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Why is it important?

- Physical therapy can prevent injuries if the athlete conditions their muscles.

- It can prolong an athlete's career if they keep getting conditioned it will prolong their ablilty to perform.

- It can also save an athlete's career because if they get injured and get physical therapy that is recommended it can save them from being  put out of the game.

- If you get injured and don't get physical therapy like recommended it will affect you for the rest of your life.

- The injuries can affect your daily life if you don't get physical therapy. Simple tasks like opening a jar or picking up something off the floor.

Where do physical therapists work?





-Private Practice                                                                       

-Professional Sports Teams   

Where to get education?

-University of North Carolina

-East Carolina Universtiy

-Duke University

-Georgia State University

-University of Florida

-And many more!



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