discovery of Thorazine are wild as well, depending which audience the article is for.  It came from insecticide an antibiotic. 

Sigmund retired to Argentina through my relatives' Pilgim Society along with all the other Nazi psychiatrists.