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cmd2 RELEASE 2.2.6

cmd2 is my second command prompt, practically uncrashable (my beta testers can attest to this). It has quite a LOT more features than cmd1, my first command prompt, which was basically a message center. cmd2 has not only a message feature, but also a chat room, file editing capabilities, and much more. Just download and follow the instructions!

cmd3 BETA 1.0.0

cmd3 has MANY more features than cmd2, including a more advanced chat room, more security, faster loading, and much more. Is also based on the LINUX command prompt, rather than Windows XP. Also contains a game. Is in BETA, which means it is not yet complete, but you may download it. The chat and game both are addons, and I, hopefully with the help of some other programmers, will create more addons for it. Again, still in BETA, so not yet complete. It's getting closer every day, however, and you may still download the unfinished product.