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As companions, Labs are gentle, patient, intelligent and always eager to please everyone. Dogs are perfect for families, especially for children.

Labrador Retriever Who knows, it's no surprise to learn that this is the most popular dog in England. There numearoase reasons for this fact. Labrador dog is a sticky, lover, whose strength of character and gentle temperament makes perfect.

Class members sporting Labradors are as good as they are hunters Families. But do not expect that to be a Labrador dog guard effectively: he is very friendly with everyone, but it will be extremely reluctant to individuals who do not inspire confidence.

Labrador History

Labrador Retriever, the dog known as St. John, is originally from the Canadian province of Newfoundland. Labrador was originally a golden retriever, before he be trained for hunting. Worked on fishing boats off the coast of Newfoundland. Trained to jump from the dishes, they swim to shore dragging their nets and bringing fishermen to catch fish with them.

Fishermen brought dogs of this breed for the first time in England at mid XIXX. Fishing vessels - arctic hare facts the Portuguese, perhaps - Atlantic crossing in North America, they brought these dogs in British ports. Arctic hare facts there is a theory that the ancestors of this breed were taken to Portugal before they arrive in England. In Portuguese, "labrador" means "field worker, earth".

Aristocracy and leaders of those times athletes have heard about these dogs strong, active, with a reputation for outstanding contribution and rushed to get them. It is believed that the first owner of this breed in England was the second Earl of Malmesbury and Colonel Peter Hawker. Gradually Labrador reputation spread, and by the 1860s a large number of landowners owned and discover the amazing ability of Labrador.

With a high quality soft mouth swimmer, resourceful in the woods and fields, Labrador soon became a favorite of breeders. Are big winners at the input samples and testing skills of working dogs.

Hunting of birds, a leading international sports, takes place in areas where ducks, geese and other flying usually found - estuaries, marshes, river mouths and big arms.

Bird Hunting is a sport arctic hare facts applicant, which takes place at dawn and before sunset, when the birds fly to and from their nests. Participants and their dogs themselves and nearly always operate in extreme conditions - windy, muddy and unstable land - things that make the sport to be a dangerous for the average person - ugly.

Labradors are also hunting dogs, which arctic hare facts leads to stunning reality: experienced hunters prefer over other breeds Labrador specialized in hunting. Not only are the best swimmers, but also have ability to withstand even the most rigorous sport.

Due behavior, Labrador is trained for other activities: police dog, guide for the blind, drug detector. The breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1903.