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X Pole

You may have excellent, perfect, curvaceous body that you really worked hard for through strict diet and exercise, or you are just gifted to have one. But it will easily be gone after giving birth. This is the usual main concern of moms as part of their postpartum problems.  You may be overwhelmed with the new changes and experiences that you may encounter but you must take these anxiety one by one. It’s not helpful for you as a new mom, to worry a lot of things. This is how I felt right after giving birth. None of my jeans will fit anymore. I feel like I’m wrapped with my casual shirts. So it seems that I really have to change my entire closet. After 6 months of giving birth, I then realized that my weigh hasn’t change a bit. And it’s incredibly depressing. I don’t want my friends to come and visit me, I don’t want to look at the mirror and I don’t want to step on a weighing scale. And I hate Jessica Alba that time, 4 months after she gave birth and she was back in shape!

That’s the time that I started looking out in the internet for effective ways in losing weight, joined online forums, and reading articles. There are a lot of ways in effective and gradually losing weight. I’m no celebrity, with personal trainers, dieticians, and nutritionist with me all the time. I learned to cut off my carbs intake, drink water instead of juice and I came across with X Pole dancing. Before when I hear x pole, all I can picture out is dirty dancing in a club, but now it is already for competition and can also be a good exercise regimen that can trim down your unwanted curves and weight. I don’t have the opportunity to try it, but the looks of how they do x pole dancing, every inch of their muscle and strength is used. Indeed, it’s a good way of trimming down.